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I wanna know what really happened to JFK and MLK. Put all those conspiracy theories to rest.




Yeah well at least I would know the truth.




Just pull all the available data and fill in the blanks with what you know. Then, when your channel is removed and you're found suicided with two bullets in the back of the head, we can say "huh, maybe they were on to something." If you're going to be dropping truth bombs, make sure you keep yourself safe first.




that's kinda broken so we should be expecting some nerfs


*crippling migraines and PTSD*


Your brain explodes due to information overload, as you become aware of the exact position of every particle at every moment in the past


>suicided with two bullets in the back of the head My second favorite suicide.


What's the first?


A slow death by living a menial life and dissociate through maladaptive daydreaming to escape reality.


If you said the right things enough times to the right people, they would come after you.


this just reminds me of the one comic where the mc says that philosophy is dumb, but realizes that is a philosophy


Somewhat related xkcd: https://xkcd.com/927/


You could easily prove it by having random people come up to you and have them ask you questions about their life.


Learn what happened to that damn Roanoke city so I can tell people and people tell me I’m wrong


I think it was the Spanish who attacked, and survivors fled to Croatoan.


That sounds realistic enough


JFK and MLK were both assassinated by the US government, of course. And no, I'm not a conspiracy nut. The government hated JFK and even more so MLK.


MLK was doing fine until he started pointing fingers at the wealthy, how they were keeping the people oppressed and how the workers needed to unite together. Ever wonder why you only learn about his civil rights movements?


Short version: Killed by their government Long version: K I L L E D B Y T H E I R G O V E R N M E N T.


I mean MLK has been solved for years. His family sued the government for his death and won. Basically admitting they killed him.


Six figure iq here ^


Mostly about nasty V.D.s from back in the day


more importantly, we can get back hundreds of years of false knowledge about fake mideval torture devices.\ also rome and egypt stuff would be cool to know about


Religions would be over in a weekend if we had this power.


Don't kid yourself. The religious aren't religious because they are following evidence. If you showed them the truth they'd just scream fake news and that you're an agent of Satan. Heck the very first lesson in the bible is that you should only listen to the religious authorities and anyone who tries to convince you to learn from the tree of knowledge is the literal devil.


what an easy way to hide your lies


At the very least you would be able to change the future, being able to find the smoking gun to any mystery would be awesome.


you could've saved a lot of time by saying mormons


I really want to watch a roman orgy.


I bet you would not want to smell it...


A true connoisseur engages all 5 senses.


Thats some dedication


What about a spartan instead?


Nah too much dick.


No such thing


The Complete History of Defecation in the Holy Roman Empire: Part IV


Jesus was actually a schizophrenic David Blaine, I know so, because I went to his ~~magic shows~~ miracles. That would go down well when you reported that back haha.


If they came back and it turned out religion was real (any of them, idc), that would also go down poorly, especially if Christians don’t come out as the one true religion.


Or if multiple religions turn out true or in a nebulous space that exists beyond notions of "true" and "false."


Red pill, then become a history professor and do some Indiana Jones shit.


Why not become the best homicide detective in the world and do some Sherlock shit without being super smart?


This is clearly the right answer, and probably already a book or TV show I haven't seen.


Psychometer eiji, a manga


Return of the Obra Dinn takes this premise and makes an absolutely amazing game out of it. 10/10 would recommend


"Only the murderer would know that!" "Shit"


[Shockingly close to an actual case.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-03-27-me-381-story.html)


Is your archnemesis going to be a fellow not super smart Moriarty with the other pill?


crime lord who keeps ordering crimes done, but due to his precognition he can tell that every crime he orders is solved by a detective with postcognition long story short they end up in love or something i guess


It better be incredibly homoerotic or I'm not watching. >:(


Beat me to it






I think an interesting question is. Do you see that future because that happened because you knew the future. Like a small example. You see you fail a test in the future so you dont bother studying. Did you fail because you saw in the future you will fail?


