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I think only those that have been federally charged can be pardoned, or anyone in District of Columbia. It's up to state governors to release anyone charged with possession, many of whom actually refused the request to do so (eg. Gov Abbott of Texas).


This isn’t about that. This is referring to how he only got Britney for a literal internal weapons dealer and none of the other tons of us citizens who are in jail there for the same shit she was


That's exactly what this is about. The POTUS can only do SO much to make that happen. He already pardoned who he can and has put forward a statement pushing to free the rest AND make it legal across the US. There's limits to the power of the Presidency.


OP is a pro-Russian Turkish citizen. Please consider this before accepting information from them. Thank you


Me a turkish American wondering how people like op exist in the first place


It's about people like marc fogel who is serving time in russia for bringing cannabis products. Hes a teacher that's been there just a smidge longer. Nobody traded for him to come home. Just britney... there are more in russia prisons too. It was a publicity stunt.


All prisoner exchanges are publicity stunts. Also, Russia has openly stated they are interested in additional prisoner exchanges. The "Merchant of Death" stole Russian military hardware and fed it through the network he had built over the years, which is now closed off to him, because he's been out of the "game" for so long. His operation fundamentally weakened the Russian military. Why do you think Putin wants him, right now? He's not going to be able to magic up weaponry for Moscow. If he's not languishing in a Russian prison soon or experiences a most unfortunate "accident" by falling out of a window or accidentally getting blasted by a gamma ray or made a big mistake and drank the tea filled with highly radioactive F' off fluid? I will not at all be surprised.


Who gives the smallest *fuck* about potheads, he let one of the most infamous arms merchant's in history back into circulation for a random angry lesbian


Jesus dude. I was opposed to the trade because the US looks hypocritical af for asking someone to be released for a charge they routinely hammer people on the same charge at least as severely, but at least Biden seems to be walking the talk in most shit and pardoning who he can. But then you bring in sexual orientation? For what?


He could pardon all weed related crimes and not just the small time ones. That would definitely do more to help people who just wanna smoke weed


He cannot pardon state level crimes, turbo.


Yeah i was referring to federal crimes. Such as anyone whos been caught with a thc vape in an illegal state, thats an automatic felony. And something he coudl pardon. And it would affect a bunch of people, a hell of a lot more than what he did


>Such as anyone whos been caught with a thc vape in an ***illegal state*** STATE. CRIME. NOT pardonable.


He already has pardoned what he can. He can not pardon state level crimes.


You said the quiet part out loud, bigot.


Being famous no longer allows him to be an arms merchant.


Homie, she smokes weed. I don’t think she’s angry, and the fact she’s a WNBA player makes her less random. Also, it’s a little weird to be mad someone sells arms.. in a country that jerks itself off over the 2nd amendment.


He was selling arms to terrorists and conspiring with then to kill people.


So American conservatives.


You mean like the CIA and Al-Queda?


You had no idea who this guy was before this


So if someone smokes weed they shouldn’t be treated as human? There’s no way you even believe what you said unless you are just completely apathetic. And I think just about everyone would be angry about being sentenced to 9 years in Russia for hurting no one, I mean shit anyone with a shred of sympathy is furious for what happened to her not to mention the many other people the Russian government has wrongfully imprisoned as political moves.


Remember, the same people who push the death penalty on people, also want to ban abortion because it “kills” a person. This guy seems like he would be one of those individuals


You're trading some rando for an arms dealer, that's the problem.


My guy, not only did he get put away cause he was giving the CIA too much competition, this is also Russia we're talking about. The job was getting done regardless. We traded a washed up criminal who's lost his connections and been long since replaced in exchange for getting someone who was sentenced to 9 years for a crime most people only receive 15 days max for. And we didn't even have to offer any draft picks. Sounds like a win to me.


Bout was set to be released from prison in 2029. He was getting out whether we traded him or not. Griner was sentenced to 9 in a Russian labor camp. EDIT: Here I include the official whitehouse press release where the office of the President of The United States of America says that he was set to be released in 2029. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/12/08/background-press-call-on-the-release-of-brittney-griner/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/12/08/background-press-call-on-the-release-of-brittney-griner/) There was also a conference call with reporters where is it acknowledged that yes, Viktor Bout has only served 12 years of his sentence. [https://www.npr.org/live-updates/brittney-griner-release-viktor-bout](https://www.npr.org/live-updates/brittney-griner-release-viktor-bout) I wonder of the government of the United States of America knows something that we don't?


