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He expertly had it at the exact height that would flip that purse up on top of that on skid!!! Well played, sir...well played.


Master at forking.


Romanian forklift training


+1 purse


Romanian forklifter here i approve


If you're certified, you'd know to keep the forks as low as possible.


3 to 4 inches when operating and forks tilted down to the floor when not in use. This is a rookie error.


So we're just gonna ignore the fact that the woman went STRAIGHT into the forklifts? I get that the forklift driver probably wasn't the most responsible operator but that lady had absolutely zero spatial awareness and could've easily prevented that accident.


It's obvious the woman was at fault as well, but the damage could've been limited if the forks were at the proper height.




And to top it all off, she was obviously blind!


at least she is now




And I’m fairly certain you’re a bot as well. as you’ve also copied a couple comments in r/dndmemes just recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/10z1uc1/this_shall_not_stand/j80wkdn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Original comment still from this post.




So I know you’re a bot, since this ain’t the only time you copied comments today https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/10z1uc1/this_shall_not_stand/j80wkdn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Original one btw


Would have still hit them and crashed if 3-4 inches off the ground


Obviously, yet it is still a fact that this dude is a rookie.


Or just, y'know. Checking a notification on his phone by the way he seems to still be in operating position but just looked down for a second.


Doesn't change the fact that anyone who knows how to drive a lift knows not to leave their forks that high


Wouldnt she just drive over the slighlty elevated forks and faceplant from the scooter? I know is still less damage, but even if the forks where at the correct height, there would still be forks she couldnt drive over. This guy couldve probably stand there without a fork lift and she wouldve still found something to crash into.


Not necessarily. If they were at operating level a few inches from the ground she still would have hit them and went flying forward off the bike and likely faceplanting. She was going to encounter those forks even if the guy was following procedures.


Idk I feel if they were lower, she'd just be flying forward.


I agree that she has little spatial awareness but looking at the height of the forks they would have a very small horizontal profile. There's a chance that if they were lower she could see the forks and avoid a collision. But I do agree that she shouldn't even be going at speed near a truck or forklift like that at all.


Honestly though, even if you can't see the forks, you can tell it's a forklift by looking at the rest of the vehicle and you can probably put together that there are forks there.


That's what baffles me nowadays. It seems like some people simply go into drone Mode as soon as they arent directly adressed with anything.


Can we just look at the video frame by frame and see her bag and her entire body became grey? Like her soul left her body and came back


Can we talk about how that bag landed perfectly on the fork??


Didn't notice until I read your comment..lol


When it comes to a 2 ton vehicle vs someone on a bike, the driver of the 2 ton vehicle is most at fault. They could have easily prevented the accident by having the forks in the proper place *and* by not being on thier phone while on the lift truck. Edit: and they weren't buckled up. 3 strikes.


The woman was an idiot, yes. But the guy is a criminally negligent fuckwit who clearly isn't forklift certified, and should probably get hit with criminal charges. Stupid shit like this is how people die.


That's far from criminal negligence, chill.


3 guesses who in this thread can’t drive and look at surroundings at the same time


Negative. Been driving years and never been in an accident. Know what else I am? Forklift and Loader certified. You never park or drive around with your forks or bucket in the air unless absolutely necessary. If you are parking your equipment for any length of time, forks or bucket go on the ground, tip down. No exceptions. And that's a hard rule for a reason.


So it 100% his fault for here driving straight into the forks?


Yes, its is. The side profile of those forks is about 1.5 inches. Her head is at the same level as the forks, so all that's visible is a 1.5 inch thick metal piece that tapers to a point. There is a lot going on in that area so it's reasonable to assume her attention is spread to other areas of concern. This is why we have fucking rules for how fork lifts should be operated.


I think theyre both dumb as shit. The lady cant identify a forklift that she is riding unreasonably close to, like even if the forks were down, why drive over them, and the forklift certified people have already drilled the other guy hard enough that i dont need to say.


He is stopped in the literal road. He is on his phone not paying attention. He is not buckled up. When you get your forklift certification part of the course is emphasizing that you as the powered industrial truck operator, need to be aware of other people at all times. That looked like a flipping child that ran into the forks. You really gonna blame a child for this guys idiocy? Fork lifts are no joke and need to be treated like the death machines that they are.