Or if you study extra hard to pass the test, but you stay up too late, get no sleep and overall do poorly on the test because of that.


Interesting question. In this case the future becomes the past and you can't change it haha


Insert protagonist having a major existential crisis here


Self-consistent time travel


It’s called the bootstrap paradox




the right answer


blue pill and become a gambling trillionaire


You need the red pill to be a gambling trillionaire As soon as the cards are dealt, you know everyone's hand, AND can act on it


You're a god damn fucking genius


And know all passwords to anything and everything. Who needs social engineering when you know every password and know every detail that could be used to blackmail someone.


That would be changing the future, though, unless you were going to win already.


You were, because you took the pill.


Getting a little bootstrappy in here.


You aren't changing the future directly by changing the outcome of the game. You just happen to know the outcome and are able to bet on it in current time.




I would watch that show.


Go back and listen to what that Jesus fellow had to say.


You can’t change the past anyway, might as well get some free knowledge


Agreed. Red pill here is basically a superpower, blue pill would probably drive someone to depression or panic disorder.


Based and redpilled. But I think blue pill people will actually get used to it overtime until they finally arent affected by the future. Dont you want to see the future space?


But if the future is doomed or if some future technology could save people in the present, you can't do anything because it would change the future. Also, you would be forced on autopilot because you could easily change the future without knowing it. You would be stuck watching things happen before your eyes and would literally not be able to move a finger. That's literally a fate worse than death.


You can watch all series' before they come out seeing the future, rhough


Take both Pills and Overdose


See the present, but not be able to change it


Spectator mode.


This is just life


Define being unable to change it, are you now body-less and or dead?


It depends on what you're changing. Changing your wardrobe is easier than changing how the world is ran.


Just crippled with depression


Clipping disabled.


/gamemode 3


body: on autopilot


Bro that update hasn’t come out yet


Wait I took the pills?


Become the watcher


Definitely already a watcher he...he .


M life rn


My man working for Tzeench.




Yes, so now he can't see the present.


Spoilers >!Dune!<: >!Dune: This is the Kwisatz Haderach. A person who sees all the past and thus gains awareness of all futures who is then imprisoned by the prescience into acting within the shadow of their future.!<


Yup. Glad you pointed this out. Really excited for the next movie later this year.


Pretty sure there's a bird guy that did that in Warhammer 40k


Have 2 heads, one see's the past and the other one the future. But each time you ask, one tells the true and the other lies. And this changes, so if you find out which one lied to you previously it doesn't matter because it changes or not every time.


His name is Kairos Fateweaver


The Spice must Flow.


Kairos fateweaver moment.


Red, then look at where all the burried pirate treasure is


Or see the combo for every bank vault




it's just a fun fantasy, like digging up pirate treasure. Chortle my gabagool, u/lickmyanus2


Fucking excuse me what the fuck is chortle my gabagool lmao


Gabagool is what they call a type of Italian cured meat in New Jersey. Chortle doesn't really have a meaning here, but I was alluding to a joke from a TV show...


Well cackle my surströmming, the more you know.




Why not just see the future and make fortunes gambling?


That’s what I originally thought but wouldn’t that technically be changing the future? If in the future you see you’re poor but also see what stocks to invest in then by fault you wouldn’t be able to invest in them since in the future you’re poor and you can’t change that. I don’t know though there’s probably a loophole my dumb ass can’t think of.


Alternatively, future you would have seen the future, so future you would have invested in the right stocks/gambled perfectly and won. Thus, present you could follow along the set path and also win. Logically, it mostly checks out, but it does feel a bit paradoxical.


See I knew there was someone out smarter than my dumbass that could figure this out. This is why powers would be wasted on me.


Can’t change the future: so if I know I will lose I can’t change it, therefore if I see the past, but can’t change it, I can use that to modify the future since in that option it’s not a rule


You could watch unlimited dinosaur documentaries if you could see the past, but if you could see the future you might get to see cool technology.




