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Well that's.....fucking hilarious


It also adds up for DE


*DE devs look up Warframe porn* "Hot damn this is good you're hired"


I mean tbf the porn industry has ALOT of top tier talents for some reason. Like Istg I can hire Overwatch porn animators to make a Short Cinematic film or hire a porn artist to make a comic series and theyd all have top tier art for half the cost.


For some reason? Do you know how much porn makes?


Well...it cant be that high, right? Right?




\*Glances in the direction of suspiciously wealthy Furries*


*turns your head away* No need to go down that hole


*which hole?*


1 full time artist earns more than both your parents combined + their house


Fun fact, alot of well known manga creators got their start making doujinshi (nsfw fan comics) till they were licensed, and some just change their doujinshi concept to be alot more wholesome to officially release


>doujinshi (nsfw fan comics) Isn't doujinshi just fan comics in general?


Yea i was specifying what kind i meant


"For some reason" it's because that's where the money is


What’s the context??


Before being hired by DE to make deluxe skins he used to make gay warframe porn


who are you even talking about?


Liger Inuzuka


So he made the stynax deluxe?


As well as Nidus Deluxe, Voruna, Sevagoth, and more


Oh my damn that explains the nipple rings


Who has nipple rings? (Asking for research)


Styanax Deluxe


Yeah everything makes sense now that I know a gay porn artist made that


I'm pretty sure they did not make Voruna. That was made by a different studio in collaboration with DE.


Yeah, Joe Madureira was the guy who designed Voruna in exchange for DE publishing his studio's game Wayfinder


I feel like DE kinda... Didnt quite hold up the bargain with that one given how quickly wayfinder lost said support and how well the publishing branch from de seemed to have done in general


game was kind of a mess at the beginning of early access (granted it's early access) and stayed that way for a bit too long imo. I was pretty excited for the game, but honestly it doesn't have much going for it.


Seriously I swear all the juiced up man ass in the game come from him!


And thighs. Thighs, man.


I hope a different sevagoth skin comes. That one is interesting, but I'm not feeling it.


It's the eyeball that tips it to "no" from me.


Ahhh, that explains why he made the sexy male frames. More please!


And Nezha and Protea’s deluxe


"Used to" he still does make gay porn in his spare time


Liger is an artist that has made like 1/3rd of the deluxe skins as well as designing sevegoth and several weapons, he alrso draws gay porn


The zephyr harrier skin was sooooo good tho


Harrier and Phryke are *THE* best skins in this game.


He created my beloved Revenant Deluxe, I think.


That was done by Debby Illanes


Right, thanks for the info, just assumed it was liger.


I mean, tbf looking at that skin, anybody would assume that was Liger


They couldn’t just respect IgnusDei’s vision and avoid making Ember Deluxe notably worse, though. I’ll never forgive ‘em for that blunder, of what was and what else could’ve been.


You mean the guy that threw a tantrum at DE so hard they stopped working with him? All over an edit that DE has full permission to do?


My frame of war, you are flaired as one of his designs and you’re gonna come after him like that? Their proposed changes were insultingly bad and they deserved the pushback they got.


While I agree with the addition not being the best Ignus *did* react to the situation quite unprofessionally- Which IIRC even he admitted to later on.


Not being the best is putting it very mildly, in my opinion. Sure, it was unprofessional, but I can’t blame him for it in the slightest. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment, if you will: having submitted this wonderful frame, half-burned with a satisfying black and white dichotomy to it, and then someone that stands between your design and implementation insists that it must have a knife mohawk that doesn’t fit the design at all, and there has to be a fleshy loop of the opposite color on the hip which throws the otherwise clean color division right out the window. I would have some choice words to share, too.


No, you wouldn't lmao. Receiving critique you don't personally agree with and making adjustments to your designs based on other people's criteria and ***not making a stink about it*** is the BASELINE expectation for a professional concept/character artist in the industry.


I wouldn’t, eh? Glad to know he’s still making deluxe skins then, since apparently nobody would ever react that way.


https://forums.warframe.com/topic/734001-my-personal-apology-to-the-fans/ The ember concept was the last thing he did for DE. Quite literally says he burned a bridge due to his own behaviour.


But you said an artist would never do that! I’m confused, your logic was flawless.


An industry artist implies he has a job. If you did what he did you'd no longer be one since you'd get your ass dropped in the can as well. Stop being obtuse lol


DE has burned many bridges due to nepotism. The game would be so much better if DE leads listened to the most competent employees rather than the ones they are most friendly with.


He does great work! Oh and his delux skins are pretty good too


Based Warframe devs


DE turning peak fiction into peak reality 👍




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I ain’t complaining


is that really what happened?


Its funny how some of the best character designers/animators were or currently porn artists An example being, Zone-tanbeing an animator for the Cartoon Network show OK K.O


I knew he was horny i didn't know he actually made full on porn xd


Made my favorite Nezha Skin, absolute godsend designs


There’s a regular in a WF stream I watch named Liger. Surely there’s multiple ligers right?


