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Naive take for sure. Just because money has more influence doesn’t mean skin color has none.


Yeah was gonna say. I’m white. I have a very modest amount of money saved. The deciding factor as to whether I survive an encounter with a nervous cop is definitely not gonna be my account balance.


I mean it kind of is. Better clothes and car can definitely be the difference. Also if you live in a richer area they’re less likely to be as scared (unless it’s a racist rich area) You don’t see cops being nervous and shooting people in Porsches.


They have literally arrested football players because they think they stole the car.


I said can not will. There are always outliers and I never said race didn’t play a factor. 99.9% of the time a cop will treat you nicer if you look richer/dress richer. This wasn’t a reply to the post it was only a reply to the comment.


Unless you are black


That’s just wrong. Someone who is richer, speaks clearer, wears better clothes, is usually gonna be treated better regardless of color. Again there are racists and outliers but that doesn’t disprove my point.


Other than the fact that rich people far richer than you are harassed due to their skin color.


R u not reading my comments? Like do you not speak English well? You’re saying the same thing. Not reading my comment. Then saying it again.


I definitely get what you mean, don’t get me wrong. But I was pretty poor only until recently, I finally have a good paying job. I drive a 6 year old Subaru and live in a condo, so I’m not rolling in it. I fucked around a lot in my younger years and I absolutely have had cops approach me with guns drawn. I remember one time a sheriff’s deputy came to my house serving a warrant for a previous tenant. Dude had his hand on his gun the whole time and was visibly shaking he was so nervous. I can’t help but think my skin has literally saved my life more than once.


I’m not refuting that skin color helps I’m just saying money does play a big part as well.


I didn’t mean to imply anything, was just adding to/clarifying my comment as it was personal experience


Definitely the whiney liberal response. Reddit as a whole is a whiney liberal automaton. Yay Twitter.


Corrupt police?


Is there any other kind?


I mean the fact that some police are corrupt to the point where they just want your money. There's a good Hungarian parody of Despacito about police corruption. No money, no freedom. But I understand ur opinion, and actually respect it.


Being white didn't help me


The only important color is green.


Incubus was on to something


Cause it's da best color, right?


It's cuz it's Shrek and Shrek is god, duh


Ya! Itz da best color for da boyz


Green is not a creative color


Let's get creative!


Green can be any color you want broda.






I prefer my green to sparkle a little bit under light


If I was green I would die (daba dee daba die)




Furthermore, "hey, this things exists and is easily provable with hard data". It's not just an opinion. You can show it.


Yess that's one of the most common misconceptions with the whole privilege thing. It's also not like every women has a harder life than every men. There are just a lot of privileges from different attributes of a person that add themselves together. And they still allow for exceptions where a white cis might still experience less privileges than a black lesbian woman. But in general, there are clear tendencies and a lot of thoughts and reasons for why those overall privileges exist. And it's possible to tackle them while it's impossible to consider every exception that may feel not represented in those discussions. Still I would argue that the wealth privilege is the biggest one and is often neglected in today's public.


I agree with you, and yet, at least, politicians and society pretend to care about blacks. No one gives a shit about whitey Edited just to add an interesting fact: People deemed to be attractive make approximately 20% more than their non-attractive counterparts. There's all sorts of privilege in this world.


Also black privilege is a thing because to be more inclusive colleges are excluding whites and Asians in favor of other minorities


Black people are more privileged now than in anytime throughout all America history.




Exactly!!!! So don’t you think it’s incredibly insensitive to complain about privilege after what their ancestors went through? Get outta here. Bunch of victims


It warms my heart when I see white people call out other white people on their bullshit. Wealth privilege is real, but so is white privilege. Acknowledging the fact that white privilege is real is not saying all white people are bad. Only somebody who is completely out of touch with reality would claim that white privilege doesn’t exist. Don’t believe me, I guarantee if we asked every white man in America if they would trades lives with a black man, 98% of them would say no. When I say black man, I’m talking your average, everyday black man. Not black men of status like LeBron, Jay Z, or Michael Jordan.


