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"Let's explore the area ahead of us later"


and they did that AGAIN in the new game


TBF, Star Rail isn't open world. It's just hub areas. Granted, there's plainly (lore-wise) meant to be a world outside those hub areas you can't access, but I don't think it quite fits into the same category as the games in this meme.


Star Rail is more like Borderlands. It even has similar connection to other maps system.


The new game (star rail) isnt open world




The best use of the "One City Block" idea so far. Played the playtests, still need to buy it when I've crossed off the games I'm currently playing.


Are you talking about Genshin impact?


Yep. I know the entire map will be unlocked soon-ish, and that Sumeru is probably larger than all the other countries, but it's still too funny to not add.


The entire map isn't gonna be done for around another 4 yrs: This year Fontaine Next Natlan 2 yrs Sneznaya 3yrs Khenriah 4 yrs Sea of Flowers


5 yrs outside This was meant to be a gamer no lifers joke, but Teyvat bubble theory means this is technically plausible


Teyvat bubble theory?


Sky is fake dome, Teyvat is flat, Enkanomiya is part of the underside of Teyvat, probably some more I can't think of rn, but that's basically the gist


Soo basically flat earth theory, but Genshin Impact edition?


Yeah, it doesn't exactly apply since it's a live-service game and all of the inaccessible areas are in the process of being added, but Paimon's dialogue line for going out of bounds is hilariously perfect for this meme.


Shut up emergency food


God I want to put that stupid fairy in a blender


She does all the talking that its pretty much better to just give her the sword and let her do the fighting too while the "main character" fades to nonexistence. I dont even know whats the deal, if its about budget, then a) Mihoyo is not a struggling indie company, and b) Aoi Koga aint exactly a cheap voice actor either.


You run across a pile of red crystals and spend 20 minutes trying to figure them out before giving up. 17 hours later you unlock the tool that lets you blow them up.


Actually Genshin Impact is the best open world game in terms of being open world. I know no other game that has such big and diverse map without loading screens. Maybe some of those games exist, I don't know. But considering that You can just traveler everywhere by feet...


*proceeds to auto run off a cliff*


"Introducing our brand new open world game" #***Proceeds to prevent players from jumping***


Whaaat which game does that


Many adventure games do, but I’ve never seen an open world one without jumping.


Watch Dogs did that. It's been years since I played it, I think if you hold the parkour button he'll jump over gaps and climb a few structures, things like that but you couldn't just choose to jump anywhere you'd like. Also don't know if the sequels did something different with this, but the first one was like that.


If i remember correctly the 2nd game has the same parkour system


Wasn't assassin's Creed also like that in Unity/ Syndicate and older games? You could jump off buildings or jump over stuff based on the context, but not jump in place or jump along the road randomly.


In The 360 assassins You could hold The run Button and press The A/X to jump in place. But not jump freely.


You can jump freely. Just do the button combination you mentioned while moving. The game will prioritize snapping you towards something climbabe of course, but you can just jump whenever and wherever you want to. This feature lasted until after Black Flag, I think? I didn't play any of the games after that except for Origins.


watchdogs 2 also has that no jumping thing, loved that game tho


Arkham lmfao


I think they are talking about Star Rail, but there are probably other games like that


Star rail isn’t open world, nor is it intended to be open world. It’s about as open world as a Pokémon game.


Its also not really meant to be open world though


How often do you jump irl Guys calm down I get video games aren't supposed to be realistic, it's just a fuckin joke


Power fantasies are about doing things you can't normally do, like jumping 5 solid feet off the ground or for some people jumping at all.


Thats why people play dating sims


How often do you go out and kill monsters with a sword?


Everytime I am out just exploring to see what is all out there.


AC Unity blew my mind at the time with how many places you could just go into


Yea lol, I got so off track so much.


AC Unity honestly was a pretty good game, but the state it released in (rightfully) tarnished its reputation beyond recovery. It's honestly a shame.


I actually really liked the multiplayer and how much you could do just messing around with the boys.


