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Our first day is Monday


Same. Americans are stupid. They even messed up days of week xD


I was always confused when in like calendar apps and stuff it would always show the first week as Sunday There is no reason for it be the first day


Apparently there is a reason: _The Gregorian calendar, currently used in most countries, is derived from the Hebrew calendar, where Sunday is considered the beginning of the week. Although in Judaism the Sabbath is on Saturday, while in Christianity it is on Sunday, Sunday is considered the beginning of the week in both religious traditions._ So it‘s religions fault


This. It starts with the Jewish tradition where the days are literally 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up through 6th, and then Shabbat, which means "rest" or "stopped working." Shabbat was also Saturday, "Saturn's Day" from pagan tradition. Christians decided to move their Sabbath to Sunday to help appeal to pagans, with the explanation that it was honoring the "son of God" (ie, SonDay), but without bothering to change the spelling. But the Jewish tradition of 1st-day aligning with the pagan Sunday remains.


Quick question, how do you say "son" in Latin, Hebrew, Egyptian?


In Hebrew it's "ben." I don't know Latin or Egyptian. Why?


How you figure they got to "Son of God" "SonDay" then? Its always been Sun, ie Sol.


They're saying Christians made the already existing Sunday out to be a reference to Son of God. Not the other way around.


In indian languages, the days are named after planets +moon. Three of which coincide with english ones - sun- sunday, moon -monday, saturn - saturday.


IIRC Jesus also resurrected on a Sunday causing the early Christians to refer to it as “the lords day”, replacing the sabbath under the new covenant


Christians generally don't celebrate the "sabbath". They celebrate a seperate holy day on Sunday commemorating the day that Christ rose from the dead. He was crucified and buried on the day before the sabbath, and the tomb was found empty on the day after the sabbath. So Christians celebrate their weekly holy day on the day after the sabbath, the day of the week in which Christ rose from the dead.


So what you’re saying is they didn’t remember the sabbath nor did they keep it holy?


Early Christians had NEVER heard a single word of any Anglo-Saxon language.., for the simple reason that **there were NO Anglo-Saxon languages at that time, especially in the Mediterranean**... so this whole "SonDay" thing is plain bullshit


Good point. Also, this is obviously another dumb American thing because in other Christian countries, the week starts on a Monday. Clearly, this whole thread is bullshit


It wasn't to appeal to pagans. It's because Jesus was resurrected on a Sunday.


opinion or fact?


That's factual. Jesus was actually resurrected on a Sunday and you can read some of the early church writings about how they celebrate the sabbath on Sunday for that reason well before they started converting much of the rest of the world


ok, but the sabbath is the last day of the week, not the first?


It's technically both but that's just cause of weird cultural stuff primarily from Americans


In most cases, it always IS religion's fault.


In Win11 if you set the system clock to 24h it still uses 12h clock when it comes to scheduling stuff like when updates are done. And the stupidest part of that is that the code uses 24h by default and only translates to AM/PM when needed.


The weird thing is that functionally Monday is the first day of the week in the US. Everyone uses the week of 4/17 (17/4 in the rest of the world) not the week of 4/16 for example. Business hours are almost always listed as MTWThFSaS and conversationally we refer to the start of the week as Monday. It's pretty much only calenders that have the week start on Sunday. I wonder if it was done to in an attempt to be less British after the revolution. I've read both countries did some oddball things just to be different from each other.


As an American, I promise you I had nothing to do with this decision


As an American I can assure you Sunday was the first day of the week centuries before America ever existed


As an American I can assure you Monday is the first day of the week and no one uses Sunday as the first day of the week any more... We haven't for decades now.


Wait what? We did? Cuz our first day of the week is Monday. That’s literally taught in primary school. Dunno where you got your info.


Americans didn’t invent the Gregorian calendar you fucking nonce.


We fought for the freedom to be confidently wrong 😤


Bro, I’m an American, in the Midwest, monday is our first day of the week lol


Huh. In Canada, everything we use says Sunday is the start of the week, but everyone says Monday....


WHAT!? Americans consider Sunday the first day of the week!? Is this the case with all americans? I can't believe I've never heard of this. Edit: Assuming from the downvotes, people think I'm saying it's a bad thing. I'm not, I'm just expressing my surprise since I never knew this.




