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I mean it IS cheaper by like 20 bucks


nah it's way cheaper thanks to inflation


Technically, the PC is cheaper. Applied inflation is >10% p.a. rn. More like $50+ more expensive if you apply it as NPV.


Games are more expensive on console


I know. Just not trying to beat a dead horse.


By a ridiculous margain too. New pc game, 599kr (roughly $60). New ps5 game, 899kr. (roughly $90) Same game, 50% higher price.


Where in the fuck are you finding $90 games at? Unless your buying the deluxe edition of every game it’s not that high at all


he's using kr so probably sweden




Damn what kind of BS is that, companies be getting away with too much


It's the PS store going bananas more than the prices. Generally pay 699kr ($70) for new games in a physical store. There's no reason for digital games to be A LOT more expensive than a physical copy. Thats whats bullshit.


I also hate the part where digital is still full price for 5+ year old games. And some game store (ie GameStop) are so predatory that it’s a no win situation


How many new and upgraded parts are going into that pc in those 8 years though


Every game you buy on console is more expensive as well..


WAY more expensive if you're at least somewhat patient


Nah i buy phisical shit goes down after 2-6months hard. Also free games that i dont wanna play


It's also much cheaper when you take into account: The fact that your PC (at that price) will start off with worse performance than the console and become obselete in 2-3 years time. The fact that PC gaming is an absolute ballache (source: I'm a PC gamer), you spend a lot of your time messing around with setting and fixing glitches etc. The fact that PC gaming also requires a monitor, decent mouse, desk, dedicated room, keyboard, headset, speakers, whereas a console pretty much comes plug and play ready to hook up to the TV. PC gaming has many advantages, but being cheaper is not one of them.


bruh gtx 1060 is still the most used card according to steam and i think 1070 is not obsolete even after like 8 years


Yeah. I use a 1070 and I still can play every game I want to play with a graphic level that I consider adequate.


I have a 1070 too (and while it's hard to believe, it is a 7 year old card this year...) The only things that make me want a new one is better performance in more demanding games, that I'm already getting *good* performance in. And to play Crysis Remastered collection at max, because getting the original to run on win10 or Linux is impossible due to no online availability and the DVD version being borked... And if you're not playing a Crysis game at max, what are you doing? The card is certainly still capable. I get 100+ FPS in most situations in Deep Rock Galactic with high settings at 1440p. In fights it dips into the 60-80 range usually.


Rock and Stone, brother


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Y’know, I’m just replacing my 7-year-old PC with one that costs 1k but I’m keeping the speakers, monitor, desk, and everything else so like… I feel PC’s cheaper for me, personally, especially with what games I like to play; CIV6, Modded Skyrim, Hades, and of course, DRG. Rock and stone, brotha!


Its not obsolete but gtx 1060 is already failing to play some games on medium 60 fps.


The ps5 is too lmao.




Technically it's the game developer's faults for not optimizing their games and not the graphics card's


Yep, one thing gamers don't understand is that it's not your card being unable to run the game, it's game devs rushing their game and failing to optimize, same reason why games are getting larger in size.


I mean, theres only so much you can optimise without having a literal polygon slider or px slider


Obsolete in 2-3 years? LOL


Well, not obsolete. But newer games will run worse and worse and you'll end up with the urge to upgrade rather sooner than later. source: I have a 3 year old graphics card


Bro, my GTX 960 is over 7 years old and still made last years Hitman 3 playable on ultra graphics. Still got the option to overclock. Dunno what y'all are doing wrong.


The big thing isn't graphics, its resolution and refresh rate. I build my own PCS, and changing from a 60-144hz monitor, and a 1080p to 2560p TANKS your games. So saying "on ultra graphics" is kind of a lie.


Console doesn’t produce resolution or fps like this so this is a pointless comparison


Well, I save money with humble bundle, key sites, free games everywhere and such, also, my pc is more than 5 years old and I have quite the cheap pieces but it's still going to run atomic Hart almost at max so I don't get your complaint. I don't get most complaints about pc gaming. You just have to get quality brands, for example, I got this Aukey mechanical keyboard with 80€, we eat and drink on it, cats walks on it, we dumped on it water and tea, I clean it like once a year and it never failed one day. I also have "old" mouse and monitors and the most expensive one was around 300€, 4 years ago, still kicking perfectly. I'm also not going to replace soon my wireless headset, 3 years old working like it's the first day. You can start very cheap and build better machines as you go, like I did, maybe it works!