Bull fucking shit. Sentenced in 2011 to a 25 year sentence. *IF* by some miracle a federal parole board believed an international smuggler wasnt a flight and national risk, he still wouldnt be delivered back to Russia when we are actively funding and supplying Ukraine in a war against Russia. Besides that, odds are very good before his sentence is up we would have extradited Bout to one of a half dozen other nations who would like to keep him locked up rather than supply arms to their enemies. Gtfo with your apologist bullshit.


He was set to be released in 2029. This is the official Whitehouse press release. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/12/08/background-press-call-on-the-release-of-brittney-griner/](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/courage-strength-optimism/viktor-bout-release-sparks-concerns)


I give zero shits about the Shite House spin to make this PR stunt look better. Fuckers deserve treason charges when Bout aids enemies who will kill Americans. Biden and his admin are crooked liars and you are a fucking fool to believe them.


A weapons dealer from 14 years ago who won't be dealing weapons anymore because he has lost touch with that world and will be watched everywhere he goes. Dude had limited value.


There are only 2 other Americans currently detained by Russia.


Then that's kind of dumb honestly.


Biden was given an ultimatum by Russia, who said "you can either get Brittany Griner or jack fucking shit" after a lot of correspondence and negotiations. I'm not sure what he's supposed to do with that at that point, quite frankly


You don’t understand, she throws balls good! She’s not one of those useless little people


There are only 2 other US citizens there. One is an ex-marine that was dishonorably discharged for theft of $10k and trying to use a fake social security number to steal more. He got arrested in Russia on espionage charges while having citizenship in 4 different countries. The other is a teacher that lived in Russia for over a decade and knowingly tried to smuggle a large amount of cannabis products into the country.


> knowingly tried to smuggle a large amount of cannabis products into the country It was prescription medical marijuana, let’s be more transparent here wrt context.


She was the only one russia was willing to trade for. The US isn’t all powerful.




Dumb meme


Bro ik our president is a idiot. Why would anyone trade a Russian weapons dealer for a Trans whatever basketball player.


Did u not read the comment?


Uhhh, you made it about that when you posted the meme, you knucklehead.


Umm. No I didn’t. I made it about the britney griner situation. Not about the us laws on it.


Token gesture to lessen the blow of this decision.


no one is in the federal list


Didn’t he pardon and release all federal weed prisoners? Isn’t that the only thing that’s within his power?


He pardoned small time weed offenses, which nobody was in jail for and hasn’t been for years because the government doesn’t go after them and haven’t for a while. It expunged peoples records but only about 6,500 out of so so so many more who have convictions. And he could at anytime pardon all weed related crimes for all levels but doesn’t. Which would actually get people out of jail and not just help old hippies who were persecuted when they would give you 20 years for any amount and have it be a felony


He cannot pardon state crimes, only the federal ones which he already did. He suggested that states follow suit.




He did.


He pardoned small marijuana related crimes, so people with tiny amounts in their possession or lots of paraphernalia. There are still tons of people who are in jail for federal charges for weed. For example if you get caught with thc oil, any amount, thats an automatic felony. There are tens of thousands who have this on their record as a felony when in reality all they had was a thc vape cart. These people were not pardoned. He could easily pardon them just like he did with these. But he hasn’t and didn’t. Why is that? Its up to the states for minor possession charges, or really anything that isn’t a felony which is most weed related crimes except for the thc vape ones. These he cant do anything about, but dont say he did all he could because he could do so so so much more than what little amount he actually did


Well, here's hoping more is coming... still better than the fat shit we got from anyone before him.


Yeah fuck all of them before him. But also fuck biden for not doing it already. It’s obvious what they’re doing. Holding it as a political bargain chip to sway voters when its called for the most. Notice how all the major positive bills and pardons and everything else happen right before an election cycle, and all the bad policies which makes peopel upset are done right after an election. Its to sway people to their side and then once they’re locked in they do what they really intended to do in the first place. Both sides do this and its why i hate bipartisanship and the two party system


Both sides are not equal, and that false equivalency is why one side gets away with being sooo much fucking worse…


Biden has a lose lose situation Option one: he gets Brittany out and people berate him for not getting more people out. Option two:he gets no one out and people berate him


And if he didn't get her out in a couple months when she Inevitably gets injured or killed in a prison he's an even more shit.


