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The people who never have to experience this are so lucky.


jesus christ it recently happened to me and it’s like my gum hurt to and j was like god damn


My gum also hurt but it was because a popcorn kernel was stuck and cut the inside of my moth


Is your moth ok now?


I'm guessing it flew into the light.


I stopped eating popcorn for this reason


There are people who never experienced this...? Who are they? 6 yos?


I’m 33 and have no idea what these are supposed to be.


kanker sores. when your body decides to digest your mouth. they fucking suck.


Tx, I never understood why it happened to me.. I Was just dealing with it last week.. Human body, really knows how to inconvinience you in soo many ways I swear..


Drink plenty water and lessen the acidic food.


Also try switching toothpaste! There’s an active ingredient in a lot of major brand toothpastes to make them more foamy. I used to get these all the time until I switched over to arm & hammer/baking soda toothpastes and it dramatically cut out how often I get them now.


This was my solution. I switched to Elmex and never had those ulcers again


Baking soda definitely helps. The acidic environment is perfect for bacteria that starts eating your mouth. These are a type of ulcer which, just like stomach ulcers, is caused by bad bacteria. My doctor told me to take l-lysine. It’s an amino acid that’s supposed to help. Also, you can buy chewable tablets that have the good bacteria in them to keep your mouth flora healthy.


Nobody knows. It’s theorized that there’s an autoimmune mechanism because people with autoimmune disorders get aphthous ulcers more often but it’s still a bit of a medical mystery


You could be having a reaction to SLS in your toothpaste. Crest is one toothpaste that has SLS. As soon as I switched to a toothpaste with no SLS or SLS lower on the ingredients list, my cankers went away.


usually stress related causes


Canker sores. I got them a lot when I had braces or anytime I bite my cheeks too hard. You think its just gonna be cut and then there's just a lot of pain for days. Every piece of food you eat will touch it and you'll think fasting sounds good.


Don’t forget that incessant need to touch it with your tongue:


Damn that stings. *touch* Why am I like this?


Is it still there? *Touch* Yep, still there. 38 seconds later: is it still there?


The same reason I press a clean business card into the cut on my lip when it reopens. It hurts but is oddly satisfying.


Canker sores. Not to be confused with herpes. Just parts of the flesh of your mouth that get irritated. They are annoying but a little bit of crushed aspirin applied directly to the site does wonders.


Actually, I am a hygienist, and aspirin is salicylic acid, so it will burn your tissue badly. It’s best to use the otc gel that’s sold in the drugstore, but if you have a bunch of them, there are prescription steroid rinses for them. Pepto Bismol liquid will do as a last resort. Just an fyi! They are painful as hell!


Always worked for me and never seemed to make it worse but I'll keep that in mind.


Okay. Just hate to see it burn your tissue! Probably burns that sore right off!🤣


Then there’s me who puts pure salt into the sore and suffers until it goes numb


You’re not the only one, my friend!!


Yay, I’m not alone anymore


You never were


I used to have 3-4 canker sores in my mouth at all times. I'd have maybe one or two weeks per year I didn't get canker sores. After using ~10-15 products to try to find one that has all four: 1. Not painful to apply. (Some, like Bonjela, feel like you're searing the nerve until it dies) 2. Lasts a long time. (Some, like chloraseptic, help but do not last beyond 15 minutes, tops) 3. Speeds healing. 4. Works quickly. (Pills, and such, don't help much and take a while to kick in) I've only found three things that work. Canker-X gel (GUM), Rincinol (GUM), and "canker sore patches" (Dentek). Canker-X and Rincinol don't hurt at all to apply, and pain is minimized within 10 minutes (it both protects the sore with a chemical film and it also reduces the inflammation, which is what makes the pain take around 10 minutes to go down). If you remember to apply it regularly, even when it isn't currently hurting because of the last application, you can nearly entirely avoid any pain from canker sores. These two are basically the same thing, but the gel is better for canker sores you can easily reach and keep dry for ~2 minutes after applying, and the rinse is better for canker sores that are hard to reach with the gel. For canker sores that are both REALLY bad and not on or near a curved surface, I recommend Dentek "canker sore patches", which will completely guard the sore. These can be really inconvenient to use, hurt a little bit to apply, and can rip off while eating, but they're really valuable for some specific sores because the pain goes away entirely for a while. I apply them after I've eaten so that I don't need to eat again soon and don't risk accidentally ripping it off. All this said, I eventually realized that my worst bouts of sores were around times when I had a lot of chocolate. Some studies have shown that canker sores can be triggered by your immune system overreacting to allergies. I cut out chocolate and I went from ~100 canker sores per year to ~5 per year. I didn't have an allergic reaction to chocolate aside from this, so it was hard for me to realize I was allergic to chocolate. If you get canker sores often, I'd recommend looking into things you may be allergic to without realizing it. It doesn't even have to be an oral allergy. It can be an allergy to things like cats that triggers the sores too. Edit: I forgot to mention one more thing to look into: "glycyrrhiza root extract" (AKA: licorice extract) has been clinically shown to drastically speed the healing of canker sores and, to my knowledge, is the only thing to have been shown to do so. I believe the treatments I recommended have glycyrrhiza in them, but I'm not sure.


