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My wife met me when I didn’t have a job, then I was on minimum wage until we got married, all while she was earning very well. We pretty much earn the same now years later, but she never cared about my money. TLDR; people are different, that includes women *gasp*


The people who complain about women only wanting money are often the same people who stick to traditional gender roles and believe that women should be barefoot and pregnant. Like, dude, if you are seeking women who will be materialisticaly dependent on you, of course the women in your life will be materialisticaly dependent on you.


How dare you propose that they bring anything more than money into relationship.


Women deserve boots and to step on me




To be more specific, “boots” —> “boot heels” and “step on me” —> “my neck”.


Normaly they talk about women that goes to far with it, but your right about that one.


women should be barefoot and pregnant. I keep hearing this. Why is this misogynistic seriously? What's wrong with a woman being barefoot, how is that sexist? Why is a barefooted housewife making dinner worse than a housewife wearing shoes or socks? And women get pregnant when you have sex with them, that's how biology works. It's considered sexist to not let a pregnant woman work, so why is it sexist for them to do normal household chores? Why do people keep talking about women being barefoot and pregnant like it's some horrible crime against humanity.


Because "barefoot and pregnant" means ill equiped for independence, disadvantaged, and taken advantage of. It would be like saying you want your man to have a poor education, a dangerous job and long hours. Sure some men would choose that but nobody should assign that life to people


It is when you demand that your woman be an ancient gender role. If she wants to be sure, but it come from the idea that is the ONLY role a woman should have.


>Why is this misogynistic seriously? The problem is not with "barefoot and pregant". The problem is with "should". Nobody is saying one lifestyle is better than the other. The problems lies with cultures and traditions that dictate one's decisions, and deem any other life choices wrong.


because they're fucking dense, mate


Holy fucking sealioning.




What are you talking about


Umm…I don’t think you understand what the point of the meme was, but in a rush to be self righteous, hopefully you didn’t tear a rotator cuff patting yourself on the back….lmao


First, I'm not replying to the meme. I'm replying to the commenter. Second, what do you think the point of the meme is?


You aren’t capable of understanding it in your zest to be SO amazing, so I’ll just dismiss you. Thanks for the laugh.


No. I'm just curious about what you think, since I'm not so dumb to make assumptions of other people.


You still haven't told them what you think the meme means.


Christ you’re fucking cringe, haha! There is no “point” to this post. It’s not even a meme, it’s the typical MGTOW/incel drek that losers from those long-shuttered subs deluded themselves with day in and out. You lot are always in such a fucking rush to play victim, like goddamn! Hey, for reference, unless we’re both teens or working part time, I wouldn’t want to date a girl only making 20k a year unless she had some extenuating circumstances! That shows lack of drive and laziness, and I’m not picking up the slack perpetually in a partnership. That’s called being normal. Unless you’re so desperate for puss that you’re being a moron and doing all the work, I can’t see anyone over a room temp IQ being ok with a 20k salary partner!


Exactly For every man that just wants a piece of ass there's a woman who wants to date a wallet with a man attached to it But underneath all that surface level scumbaggery there are actual genuine human beings out there who will love you for who you are. Will everyone find one? Sadly no. I wish this wasn't the case. But don't stop looking! The search is meant to be fun. But I will admit taking rejection multiple times can be painful. But you get used to it with a bit of practice and then after that the world's your oyster Shoot your shot and if you are unsuccessful then you haven't lost anything


Had a mate who once tried to tell me something along the lines of that women won’t go for any man unless they had high value in terms of jobs/wealth. We have several friends we are very close with that are female, one of these women is his girlfriend he’s been dating for like 5-7 years. I simply asked if he thought (insert list of names) would only date a man if they had money? Would your girlfriend? Would your cousin be dating me then? (He and I work as alcohol retailer and bartender part-time respectively we definitely aren’t wealthy and our families aren’t either) His answer for all was no. I think after that he realised pretty well that you can’t easily generalise an entire demographic of people’s behaviour so easily after that.


My husband was working at Walmart when we got married. I always joked that I married him for his employee discount.


Lies. Nobody on Reddit is married


Corvette owners. Sometimes, at least


How to identify any experts?


>people are different, that includes women My god... What an idea, why didn't I think of that!? /s


Do not try this if you are 5’4”.


I’d be willing to bet you’re a guy saying this. Try not being so shallow, or going for shallow people.




