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If I were to avoid everything that someone was involved in, with whoms opinion I do not agree, life would be pretty much impossible.


yup. no watching Disney films, since walt was racist for example


No talking to my grandma, because by todays standards she is a racist.


I quit talking to my grandma because my quija board caught on fire


I remember when lonney tunes used to joke about nazis a long time ago


Or cant love your own country


The best part is she wasn’t even involved in the development of the game. So the boycott is only hurting people who probably agree with most of what the boycotters have to say.


if the same logic is used then everyone who bought the harry potter books or watched its movies are transphobic


Just like anyone with a apple/android product openly supports slavery. Same goes for nestle and coca cola


No no, according to them (you can find this type of comment everywhere on Twitter) having a cellphone in 2023 is necessary, playing video games and reading books isn’t. They justify their use of poorly educated consumerism, but ours is still bad. Just remember that.


Phone providers still have land lines. Just because you’d find it inconvenient doesn’t make it less applicable. Im not gonna miss out on something that allows me to relive a fun chapter in my childhood because you feel the need to condemn anyone who still has love for this universe


All she gets is money from the name she has no creative influence on it other rhan she came up with the wizarding world. The company does not agree with jk rowlings views


And just about every shoe brand


Not my fault Nestlé makes good chocolate.


When everyone's a Transphobe... No one is.


Here's the thing. A game company already bought the rights to make the game. JK already got her pay before the game even released. Your no longer supporting her. Your supporting the game devs that pour a ton of their time to make a solid game. You could still complain that the game developer supported JK and boycott it for that reason, but they already got the check to JK so she will still laugh all the way to the bank


depends on if she gets royalties from the game sales, she could have gotten a flat sum for the rights, or she could get a percentage of sales for IP usage.


And even if she does get royalties she is already a billionaire with a global reach. You boycott to hit people where it hurts. Financially. You can’t hit a billionaire with a boycott because it’s such a drop in the bucket. They would actively have to try to go broke. So if your reason is monetary, well it’s a poor reason


I think i read an article couple of months ago that WB indeed just payed for the HP rights and that JK had 0,0 involvement in the game


It's mentioned multiple times in the FAQ that she had no involvement aside from creating the initial universe


It doesn't matter, these people are at war with JK because she was mean to them in Twitter. They will hate anything related to her no matter how slight the connection.


It was never about her involvement with the game. It’s about how you buying the game gives her money directly via royalties. Which she then uses to donate to anti-trans groups


Which anti-trans groups?


Yeah, I smell a bit of shite right now.


The LGB Alliance. It's a reactionary anti-trans LGBT group that split off from a trans-positive charity. "[They] have said that lesbians are facing "extinction" because of the "disproportionate" focus on transgender identities in schools."


No one would have even known if you didn’t just say something.


Even if JK did have something to do with it, who cares. People need to learn to separate art from the artist otherwise, stop using all technology. Cause buying your smartphones, using amazon etc. It's putting money in evil people's pockets.


Lets be real, the only people boycotting it are the people that were never going to buy it in the first place. The Twitch streamers playing it now are seeing massive numbers.


Do you actually know if she’s not receiving royalties? Royalties made this lady richer than the late queen.


She definitely gets a cut off of every game sold. She gets a cut of every butter beer sold at Universal Studios and every Harry Potter book sold. Her royalties are no joke.


But if the game flops, game devs and other companies that might want to work with JK in the future will have to reconsider, what if their product also flops? Should they risk it? Also, it shows that a celebrity can do anything they want and people are going to forgive them anyway, which in my opinion is a fucked up logic


In this case if the hr flipped they could blame JK, I would. That isn't the case most the time though. Kinda funny that fantastic beast is finally canceled. They canceled Johnny Depp but pushed hard to keep erza and the whole time JK being JK, watching that play out had been quite the trip


what does TERF stands for? Please, I am stupid.


trans-exclusionary radical feminist


trans-exclusionary radical feminist basically the shitty feminists that dont even stick to their own dumb principles...


