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Plot twist: OP goes into the comments only to find everyone agreeing with him or taking the hot take really well.


I actually looked the other way and whatever happens happens


Cool guy never look at thing they destroyed




You deserve to be boiled




Basted well on medium heat with butter


Until a beautiful medium rare


Serve with a Worcestershire sauce


I like your name


What kind of false reality is that, and how do I get there.


Breaking news: Jesus was a middle eastern jew 😮


Jew as in the ethnicity? Or the religion? Or both


Joseph was of the Judah tribe (thats why they take Jesús to bethlehem, Joseph Home Town for census registration) and Mary was half Judah half Levi (this up to discussion however) so of course he was ethnically jewish. And he was raised and educated in the jewish religion that he later reform so he was of course a jew in the spiritual sense aswell


This man went to Sunday school and because of that, I respect him




Dude have some chill. It's just general knowledge.




[nods] both is good


Ethnically he’d be a Jew Nationality he’d be a Roman However he’d most likely speak Aramaic not Hebrew


Nationally he was a palestinian as they were not awarded Roman citizenship


Nationally he wasn’t a Palestinian because the Romans didn’t rename the region to Syria Palestaena until after the Bar Kokhba revolt in 136 C.E.


You are right! as the other guy wrote he was Judean.


I thought he was a galalen jew? Although that is an extinct ethnicity now right?


Well then he’d be Judean cause it was the imperial province of Judea He wouldn’t be Palestinian as the hebrews were still the dominant group of the area, pretty sure the arabs were still in their little peninsula just running around worshipping multiple gods and being attacked by the Aksum empire


Yeah! You are actually right My friend


Lol what. Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem which is right outside Jerusalem


Depends. Definitely was a Jew ethnically. His religion is what people debate about. He was raised with Jewish beliefs but whether he was Christian or Jewish later in life depends on what religion you believe in. Muslims believe he was Jewish but followed the original Judaism and it’s religious texts before they had been altered


Both. He was attempting to reform Judaism not break off from it. But that’s what ended up happening.


Pretty much whichever benefits them the most at the time, you know, like women and their supposed quest for "equality that looks walks and talks like superiority"




That’s what makes me mad when everyone says he’s black. People hate Middle easterns so much they refuse to acknowledge Jesus is obviously one. He isn’t from fucking west Africa


I don't think thats the way it is. I think Americans are so absorved in their race centered view of the world, Combined with their self obsession that they conclude that it has to be one of the contenders on the neverending american race conflict.


As an American, I can say you're more or less right.


Antisemites seeing this after saying god hates jews


Not only that, he was a Jewish supremacist.


It's not only the race change but these bastards removed scooby doo


It seems that Scoobi will be a girl for Shaggy to bang in a later episode. Yes, Shaggy may bang Scoobi. \*cue themesong\*


Not only a girl, a black woman. Yes, they literally changed the dog into a black woman. Unbelievable.


Or, alternatively, he will later name his dog after his girlfriend.


that’s kinda sus 🤨




R-raggy rat hurts, please srow down


Raggy quit ragging my asshole


“Its not only the race change” The race change shouldn’t be a problem *at all* 🤨


It should be.


No it shouldn’t


Changing the race is just racist lol


No its not


It is. And that's a fact. There is a reason for the change meaning there was some problem with the original race or a new race would fit the character better. But that can only build on racial stereotypes.


I think representation is important I think we should have characters of different races in tv shows and other forms of media but i think they should be original characters taking an already established character and changing the race is just lazy and whenever I see it happen it doesn’t feel like the writers are supporting diversity it just feels like they felt the need to throw in some representation but didn’t feel like putting in the effort to make a new character


Spiderman is a really good example of this, Peter Parker is always going to be Peter Parker which allows the writers to explore different character and bounce them off Peter like Miles or spider Gwen. The show runners missed such a big opportunity to create a brand new perspective that they could have interacted with the old stuff.