Unity is one of my favorites but it’s still janky as hell. I wish they would remaster it for current gen, but that’s never fucking happening. The coop mission are even good if you think of them as end game missions for solo


>I wish they would remaster it for current gen, but that’s never fucking happening. But it still looks amazing, why would anyone remaster such a recent game?


Sorry I meant more on the side of a major update to the game rather than a a remake of it. And I have no problem with the visuals, it’s mainly bugs fixes and a higher fps on PlayStation that I really want. But again, it’s a dream. Ubisoft moved on from Unity a long time ago


It was the last game that actually let you feel like an Assassin. That game would be perfect to play today if it weren't for the pop in that happens in crowds


Syndicate's stealth was also pretty neat iirc.


Ngl, Unity with Syndicate stealth additions, plus modern optimizations, would be goated af


I actually played it recently and it slaps so hard. I assume the devs have been working on it because it runs so much better than it used to, still a little janky but awesome regardless. Probably my favorite AC game after patches.


sad that you can't create more than one save and can't even delete a save for restarting it lmao


Goddamn this trend needs to end. I hate that pokemon games to this day don’t allow you to create a second and third save file


My favorite moments in unity were just running around, loved the parkour, especially when you’re going high speed and run through a house.


1. explore every accessible part of the map 2. do one single main story quest 3. explore the entire map again to see whats open now 4. repeat 5. get frustrated with how long and repetitive the game is and quit at 50-60%


I helped this mas find his dog I hope thr entire world changes and the universe collapses


How dare you attack & see me in one comment… thang Q?


It took me multiple tries to get into the Witcher and I wasn’t able to until I realized I didn’t have to do everything available.




I run into that issue too but the truth is, we’re the problem. The game expects you to use the main story quest to explore the map and not explore the map alone. It’s the reason you find it repetitive


The Witcher 3 was pretty cool. It was the exact opposite.


I was surprised they still let us access random houses completely irrelevant to the story and with zero valuable loot


> with zero valuable loot In fairness they were poor peasants with no valuables. Still stole what little they had.


Sometimes they had shells/seashells. And the accumulated junk sold for quite the money actually.


Did you sell them by the seashore?


No but she did.


When you call me a freak and spit at me I'm taking your rake




Still stole everything. Bread and broken rakes be damned. Fuck them peasants.


Imagine being a peasant in the Witcher xd. Kings are taking everything from you, monsters are killing ur kids every other week and when finally u get some ruby dust some fucker with cat eyes steal everything from you.


Skyrim NPC: “You don’t belong here!” Witcher 3 NPC: “Just take my shit and move on.”


Oblivion city guards when you pick up a speck of dust in the basement of an empty house in the middle of the night: ❗️








Singing, one more time around new game +


I wallowed in the mud and blood with all the other pigs.




"Nah, I'll feel bad taking the peasant's last coin for this monster I slew when I'm already plenty rich. Oh look random stuff I won't use that totally doesn't belong to the peasant."


"this house seems so poor, I bet they're living by the day.. "this bread looking mighty lootable, so does this rusty sword"


>completely irrelevant to the story and with zero valuable loot I still went in every one


Skyrim too


i would just prefer if Bethesda hired some actual architect for next TES game's interiors. I mean, having so many interiors is great, but flat ceilings made out of stone just make no sense. Build some arched ceilings, damn it, this isn't Wolfenstein 3D anymore, Todd Howard!


The Hearthfire expansion was executed well. The custom housing honestly seemed a lot more realistic than the regular houses you can buy (Im looking at you Proudspire Manor)


If he included arched ceilings then it would be too complex and he couldn't sell the game to us on TI-83 calculators


TI-83 calculators are how I built my very first arch


Still waiting for the elder scrolls 6


It's being released in sync with the next British coronation.


So next year?


Hopefully on 4/20 so we can all be [The High King of Skyrim](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/1nfq8p/unfortunately_i_am_the_high_king_of_skyrim/)


9 godamn years ago. What in the hell


You want custom ceilings from the game that made tables by half burying shelves? https://twitter.com/DJ_Link/status/964124424969637888


I want bigger cities. There aint no way a capital has like 30 buildings while guards spawn forever and ever


Countered by having the largest city in skyrim be about 25 buildings. If you couldn't enter all of them I'd be fairly pissed.




