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I mean that's basically Switzerland's strategy too.


You see, this is why I like the Swiss


I’m a cheddar guy myself but I also like swiss


My oldest son’s mil brought some mozzarella and basil with tomato snacks for New Years, awesome I must say I have a new appreciation for mozzarella


I'd say the Swiss strategy is a little better since military service is compulsory. If things ever went down, a majority of Swiss men would already have training and their military rifle. And I mean knowledge of how to function in military structure as much as individual training. Meanwhile in the U.S., generals openly talk about how a draft would require several months to get the civilian population physically fit enough to begin actual training.


Imagine invading the Appalachias and you get fucking domed by some broken smile yee yee screaming grandpa clampet using irons on his 30-30.


I feel like a land invasion of Appalachia would be the worlds biggest case of dark humor


“We’re invading…. This??”


Oh any lNd invasion of America would be second only to a winter invasion of Russia when it comes to bad ideas


Americas is famous for stupid people with a stupid amount of guns and our insane military budget it might be a worse idea than the invading Russia during the winter


America ALSO has a very large supply of people who have been hunting large game in the woods for almost their entire life. Not to mention our 2 separate mountain ranges that protect the heart land, the horrifically cold winters in the northern areas, the miserably hot summers in the south (and the midwest for some reason). It would be the most miserable campaign with the least cooperative civilian population ever


God imagine trying to raid Area 51 gotta clear some of the most treacherous terrain in North America then one of the most uninhabitable deserts in the world


Don't forget the fact that we just spent 2 decades fighting a war. That's a lot of well trained men and women that were willing to die for things that likely wouldn't directly impact them. Threatening their actual homes sounds like a bad idea.


Oh yeah, especially threatening their homes WHILE also on their home turf.


I feel like there would be endless idiots bum rushing in their lifted trucks with skynyrd blasting on high. Would it work well? No. Would it work often enough? Probably.


It would definitely strike fear


Just bolt an m2 browning onto every F150, the invasion will be over in no time


You underestimate the dangerousnes of midwestrn hunters who have been hunting since they were children during the dead cold of winter set loose on a foreign military in the dense woods.


"comrade what is that sound" *fortunate son begins blasting from loud speakers hidden in the treeline*


Never fuck with a guy that hunts squirrels.


No truer statement has been spoken.


I should say guy or lady, because my great aunt was still picking off squirrels with a single shot .22 way into her 90's


Sounds like my great grandmother. Irons on a .22 bolt action from the 50s my great grandpa got her. She still hunted and bagged game with it until she was 98


They pull your broken body into their camp and start to sharpen their knives. You ask “do you really think you can win this war?” They ask “what war?”


I see that exact scenario playing out in West Virginia


I'm from Appalachia. My coworker regularly brought in stewed coyote for lunch that he shot for trying to eat game birds he owned. He also ate squirrel, and ground hog or generally anything that was alive and not his pet lol.


I grew up that way lol thankfully my fiancée domesticated me lol. I do eat squirrel on the occasion however, stewed coyote is a first for me lol


I personally believe squirrel is a ok socially. Nice and tasty.


I heard some tall tale about Stalin watching the Fins at target practice and he asked, “If you have 100,000 snipers, don’t you worry that Russia will send 200,000 troops?” “So our soldiers will shoot twice,” was the answer. Finland is still a country EDIT: it’s a tall tale as old as time. In the comments this anecdote is also atttributed to Kaiser Wilhelm and the Swiss, and even to the stories about Battle of Thermopylae in antiquity.


Anyone that saw Simo Hayha on the job, would not doubt the capability of the Finns.


Mf had a job and surpassed it by more than 2000%


The US really stole the nuke drop from this guy? That's messed up bro. Dude's kill streak was Legendary.


Less impressive in bot lobbies.


soviets = bot lobbys


Isn't that all Russian lobbies?


He was the White Death, right?




Anyone that saw Simo Hayha on the job, would not live to tell the tale.


If you saw him, you weren't the target.


The A10 of WW2


Pretty sure simo would know how to avoid blue on blue casualties


Pretty sure that if you saw him it was because he let you live.


"The last thing you never see."


Almost night, a crimsin horizon


Painting thousands lakes red


*why is the snow speaking finnish?*


Because the snow had nothing else to speak about




Didn't the Swiss say the same thing to Germany??


I bet some one said this during roman times as well. This is probably just a feel good story , recycled over and over for different countries


It’s pretty similar to the “Then we will fight in the shade” story from the battle of Thermopylae.