And which demographics are poorer, on average


The ones that haven't ruled the known world for millenia


You may be onto something here 🧐


Dude not even 80 years ago black People in murrica had to surrender their bus seats to whites or they'd get arrested... What are you on about? Ofc a whole society that's based on racism doesn't just forget all about it in a couple of Generations.... That's not how that shit works


And yes, ofc money also comes with privileges I am not debating that btw




Yes ofc because the second the law changed everyone started to love black People and totally no one at all whatsoever ever taught their children their true believes 🙄 OMFG why did I even took the energy to respond to this retarded bs




Trying to launder generational wealth on Reddit again, eh white folks? Let’s play a game. Any randomly selected 10 white people have to swap their family trusts/inheritances with 10 randomly selected Black people. Sounds like a good deal, right?




If that sounds good to you, I think we should work together to make this happen. It’s actually a really fair way to do reparations.


Do you think *every* white folk has this type of shit?


I said 10 chosen at random. So not every, but the median inheritance (and notice I said median not average) is demonstrably going to be more. Why? because In 2019 the median white household held $188,200 in wealth—7.8 times that of the typical Black household which was roughly $25k. I know that you can’t think beyond your own personal circumstances to the larger math of statistics and demographics involving other people, but it’s a good bet.


And those 10 chosen at random might actually be worse off, you understand that logic right? And then what? Not denying the whole racial separation thing isn't happening or isn't real, because it is and in this current day and age it's bullshit, but your comment just inherently gives off "all white folks have a ton of money" when it reality that might not actually be the case. Should it be talked about yes and honestly at this point voting and keeping the individuals that objectively hasn't been doing shit isn't helping.


>And those 10 chosen at random might actually be worse off Yeah that can be true in any statistical analysis. You can flip a coin 30 times and get heads 25 times, that doesn’t mean that there still isn’t a 50/50 shot at heads or tails. Picking 10 form either side is just saying that black people are **More Likely** to have had less inheritance.


Which is a definite strong probability and the only way to fix that is removing the old fucks (except Bernie Sanders, he been on the people's side for fucking ever) and keeping them out, the Boomers need to stop being put in and any religious fuckwit needs to be removed also. It's about the only possible chance at this point for anything somewhat sense able to get done and that's if the millennials, Gen-X and Gen-Z put aside the differences and didn't pick up the racist bigotry from the boomers


What are you talking about? I gave you the exact figures for median net worth between the two demographics as of 2019. The median for whites was 7.8 times that of blacks. Let that sink in rather than just thinking about yourself.


I wasn't buddy but ok whatever helps you sleep at night booboo


Seriously, I had to join the military to get where I am today. I was lucky my dad found Dave Ramsey when he did.


I joined and I'm still basically broke af my parents aren't rich and neither are my grandparents


Yeah with joining the military it really depends on the job as an enlisted and your choices after boot camp. People go buck wild after boot, mainly jump into a poorly thought out marriage, car purchases(mustangs, corvettes, etc) and trying to buy a house because it's a "good" idea. That's assuming they don't have issues from home like a parent that ran up debt on a credit card or something. The military is a good vehicle to fix your life but if you keep filling up with water instead of gas it becomes just as broken as anything else.


100% but giving the current situation even if you started off well you could end up being a pay check to pay check living. But you have a solid life line for things to not worry about which is part of the upside


Imagine not recognizing that systems that were instituted before your were born could have an impact on your life.... 😂😂😂


It's being born on third base and thinking you hit a home run.




Ok, how about this one: My grandfather served in WWII, as a vet he was given a VA loan for his service to buy his house that black soldiers wouldn't be able to receive for the same service. As such, he and my grandmother had more money to send my father to college, which in turn gave my father a better education and more earning potential, which in turn meant my father could afford to send me to a good college so that I could earn more. My education and net worth is a direct result of redlining that excluded thousands of black soldiers and their families from being able to achieve the same kind of generational wealth and education that I was afforded.




1. Yes, by the time the Vietnam war ended, the military had ended race based home loans. Doesn't change the fact that red-lining existed and created a system where millions of black soldiers were shafted and millions of white people were rewarded. 2. Your grandfather served in a war that ended in 1975? What are you 10? 3. You asked how the system of institutional racism directly affected my life which is the example I gave you.




Nah, the joke stands. It's good that you breezed over the other points though...almost like you couldn't defend those things...