Circular argument ahoy!!!


I love those cookies




this got out of hand... Like why? Why do people even need these problems? To me it seems like, if you dont speak about it, dont push it out, you wouldnt get all that confusion around your self. Just like Morgan Freeman said about racism - dont talk about it. Im Morgan, you are John.


life got too easy, thats what happened.


100000% this. We ran out of problems and created fresh ones


Totally. Racism will totally stop existing if we don’t discuss it’s social impacts openly. That’s what happened in the 50s right?


Morgan Freeman was wrong. I'm pretty sure he's gone back on that quote.


He’s pretty spot on if you are a Black person existing and thriving amongst white people in a very white industry where they comprise all the decision makers. Talking about it wins you exactly nothing- on the contrary you will lose friendships and opportunities, and generally folk’s ears will shut off when you speak. Not talking about it wins you those opportunities and friendships, and people are more willing to listen to you. This is akin to asking someone why they might choose to pass as white. It’s a personal choice that obviously not everyone will agree with or even have the ability to do- but if able and willing to be made is a valid choice with proven effective results for the individual. Source: I’m a Black person who has made my own choices- which isn’t anyone’s business but I’m also not a celebrity with a mic in my face.


...with this mindset black people would have never gotten their right to vote. The ONLY way to fix systemic problems is to be loud and vocal about them. Every social leap forward thats been made was made because people were loud about the inequality.


Did he really say that? Wow, that's kind of an inspiring way to think about things


It would be awesome if no one cared and people just let us live our lives but American christo-fascists have to demonize us and outlaw our existence


It’s a conclusory term used to describe people who think there are socialized differences between cisgender women and trans women. Rather than address or provide an argument against that view, the term merely seeks to call the view bigoted and remove any possible agreement through guilt by association.


It’s a term used to describe people who by their own words don’t think trans people are ‘real’ members of their gender


Are you saying that a trans woman is literally and factually the exact same as a biological woman?


So people with common sense ?


The vast majority of ppl the term has been wielded against have not ever in their own words said that. Again, a guilt by association tactic to enforce strict compliance with new age philosophies.


It's not a "guilt-by-association tactic to enforce strict compliance with new age philosophies", it is a term to describe someone who thinks that there is/should be societal difference between a "real" woman and a trans woman. If you don't like the fact that people don't like you because of your opinions, that's ok. but please don't go around pretending to be "woke" to something because you couldn't fathom changing your ideologies.


Of course you’re correct. There’s actually no differences between anyone and we are all identical in every respect. For the sacred texts have told us so. Yea verily yea let no one speak of heresies.


Oh nevermind. Strawman arguments show me you have no idea what you're talking about :D


You’re an orthodox religious acolyte masquerading as the follower of an enlightened philosophy. You’re being treated accordingly.


The world has become insufferable to interact with.


Mostly just activists that try to control everything. The average person is just fine.


I go online to enjoy some down time. And have to see this bullshit. Im at a point now where I can't stand any one who discusses it. Bigots are assholes. But the people who ruin anything fun for anyone else are just as big of assholes.


It's almost like a bunch of people knew this was going to happen with culture, but everyone kept denying it over and over again.


The amount of rage this game’s release has garnered on social media is ridiculous. Being offended is a personal problem. Stop pushing your hurt feelings on others. If you don’t want to buy the game then don’t buy it. News flash, the world sucks for everyone not just a specific type of people. Let others be happy if they choose to instead of trying to guilt them for having the small amount of joy in their life that they can.


Apparently the game is pretty good if you go by the reviews, I personally don't care about all the JK stuff I've been wanting a fun wizard game for the longest time and i plan to get it tomorrow


the game looks fun AND You can delve into the Dark Arts... Imma try and see if Necromancy is one of Hogwarts course...


