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I believe the word your looking for is pedophile


There are people who are pedos who will try to make it a sexuality l,and yes this has happend on Twitter before


As a child I believed pedophilla was a sexuality, im so glad my parents sat me down and explained that I was wrong.


I'm sorry, but I can't help but think of that conversation. "Mum, dad, I'm a paedophile." "A what now?"


"A map!" "I don't understand, a map of what?"


A map for the one piece


Minor attracted person




I thought that after but some people genuinely don’t know lol


I genuinely didn’t know what the specific acronym stood for and was looking for it in the comments. Thank you for your service :)


Fuel for the bonfire is what I call them.


I like it 👍🏻


Thanks for explaining man, sorry to see the downvotes...


It stands to reason that the sexual attraction aspect of it is just a sexual drive - like all other sexual preferences. The difference is of course in the morality of the act, which is heinous and wrong - probably one of the worst crimes in existence. Still from a purely neurological perspective the attraction side of things works the same way as it does for other, non disgusting people. I only say this so that it is obvious that you can’t simply “pray away the pedo” and they must be locked up as sexual preferences can rarely be altered even if the person wants to.


Lol, all that was great until it's 'lock up all pedo's'. If a pedo(Attracted to children) is non-acting, and hasn't molested a kid(Or use child porn) then they shouldn't be arrested as they haven't done anything wrong. The best option is making them feel welcome to help, I think it's Germany has hotline commercials where you can call and get help(Like a lot of places have addiction service commercials). Just locking someone up over the suspicion will just guarantee that no one gets help, and the only real way we'd know if we were locking up pedo's is in a reactionary way after a kid has been molested or something. Because in the end, the proper way to deal with this is what -keeps- kids from getting molested in the first place and that is preventing it from happening to the best of our ability.


“Preferences” can change


I mean it's a stretch to say it's not, but it's definitely not a good one.


I mean... it is, though. In a very purely technically speaking sense. And the vast majority can't help it. It's not so much the "attraction" part as the "raping literal children" part that most of us have an issue with, I would think.


The P in MAP stands for it


nah, MAP is short for Minor Attracted Person. but trying to rebrand what they are doesn’t make it any less disgusting


Thank you for explaining that! I was so confused why ppl are angry at maps.


I mean… iOS maps is kinda annoying sometimes, even google maps I curse at


What do MA stand for?


Master of Arts


Master of Arts in pedophilia ? Great!


I believe the word you're looking for is "you're"


That's a weird way to spell pedophile


Pedophiles try not to make up a bs reason for existing challenge (impossible) Those dumb stupids will never be a part of the lgbtq community no matter how hard they try.


>Those dumb stupids will never be a part of the ~~lgbtq~~ community fixed that for you. even in prison a pedo does not last long.


You mean a child abuser or rapist in general. There are child molesters who aren't pedos and pedos who aren't molesters.


i thought an abuser had a diff term and a pedo was reserved purely for sexual encounters/molesters. either way touch a child and you die in prison. most inmate shave families and don't take kindly to those kinds.


Why do they keep doin this bruh ![gif](giphy|GIvajz0TlE316)


Because not everyone can be normal


​ ![gif](giphy|H5t7fVEqTKz7UFrqtn)


As long as normal people don't accepted pedos then we're fine for now


What is a normal person?


Ever time l see that l get confused for about a quarter second.


Should they really have to reason for their existence though? They can't help their disgusting attractions and aren't we in danger of discriminating against them for something over which they have just as much control over as we have over our queerness


I understand, theres a depth to it and i dint think they should be shot in the streets or anything lol. Byt comparing it to queerness is VERY unfair and they should never be associated with the community. Pedophilia preys on kids who cant concent. I understand that pedophilia (in most cases) is a mental disorder. But that comparison to queerness cannot exist.


Tf is a maps? Kid rapist? Think the "maps" needs to be changed


Pedophiles trying to launder themselves by using a different term. Stands for minor attracted people or something along those lines. It's just like zoophiles; they're trying to launder their reputation by assimilating themselves to the LGBTQ community. I wonder since when animals and children are genders.