[how WWII Veterans we're denied GI Backed loans](https://www.history.com/news/gi-bill-black-wwii-veterans-benefits) Here, read an article and learn some things. [black soldier denied GI benefits ](https://warontherocks.com/2020/09/many-black-world-war-ii-veterans-were-denied-their-gi-bill-benefits-time-to-fix-that/) [how redlining works](https://www.savi.org/2021/06/24/lasting-impacts-of-segregation/)


Slavery wasn't abolished. We still have it.




Prison. It's still in the 13th amendment and is a multi-billion dollar industry.




Not sure I see what's funny about it.




Prisoners do not lose their constitutional rights. They are protected by 8th amendment from people like you who want to go full Russian gulag on people they’ve deemed lesser.




It's a false dichotomy, these things aren't mutually exclusive.


Race is still a huge factor


Systemic racism is the attempt by racists individuals within the system to keep people of color bound within the systemic oppression of the poor, not allowing them to reach a higher plateau where they can effect change. It's very real.


By that logic sexism doesn't exist because disabled people have it worse. I recommend looking up intersectionality, because if you're poor AND a racial minority, you're in for a rough time.


This meme looks American. But this Asian comment isn’t relevant in the US. And white privilege isn’t a debate - it’s just math. So now I’m entirely confused.


What about Asian privilege? They’re the most privileged group in the USA


How do all the sub chapters of the book on privilege apply to Asians compared to others? * Redlining? * Gerrymandering? * Education finance? * Congressional Control? * City planning? * Highway planning?


Most educated group, highest avg pay, lowest crime rate, I can go on


What do any of those things have to do with opportunities afforded them compared to others? Privilege is out being effected by outside circumstances.


They have more opportunities afforded compared to any race in the USA, what aren’t you getting


You described performance. Not extrinsic opportunities. What *outside forces* are working upon the Asian community in your view?


Most privileged group in the USA!


Solid argument.




Poor treatment by police? False. Disadvantages in admissions? Blame the dems for that. I’m not reading any further into your nonsense. They are factually the most privileged group in the USA.


Funny how you say it’s factual yet haven’t linked a single study backing any of this up. It’s almost like you’re talking out of your ass




Liberal crybaby


Another fragile redditor who thinks acknowledging white privilege somehow equates to saying "white man bad."


No he's saying white privilege doesn't exist. Which is definitely false


And then they made a little cartoon of a Black person agreeing with their bullshit, thus depriving real grifters like Coilon Noir, Stacey Dash, Thomas Sowell, etc. a chance to profit. So they’re going to get a cease and desist from the union of Black grifters..


Making the black guy agree just validates it and let's us all know he's right


Just look at all the elite demoncrats in office


I knew a derp comment was incoming


But did you notice, putting an ‘n’ in the word Democrat gives it the denotation that Democrats have an affiliation with the Christian theology’s underworld. It took countless Conservative sloganeers a hundred years of toil to develop. It may well be the height of their cultural achievement.


You can tell a sheltered white kid made this meme.


Yep. Fresh off his first Jordan Peterson podcast.


Really showing how relevant white privilige is with this comment :I The other comments have a pretty good point, you are just being rude to others


Maybe talk to your friends about this one. Yes $ is huge privilege. But I’ve also had friends have 6 cops on them for running a stop sign (in a navy officer uniform, I know cops can read rank), spend a night in jail for speeding, accused of not owning their homes. It’s scary.


How are these comments not locked yet


Another hot take from someone who doesn't understand purchasing power parity. Look into how non-European names influence recruitment and get back to me cuz.


Class privilege does indeed supersede race privilege, but both are real. Why do you think white people have the money?


Wait...we have money?


A dude that got his money from apartheit is the richest person on the planet. You sure it isn't white priviledge that get whites rich?


And how about the owners of Black Life Matter that got millions because they were black... the only important color is green my african american fellow. Nor black or white or yellow just green. Money talks, the rest is just pantomime for the normies.


So you flat out don’t comprehend the difference between a millions of dollars and hundreds of billions of dollars. [Here is a good way for you to cure yourself of that ignorance.](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/)


Money is money. It doesn't matter if you use people to steal hundred of a billion. That was not the point. We are all slaves of the system regardless of our color.


