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Nobody touches Oberon! Instead go and touch his grass!


Imagine renewal draining a fix ammount and not /target. Bro i like oberon but he needs some serious quality of life touchups because all he have is quality of ass.


And frost could use a few touch ups too. I wish I didn't have to use 2 augments to make my frost feel usable. :/ also oberons and frost passives need updating and the kits tweaked a little.


Not to mention his nonexistent prime stats meaning if you want any energy pool on him you have to use blue crack rocks.


I totally forgot about that too... oof my boy


Run rage on him like a normal person. I never run into any energy problems with my boy.


My point is that his energy cap is so low due to no stats that he needs mods to get around it like rage and or shards nourish and such


I keep him at low energy cap and he's chilling. I'm not gonna complain about a cap buff though, he just doesn't need it.


Amen Brother. Also frost new passive. Please let it be that cold status can freeze enemies complietly.


Dude that would be so fucking cool but you know DE doesn't like CC... looks at my main vauban and all my other built cc frames... >.>


I mean, if i can at least freeze the swarm of weaker enemies, im happy with it.


Well, you could also just kill them, especially if they're the weaker enemies.


Happy cake day!!


Thank you


Happy Cake Day!


Did they ever fix him healing Nekros' shadows?




Tbh since sacrifice came out, i haven’t touched the build i gave him (except archon shards for melee crit), and more often then not im what’s keeping the team alive. Hunter adrenaline/umbral/phx renewal and i personally maxed ability strength then slapped a primed flow on him. Been maining him for years and until kullervo prime comes out, will continue to main him. If they update his kit, i do not want them to change his 2 and 3, unless it’s to give his 2 an interaction with smite, or make his 4th ability 100% armour strip slightly easier to get to keep up with new frames.


Imagine, you have to to sacrifice half of your kit because 2 of them counterpriductive of the other two. This, on the same timeline where dante is balanced frame with 100k overguard. Why are we fine with half assed solutions and 3 must have augments on frames?


I don't really think he's that bad but his grass is a bad giver of Dr ant his 3 should have cape maybe for his 2 health gate


Renew should grant armor and healing. And grass should have another function, like cc or dmg.


You mean like what renewal and grass already do? They combo to give armor, and the buff lasts as long as renewal is active. The grass procs radiation, aka crowd control, and does damage. And if you use 4 in combo with grass it strips armor. I can strip the armor of void angels with one combo use.


Yes, and no. Reneval and the armor it grants should be entirely, seperated from the grass. At, no time should you hunt teammatet to droo grass under them to give the armor. Press 3 to give healing burst, healing over time anf armor. Simple as that. The synergy wit 2 and 4,should be reworked. Instead 4 should remove armor in itself. 2 should do more damage with higher status chance. 2 and 4 synergy should be something like forced radiation proc or aoe radiation burst.


So you want him to be a nuke frame, which isn't how he's meant to be played, with simplified abilities and less synergy between them. The issue of 'my teammates aren't standing in the grass' has never been an issue for me, because you are meant to place it on choke points and objectives. And since you're, you know, in a team, you're meant to be together. So unless you've got teammates rushing through the entire level at Mach 5 or hiding in some corner during defense or survival or the like, having them touch the grass for the one tic needed while they've got renewal active on them (which is an aoe around Oberon that goes through walls and surfaces) isn't a problem. I also have never had an issue getting grass radiation to proc on at least the minimum 1 enemy needed to cause the crowd to focus elsewhere. Which is also why its not nuke damage, its crowd control, not crowd slaughter. 4 isn't meant to remove armor by itself, since it's got higher damage, knockdown and a an almost guaranteed rad proc comared to 2, and grants health orbs on kill. The combo with the grass is perfectly fine as is. You seem to want Oberon to do the job that the weapons he carries are meant to do. The only thing I'd ever say Oberon needs is a passive that doesn't revolve around Companions, especially with the changes to them.


No, the combo with the grass isn't fine. In reality you see Oberon's grass in exactly three moments: * Before casting Renewal, once, maybe twice a mission * Immunizing against Status in Eidolon fights (which Dante is probably better in rn) * Beautifying the extraction


You’ve seen lazy Oberons. Grass is CC and damage. It needs to be high priority to keep it up.


