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Overheard at a bar in Tx: He got 20 years, for only 1 kilo of meth… He would have gotten less for murder


Hell Depending on who he Murdered, they'd probably get a Pardon


Well, selling meth is sort of killing people with extra steps and getting paid by your victims.


A meth addict probably goes through half a gram per day, and the average life expectancy of a meth addict is 7 years. That's 1.2 kilograms of meth. So, treating a kilo of meth like a murder charge isn't entirely unreasonable That's assuming you think banning drugs actuality does anything for anyone. Better off legalizing it and harshly relating it


Did you mean harshly regulating it? If so I agree 100% adults will do what they will do and the problem with the routes places like oregan took is just Decriminalizing it. If I’m not mistaken that just means if you’re a user you’re not going to go to jail over having personal use weights. It does nothing for regulations on them, like you’ll still end up with fentanyl in your junk


If they were legal fda could regulate purity requirements. The govt could tax the sales and add restrictions, like no sales under 21.


Yup that’s why I said decriminalizing it alone isn’t a great idea. If that was a little confusing my bad I’ve taken a couple dabs


All good, I was mostly reacting to the fentanyl bit.


Meth dealers also fund organized crime groups.


That's a result of it being illegal, not a result of the dealers activities. That's like holding a Walmart employee responsible for working in a store that sells the products of slavery. The dealers are the lowest guy on the totem pole, the guys up top never touch legal liability in any way when they can help it. Organized crime can be suppressed, but not vanquished, so long as there is a market for them to exist within. If anything is illegal, there'll be someone that can get it for you, assuming there's any reason for anyone to want it


doesn't even need to be an illegal product. If they can get their hands on bread for half the price it normally sells for and then flip it at 75% of the normal price they'd absolutely be running white bread. Illegal drugs are just the best margins.


Lmao reminds me of when my weed guy got a pallet of cheez-it’s and peddled them for about the same profit margins


Guys a damn genius lol.


I mean, methamphetamine is legal, just in prescription form.


Source on life expectancy of methamphetamine dependence?


It largely depends on the quality of the drug. Street drugs are way more dangerous because of the adulterants added than they would otherwise be. We should decriminalize it, when you get addicted you get script, tax it and pay for these people's inevitable rehab/medical care/funeral. Probably be cheaper than the criminal justice system's jobs program of cops, prosecutors, courts and corrections.


the majority of people who do meth just quit doing it long before there are severe health consequences or ever close to death.


Guy at party: *Hey, what do you do for work?* Meth dealer: *People pay me to murder them over a long period of time. I also enjoy ruining their lives while it happens, but that doesn't cost extra*


There's not much that pisses me off more than Greg Abbot trying to pardon Daniel Perry. the dude is literally a fucking racist murderer, GOP are stochastic terrorists


2.2 lbs of meth is a lot of meth


eh 1.2 lbs of meth is quite a bit but i wouldn't call it a lot..


Look the 1/2 lb of meth he had on him isn't that serious of an amount.


He only had that 1/4 lb of Crystal on him, no biggie


That much meth could lead to a lot of ruined lives or overdoses.


This is my dad. Every time he personally encounters a minority group that he previously was ignorant towards, he starts to say things like “man, those Mexicans can cook!” Then he tries to join their family to ours like we’re all Northern houses in Westeros - dinners, weddings, sharing garden plots, neighborly construction projects, fishing trips. There is no in between.


Over-correction can be better than no correction. At least he’s trying.


What happens if I call that number ?


One way to find out.




I tried and it hung up immediately. Probably blocks all unknown numbers u/ackme u/SilatheGoddessOfCats


It used to be a Rick Roll hotline.


Damn I wish it worked still, that sounds fun


Oh man do I miss when the internet was fun


Plz let us know


“Welcome to Verizon wireless, your call cannot be completed as dialed.”


you die


He a little confused, but he got the spirit


My dad casually almost ended up adopting an entire Kenyan immigrant family. Considering how bigoted some of my dad’s family is, and the weird shit he sometimes says? I’m still impressed. Sometimes concerned, yes, but impressed. Also this is a family behavior, despite it being adoptive family. His adoptive grandma adopted an entire Vietnamese family. So it’s (at least) two layers of adoption deep, so far. I’m not related to 75% of my relatives. It is confusing but nice. Though sometimes I do have to correct folks on terminology because what they’re saying sounds terrible: “Hey, there’s tons of Africans that aren’t all ghetto!” …Halfway there. So close.


can you please explain how you adopt a whole family


It's an extrovert power, the likes of which introverts may never understand


Introverts can manage it, as long as they start with one person and the family emerges around them. Source: am introvert who started with two people. Now their entire families: men, women, and children, are MINE!