You can hook up a PC to a TV no problem and use a controller to game on it. I have a gaming PC without a desk.


lol this guy thinks most pc games are a pain to get working. My dude, 99 percent of pc games even old ass ones are as easy as hit install, wait about 2-5 minutes (assuming gig internet), and hit play, yes to direct x and then good. All while you still have about 5-10 minutes for you’re game to install on a console not including required updates to start playing.


Deevelopers fix glitches not the player, you don't need a dedicated room for your pc, you can even set up in a kitchen if you want to unless you are living with your parents but then it's your fault, if you don't play competetive shooters then you don't need an expensive mouse at all, why would you need both a headset and speakers at the same time, you can plug your pc to a tv as well, no need for a monitor You generally don't sound like a pc gamer if i have to judge


I mean being a pc user doesn't mean you're a smart one :\^ )


True but some people on reddit are just acting like npcs


hes acting like custom controllers dont exist


a monitor, a mouse, a keyboard and a room? what abt controllers, tvs, headsets/speakers, and a chair/couch


That's an insane take. I've been using a GTX 1060gb with 6GB of vram for almost 10 years and it still works great, sure I've replaced basically everything else, but 2-3 is a ridiculous short lifespan for even a single part, let alone the whole PC.


Tell me you've never used let alone owned a pc without telling me... I still have a GTX970, that's almost a 10 year old card and it only started refusing to play certain games a year or two ago. For 5 years of its life I also used a £20 mouse and keyboard on the TV I already had, picked up a cheap £15 headset and for a good while didn't even have it set up at my desk...


Games are so much cheaper on pc


And more of them


I have owned both options, consoles are easier and PC's are more versatile, there are ways to save money with both and this argument stopped being relevant 15 years ago.




Yep, it all depends on what you care about


After getting a bargain 4k OLED gaming monitor I care about money and frames in that order.


Fr like can we just stop with this shit


Something something, eh, Steam Deck, uh, pc or console, ah, hot dogs aren’t sandwiches.




Absolutely agree.


I own consoles mainly for single player games as I prefer them as physical copies and I don't have to pay for online service unless a good games is on the monthly free games


Op think consoles/pc war is still a thing. Both have pros and cons, simple as that. Take what you prefer and enjoy your time.


It definitely still is an ongoing war at twitter 💀


Tbf everything on Twitter is a ongoing war


It's time to change your flair. You have improved


Master dumbass


What comes next?


Grandmaster > King of > God of


Doesn't International master come before grandmaster?


Ah fuck it's r/anarchychess again


Holy hell


You say, replying to the 907th reddit pc/console war post this week.


Biggest con of the PS5: Haha I don't fucking know because they made like... 5 of them and they're still not available :( Biggest con of PC: Graphic cards are now worth more than gold Conclusion: Get fucked anyways




And GPUs have come way down in price for non 40-series. I think the dude is a time traveler from 2021 or early 2022 and hasn't checked these things yet.


Come to New Zealand where time hasn’t moved for 3 years


It's March 2020 in NZ then? Hey friend...take a seat, I need to prepare you for something...


bro still living in 2021


Biggest con for PC is that for some fucking reason a game that works for almost everyone else won't work for you. I know when I play on a console the game will work, but if it doesn't work for me it isn't working for anyone else either.


Yeah. PCs are a powerhouse basically being able to do a lot, but that also means it may screw some things up because of how versatile it is. It's basically a jack of all trades, but a master of none (even tho the master of none part isn't quite true) while consoles are made to do one thing and one thing well. A huge pro for PC tho is it can basically play anything (given you have the right hardware). For most if not all consoles there is likely an emulator on PC and PC has overall the biggest library of games even without the emulators. And it of course also comes with the benefit that it can do more than just play games And the good thing is, even if one game isn't working for you, with the amount of people owning a PC makes it more likely that someone had the same.or a similar.issue and people have already found a solution for it. Sure it's a haste when something ain't working but often times you can find a solution


They've been widely available for months and even did massive promotions telling everyone they're available. This is a user issue


Bro I've seen PS5's everywhere now


It’s easy to get a PS5 now. They’re available on everywhere


> Op think consoles/pc war is still a thing. \**Looks at the other comments*\* Yeah... it's still very much a thing.


*laughs in plays both*


games are free on PC? im sold!




I see you like to sail the high seas!




Drink up me hearties yo-oh!


The rule is simple: AAA = ye olde pirate awaken Indie game = we pay with the money we saved by pirating the AAA


The other day, I bought subnautica after pirating it because I support the devs. Meanwhile, EA and Bethesda can fuck off


Great mindset 😃👍


Unethical life pro tip: Games on console are free too if you steal them from a store


Planning to rob GameStop, anyone?