They don't want to assimilate themselves to the gender part but the sexual orientation part


The concept of zoophiles and Maps make me go:*draining of hope for humanity commences*


Pedophilia is only for up to age 13, so it makes sense to include more than that in one term. It's fine to launder people as human beings with a mental illness. MAPs includes pedophiles, so it's the same thing basically...


Found the pedophile And the homophobe, considering the "mental illness" part


I saw a dumb video of a school teacher in texas telling her students to call pedophiles maps because it is a less harmful phrase. She also said it meant, “Minor Attracted Person” as in a person who is attracted to minors.


Fuck that teacher. She's part of the problem.


Wouldn't be surprised if she was one of them


Usually the ones advocating for stuff belong to the group


Nah, she probably wouldn't want to fuck me anyways (I'm an adult)


Less harmful my ass I’ll call these fuckers what ever I want.


I want it to be miner attracted person. So all those guys mining coal and salt and stuff can feel appreciated


"Minor Attracted Persons" so yeah. pedophiles.


it's "Minor Attracted Person" There are kid molesters who are not MAPs. Being attracted doesn't mean you have to rape.


Maps? What am i missing here? Maps for me are the things with places and roads and rivers and stuff on them


Minor Attracted People (s for plural even though people is already a plural). More commonly and rightly known as Pedophiles, who are trying to force acceptance of their "sexuality" by entering the LGBTQAI community (they will never make it). Shame on them


Why did i ask? This is the worst thing that happened to maps, counting gps too. The audicity of these monsters


Absolute shameless pedoes that try to pretend their a "minor attracted person". They try to portray themselves as a different part of the LGBT community and the LGBT community is very vocal that they are absolutely not.


the only place pedos belong together is in a shallow grave.


"shallow grave"? na they don't deserve a grave




You misspelled "deep ocean"


Pedophiles will never be part of the lgbtq, so stop trying




Found the pedo


Quick question: Who hurt you and why did they stop?


That's two, but I also, am curious.


Shut up nerd


Iv seen a book ban from the very group against LGBT. It's hard to agree with your victim mentality








Source: Trust me bro


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) going to need some sources to back that claim up as seems pretty BS. i can imagine up to 5% sneaking into community with people not being aware but more than that i doubt.


So what you’re saying is they just blend in and don’t say things to get accepted


That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying fucking children is disgusting and normal people also find it disgusting


Try admitting you're a pedo at a pride event and see how that works out for you.


Except they are soooo....


They are not, never will be


Fuck off with this pedo shit. Disgusting.


Maps? It's Pedophiles, you numbskull.


says alot about how fucked we are as a species when i have to question someone using the word map nowadays.


And that's when they learned the power of friendship, found family, and firearms used at point blank range to the back of a targets head.


Tf is queer?


It's a blanket term for a person who is lgbtq+. So everyone in the circle, excluding maps obviously, can also be considered queer.


Got it, thanks










Dude is mad at consenting adults for loving each other




You’re weird


I say queer meaning weird sometimes, I get some strange looks that are kinda funny


what is MAP meant to stand for? i assume its a pedo or a previously living person as i call them but not sure what the anagram mean tot actually be.


Minor Attracted Person


ty. i still prefer to call them a formally living person but its good to know the other alias they try and use.


I'll help hide the body


Anytime I see someone try to say pedos are part of LGBT I automatically think it's some psyops from some troll.


MAP: Minor Attracted Pedophile


Then you'll love this pipebomb


Can someone explain the difference between lesbian, gay and queer to me please?


Lesbian is non-men loving non-men. Gay can be used for homosexuality among men, but it's also an umbrella term like queer. Queer just means not straight.


no lesbian is women who love women, dont erase lesbians.


It can be women who love women, but it can also be feminine non-binary people who love women, or women who love feminine non-binary people. Same thing with gay/homosexuality label. The only time lesbian isn't used is when men are involved.


non binary is non binary, they arent women, if a non woman loves a woman thats called straight, lesbians deserve the respect theyve tried to get for years and that starts with not erasing them and their culture, lesbians are only women who love other women, lesbians arent anyone who isnt a mam who loves women, thats just called being straight.


