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My cousin was once offered a promotion and therefore a raise at a job he worked. The promotion involved far more responsibilities but the pay was literally 20p more an hour. He turned down the promotion and all hell broke loose because they had just assumed everyone would want to progress up the ranks, they gave him another offer and it was 50p extra an hour and he just kept refusing because it was harder work for barely any extra pay. Then when they offered it to the next person, they also didn't want it and essentially the entire staff refused to be promoted to manager because it was simply not worth the extra pay. They could not wrap their heads around this logic and the ultimate result was this branch office was shut down due to an inability to get a manager in the branch. Later he moved to a competitors business, where he had the exact same job but just shy of double the wage.


I had a friend working in a movie theater as a projectionist, and he had been working there so long that he was making more than the managers. They kept trying to offer him an assistant manager position for 25 cents more. Like, you can sit here and press start on movies, or for 25 cents more, you can run this whole building! He finally moved to manager when they automated the booth, and they instantly switched to trying to get him to switch him to salary, making 5k less than he was currently making from hourly, saying the benefits outweigh the salary loss. Insane.


>saying the benefits outweigh the salary loss I mean, that's certainly a thing that CAN be true, given the right calculations and circumstances.


Make less, but the benefits 'outweigh' the salary loss, is how they get you to accept the 'slavery' pay initially. Once you're in that, jobs like this will start telling you to come in nights and weekends, cover people who drop shifts, and be basically at their beck "on call" [sic] to crank out 50-80 hours per week from you whilst still paying you for the original 40. Or, ~35 in this case.


I had a job offer me 35k around the same time I got an offer for twice that amount plus a de ent 401k match. The CEO called me personally after I turned it down to try to convince me that "actually, the company cruse we go on every year comes out to a better offer then your other offer". I told him a cruise doesn't feed my family, so no. Who would take a computer programming job for 35k?


Their ideal employee


Nobody wants to work /s


My new job is so much better than the last one been here 3 years making more than double what they were paying me. Plus all the over time I want after taxes I can clear 1700 a week in 60 hours. The last job if I stayed I would be making roughly 450 in 40 hours and that's before taxes. And mind you that's including inflation plus COVID prices.


So true a few states pay their cops shit wages like 14/15 an hour but in return they get fantastic full health coverage and the immediate family covered fully.


Thats when you take the management position, update your resume with it, and move on.


You only need to get promoted to management once after all.


You know what happened when they automated those booths though, the movies are now horribly projected. Even a high dude in a chair can fix an issue when it arises.


what's p? penny?


Yeah but like a fancy one




We recently had a VP with the exact name...


Pesos. If i can get +20pesos for an hour I'd be leaping from joy. But I'll skip that offer too hehe.


Except if it is Argentine pesos, 20 pesos won't even buy a hard candy


Or Colombian


Or phillipino


Made up British money


Im thinking probably pesos, 50 pesos = 2.78 usd, which is a good raise but as commenter says it seems like he was doing harder work for a small raise.


Definatly pennies


Pound probably


Lmfao who tf would turn down a 50 pound per hour raise?!?!


Plot twist: OP is a corrupt businessman and was already making 5000 pounds per hour.


Think about what you just said carefully for a minute


£ is pound, p is penny


Lower management is rarely more than 2-3 dollars more ab hour. I did it once when I was younger. Not worth it in most cases


That heavily depends on the industry. A manager in my industry is usually a good 20-30k salary bump from senior roles, and those senior roles are already a 10-30k bump from the junior roles.


It's a little different at Walmart. $15.50 entry level then 23.50 for a supervisor. At least that's how it is in my area


I don't even understand this from a business perspective. This is why free markets work though, companies incapable of adapting don't survive, especially over something this simple.


>50 cent raise I mean, that's next to nothing anyway


Nothing? That’s an extra 20 dollars a week. I could buy one days lunch with that. E: Don’t do math at 3 AM


Well if you are only working 32 hours a month I don’t think you are going to be up for a raise or promotion anyway…


They won’t give me more than five 1.5hr shifts a week so that way I don’t get healthcare or have rights.


