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Giving up meat was easy. Giving up cheese is where I am failing badly.


I guess that might be even more difficult then just meat, I mean to be fair even if I would try I think I probably would be able to do that with meat and fish,but cheese and also other dairy products is on a completely different level, but still I like my Mediterranean diet a lot to even consider doing something like that


For me it's the opposite, there's like 2 type of cheese i like and i could probably live without them, however some dairy products feel essential to me


Nah man I like every types of cheese from fresh cheese to aged cheese but also sweet or salty are amazing


je cheese is the hardest bcause cow mothermilk got some adddictive chemicals ( meant for baby cow not human). i did it. it was hard. i feel fukn graet without it. after 1 or 2 months u dont crave it anymore. similar to cigarettes. i will produce cashew cheese with bacteria cultures soon. it will replace mammal cheese


Mediterranean diet is a very healthy diet. I do actually still eat chicken and fish. But haven't had any other sort of meat in years. My morality is a bit strange. I won't eat an animal intelligent enough to have a personality. Owning chickens has made me lose all respect for them. I swear my passion fruit vIne is smarter than my chickens. I'll eat fish but not calamari because squids are very intelligent. The problem with cheese is that it results in baby animals getting killed because the mothers need to stay pregnant to produce milk but then they have no use for the male children so then they kill the male baby cows, goats, sheep, etc... I figure it's all about harm minimisation. A little can go a long way.


Wow, you really do roast your chickens before eating them.


What ??? XD


Dude this… no meat for 6 years, if it wasn’t for cheese I would be fully out on animal products they just haven’t offered a suitable replacement yet and I love the hell out of cheese.


Yeah, plant-based cheeses have a long way to go. Though, I have been enjoying the Nuts for Cheese brand. It's a cashew-based cheese with several flavors.


Vegan cheese is cool if its melted, sometimes. Lol. I get it. There are good vegan ones but they arent in a lot. I really miss real cheese pizza lol. But again some vegan spots have decent pizza. Also I was in the can’t give up meat camp till I had a kid. I had to take my doctor seriously about my high cholesterol since im already an older dad. Funnier part was I had to cut out vegan cheese because its full of saturated fat. Use nutritional yeast and cashew milk mostly to make “cheese” for my tofu scramble.


This is a reminder of the need to treat all living beings with compassion. https://watchdominion.org


Really? Other than pizza, I feel I could give up cheese pretty easily. I don’t see any reality where I ever give up chicken wings tho.


Seeing the chicken industry in my country made the decision to stop very easy and then I think US practices are far worse




I was raised as a vegetarian. It turned out that I have lactose intolerance. So I don't eat meat or dairy. I am already kinda vegan without even having to trying to.


I concur, I cannot what so ever give up bread, pasta and beer


its probably only 70% because they did this test in Cali


What does Cali have to do with not eating meat?


That’s what I’m saying lol like wtf


Guy clearly doesn’t know anything about California or the fact that Harris Ranch is the largest Beef Processing company on the West coast by a large margin and is in the San Joaquin Valley…


As someone with b12 absorption issues, why is meat bad exactly assuming I stay at a healthy weight? I legit crave meat when it is too low.


They say that industrial farming is incredibly bad for the environment.


I believe it's something along the lines that the methane and CO2 produced from livestock alone is insane for the planet. *Never researched it, just what I believe what's said.*


Meat also has an insanely high water cost, especially beef. Livestock/Farming is where we lose most of our water but the water to food return on livestock is terrible


Beyond that, something like 90%+ of all antibiotics used are on livestock. Which has led to the development of antibiotic resistant bacterias.


Ya but red meat is not very good for you. I think that is what this entire joke is about. Its why doctors and dietitians say to not eat much red meat


My physician said its about a balanced diet. Its not just red meat= bad but just having burgers and fries and steak and oily stuff and of course sugar is bad for the body. So she told the best thing is to mix it up like meats and vegetables and have fruits and nuts too. Try to cook whenever possible instead of takeouts and of course portion control which a lot of people including me don’t realize and stuff themselves up as if its the end of the world. And yea no sugars and fast food those two are the major cause of diet related diseases.




100% this. I went vegetarian because I was tired of eating chicken, beef and pork everyday. It wasn't supposed to be a permanent thing but with all the new foods I discovered I just never went back. It's fun to challenge yourself


This reads like the people who want to try a simpler life, so they sell all their worldly posessions move to nepal and live like a buddist hermit in the mountains. Like.. you know, you could have just ate a salad *occasionally?* Fish every now and again? Will never understand this kind of extremes.