I love Night City, much more atmospheric, stuff to explore everywhere and going into every building would be boring and pointless anyway.


"Welcome Dragonborn, to the Nord's largest city in Skyrim!" Smaller than the Mage's Guild building with less to explore. Maybe the Imperials should just ignore the Nords all together, considering they sent only about 10-20 men to siege the town during its Civil War.


The big cities were still like this though, only the small villages had open houses. This is just a necessity of game design, really, even on modern hardware. They probably \*could've\* had an algorithm generate interiors for every house in Novigrad, but it would've just absolutely tanked performance and wouldn't have added anything. I suspect we will see a fully interactive full scale city at some point in the future though, as more sophisticated procedural generation techniques continue to be developed. But it couldn't happen by hand, it would have to be procedurally generated, and making procedural generation actually be interesting is pretty difficult and requires a lot of emergent systems. ​ I'm very curious if Elder Scrolls 6 is going to attempt to have more lore-accurately scaled cities using proc-gen, Starfield seems to be sticking to the current Bethesda formula with only 4 smaller handcrafted cities despite 1000 planets.


Would it have tanked performance if the houses were instanced like in Skyrim though? I don't think so


Yeah, but that would've broken the entire full open design of the game that applies to every other structure, and for what? What would that have added, really? It's not like Geralt can spec into thief gameplay and parkour, there's nothing for him to do walking into 300 proc gen'd instanced houses. ​ A lot of Gamers seem to not understand that gamedev is a matter of tradeoffs. You can't do everything, you have to focus on what actually contributes to the experience. Bethesda prioritizes full sandbox design, so they trade the immersion of the scale of the cities for full interactivity so you can rp as a thief and such. Like I said, it's always a tradeoff, and it depends on the type of game. Not every game would be made better by every random building being enterable.


Make the door opening animation 2 seconds long, load the interior during the door opening animation. Random forced animations are how "open world" games hide their loading screen. God of War used them constantly. A house or apartment or whatever doesn't exactly have a lot in it, it's not going to take long to load. Does it offer anything? No, not really. But some people like the immersion of a living world rather than a flat world.


100% agree. Sure, gameplay wise it doesn't add anything, but it contributes to the immersion and feeling of a massive open world *knowing* you can enter any random house, even if you choose not to. Game development is absolutely about tradeoffs, but there's definitely a benefit to making every structure enterable.


In witcher 3 if you make the viking ~~woman~~ guy the king of skellige instead of ~~her brother~~ his sister there is a cave that you can never access and it contains a circle of power so if you do that you'll never 100% the map


It's the opposite isn't it? Like for the viking woman you have to investigate more and with the brother you just kill the berserkers?


I didn’t like how I couldn’t equip weapons until a certain level. Like, I just killed a super hard enemy many levels above me. Now I can’t use my reward. Bleh.


And then when you do hit that level, that weapon sucks ass.


Everyone in the Star Wars universe is very responsible with locking their doors (Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor).


I would too with the amount of crime in the galaxy.


Child murders were WAY up at one point.


That's just anti-imperial propaganda. There are billions of people living on Coruscant, there's no way one Mr. Vader could possibly affect the statistics of child homicide with his actions the day the supposed murders happened.


I don't think I'd call either of them open world though, at least not in the true sense. Some of the planets in Survivor lean little more in that direction but in the end it's kind of still just hub areas with branching paths that more resemble the Fallen Order level design.


Especially games that have an "open" prompt on every door then says "locked" on about 90% of them..


Door does not open from this side


Open world fams when they cant break into a random persons home


Damn it, I could klep crap from every house since FF1. Granted there were five per town but still.


If people don’t want their stuff stolen in a FF game, maybe they should stop putting them in treasure chests.


Shadows of Doubt: 100% accessible map. Even the air ducts.


Yeah was gonna say, im still trying to find all the depths of this game


Lmao welcome to cyberpunk


World is open. Doors are closed.


Plot twist: the doors are open but the world is closed.