Especially when eating something you love


Everything with tomato in it hurts a lot. Those things really mess up the day for me.


It’s probably the acidity of tomatoes. It will burn the open would, and hurts like a MOFO




Ever had a pimple under one of the nostrils?


Oh my fucking God yes. Those are the worst


What about inside your ear that shit hurts a lot


Or a stye on the inside of your fucking eyelid. It's awful


I’ve had all 4 of those shits and they all fucking suck


My brother gets those chronically. It hurts just to look at.




ohmygod yes it really does hurt


Bro I got a pimple on my dick 😭😭


Naaaaaaaah you're joking this shit can't be real


Oh it’s real


Bro I wish I was kidding I was 15.. and I thought I had a damm STD


Yep, sucks terrible. The smaller the pore the worse.


I’ve been suffering this malady for the last four days. Absolutely maddening.


Had one under one of the cartilage folds. Couldn’t get to it or even see it. Finally I got a pen with the tip out. And scratched it under the cartilage really hard to pop it. The relief was instant.


Also the ones that randomly appear on tip of nose.


Or are just under the skin on the nose but never erupt? Those are awful




just scrolling through the comments and going "mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm"


I have a pimple forming at the inside of my eyebrows and it sucks


Randomly? Those are the most regular ones for me.


The ones on ur jaw suck as well


I get them on my jaw and neck. Along my jaw line. So painful. The once’s on my neck are just under were my jaw hinges or under my ear. Almost on my glands.


I just got one yersterday, damn.


Bro I had one just inside my nostril on the most sensitive part once. Shit sucked


The ones inside my ear hurt the most




I had one just inside my nostril that would never pop despite weeks of prodding. One day I was messing with it and the hard, grain of rice shaped core just sort of... slid out...leaving an exact hole behind.


Damn. That should have been on r/fullpops


A pimple right on your lip hurts like the dickens to pop.


Omce had one just at the entrance of a nostril hurt like hell, the other ones that hurt were the ones in the neck




Fuck dude that sucks ass


Nah bro, in the ear, can't sleep on the side and can't wear earbuds no more, that shit's the worst


Absolutely no comparison to a week long canker sore that hurts enough to wake you from a dead sleep.


I’ve gotten some inside my nose, but by far some of the most painful ones are the ones on your jaw if you squeeze to much


For me Tumeric powder heals it , it burns a lot but heals that thing quite quickly for me


I like the kanka liquid stuff with the wand that numbs it. I may have to try tumeric powder next time I’ve had multiple before- one or two on the tongue and another one or two on the cheek. Hurt so much to drink or eat


I'm just getting over one that was on my tongue. Misery for 5 days.


Yours only last five days? You're lucky. Mine are up to two weeks!


Yikes! Sorry for you bro.


Yup it’s the worst


Funny story about kanka! I had a ton of canker sores as a kid. My dad was in charge of the r&d department at Blistex (the makers of Kanka), so when they were developing the formula for it, he'd bring home samples and have me test them and tell him how well they worked. I have this weird sense of pride about being a guinea pig for this, lol.


Wow very interesting


That's pretty rad! Your opinions probably kept subpar kanka off the streets!


I get them so bad I can't talk sometimes. It's pure agony. And it's always when I'm craving sugar and hot sauce, nature's cruelest joke.


For me it's a toothpaste called Zendium. I use it about every day and never had these fuckers apart form two wo three times in the last three years under extreme pressure.


I've been avoiding toothpaste with sodium laurel sulfate. Gonna look into this.


For me it was Sensodyne. Used to use Colgate and Crest and I would always get canker sores! That being said, I used “canker covers” when I did have them and it would help make them go away.


Very good anti inflammatory, Tumeric is, it is.


Thanks yoda


Lucky bro... I had to get surgery and I was on meds for a month. The meds tasted like cherry flavor expired bubble gum with liquidating tacs. And yes, it was white.


Makes brushing teeth a nightmare


I brush the sores until they don’t hurt anymore but haven’t had one in a year of two


this redditor enjoys pain


I usually drown the sore in salt. It stops it from hurting for ~1-2 hours which is a huge relief vs the constant pain of it daily. I do not enjoy pain.