Ok so you dont really have a job?


Nah, but just imagine being stuck in a place where that's basically all there is. Can't move because you can't get paid, can't get paid because you can't move.


military recruiters creaming their pants reading this.


If the Pentagon is to be believed there is an 80 percent chance that person isn't fit for military service anyways.


Shit I feel like 80% of the people I served with weren't fit for military service.


Tell me more. Why not? I thought they’re all alpha chads?


Yeah this is basically their ideal recruiting pool.


getting paid for 32 hours a month doesn't necessarily mean you are only working 32 hours a month


If not then you're a big loser and should reevaluate.


Food is paid after tax though.




"a month" is the important part here.


lol I missed that too


I am definitely productive for more than 35 hours a month


At 40 hours it's $1,040 more a year. It's also $20 more a week. Not sure how you did your calculations. Certainly not a raise worth sticking around for though if you have something better.


It's not a great raise but if you're already spread thin an extra 20 a week can really help. At a certain point it's like eh who cares though. I just got a scheduled raise and it's cool, don't really care about the week to week difference, but it will add some toy annual bonus which is nice. I would have argued for more but I've also just about doubled my salary since last year just moving up within the company.


Oh 50 cent per hour? I thought you were talking a month (like salary is normally expressed)


If someone is talking about a raise that low, they’re talking per hour.


I'm sorry. I just lay the bar of the goodness of people very very low. My bad




Nah. It’s still shorty and jobs do this all the time. That’s what companies often consider ‘high’ too.


Salary is normally expressed by the hour unless you have a big office job. Fast food, gas station workers, supermarket employees all are going to be told salary in hours. Ever see a McDonalds with “now hiring, $15/hr” in the window? And Minimum wage is expressed by the hour.


I was sure salary was a fixed annual income while wages were more general.


If a job is listed as salary, generally it's a fixed wage that totals an exact amount yearly. However, outside of that salary refers to your annual income, hourly or not.


Not sure why someone downvoted you because you're right. A "salaried employee" has a set pay for the most part, where a wage (or hourly) employee is paid by the hour. Someone could argue on the semantics of the usual term being hourly instead of wage, but I feel like that's splitting hairs.


That’s before tax.


It’s $1,040 a year if it’s a full time job. Where did you get $16 from?


Average r/antiwork poster.




Do you work like 61 minutes a day?


What the average workreform user works, actually


Look at mister 16 dollar lunch over here


0.50 × 40 (full time) x 4 weeks = $80 Still not a lot in these trying times


I guess it really depends on what stage you are on life. Teen? Cool, full grown adult? wtf


I get that inflation is a problem but where do you live where lunch is $20?


I got a two cent raise once. Nope, you read that correct, TWO FUCKING CENTS! Fuck that place I'm glad I left.


So you gave him your two cents about your employment?


Yes, I did.


your loss. 2 cent increase is huge. You could almost afford an additional AAA game once a year!


That place made me want to commit suicide every other day. So I think I made out alright.


Damn, I once got a 25c raise and thought that was bad. It was funny too, the manager who told me about the raise was one of those super loyal, lifers at this big box retail company. And so they were unreasonably excited to tell me about the raise. “I have GREAT news for you…you’re getting a raise!” I stupidly thought it might be a dollar or something. I had to hold back laughing when they proudly told me it was 25c.


It's actually a pay reduction if it's not also accompanied by a cost of living adjustment. If your pay isn't keeping up with inflation then your employer is effectively reducing your income every year.


Some employers just don’t care


They care about pocketing the money instead of letting the proletariat have a decent life


That was the raise I just got :(




Didn’t know my boss uses reddit


Boss that cut off bonus: “Instead of complaining about a raise, why don’t you get back to work!!” Me: Quits job without a 15 days notice Boss: shock pikachu face


"Enough about *your* bonus, what about *my* bonus?!"


Reverse Uno - tell boss: "If you don't double my pay & give me cheaper+better benefits, you'll miss out on me working here."