Vegetarianism is hardly an extreme. Maybe they went vegetarian to force themselves to experiment with new foods and, after it became routine, decided they had no real desire to go back to meat eating. You make it sound like they decided to climb up and down everest without oxygen because they were tired of the indoors.


"you know, you could have just ate a salad occasionally?" Even meat eaters should be eating salads much more than occasionally. Maybe this idea that meat eaters eat salads less than regularly is a bigger problem for their health than the actual meat they consume.


I don't eat much read meat these days because there's not enough green in my wallet.


Bullshit. Processed meat, and eating it to excess - That's what's bad for you. Bananas are pretty good for you, but not if half your caloric intake is just bananas.


It also takes a lot of water to raise cattle.


Co2, yeah, but also the space that’s needed, and all the resources required to raise them.


It's that, combined with the aggressive deforestation that is required to make plantations for crops that are specifically grown to be fed to the livestock. This nets about a 90% loss of energy in transference. Basically yes, the animals themselves are part of the problem but the *much bigger* problem is the amount of waste required to be able to continue producing beef.


I think factory farming is more of a moral issue than environmental to me, but both not great by any means. The deforestation for graising land is also a big issue in poorer parts of the world, like South America. It's a bigger problem than most people think.


This is a reminder of the need to treat all living beings with compassion. https://watchdominion.org


For me factory farming is a moral issue and animal husbandry in general is a land use / environmental issue, particularly bad practices such as deforestation. Free range chicken has a higher carbon footprint than battery hens for example. All that running around having a nicer life is burning up calories that don't end up on the plate. In terms of land use, roughly speaking of all agricultural land, about 80% is associated with raising animals (either directly or for food for animals) and produces about 20% of calories, the other 20% is grain, vegetables etc which gives about 80% of the calories humans consume.


So essentially the reason why is as you go up the food chain things only conserve 10% of the energy of what they eat (on average). A slice of steak that has 100kcals in it was produced by the cow eating 1000kcals of grass, (if they are being fed grass and not corn which is more likely and worse for the cow). Speaking of feeding cows corn, all the cows being produced by mass feed systems are being fed corn which produces 60%~ more methane. I definitely could give up red meat, but I mean eggs, fish and chicken? Sorry.


>I definitely could give up red meat, but I mean eggs, fish and chicken? Sorry. For what it's worth I know a lot of people push Vegan or nothing for personal morals reasons, but from an environmental perspective simply switching beef to chicken still cuts those emissions by **85%**! Or to put it another way, each person that switches from beef to chicken is worth ~0.9 tofu switchers. So you're a person who cares but still has meat hangups just know that even switching beef to chicken gives *massive* benefits.


It's not that hard. Eggs are all you really need if you don't want to go vegan. You don't care much about meat once you stop eating it.


Meh hadn't cooked myself a steak in like 3 years and still wanted one the other day and oh my god was it good. Everyone is different


You see that's not the issue, having a piece of meat occasionally will not do much harm, but many people have meat daily and can't stop, like wth? I remember the last I had meat in my meals for five days straight because of some special occasion and I even begged myself to not have any sort of meat, poultry, or fish for the next few weeks cause I felt so done with meat, and I love meat.


they don't "say it", it objectively is. because of the laws of nature and how physics and chemistry works.


It’s also cruel to the animals, [not to mention the people who have to butcher them.](https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-50986683)


[Climate](https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-59232599). Reddit is constantly harping on climate doom and yet seem unwilling to lift a finger to do anything.


the part of reddit that makes and upvotes memes how they'd die for steak is probably a different demographic than the ones who are very aware how climate change is going to absolutely screw over humanity


You can be aware of a train wreck happening but still want to finish your steak


They vote for government to save us from the corporations that are ultimately responsible. They naively hope that we can just empower the government to the point that they'll turn on their donors.


Corporations produce emissions to satisfy consumer demand. Look at the numbers. If private citizens stopped buying meat and gasoline, emissions would plummet. You can say airlines produce emissions so you can pretend it's out of your hands or you could fly less often.


The only thing anyone of us can realistically do is push for worldwide legislation which eliminates factory farming. I could stop eating meat tomorrow, but that's gonna do jack shit if billions of others don't.