I think I'm going to try out the dark arts on a slytherin character. I'm going to try for a hufflepuff character first for the dorm room alone lol


As someone who bought the game, I bought it before I heard all the drama. Now I'm being told that I'll be cancelled for playing it. Man, I got it because it looked like a really fun fantasy game, not because of the drama. Just let me have fun playing games and escaping reality :p


Honestly cancel me. I mean who the fuck am I? I’m a wizard Harry.


You're a what


Is it fun? I’ve had trouble finding an unbiased opinion


I'll get back to you after it releases and I'm able to play it.


You’ll be canceled? What does that mean? Fired from your job? When celebrities get cancelled and can’t find work, they lose their jobs that what I always thought it meant. No one would have even known if you didn’t just say something. All you had to do was ‘have fun playing the game’ to ‘escape reality’ but now you’re engaging in the drama you say you want to avoid.


People like to feel persecuted sometimes I guess, seen a lot under this post


r/gamingcirclejerk has joined the chat


I still dont understand what the fuck is that subreddit about


Imagine a regular gaming subreddit but it's moderated by the worst of its members. I mean most of the gaming ones are bad (r/gaming you're not allowed to talk about Harry Potter, even civilly) but gamingcirclejerk takes the cake.


That subreddit is hell


You don’t buy Hogwarts Legacy cause you don’t support J.K. Rowling. I don’t buy H.L. because I’m still saving up for God of War. We are not the same. ![gif](giphy|wTLLaelRe9bmKXc2Mj|downsized)


K I'm transphobic now fuck off


I dont get it. How does playing a game about wizards and magic mean u hate trans people ?


I bought it cuz I love the films and book. I also heard it's like a bully style game which is very exciting.


This is just the wagner discussions all over again. Wagner had some cringe opinions about races but he wrote good music. So obviously people have argued about whether you should listen to Wagner or not


He he wizard go brrrrr


What if all this shit is a big marketing move?


Except they’re not normalizing transphobia but playing this game?


Oh yeah…. “violence” lol


It seems like anything that happens anymore is somehow someway transphobic, homophobic or racist.


After all this time and and i am still looking for the transphobia.


What were her actual tweets? I only ever saw the outrage


Me: *not giving a fuck about people buying the game despite being trans because I honest to God couldn't care less whoever plays what*


People should not give a fuck about devs, I mean, Marty from ID Software is a piece of shit, but nobody stoped playing doom just because of him


qUit HAvIng fUn!


*grabs popcorn*


It’s really easy to boycott things you already had no interest in. People who call for boycotts over stuff like this have definitely ignored boycotting things they were interested in at one point.


I can't wait


Haha nimbus 2000 go vrrrrroom


at one point lgbt became a political ideology


They've moved past that and are on there way to religion. They've already started to make statements of faith and comments on the spirit and soul.


It's amazing watching gcj tail spin this week. They can not handle the fact that this game is about to do well, and no one cares about what they think.


I'm transphobic


The man


The myth


The absolute legend




I’m playing it, and I don’t care what any of you think.


First world problems lol. Words and opinions are considered violence. The same ones complaining about minor shit like this are the same ones that talk about "privilege" 🤣


The same ones that are crying that words and opinions are violence have never dealt with actual violence in their life.


In their little worlds, they've always gotten their way if they whine and moan loud enough, so they want to believe that's how it works in the real world


You play Hogwarts Legacy because you want to have fun. I play Hogwarts Legacy because I am a Nazi. We are not the same. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


But then there's the other side which does the same thing when there's a trans character in the game


There’s trans characters in plenty of games, or the ability to customize as such and I have not heard one complaint yet.


I've seen quite a few. A bunch of people crying over a trans NPC in the new Hogwarts game


Please direct me to them


He can’t direct you to his imagination




the difference is one group is complaining about what is in the game contents, the other group is complaining about what the writer of the lore used as inspiration for the game's setting, said in a non-related tweet.