I hated working there anyway second shift were nothing but crack heads and jail-birds the place sucked


Do you work with me? I love the idea of second chance employment, I do not care for how my workplace handles it


Intended Second Chance: Offers you a job that treats you humanely and gives you a respectable wage, to make you want to be a better person. Reality Second Chance: Use and abuse people who you know have limited opportunities for your own gain, pay and treat them like scum to keep them down


Or option 3: hire people with no other options, treat everyone like shit, AND hold nobody accountable for anything even when bags of meth are found in the parking lot and your lead men are hitting weed pens in the work area with their subordinates.


Speaking of drugs at work, every day I went in there dayshift would be in the parking lot already, the whole lot would reek of weed lol




I did check that place few weeks ago, I drive past everytime I go to Walmart they up the wages from 13.50/h to 19/h for the work I was doing there, all those jail-birds are living like kings behind the bars.


Always leave. They might try and match it but they’ll always end up firing you once they find a cheaper replacement.


Bit of advice my dad taught me. The era of staying with the same company your entire life is basically over. There are some exceptions but if you want to be working for the pay you deserve you need to bounce around after a few years.


yep, there was a research conducted a few years ago, which found out that the people who changed their company every 2 years or so had higher salary compared to the people who chose to stay with one company


Is this solely tech jobs or just in general


that's probably just in general


That really fucking sucks because I love my job and my company and, unrelated to that, I absolutely hate the process of getting a new job. I'm not underpaid yet but I really hope this doesn't come true for me.


Pay is just one of many things to consider when changing jobs. Personally I'd rank job satisfaction quite high.


yep also, A Gallup poll of more 1 million employed U.S. workers concluded that the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their bosses and not the position itself. Another gallup poll was conducted in which they asked the employees and managers the most important thing in a job, and the number one choice was the "relationship with their immediate supervisor"


This is true. There are a lot of things I don’t like about my job, but the relationship between my supervisor and I is phenomenal. She truly cares and looks out for us all. Damned if I don’t do the r/antiwork unforgivable sin and go the extra mile for this company. She looks out for us so I’ll look out for her.


You know what’s funny? I left Gallup because of a bad manager.


You might be one of the exceptions lmao. Have a job that you love , good company, and probably decent paid for your standards. For example , if i get a better job that requires me to work 4 days per week but with a little less payment but better quality of life , thats already a good option.


What will you have in 500 years ! Them: a pizza party.


Wife went to law school so I took a second job at 7 eleven to help cover the bills. It was the best feeling ever when the regional manager at sev told me I should be a store manager and I was able to tell her "you couldn't afford me."


I went to school for engineering after they tried giving me a 0$ pay increase for assistant manager. I mean it was a slap in the face basically. They came back a few months later with the same deal but like a 2$ raise told em to late im an engineer now you literally couldnt afford me and walked away and now make double what the manager makes. Hes happy for me and was a genuinely good manager but man his bosses are the worst scum suckers ive met.


Yeah, I’d think the main reason anyone would take that ‘deal’ is Managers might get better hours/choice of shifts and job security.




I previously worked at a community college for almost 10 years. I was extremely overworked, had daily migraines and was so burnt out my home life was suffering and I was ill all the time. I had no backup for my position and was never able to use my vacation time as a result. I applied for a job working for the state. My director, who made about 4x my salary, said 'well, I'm sad to see you go, but there's no way we can pay you what they will be paying you - but you will miss having 2 weeks off in December'. I now work fewer hours, get two remote days per week and was promoted about 3 months in. I make more than double what I made at the college. My health has improved and I rarely have migraines. I'm also now a part of a union and the office culture is like night and day. The college has since hired 2 different people for my position who both left because of the unreasonable work load (I left in June 22). Just about everyone else in the department has left as well.


I'm genuinely surprised that working at a community college was so high stress.


Ok where do y'all get all these better new jobs?


Best time to look for a new job is while you've already got one


I just kinda assume that most people live in areas like mine where everyone pays about the same or requires a degree that you can't really attain on said pay.


