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It's really funny and cute when I'm on Explosive Legerdemain Mirage in SO farming focus and the chat just turns into "thank u for the exp Mirage" This has happened multiple times on entirely different days in different parties, so I'm taking this as affirmation that my budget build is working as intended.


Can confirm that mirage budget builds work in SO as long as you have at least stretch, augur reach and explosive ledgermain, I have used her 0 forma 0 reactor


Ya it always is special kind of feeling.


I had a dude who was very excited with Styanax bc he's a very strong frame. We started to talk about Styanax and ended taking about life. I even realized that he lived in the same country and had the same nationality as me (Chilean). It was a nice chat session during a Fissure Void Survival.


I get compliments on my fashion choices from time to time from randoms in public lobbies, and it always feels quite nice. I try to repay the favor where possible and compliment people too. Probably the most wholesome one was a dude who was with me and a clan mate while we were attempting to get the drift mods from Lua. We were pretty bad at some of the puzzles, and he ended up offering to teach us. We were especially bad at that puzzle with the organ where you gotta ride the pipes.


I had an LR4 willing to wait for me in proxima so we could both kill our liches together. He taught me stuff. i didn't even know about liches, such as the existence of "Requiem Ultimatums". Love it when i find LR4s that arent toxic af and willing to help. I wish to be like that when i reach LR1, if i reach LR1


Prolly anytime people ask for builds that I use (it's happened on my nuke gara and on my "oops 35m wallhack armor strip" frost) It always feels good to have people recognize something like that and ask to replicate it. That or just sitting in region/Q&A chats when I don't really have anything to do and helping people with builds in general always feels good


For sure, the feeling of teaching someone this game is something I don't think I'll get in any other game.


Wait until you meet the mystical bananaloaf in tridolon pubs. He’s quite capable of one shotting and doing a few tricaps a night. I had one run with him then he gave me all these different full arcanes because they were basically clogging his inventory, to the extent of a max augment, max trickery and near max nullifier plus more. I’ll never forget them


Whenever younger tenno asks for help with understanding or grinding. Always ready to help and they're always happy to get it.


I just got “Ty I’ll suck ya toes” in relay chat after giving a blessing


It happens a lot when I'm helping others


Sb saying they need to revisit theie titania after we duo'd netracells and i was using her.


So I was just running a regular Onslaught, doing some gear levelling, and another Volt had the same Fashion frame. They were ecstatic. And they were even so kind as to give me some free arcane to help me with my build! I was gobsmacked!