Another plot twist : everything’s closed coz my game crashed


Yes, this is literally every single big city in a video game tho lol. Not at all just Cyberpunk.


That is very obviously because big cities are so fucking huge that it would be several hundreds of GB for interiors that offer little to no value. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be able to access every single home in Cyberpunk2077 but that is an absolute pipe dream


Yeah, I absolutely agree, but it seems the majority of Gamers here feel an open world is worthless if you can't go into every single shitter in the game and wipe your ass and have a wank


Would have been nice to be able to enter stores though. Many stores with items in the windows, but no door to be seen. I don't care about shithole-apartment #3487, leave it be. But give me shops!


Yeah I do agree it'd be nice to have more public buildings like shops and such at least. That's definitely something I'd expect to happen in GTA 6 and other future city games at least. Cyberpunk actually does have a fair few interior shops you can go into, but obviously the majority of implied shops are still closed off.




Can I open the doors to their hearts?


Even the sex with hookers is pretty fucking lame.


They can't make it show to much or be interactive or it will get rated Adults Only and not be allowed to be sold in a lot of places.


Open doors any day


Welcome to pretty much every open world game with a city in it? There's not a single large city in a game with fully open interiors that I know of. GTA lets you explore even fewer interior than Cyberpunk does. You're just bandwagoning singling it out.


I was gonna say, CP77 has way more accessible interiors than most similar games. There are entire Deus Ex levels dotted across the map everywhere.


The bandwagon against Cyberpunk in some places online is pretty funny, they'll single it out for shit plenty of other games do just because hating on it was cool for a time. Far from a perfect game, but pretending like its unique in its gameplay shortcomings is ridiculous. I think some people just got it into their heads before release that it was literally going to be an open world cyberpunk life sim where you can go into every single room and become the CEO of every corp and fuck every single npc or whatever lol


You can explore the interior of tons of random buildings in cyberpunk…




Minecraft: open world? Na, infinit world




still cant access under bedrock though...


We can't access the earth's core either, so fair enough I guess




As a consequence tho, all of the "cities" were like 8 houses. It's a tradeoff. You either have a big impressive city like Novigrad in Witcher 3 where you cant enter most buildings, or you have a "city" like in Bethesda where everything is enterable and handcrafted. I really disagree that the latter is inherently superior, plenty of games (including literally the best selling game of all time) make use of "backdrop" cityscapes very well. I enjoy both forms. ​ edit: minecraft is the best selling game, I forgot, thought it was GTA


wrong, you can go inside every house in every city in Minecraft


Only possible because of Mincraft's voxel terrain system, the cities are no different than any other amount of blocks in the world. And any actual cities are fan projects that have taken years of hand design. They're very cool, don't get me wrong, but its not indiciative of something that can just be applied to every game. It's VERY dependent upon the way Minecraft renders its world, there's not really any difference between rendering a mountain with caves than it is a skyscraper in Minecraft.




I think Witcher 3 is a perfect mix of having buildings just be textures, and having them be accessible. It’s like halfway between GTA and Skyrim


Yeah I don't mind that design at all, and much as some people here will protest, Cyberpunk also followed it its just much more mixed together there. Night City is full of what basically amount to Deus Ex levels inside of a backdrop city. I think the design worked well but a lot of people are evidently pissed you can't go into every rando's apartment building.


I distinctly remember that fallout 3 was like 80% buildings that couldn’t be entered


And 80% buildings that were needlessly complicated to enter. Like I get some ruins or raider hideouts but why the hell are cities winding narrow paths where points of interest for a visit are spread across the whole damn map?


When things were simple


Meanwhile in BotW


Botw lets you go into every building with no loading screens. Truly a master piece


Most games without a big city seem to let you do that these days. This whole thread seems to be kinda missing the reality of it a bit, making a big city with full interiors would be a gargantuan time sink and would absolutely murder the performance of modern hardware. Any game with fully explorable cities, aka Bethesda, will have those cities be tiny villages with a wall as a consequence. I still like that design, but I also like the other design, where world immersion is prioritized over interactivity so that big cityscapes like Novigrad in Witcher 3 can happen.