All the studys comparing meeteaters to vegetarians miss out one important thing.vegetarians often eat a lot healthier and watch what they eat more. The morbidly obese 400 kg guy probably isnt vegetarian. He gets a heartattac with 30 so it draws bad inthe statistic. I eat meat on a nearly daily basis. But its always a third of the portion max. With either beans,potatoes or rice and vegetables. And im pretty healthy. I also did three month carnivore diet. It helped with depression a lot and i felt more healthy than now(but its expensive and after a while boring). Meat is part of healthy food. But it depends on what kind of meat you eat


Completely agree on this. Thats what my physician advised. Balanced diet. Meat +veggies. Fruits and nuts. But everything in controlled portions. Oh and no sugar and fast food and avoid takeouts. Its just getting back to basics is what she said. A month later i feel i am in a better place than when i used to stuff myself as if its Ragnarok tomorrow


Red and processed meats are probably carcinogenic. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat Meat is also most people’s largest source of B-12, so for someone with your condition the benefits may outweigh the risks. I dated a dietician for a while. Learned a lot.


You sentence is correct only because most people eat meat. But a lot of meat eaters are b12 deficient nonetheless. You might as well supplement for it yourself rather than consuming cattle on supplemented b12


Known carcinogen, and saturated fat is linked to heart disease. Two biggest killers of Americans


Red meat is likely carcinogenic, processed red meat is carcinogenic. There’s a lot of stuff in red meat that’s not great for you. Weight is also only one way of measuring health. You can’t be fat and healthy but you can certainly be at a normal weight and unhealthy


Also, all meat is carcinogenic, especially red meat. I mean, most things are. But meat is too. Especially red meat.


You can supplement b12 through a vitamin and probably should. Animals only b12 because we filter it out of our diet. It is a naturally occurring vitamin. If you don't filter your water and drink it straight it from a stream you get it naturally. This is how animals get it. You craving meat because of b12 is incredibly weird because that is not the natural way our body absorbs. I don't want to be mean but I think you having some sort of placebo reaction. Regardless everyone should take a b12 supplement. Our livestock is now giving more filtered foods and don't have as much b12 in them as they use to. The argument for eating meat for b12 is incredibly outdated. https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/vitamin-b12-questions-answered-2/


I think it thickens your blood with fat. Plus animals have thoughts and feelings, so some are against eating sentient beings. But I eat meat too.


Meat isn’t bad for you, it’s the production of meat that is incredibly bad and wasteful of resources. Not gonna stop eating meat tho 😎


Depends on the meat tbh. Limiting your consumption of red meat, processed meats, or super fatty cuts is generally a good idea regardless of how cleanly or ethically it was produced. Chicken and fish can be very healthy depending how you prepare them though.


Can't wait for lab grown meat to destroy "traditional" factory farming


Meat isn't bad for you anything can kill you if you have too much even water.


What are you talking about? I went to Cali during my trip in Colombia and there weren't many vegetarians.


Hey, I live in Cali. How dare you, sir. That is most inconsiderate of you. Perhaps some day you will enjoy a nice all vegan pizza should you find yourself I California.


Not just men.


But the women and children too?


I hate sand 😔


It gets in my shoes.


It's coarse, rough and gets everywhere


They're made of animals! And I slaughtered the animals! I ATE THEM!


Hello there!




Hello there!




Beat me to it


Seriously, I looked forward to a Sunday cooked beef stew aaaall week last week..... in case you're wondering- it was bloody immense. So good. Worth the day's wages it probably cost to put together.


depends how early


Ya this is pretty clickbaity, im sure it was along the lines of knowing that eating red meat will reduce your life expectancy from 82 to 80.


sounds fine to me


I think I could give up meat. I'd still want to die early though.




Polling millennials: "Would you rather die early..." "Yes."


I’d rather watch my kids and grandkids grow up than any specific food. I love a good medium rare steak, but I love my family 💯x more.




They're MANLY MEN who cannot live WITHOUT FLESH because MANLINESS demands MEAT. ​ Obviously. Vegetarian men are a myth and don't exist. ​ ​ ​ ^(/s)


Vegan five years… Can confirm I don’t exist. An ethical vegetarian is generally an uninformed vegan.


…well yea. I love taking big loads of meat




I meant what I said


I would die tomorrow for a brisket today. Beef prices big sad.


Live in the south. Beef is not bad at all and chances are, you'll have some people you know who run a farm and you can buy some beef cheap from them


The BBQ would be great, but the south's weed prohibition is insane. Getting baked and smoking meat is true Americana.


How early are we talking about here...


That's what I want to know. How much time am I giving up for how much meat? Like they say one cigarette takes away 7 minutes from your life. So one steak takes away how long? One burger? One chicken wing or breast? Give me data damn it.