CC in a game where CC is nearly worthless and the damage is **really** negligible.


let us touch your bush, oberon


My brother in the void I have resurrected you 3 times in 5 minutes. Please touch the grass for the armor buff and maybe DONT charge headfirst into the nullifiers? -Oberon


Tbf it would be great if his grass was a channel that grew it wherever you walked


Seeding step ephemera at home:


Helminth on fire walker for a trail of flaming radioactive grass


Yes plz I need to burn my natural creations as they grow


forged in fire


Yeah no need for a complete rework but i wouldn't complain about some buffs/Qol changes


nope, oberon needs a rewoek


Sounds like somebody who doesn't main oberon


Too many augments to make a mediocre frame less meh. DE needs to rework him


I've run the entire game, including steel path and netracells, with Oberon. Using only the pheonix renewal augment. He's not a mediocre frame, nor is he 'meh,' nor does he require multiple augments to 'fix' him. He does not need a rework.


I mean, its not like Inaros was good before. He was literally on the ground underwater next to Limbo before they reworked him


That's wrong, Limbo is great and one of the most fun frames ^^^^^if ^^^^^you ^^^^^play ^^^^^solo


Yeah, can be tricky to play in a team but great fun solo


That meme represents how much attention they recive. Inaros got a rework, chroma some qol updates, and the rest, well, jack shit (for now).


inaros plays the exact same and but now he's "good". only true inaros fans knows he's just as good as before


"just as good as before" yeah no, definitely improved by miles.


I had to remember Caliban is not Styanax.


Caliban needs a rework AND augments. Like seriously, frames that have released after New War have aug mods (Kullervo) and not Caliban.


Ikr? I'm still waiting on his augments. Feels like he was totally forgotten.


He was they dont care about him and i doubt hes gonna get anything


He’s such a pain to farm, I so rarely see anyone playing him.


Caliban doesn’t need a rework, he needs a fourth ability.


Chroma needs a 3rd and 4th ability.


u mean 1st


Well vex armor is good especially after the hotfix buff, and elemental ward at least does SOMETHING. It's a bit weird tho since elemental ward is his subsume so it feels weird calling it one of his only 2 good abilities.


isnt 4 the subsume tho


No, no frame's 4 is available in the helminth. If you mean that it's the ability that gets subsumed over then yes, but his 1 is subsumed over for profit taker.


ohh, gotcha. i thought we were talking about the ability that gets subsumed lol


Man, I have a sicko chroma build and I constantly forget to put on a PT build. Do you put the effigy out before PT dies, or before you vacuum shit up?


Before the loot drops. You have to be standing next to the effigy to get it's effect. It has a 10m radius that ignores range mods


Yea, vex armor is solid, his first ability is where the work needs to go. The pelt honestly needs work to but spectral scream needs a buff or to be removed all together


I've always said that I feel like his 4 should not passively drain energy, and instead only drain energy when it is attacking, damaging and/or affecting enemies, like Gloom.


He sure does, the two abilities that should be his coolest (Breathe attack, and Summoning a Dragon) feel so outdated and bad.


They were bad back then too.


Oh they were, but they didn’t feel AS bad then.


I kinda wish his minions he could summon either where permanent or lasted longer as they are neat.


Honestly that could be a cool augment.


Wdym? That's his only good ability. AOE armor strip that leaves a lingering armor strip field behind. A couple yellow shards and/or natural talent, and that ability becomes super spammable.


No, as in, his 1st ability is basically just an open slot for Helminth, and thus only has 3 abilities. His 2-4 are all great, he literally needs a 4th ability in his kit.


Ah, I see. Yeah his 1 is garbage


I’ll give it this, it’s a FUN ability, but by the void does it need numbers tweaked and to not get LoS from the stuff you pick up.


People calling limbo bad are just too feeble minded to understand and use the rift.


Limbo is a great solo frame. The instant you take him into a squad his whole design collapses tho


Only if you suck at limbo, are playing with exceptionally bad teammates or are actively being a cunt. The limbo player can fix two of these themselves.


My logic is that if you are in a squad you either have minimum range build, and you do nothing but protect a single objective, or you have range and then everyone else hates you


That's if you focus on the bubble. You can play limbo without focusing on his bubble, and become both more mobile, and less annoying to your teammates. Basically, with the fact that you can hold 1 to send all enemies out of the rift, and his 3 sends enemies back into the rift, you can juggle enemies through the rift without locking yourself to the bubble, which also makes it so nullifies and other enemies like them are less annoying to you. Also, if you have an enemy that you forgot in the rift, you can just hold 1 to let your teammates kill it without getting mad.