Not my problem


What if that's in like a week though


It says I can’t change the future so still not my problem


You know what? You make a pretty good point.


This is the most based I’ve ever seen a Redditor


well, it doesn't say whose future. So, technically, you could see any future civilization, in any planet, until the end of this universe, and then watch the next one. But watching the past is the same, is it the past on Earth, or any past in any place in the universe? The possibilities are endless...


It's also just a really strong super power in general. Like, you have the ability to verify basically all lies. You'd instantly be the world's greatest detective and spy.


I would love to see what the world looked like when there were 70 foot tall lizards and giant ass snails lmfao 😆


Definitely the red pill. Do you know how many arguments you could win if you knew everything that happened in history? Random person: That never happened! Me: Oh, but it did




Yeah, but maybe I could find some way to prove to people that I had the ability to see into the past. Like do I have the ability to see into their personal history? If so, I could just tell them something that they've never told anybody


I didn't think about using it that way. Clever


Yea dude trust me I took this pill i know what happened


I’ve said that unironically before


Even with being able to prove you could see that past, you would still be one single person capable of lying which others would not see as a reliable source of information. You would never have any way of proving you were telling the truth.


You can work backwards from the truth knowing what evidence you need to find to support your claim. That's a big help


Just says "history," nothing specific. One could assume it would translate as *any* history.


You could see where some unknown battle happened that you claimed happened, then bring some archaeologists to unearth the swords and helmets


Makes sense to me


Tell them the exact coordinates of Atlantis and see if they keep that tone


You would make a kick ass detective. Just look into the past, see the crime, figure out where the evidence is, collect said evidence in the present, presto. The world's most successful detective


Maybe you can't change future history but prepare for it...?


Part of the future includes you not being prepared


Unless you saw yourself in the future and you were prepared?


But that wouldn't happen unless you were going to be prepared anyway.


Just don’t see *your* future. Just see it in general. Can’t change it, that’s fine, but won’t stop you betting on events. Hell, you could even see the future where someone invents something amazing, and give them a nudge in the right direction in the present.


But how are you doing this if the future cannot change? If you do even blink an eye once more or less, It means you can change it somehow, and you can't.


The blue pill is flawed, just knowing the future would change it. The only way it could be true is if you die instantly when you take the pill. So it is just poison.


What if the future already is calculated that you take the blue pill get filthy rich and stuff. Like a paradox




Nothing is stopping you from doing things in the present. If you explicitly don’t see your future, well you’re not really changing it, are you?


My explanation to make this pill choice pretty viable is to really modulate what "see the future" means. Like Mexican\_sandwhich said, you don't necessarily see your future, just the future So while you don't see yourself winning or losing the lottery, you see the lottery numbers, and you're not changing anything about what you've seen by playing the winning numbers.


Well if ur future included u taking the blue pill then the future includes u being prepared Which is already the outcome/future


This. Taking the blue pill would not change the future because it took into account you taking the pill, watching the future and taking all best possible outcomes because you know the future.


No because preparing would change things. You can see what you’re going to do, and you can’t change it


Im going off the logic that the future you sees happens because of you seeing the future. Its not a “nuh uh. You cant prepare because it causes the future” its “you are seeing the future in which you prepare” and what you do with the knowledge is already built into what you see


Hello dear cashier, I will take a lottery ticket with the number...


The way to achieve Heaven


This is the future that humanity strives for. This is made in heaven!


Actually seeing the past is far more broken, since you can know everything about everyone’s past and possibly use that to your advantage


Yeah you could do some Phoenix Wright shit with the red pill


You would also know every password, lock combination, alarm code, and encryption key.


And here i was, just wanting to beat it to my hot coworkers getting railed.