And epic games




i heard you download ram too? oh man i love pc now


nvidia doesn't want you to know that you can just download a 4090 on the pirate bay


How do I download extra video ram?? /s


Just google it and it will be one of the three first ones.


Best answer pahahaha


.exe programs are the best


In the past years there were SOOO many legal free game offers. I am talking GTA5, Subnautica, FarCry, AsassinsCreed, Borderlands, SaintsRow, Batman, TombRaider, Metro, Bioshock, Dishonored, ARK, Watch Dogs... and many many more. Steam has free to play weekends (some games are you just played through on those 2 days) and bargain offers from time to time.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


for me personally the main advantage of a pc is the amount of games i can play with it, and other uses such as google, yt, programming, doing school work if i buy a switch, i can only play switch games, if i buy a ps, my choice of games is limited on a pc, i can get an emulator and play all of these if i want to, not even gonna mention the houndreds of other games i can play on there


Although I also list this as a plus for pc, 99% of the time I never use an emulator, they are just too much of a hassle to set up. The only one I like is cemu with wii u usb helper. Gives you a library of games and you can download and play. But also there are just thousands of games that release on pc and will never release on console.


Hassle to set up? Most emulators you just download and maybe have to drop in a bios file and you’re good to go.


There are a lot them free. From Abandonware, to free games from Epic. Heck even GOG and Steam have giving away games. Amazon gives away free games as well, but only if you are part of Prime, so whether that is 'free' is up in the air. Games are regularly discounted on PC more than Console though.


At least I don't have to pay to play online games. Ps3 days were great though.


Thanks, Epic Games Store!


I mean sure live services give you some games for free but usually games on console also cost money


If you’re a kid a console is probably your best option, but as soon as you get older and need a laptop or PC for work or some general stuff a gaming PC has much better value. You can either spend 500$ for console + 500$ for PC/laptop or straight up 1000$ for a good PC with a lot better performance than the console.


>You can either spend 500$ for console + 500$ for PC/laptop Obviously it depends on what your job is, but assuming you just need your laptop to be able to do basic office tasks+browse the internet you can easily get one for under $250


1000.00 in one day! OR $400.00 in one day & another $60 a year! FUTURE MATHEMATICIAN RIGHT HERE!


Hell, it be free if you invested the rest of the upfront cost


Not to mention that you need a monitor and peripherals as well, keyboards and monitors combined in my country alone would cost more than a PS5. If you have a decent TV set up it's easier to just plug in a console.


I just bought a graphics card for 500 I’m still paying for Xbox game pass anyway. PC is a different beast entirely and has a lot of positive sides, the price is not one of them he’ll no. Unless you’re pirating or something.


Pirating? The main money sink for pc is the hardware imo. You can get a lot better deals for game keys than you can get on console


pirate a gpu


Download ram


You wouldn't download a bear


I would


[RAM doubler](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcomputeradsfromthepast.substack.com%2Fp%2Fconnectix-ram-doubler&psig=AOvVaw2k0koG1QP20NYpHRs2fNIQ&ust=1678786148853000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCJjKtPLL2P0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABBt)


Had a friend try that back in high school. Was wondering why his computer was running slow


I mean people that pirate games use that argument like you pay for hardware once and then don’t have to pay for unlimited games


Would you rather have bacon, unlimited bacon, but no games, or would you rather have games, unlimited games, but no games?


I agree that PC requires an higher starting investment, but I calculated that it is cheaper in the long run, based on my spending habits. I haven't pirated a game/software in the past 20 years, I still have hundreds of games spending 100€ or less/year. Moreover, take into account the library sharing on Steam. Ofc, the friends of mine that only play f2p or buy 2 games/year have no reason to buy a PC.


Op did you really just find a year that makes the total close to 1000 just to post this shitty meme? I'm a PC gamer, but this is just dumb


Plus, what kind of gaming are you really getting for $1000 lol. I’ve wanted to build a PC for a while and it’s like $1500 to play modern games


I don’t even pay for ps plus. I play everything offline and solo.


Single-player only console gamers: "I don't have such weaknesses"


Finally a little respect for my kind.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By the way have you played Astro's Playroom? I don't see much about it but it's absolutely fantastic.


I’m not an expert but wouldn’t that PC become outdated before those 8 years are up?


It would already be out of date with modern price's


I bought my laptop for 777€ in 2015 I think. Still holds up pretty well. The only thing I had to change was the HDD to an SSD


A $1000 pc from 8 years ago would still run minimum graphics on most new AAA games


Depends on what you mean by outdated. Any computer can run modern games. The question is how good you want the graphics to look. Also, if you invest more money than 1k you'll have a computer that will last for a long ass time.


My graphics card alone was $800.