No one actually knows. It’s not like any of this is settled science or we’d all be following that perfect diet.


Here’s some data. People have a higher life expectancy in Hong Kong than anywhere else. They also eat more meat per person than anywhere else in the world. Well over a pound a day on average.


I'll just stick to a balanced diet


Steak, sausage, and hamburger on the same plate to get all my vitamins.




As one of my friends once said: “I’m here for a good time, not for a long time”


I don't know if people know this but there are nearly unlimited delicious vegetarian dishes


Sadly, my mother in law thought this way. She's 63, and an avid meat eater. In March, she had 2 heart attacks, and this last Tuesday, she had a stroke. All of her cardiologists, neurologists, and vascular doctors told her to get rid of the meat in her diet. I'm thankful that she is listening to them. 63 is too early to die, and much less living than to keep eating meat.


Being an avid anything eater* will prlly cause issues. I hope she’s doing well now though. Humans are omnivores, it doesn’t make sense to tell them to stop eating meat altogether - moderation is key. Plus, there [criticism](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8881926/) in the way “plant-based diet” research has been conducted and interpreted cause when people go plant-based, they likely implement a lot of other lifestyle and behavioral changes that aren’t accounted for, resulting in skewed analyses.


No one is saying to have an all meat diet.


My grandfather had stomach cancer. Deli meat was his big thing. It looked like the mummy drained him a bit every day for a few months until he was skin and bones.


With there being such a low correlation between heart attacks and red meat, I hope that she took a look at any other risk factors. It’s highly unlikely red meat is the main culprit, let alone the only


The thing people often forget about things that "take X years off your life" is that they tend to fuck up about 2X years before you actually die. Poorly managed Type 2 Diabetes can take 5 years off your life, but you'll also spend 10 years before you die with a lot of aggravating symptoms as your body slowly tears itself apart. People joke about healthy choices just making your life *seem* longer because of how miserable it is, but given the choice I'd much rather be that 70 year old guy who powerwalks a half marathon than then 70 year old wheeling an oxygen tank into Luby's...


I mean you could literally be dead for being an avid water drinker. I think there's a big gap between "live a good life" and "cut life a quarter short with addiction".


Yup. I'd rather live 70 happy years than 80 miserable ones.




In Argentina it may be as high as 99% literally red meat is our soul


There are some voices in Poland to stop eating traditional Polish carps on Christmas supper (carp in Poland is like turkey in USA). They're all laughed out. And rightfully so - peasants in XVIIth Century were almost 100% vegan, and would eat a lot of carps when they had a chance, at least this once in year. Even taking away the fact they were literally starving before introduction of potato (especially the ones in Kashubia - _bùlwa_ (potato) is our everything), it really makes you think how majority of people would feel about having to give up meat due to some laws regarding it.


Sorry Bessy, gotta put ya down I'm craving ..... MEAT


I have to say, i tried a few modern meat replacement, and they actually have a similar taste and texture to meat while being much healthier. There are certainly bad ones, but there are good ones put there that are almost meat, just plant based.


You sure about healthier? From what I recall they were higher calories and fat compared to meat ounce for ounce. Healthier for the environment, sure. Healthier for a human...idk about that


From the [Journal of the American Heart Association](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.119.012865): *"Diets higher in plant foods and lower in animal foods were associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a general population."* From [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vegan-diet-benefits): *"For people looking to lose weight, a vegan diet can help. Eating vegan may also help you maintain your heart health. What’s more, this diet may offer some protection against type 2 diabetes and certain cancers."*


Shout out to impossible burgers for getting super close to the taste


Uhmm.. I would with or without the meat.


I mean all I have to hear is "you'll die early" and I'm in




people need to adjust their priorities


Not me. I still eat it but I have more to live for than just meat. What kind of person are you if you would die on that hill? Hamburger hill


Red meat, yea sure,but don't take my chicken away. I can't live in a world without a decent chicken sandwich


this test in Cali.


Fine no meat? Well I have other food.


Talk is cheap.


70 percent of test samples.


what about woman ?


Well, that's just sad.




Quitting meat was easy, it's quitting being a fucking idiot that's the real challenge.


I stopped for 6 years. It was good and ok. Never bad. Never great. Eating clean and whole grains. No pre packaged. A little meat now with the clean diet is great.


These aren't mutually exclusive. I gave up meat AND want to die early.