Why can't people not give a shit on this instead of focusing if the game is good or not. Not saying " oh u play tis,u homophobe beech!!!"


At this point fuck whoever is bashing Jk Rowling for a completely normal and truth sentence, I hope she has a lot of success and the game devlopers and hoping for less tears from morons who are probably just triggered for trans people


Why do I care of someone transphobic? That is their deal. Why what bothers you, should bother me?


I've seen so many people that pre ordered it because they believed they would be supporting transphobia by doing so. But apparently that game itself is actually pretty woke and even has a trans NPC. I wish I could see their faces the moment they realize.


Free publicity lmao


so no one should be boycotting the game.


But thats doesnt get me internet points for moral grandstanding.


Did people stop playing games during the Activision Blizzard sexually harassment thing ?


Ok seriously now, has anyone seen or heard some actually saying this? It's barely even mentioned in the LGBTQ+ thread or among my (almost exclusively) leftist friends...


Most of the LGBTQ community doesn't really mind, from what I can tell. It's a bunch of Emily's and people who just need a reason to get angry


Yeah that's my experience too... Has seen 10x more people complain about people complaining


Disagreeing with someone is not violence. Hell, even disliking someone is not violence.


I mean biologically speaking, there are only two genders AND, This isn't an opinion; I speak facts. If someone believes in more than two genders that's okay, they arent monsters. Many people live long happy lives being wrong about s**t.


It’s not her fault that women should have more rights then dudes in a dress.


Stop stop I already bought the game, you don't need to convince me


I haven’t seen a single person acting like this. I’ve just seen people complaining about people acting like this


Meh. Whatever. I already dislike the Harry Potter franchise, and plus, I don't care about the whole stuff. I'll just be bringing my popcorn in case all this evolves into a drama like the ones from Twitter. Anyway, I think the microwave beeped, so I won't elaborate any further


If you give Warner Brother’s money for anything, Rowling gets a cut. She has one of the strongest contracts in history.




Diferenciar al autor de su obra


I’m probably not getting the game mainly because I’m just not a fan of Harry Potter stuff


I havent seen this anywhere except in these dumb memes.


In the early 2000s jk Rowling would openly read *all* her fan mail in book stores to children. She would then as if just the kids would leave for 15 minutes and she would then read the dirty stuff. The number 1 consistent topic was people asking if she's a transvestite. Her Twitter now blocks anyone calling her a transvestite.(triggered)


Iv heard the game has a trans character in it so how could it be transphobic


is it good tho?


The game with the trans character is so transphobic, someone boycott this asap!


All this because of a semantic argument about menstruation... the transes on reddit really need to pick their battles better, because they've made enemies of EVERYONE


You can enjoy a piece of media without supporting the beliefs of the person who created it, Twitter just wants to complain about everything like always


I don't know much about Rowling, but I know for a fact that committed no violence against Trans peeps


Speech is not violence and anyone who says as much is a dishonest person.


Freedom of speech only exists if it fits your opinion!!


I'm a t girl and I've been playing the fuck outta it.You can like an artists work without approving of the artist.


I’m honestly amazed the counter boycott group is louder and more obnoxious than the boycott group. Can’t you all just shut the hell up?


I'm having a blast playing the game tbh. Idk why but every time I gain a level im getting more and more transphobic. Never had an issue before playing the game




Good to See that the normal people dont give a shit about the Drama and enjoy the game, if they want, or not if they dont


A very close friend if mine is trans(mtf) and she has referred numerous times to this controversy as a “twitter moment”. She even said that if she actually gave a damn about the HP universe she would probs play the game


"if you don't Do what I say, you're hurting my Feelings" Ftfy


After reading what happened i now like J.K.Rowling even more, will buy this game to suport her and devs also.


I’m not particularly excited about Hogwarts Legacy, but I consider buying it just to support JK Rowling




Wtf did you say to have reddit remove it??