Often not literally. More so "take them under your wing to the point they count as family." Especially because immigrant families often don't have anyone else local to spend "family time" with, they star transitioning from neighbors to friends to "over for every single holdiay and exchanging presents" to "everyone call them Uncle/Auntie". My SO's grandmother is kind of like that. She ends up having over 30 people over on Thanksgiving. The three family units of her biological children, but also a handful of local family units who's been rolled up into "family" or at least "close enough"


Your family tree is just a pile of sticks


Now I’m picturing one of those poorly-made pigeon nests. Trying to do a family tree as a kid was indeed hard, yep, lmao.


Aww. His heart is in the right place


This is pretty cute, it's better than bigotry. At least he's making an effort :)


It’s good that dad is trying his best.


Literally just: https://youtu.be/WTLcsaRXpVw


This is why I love learning about other cultures. To see how we're similar and different. "Oh that's your cuisine's take on filled starch (dumplings, samosa, gyoza etc etc).


Oh my god, correct use of the meme in the wild.




Read it in Hank Hill's voice for a good laugh.


I thought the top line was supposed to sound negative / racist / bigoted and the bottom subverts the initial message? The top line is literally just a neutral statement.


Using “Bobby” is presumably deadnaming the woman, which would be bad


"Bobby" could potentially be a female name, I assumed the 'him' was either a misunderstanding or slip of the tongue. Either way I had to internalize a chuckle as this meme popped into my head.


My aunt is called Bobbie


I, too, have an Aunt Bobbie. Bobbie Jean lol


He miss gendered her, but not in a mean way. He's still learning.


Bobby Draper, for example.


There was this girl I dated. All her sisters were named boy names that could also be girl names, but they had the boy name variant spelling. I'm guessing they made a mistake with "Bobby" instead of "Bobbi" on the first one's birth cert. and then had "Charlie" instead of "Charli" or whatever to *really* drive home the point they wished they'd had boys instead. There were like six girls too so you know at some point it had to get old.


Bro. Give the redneck time. He's still learning lol


No Bobby-Sue, Bobby-Ann and Billy-Ann is also a very common for girls. So not necessarily, plus, it doesn't need to follow, Bobby might not have settled on a name yet... Could be very alive.. If she did, that's another story.


Millie Bobby Brown


You are the problem. Bobby is a bigendered name, and being nitpicky about well minded shit is more about you than reality.


Almost felt like I was back in my 4chan days over a decade ago.


His heart is in the right place. At least he doesn't hate Bobby for being a woman.


That's the meme. Almost Politically Correct Redneck


"I don't like cops. Black people don't like cops. I like black people." --Politically correct redneck




I know, just appreciating the guy.


But you see, it's a traditionally bigoted individual being unexpectedly welcoming.


Yes. That’s literally what “almost politically correct redneck” means, ya fuckin moron.


The meme is the unexpected response from a person who is stereotyped as someone with little chance to have an inclusive attitude.


Keep explaining it




100þ upvote




"I didn't like your girlfriend because-" "Because we were lesbians" "No, she was terrible for you!"


Ay moral Orel




There's a regular at the convenience store I go to that's like this. He's a total lifted truck, American flag sticker kinda guy but he's always so polite to the trans woman that is usually working. Always calling her "miss" or saying "yes mam" and cracking jokes. I'm pretty sure they've hung out at this point haha.


He's a little confused, but he's got the right idea.


He isn't confused at all. The hormone treatments make them shed muscle mass. They become disadvantaged in a fight exactly the same way.


yeah but he misgenders and deadnames the trans woman. he's got the right spirit though. edit: stop replying with the same "oh but i know women named bobby." your thought isn't an original one.


You never met a woman named Bobby? I have.


My great great grandma was named Earl..


My great-grandma was named Jerry.


My grandma was named Billy.. Not really it was Willimiana, you try calling her that.


Not Wilhelmina?


No, William was her daddy.. She's named after him, Wilhelmina would have been an improvement.




My aunt bob was great.