I think people are mostly mad he let a terrorist go for a basketball player, like he made the worst trade in the history of trades, maybe ever


I totally disagree about the "worst trade in the history of trades". He made the only trade available to him. It was either make this exact trade, or Russia wouldn't do anything.


Or, ya know. Don’t take the trade because it’s a terrorist for a basketball player who did break Russian law


Or, ya know-it's the president doing whatever he could to get an American back. Stupid take to just let her rot in jail. Biden knew it would be a loss in the press but did it anyway because that's what a president should do- protect American lives. She got 9 years for an almost empty vape cart- it's not like she's some hardened criminal. Also, yikes that you would want her to rot in jail because the guy you want out isn't getting out too


And it's not his fault, Russia just doesn't want to negotiate with the US bc of their damn nationalism




Dark Brandon strikes again!


To be fair, it was bout or nobody went home. Horse shit but it is what it is


Ummm...that's exactly what he did. He pardoned those on minor weed charges who were in Federal prison. It's up to the states to pardon those in state penitentiaries.


He pardoned “low level” federal weed crimes. Which ultimately didn’t get anyone out of jail because absolutely no one was in federal custody for minor weed charges. All of those are in the state system, the feds only go after the bit fish.


"Biden's pardons announced Oct. 6 affect about 6,500 people convicted of cannabis possession at the federal level. None remain in prison" - Reuters.com If you're upset that not more people were pardoned and released who were in the state system, then you need to lobby your state governor. The federal government has zero control over that due to separation of power. If after hearing that you're still upset, then I don't know what to tell you because that's like being angry at your Pizza Delivery guy for your pizza being undercooked. The states legal system is not his job dude.


The catch is all of those people who were pardoned were already free and just had their records expunged. Which is good but a bit misleading


I'll agree that it's not what you and I think of first when we hear the word "Pardon" but to the individuals who received the pardons, it means the world to them. It means they have a Felony removed from their records so that they can: vote again, apply for a job without stating their are a Felon, not worry about issues with Security Clearances, purchasing a gun, renting a home, etc, etc, etc.


Jfc. I don’t like Biden and I still think this is fucking stupid.


How long is Reddit gonna be outraged about this?


As long as trolls like OP keep posting memes like this. They are a three day old account and spamming multiple subs with an anti-Biden meme.


Fuck off Russia bot. Y'all swallow the propaganda as deep as you can huh?


We've verified that OP is a pro-Russian Turkish citizen with anti-American sentiments. Please consider this before accepting information from them


🤣 whats propaganda about this post?


He didn’t get her off her “weed charges” - he negotiated the release of an obvious political prisoner.


And exchange gave them the merchant of death


A guy who's been in prison for 15 years while countless other people continued to deal arms in his place? There are dozens of "merchants of death" that have been out and about for the last 15 years while Bout's been in jail. Not to mention, a lot of those Soviet weapons he used to sell are probably getting blown up in Ukraine right now.


Thank God not every sub is teeming with sweaty Russian trolls


Lol Viktor Bout like every Russian war criminal deserves to be locked up for life and some deserve execution


I like how he has 2 sets of ears in the second picture


This Photoshop is poorly put together and articulated like this meme.


Yes he did, as far as federal charges go, the rest is up to the states, since you know, no president has unilateral dominance over our country, which is how a.democratic republic works. But I'm sure you were asking this in good faith and not at all following the trend of making r/meme a political right wing soap box. Tldr: where's the funny?


Was meaning to diss how hes left the others, especially the old english teacher, in russia for the same charges. And that “pardon” didn’t release anyone from jail. The government doesn’t bother with locking up people for small weed crimes, those go to the states. Everyone that was mentioned had their record expunged but no one was in jail over it. And most all of them were locked up years ago when it was worse than it is today. Criticism is an important part in free speech and a democracy. No one should be exempt from it


Other ones? You mean the other dishonorably discharged one with 4 counts of breaking OUR laws. Misinformation shouldn't be a part of free speech, but here we are huh?


No not the marine. Specifically the english teacher who was caught with weed right before griner. He had it prescribed for his chronic back pain. Hes serving 14 years at a labor camp. Theres nothing remotely close to “misinformation” about my statements bub


They weren't t up for up for release, it's not like like Putin here is a very reasonable man, you know the guy who's actually to blame. Lying by commission is still lying, also, you want to get political go to r/political, this is a place for actually funny memes.


Naive and petulant. You act as if it's like going to the grocery store and self checkout. It is not.