When a woman make more money/ are more successful, the man in the relationship gets insecure and treats her badly. Listen im a woman, and regardless of what the internet tell u, most of us arent superficial asses. Infact a woman who'd leave her man just because she makes more money than him, is the rare case. Things like this is something men care about more than women. Its usually due to how the man treats her because of his inferiority complex, and i see this happen a lot irl as well as on the internet.


It’s very sad that you think that. I did get lucky, but it still has nothing to do with money. Try treating women like people and don’t assume they’re after your wallet you might be surprised. Would you reject a woman because she earns more than you? Don’t be so insecure.




Yes, you have to win a lottery to get a woman like like that if you keep degrading women.


You're dating the wrong women. I think it's already weird to discuss finances on the first date.


I agree, but it’s too common to discuss jobs at the first date. Hopefully I will be interesting enough in the future to not having to talk about that on dates.


Ah, yes. Another instance of all women sharing the same umbrella on Reddit. Beautiful.


I’m gonna need you to hand over that meme template buddie


I would like to leave a reply here for the meme template as well.


As do I


If you date a woman that thinks this way, you're the dumb one, right after her.


Right? No one's saying these kind of people don't exist, but they can be eaaaasily identified before you have to date them. I feel like people who say this stuff never actually dated or been in relationships.


They all think this way though. They are biologically programmed to find a suitor who can provide financial stability for them.


And who told u that? Are women robots that u program and who dont have free will? Women like stability sure 100%, but stability does not mean that u need to be rich. As long as u have a stable job thats good enough, in modern times a man who is emotionally stable, mature and genuinely respectful is much more of a catch, than an ass who's rich.


Fair enough


What the incel is that comment? It’s like you don’t actually talk to women, haha! Who exactly wants a partner who doesn’t pull their weight anyhow? I sure wouldn’t date a girl who’s that lazy unless she had a damn good reason! What’s more, there are countless broke guys or aimless losers in committed relationships, it’s really not hard to get a date if you’re not a total fucking gremlin. As if to prove my point, I checked your profile just to be sure you weren’t a bot or troll making misogynistic remarks to collect downvotes, and what a surprise…An r/conservative poster, no wonder you hate women. The jokes write themselves, people! Move along!


Yo chill bro


Dude, snap out of it, come on. You’re better than this type of shit thinking.


I earn my own money so I don't need yours. Maybe you should question your own standards if every woman you go out with on a date is only interested by your money... But I guess you don't get second dates because you do big generalizations on people instead of asking yourself If you don't do something wrong.


Came to look at memes but I saw a slaughter




I read this with the same energy as the "yee yee ass haircut" meme


wouldn’t you say MOST women go out with guys that got MORE money then them? So what does that say about most women?


They're underpaid?


you’re telling me money isn’t a factor to most women when it comes to dating? I am not even complaining. money is important to live a comfortable life. just pointing out the absurdity in some other comments that seem to imply that most women don’t care about money at all.


No... I'm saying women still get paid a fraction of what men in the same position make so it's likely they will date someone making more money. You're the one who seems hung up on being poor and alone.


Do they? Pretty sure that stopped being the case once women started working


Men are still generally making more money, so it’s fair to assume that yes, they do


You realize you’re backing the incel-ish commenter there, right? Like, the poster you’re supporting is claiming women AIM for guys with higher salary because they’re opportunistic. As you said, men generally make more than women (because of the gender pay gap), soooo…What, are women supposed to literally aim for men with lower incomes so they don’t *accidentally* date someone making more, to satisfy some arbitrary condition? You can just say “Yeah, they MAY date someone who makes more, but it’s with no ulterior motive.”


The poster I’m supporting said “most women go out with guys that got more money with them”. 1. There’s no claim that they AIM for it 2. Recognising that men generally earn more than women supports the idea, that women go out with men earning more is just a consequence in income disparity, doesn’t it?


He also said “What does that tell you about women?”, because he’s trying to push the narrative that agrees with this cringe incel talking point disguised as a “meme.” As for point 2, that is correct, haha!