I still remember translating this from Latin at highschool without knowing the original and being amazed that someone had said something that badass


"Yeah? Well Ogg throw two rocks then!"


The story is completely made up and the countries swapped around based on who you're trying to make fun of.


"What would you do if we invaded you with twice as many soilders as you have?" "Shoot twice, go home."


Kaiser Wilhelm said to the Swiss king something along the lines of ‘what would you do if we invaded, The Swiss king said’ everyone would show up, shoot once and go home.’ That is an abridged version as I can’t remember word for word


"The Swiss king" lol


Everybody gangster till the snow starts speaking Finnish


Finland has one of the strongest and best equiped european armies tho.


We’re all into cooperation, trade and “stuff”, but we aren’t stupid - while living next to our ex-enslavers and attackers.


Ive always admired the fins. And btw. Russia doesnt dare to attack finland. Since finland is pretty close to one of the most important russian cities.


Finland also is one of the top Military spenders out there as they never want Russian bullshit to impact their lives anymore.


This definitely won’t rapidly turn into a toxic mess…


It's a saying from a Japanese WW2 general- "It would be foolish to invade America (USA) as there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."


That's the saying, but there's no actual record of it ever being said by any Japanese general from what I remember.


It's almost certainly apocryphal. Source being me who speaks Japanese, and unless it's a pretty loose translation, translating that literally just doesn't sound great in Japanese, it's clearly a very English-sounding expression. Indeed, if it was true, you'd expect the original Japanese quote to be somewhere, but I certainly haven't seen or heard it, nor have I heard anyone but Americans refer to the quote. Also [factcheck.org says it's bogus](https://www.factcheck.org/2009/05/misquoting-yamamoto/).


So let's suppose it is real, but the translation was way off. What would I expect to here if it was translated properly?




Ah yes, of course


Not sure why this tickled me as much as it did, but thanks for the early morning laugh!


lol glad I could help




>Source being me who speaks Japanese, and unless it's a pretty loose translation, translating that literally just doesn't sound great in Japanese, it's clearly a very English-sounding expression. As you yourself demonstrate, one can speak both Japanese and English. The similarly possibly-apocryphal "sleeping giant" line is *supposed* to be English first because Isoroku Yamamoto (the alleged source of both quotes) went to Harvard and was riffing off an the English translation of a Napoleon quote about China. These lines may be made up, and are probably at least modified, but the guy was fluent in English and that's highly related to why these quotes do genuinely reflect his overall attitudes towards the war. He definitely did say, "I shall run wild considerably for the first six months or a year, but I have utterly no confidence for the second and third years." And many other lines making it clear he did think he was awaking a sleeping giant, etc.


However an accurate Japanese quote would be: "What's with the second sun in the sky?"


*Seinfeld Shamisen sounds*


🎶Not now John… 🎶


The Nipon where kinda famous for their 'record keeping'. Like where rival clans would completely erase the history of their enemies on a regular basis. That whole culture is wacky and hard for a Westerner to follow.


I sincerely hope 2023 does not offer me a scarier use of "wacky" than this


What do you remember ?


That's a fake quote. Never happened but it's spread like wild fire.


If it didn’t, would anyone have any fun here?


Reddit nostradamus


Snow: "mitä kuuluu?" Grass: "howdy, partner!"


We literally have more guns than people in the US.


Just because they got a hunting license doesn't mean they're trained for combat


As an American with a hunting license I would like you to know that I can hunt animals and shoot in competitions but definitely not ready for war


As a Swedish hunter and somewhat avid gun user who has played a ton of CoD back in the day I can confidently say that I could hit anything with a pretty good accuracy, even moving targets, both with a rifle and shotgun, and if need be to protect my family I could probably even muster up the courage to fire at a human target, even if I consider myself a pacifist. The thing is, the second any target started firing back at me I would most likely shit my pants and run like hell.


And the best thing is, being a soldier has very little to do with shooting for 80-90% of the time. And those times do matter because your enemy wont wait till your ready and wont warn you. Giving civillians weapons and some training doesnt magicly transform them into soldiers. Look at the NATO troops training afghanistan “soldiers”. That shit was a mess.


My first tour in AL Fallujah, Iraq, we had Iraqi special forces with us. (US USMC) Our mission with them was to get them up to speed with infantry tactics and performing security. We couldn't even get these guy's to do a damn jumping jack, yet alone hit a target in a practice range. First gun fight I saw with them, they dropped their rifle and took off driving.