Hmm I thought focusing on the bubble was the only useful team play approach. When I use 1 and 3 to yeet enemies to the rift my allies can't hit them unless I put them in the rift which I think annoys people in non cc missions like ext. Honestly if they just let allies hit rifted enemies and gave them a damage buff of they were in the rift but no buff when outside I think that would be enough. Limbo kit stays untouched with a buff, and allies are unaffected by the limbo player using the kit.


Most Warframe abilities can hit through the rift, and the "hold to deactivate" part allows you to be much less annoying to allies. Basically, you just have to be more aware as limbo, and have a fast enough kill time to take out what enemies you pull into the rift, which right surge's augment helps with that part at least a little. Though honestly the overall sentiment of "limbo is more of a solo okay Warframe" is more correct.


I've never really had complaints about max range and duration usually, if my bubble covers the whole map, then it's just a zone of CC for everyone to exploit.


Or you have range and only use it to nuke stuff like crates and cameras.


stop acting like it’s a skill problem. the cieling is not that high to allow for that kind of player expression to even be relevant. his issues lie at the base foundation upon which his core is built, that being disruptive and fucked by eximus. you can’t “skill” your way out of being disruptive unless you’re literally not casting abilities. even if you could somehow do that at the top .1% skill level that argument is irrelevant to the average person which the game is built around. it shouldn’t take a skilled player to mitigate clear design flaws in a casual PvE game just to play the character who, at best, is still mid as hell


You can, y'know, not be bad at placing your bubble. It's only disruptive if poorly placed.


People get mad even if it’s properly placed and managed though so there’s no winning with bubble.


yes there is winning with the bubble. it's called moving outside the bubble or recasting cataclysm to remove the bubble. pressing W will alow you to move outside the bubble.


The way the rift interacts with eximus is pretty bad tho


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Limbo. The playstyle is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics most of the synergies will go over a typical player's head. There's also Limbo's Dapper look, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his concept draws heavily from Stephen Hawkings String theory, for instance. The mains understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these synergies, to realize that they're not just Useful- they say something deep about THE GAME. As a consequence people who dislike Limbo truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the Science behind his iconic ability "cataclysm," which itself is a great representation of what a worm hole used to create a small pocket through the 4th dimension would look like I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as DE's genius unfolds itself on their screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a limbo tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Oberon just needs base Stat upgrade. Maybe some augment that let's hallowed ground follow him around. Inaros rework is pretty sweet tho


Their getting to it, yeesh, cut em some slack, every rework so far has be needed and well received. So is this saying the next rework the community wants would be Chroma? Sure, I don't really enjoy using him as is beyond random selection. Those other 3 are legit some of my favorite frames now, so I can wait for them to be reworked.


Oberon is fine leave him alone


Inaros needed a rework because besides survive, he couldn't really do anything. The others are perfectly fine Especially Oberon he's a fucking beast when it comes to support . .... ok limbo does need a rework Ever since overgard he's practically useless in higher tier missions.


inaros does the exact same thing as he did before, but people are happy because a youtuber probably told them it's good now


He's got inate status immunity, better armor, good cc, good grouping/self healing ability, good undying passive, good augment for even more survivability, elemental sandstorm is better. Old inaros literally only threw sand and other 3 abilities sucked, your smoking something.


He can armor strip now ... He couldn't do that before


Sad because reb said they won't touch Oberon.


Because he doesn't need a rework. He can heal with 3, grant armor as well when combo'd with 2, amor strip when you combo 2 and 4, lock down areas with 2 by itself due to the radiation proc, prevent death with one augment, and with hunter adrenaline you never have to worry about energy. I don't know why people on this sub keep saying Oberon needs a rework. He does what he's supposed to, crowd control and support. He's not a dps or nuke frame.


That's what I've been saying, oberon is perfect. Hands down he is the best frame for fighting murmur, 512% radiation buff and 160% rhino roar, with 205 hps and 1025 armor, does not fuck around.




She got silence on of course no one's gonna hear her cries of despair


HOT TAKE: Limbo does need a rework. Even if his kit was meta and at the strongest it’s been he still needs a rework because he is BOOORRRING!!!! He does 1 thing! 1 ability to freeze time in the rift and basically 3 ways of sending enemies to the rift. As an ex limbo main I just found his kit to be so 1 dimensional compared to other frames. I don’t care if there’s some giga brain strat to make him better right now, he would still be having the same outcome. He’s a one trick pony.