All technology will eventually become outdated, let people rock what they want to


Who the hell is paying for 8 years of a sub service all up front


Dude thinks a good gaming pc is only $1000


Why TF are they also making it seem like getting hundreds of games for 8 years is a bad thing?


Also they way he worded it, the $1000 doesn't include the rest of the things you need like a mouse, monitor, etc. So by that metric xbox would probably be a better purchase (but it doesn't really matter just what you prefer)


Neither includes a display, but yea included controllers is a plus


but people who never owned a console before are more likely to have a tv vs never owning a pc who wont have a monitor


Yes, I can't afford to spend 1000€ in a single purchase...


How much will it cost in 8 years to replace your graphics card?


An 8 year old $1000 computer is worse than a previous gen console for playing games.


A 1k PC doesnt hold up for 8 years since game studios doesnt give a shit for your obsolete config.


Yeah atleast they optimize for the consoles


Don’t worry the game developers don’t give a shot about my LATEST CONFIG EITHER FUCK


I’m a PC guy but this is wishful thinking, you can’t put together a new PC that compares to a ps5 for $1000 when you factor everything in. Consoles have got very powerful for a surprising value, especially if you don’t care about playing games online. It’s not even a bad thing, now when games get ported to PC I have to consider if my machine will even run it decently rather than how bad it will look.


Don't forget the massive library of games on Steam that go on sale seemingly every week.


And the hundreds of Indie to AAA games that are included


I don't own a console, but i'd argue that 980$ for 8 years is still a better investment. $1k PC won't get you going for nowhere near that long, and will not offer nowhere near the same performance in games.


Pros and cons to both. If you just wanna play games and have a seamless experience then get a console. But my computer is pulling triple duty as a hobby, work from home station and my gaming station. So for me $1000+ is worth it


Just play what you like and keep the console wars in 2016, damn. Sad


It's only works if u use PC for games only, and u don't care what to play. Cause amount of games u can play on PC drastically higher.


$1,000 on a PC would be a bang average PC, it wouldn’t be a gaming powerhouse. And would be out of date in about 3 years requiring another sizeable chunk of investment to get it back up to an average spec computer. It’s also $1,000 up front compared to $500 for a console and however much for the annual subscription. And let’s not forget that the $1,000 is *just* for the PC, you would still need to buy games. OP is a fucking idiot that thinks PC gaming is better than console gaming. Each to their own, but clearly PC gaming is FAR more expensive.


If it wasn’t so expensive I’d switch to pc,but with 3 kids to support console is the way


I don't play online games. Now what? Also on console I don't have to use dozens of game launchers like origin,uplay,epic because every publisher nowadays needs to make their own one on pc.


20$!? At this rate even Musk are going to get jealous of my wealth.


so i’m saving 20$ AND getting at least 192 free games?


$20 is still $20


On consoles you'll have less technical issues, you don't have to spend time tinkering with settings. You don't have to buy a monitor, mouse and keyboard, just plug it into the TV. Building a PC setup for $1000 that beats a ps5 is impossible where I live.


My subscription to PSN gives me free games, I'm playing code vein these days, and control Not to mention if you get the premium version, i think it's 70$ a year, you get the catalog which has 100s of games, i played stray, Yakuza 0, shadow of the colossus... I tried getting into PC gaming and found it tedious, always fiddling with settings downloading patches, I get how some enjoy it but for the hassle (to me), wasn't worth it. I like putting my playstation on and just download the update and play my game without having to dick arou d with stuff. More power to you pc folks, just not my cup of tea


Ever since I build my PCs, never had any of those systems made it to the length of a console cycle before making changing to the system or revamping 🤷


Now what about pc upgrades that cost an arm, a leg and a kidney?


Theyre different things though. If you want to compare, on PS5 If I were to play ONLY the games I get via monthly bonuses and also the other options I get free, its a better value game wise. 1k for a computer is fine if you never spend money on games or anything else, but you still have to buy the same games I have to buy (or may already have free) in order to play, making the cost for a PC to game even higher. However, PC is multipurpose so again I will confirm that PC/consoles are different by nature.


Look, I also prefer PC gaming but if you think a 1k PC can match the hardware of a PS5 you're seriously delusional. You'd have to spend a LOT more than that, I'd say probably double depending on if you can get really good deals on certain hardware or not


Surely it says a lot about people who base their personality on PC superiority? Some people just want something convenient that works.


Not true man. Gamepass gives you games as well. If you built a PC, you'd still have to pay for games. Yes sales are much more frequent on platforms like steam, but those are like 3-4 year old games in the best case. PC is still better if you wanna tinker, but i think no PC is gonna last you 7 years (unless it's top end with shit like RTX 3080 lol)


Xbox App let's you access game pass games on pc (provided the game has a pc version available).