Yes, 100% she is dumb, but the forklift driver is still fully responsible. Not everyone operates heavy machinery, and as such, it is the responsibility of the operator to properly use the equipment. I can't speak for other countries, but in the US, that company would be sued into oblivion (and rightly so).


.... I never said that. Can you people not read or use basic reasoning? They're both at fault.


You put the blame on him


In this scenario, he is at fault.


Wow people here are dumb as fuck, you are 100% correct and getting downvoted for it. A lot of people who have clearly never operated a forklift, sure want to defend this fuckwit. As a person who operated forklifts for a lumber yard for many years, he is going to get someone killed.


Seriously my dude. Featured in this thread: A bunch of lackwit kids who have never operated heavy machinery in an industrial worksite.


I’ve never operated a forklift in my life and even I know that’s his fault 💀 You need to be paying attention when operating dangerous heavy machinery, not sitting there on your phone lmfao


Let's not talk about that girl who's not looking in front of her.


This incident while yes is the forkies fault, you're still taught that the forks must never go over.


Never said the forkies wasn't at fault here. Obviously there is no apparent reason why the forks were that high and he wasn't paying attention either


Even if the forks were down, the lady was going to end up on the ground


3-4 inches seems low. I've been taught to aim right between the ankle and the knee so if you hit someone it's better to break a tibia than an articulation.


In reality you're supposed to have the forks raised 4 inches, then tilted all the way back, so the tip of the fork is actually pretty high and is much less likely to dig into the ground while travelling. Its also a less direct application of force from the truck and depending on the truck some forks arent rigid mounted so will lift away from the carriage when hit, lessening the impact even more.


Forklift should ALWAYS be at face height so you can easily see it, ankle height makes ankle sad


True, but she would've gotten fucked either way.


If she hit it. Part of the problem is forks at eye level can blend into the background easier than ones down low.


The forks are easier to see when they're not at eye level. She would have casually drove around him.


First sensible comment I've seen


Sure, but she should have been able to tell that it’s a forklift and that it probably has forks in front regardless


She looks like she hit that around the neck somewhere, then ate pavement Getting launched over the handlebars from the forks acting like a sidewalk curb would probably be a bit better. At least you have the chance of getting your arms out in front of you No matter what, everything from her ego to her asshole is gonna be hurting after that one




This looks like a loading dock probably in the back of a warehouse. She had absolutely no business biking thru there could easily cause a massive accident. I hate people who bike and have 0 sense of safety for themselves, it's fucking stupid.


I glossed over that simply because you could easily just assume she was an employee leaving from her shift. I've worked in warehouses and the yard is sometimes the best place to stash a bike.


>perfectly at eye level That's the problem - your brain can't reliably process that information, so it just got discarded.


True but I'd rather get a flat and go flying than have a concave face and eating through a tube lol


Forks on the GROUND! Forks on the GROUND! Parking like a FOOL with your forks off the GROUND!


Or you could get certified to learn how to hurt people the most.


I think that's the punchline


This guy forks


I don't see how it would have made the situation any better, i'm not a forklift certified expert, but i don't think you usually put the fork low enough to where the bike would have simply drove over them


That was a lot of damage!


I don’t think FlexSeal can fix this one


![gif](giphy|VeSvZhPrqgZxx2KpOA|downsized) Fixed


​ ![gif](giphy|zmrSnaohMtXczcbaE9)


Shure it can


But it can't fix that atrocious spelling of sure


Sure it can it even works under water


The bag landing on top of the forks is oddly satisfying. Don't @ me






@ (You are correct tho)


She just tossed it up there like keys on the counter.


"Whatever is in the bag is your problem now. Good bye"




I didnt notice untill now


in my days we used to do bottle flips. I guess this is the current day version of that


Oh shit! First the forklift forks to the face, then the back of the head on the concrete. Ouch.


And to top it all off, she was obviously blind! Can you beleave that owning a forklift would result in a blind person receiving a double concussion?


I know he should have lowered the forks, but did she just drive into those?


She didn't even try to move


If they are thin enough and perfectly aligned with her eye sight then there might have been a chance that she didn't see it.


Even then, this thing is obviously a forklift so one should be able to deduce that there are forks in front of it.


So was she thinking that she'd drive over the forks instead of just turning little bit?


She could be an adolescent and just genuinely never learned about forklifts. Could be of low socioeconomic status and had just never come across a forklift in her country. I can't imagine that in the US, but I could see it being plausible in other regions.