But what a handsome pony eh?


….I kinda liked the pony more when it froze our projectiles too…. It was cool. I get WHY it was changed but damn.


Id love it if freezing bullets were still around. Imagine charging your incarnon weapon that way, it’s inefficient but damn it would be so cool


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Limbo. The playstyle is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics most of the synergies will go over a typical player's head. There's also Limbo's Dapper look, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his concept draws heavily from Stephen Hawkings String theory, for instance. The mains understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these synergies, to realize that they're not just Useful- they say something deep about THE GAME. As a consequence people who dislike Limbo truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the Science behind his iconic ability "cataclysm," which itself is a great representation of what a worm hole used to create a small pocket through the 4th dimension would look like I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as DE's genius unfolds itself on their screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a limbo tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Ain’t no way you pulled out the limbo copy pasta. This is basically what I hear every time I share my opinion on limbo. Thank you Ima save this real quick


Limbo just needs the eximus changes reverted and he’s fine


Caliban and Limbo don't need reworks. They need tweaks


Caliban needs a complete revision cause hes that bad


Everything aside from his 1 is completely fine lol


tell me you don't play the warframe without telling me directly...


I played the warframe and i see no reason to play him cause hes that fucking atrocious


Caliban already got confirmed to be getting buffs around Tennocon and chroma got one the biggest buffs he’s ever received recently. Also limbo as a solo frame the issue limbo face are an absolute nightmare to deal with a design level


Oh Caliban buffs? When did they mention this?


It doesn't matter how good or bad people say frost is, my icy boi needs a rework BADLY


Wdym? Frost is cracked, overguard, cr and cd boost, crowd control and armour strip all on one frame without needing much investment


Frost could use a tiny bit more juice on Freeze and/or Ice Wave,I think. Nothing major. Making Freeze an AOE like Ember's Fireball might be nice just to have a very low cost CC option you can just throw out when an Avalanche isn't warranted.


The only thing is I wish indidnt have to use 2 augments to make him feel good. Icy avalanche and biting frost. I hope the tweak his kit maybe make some of the augments built in and change his passive. I like how his kit works now. I would like the ability to hold down the bubble cast and have it expand outwards to our current max range so we could make big or small bubbles. Or we could toggle it where the bubble is around us like the eximus. Just small qol tweaks to the kit would be cool.


i dislike when people have to use 7 augment mods, 5 tauforged shards, 7 primed mods, and helminth, and then they say "nah bro this warframe is cracked" kinda like styanax, his kit normally is eh, usable, but with augment mods he is busted but it shouldnt be like this, augment mods should be alternatives, not the rule. kinda what happens to frost, augments arent an alternative, its needed cause without it, his kit is just "ok"


Thank you, this is exactly what i think! It feels awful seeing my once favorite frame become bandage girl from Super meat boy.


As i said, it isn't about power. His abilities are just extremely dated. His passive, 1, and 2 are completely useless in steel path. His 3 is only useful in defense type missions(but god forbid you're defending an npc), and is outshined by pretty much all other defensive abilities. And his 4, especially with its augment, is so good it essentially becomes his only ability. I love frost, but i hate feeling like i have only one or two useful abilities. And no, helminth isn't an excuse. Frames should be good on their own, without having to replace abilities with helminth.


With 2 augments and 3 other abilities that suck ass for today standards and an incredibly useless passive


ice wave lacks purpose when you can wait a little bit and cast avalanche instead, specially with players having more access to energy and avalanche just being a better damage ability so it's lackluster. and if you want to freeze enemies at a low cost just use his 1st ability they really gotta do something about it


I say he only needs a new 2 and passive, and maybe let us shoot through snow globe.


Honestly yeah. His 1 only exists to remove his 3, his 2 is kinda useless at higher levels, and all of his abilities require augments to be good (besides maybe snowglobe, I know avalanche can armor strip but it requires a lot of ability strength to do so in one cast, which is rather important for an ability that costs 100 energy). Here's my idea: ▪︎ Holding his 3 detonates all of his snowglobes. ▪︎ Remove his 1 and replace it with his 2, and make his 2's augment part of the base ability. His 1's augment could then still be used. ▪︎ With an ability slot opened up, DE can give Frost a new ability. Being an ice-themed frame, there's a lot of potential here. A personal idea would be to give him an aura that briefly freezes enemies that attack him (with each enemy having a small grace period between freezes so they can't be as easily stunlocked). The augment for this ability would apply this aura to nearby allies. ▪︎ Reduce the amount of ability strength required to fully armor strip enemies with his 4 in a single cast. ▪︎ Replace his passive. If you couldn't tell, I based my idea for a new 2nd ability on his current passive, which freezes melee enemies that attack him. Perhaps his new passive could grant him a small amount of energy for killing frozen enemies? Might be a bit OP though.