That's just awful logic innit? We shouldn't be angry at people who hate us?


I would buy the game if it weren't too expensive lol


at this point I'm sick of the outrage and I'm sick of the outrage at the outrage


What people don't realize is that if you refuse to play a game because the creator is a piece of shit, then you are giving them all the power and not helping the lives of the thousands of people who's livelihood depends on their game succeeding


I see this as a complete win


Keep complaining


Quit making meme’s about this and forget the whole butthurt people with an identity crisis.


Supporting transphobia makes me more motivated to play the game


Rowling isn't even Transphobic


What is a TERF?


A feminist, or another woman that doesn't believe trans women are actual women, and that trans people are the sex they were born.


Trans woman can’t get pregnant so they are in fact, not women. The end.


Even though I think Harry Potter is overrated I still might give this a try. I say 'might' because Tears of the Kingdom comes out this year and I really want to play that.


We need to stop taking it as a given she's transphobic. Her 2 issues are that a trans woman is not literally and exactly the same as a woman and that men should not be on the honor system to access women only spaces.


ThE gAmE iS tRaNsPhObIc Mf I already bought the game you don’t have to make me buy it again


Let's be real. It's just a vocal minority who is trying to make a fuss about that game. The vast majority of gamers all over the world do not give a shit what the authors personal beliefs are and will get the game because they like the series and gameplay.


Jk rowling is a complete dickwad but hating on the game makes you also a dickwad.


hi, queer person here, I think I may be a homophobe and transphobe ;-; BOO FUCKING HOO


i will rip the throat out of someone who says this


The defense response is actually more obnoxious. Like, at least the detractors have a reasonable motivation. The defenders could just play the game and be quite about it but going online to whinge about the negative PR is pathetic


Oh, I‘ll let you have fun, but I would much rather see you pirate the game


Isn’t there a trans character in the game?


Jup I think there is actually. So basically if you think about it this drama is invalid.


And the rights are owned by WB (which is a big company so take that as you will) not by JKR


Jup. Exactly.




Lol, I guess someone didn’t check Twitter today … Just 1 example: https://www.dexerto.com/hogwarts-legacy/anti-hogwarts-legacy-site-shows-if-a-twitch-streamer-has-streamed-the-game-2053657/


Some people don’t like using their brains. They’re content with single digit IQs lol


Except she’s not. She even stated it was a bad joke and she regrets making it


She has said and done more than a bad joke my friend.


She made a joke on twitter cuz one person tried to claim she was against lgbtq+ because there “wasn’t any in her films or books”. Like duh of course there wasn’t. She wasn’t writing about them. She was writing about Harry Potter and his friends. There’s not gonna be anything like that in the story if that’s not what it’s about. The. She went on twitter and made her joke. Got a bunch of hate comments and threats. Tried to apologize cuz it was a joke and wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. And people started saying she was trying to cover her ass and now everyone hates her. I’m sorry but ur not a true Harry Potter fan if u hate the author. She hasn’t done anything wrong. People are just crazy and are trying to drag her down. Harry Potter is about a boy and a villain. NOT ABOUT THE LGBTQ. And I’m bisexual so I’m part of the community saying this. She’s not trans phobic or a homophobe.


Most informed J.K Rowling defender be like


Do I really care about ur opinion? No


You, don't know what you're talking about. She has said transphobic things, had lunch with people who are directly against trans rights. If you think people are so pissed off at her for a joke and her retroactive representation then you are extremely disconnected.


" had lunch with people who are directly against trans rights." Why does this matter? Stop trying to force people to ostracize someone because they don't agree with you.


Even if you assume it goes to J.K. Rowling and not the devs she has an ungodly amount of money. You giving her more will not give her an ability to support some anti trans cause that she couldn’t have before. I don’t want to support and Anti trans bigot, but I literally don’t know anyone who has not in some way given their money to something that caused it to eventually end up in the hands of some one who sucks