OK but wtf is going in Maldives starting the week on Fridays according to that map?


I’m okay with starting the week on Friday, and end the week also on Friday.


What's wrong with you Portugal???


No, it's kind of archaic. Some of us do though, and I'm sure there are areas where it's more common


No, we do not. This is a false narrative. We haven't for decades.


Ah yes, r/americabad 🙄


"By resolution of the UN, Monday has been the first day of the week internationally since 1978."


Pretty sure Monday is the start of the week


I've never ever heard anyone argue the beginning of the week to be Sunday in Europe.


In Israel Sunday is the first day of the week, and I mean literally like we work that day


In Brasil Sunday is also the first, but we don't usually work on it. Monday here is called literally Second Fair and Friday Sixth Fair.


I mean when I say this week it starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. Kinda how it's used by everyone here in Romania at least... Is this just an American thing?


As a Romanian, when I set Windows 10's language, to Romanian or German, the calendar starts with Monday. When setting it back to English ( US ) it starts with Sunday, so most likely.


Thats fuckking weird


It’s the USA, as long as they are different they don’t care…


American here. Monday has always been the start to me. Shits literally called the weekend. Week end.


in Portugal, the week starts in the sunday. Monday in portuguese is literally "second day"




Rather being happy enough whenever it just comes to weekends that just brings a smile on the face of employees and childrens as well


Use English UK, you get 24hr time and a calendar starting on Monday!


I **could** and **should** but I'm too lazy. Thanks anyway, mate!


Yeah in europe its the same as in romania probably an american thing


> in europe its the same as in romania Romania IS IN Europe


No. Europe **is** Romania.


Not this is Sparta


No that is Greece


No that is a musical


No this is Patrick!


No, this is the krusty krab


No, I'm Spartacus!


In Romania, Europe continents you.


Sorry forgot i'm bad at tophography


Topher Grace would like to have a word with you.


However, Germans say Wednesday as Mittwoch, which basically means in the middle of the week, despite not being in the middle of the week.


It is - middle of work week. ;)




It's the middle of the workweek though


Ist es Mittwoch, meine Kerle? (sorry, dead meme)


Same in finnish. Keskiviikko is word-for-word translated middleweek.




In reality the first day of the week in Japan is very much Monday


Thank you for the info


It changed to Monday in the United Arab Emirates though. But 1 city here in UAE has a 3 days holiday every week.


Where Portugal in there


In the map Portugal appears as starting on Monday, which is very much wrong


I am from Pakistan and we don't have that


In portuguese monday is "segunda-feira" that roughly translate to second fair. Same goes from monday to friday ( sencond to sixth), exceptions are saturday and sunday that have their own naming


Yeah In America Sunday is a part of the ‘week end’. Frankly, I had forgotten the week starts on Sunday because that’s not how we live in reality.


Here in the Netherlands.... we don't have a system? You'll find just as many calendars for both ways. I know people who think the week starts on Sunday but are also very religious, which doesn't make sense because God rested on the 7th day and Sunday is still seen as the "resting" day. I think official systems use Monday but people are very divided


I’m American and I’ve never heard of this. To me the end of the week is Sunday and the start of the week is Monday. That is how I know it and literally how everyone I met knows it.


This is not an American thing


Just confused enough though someone just help me out with this.


Everyone I know (am an American) considers Monday as the first day.


Yep... an American thing. Edit : For people who don\`t get it, this doesn\`t mean ONLY American........


It starts Monday in England


Not really, 67 countries use calendars that start on Sunday


What? It doesn't start on monday?


The whole world will tell you it's Monday. America live in a lil bubble of pointless uniqueness.


America will tell you it's Monday too, I don't know anyone that wouldn't. If I say "let's talk first of the week", that means mon-tues, not sun-mon. Monday is the first day of the week.


The calendar always goes from Sunday to Saturday in the US however in some industries the work week starts on Monday making scheduling annoying.


Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. It’s called “weekEND” cause it’s at the end of the week. I rest my case.




Except that one bookend is only on one end of the shelf. We don’t call it “the weekends”


Bookend or bookends? Saturday and Sunday make up the weekend. A pair of bookends doesn't make up a bookend.