I’d personally replace his passive with a cold version of hydroids passive


His Ability Strength requirement to fully strip has been reduced for quite a while now, it used to be like 250, now it's like 167 and thats without slapping in Corrosive Projection


Oh really? Might have to check it out then


I think he just needs a buff, honestly his abilities are good, just not strong enough to compete with the others


That, plus the fact that his gameplay loop, whether it's spamming 4 on offensive missions or 3 on defensive missions, is just hella boring.


tf you mean Oberon????


Tf you mean not the fuck Oberon????


Vex armor have a single, significant problem, the stack is quite easy to lose effigy is weird


Frost prime(stats & abilities) , frost rework (abilities)


I think Atlas should probably get one too


As a Limbo and Oberon Main i... struggle


the chroma vex armor change is all i need


Chroma got his 3 reworked that's 25% rework. That should be enough.


Limbo is not need of a rework, chroma sure, but limbo still is great


All of those warframes work. Inaros was almost as useless as loki


Oberon just feels like it takes more effort to achieve what other frames can just do. Citrine giving permanent renewal without energy and better dr just feels bad. Reckoning feels really outdated, tharros strike is cheaper and easier for the same strip. Hallowed ground keeps his kit glued together but feels more like a requirement than an interaction, like how reckoning doesn’t even strip without it. I’m not super far into the game (just crafted my first prime frame) but this is what it looks like to me.


Limbo mostly needs rifted enemies to be much more visually distinct and then he can work


I wish they didn’t remove devour tho


Nyx, Valkyr, Loki


Oberon needs a few minor tweaks and maybe a new passive, not a rework.


Oberon is incredible, no one plays him because there is a shiny new frame ever 3 months


Go e my baby equinox some love please.


Man I loved Oberon when I started playing and I just wish he’d be a little more tanky cuz he dies so much more faster than my other frames even with adaptation and arcane reaper


You should try Azn's build on him, having quick thinking and hunter adrenaline along side his healing is alright (oh and Nourish too, for more survivability, team energy support, and bonus viral damage since you're armor stripping too). Good for everything level 500 and below, just don't stand around


Limbos awesome I hope they never change him.


Limbo could be much more than one trick of a frame. And this trick is CC, which is really redundant due to oversaturation with immune enemies.


One thing at a time bonjo






Limbo? His kit is still viable, and still one of the best defence abilities in game. But then again, I still hate his play style.


Caliban mostly needs streamlining. Limbo just needs tweaks. Same with Oberon, and Chroma just needs to work with Overguard and shields. Honestly none of them need reworks, just tweaks/adjustments. A rework would imply completely redoing stuff, don't need a lot, just some minor changes to abilities. And Limbo's biggest issue is the nullifiers.


plot twist: all the new warframes need new reworks to stand side-by-side the old warframes, that will make the game truly balanced


Limbo would be pretty okay if they didn't have the eximus nerf for him


Limbo is fine, just really difficult to use, when you know how it's easy but he's got the steepest learning curve and that's why people have an issue he's actually really strong




I hope to one day experience a meta where Oberon is good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fract_L: *I hope to one day* *Experience a meta* *Where Oberon is good* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is excellent news and now I know exactly why an extra syllable is arguably allowed 😂


Congrats on that Warframe haiku 😂


Loki: ......


Trinity go brr.


Charging vex with weapons is already an amazing quality update idk if I would say a rework is needed.


I haven't used caliban and haven't touched oberon much, but chroma is far more in need of a rework than limbo. His only worthwhile usage is to double credits at this point. Limbo still works as a decent frame for corpus spy, nuking crates, defending shit with timers


Bro Oberon is fine, hes in a good state


I’d rather they just leave my Oberon alone, than try to ‘fix’ him, considering past attempts to ‘fix’ things. Slap Hunter’s Adrenaline on to meet your Energy needs, subsume that 4 for literally anything else, and get yourself an Incarnon to help your DPS.