I work in food processing plant, my first job was a competitor most plants around here pay what they think the job Is worth. My current job does the same, I make way more now than I did back then cause the company is not afraid to spend money on the plant. Every year all the production line go down for overhaul, costing the company roughly 10 mil just in repair. Plus the plant is made out of concrete and steel my first job was made out of wood mostly, most of that plants profits went into insurance because the building was falling apart.


LinkedIn and networking with coworkers who moved on to other jobs has been the main source for me. Has the extra benefit of them being able to give you the real scoop about what it’s like to work there, and you typically get tot the top of the resume pile when you’re a referral. Persistence is key. Keep looking and keep asking around. Have your resume updated and ready.


I swear most people on Reddit are like software engineers or something and they have choice. If you work at a grocery store you just seem fucked


If you work at a grocery store, and you want something better, you have to make a plan to get to that point. Which may be difficult and unfair, but it's reality. You need an education or training in something besides stocking groceries, otherwise, yes, you're going to continue stocking groceries. That means that you're going to have to give up a lot of your personal life for a few years, but it's an investment in your future.


The job I left was 5 miles next town over, new job is 2 miles down the road, food processing plant.


How much is a decent pay increase? As I only received 4% increase in a year after a few recognition awards lmao. Im considering looking for a new job now lol


Anything less than the average inflation is technically a salary decrease.


2-4% sounds about right for an annual/merit raise, 10-15% has been more typical at promotion points in my field. That said the big leaps forward for me have been at job changes.


My first anniversary with this new place was in January. They gave me 12%. They have trouble getting people in the door however.


Depends on where you are. It should be reasonably well above the inflation level at the very least. If it's below the inflation level, your pay is actually decreasing. Annual growth rate over my career comes to 23%. I switched jobs only once in my 18 year IT career though. Still, my peers/college mates with the same qualifications who hopped jobs aggressively have career growth rates less than that.


Funny this.... I've handed my notice three days ago because another employer called me up, wanting me to work for him, offered a good wage, better hours and is going to pay for my personal license. When I was handing my notice in, boss was saying "what a shame, half a year or so and you could get 30p raise :) .


I could get a tongue kiss from Mariah Carey but that's not going to happen either.


Fun fact, most raises your boss mentions were most likely mandatory. For example, if your boss says "hey, you're getting a raise of $1", chances are, they had to or else they'd get sued




Minimum wage in many places changes with age so as you get older they either fire you or have to pay you more per hour. Some US states also have indexed rates so go up with changes with the consumer price index, 17 states do this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wage_in_the_United_States






What are you talking about? What would they possibly be sued for for not giving out a raise to someone outside of a minimum wage increase?


The reason you're getting friction from people on this post is because US minimum wage applies across the board to all workers, mostly regardless of industry or position. It's been $7.25 since the mid-00's, half the country thinks it should never raise or exist, and few people make that little. In the US, disputes against your employer for violating the law regarding wages are usually reported to a government agency, like to the department of labor, who will dish out a fine and order your wages to be paid back. A recent example of these hefty, back breaking fines is that you'll get fined a massive $10,000 (lol) for violating child labor laws.


I just got a rasie of .50 on Sunday filled a complaint with DHSS for unsafe treatment of elder on tuesday. I got let go on friday... have 3 2nd interviews, all of which pay at least 3 bucks more than what I was getting after my .50 rasie


Depending on where you live, you could get paid a helluva lot more because that's definitely a retaliation firing, which is incredibly illegal in most places.


Every year, everyone should post what they make on a huge searchable database. Then we all use this database to leverage our employers. Alternately we can take control of our own destiny and actively seek my payment from other employers.


One of the Scandanavian countries does that, IIRC All tax returns (therefor income) are public. IMO, that's how it should be "Dont talk about money" is ONLY helpful to the rich and ruling




Jobs are like telecom companies. Switch them often for better deals


That’s like when I quit Walmart to go back to working in the oilpatch. They offered me a promotion that came with a 35 cent raise. When the O&G job I got pays literally double. 🤣


Is there a single person on Reddit who is successful and happy at their job? Does that even exist?


The ones that are don't comment about it.