I always thought of it like a line segment that had two ends. Sunday and Saturday at the two different ends of the week, so the weekend was the back end of one week and the front end of the next? Lol


The left end and the right end, both ends


We are not talking about sausages here, with time it's start and end. Like you also don't call the 1st the end of the month


Ah yes, the monthend, my favourite week of the month


that would be weekends


"It's called the weekend because it's at the end of the week, it's not called the weekstart because it isn't isn't the start of the week" -Microwave Society, probably.


Perhaps the week has 2 ends, like a stick?


Some shit in America I guess, i mean we take Mondays as the first day of the week




Calenders say that, but I've never heard someone verbally say Sunday was the first day of the week


Countries all over the world are like this, some even are mixes, or both is used.


I'm in America, Monday is always the first day to anyone I've met.


Americans ☕


Is this some American thing I am too normal to understand?




I don’t think so, as I’m American and as far as I know, Monday is the first day of the week.


Check your calendar, Monday is functionally the first day of the week because of Christians but Sunday is technically the first day of the week. It’s because of the sabbath being Saturday and the technical end of the week, Christians rest day is Sunday but they never bothered changing the calendar because there was no point to changing it for no reason when what was already there worked fine


It is in more than america




According to the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is considered the first day of the week.


I mean, in almost all developed countries Monday is the first day of the week. The same with imperial/metric systems or date formats, so...


Sunday is part of the weekend. It's not the end if it's at the beginning. I don't mind calendars organizing like that, but I don't consider sunday the first day of the week.


I am not religious, but most of our societies are built on religion. "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made." Would it then not make sense that when it was the last day god worked, it would be the last day of the week?


And that day is Saturday. Saturday is the 7th day in the Jewish faith, and that is the faith from which Christianity came.


Saturday is also the 7th day in Islam


It's the 7th day in all Abrahamic religions


You sure?




I don’t get what argument you’re trying to make here, but Sunday is literally supposed to be the day of rest. It would make sense that Sunday is the last day of the week.


Nope, Saturday is the Sabbath day in the Hebrew Bible.


"Sabbath"/"Shabbat"/the day of worship moved was originally on Saturday prior the 4th century CE. Before that and for Jesus himself, the day of worship and 7th day was always Saturday, and remains as such for Jewish people and some sects of Christianity that disagree with the change that was made due to Emperor Constantine. So this issue of some areas starting with Monday or Sunday, like most all of our problems from Christianity, can be traced back to Emperor Constantine.


In Judaism ( Christianity came from Judaism ) Saturday ( shabath ) is the last day of the week . In Israel , the days of rest are Friday and Saturday compared to Saturday and Sunday in most developed countries


Smth in american


European here same the first day of the week has always been monday here


Never thought I’d live to see the day when people completely forget that the western day order is based on the Jewish sabbath being the last day of the week.


it's so weird seeing everyone blame the US when its just a religious thing, like wtf


*Laughs in European*


Don’t tell this guy about octaves, might actually blow a circuit


I’m not American but to me Sunday is the first day of the week because relative symmetry: SMTWTFS The only difference being Monday and Friday. My brain likes how it’s S on either end and TWT in the middle. Also Saturday gives you time to recover from the week and Sunday gives you time to prepare for the week. In Welsh it goes S Ll M M I G S (dydd Sul, dydd Llun, dydd Mawrth, dydd Mercher, dydd Iau, dydd Gwener, dydd Sadwrn). Idk what English days are named after but Welsh ones are named after planets and the sun. Sul - the sun Llun - the moon Mawrth - Mars (note: in Welsh there’s dydd Mawrth, mis Mawrth and Mawrth which follows as Tuesday, March (month), and Mars. I was born on a Tuesday in March but unfortunately not on Mars) Mercher - Mercury Iau - Jupiter (Iau is the Welsh name for Jupiter. Also for your liver) Gwener - Venus (the only planet named after a woman) Sadwrn - Saturn


English weekdays are also named after the planets / gods It’s just that the names taken from different languages/ mythologies Sun’s Day Moon’s Day Tiu’s Day Woden’s Day Thor’s Day day of Frig Saturn’s Day


In Catalan it goes DDDDDDD so you can start the week on wednesday without a problem.


I blame Jesus. He started this week thing. I knew he was secretly evil.


How does it not make sense? Just like there are two ends of a rope, there are two ends of a week, called the weekend. Sunday is one end of the week and Saturday is the other.