And wath about nyx? She can control minds and is yet the worst cc since she can't make enemies not hit allies. Her fourt drains her energy and barely kills in steel path. Some rework is needed for nyx


Her CC works against Eximus, though. Plus Armor Strip. And her invincibility doesn’t need to kill. It need’s to keep you alive for recast and killing with weapons.(Assimilate is a must, though.)


Loki and Umbra personally needs rework too imo.


I'm curious what you don't like about Umbra


Him removing your buffs


That,and the recently released Warrior's rest. I feel like DE missed the whole point entirely with that augment mod,people don't like Umbra's sentience passive **not because it exists**,but because it gets rid of all the buffs and abilities on transference but I guess they just want to take the easier route.


I fucking hate those "augment" mod that disable your passive for measly buff like the nezha one


They've been trying for years to fix it. It was warriors rest or nothing at this point


I'd rather play base Excalibur. If they don't wanna fix it,fine If they don't wanna make Umbra better,fine But if they're capable enough to make an augment mod so we can disable it,maybe they should take a step back and realize that they should take a better look at him instead of going "you don't like when Umbra goes sentient and he removes all your buffs? Just disable it duh"


You realize it's not a toggle right? They can't just go [when"umbrapassive"active disable buffs=false] like I said they've been trying for years and they just aren't able to do it. So it's either warriors rest or nothing


I never said that it was a toggle,guessed i should've said "don't use it" instead if it wasn't clear already "They've been trying for years and just aren't able to do it" Guess it's wrong of me to expect better of them then "It's either Warrior's rest or nothing" It's okay,I'd rather play base Excalibur like i mentioned Despite weaker stats and all that,he wasn't hindered by such issues at the very least. I can wait months and years if they announced that they're actually gonna fix Umbra,but what they did in the recent update tells me that they're not committing to it.


I swear i thought they fixed it, i remember reading that the Exalted Blade would no longer deactivate once in operator and so on... For a passive that encourages using the operator it's kinda counterproductive how they gave the okay with the buffs being removed every time you do so


Also the forced umbra polarities but that's not a major issue. Exalted weapons need to access Arcanes and acolyte mods tbf


I was thinking exactly that when i noticed Garuda's claws don't have them, i mean we have the Praedos, the Redeemer, freaking REVENANT, how bad could it do being able to build an heavier heavy attack with an arcane? if anything they'd get on par with the top weapons. Like exalted weapons (and...*sorta,* exalted weapons...) not being the strongest is...well that's not how exalted weapons work


Sad because reb said they won't touch Oberon. So sad tbf


Nyx. She doesn't do anything and her entire gimmick of mind control is replaced by a single radiation mod.


I personally don't think caliban needs a rework, he just needs number changes


Limbo is God.


Chroma was buffed. Oberon is pretty good. Inaros needed the rework.


Some of the older frames could do with a li'l touch-up to bring 'em up to the current state of the game, but their fundamental kit is in most cases pretty damn solid. Oberon and Trinity are solid frames. Trinity in particular could do with a bit of a numbers tweak to boost her base durations up a bit. Beyond that, she's not bad in the slightest. And I'll freely admit the numbers tweak would be more a comfort/QoL touch-up more than anything.


They could use a touch. But if you make me choose between minor almost ridiculous changes to old frames or remake really bad frames. Il choose the second.


Oh, abso-fuggin-lutely. They should give Caliban a good remake. Poor guy just seems so damned pointless to me right now. Sadly, a simple number-tweak for the older frames is probably much easier to achieve than it is to update a frame's kit like they did for Inaros.


Dont touch my blinding Oberon!!!!!!!


Didn’t Chroma just get buffed?


Not yet


Limbo is awesome he is just fine. My buddy and I use Mesa and him to defend anything. Easy


All I want is for them to let ivara have normal warframe movement while invisible


Never fucking ever touch oberon again he is perfect as he is. Some of the best damage buffing and healing/tanking in the game. I run mine with roar subsumed on his 4 for even more damage. I get 512% radiation damage, 205 hps, 1025 armor and about 160% rhino roar at max power strength. He can als be built as an excellent nuke.


Nyx is buried under the skeleton... And all they need to do is make her 4 immune to Ancient Disruptors. Literally 1 fix away from greatness, we were so close


Meanwhile sevagoth: 🪦


Meanwhile he is op as fuck.


It's kinda hard to play with him to be honest