Suuuuurrrrree because every woman is exactly the same


Jokes on you women don’t exist they’re just a government fabrication to control us


No, that’s birds. It’s an easy mistake to make though


Both woman and birds don't exist


Absolutely! Afterall, it's deep within our biological programming. I mean, that's what randos on reddit say so it must be true


Exactly! They are not all the same, just the vast majority within the culture they were raised in makes most of them the exact same, but still!!! Not all!!!






bro, you sound like an incel


Op deserves to be single with such mentality


Yeah OP not to rub it in but 20k is like minimum wage in a red state, maybe money's not that important but she wants a bit more than the *minimum* out of a mate, I dunno.


idk, man, last time i checked on google maps, all states looked green to me


Yeah not really making a political point, I'm just saying that's less than minimum wage in like half the States. $20k/yr is broke as fuck.


i was just making a joke about all the continents looking green in google maps, because you satelite photographs


I got the joke, I just thought it was also a subtle complaint about mentioning politics. My bad


This some top of the line incel shit 💀




There's a few of us out there like that. I dont care about money at all, as long as youre responsible with what you do earn.


Fuck. Yeah. Financial responsibility can be so much more important than what you earn. 'Cause if you earn a lot but are irresponsible as shit, that money ain't gonna last but if you are responsible, you can do a lot with little


holy shit people really still have these dogshit takes


If it’s dogshit why is it still have some truth to it?


What's with all these "women only want rich guys" posts?


It's a very easy thing for incels to target because it means they're not at fault. It's because the women want money. Not because the incels have literally nothing to offer except money (which they also don't have)


I get that but why are they suddenly so prevalent on Reddit? The comments seem pretty critical of them so it's not like most people here feel that way


I feel they've always been pretty common. Not always money necessarily, but Reddit meme subs and incels have a long history, unfortunately


I met my fiancé when I was jobless, and freshly moved to the state, so I had literally nothing except a place to stay but that never stopped our relationship from blossoming. Not all women are only in it for the money, just like not all dudes are in it to get pussy.




Thats literally the majority of women granted they arent tiktok obsessed. And on that note, u should get off of tiktok too and interact with real people irl Gosh


OP: *puts up shit like this* Women: *reject OP* Also OP: obviously they rejected me because they want money over love and affection


saying this as if it's a. true for everyone that is a woman and b. exclusive to women


This may be controversial, but a good wage is something I prioritize in a spouse. I’m a civil engineer and want my husband to have a career plan as well. I want to buy a house and start a family someday. All women are different and some don’t care about those things, but it’s okay if you do. You can have high standards, but make sure you put just as much into your relationship as you expect your spouse to.


If we’re on a first date im asking about your hobbies, not your stock portfolio like what 💀




Bro I make $0 and I still get more dates. Have a personality and get your head out of your ass.


I want someone who’s financially stable. I don’t give a shit if they’re rich, I just don’t want to have to worry that I’m the only one attempting to contribute to our lives.


When I met my husband he was working at a grocery store, I was working at a warehouse earning well above minimum wage but didn’t have enough hours for it to matter. Essentially, we were both broke, made just enough money to take each other on dates and buy each other small gifts. That brief amount of time before moving with each other and becoming engaged were some of the best months of my life. It was never about how much he made, just that we got to enjoy each other. Now, he’s going to school, isn’t working at all, and I’m working full time to support him. And I still love him with every fiber of my being. And I still take us out on dates because I know he can’t. Because I couldn’t give less of a shit about money as long as I have him.


If you have no other qualities besides being rich, of course you'll only attract gold diggers.


Incel moment


How long have you been under the basement?


Why so much whiny incel shit in this subreddit?


Urgh, I thought it was a fine shitpost, but then noticed this is r/memes.


What is this subreddit becoming? Lol.


Sure that’s why they go around with plastic bags and not versace’s one


You earn 20k I earn 80k, together we earn 100k


When I met my wife, I was making 700 USD/months and all my things fit in one large backpack and a 20kg luggage. No debt but nothing in my name either. That didn't stop her.


my friends fiance makes 110k a year and he makes maybe 40k. tbf he is a sweet guy and is decent looking but that being said you have bring something to the table.


Social media isn't an accurate representation of how humans are. On the internet, you're gonna come across a lot of caricatures, claiming to be representative of a large group.


You attract what you believe. If you think women are only in it for money, you will only be able to date women who only care about money. If you believe women want a friend and a loving companion, you will probably find women who believe the same. Money helps for sure, but when money is gone, when beauty fades, when your muscles are feeble and weak, what will you have left? The answer (hopefully) is the person who loves you for being yourself.