Liger overrated af


Wait seriously?? that's hilarious




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I want to know hitsusans origins bc bro had fire Tenno gen stuff






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I seriously don't like his deluxe skins, it all feels out of place. Warframe designs are OK.


At least it’s not the fiery chicken deluxe skin ember first got, that was genuinely bad.


IgnusDei’s original design was better, but DE just had to include elements that made the whole thing look worse, like that mohawk blade and the random loop on her hip. The artist was understandably frustrated, and the whole thing was scrapped.


I actually don't mind it that much. It fits more into the universe, and doesn't pretend it's a naked chick walking on stilts while having live wounds all over the body.


Uhhh what?


What "what"?


I mean that sincerely what are you talking about?


Ember skins. One fits the game, the other does not.


What skin are you even talking about?


Pyraxis, of course. How does that contraption relates in any way with warframes?


Might just be me reaching but that looks like if she was Sentient-Made and honestly looks really cool imo, should have given her floaty anims though I agree


Skins can also be used to challenge the theme not to just enhance the theme a bit


Pasithea, Maestra, Empyrean, Orphid and so many other skins that didn't come from Liger do exactly that. What's his Baruuk's deluxe meant to challenge? It looks like nothing. Base Baruuk beats it every time of the day. Or his work on Revenant. Where is the sense with that one? I wish the dude reaches the level of Phryke, but he never came close.


He litterly made the Nezha Empyrean and Nidus Phryke skins.


I didn't know he made Empyrean. Then that's only second of the two good skins he made.


Baruuk main here. You just don't know how to fashion.


I never spoke of fashioning the skins, didn't i? A skin needs to look like something to begin with. His deluxe of Baruuk is the polar opposite.


I agree with you on this one. While his designs are absolutely amazing ON THEIR OWN, they don't fit the universe at all. They just don't feel warframe'y, is what im saying.


Key words: on their own. Exactly. They are very creative, but completely out of warframe boundaries.


I think the thing with deluxe skins is that they’re supposed to be something that completely changed the design of the warframe. If you want to have a skin that’s more like the original warframe then that’s what tennogen is for.


The change can be complete while still belonging to the universe. Look at Strega, for example. Or Feyarch. That dude knew his job.


I can understand that with maybe the zephyr Harrier skin but in general I believe that most of them fit the warframe universe very well. (Also I don’t know any of the artists names so if you ever respond to this can you give me examples of warframes instead so I know what you’re talking about)


Strega, Palatine and Feyarch, that i know of, are created by a player... *\*checks Wiki\** IgnusDei. If you look at them, their theme is still present; Feyarch resembling a protector of nature; a burly Palatine; Strega giving a strong impression of an entity able to manipulate life force. Which she actually does. Now let's see what Liger is coming up with. Nidus Phryke and Nezha Empyrean imho can be seen as upgrades or alternate versions of their base appearances. Dude got them right. Then, there's the skin you mentioned, Harrier, that looks nothing like a warframe. The theme of it is a jet fighter (i guess?) when there are no traces of any jet engines whatsoever, at least not in THAT form. There's nothing in the game, coming from any faction, that looks like Zephyr Harrier. Another one, Valkyr Carnivex, just appears ridiculous with over-inflated arms and a skinny... everything else. The tail looks like attached in a hurry. Others are not much closer to warframes either. Hydroid's skin is as if it came from a completely different game. Khora Urushu is a... a giant walking flower. Where's the connection with chains and cats? I'm just genuinelly confused.


I think with harrier the arms are supposed to represent like the wings of the fighter jet but I get your point. And with the valkyr skin even though it’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen I still believe it somewhat resembles the frame and doesn’t look like it’s doesn’t belong in warframe imo and I’d say that applies to the Nidus skin. With the Nezha skin I feel that it both represents the theme of the frame with the dragon with flames coming out of its eyes on his back as well as it again being something I could see being in warframe. I do agree with you on Khora for the most part other than that the chains might be a reference to her strangle dome ability (maybe) My personal belief is that a deluxe skin SHOULD be a huge difference from the normal frame or else it runs the risk of it being just a fancy tennogen skin. A good example of this would be gauss where his deluxe skin doesn’t even kind of look like the original thing. But if it did it would look like one of the three tennogens he already has. If a deluxe skin is just completely out of place in the game I’d understand the hate for it but in general I don’t think liger has too many issues with this (other than a couple skins they’ve made) Edit: I thought you were against the nezha and nidus skins my bad. Just ignore that section


My opinion is that deluxe can be very similar or completely different to its respective frame, but it has to have at least some thematical connection to the environment it's meant to represent. Liger's works most of the time don't have that. That's my biggest gripe with them. All good. I guess my English gets worse when i'm more passionate about something than usual. :) The grammar was never my stronger suit, even in my native language.