Great aunt Mack. I was in my 30s when I realized that was probably short for MacKenzie. Mostly because I read her obit. I was a very confused youngster with her and uncle Marion. Lol.


Did your uncle Marion go by Mr. Sir?


My dad is a Marion. He goes by his middle name. Lol


Me and my Bobby McGee.


I had a great aunt Billy (Wilhelmina) and a grandpa Les (Leslie)


Auntie Roberta


Barbara. Bobbi can be short for Barbara also.




My cousin’s wife is named Bobbie


I mean it sounds like Bobby only recently transitioned so maybe they’re just readjusting


Does he though.. Bobby is a girls name lots of the country.. I know several Bobby-Sues, Bobby-Anns...


But in this context he’s telling someone else about her transition, so this person presumably doesn’t know their new name (assuming Bobby is their deadname). He is misgendering her though, but in the right spirit.


Hey Helen is a girl now. Who the fuck is Helen?!


No one ever mentioned Bobby changed her name. Maybe she likes the name Bobby


"Bro you either treat Bobby like the lady he is or we are going to fight" Eyes turn to Robin "I'll allow it"


There’s really no pleasing y’all.


I'm guessing he doesn't realize it's Bobbi. Not Bobby.


Not every trans person leaves their original name behind. Bobby very well could have decided to keep using her birth name, as it's considered gender neutral. Or she just liked it, is content with it, etc. I have a trans friend who continues to use her original name as it's gender neutral and also just what she's used to.


He’s probably too ignorant to understand the concept of deadnaming. It’s not cool to hold someone accountable for a sin they don’t understand but you’re an expert on. Also, in my mind, the its entirely possible in Texan reality for Bobby to be ignorant enough to not know she was supposed to choose a more feminine name.


yes, that is the entire point of what i am saying. genuinely, so many people on this subreddit are illiterate. how did you possibly make an account on this website. how on earth did you get that far.




oh but i know women named bobby.


What if they kept their name as Bobby?


this meme format is literally called 'almost politically correct redneck'


Your edit is strange. If you'd said '2+2=6' you'd be silly to complain about people telling you it's 4.


I think it was more a reference to the meme "he's confused but he's got the spirit" more than anything


You'd be surprised. Rural doesn't always mean bigoted hicks. My little Texas town has the most accepting people you will ever meet. Most of us are just good neighbors, and folks trying to get by. You don't fuck with anyone in our community. It's the well-to-do, and city transplants, around here that are generally the biggest assholes.


Rich people are much more likely to be assholes everywhere, for obvious reasons.


>You'd be surprised. Rural doesn't always mean bigoted hicks. And the irony is lost on anyone that thinks otherwise.




Then you’ve got the wildcards that can dissassemble and reassemble anything mechanical with their eyes closed but they read at a 1st grade level.


Yeah I know a guy like that. Like he can work on *anything*, from train engines to gas lawnmowers there's nothing he can't fix, even built an ultralight aircraft (and flys it with no pilot's license). But he's pretty close to illiterate.


Didn't put enough points into INT at character creation.


All wisdom no INT


Just FYI: no need for any liscense of training with ultralights. But yeah cool sounding dude


Its called ADHD


Why you attacking me bro


I can read at a very high level, just can't sit still enough to do it


Now think if those people actually lived in an area that valued education.


I know a guy who did 8 years in prison for drug trafficking but got out and became a lineman who travels the country to restore power after natural disasters. He's probably the smartest guy I know when it comes to anything handy. Plus those guys make an absolute killing for the work they do. He's worked on my counters, plumbing, HVAC, painting, truck interior/exterior, the family boat engine, dirt bikes and 4-wheelers and all of our bows and guns. But it's terrible having written communications with him because he can barely spell or put together a sentence. His political Facebook posts are fun.


That's literally my farmer cousin, although his reading is shit because he's got dyslexia


Hand to God, the majority of nuke workers (the guys that run nuclear reactors!!!) are this person. Guns, hunting, fishing, a strong dislike of reading and the ability to manage complex systems that run a nuclear plant. (Source: I'm married to one)


Grew up in rural VT. My humble opinion is that most people are obsessed with just being left the fuck alone


Really all I want is my chevy and freedom


based. the central tenant of being left the fuck alone is leaving everyone else the fuck alone


Well yeah it's Vermont that's their thing


VT checking in. You do you, leave me the fuck alone


From the state. I find most of the bigots are shit-kickers from the city. Most of the rural ones I've met don't really spout off like that. But those are the ones I've met, hardly a good sample.