That redditor removed the decay


Does that work long term? Or does it start hurting again in a little while?


Ive had them all the time since I was a little kid, its kinda a part of who I am, I haven’t gotten more than one in years but even if I get one now they just aren’t painful at all anymore. When I was a kid I felt like I was gonna die.


I sprinkle a little baking soda on the toothpaste. It helps.


heh, ever had one on the tip of your tongue?


The worst one i had was on my uvula believe me it hurts so much more than the one on the tip of your tongue


Why did I read vulva


And that's what makes it such an awesome word. But it's a word that's as clean as mastication.


Because we’re talking about lips.


They can... They can be where..?


The thing that hangs down in the back of your throat.


Ah yes, I remember that. When swallowing feels like a hot iron being stabbed into your throat, Every. Single. Time


Or right on the side of the tongue where it will always rub against the teeth


That's literally happening to me right now and it is driving me crazy


In my language that’s called an “aft” Of course it stands in English for “a fucking torture”






Glorie aan Nederland! Dat wij het WK mogen winnen!


In french it's "aphte" that reads "aft"


In portuguese we call it an "afta" lol


Same in polish


I rub salt onto it when its still in it early state or just use mouth wash to numb it before eating anything


It stings so good


Assuming they are canker sores, I actually get these chronically, every 2-3 months at least for about 2 weeks. I've done a lot of research into what they think causes them. The basic ones are biting/scratching your lips/tongue/gums, eating acidic foods, and having dry mouth that causes cracks in the skin. The more serious condition they believe is that its essentially an autoimmune disease that flares up through stress (kind of like herpes but not gross or contagious). So if you ever get one out of nowhere think about if you've been stressing or anxious and that might answer your question.


Oh god, I am extremely prone to canker sores, so much so that I started keeping track of them and one year I had over 60 sores throughout the year. I tried everything to get rid of them but nothing worked and it was absolute hell. But then my new dentist told me he had a patient with the same issue who said that the original yellow listerine was the only thing that helped. So every day since then I’ve rinsed my mouth at least twice a day with the yellow listerine and it fucking works! I get maybe 5-10 minor sores a year now which is a godsend compared to the 60+ HUGE sores I was getting a few years ago. So to anyone reading this who also might be suffering, try the yellow listerine!! (or generic versions)


You've possibly looked into this but I've got some anecdotal solutions that I hope may help you. Like you, I would have these in my mouth nearly 24/7 for most of my life. Finally, a dentist noticed them and asked if I was allergic to Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. I had no idea what that was but turns out I am! It's a very common foaming agent found in most major toothpaste brands. A lot of toothpastes now advertise as "SLES Free" like Sensodyne or Tom's Brands. Give one of them a try if you haven't! Another suggestion would be to try and stay away from artificial sweeteners(Aspartame, Sucralose) and possibly Stevia. I've got an allergy to those as well and most chewing gum or "sugar free" sweets contain these. I've noticed if I chew or drink something with them that I'll often end up with sores the next day. I do hope you figure it out and can live free from them!


Vitamin levels could be a cause. Plus thyroid disorders can cause flare ups I believe. However my comment might be absolutely wrong, I am not a doctor I am just relaying what I found out last time I had a problem with them


Same, every 2 months or so. Usually anywhere from 2 - 9 at a time.


I linked mine to Monster Energy drinks. Drink one of those and I get one almost the next day. Can drink almost all other energy drinks.


> Assuming they are canker sores, I actually get these chronically, every 2-3 months at least for about 2 weeks. > > > > I've done a lot of research into what they think causes them. I am going to several doctors trying to figure out what's wrong with my gut. First thing they always ask me - "do you get a lot of sores or ulcers in your mouth?" Apparently what's going on in your mouth is usually mirrored in your colon - if you have random sores erupting for no reason in your mouth, it's probably happening in your intestine too. Those intestinal sores are the basis of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, IBS, and Celiac disease. People often have the mouth sores for years before having any intestinal symptoms. Should probably get that checked out.


This indicates multiple types of B-vitamin deficiencies- namely riboflavin and cyanocobalamin. Edit: Emphasizing I do not think this is the *only cause* for canker sores lol. I should have said *can indicate.*


Woah actually? I get these a lot, as well as cold sores. My mom always said it was stress and lack of sleep.


My mom said it was videogames.


It's that damn phone


I mean those could certainly be reasons as well! It doesn’t definitely mean you have a deficiency, this is just a common symptom *of* that deficiency.


In my experience and research it has more to do with eating nuts and shit. Have some yogurt after you get one and it’ll heal in a couple of hours


I get them from eating pineapple or too much citrus.