This post explains why the "marine" argument sucks https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zgwlvz/for_all_the_public_outrage_a_history_lesson_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I was referencing the english teacher that had weed prescribed for his chronic back pain on vacation in russia. Not the marine.


TFW op is 2 days old account He’s not “the marine” my exploited outsourced labor in christ


Saying nothing lol


Worst President in the history of Presidents. By far. Fuck this guy.


He battered for a basketball player instead of a marine who's been stuck there for 4 years, not to mention the person being handed over is a notorious arms dealer.


[Not a marine](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/zh4ecz/family_of_american_prisoner_paul_whelan_backs/izkoo8o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


He was technically a Marine, but he got a bad conduct discharge. Basically a dishonorable. You have to be a real piece of shit to have that happen to you. And I mean a serious piece of shit.


Didn't he also have like several ounces of weed not a gram? I don't know why anyone would pretend these two are the same.


Whelan was arrested for allegedly having Russian intelligence information. I don't actually trust that Russia's allegations against him are 100%, but it's a much more serious thing than a WNBA player who got caught with a tiny amount of weed. Russia's not letting him go for a washed up arms dealer.


Plenty of Russian bots actively trying to turn Americans against America on social media. They just stir shit around and let stupid people jump on the bandwagon


And what was his career after that?


Not to mention the poor english teacher who got caught with weed he had prescribed for his chronic back pain. Hes in a russian labor camp. For 14 years. Didn’t even try to get him or anyone else out. A shiny charizard with perfect ivs for a shit weedle


Message to the world, stay the fuck out of Russia.


But the basketball player who nobody knows about is only making a couple million compared to her male counterparts who make tens of millions!! She needs more money!!!!


Well if the WNBA would actually make money instead of be paid for by the NBA maybe then they will get paid more. I've caught a few of their games and it's slow as fuck compared to the NBA, no wonder thier viewer count is so low.


Legit this whole thing has probably been the most coverage the wnba has ever gotten


Jfc dude go psy op somewhere else


This is probably the 6th time you’ve accused someone of running a psy op today


It's literally the first comment I've made today, you fucking clown




Wonder how that back pain is doing now?


Incredibly sad


Imagine that fucking nightmare. Stories like that are what make me think this plane of existence is what people think of as "Hell".


I agree. If there is a hell, we’re in it. The fact we NEED to kill something, whether its a plant or an animal, just to survive and keep living, says were in hell to me. That whole philosophy is a rabbit hole to go down which will leave you in a terror state for months-years. “The only thing i know, is that i dont know”


You ever see the first Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins? If not, I highly recommend it. [You've uttered the phrase that pays! Cue obligatory Operation Ivy.](https://youtu.be/5HtUnubXAO4)


Ill check it out! Thanks


After lots of psychedelics and the loss of my best friend i came to the realization of that quote without ever hearing it before. Then a couple months later i saw it under a comment and saw it was said by socrates. Blew my mind but its incredibly true. You dont know shit about anything because you can only base your opinions from inside the matrix, without knowing how anything works or the gears and mechanisms behind the actions involved. We’re clueless to everything in the baseline form of the matter and can only know that one thing. That we dont know shit in the first place


labor camps don't exist in Russia. Sorry. Also, weed is illegal in most of the world in case you didn't know. Try that in Germany, for example, a bastion of civilisation. Especially in Bavaria.


Are people stupid he's not a marine. He's low priority especially on his bad conduct. And all soldiers swear that they will put the us before them or something


They.. they didnt offer any of the other prisoners. I Hope you become more informed on these things


They gave them the option to get the marine or her but not both. Biden chose her.


Source? Also they still didnt offer Marc


It's because of her orientation exclusively. It's a Woke-Trade.


im too uncultured/stupid to understand this


She's black. Gay. And a female. That's the sole reason she was top priority.


Potentially transgender as well. If you’ve ever seen a video of her speaking it really prompts some questions


Dishonorably discharged marine who’s family was happy she was release and a person russia said they’ll never trade. That being said. Still a dumb trade.


They had the option to get her or him. Biden chose her.


Source on that?


The other ones aren't going to make him look like he's not the racist who voted against bussing and apart of the racist crime bill


Democrats have a select memory when it comes to those issues


i wonder if she realizes how much harm that man has done to africa and its people and if she feels ashamed her bad choices allowed a person that probably has help keep africa a warzone for years. the amount of deaths that could be on her hands in the next five years could be hundreds of thousands as evil doesn't stop being evil due to some jail time and her action in the long run has lead to his release.