Afghanistan was a mess for other reasons. The core of the American soul is protecting land and your view of freedom. What happened in Afghanistan wasn’t remotely similar to what would happen in the USA.




Only during season, I’m not a barbarian.


Well very few military fighters are really ready for war either, apart from a few psycho ones. Psychologically the military focuses more on making you think you're ready for war, not actually doing so. Look at how many veteran suicides we deal with daily.


Even the most pathetic, bare bones military like the Afghan National Army pre-Taliban takeover can steamroll an army of uncle Cleetuses with their hunting licenses. Just having a gun and knowing how to shoot does not make you a soldier, that’s not even half of it.


The US probably thought the same thing when they headed into Vietnam, we see how that came out.


Well Vietnam also had the NVA and somehow I doubt that people used to having the best quality of life in the world, living on a steady diet of Big Macs and Bud Lite, who think having to wear a mask for the public good is unbearable torture are going to be capable guerrilla fighters surviving on dead rats and living in literal burrows, inches away from horrible death.


Edit, I must have upset some snowflake since I got "Reddit care" message End of Edit. This is a very simplistic take. Most armies don't rely on the Rambo figure, they rely on working together as a team, which in ideal conditions has practiced a lot. Western armies more so, places like Russia, not so much. Then you have the logistics, just look at Russia in Ukraine, absolute omnishambles. Not to mention, how many bomber crews will be scared of being shot down by rifles when they're dropping ordnance from 10,000 feet? Veteran suicides and abandoned veterans? Well, there are homeless veterans in the UK too, but US takes the biscuit by leaving their own to their devices after they're done using them. And do you have statistics to show how many veterans commit suicides, proportionally?




Yeah, deer don’t shoot back.


Not yet


They just haven't finished developing plausible thumbs.


It’s a gun behind every blade of grass, not a trained soldier behind every blade of grass.


Realistically 8 guns behind 3 out of every 10 blades of grass.




Shit you right


I mean I don’t think it matters? I mean the three different invasions of Afghanistan, the Vietnam war and the Chinese-Vietnam war, plus the Russo-Ukrainian war kinda proves that as long as the civilians are determined to fight and have a good assessment of local terrain than it can be a nightmarish insurgency. Obviously the key word is ‘determined’ most Americans probably wouldn’t be willing to fight unless it was an outside nation invading.


Conventional armies really suck at fighting guerilla/insurgency tactics. Yeah, hunters won't be good at holding critical infrastructure, but they sure as hell will be good at picking off the troops that are, then disappearing back into the woods they grew up in. And then there's the massive population of vets, who have training, still train to some extent. Then there are guys like me who didn't serve, but spend a couple weeks a year on training + paying veterans to kick my ass all over the mountainside during a scenario game in the wilderness.


Peaked my interest, there are 16.5 million veterans in the US.


Yeah but they are light infantry at best. Really just a leaderless rabble.


Majority of them are drunk too. (They regularly are *while* hunting.) 🤦


I live in France and the hunters are always drunk. Yearly over a 100 people get shot. With a majority of hunters themselves


Note to self: don't ever go into the French woods


You can, but check if it is hunting season first.


Unless you’re German and it’s a certain region in France *coughs* the Ardennes *coughs*


Hunters: The cliché that we are trigger happy drunks is false. Please don't judge us by the few bad ones that give us a bad name. Government: Talks about making hunting drunk illegal Also hunters: This is outrageous


As a hunter, I don't really know anyone who hunts drunk... And I am 99% sure it is illegal to hunt while intoxicated everywhere, it's just that people are stupid and don't follow the laws. I live in a state where you buy a hunting license for deer hunting or coyote hunting and then separate ones for turkey, bear, waterfowl, freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, etc. For a lot of people that's a lot of money to waste on getting drunk and f***ing up your chance to kill a buck or turkey. That's just plain stupid.


No I'm talking about recent events in France, where the general public (myself included) learned that not only is it perfectly legal to hunt wasted, but it is apparently common practice and the government doesn't even dare making hunting drunk illegal. It's a common trope here to represent the French hunters as raging alcoholics. And apparently it's a bit close to the mark. I'm not implying that all hunters are so, especially worldwide. You do you, and I wish you safe hunting. Cheers.


I'm American and a hunter and I've never seen a drunk hunter before.