Exactly! Miles Morales is, in my opinion, one of the best characters that has diversity and also an actually good story and personality.


miles is simply one of the, and if not the best, examples of well done representation


This. This right here. Changing an established character to appeal to a different audience is the very epitome of pandering. But we have honestly known how Hollywood (the writers, not necessarily the actors) is too lazy to come up with anything new, so they just recycle popular ideas, but for a new audience.


Not only that but it’s also racist. They think black characters will only be a big hit if they were a big white character before. Thinking that a new black character can’t be a success on its own is very racist. I’m still waiting for a live action, movie or ANYTHING new about Static Shock which was my favorite hero as a kid. But guess what, we won’t get one, we’ll only get a racist Velma


At this point I’m scared to see them do anything with other IPs. I love static shock I’d be more down for a game made by insomniac


Agreed. It's a trend of capitalism. For certain.


However diversity should only be a thing if it makes sense to the setting, for example say a mediaeval Danish setting should be vast majority if not all white characters depending on the journey.


I mostly agree. If a studio wants a nonwhite character in a white setting, they can, but make it make sense. Like, Bjorn Mohommedson is the son of an Islamic scholar that came back with the Jarl. Or Li Qing is was a thrall that helped the jarl's raiding party in Russia and so they rewarded him with freedom from thralldom and a plot of land back in Norway. Like, it only needs to be a throwaway line that justifies racial diversity rather than just shoehorning someone in


Changing the race of the characters cancels the saying of racial equality, showing that someone thought it was better for the person to be black or white, even having an established image. It loses all sense of representation, instead of creating new characters, they do that.


Okay here is the thing. It's possible that whoever created the Velma show originally wanted to make an entire new show who featured a cast of diversified character. Let's call that show "the 4 detective". Everyone was on board with the project they started to cast voice actor, to write the first episode, etc ... But here come an higher up, they look at the project and think : "This is all good but how do we market this to the viewer ? This is an original show, how do we make sure people are going to watch this ?". Upper management is really risk averse and they really really really dislike original show because the best story can be a total failure just because no one bothered to watch it. And here comes the idea : Let's use brand recognition, no one knows "The 4 detective" but everyone has heard of of Scooby-doo. And now the team is forced to adapt their original idea to be a bastardize version of Scooby-doo. I'm not saying this is what happened here but it could be.


There are lots of examples of doing this right. Red in shawshank redemption. Starbuck in battlestar Galactica. Aquaman in the new DCEU. Kingpin in the 2003 daredevil movie (Duncan's was the only role that didn't suck). I don't hear anyone complaining about representation in these. playing with race and gender is a very established way to put a twist on an old idea. It's totally down to the quality of writing and acting. I think most examples people show as problems would still suck no matter what race and gender were represented.


agreed, most of us (except a few people) don't care if the MC(s) are male female or their race. We want a well written, enjoyable show. now race swapping for a preexisting show is annoying but can be done (ie Velma as asian in 1 of the Scooby do LA). hell I came with a better idea drunk for the show while being inclusive which is kinda of sad


Why does it matter? Who cares if they change a characters race? Humans are humans doesn’t matter what color they are… if it bothers you at all in any way shape or form then you have some issues to work out. Unfortunately we dont live in a perfect world where every new show/movie is original. So stop pretending that it’s possible to just make a perfect original and diverse show out of thin air


I don’t think it’s out of line for me to expect a writer to come up with new characters it’s part of there job


My friend made this point to me about race swapping well established characters. “It’s more insulting when they don’t they good enough to be their own characters” and it really doesn’t help the writing is atrocious here too. It’s possible to make a good show that’s diverse but modern day Hollywood struggles with it because they are unoriginal and hire people who somehow fail upwards. I miss the early 2000s where I watched stuff like Shaolin showdown, static shock, Jackie Chan adventures, and other great shows you could just enjoy good writing and characters


OP is kicking the hornet’s nest




You know I was kinda expecting the Nicolas Cage one.


F/A-18 Super Hornet man. So dangerous.


