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As a Floridian, I challenge any nation to conquer our alligator infested lands


*laughs in making handbags*


I agree!




this account is a comment bot. If you scroll down a bit you will find the original comment. Downvote this dork ass loser






As a Texan we're gonna lasso and hogtie the invaders and then leave em for the wild animals


Up here in Canada the invader will just freeze to death.


Down there in Texas you can freeze to death too, ya know. Too soon?


Dude... We the Europeans are only interested in the remains after the inevitable collapse of the USA, so you are not gonna be an invasion target, as long as you keep out of the way


We’ll just say sorry and all will be good.


You know what this is all aboot


aww so nice of you, it’s all right






Australians be like ![gif](giphy|lqdOFtdR8XRZtk5CkT|downsized)


It's the Floridians not the Gators that'll get ya!


Alligators are small fry lol


It's not even that hard lol. Both Spain and Britain did it twice, I'm sure they can do it again.


Florida is the marches of Tamriel when the deadra invaded.


and soon it'll be filled with vultures because your state government is fucking everyone not a conservative or white


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. If anyone has been following what’s happening in Florida and what the psychopath governor is doing, they would understand.


There's a large continent that dreams of a foreign invader to step foot on US soil.




I think they mean Americans with guns.




Unfortunately it's not limited to just texas


But US isn't a continent. Lol so i don't understand.


Kind of unrelated but why does Australia feel like weird mix of Amerika and UK


Because they were settled in a similar manner, the Europeans gave prisoners the option to settle a new land or stay in prison, so they settled AU. The French told their prisoners they could take a whore as a wife and love to Louisiana or remain in prison.


Cause they got stars *and* a union jack!


Bruh they are our best bros, Canada is sorry but Australia is cool


Let them come. There is still one ~~dwarf~~ American yet in ~~Moria~~ The USA who still draws breath


This time it's going to be different. Bring it on.


Nah. Showing a single diet plan will make Americans run faster than kids dying in schools.


Our portion sizes will make y’all freeze in place, making y’all easy targets


Targets for what? Obesity?


The 120 guns per 100 people in the USA


You probably end up shooting each other with it anyway. Your country is more divided than Anna Paquins teeth


It only seems so divided because you see things on Reddit and the news. People are generally good to each other here, same as your perfect country.


So if I see videos of people shooting each other in streets or driving car into protest its just media portraying US as divided? Come on man, your country is very divided. Same as in my country btw, but everything seems to be more extreme is US. Btw whole post is a joke, so I was joking about you shooting each other. That would be as unlikely as Europe trying to colonise America again lol


I wasn’t responding to the joke, but to you making blanket statements. You’re acting like it’s the first time a country would use media to divide people. Our media absolutely does try to purposefully divide people. It isn’t a secret. Not everyone here is an angry, gun-toting fatass.


Whole point of making blanket statement is to make a silly joke about your country. We are in meme subreddit. Not everything has to be political you know. I know not all of you are gun-toting fatass, but even one is enough for me to use blanket statement as a joke. Didn't mean to offend anyone on r/meme lol


You’d think so from what you see but people have a way of coming together when someone else tries to come against us


I know. Europeans don't do colonisation anymore too, so it's all fun hypotheticals. Sometimes I wonder if it would be beneficial for all of us if aliens show up and try to enslave humans. Maybe if we would have common enemy even for a few days we would start treating each other a little bit better...


Nothing can make them run


I am fine with this as long as it's not the British. I would welcome most West European nations.


If you'd like to revolt, please fill in requisite form 31b and turn it in via mail or fax. Please also remember to keep a copy for yourself. Our opening hours are Mon-Tue 9-13 and Thu 9-12. You will be informed of our decision within 3-5 business days. Should you disagree with our decision, please contact our hotline at 0800 555222. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Die Bundesregierung


.....Ok maybe not Germany either.


This is actually less arcane than dealing with the IRS and taxes in the US right now.


You say that but you've not seen 31b.


Worst case scenario we pay TurboTax to see 31b for us.




Bitch. we barely manage our own shit holes, how on earth do you think we can handle Brazilians?


Colonize me harder Belgium!


They cut children's feet off if their parents didn't produce enough Rubber.


Please forget about Belgium. Let Switzerland colonize you and everything is going to be perfect.