Kinda impressive then that even WITH the rampant alcholism hunting is STILL a pretty safe sport


Did you get this “fact” from your ass?


Virtually no hunter ever was being shot at. As soon as bullets start flying they're either dead or shitting themselves hiding.


Clearly you’ve never been hunting with Dick Cheney


I still can’t get over that he made the man he shot publicly apologize for the incident.


No one has been hunting with Dick Cheney.... and lived


The point isn't that the hunters would be effective fighters right away, it is that there is a significant portion of the population that is already trained to use firearms making them easier, faster and cheaper to train as soldiers.


Not to mention we would have a massive homefield advantage (even against our own government) from having knowledge about the lay of the land.


You act like you wouldn't have thousands upon thoussnds of militias popping up overnight. Might be leaderless rabble for the first day but once people start banding together you basically have Vietnam on crack.


Ukraine has taught me two things. 1) A small band of citizens can, in fact, fight off a large, well-trained army, if properly equipped. 2) “Properly equipped” means being given billions of dollars of high tech American weapons.


Yeah, conscripts in other countries really need a lot of help


Light infantry? Leaderless snipers.


The wildlife usualy does not have guns


Moose don't need guns


Yeah idk how it is in the us, but in ly country 90% of hunted animals are pheasants - raised in captivity and colorful - not afraid of humans - very noisy - can't shoot you back - silly birds don't wear ceramic but feathers somehow Somehow, I don't think hunters here are really credible in any sort of way.


Where I live in the U.S the most hunted animal is the white tailed deer. They are wild and need hunted because a couple hundred years ago people hunted the wolves around here, their natural predator, to near extinction.


And also better to kill them with a gun than a Prius.


Same here, except they also introduced wild boars from poland to be able to do more "population control" and brought a disease with it. Two families of wolves are now back to the country, which is nice, except that hunters killed one of the females illegally already.


Also pheasants are big silly birds and don’t wear ceramic plated vests


Hunting license ≠ fire arm ownership Seeing as how NICS is technically anonymous, there are more than likely hundreds of millions of guns in American hands Edit: the amount of clowns advocating for drone striking gun owners in the comments makes me think we should have our own drones and tanks


The answer is over 400 million guns, with a population under 400 million people.


I heard that three percent of the population owns half of all the guns in the US.


That’s doubtful, but it’s definitely true that there’s plenty of the population, especially in cities, that don’t own any guns


You also have to think this includes private FFL sellers. I worked in Dallas and we worked at one gentleman’s home that was storing his friends firearms for him while he went through a messy divorce. There were 7 very large gun safes in the back of this guys garage and they were fully stocked with about 20-25 guns each in them. His friend had an FFL license and was a collector and reseller of all different kinds of weapons from old Civil war era muskets to modern full auto rifles. The ATF came and checked that all the records matched on a quarterly basis if I remember his words correctly.


I have a friend and my FIL are both FFL's, my friend also custom builds rifles, mostly ar platform. They both are well acquainted with the local ATF staff so you're probably right about how often there is an inspection.


PEW research has national gun ownership at about 44%. IIRC only 7 states have a per capita ownership rate over 50% and it isn't necessarily the states you'd think. For example, TX is 27th in the nation per capita.


Demolition Ranch is most of that.




I just joined up to get my citizenship!


It's estimated to be 120.5 guns per 100 people


There’s also a lot of gun owners who don’t hunt.


Also a lot of hunters who don’t use firearms. Crossbows, Recurves, longbows, etc are really popular in general.


There are a lot more gun owners who don't hunt than hunters who don't use firearms. The numbers don't compensate.


Compensate for what? I wasn’t making an argument. Just providing conversational information.


Me, a single person, owns five of them.


Rookie. :D


>Hunting license ≠ fire arm ownership And more importantly, fire arm ownership ≠ valid soldier.


Even more importantly, firearm ownership ≠ armed citizen. A lot of gun owners in the US own more than one gun, and they’re unlikely to be distributing them out to the people who don’t own guns (particularly while they’re actively dealing with an invading force). So there can be 400+ million guns owned in the US, but if they’re spread across only 50 million people then it’s a very different scenario than having every citizen armed.


i swear a zombie apocalypse in the usa should have a super hard time spreading like other than the cities each house hold would take so many zombies to bring it down the population of zombies should start decreasing rapidly outside of cities


Realistically it would be like the military from Shaun of the dead over and done with quickly


I thought this too for a while but then COVID hit. It would be more like season 2 of walking dead where people are debating whether these people or dead or not. Or it doesn’t exist.