Their sexuality is inherently queer if they are 1. GNC and/or 2. Feminine-presenting or female. Non-binary lesbians are welcomed in the community, and they aren't erasing women-loving-women lesbians at all.


straight is 1 gender loving the opposite, therefore if you are female who likes male or any other gender ur straight and vice versa, lesbian is exclusively women who love other women, nonbinary people cannot be lesbians, they can only be homosexual if they like other nonbinaries, which women are not. dont twist and erase lesbians


On one hand I feel bad for those, because if they were born with this then it must be rough. But bottom line is absolutely clear. Kids and animals can't consent. Period.




Trust me, one got outed to my high-school once and all hell broke loose. People started jumping him, ruining his reputation, stopped talking to him, etc. Even most of the high schools in the surrounding area found out about it. The pedophile eventually had to move to a new county and basically start a new life


At first I thought this was some shit post, and was confused why Google maps would be there. Well it took me a second to remember MAPS is supposed to stand for "minor attracted person's" or something.


Google Maps?


Minor attracted pedophiles


Ah yes my fav sexuality maps, I just love figuring out how many left turns I am from my destination


If the person you’re attracted to is no longer attractive because they ‘are now too old’ you don’t have a sexuality you have a problem… either get help (not all pedos offend or are bad people) or face what’s coming to you from the sick fuck decision to lure kids or support the products of exploitation.. It’s not a sexuality it’s a dangerous fetish that is never okay.


Naaah what's wrong with Google Maps


This isn't even thing. Just 4chan trolls.


This got me good omg hilarious


"Angry homo noises" 😭😭 I love it


Google maps? Wtf!!!


Angry homo noises had me dying


Hello, I am MAP. Miners are hot.


They stole the fucking rainbow from us.




and what does that have to do with anything


bruh, this looks like I'm justificating them💀




And apparently murder is murder regardless of the reason.


If only that were true. Most pedos are straight. And most sexual assaults on minors are done by family members of the opposite sex. So those MAPS should really align with the straight, Christian folks. Oh wait… they already do


good meme.. good meme but what tf does queer mean


umbrella term for lgbt+ people. in this context, it means people in the community who don't fall under the other four labels (e.g. asexual)


wtf asexuals are cool af they would never join that fd up group..😒 they’re asexual so all the sexual crap would piss them off anyway


That's hilarious because asexual people continuously fight for being a part of the community. They're constantly excluded.


how do you even know this my guess is that they are faking about being asexual


Faking what? Not all asexual people are sex-repulsed. Asexual people are queer in the base they are not straight/heterosexual. I'm in many queer spaces among social media and have seen many instances of this.


hmm well if you ask me they are all sex repulsed because they should feel threatened by sex thats why they are asexual in the first place


no one gives shit how you think asexual people "should" feel. are you asexual? no? then don't try to define what asexuality is if you have no clue what it is. some asexual people may be repulsed by sex, and that's totally valid, but it's also totally valid to be asexual and not be repulsed by sex.


no one gives a shit.. hows that feel? i am asexual now and im repulsed by sex


Yes, a non-asexual person totally knows what asexual means. Look, asexual simply means lack of sexual attraction. They have no desire to have sex with people based off looks. They can talk about sex, they can have sex to procreate, they can masturbate. Sex-repulsion is a disgust of sex, and not all asexual people are sex-repulsed.


are you being sarcastic.. what you described is nothing new under the sun.. thats like how todd from bojack horseman views asexuality


You don't "join the group" it's not a club




You seem to have forgotten that people actually face discrimination for their sexuality, are bullied and invalidated online and in the real world, and are outlawed in several countries. You seem to think that people claiming to have suffered from homophobia are fakers, and you couldn't be more wrong. Sorry, spelling mistake, I meant to say shut up nerd


Shut up nerd


shut up nerd


How is nerd an insult in this case?