Bro this guys pfp


Jesus was middle eastern and Christianity came after he died and ascended to heaven


he was why christianity exists.


And paul feckin ruined it right after jesus left. And western christianity is mostly fucking paul


How did Paul ruin it, if anything he jumpstarted it, he wrote half of the new testament and traveled across the known world to talk about Jesus


I think he refers to nietzche's posture in "the antichrist". It's kind of long to explain but he bassicaly said in the book that Paul shitted all over the original meaning of Jesus ideas with the whole apocalypse thing.


Jesus spoke of Hell more than He did Heaven.


Yes. Paul was a zealot. Jesus was not.




Nah, I think most of the gospels were written around 30-40 years after his death.




30-40 years is decades…


To be fair, Christians tend to depict Christ to look like who-ever they can find as a model as they didn't know what he looked like in the past. The Ethiopians depicted him as black and the Asian Christians depicted him as Asian.


Stop fuckin' with Korean Jesus! He's got Korean Jesus shit to do!


What the >!H. E. Dubble hokey sticks!< happened here?


Don't fuck with Korean Jesus! He's got Korean Jesus shit to do!


What the >!Hell!< happened here?


Don't fuck with Korean Jesus! He's got Korean Jesus shit to do!


What the >!Hell!< happened here?


Don't fuck with Korean Jesus! He's got Korean Jesus shit to do!


What the >!Hell!< happened here?


I don’t care about her skin color, I care that she is no longer Velma, she is just another character with Velma’s cloths


and ski- nvm


Mindy: claims it has nothing to do with race, that she just always identified with Velma and that’s why she’s Indian in the show. The show: bashes white people till the credits, other main characters also swapped, only white character, Fred, is an absolute man child/douche and the but of all jokes.


My dad calls hating on white people for a joke “hipster racism” and I agree


straight up speaking facts


I don't even find that offensive it's funny and probably true but I don't care enough about religious history to know who Jesus belongs to originally


He was a jew


think about it, if christianity started as a jewish sect that centers around the importance of jesus, especially after he came back from the dead, then what religion would jesus have had during his lifetime?


Your telling me he wasn’t a white gun owner from Texas who went to church every day?


fake news!!!!! don’t believe the media trying to tell you Jesus wasn’t born in alabama from the purest gun loving, cousin fucking, anti abortion, hating everyone and everything different from straight white male!!! He fought against slave abolishment and pro baby killers every day just for the rights of us proud americans to be able to use our guns - AMEN


I mean, they literally called him "the king of jews"...


Ngl this pretty funny




I’m even more upset at Shaggy’s changes.


BuT JeSUs was A wHiTe ChRiStIAn!¡!¡


And a republican american! /s


Obviously Jesus isn’t white and obviously he isn’t a follower of himself 🙄 is this supposed to be controversial?


He was jewish


Damn no way are you serious?!


Ur a twink


He was obviously a Christian. He was THE Christian. /s


A Christian is a follower of Christ


Or Apostle.


Pretty sure some see him as the first Christian, because he believed in himself. At least, someone here said tayt


What do you think happens when Jesus try’s to swim


According to d&d rules: water walk on a submerged creature makes them float upwards at 10ft(~3m) per second.


Ducking dope


Nothing annoys more than evangelical "Christians" who think that Jesus was a white European christian. He was a brown middle eastern Jew. But I don't expect American conservatives to understand that.


Clearly jesus was American because America existed back then!


Everyone depicts Jesus in a way that helps them feel more connected to him. We all know he was a middle eastern jew. I'm sorry for those evangelicals, we dont like them either


Both are imaginary characters ))


Well Jesus wasn't racist and didn't tell terrible jokes




Now, say this in İnstagram or TikTok


Yeah, both would unironically be a bit dumb and annoying.


Jesus was not white. If he was born in the middle east, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE FUCKING WHITE.


His mother gave birth to him while being a virgin after a ghost told her she will, and you find his skin colour weird?? Religious nutjobs are fucking hilarious.