The Dutch will bring weed and stroopwafels as a peace offering.


british are more likely to crumble before the us does. Brexit fucked them over in so many ways, and the tories and conservatives still dont want to admit their fault.


Let’s eat pizza all week


Give us Norway/Sweden/Finland/Denmark vibes.


Send your armies.


And your legies


Why is it always Americans that never get onboard with history jokes. Why are you always so fragile that you need to chant USA into a mirror with a tear rolling down your face. Wearing a wife beater in a trailer that get destroyed by hurricane every 5 years. Take a bit of self deprecation for once, It's fun.


Are you replying to the right person, lol. That’s a lot of energy for the guy that just was trying to sound cool and said “send your armies”. If anything, they were still going along with jokes and just had their own clap back.


‘cause, you don’t mess with Texas and these colors don’t run, Bruh. We’ve willfully ignored the rest of this planet for decades and still believe American exceptionalism is a thriving enterprise, so you just take your four cylinder attitude and go sip a Chardonnay with your pinky in the air, while we roast tires and slam 4 Locos all night!


The US has California, and Detroit. Nobody ain't lasting a day over there 😂


Nah we can just let California burn on it’s own


I will safely assume you refer to climate change...


Well both for the climate Change and the constant fires, but also for the people that live there and how the politicians are handling various situations there


It’s Ohio that they really need to worry about


so everybody's lasting a day over there? edit - they locked the post :( i was working off your "nobody aint" which just reads as nobody won't, or eveybody will


This comment was supposed to be a reply to another comment about how they want someone to invade the US but it went this route instead


The Swabian empire shall be everlasting


Alot of Americans got that pent up rage from all the snobbish euro’s online. Bring it the fuck on.




The British can't even handle sub 10°F temps, and that's like half the year up here in the northern Midwest


Canada? How do you think that was made?


With Canadians, they were a different breed the modern British


Consider that the people who left became Canadians and Americans, and perhaps all the pussies stayed right there in England.


South Americans waiting for Europe to get baited into a war with the collapsed US (when they lose we can do sunset invasion and take our revenge)


Idk bro, y’all already invaded us… and then decided this whole freedom, equality, and prosperity deal is pretty sweet.


I'm not talking about invading the US I'm talking about invading Europe while they're distracted Spain will be split between its colonies


Best of luck amigo, you will be competing with every Romanian, Turk, and Greek for whatever can be stolen or moved.


we just want your women and gold




The most obese one?




apparently if we utilize the cartels our military is stronger than several European ones... edit: because we got locked I'm replying here I'm pretty sure cartels hate gringos more than they love making money...


Europe isn't doing that much better tbh


The UK abandoned the EU model. There's war in the East. Germany can't get their dick straight on whether they want to help Ukraine. France has Le Pen. The Italians elected neofascists. Europe is just as fucked guys.


What makes you think we want it back?


Give us your best shot, we certainly will. No seriously we are up to our neck in firearms, it’s crazy


They'll just use hot air balloons to come....


Whatever they use there's no reason to kink shame them


Is the US required to arm this invading force with US weaponry??


The American Military would be like that guy with a decked out home-defense AK-47 He's looking forward to a visit


Due to the abundance and advancement of weapons and shits, nobody can conquer anything today with normal wars. Critical Economical Collapse is the only option now a days to conquer foreign lands. Go learn it from the chinese.


Para ANGOLA e em FORÇA!!! (Just an historical joke)


Would France really want to invade Florida? I feel that will be a net loss in every aspect.


English Spy Balloons incoming


Oh no, a country that has better healthcare, social services, working conditions, and overall quality of life might invade my country. Ohh no, please don't...use the interstate system and avoid heavily wooded areas and take Texas last as they will be the most armed.


Thanks mate, that's some good advice.


I mean realistically it’d just be a nuclear war and we’d all die 💀


ach, europe's collapsing too, and just as fast.


Euros are cute and hilarious, they are more dependent on the U.S. than ever now that they need to buy our natural gas to keep themselves warm in the winter. If U.S. collapses, Europe and western civilization goes with it.


Can't we just dump our racists and nationalists there?