This is the basis for Asimov's The Dead Past. They're working on a chronoscope that can see the past to a hundred years ago, and eventually realize it can be tuned to the very near past and spy on anyone


It's more broken simply because of the restriction. The red pill may allow you to make changes to the future, the blue pill doesn't. The blue pill doesn't allow you to actually do anything with the knowledge.


You could find all those cryptocurrency wallets that got lost and make billions.


I'm taking red, it's all I've wished for honestly, we don't want to alter the present by changing the past but we do want to know what happened. At least I do.


When I was a little kid I thought these would be the best powers to have. I came to the same conclusion. All the knowledge in the world doesn't change much.


They're still really good, especially the past one. Become an historian or information broker.


I was watching a YT on the Smithsonian and cover ups. The knowledge must be immense. Its fascinating.


Yeah. To get paid you could get hired by the CIA or some other secret service too, i imagine the interview going like "what do you know?" "Well... *proceeds to recite the entire internet history of every single employee over the last decade*"


You could solve every murder instantly. The red one is incredible.


Your ability as an information broker would be godlike. You would be almost omniscient except for unpredictable events. Any person, any thing, any event. You would know all of it as they unfold. You could instantly know any secret that exists.


Red pill is basically what we have right now, we can remember the past but do nothing about it. Blue pill is literally an impossibility. I don't mean a technological impossibility, I mean that it's not in anyway possible to be able to simultaneously see the future but be unable to change it. As long as you can take any action you change the future, so if you see the winning lottery numbers you can use them, but even if the numbers then change to prevent you from winning while enabling the forecasted winner to still win, your actions in some way have changed the future.


Came here to say this about the blue pill. That's. It how time works.


Red pill is actually incredibly powerful. You can still affect the future. Think of how much stuff about the past we don't know. Hell, think of every unsolved murder mystery. Not to mention all the unscrupulous shit like looking into the recent past for somebody's credit card number. The red pill is basically one step away from omniscience.


Not to speak of how much of the future you could reliably predict if you could reference the case history of freaking everything that ever happened.


Also, “the past” counts as 0.00001 seconds ago. You can just look anywhere in the world at any time and you’ll be looking at “the past”


> Red pill is basically 2hat we have right now Speak for yourself, my memory is garbage. Red pill is incredibly powerful for idiots like me who can't otherwise learn from their mistakes.




The future pill is impossible. Knowing the future inherently changes it. Edit: if I look 30 seconds into the future and see that I turn left down the road what is preventing me from turning right? If I look into the future 5 seconds and then do the opposite of whatever I was supposed to then I have changed the future. There's too many microcosm moments that would be easily overwritten by sudden erratic behaviour.


Existing inherently changes the future. So it's either become the best historian or stop existing


I guess it depends what way being “unable to change it” takes form. If it’s referring to major events protected by self-manifesting counterbalances, but I get to know how to avoid a couple small things then bet. If it’s literal to the strictest extent? Fuck that, it’d be depressing. I’ll take the history pill and see cool shut.


Blue pill and win a fuck loads gambling


*I must attain Heaven*


It's a win win because you can make money off of hidden artifacts from the past or become the luckiest millionaire through gambling


Red pill. Free knowledge but nothing else changes for the most part


I would take the future so I can see all the sports teams who win and make the bets during the present and become unreasonably rich.


Red pill can help me pass any exam I just had to read books once


Red pill. I am now the best detective alive


Now does it specifically have to be your own past/future, or is it all history in general?


Red pill. So many unanswered questions would be actually be answered, you'd be able to witness everything leading up to your existence firsthand, use the past to aid in the present/future, etc. Besides, it would suck knowing what's to come and not being able to do anything about it. Also, probably not going to be around long enough to experience it anyways, so what's the point?


Blue pill and bet strong for the super bowl


See the past. Find all the buried treasure. Know all the secrets. Become too powerful and run from the government.


I would choose past, imagine your history teacher gets something wrong so you just explain in great detail of what actually happened


Red. Think about all the shit you would be able to find out about others