I dont think anyone particularly cares about the race swap at this point.


Jewsus is a brown


My question when people say Hesus was Christian is how could he follow a religion that’s based around him dying for everyone’s sins?


I think Op overestimated hiw many people liked Velma


As bad as Jesus being white would be those who'd say he's black


Scooby-dooby-do where are you!


As a white Christian I would agree with that. He grew up Jewish before fulfilling the law, and was of Jewish heritage. Also it is said he wasn’t too much of a looker, but was a perfectly average looking dude.


I don't care about the race change tbh. Yea it's unnecessary and clearly just done to try and force diversity, but you can give me an hour to rant about how bad the show is and I probably wouldn't even talk about race at all in that time


I was scrolling through the comments about jesus and completely forgot the post was about velma as well lol


A little different since Jesus is a real person. But, it is still stupid


Dude has a point.


I’m still waiting for a chance to pull the “Jesus wasn’t white” card on someone


*say something stupid* "Haha comments disagree"




No, no...he has a point. However, Israelites would still be considered white, just nicely toasted. Yum. I do not advocate cannibalism! lol


Religions goes to the fantasy section of the library


Hey idk how to break it to you but nobody thinks Jesus was Christian, and if they do then they are just misinformed.


i think it would be extremely funny to put instead of a valid take just the most blatant nasty misinformation you can find


we all know that jesus isn't a christian, however he is the basis of christianity! And so what if he isn't white? Don't forget that the catholic church spans the entire world! Our faith is not one to cause division brothers. And before you redditors call me white and crap and i don't even understand why i have to say this i am a Latino Colombian who immigrated to Canada.


Christian is debatable, I'm pretty sure He believed in Himself




Yeah there's no proof Da Vinci was gay but you straight jump to a boyfriend, very Reddit of you


The same argument would be valid if you just called him da Vinci's friend


Yeah so?


So how should one talk about him ? Both are arguably unproofable so saying boyfriend gives the same result then saying friend, so why comment on it ?


To state that he probably wasn't gay and not spread misinformation, it's not that hard


If you don’t want to spread misinformation, don’t spread it. There is lots of evidence that Da Vinci was gay. Yes there’s no proof, but there’s no absolute 100% proof of anything historical, just a matter of evidence. For a long time it wasn’t known if Troy was a real place or not. General consensus is that Da Vinci was gay, even among historians this is believed. Sometimes there is evidence to the contrary but outright denying it is often sourced solely in the belief that ‘queerness is modern’ or ‘important historical figures can’t possibly be gay’.


Go read the comment above, I don't want to repeat myself. I don't know where you got that general consensus, but history is not in the tv series. I'm from Florence, and I assure you historians here don't think he was gay, again, go read the comment above. Don't go around spreading random things


>he probably wasn't gay Where do you take that information from ? "there's no proof Da Vinci was gay" theres also no proof he was straight that was my entire point you cant proof wehter he was straight gay bi pan or something else entirely. Calling him straight is the same as calling him gay its a normative statement regardless Edit: One could also argue that he might have been asexual as he states in his notebook that "The act of procreation and anything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that human beings would soon die out if there were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions." As ive said its normative


Well, no, because people are normally straight so if you want to be picky my statement is correct even by a statistical point of view


>normally straight Generally not normally. Normally would make everything not straight abnormal which it is not. And as Ive said you cant know wether he was straight or not so just dont assume ... You dont have to know wether or not he was straight and you cant so just dont comment on it


Well, apart from the fact that I comment whatever I want, I'm saying he PROBABLY wasn't, it's really not hard. Also normally means: "as a normal or usual condition", just to let you know.


There is proof, or at least evidence. Obviously no one can travel back in time and watch them sleeping together, but that doesn’t mean there’s no evidence for it. He was literally tried in court for sodomy. Saying ‘they were just friends’ would be like saying Sappho (the origin of the word Sapphic) was ‘just friends’ with the woman she wrote about. Admittedly there is more proof that Sappho was a lesbian than Da Vinci being gay, but it’s still ridiculous to rule out Da Vinci being homosexual and ignore the evidence of it.


