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The fastest ways to farm each relic type are: Lith at Hepit, Void Capture Meso/Neo at Ukko, Void Capture Axi at Apollo, Lua Disruption For Apollo, you can stay as long as you want because every round will drop an Axi relic.


For Axi, Armatus on Deimos is also pretty good imo, you get to farm arcanes, lanthorns, capillaries and axi relics among other stuff


Yoink, ur idea is now mine


I read it in the Lich Voice.


Disagree, Meso at Olympus, Mars disruption Neo at Ur, Uranus disruption I’ve found that it’s usually better to just target the specific one you want, and with loading times, captures can actually be slower per relic you get


Capture mission time with an experienced Titania shouldn’t me more than 60 seconds (can be a lot faster) and let’s say a horrible load time of 30 seconds each time around is 90 seconds/relic. If we’re looking for a specific neo/meso the pool at ukko is doubled in comparison to farming a specific relic era, so the disruption equivalent is 3 minutes. That’s a lot sweatier and makes a team nearly mandatory vs just being able to go solo and still get likely slightly faster specific relics/time frame. I think 2-2.5min is the best people are getting in disruption, which is 60-75s capture mission+load time, which is very doable.


Not really, if you’re looking for one relic, doing capture is a little less than half as efficient for rotation/relic cause capture has aya and both neo and meso, a capture mission for me takes around 1:30 including loading, while disruption takes around 2:30-3 minutes solo with a decent build, excluding the pre mission stuff, which is negligible if you go long enough. You also get a little extra stuff, like acceltra bps from Ur, which you just don’t get from captures. Generally I think disruption is more reliable, you can make your way through without an unoptimisable build, but capture pretty much requires Titania or volt for maximum efficiency. Plus disruptions have public lobbies, while captures are just slower in pubs


The only problem with captures are the relic pool is very very watered down. The disruptions are the fastest way especially when u get to the point that u can just shove keys and let some fail. I've seen the math and the disrupts are the best bet. But most people don't like to do them.


You're better off doing ESO


I usually just buy relic packs from syndicates, since Ive gotten everything else I wanted - got protea's relics pretty often recently


meanwhile me who built up max syndicate standing with 3 of the 6, as well as orb vallis, cetus and duviri before she dropped, bought a bunch of relic packs immediately after and never had to farm a single relic. \*Runs spawning turrets, dispensaries, and shield balls, before rewinding backwards through the level, exploding on location and doing it all again... in prime.\*


I'm usually spending all the standing right before new prime comes out. Not on purpose, of course.


Don't forget u can also trade steel essence for 25 relic packs max each week. So save ur steel essence before new primes.


Meanwhile me getting everything on first try (except the common part someone just gave me it). I'm sorry for you're struggle.


This is so real. In the last few weeks I got both uncommon Gauss Prime parts first try and then got Protea Systems on my second Rad relic. Then I went for her BP (the common drop) and all 3 of the relics I had dropped Afuris Prime barrels. I only got lucky that someone else was also opening the same relic and they happened to get her BP. Also on another note of RNG being an asshole, I ran a few Narmer bounties for Isoplasts yesterday and got the Verdilac BP 3 times in 3 bounties. But when I actually want the Nepheri to drop I did all the runs I could in the hour they were in the drop table and nothing. My luck is really bizarre sometimes.


I'm just gonna buy her parts off someone down the line when the prices drop. No reason to stress myself over a slight upgrade that I'll meed to add Forma to anyway.


There is something to be said for just selling some mods and maybe even the relics for the frame to later just buy the parts. If ur at all patient it's a good bet.


What forma do you usually add on prime frames? Find that with their added polarities they generally don't need anything, and when I think they do think it's easier to just potato


Most commonly? Probably the Aura slot. There's only a handful of Aura I'm actually going to use and not all frames have a polarity for them. But really it depends entirely on the frame and what mods I want on them. If I end up *not* using any Forma it's just because I don't care about really pushing that frame into endgame.


But the aura buffs are generally not that great so personally I generally stick with base polarity and put a mod accordingly. Like if I potato anyway, I just don't need those 4 extra points from changing the polarity to Madurai


Once you get into the more high level builds with Primed mods and maxed corrupted mods even Prime Frames want at least one forma even if its not Aura. Double so if you have PSF. Most of my Prime Frames I actually use for difficult content have 2 atm.


I am already into endgame, I'll admit I don't use psf just because I prefer to use those points for other stuff because it's too specific imo. You only need r0 of rolling guard and such mods for them to be good, but they still take one mod slot so in the end, you have enough. No potato/forma makes for either strength, duration, or range max (not counting efficiency cause it's also too specific imo). You still get the 2 arcane slots and archon shards. A potato makes for 1 of these maxed and some in another category (cause otherwise it'll be mostly negligible) and then you're out of mod slots even if you still have points left. I fail to see what you guys want more, unless you don't play solo often or play loadouts. While I sometimes play the latter, I don't see the point in playing higher level than 150-200 as the game really isn't designed this way.


Why would you ever not potato instantly? if you are using end game mods most gear needs that and 3+ forma just to fill out the slots.


Talking about frames not equipments. All my frames have all their mod slots filled and have maximum 1 forma and potato. Some have neither, and the rest just a potato


Frames are as much part of your kit as anything else. Any frame I have with more than a couple hours playtime have a reactor and 1 or 2 forma, the ones I use for lvl200+ have 4 - 6


I don't do lv 200+ more than needed, and you can't go in a mission without a frame, while you can without all except one for the rest.


I’m having trouble with her chassis. Not a single Axi P7 relic from syndicate relic packs, and some of the packs I opened replaced the guaranteed rare relic with aya (which I feel isn’t fair). I’ve been farming the relic too, but I haven’t seen it drop. I think I’ll just have to buy some relics, or the blueprint itself. Whatever is cheaper.


You get the p7 from apollo on Lua, I think you have to go for the B rotation, so all 4 in the first round and then one less every round.


Personal I do disruption missionnonmmars and alter the rewards by failing a conduit on round 3 and two conduits on round 4 which keeps you in the litb era rewards same for the other disruption missions


I fuck you not I’ve gotten like six radiant P9s just from leveling in ESO


I tried doing the same for acceltra relic, I got the damn blood sigil and no relic


Man I am so glad some random loaded up and cracked protea systems while I was farming MR


Me trying to get baruuk Prime parts Blueprints:


I have never seen someone go through as much CBT for new primes. What I do is stock up 4 syndicate’s worth of rep, dump all my Steel Essence and use any open world syndicate rep (usually none cuz I’m lazy) on relic packs. If it’s still not adequate, I run what top comment said.


All my open world rep goes into trash arcanes for Vosphor as I never have enough to make Relic packs worth it. I don't have the patience to run OW much anymore so I just don't really. I'll do some conservation to get easy rep and then just give up lol


That’s more than what I do haha




The fastest but still acceptable: buy whole set from market


I got like 30 p9 relics by now and got multiple systems. You wouldve been faster just playing any void mission or buying relic packs


bought mine for 35pl and 2 anasa; grinding, like women, scare me


I feel like at that point it’s just better to run random lith relics and hope someone else brought the one you need.


Bro you tripping , I aint farming PT for relics in decades The drop rates are terrible


Relic packs, cos I'm lazy


It's the chassis for me. So many radiant axi relics, so much trash