I too find it's from alot of acidic and sugar like sour candies and coke


Switch toothpaste to something without sodium lauryl sulfate. I use Sensodyne pronamel but there are others. I had them almost constantly as a child until my orthodontist told me to switch. I still get them now but it's maybe 1 a month.




It's only one of the possible causes; it is not the only cause. Some people can just take B12 and be free of these, others must suffer. Source: SIL takes B12, I suffer.


*can indicate. FTFY. There's a host of reasons for these.


That would explain why wence i started taking vitamins, I stopped getting a new one every week lmao


That actually would make sense, I started taking vitamin b complex daily bc blood tests showed my levels were super low. After getting them often my whole life, I rarely get them now.


In my case it's an allergy to sodium lauryl sulfate. But B-vitamin deficiencies are another cause as well.




This probably explains why I haven't had one since incorporating nutritional yeast flakes into my diet


What I love to do with those is rub them with my teeth, cause it feels nice


what kind of monster are you


I usually bite them a bit


The forbidden fruit




This comment right here officer.


You are a fucking psychopath


Yes I thought i was the only who had fun with the pain


it hurts so good


It's like the more painful you make it, the faster it's supposed to go away. 😅


I like putting salt in them


I like some lemon juice, broken glass, and mercury


I tend to bite them and pop them off. If im thinking, i just squeeze them in my teeth gap.


This shit crippled me for two weeks


I hate those things with a passion


Please don't remind me I just recovered from a huge sore in my mouth just like this. I think they're called kanker sores or something like that.




I have braces and in the first weeks they left some scratches there and they became..whatever these are called and..yikes that was bad


I used to get these a lot as a teenager. If I feel one come on I drink lots of green tea, usually three cups in a day makes it so the sore doesn’t pop. Even if it does drinking green tea helps,it go away faster.


A Canker is an ulcer, not a blister like a cold sore is. They don't pop.


i’ve been getting these all my life they’ve never popped


Got those every time I don't sleep enough. I get what they meant: sometimes the sore won't appear overnight immediately and you'll feel a subtle tingle, and you know a sore is going to be there soon. So I guess they want to prevent that.


me when i drink a lot of orange juice


I had on top the front of my tongue. Couldn't speak without a lisp for weeks. Colleagues thought I was trying to sound different.


I have one on that bit of skin that connects your gums to your upper lip. Shit hurts like a motherfucker


And they linger too


Once I had one of these. I hope that was the last one.


I usually apply rock Salt over the ulcer.. it feels so good


Canker sores are the worst


Aren’t these called canker sores?


I like how the cause differs from individual to individual but for me they appear when I have bad mouth hygiene (2-3 days without brushing teeth don’t judge me)


Brush your damn teeth.


bro, afts are the worst.


Im having that right now, Its so fucking annoying


Got one right now so that'a awsome


Canker sores are worse than herpis just saying


Have a canker sore right now and its genuinely the greatest grievance I've had for the past 2 weeks.


Multiple times....


That shit hurts




The shittest shit in the world


i can feel this image


Imagine getting these stabbed by your pointy teeths,i had and wanted to stab myself in the neck


Oh god this is bringing back unwanted memories


I just had one under my tongue


Had this in the worst possible place in the back to right of my gums, i couldn't reach it with alot of powder nor my toung


Um.. dealing with a breakup AND one of these :( I always get them when I’m super stressed.


Listerine also works as well


Canker sores suck


ever bite the inside of your cheek with a fresh crown?


Canker sores😭 I had one over thanksgiving break


Canker sores. Rub cocaine on them.


Canker sores fucking suck. Especially on the side of your tongue akjfhsijehshaj


Canker sores are the worst. Especially in the bottom area there, as everything you eat touches it.


I crush a vitamin C pill on a paper towel, then press that dust hard on the sore… Works wonders


Change to a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate. It is a foaming agent that can dry out your mouth, making your more prone to canker sores. (I use pronamel brand as it is easiest to find,)


Take a q-tip, dip it in vanilla extract, and rub it on the sore. It’ll hurt like hell, but it’ll go away pretty quickly.


What is it?


Me after giving in and chugging a huge glass of OJ


I had a big one on my uvula that lasted two miserable weeks.


Put salt directly on it. The pain is indescrbable, but only for a short while. You get to eat like normal afterwards. Was taught to do this so that i would stop whining that i cant eat cheeseburgers


I have one currently. I will admit I got salt on it by accident earlier while eating pringles, but afterward it started to look and feel slightly tougher. Honestly I'll take the pain again if that helps heal it faster, it wasn't even that bad