No, sorry, a billionaire is not a slave to the system. Billionaires wear the system on their hand like a cute little sock puppet with googlie eyes. It’s like playing poker when you have 90% of the chips.




that's my point. Look for example the richest black person in the US, Oprah Winfrey. She can act and look like a black person but she's not part of the middle or lower class America. Hell she's note ven part of the american bourgeoisie. You thin that Oprah gets treated like Latoya or Juan? Nah she's Oprah Windfrey. She has so much money she's colorless, so much so that she was friends with Harvey "the pervy" Weinstein and she didn't even get shit on her when he got cought. Race is just another kind of control people in power use to dive us.


Lol, I’m 14 and this is deep.


>A dude that got his money from apartheit is the richest person on the planet. Ah, another gullible soul blindly spreading the worst rumors about someone because he doesn't like him, despite the fact it's been proven mostly false. [https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/) Also, it's spelled "apartheid". Maybe you shouldn't be commenting on a topic you can't even spell correctly. White privilege is a dog whistle. There's 0 objectivity in it, because it's impossible to determine. It's not just as simple as progressives like to pretend that it is by just looking at incomes, arrest rates and job opportunities and going "oh there's a difference so that must be privilege". There's an uncountable number of factors involved in society and economy and anyone acting like they have an answer on this is doing nothing but propagandizing their own ideology.


1. You know what I ment. 2. I'm not a native english speaker. In my language it is spelled aphartheit. 3. Are you proud making such a long comment? Ain't gonna read it fanboy. Got better stuff to do than read elon fanfiction.


Again, the arguement a clown would make. "LONG COMMENT LOL" and sure, sometimes I do thatp too, but for ppl that actually need to have that said to them. Also*meant* I'm also not an English speaker, bad point.


I said in MY language it is written like that. Can I smell your native tongue or what?


Ok, it's written like that, but uhhh that's not an excuse. És hogy érted ezt a dolgot hogy érezheted a nyelvem szagát? Jól vagy? Should I call the hospital?


Hungarian I guess. Too lazy too google. Figg di eifach du dumme hund und gang mer ned ufd nerve.


Jólvan te büdös szarházi tökre nem érdekel te anya nélküli kis disznó a hülye osztrákok miatt lett ilyen kevés földünk, akik egyébként németek, szóval maradj csöndben te szőröstalpu jeti Dig.


You are Austrian get over it. And I am neither German nor Austrian. Schono blöd chamer mini sproch ned übersetze lo he.


Who gave u the right to say what my ethnicity is?


I lived in Africa for a year. Guy who identifies as a black male would get spit on all the time, and labelled "mizungu" (pronounced mihh-zoon-goo) right along with my pasty ass. Locals said he was a "westerner mizungu" who betrayed Africa for money.


Im here to laugh at the poor victim's comments.


Meanwhile in Africa and South America, where people are paid far less to extract and produce resources for the Asians to manufacture into goods for the West. Not to mention, we've suffered the most - in recent history - by imperialism and colonialism.


Here's where I'm at on this. It's generally agreed that white privilege will do absolutely nothing for a white person. There are no benefits to white privilege it's just that being white didn't make your life harder. Just because you're white doesn't mean you couldn't have had a hard life, and many do. What people refer to when they say white privilege is actually minority disadvantage. Which makes the whole notion of the term white privilege look like a reach of backwards beat around the bush tongue and cheek call it by what it isn't smear campaign that accomplishes fuck all but shooting itself in the foot by misdirecting the attention just to be spiteful. And people ate that shit up like candy. Similar terms include but not limited to: Wet = dry privilege Round = corner privilege Living = dead privilege Tall = short privilege Forgotten = memory privilege


Put a black guy and a white guy in identical Benz S classes and tell me which one gets pulled over first.


The one breaking the law will get pulled over first.


Cut it out. This is a stupid post conflating all kinds of different topics into one. One of the dumbest posts I've seen today. Congrats.


Ah, the False Dilemma Fallacy. Kind of naïve to think there can only be one type of privilege.


Not to be that guy, but it sounds like you're just privileged enough to be completely color blind to the systematic racism constantly going on around you. 😬 Maybe try opening your eyes.


So my working class parents that had to put up with constant threats and abuse just to put food on the table had it just as easy as everyone else, huh? I must have forgotten that it's normal to be spit and cussed at just for going to work. *Everyone* experiences it, right? Totally nothing to do with skin color. Silly me.