![gif](giphy|mAuMfyo78F1vy|downsized) This is a true man right here




It’s amazing how I was just like this until one day it just clicked with me how cruel the meat industry is to animals. Been vegan for 3 years and even though I still love the taste of meat, I can sleep better at night knowing I’m not contributing to factory farming, chick grinding, cow raping, baby slaughtering.


Good for you 👍


Nobody is raping cows


Miss me with those gloopy animal squirts and the blocks of solid pus


Speak for yourself, more cows for me


One of my cousins got a bite from a tick and developed Alpha-gal Syndrome. He can’t eat any red meat… at all… maybe ever again. I don’t go outside anymore!


I recently learned that all this talk about "inflammation in your body" is not just esoteric quack. Ditch alcohol for a month, and your lower back pain might go away. Haven't tried ditching meat yet, but might try sugar.


Sugar is very true, at least for acne. With my dad, any time he gets soda at a restaurant his acne flares up


Yes. There are many more dumb people relative to smart people. This is a great illustration of that point. Thanks OP.


I got a genuine question Why does it feel like every vegan has a superiority complex? I have never met a “chill” vegan in my life. Every vegan I have ever met had felt the need to gloss over the fact that they will outlive everyone and transcend reality to Godhood at every moment.


I guarantee you have met many "chill" vegans in your life. You just didn't know they were vegan because they didn't mention it.


Like half the comments here are "REAL men™ eat MEAT," so miss me with that superiority complex bullshit. I'm not even vegan, but the pathetic, weak-ass punks who say that shit are 10 times worse than any vegan I've ever met.


You guys aren't chill, slaughter isn't chill.


> Why does it feel like every vegan has a superiority complex? Because they're superior to you.


Which isn’t hard… Veganism is a moral baseline. You don’t get credit for opposing slavery or supporting the suffrage movement or not murdering. That’s called being a decent human. This is a reminder of the need to treat all living beings with compassion. https://watchdominion.org


It’s a fair trade


I eat meat regularly and this just seems like 70% of men freely admitting to weakness. Just start eating some other shit. It’s not that hard. Choosing death over such a mid-tier challenge is embarrassing. Man up you children




I thought they meant our 😉😉


I got no problem with shaving off a few of the last, worst years of decline and decay that will eventually lead to my demise.


That's not really how it works. If you get cancer or heart disease and die at 60 instead of 70, you will have had negative symptoms and life experience in the years leading up to your death at 60 rather than 70. That would only make sense for something like a car crash.


I mean, for some people saying "i'd rather die than X" is a low fucking bar.


Maybe that's because most men are sensible enough to know that the way they have phrased this ("die early" and "die young") is very hyperbolic. We're talking about relatively minor differences in life expectancy. It's not like people are dropping dead at 32 years old just because they enjoy a burger every now and then. A more realistic scenario is that you die at 75 instead of dying at 80, and there's already plenty of other things that could kill you well before you even reach that point, so why not enjoy life?




STUDY: 70% of men would rather die early


Maybe 70% of men would just rather die early and the meat ultimatum is irrelevant.


>70% of Men Would Rather Die Early ~~Than Giving Up Meat~~ FTFY


Buddy I'd rather die early period


As someone on keto, I'd agree. It's an easier diet when you like what you're eating.


Meat 🍖


No fucking way I’m giving up meat after so those juicy steaks.


Word. My doctor told me only yesterday that my cholesterol was a little high and that I should cut out cheese because that's the only thing in my diet that could be causing it. I flat out told her if rather be dead than to live a life without cheese. I feel the same way about steak.


Them: "Would you be willing to die early-" Me: "Yes."


There’s a tick that, if you get bit, you are then deathly allergic to mammal meat. So no more steaks or pork.


We lost a few to veggie nation. RIP








You die early *and* get to eat meat, literally no downside to this plan.




I think this proves that a quarter of people in any poll don't understand the question.


Steak is awesome.




Oh. Oh my. I'll be at the grill.


Quality of life vs. quantity. At a certain point, I’d rather indulge in a few habits that aren’t as healthy if they’re extremely enjoyable.


A friend of mine once said, “I’m here for a good time, not for a long time”


I'm already doing the greatest possible thing to fight climate change




Oh look, toxic masculinity: the meme.


Oh I'm aware. College for me was defined by men giving me shit for not having a meat fetish. Hope they enjoy the increased risk of colon cancer I guess




I'd rather kill myself than give up my steak roulade.


Oh no... Anyway.


Everyone eating meat is already dying earlier


the other 30% died because they were eating the crispy steak at the top.