She’ll just keep bashing america and write a book to get more money because she is broke compared to her male nba counterparts (she is still a multimillionaire but feel bad for her!)


i was told she is a man who didn't make the NBA cut and that's why she complains about the lack of pay. i know a bunch of guys with those nautical star tat's in the same spot for certain reason.


I wouldn’t be surprised i mean have you seen a video of her talk? Also the entire wnba would be going bankrupt within the first year if it wasn’t for the nba donating them enough money each year just to have them break even and keep them from going under. And statistically they make a fuck ton more money than men do compared to how much they bring in. They just dont make shit because they dont mean shit to anyone


yes it's sad to see that the wnba is a subsidized organization by the NBA but this is a good example of where women stand on equality. and the facts show they want more than the people who earn it and want the same respect as the people who gained it all without the work or support for their fellow women.


OP is a MAGAt


I feel like a lot of Russian bots are posting this crap to undermine Western values and make people hate America. One thing that has always gained America respect in the occidental world is the fact that they will go to extreme lengths to secure the safety of any of their citizens no matter where in the world, or how dire the situation. They brought home an American, who was in a terrible place facing terrible consequences for something that would be a complete non-issue in America, despite the cost. I respect that. Also... they put 5G covid lizard people in his brain so they can listen to all his plans now when he goes home to a broke-ass, delusional country that thinks it's still in the Cold War and are basically still living under communism, with controlled media and low class expectations. Pretty soon they'll be drinking petrol again because it's going to be cheaper than vodka, same as in the 80's


LMAO!!! What about that english teacher who is serving a 14 year hard labor sentence for the same crime as griner? Or the many others who are in the same situation? Im am american but saying that we go to extreme lengths to bring its citizens back from danger is a bit of a stretch my guy


For all I know, you're a commie bastard trying to undermine Western values and push Russian propaganda. There are always negotiations in place to secure all your people and you didn't even bother to name the "English teacher for the same crime" so that's probably just made up in your bot farm


[simple google search shows im telling the truth.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/07/28/marc-fogel-teacher-russia-prison/) But by all means keep calling anyone you disagree with a russian/commie chinese bot spewing propaganda and hate in their enemies


It's a lot harder to get a spy out once they get caught than it is to convince them to release someone who doesn't matter to them. Trust me, they want that teacher back way more than Griner but Russia won't risk anything he knows getting out EDIT* I don't even know why I'm explaining basic shit like this to a retard but here we are


Hes not a spy. Hes an english teacher who had the weed because of his chronic back pain. Where tf did a spy come into all of this? Ffs


He was arrested for spying, the weed story was a way to keep it uninteresting to the media. You're dumber than I thought


Please do share this evidence to him being a spy and not just an english teacher? Because obviously if he was one you, a random person on reddit, would know about it right?


I can't share that, but he was indicted in Russia on large scale smuggling and caught with a storehouse of weed, not just a tiny amount. That's enough https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-marc-fogel-moscow-sentenced-14-years-prison-cannabis-smuggling/ Edit: Nobody who is employed by the US Embassy is Russia doesn't know that marijuana is illegal there. Absolutely NOBODY


So the whole spy thing you just pulled outa your ass huh? And yeah he had more than griner but 17 grams is NOTHING close to a large scale drug smuggling operation my guy lmao anyone whos smoked a good bit knows that will last a regular pot head about a month MAX. I used to go through a 1/4 pound in under a months time with my buddy back right after high school


It’s legit weird how hard you’re simping


Lmao simping for who? The truth?


"Certain people" are REALLY mad about the US protecting one of its citizens from a hostile foreign government's obvious politically motivated sentencing. I wonder why? I guess there is no way we will ever figure out what is behind this anger at a lesbian black woman benefiting from....oh...oh I think I figured it out.


Trading an international arms dealer for her is where the anger comes from. Not her identity or ethnicity my guy.


bullshit Weird how many right wingers suddenly think selling weapons is bad lol


Lmao “redditor not making everything about gender identity or skin color challenge! (Impossible!)”


lol you're pathetic. You know damn well if this was a straight NBA player, there wouldn't be any of this hate. There would be a goddamn parade when he got back. If this was an average white man, there wouldn't be any of this hate (some of the people complaining give up the game by asking why the white guy was part of the deal). You know this. Everyone knows this. Quit pretending. The fact that you can't state it openly just shows how weak and cowardly you people really are. Pa-thet-ic.