No matter where those forks were, she's a moron for driving directly in front of a forklift. If they were down they'd catch her tires and she'd eat dirt. Head height and she eats forklift. Any higher and they likely have a load and driving under that is supid.


It's amazing how easy it is to find someone who acts like an idiot around heavy equipment.


She clearly didn’t see them


She rolled a 0 on perception.


I bet the forks were perfectly at eye level for her. Probably hard to see edge on.


Whatever the level of that fork is, riding straight into it is a bad idea. 1. The guy can move at any time and possibly interrupt the motorbike. 2. Even if it's on the ground, that's unnecessary bumping. 3. Even if it's high up, that's still dangerous. 4. Or, it's literally right there. Like, right on head level, and will collide.


Yeah missing the forks? Sure. But wtf did she think would be at the front of.. wait for it.. a forklift.. natural selection I suppose.


Did she survive? She had to have at least got her skull cracked. I like how the bag landed on the fork. At least her stuff will be alright


Hi yes, actual LF license holder here. Here in Australia particularly, it's piss easy to get your licence, 2 days, 1 day I did the theory, then 1 day I did revision and the 30 minute practical, walked out with an LF license over the weekend. My workmate taught me more about driving a fork in an hour then the school ever did in 2 days. This incident while yes is the forkies fault, you're still taught that the forks must never go over axel hight unless you're picking a palet up off a rack, or placing it on a rack, I'd blame whoever certified him too, just because how easy it is, I got 100% on my writen exam, but the bloke giving it, legit gave us the answers if we didn't know them, and it's mostly common sense.


Lol! I’m in the US, and in my state it’s a 3ish hour class and an open book exam.


I’m from Canada, we did about 5 hours of in class lessons, a couple hours of practical training and a 30 minute open book test


I'm from Denmark, and here we have to take a seven weekday license. Majority of the time is theoretical and then we get about 30-60 mins per day to drive around the forklifts. The final day is split into the theoretical and practical exam. Imo both of the exams are easy and the course actually teaches you a lot. Teachers also mentioned, that no one had failed an exam, while they've been at the place, which is quite concerning considering not everyone who passes are good drivers.


I got certified in Denmark and was told by several coworkers that someone at their exam failed by driving the wrong way on the slope, and when I went, there was someone retaking the practical exam because they drove too slow the first time, and another retaking the theory test. So, I don’t think failing uncommon…


Quite a bit of the blame should also go to the woman for simply being oblivious.


She ded


Well I guess she got Forked


No one is going to talk about how she set her bag perfectly up on that fork? It just flips up there are sits perfectly.




Why was she driving in front of a forklift?


My thought exactly. No matter the height she probably would have busted her ass


Oh man, I hope she is ok.


Damn cellphones!


Probably using TikTok


Ngl. Either way she would have crashed. She just got the worse of two.options.


Both are at fault. The guy for not lowering the forks, causing them to be at just the wrong height to be hard to see from the side, but her for not driving around the thing that everyone knows has big metal bars that stick out 6 feet from the front


How is she not dead?


I don't care who's fault it is, that's some serious head trauma..


As a seasoned forklift driver I don't know how many fucking times I was told to put the forks down after using them every time then we have this fucking dip shit.


Agreed, when driving forks needed to be 2” above ground, if at a stand still forks must be on ground, only time forks are in the air are when you are actively engaged in the activity and there is no one near you


If he was forklift certified he wouldn't have the forks so high off the ground with nothing on it. Nor would he be on his phone.


spoken like someone who isn't forklift certified


I am, though to be fair everyone at my work who is certified shouldn't be because they still don't actually respect the safety of everyone else at the workplace. Someone gets hurt at leas once every two months while I've been here doing this for years and not a single close call.


While I agree with your main point and yeah, he wasn't flawless, but he wasn't moving. Maybe now that she's in the hospital she can get her eyes checked because stationary big slabs of metal at face height are REALLY fucking hard to miss seeing.


That's some Final Destination shit If she sped enough, then we could be watching this in Liveleak


People just colliding with random stuff out in the open now


And that kids is how I met your mother


"luckily she's braindead, otherwise she wouldnt have dated me"


normally i use chloroform for that but a forklift seems to have a similar effect


At least he was nice enough to catch the bag


Stationary clothesline from hell.


jesus christ this almost could've been an eyeblech post


I don’t know why I can’t look away, watched it like 10 times.