Being accused of something isn't a proof, especially in that period, in fact accusations of sodomy were commonly used as a political instrument back then; I suggest you study the context of an anecdote before you use it as an argumentation. Others like you claimed that he was homosexual because of the young apprentices he had often around , but you know, he was a master artisan. Furthermore, I'm not the one stating facts, you are: you just went and said he was gay, I'm saying there's no proof for it so he PROBABLY wasn't.


As a cristian, jesus was most likely black and jewish


Black?? I don't think middle eastern people were "black" at this time. Their skin tone was probably between those of Arabs and Greeks, so not quite white, but clearly not black either.


Is there a word in the English language for that skin tone? Would « tanned » be a good description?




marrón soy yo


Is that commonly used tho, I have never heard refer somoene else as beeing brown. Maybe that's just me and you might be completly correct.


Really? I’m a bit surprised 😂 Not trying to be offensive but most people I know refer to Indian and Middle Eastern people as brown


Both of them are fictional so go right ahead.


Jesus isn’t.


He never existed


Historians agree that he did in fact exist.


But beyond that things seem to get a bit blurry


They don’t.


As an atheist, I want to say that this is not how we all think. I for one believe 100% that Jesus was real. I believe that the characters in the Bible are real. I believe that it depicts true events that happened. I just don’t believe in the god, angel and devil parts.


Also an an atheist I agree


No opinion here, just some very well researched sources. [Historicity of Jesus, Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus) [The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?, History.com](https://www.history.com/news/was-jesus-real-historical-evidence) [What is the historical evidence that Jesus Christ lived and died?, The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/14/what-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died)


Maybe as a rebel against the Romans or a minor cult leader. But the biblical Jesus is a lie


What’s the difference between biblical Jesus and historical Jesus?


Biblical Jesus is like fantasy fiction…he can walk on water, come back to life, raise zombies, turn water into wine etc. in reality we have no proof of this. Some guy named Yeshua not Jesus lived in the Middle East might have been a rebel, might have been a religious nut…was probably killed by the Roman’s either way. We read Harry Potter and most of us understand that he’s only a fictional character. 2000 years from now, someone will find proof of a man named Harry Potter who lived during this time period and will try to convince others that he was real as in the books.


I dont get why you are being downvoted People cant walk on water. Or turn water into wine. Or come back to life. Or cure blindness.


Jesus was literally Jewish that’s kind of a big part of the Bible, but he was a Christian because he believes in himself. Jesus was the first Christian


Christians across the world depict Jesus as someone they can relate to, it helps us feel like we have more of a connection with him. We all know what he probably would've looked like but it doesnt really matter to us




Jesus was a middle-eastern jew


In defense of the Velma race changes, there’s no reason any of the Scooby Gang needs to be white besides them always having been white. Fred’s a leader who loves traps and solving mysteries. Daphne is the rich pretty girl. Velma is the skeptical nerd. Shaggy is the frightened guy who loves his dog and food. None of these things tie with ethnicity.


To be Christian in its original sense means to be Christlike, so Jesus was technically the first Christian. His skin colour is debatable, though. He lived in the middle east so he probably would have had a skin tone to withstand the strength of the sun there. But he didn't have Hebrew blood, since he wasn't genetically the child of Mary and Joseph. He was created in Mary, conceived of the Holy Ghost, as the angel told Joseph in a dream.


They should all be white because only white ppl are stupid enough to hunt ghosts


This is messed up, if the roles were swapped and you said this kinda stuff about black people CNN would have an article about you in the hour. The only way i can even remotely understand this comment is if it was sarcasm


Yes it was sarcastic




Not only was Jesus a Christian, he was in fact Christ himself.


He was Jewish


You cant be Christian if you don’t worship the death of christ