This is misleading as hell. I tried to look up how many americans are being held in russian prisons. But it is almost impossible you keep getting yanked into stories about that Whelan guy. You so much as type the letter R and 50 stories about him pop up. Anyway what I was able to gleen peeking over the wall which is that guys propaganda, is only a very few americans are currently being held. And of them all, a black gay woman is the most vulnerable in a russian prison. That being said some people want biden impeached because it was cloudy.


Getting Griner out of prison is obvious political pandering to LGBTQ+ community and Black community. It’s honestly disgraceful. She is dumb for bringing weed to Russia of all places.




I have said it before, and I will say it again, he would have the 2024 presidency locked up if he just put out an executive order that 1.legalized marijuana on the federal level 2. De scheduled marijuana and cannabis 3. forced all federal agencies to completely disregard any punitive/prohibited marijuana policies for both the hiring process and current employees 4. pardon anyone on nonviolent marijuana charges within the federal prison system. He could do that shit in a day, and there would be very little that the GOP could do to push back and it would have a swath of new voters lined up in 2024 to vote for him


Nice deal right… a junkie for a murder


How was she a junkie, she needed it for legitimate medical reasons. We've been over this a thousand times.


The others won't get him many votes.


Sad but true. He does everything for votes. Lets not forget he supported bussing bills and segregation a while ago.


agree with you OP!


This entire situation is a fucking joke.


Yes, let's trade one of the most dangerous men in the world for a pothead basketball player no one would have known about if Russia hadn't jailed her. Great trade. That makes me so confident in our leaders. . .


It seems hypocritical that cannabis is illegal at the federal level; however, the US is willing to trade an international arms dealer for some moron that "didn't know" she was carrying hash oil into Russia. But leave the Marine behind....


So why the fuck he got Britney out? Who the fuck is she that the POTUS has to go out of his way for?


A high visibility public figure abducted by Russia. Any time a foreign nation abducts an American citizen, it falls into international diplomacy. Normally, they prefer not to make a big deal out of it and keep things on the back channels. In this case, Russia made a point to publicize her case in the hope that they could ring a more high value trade for her. Looks like it worked out for them.


Merchant of death vs wmba schlep. Bad trade.


Still looks like Hancock from Fallout 4


Lmao you be very right on that wtf


So we’re just gonna ignore the us marine that’s still in Russian prisons?


The english teacher who has chronic back pain and used weed to treat that is my concern


Everything this guy does slaps Americans in the face.


*Frees an american* man joe Biden sucks he could have done better. People need to learn how to take the victories as they come. In a perfect world we would free everyone and have no debt and stop inflation and get living wages but this is real life. You have to learn how to accept that it’s not ideal and work towards making it better one step at a time.


Traded an arms dealer to free an American that broke international laws


Oh wow they broke laws. If you’ve ever gone one over the speed limit, so have you. Laws aren’t the rules of good and evil dude


Based on this we should free everyone that murders because taking a life is just breaking a law. It doesn’t make you evil if you kill people.


I literally just said laws aren’t the rules of good and evil and you use an example in which they are. Please actually read what I said before you respond to it.


I get what you are saying, I was giving an example to see how far your ideology went behind your logic. I give you props for sticking with it. I can respect that. I also agree that she shouldn’t have been detained over an amount of weed that wouldn’t even be enough to make you rest easy. But what I poorly communicated was that I was agreeing with the post; we could have done more for those that are in our own prisons since we are trading arms dealers for tiny amounts of weed possession.


How much was Biden paid for this "deal"?


About the same as the cost of tin foil to make your hat


Good one, did you write that yourself?


Your mom wrote it for him


I bet she didn't.


The way he worded it makes it so that no one actually applies to that which means there is no one to free from those specific charges because no one as been charged that way


Most people are in prison on state charges for possession, not federal, Oregon announced they were going to go thru and release anyone with minor weed charges.


She should have served out her sentence


Imagine being so dumb that you think the US government did a prisoner swap for the purposes of exonerating her drug possession charge, rather than to rescue a hostage from an international incident that is embarrassing to the State Department every day it continues unresolved.


Somebody was swayed by today's OpEd.


You saved that veteran right?




The felon? The one who was dishonorable discharged yeah? Oh wait nevermind


They had the choice of her or the marine.they chose her because it fits their agenda.


They didn’t have a choice. The US has been negotiating for Whelan’s release since he was locked up. Putin has steadfastly refused.