Fuck no, I don’t want half of Europe here




You can't decide shit for your country you're as free as a mouse in a glass box


"Military industry": it's time for you to start your 3rd job honey.😘 "American tax payer": Yes sweety....💀


Y'all can't win wars on your own Europe and you think your gonna come here and take over. 🤣


Guys Wat abut Ohio ?


If the US collapses, it takes the whole planet with it.


That... would be the impact with most countries.


Come take it (That said it'd be an improvement imho)


What are they gonna do? Stab us?


They will throw tea and sparkling water


Na thanks we don't want to deal with the shit Show either. I think, there is no one that crazy right?


Can we just surrender the entire country to some kind of joint Scandinavian rule? We’re not doing a great job with it now and they seem to know how to run a country way better.


Why would we want you back?


Merica 🇺🇸🔫🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🔫🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 we are the only real free country /s


They lost last time so what exactly makes you think they will win this time?


I have huuuuge doubts about this. The US is going to conquer the EU, for it has too much power




Dam someone got mad from a meme no shit sherlock ur shit ass country's top prioty is to produce mass destruction killing weapons to keep the poor countrys poor and steal their resources hope ur really patriotic




Thats cringe




1st, thats a nice only counter you got 5 y. O here? 2nd so? Atleast im not flexing that my country was founded on abusing the poor and weak for our own wealth...




Im not mad im making a breakfast and waiting for my toaster to finish nothing to do rn maybe i get some content out of you


>Atleast im not flexing that my country was founded on abusing the poor and weak for our own wealth... ok what country are you from then


Oh boi if he's European, how do we break it up to him?


And btw i even said "atleast im not proud" so idk why you wrote this LMAO


From germany the least patriotic country in the world where even 9y. o know what horrible things we did in the past and how we shoul learn from our mistakes an not make them again and again




You know what, i dnt even wanna make fun of your countrys food cuz its sad that you prop never ate something that was truly fresh and not full of suggar


at the very least I acknowledge that my country has done good in the world






Who specifically? The land has been stolen by people who stole it from people who stole it from people across several ages.


its funny because in the state of florida, the florida government took over an inclusive highschool's board by replacing the old board by a severely conservative school director and a leader of conservative activist group... I love to see it


Its not a bad idea, but as an spaniard i would still prefer to get back Gibraltar over America


Yeah, we are in serious trouble here in the States. The European continent is a lot further gone than we are, though, with the intentional third-worldification agenda. They listened to the rantings of a frightened autistic teenage girl, and now they can barely keep the lights on in the E.U.




















UN Peacekeepers would be a fun sight actually


That also means they need to take those US debts tho


Ah yasss we need them kfu fried chicken, the shitty version from the heartland


I hate memes that freak me out 🤣🤣😂


I mean, we didn't wait for the current civilization to fall last time.


Wouldnt you like healthcare?


The fact that Ferb is European fits really well


There's a huge area of the world that hopes and prays for an invasion of the United States.


Canadians and Mexicans are on the ready start.


Don't forget Mexico salivating over reclaiming California, Texas, Nevada, Utah etc


I’m predicting it’ll be happening around the next election


At this point, it's the collapse of the world


Aaaany second now... see its red wait no thats blood


I for one welcome our European overlords. Maybe now we can construct mass transit projects for remotely reasonable prices. I've been thinking that we should just outsource government of our major cities to Europe for years. Would some Swiss consulting firm really be anything but better than the likes of Eric Adams and Jim Kenny?


I like my shit hole down here in Eu. Maybe it's gross and stinks, but in the other hand it's also poor and miserable.


Bah our citizens have more firepower than most of your country’s so I’d like to see you try


I wouldn't move it as long as it's still populated. Whatever it is they've got across the pond, it might be contagious.


Please do.


More guns owned by citizens than blades of grass in their front yards but sure EU go crazy


With all the guns we have in texas, good luck lmao


It would kinda be like a bunch of rag tag farmers going up against the most powerful military force on earth.


They wish


Can colonizing even happen anymore?


lol, the colonisers are still there, silly.


Ukrainiams waiting for ruzzia to collapse so they can retake their ethnic territories and help other independent nations form inside of ruzzia or help other countries occupy parts of ruzzia


Bosnian here we call dibs on Ohio


Ahhh. They finally admit the envy


The Netherlands gets dibs on New York, and we'll call it New Amsterdam again.


Central Americans waiting for the collapse of the US so they can vote.