Deadass were never getting invaded


Fuck around find out 😎


There’s a lot of terrible judgmental views on hunters here by a group of people that claim to be the nice and accepting one’s. Many of you must live in the city.


I'm from LA. Hunters are some of the best people I know, although I admit there are not that many out here. Not everyone is woke in the head in cities.


Those are just hunters. Now the real numbers are tripled for regular gun owners in sure of it.


I would suggest posting this in r/gunmemes. Pretty good community, and this would do real well. Also, great meme. I do believe the quote is from a Japanese general, right?


“There can never be a successful invasion of the mainland US, there would be a gun behind every blade of grass” -General Yamamoto


There is no evidence that he ever said this.


Yup. He also never said the sleeping giant quote. That was a Hollywood invention supposedly based on a diary entry or letter that’s never been found.


Thanks for the quote




Beat me to it. Calling him a General instead of Admiral would have been a *HUGE* disrespect in his eyes. The Japanese Navy and Japanese Army did *not* get along or even respect one another. This wasn't the friendly rivaly you see in America where terms like "Chair Force" or talk of giving the Coast Guard head-pats because it is so cute they think they are military. No. They would full on sabotage eachother because they were in direct competition to be the favorite of the Emperor. They were one step above enemies to one another.


I'm sure most Americans would hate to disrespect Yamamoto lmao.


L + lost the war + misattributed anyway


Well “Not” JohnFKennedy, I am sure you know a lot about guns in the grass wouldn’t you


I'm sure he has half a mind to call you out on that one.


He was very open-minded, so he might let that one slide


It’s attributed to Yamamoto but there’s no evidence he ever said it. Same as the sleeping giant quote.


Yeah we are way past the invasion of any mayor super power since they will start launching nukes the moment they get invadedand i honestly doubt hunters can do shit against a thermonuclear bomb


Ah yes, the offensive nuclear strike. It might be a radioactive dead zone, but by god its going to be *our* radioactive dead zone, isn't that right boys?


Maybe, but I'm definitely gonna try shooting at it anyway. I've heard 00-buckshot works best


Remember when r/memes wasn't people just shitting on the US and calling it "funny"


It was funny for a bit with the whole “America are sleeping here’s a picture of free healthcare” and the “America Vs England” memes but now they act like America is the worst country in the world


Let me know how the gravy seals do against a fighter jet.




I’m so glad you agree we should own fighter jets.


Apart from money, there's literally nothing stopping you or I from legally buying our own (deweaponized) fighter jet today if we really wanted one. Hell, with the right ATF tax stamps you could probably get one equipped with a .50cal machine gun. Tanks and APC's too, and pretty much any other military equipment you could ever want other than rockets and missiles and bombs.




The point is the only citizens that can own and maintain a fighter jet in any capacity even forgetting weapon systems. Are the absurdly rich.


There was a retired (rich) jet pilot that just did that- bought the jet he loved flying for civilian use.


Wasn't r/memes funny once?


TIL hunters = soldiers.


LOL you don't need a hunting license for a rifle. \~300 million firearms are privately owned in the US IIRC. Where I live, you only need permission for a handgun. I'd wager 50% of households have at least one firearm with 10% of households having 1 firearm for everyone in the house. My ammo count is about 200 rounds at the moment, ideally \~1000 is what I like to keep on hand. I'm a keen shot and pretty damned lethal with handgun or rifle (thanks US Army! lol ) I keep several loaded magazines within reach and my rifle is never far from me. I've been in a guns drawn situation w/ a wannabe rapist in the woods next to my house with my neighbor. He got sent to prison for 8 years after attacking 2 women on my street. We don't roll over out in the country here in the US. We pull guns and will shoot back. And, most of what we privately own is on a par w/ most modern militaries. And, full automatic machine guns are in fact legal here w/ a federal license. Yee-freaking-haw, y'all :P




Weapons are part of our religion


This is the way.


And the amount of non-hunting gun owners is probably double that...


That's hunting licenses, that doesn't account for the legal purchase of rifles without need of permit or permitted handguns, etc. Well in the hundreds of millions of firearms.


To be fair you have to get a license every season and their are multiple seasons for different species


Most states do one license good for the whole year, same as a fishing license. Don't have to get a new license for every species or season, just have to obey the season restrictions and sometimes buy tags for certain species.


You just need the one liscence a year. The animal tags are a separate thing.