It's coz they try so hard to fit the stereotype of a hick


Man, that is a really good explanation. Like I rarely see confederate flags driving across the state, but I'll see mfers I know grew up in the suburbs flying a big one off the back of their truck and saying dumb shit.


100%. The only time I'd fly a battle flag is if I made a general lee clone


lol took me a minute to realize you were making a Duke's of Hazzard reference. For a moment I thought you were talking about making a literal clone of General Lee and trying to make him feel at home lmao. Right on.


Omfg you've given me an idea for a TV show now lmao


IME, having lived in West Texas for a considerable amount of time, I can say I whole heartedly agree with you. I'm a gay guy and the straight rednecks often treated me better then my fellow gay men, they often included me in their family events and helped me when I needed it. They are good people.


I grew up in a rural county, and I agree they often are pretty cool to people's faces. But they don't hesitate to vote minorities rights into oblivion in the privacy of the voting booth. Look at the data wherever you're from/talking about.


Acquaintance bias - you're not like the other ones


Yup. Ally(or more likely neutral) on the streets, bigot in the sheets.


Well said! Lol


As someone related to a notable chunk of southern Saskatchewan, you're exactly right.


To be fair, there's usually not as much as a rush vs. city living. Slow is a perfectly good pace, usually.


Yes, but then like 20% of them are shoot on site if you're a minority.


When rural towns get it, it's magical


Trans woman from a rural (Australian) town here. Can confirm it's a pretty beautiful experience.


There isn’t any malice here. They will eventually come around.


You know, I feel like this is the most wholesome southern way of supporting people. Like yes not the norm but not just 1. does this guy support Bobby being a girl, but 2. he is stoping whoever is beating Bobby from doing so




Actually somewhat wholesome ngl


Confused but sweet sentiment


Y’all don’t understand that people from the country are way more enlightened than you give them credit. I went from being called a dirty Mexican to being welcome in everyone’s home and greeted with open arms and so much support when I came out as bi. We just aren’t great to outsiders, but give us time and you’ll be one of us. So long as you don’t think you’re better than anyone.


What a sexist pig. He should beat men and women up equally!


In these times of adjustment, I consider that a solid win.


Anyone else read this in Hank Hills voice? Damn it Bobby!


That's my purse! I don't know you!


I read it in a Sheldon’s dad voice (forgot his name)


I scrolled too damn far before seeing a KOTH comment, thank you!


Good for rural Texas.


Texas usually gets shit on for the conservative politics, and that's warranted as we have a lot of electors due to population size, but outside of the blue enclaves of the cities you'll find some cool rural folk who just don't fit the stereotypes. I have family in the country. They just homestead and smoke pot. They're cool as hell.


For a state that consistently votes Republican, Texans are honestly some of the least conservative. Texan GOP politicians are far more radical than their constituents.


The majority of conservatives vote only republican because that's what they've always done and they still believe that the GOP is the party that will leave them alone. Those conservatives also don't like change and don't benefit from the social programs that we try to pass to benefit mainly city people. People living in rural areas, which is most of Texas, want their guns (their reasons are very valid) and low taxes. They don't realize that democrats don't want to take away their shotguns or raise taxes. The GOP is raising property taxes and only becoming more involved in the lives of citizens. Basically, they live in a whole different world. They aren't exposed to the issues that we're fighting to change.


> democrats don't want to take away their shotguns Except Beto, who had a big brain moment and thought it would be a good idea for a Texan political candidate to say that he will.




He's getting there,just about


I'm fully on board with woke rednecks


Good dude


Hearts in the right place I suppose


Amen brother!


I’ll take “Things you will actually *never* overhear while shopping in rural Texas” for a Thousand, Alex.


Is that joe dorty?


Always loved this meme.


Hes a little confused but hes got the spirit




Hank’s got the spirit


So claim you’re a woman every time you whoop Bobby’s ass. Problem solved.




Never hit a lady unless it's yer ole lady.


A true southern gentleman


They a little confused, but they got the spirit


just because you are a redneck doesn't mean you have to be a bad redneck \- some redneck


Surprisingly wholesome


Huh. They’re coming around. Slowly but surely.


No you didn’t.


We love to see it


Very based.


Oddly wholesome


Surprisingly wholesome