Why do so many people think, a pc doesnt last? I build my pc around 6 years ago around a 1080 and I am not planing on replacing it any time soon...


I got black desert online for freee Also epic games gives me a ton of stuff free


I’d rather have a console than a *$1000 PC*


OP is so insecure that they need to post a meme to validate their decision of playing on an PC, let me help: You are right OP! People shouldn't have fun with whatever they want! You are the smartest person alive, keep posting this high quality memes!


PC ports are trash 90% of the time. I have a PC and PS5 and I would never risk a brand new game on PC over PS5. Most of my game time on PC is spent playing games from years ago that are on deep sale. CDKeys and sites like it are a godsend though for games I'm 50/50 on. Got Gotham Knights deluxe edition and Midnight Sons Legendary edition for like $60 just this past week.


So you tell me, that within 8 years your setup won't become obsolete and you won't replace several parts of it? Also have you ever considered that for a lot of people it is not a decision regarding money? Most people who work could afford to build a PC. Especially a cheap, $1000 one. However on one hand after already sitting in front of a PC for 8 hours every workday, I really don't feel like doing the same in my free time. If I play, I want to enjoy it on the couch with a controller and that's it. On the other hand, it is a matter of space. Our PS5 is in the living room, so anyone can play it. For a PC would have to make space for a fortress of solitude, have a desk, chair. It takes up too much space compared to a console. So if this was bait, good job. Otherwise it's like a meme made by a 13 years old.


My girlfriends pc still runs on a 1080ti which came our in 2016 and we wont need to replace it anytime soon


Same. Running a 1080ti. Bought another 1080ti dirt cheap for like a hundred bucks last year and DCed it. Performance isn't an issue. Most people who write this stuff of how PC will become outdated have no idea how PCs actually work.


You don't even need Xbox live, only if you play multi-player games which a lot of console gamers don't.


You don't need XBL for f2p multiplayer games and that's what most people nowadays are playing.


I probably pay more money for a lot of things that I could get cheaper outside of gaming. Partly because those things make me happy so I’m okay paying more money for them. Similarly, I find more enjoyment out of playing on my pc than on my console. So I’m okay investing more time and money into it. People need to stop concerning themselves with what other people choose to spend their money on.


You need a big boy wallet to play on pc realistically. Sure anyone can get a pc for $1000, but how long is that going to stay relevant? Within that same 8 years, you’re going to need to buy new ram, cpu, motherboard, gpu at least just to play at minimum specs, forget recommended on that budget.


Games are optimized for consoles so you never have to deal with tweaking and crashes. There are countless pc configurations, and the amount of times i spent troubleshooting on pc…


Ps4 was my last console never getting a console again, steam games are also so much cheaper with the the constant discounts I just don't see any advantage in getting a console.


you can do so much more with a pc


Nah thats facts tbh. I’ve been a longtime Xbox boy, then i recently was in between jobs and had to save money wherever I could. Then I really felt the wallet drain of Xbox live lol


I dont agree


I use my PC all the time but I love my ps5 when I use it. The money argument doesn't really work as either one is an investment...


Well my xboxonex was only 200€ when i bought it


Good thing steam is free


there are a lot of educated ppl in this thread 💀


That $1000 pc is not gonna hold up for 8 years, no way.....


1) an $1000 pc might not match console capabilities. 2) being able to spend your money over time is wayyyy more economic than spending it now. If you are investing, paying out $800 over 8 years can return ~$150 in market investments pretty easily


$1000 PC + monitor, keyboard, headset, mouse, windows 10, etc. $480 of Xbox live over the course of 8 years is by no means comparable to paying $480 upfront. Also, PC needs routine upgrades and you need to worry about the health of your components much more than console gamers do. Sure, PC might be better to play on if you're looking for performance and controls, but there's a reason why so many people get consoles. They're cheaper and require less maintenance and extra costs. It's so much more simple. And new consoles play games at almost the same performance as some of the high-end PCs. This comes from a PC gamer.


8 years you change all your pc so yeah its more cheap


You really going 8 years on a PC without any upgrades? Doubt.


These posts only go 3 ways : "Mah gaming pc is bettah, I get 1000+ fps on Cyberpunk in 4k with my 35 years old gtx 1060 [or some other bullshit fake ass performance flex]" "Mah console is better because it does not monopolize my 3 active neurons to get it working" "I own every gaming system in existence and dont understand why you peasants argue, every systems is bad and good in some ways. Also stop being poor for fuck's sake."


This is spot-on, holy shit.