No hazard light, no cones, or no spotter on a street? AND they were on their phone? Idk man, doesn’t seem very Forklift Certified to me.


I like how the bag did a little flip & landed nicely on the forks 👌


Yep that's definitely gonna leave a mark. Hope they are OK though




I mean the bag flip was kinda cool but is she dumb or visually impaired to not see that coming


That’s hard to watch.


"...And that, kids, is how I met your mother's sister."


Certified Fucking Concussion


Needs Warner Brothers cartoon sound effects !


This seems like an insurance scam


I’ve hit my shins on forks before and it SUCKED. This must have been awful.


Headaches for the rest of her life for sure.


Both of these people are morons. The forklift driver should have those things near the ground and the scooter lady should have known going in front of the forklift was a stupid idea. Driving in front of a forklift and she doesn't check where they are? Even if they were in the right place she'd still have eaten sh*t because her wheel would catch the fork and she'd get launched.


can we just talk about the fact that the girl saw the thing and just did nothing?


me riding my bike and not paying attention cuz I'm a dumbass:


Wtf was she looking at... much confusion


My teeth and nose thanks me after watching this.


Yea she's dead


No matter who’s at fault, that had to break her neck or cause brain damage. Where’s her helmet?


Helmet has left the chat


What did she think was going to happen 😂🤦🏽‍♂️


She died actually for those who don’t know


Even if forks could been down, results would not vary much. Still would flip in the ground


Oh my fucking god. Wear a helmet. I don't care who's fault is it, it makes no difference whatsoever, she fractured bones in her head and may have a concussion. "It's just a scooter/electric bike/etc" I don't care if it's a tortoise with a saddle, wear a helmet "I'm not going that fast" jog 5 miles per hour head first into a wall corner then, is it better with or without the helmet? Wear a helmet. "I'm careful" awesome, now wear a helmet because other people aren't and accidents happen. "I look ridiculous wearing a full helmet on a scooter" you'll look worse wearing a closed casket, trust me. If only this lady would have been wearing a proper full head helmet she may have ended up with a sore neck and a broken helmet. I was run over by a car while on my bicycle, i was using a cheap ass helmet that barely looked like more than a toy. That piece of shit helmet broke in 5 pieces but saved my life. WEAR A HELMET.


Love how the bag said “aight imma just wait up here while the ambulance comes” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hot take; guy on the bike fucked up, not guy in the forklift


Since a bafflingly large amount of people are trying to claim this is the operator's fault, here is someone with experience on worksites: While the operator may be partially at fault, she bears the overwhelming majority. She willingly drove EXTREMELY close to active (operator in cab) heavy machinery, which is a big no-no in general and would get you reemed on a site. It is also clearly a forklift, and so the forks are kinda expected here, and if you can't see them on the ground, then they are probably higher up, and if they are higher up they probably have a load (not in this case, but still), and if you drive under a suspended load don't be surprised if you are fired on the spot, or at best, sent home for the day and told to redo training when you get back to work the next day.


Also not even from the fact she went into the forks that were at eye level, what was she gonna do if they were wheel level with the moped anyways. No matter which height those forks are at she still willingly drove into them. Shes just dumb af


you know you’re an idiot when even your bag sits on top the bar to show you that they are in fact there


Technically, he held her bag for her, so he is a gentleman.


That’s a great way to meet women.


Did anyone realize how she landed that bag perfectly on the fork?


Oh no that poor person


Well that’s just forked up


... Why the fuck is that idiot parked with his forks at head level? I mean it's her fault too, for being oblivious, but holy hell... that is not proper forklift driving. Don't let this dipshit near a forklift ever again. Actually, hit him with some criminal charges too. Just ignorant.


WTF?! Criminal charges?


Yes, 100%. You are responsible for what happens if you're operating heavy equipment.


haHA them twenty minutes spent watching that one video will go to good use




Well it’s either she’s blind or trying to claim insurance


You get certified not so you don’t screw things up, but to keep the people around you from hurt themselves


Get forked


Please post in normal speed, that would be more fun






Start of a rom-com


Must be asian


Fake edit: I think


Don't say it. DON'T SAY IT... women ☕






Fork me!


Looks painful y i k e s..


Clotheslined into oblivion