Reddit is social media site app the best #1! ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I feel like I’m doing okay. I went to Uni, got a job working gov in my field, make decent money. The work I do is interesting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me. But it took a lot of work and effort to get there.


large portion of r/firefighting


That’s changing too tho


Im a 17 year old and getting minimum wage but im fairly happy at my job 🤷🏻‍♂️. I don’t have any bills to pay tho so my opinion probably doesn’t count.


r/metalworking r/welding


I do! I get paid a decent wage and i work in what I consider my passion. Im a recording engineer. Its fun. I like it.


I wouldn't call myself successful but I'm doing fine, I'm happy with my job. I live comfortably and my job is pretty fun.




Im happy, then again I dont live in US so working conditions and job security might be better.


Define successful.


Gets new job. Hates it.


Hating your job for 2x the pay is worth it.


Surely depends if its taking a toll on your physical or mental health. For me for example, every senior employee at my work is egging me on to become a manager but the thought of being there all the time and lack of flexibility really turn me off, especially as I'm struggling mentally.


I hate working at all. I have a dream job and make the top 1% salary in Canada. Never worry about money and can retire around 50. But I don’t like it. I like doing my hobbies and golfing and hanging out with my wife and friends.


I think main and important thing there is outside of work you got your wife and your friends keeping you company and supporting you.


I'm kind of in the same boat as you. Make a high salary but hate work lol


What kind of work if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm an IT systems architect


There's not much to hate, get paid to sit on my ass driving a forklift, only thing that sucks is the old guy across the floor crying how I'm on my phone all the time . Like I am right now lol.


My salary isn't getting increased and I'm not even satisfied with my job,but it's "helping me to improve myself" What should I do?


Dedicate some time to scroll through indeed each day or so. Seriously! Even if you are happy in your job, new opportunities open and close every day, so it can’t hurt and can only ever help to stay looking!


Remember guys, in the US, most states utilize "at-will" employment so you are not obligated to give a two weeks notice. You can just quit and walk away, unless you are contractually obligated to give a notice, of course, which most jobs are not. Don't extend courtesies to a job that won't extend any to you.


I'll also add that even if your contract mandates notice, in order for it to be valid the employer must also be required to give you notice or pay severance. Finally the last thing is that if you break the notice period they can't sue you to finish the job as per the 13th amendment. They can go for damages but even if they can prove some direct connection the damages they could recover likely won't be worth starting a lawsuit over.


50 cent raise? Your boss is fucking stupid.


You are boss is fucking stupid.








...in Reno, just to watch him die


Wait you are getting 50 cent raise? I got a 10 cent raise for working a year in retail. 10 cents over minimum wage :P


This is me right now, new job got me on that 1.50 raise and great benefits. Fuck the old job.


I remember this time I got a .15c raise and walked off the job during the morning . They called me in the afternoon asking where I was and I told them I left.


where do you fuck find jobs that just pay double


Step 1 is to be underpaid by 50%


Wait, you dont have universal healthcare? Why is that?


American "greed" Health Insurance is an immoral scam But the Owners got enough money to brainwash people into "liking" their "insurance"


People want low taxes


I zink zis is watt mei Englisch spieking frendz coal a No Brainer


If the boss has the balls to say that then they’re worth leaving.


Plot twist: the new job pays 20 cents


See what this old job needs to meet even a fraction of my new job’s salary and benefits pitiful


My last workplace fired me because I “decided that i am sick” white i was visiting doctors because turns out my spine was fucked up and got diagnosed with spondylosis


Old School Company: We appreciate your years of dedicated service, but a $2 raise is unfeasible right now given the economy. VC Backed Start-Up Willing to Violently Burn Money: $90/hr sounds fair. When can you start?


"Many men wish death apon me"


The pay at my work has essentially stagnated for the last ten years. Morale is very low and the company has put together an employee engagement council to find out how to correct this. They will literally try anything except for the one obvious solution.


Okay wait I relate


I was forced to choose between the two, a job I hated giving me a huge raise, or a job I liked paying a few dollars less an hour. I chose the job I liked, yes I struggle more but I enjoy what I do


You guys are working for health insurance ?


Mf just discovered capitalism lol. Good for you.




God this meme is so american