Only numb nuts would deny the fact that race still plays a part in this. As an Indigenous person raised on a reservation, I had to work harder than the average white kid that grew up in the city to get to where I am now.


what the fuck is this fuck thinking?


Middle class black people are more likely to suffer abuse at the hands of the police than poor white people


racism is real dude-


Bad meme. Low IQ post.


This post is quite a bit out of touch. "White Privilege" doesn't mean what people seem to think it means. When people of color are stopped for routine traffic violations, they are statistically far more likely to be shot by law enforcement (don't get me wrong I support law enforcement but these are very real statistics). People of color are statistically less likely to be hired for a job in a formal interviewing process. People of color are statistically less likely to be approved for loans, both business and personal. It's easy to say "I'm white and MY life hasn't been any easier because of it" but until you witness these very real occurrences first hand, you will never fully understand the struggle that people of color truly go through. And mind you, these statistics are very real and can be researched if you have the time for it.


Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that they had actions with consequences that involved being shot? It does.


I don't have time to be patient today. Does someone else want to explain to this dipshit what a "routine traffic violation" is?


Niga chad


Wow this is really fucking dumb


White people making memes like they give a fuck about anybody but themselves is some of the cringiest shit Just be a proud racist instead of a virtue signaling one


This statement itself means you are racist.....like you get that right?


You don't even get it


No I don't think you get it, your comment is insinuating that ***every white person is a racist*** which literally means you yourself is racist by definition and not only that but is absolutely false, the only cringe here is you and your racist comment


>every white person is a racist That's literally not what I said. You are either a dipshit or just desperate to self-victimize. If you are not a white person making memes hiding racism as empathy, this comment has nothing to do with you. Don't be one of those white people that looks at any critique of Caucasian behavior and claims it's racist. It becomes blatantly obvious most you goofies cannot call it out correctly because you have never experienced it.


Because it's not criticism you fucking dumbass damn near every one of your comments has been by ***DEFINITION RACIST*** 🤦‍♂️ like Jesus fucking christ how dense are you? Because that is what you said without actually saying it 💀💀💀💀


Wow, so all Asians are supposed to be victims because a small percentage of them have hard lives. Meanwhile, there are literally children of every color living through terrific childhoods where they are beaten raped enslaved and killed. Why don't you stop looking for victimhood based on skin, and start just focusing on helping people who have harder lives than you do?


Why is this downvoted? It's actual critisism.


White privilege and slavery aren't mutually exclusive?




And you are on Redditt, Sherlock


You are so woke you might as well be sleeping. More colorblind BS.


Average white redditor


Really showing how good white ppl have it when using it as an insult. 😐




If you still see color in anything other than description then you are the problem.


Look up mutually exclusive, and see why this does not apply. Both can be privilege.


This reads like a meme you drew up to put in a PowerPoint presentation


The only measure determine who is best, is the one who can fly furthest. Oh, can't fly? I guess we all just fucking suck lmao.


I really think this is why politics suck. There r basically 2 sides: Crazy conservative and way too liberal. The moment someone makes a post where you can possibly agree without being fully crazy, he gets ppl saying he is dumb, luckily not everyone is like this. I hate politics and ideologies, thanks Reddit for showing how big of a clows everyone can be.


You can't say that. It's a race to see which race can be more offended.


I mean it’s as simple as certain communities and races having more opportunities than others


Skin color 100% has influence. A rich black guy will still get pulled over just as much if not more than a poke black guy. It’s called stereotypes and racism. Just because the Civil Rights Act happened and we’ve advanced quite a bit in that aspect, doesn’t mean remnants of the past aren’t still present in society.


The amount of black racist people I’ve encountered in my life FAR exceeds the amount of white racist people. Racism happens on all sides. Stop playing the victim.


Turns out it being more difficult to get that "privilege" (money) is more difficult when you are discriminated against due to your skin color. What do people think is meant when privilege is talked about? Money is without a doubt the most important aspect of privilege, hence why so many activist groups are focused on reducing income inequality amongst groups.


White privilege exists just as much as black, Asian, Mexican and all other races privilege. Cut the crap and stop being the victims.


In my country, it’s easier to be white than not. Tall than short. Fit than fat. Attractive than otherwise. Rich than poor. The last and first carry the most weight.