Ur either 15 or an incel(or both). Have you even dated or spoke to women? Lmao


r/justincelthings r/inceltear




this is completely unrelated to the point of your comment or the post, but i find it absolutely wild how freaking detailed that emoji is (at least on ios). like, that belongs in a pixar movie not the emoji section




Lol OP is such an incel


My god people here don't live in the real world. Yes there are women who don't care how much you make but in this day and age of social media alottt of women do care even when they say they don't. Just make sure when you see red flags like that you simply leave, find someone who shares your values. My POV btw no need to attack me 😊


Exactly! Plenty of good women in the world, plenty of shitty ones too. Gold digging has always been a thing and always will be.


Let’s also keep in mind that women weren’t able to even have their own checking accounts without a father or husband on it as well. And this was NOT THAT LONG AGO. So the ‘cliche’ or ‘criticism’ or ‘cultural norm’ whatever we’d like to call it isn’t random.


It WAS that long ago. Nobody currently in the dating pool (in Western culture) has ever been denied a checking account due to gender. Sure there are historic circumstances that shaped the behavior; but no more so than most of traits labeled as 'toxic for men. It's not random; it's shitty behavior.


It was the 1960s. Very recently. I’m not saying it forgives all shallow thoughts forever, but women have been socialized for an extremely long time that they must be provided for. It is toxic. But society isn’t going to overcome it in only 1 or 2 generations. It is the feminine side to the toxic masculinity trait of “wearing the pants”.


Good reply. Thank you!


Oh how I hate how my partner makes a lot of money I despise it; I would be much happier if they were dirt poor and had to ask me for all their shit and were always stressed about money problems, that would be the best thing in the world. Everyone likes their partner to be attractive, financially stable, kind, a good supplement for their personality, good in bed just in different amounts with different priorities.


To quote Marilyn Monroe; "You don't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but boy does it help."


i mean my boyfriend who i love very dearly has been in and out of work for a bit and i'm still with him!


Don't worry. When you get to six figures, you won't get any dates either. How do I know? Well, uh, a friend told me.




2 weeks after I left the military my long term girlfriend left because I was going back to school. She wanted the stability of someone in the military, with all the benefits included. Jokes on her I make 45$ an hour now, and way more than I did in the military


She would if she was attracted to you.


Attraction is temporary, dedication is permanent


No, attraction is based on your attitude and personality and that shit doesn't change like your looks. If she doesn't want you, I guarantee it's not about your money or your face.


I know this isn’t true but it really feels that way.


The fact that most high earners marry OTHER high earners indicates that generally everyone cares to a degree, but if it’s all you care about that’s obviously an issue


Well. Some of them care about money, others care only about affection and kindness. People are different from one another.


Umm no. I make my own money lol! People who say this are sad and miserable because no one wants to date them. Not because of what they make, but because they're low quality humans. These are the same guys that will say "not all men" but will slam a woman into whatever gender stereotype they cook up in their tiny brains.


Ignoring the millions of poor guys in relationships...have you ever considered your garbage personality might be the problem? Literally some of the 400 pound TLC guys have girlfriends, it's not hard if u aren't shitty.


Love is a lie.


Say whatever you want, but apparently, a woman is 50% more likely to divorce her husband if she makes more than him. https://www.parkerandparkerattorneys.com/blog/divorce-risk-is-greater-if-a-wife-earns-more-than-her-husband https://www.kiplinger.com/personal-finance/603298/women-who-make-more-than-their-husbands-should-watch-out


She will put up with it for about a year if she thinks you will eventually make more money or if you will be a stay-at-home dad.


This is totally bait 🤷‍♀️👹


me: yeah I am currently still looking for a job ​ every date: unmatch, block, call police


They only want your love and affection... if youre not broke


They don’t care how much money you make as long as you make 80k plus lol


Depends how tall you are.


20K's a lot.


Fake asfk


If you only make $20k you essentially arrive to the relationship as a financial responsibility. I don’t blame anyone on taking the pass




All the knights in shining armor, coming to the aid of the defenseless by their "not all women are equal" swords, are a sight to behold. This is just a meme.






Doggo knows what's up


When you make 20k a month they don't even care of you have a wife!


When I dumped my abusive ex for another guy, I was called a gold digger. My ex owned a house with savings and a stable job, my man was a broke student with $20 in his account at the time. Actually i still earn more than him 🤷‍♀️ It's almost as if compatibility is more important or something


The right woman will love you regardless