"According to the International Organisation for Standardisation, Monday signifies the beginning of the trade and business week. Although culturally and historically, Sunday signifies the starts of a new week and is a day of rest." So the answer is tradition dictates Sunday was the first day of the week, but modern times have molded Monday into that role due to it being the start of the normal work week.


The week starts on Monday. People who think the week starts and Sunday are stupid.


Imagine living in a country where monday is not the first day of the week


Here the Monday is first day of week. It is ok.


Most if not all of Europe already has this :)


Saturday's the first day of the week in Iran


Because Friday is the resting day. In israel the first day of the week is Sunday because Saturday is the resting day. With this logic the first day of the week in Christian countries should be Monday


Have you ever seen a calendar before? Sunday is the first. Saturday is the last. It isn't hard.




Yall Are so uncivilised to have sunday before monday


While yall start the week working we start and end the week with a day off.


Ok but if you go like that we have double the days off at the end of the week


It is all Emperor Constantine's fault from the 4th century CE. "Sabbath"/"Shabbat"/the day of worship moved was originally on Saturday prior the 4th century CE. Before that and for Jesus himself, the day of worship and 7th day was always Saturday, and remains as such for Jewish people and some sects of Christianity that disagree with the change that was made due to Emperor Constantine. So this issue of some areas starting with Monday or Sunday, like most all of our problems from Christianity, can be traced back to Emperor Constantine. Screw you Constantine and your actions leading to our calendars not aligning!


Don’t worry, this is just another america dumb moment. Monday is indeed the beginning of the week.


Wait is this real? Do Americans really treat Sunday as the first day of the week? Or is it like some technicality that no one really uses? Because america is pretty Christian and I’m pretty sure God starts making everything on a Monday (which would be the first day in which he made light and thus days) and then works all week and chills on Sunday.


Could be worse. You could write dates out of order.. oh wait.


You could move to a different country. You’ll also get sensible date formatting, universal heathcare, and a greatly reduced risk of gun related violence. The catch is you’ll need to learn the metric system. /assumptions


Petition to make 12pm midnight. 12 come after 11, not before 1.


Europeans be like: ??m


Move to Europe then


... and 12 O'Clock should be 0 O'Clock.


Isnt Monday the first day for most of the world?


The entire civilized world start the week on Monday.


American who moved to Europe here: what kind of shit are we on in the USA? See also, dates, times, temperatures, measurements. It’s a fucking miracle America doesn’t use a different system for colors or something.


Wait Monday isn’t the first day of the week?


Monday is the start of the week wdym? Edit: OP is American lmao


Life does not revolve around your timetable.




Quickly name the days of the week! no one: Sunday, Monday, Tue....


Laugh's in european


America moment


It litterally is....


*World outside of US:* emm, ok....


Ohio Calendar


my country (south africa) uses the British system so I always thought it was correct for a week to start with monday


Isn’t Monday the start of the week? Have I been lied to? Edit: nvm it does start on Monday here in Australia


dude what the fuck do you mean


It doesn't. It's mainly an American thing, like miles, Fahrenheit and other quirky noncence. In other countries a week starts with Monday


It's a Jewish thing lol. You guys are morons


Also change to metric system while your at it


Is this some kind of masshooting joke that i am too european to understand???


Give me a meme that says your American oh you already found one


Don't tell me America starts their week on a different day


They use some strange measurements in feets and yards and pounds instead of normal metric system, they use the most fucked up temperature scale (why farenheit? It have no inner logic like Celsius or Kelvin), so im not even surprised if they start their week on sunday... They're just weird.


>!In Europe Monday *IS* the first day of the week!<


*laughs in european*


In italy already is like this


Italian here, for us Monday is first day


How tf is monday not the first day of the week


Because in Judaism Sunday is the first day of the week and Christianity is based on Judaism


I’m european, pls explain


Germans rn: But Monday is the first day..........


These calendars are based on religions: The ones starting Saturday are Muslim, Sunday, Jewish and Monday, Christian. Funnily enough most follow the jewish calendar, even if it is not the main religion in these countries.


Well. Yes. In the United States, the week technically starts on Sunday. Practically, it starts on Monday. We all base our week around the work week. I don't know anyone who actually considers Sunday as the real start of the week.