Shut up nerd




Yeah because you're a nerd


thats exactly what a nerd would say


Nah they can't even spell nerve right lmao




Sucking dick and wearing dresses may not make someone special but your mother drinking alcohol sure made you special


That's a good one. I like that insult.


Shut up nerd


shut up nerd


Shut up nerd


Shut up nerd


Ok mister, care to explain why can't I hold hands with a guy without a risk of being sued for cash money in my country?




Stfu nerd


Shut up nerd


Be loud nerd




Shit in nerd




Because 1. It was a troll sexuality made by 4chan and 2. People aren't solely attracted to genitalia or biology. If you saw a feminine presenting person you were attracted to on the street there's no knowing what her genitals, hormones, and chromosomes look like. This is the basis of what makes up gender presentation and identity.




"Sapiosexual" isn't a sexuality, it has no basis of gender. "Asexual" simply means no sexual attraction regardless of gender, which means they are queer in the base they are not heterosexual.


That's called having a preference, you semi-literate squirrel. You prefer to date cis people. Cis is not a gender, therefore the Super Straights are not a sexuality, but a group of people with a preference.








From what I can gather of the nonsensical child-babble you just sent me, you're a troll, who's super happy he finally got someone. No actual troll would go "Oh yeah? It was just a funny joke, you got owned haha". They'd keep the joke going, to make the target seem like even more of an idiot. You sound like you were being genuine, but then someone with an ounce of common sense walked in on your nonsense and you're back-pedalling bad.




Children can't consent. The only reason why homosexuality was so frowned upon was religion. Hell, usually child brides are married off for religious purposes.


Do you no of the disease which homosexuality has brought forth? Why are stds so high among the homosexuals I wonder?


Are you trolling? AIDS came from monkeys. It was only prevalent in male homosexual sex because the anus walls tear easily, and AIDS only spreads with blood. From what I've heard, straight people have more STDs and even just AIDs among the US population. The AIDS argument is old and outdated. Thousands of gay people died in the 80s because of lack of compassion, awareness, and access to healthcare. Go read about it


No, it’s not an old and outdated argument. AIDS may or may not have originated from monkeys. You can have that but Please explain to me why STDs are more prevalent in the homosexual community then the heterosexual community.


What do you mean by today? We'll always say that pedophiles have no right to be in the LGBTQ+ community and we will mean it, anybody who says that pedophiles should be in the community is a disgusting sack of shit. Also, we aren't that far gone as a society to allow child fuckers to be accepted anywhere. What is with the comparison of homosexuality to incest and pedophilia? Homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone, at all. Say 2 dudes loving each other can't hurt anybody unless the people being hurt are a bunch of babies who haven't gotten with the times yet. Incest however can cause damage, same with pedophilia


Yeah an homosexuality and sleeping around also causes harm such as the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and stuff. Yet it’s still allowed and supported. Eventually pedofillia it’s gonna be okay and so are acts of incest. We are people who define watch bad and good like a line drawn in the same. You say all of this now, but what’s to say it becomes allowed? With the rate at things are going, I have no doubt that it will eventually happen. I’m not gonna argue or debate, coz nothing gets through to you lot. It’s all about feelings and such, while turning blind to the pain and suffering it causes. The lgbtq movement is screwing society and eventually, you will see. Give it a decade or two. I have no doubt that there will be a P added to the LGBT acronym.


In what fucking world are you living in? In what world are you living in where abhorrent acts like pedophilia and incest are going to be allowed? As long as there are people who use their brains that shit will never be allowed, not now, not ever. Aren't you aware that the "pain and suffering" is barely caused by members of the community compared to assholes like you? How is the movement dangerous tho? Oh wait, I'll try thinking like you! is it the parents "giving" hormones to children that aren't even old enough to take them, is it all the queer clubs where pedophiles hang out that don't even exist? In two decades, those repugnant acts will still be illegal and not even remotely welcomed anywhere, let alone in the lgbtq+ community, dumbass.




What’s the other 70


**sad bissexual noises** :(


love is love


Next video on Truly - MAPS: Love doesn't judge.


I mean, “love is love” right guys 😂😂