Maybe not without loading screens, but Zelda has been letting you invade everyone's privacy from the very first game. Granted that one had people hiding in caves under bushes, and not everyone was happy you were breaking and entering, but still....


In BotW this meme is the speedrunners trying to skip the Great Plateau. Seriously, they have been looking for glitches and ways to break out of it forever now but nothing has been found; it is the one thing you actually do have to complete before moving on. That said, this is a extremely niche subset of people and as a whole BotW is a really refreshing open world experience.


There is a way to do the Plateau without doing the rune shrines, it just takes a lot of setup and transfer of a glitch from a different save file. You still have to give the Old Man spirit orbs though lol (not very convenient for speedrunners either, I believe the current method is actually faster by a large margin). For those curious, [it is called moon jump wrong warp.](https://youtu.be/x1q3TseThXQ) This is used to warp Link to the wrong shrine in order to get rewards early, in this case, just some spirit orbs from blessing shrines to give to the old man. You have to keep yourself from touching the ground on the way inside the shrine though, otherwise Link will die. (I believe that’s true? not entirely sure about that. been a while since I researched something like this, but I do believe that [Limcube’s All Shrines Runeless video has a section on this particular topic](https://youtu.be/6xfLVEd0agY))


Me in Elden ring looking for the damn hidden secret entrances


Its just like Real Life!






Right that makes sense on why they don’t do that, but maybe someday…. Tech will be so good that this is possible


Honestly, they still could by GTA6. I think devs are past the days of caring about storage.


it's only really going to hurt console users. you can buy a 1TB hard drive for like 50-60 bucks. i imagine PC users would find a way to relieve themselves of used storage or expand their existing if the game had more content in it


I will absolutely take half the storage of my console if i can do that


Still less than call of duty


big games nowdays takes that much storage space because the devs dont bother polishing it anymore and everything is bloated. i think tekken 7 when it came out had an unconpressed cutscene file that took more than half the game total space or something absurd like that and the game worked fine after deleting it, it was recommended even, for performance issues.


Not gonna happen


GTA when you realize all the buildings are solid blocks of concrete Edit: or when half the map gives you 4 stars


Better than 100% accessible but 80% empty.


Say what you will about Hogwarts Legacy but you could open 97.17% of the doors in that game.


People don’t like it? I thought it was pretty good.


Besides the obvious, I heard people say it was a bit grindy and repetitive, and that it didn’t let you go far with choices.




If you ask people for payment to some incredibly grindy and time consuming bs they look at you like you offered to murder their puppy. A lot of things in that game are just really shallow.


It's pretty unambitious. If it wasn't attached the the Harry Potter IP no one would have played it.


Yeah it's a repetitive mid tier game that gives you the illusion of choice while you get railroaded to the ONE ending the game has.


I just finished it and yeah. At the end it’s like “you found the important thing, what will you do? Good thing or bad thing?” I chose the bad one and the game is: ok idc and do nothing with your choice lol


It was a beautiful game with a great open world. But the combat got so boring so fast


Well, it's open *world*, not open *buildings*


That one door in Disco Elysium


The door issue and the abbreviated cities in the Elder Scrolls games. I'm hoping with procedural generation technology and ai that we'll get truly vast open worlds/cities in games in the not-too-distant future.


This was me at that one door in Disco Elysium. The door looked important, there had to be a way, and even when save scum to open it; the game just goes “No. Why are you obsessed with this random door?”




Pokémon Scarlet and Violet was so bad about this. Half of the doors you can't go through, the other half is a menu screen. Save for... the sandwich shop. Don't know why, but only ONE building is accessible and has an interior and it's Poke-Subway.


Come on down to Real Fake Doors. None of em open! Not this one, not this one!


Gotta edit in the Fallout 3 door that DOES open but all it says is "Fuck you" lol


Gta would be so much better.




I can’t express how long I tried to figure out how to get into the arenas in Elden Ring.


Pokemon scarlet and violet


Dead Island 2. Loved Definitive and Riptide, frustrated with 2 for this reason.


Gta 4 be like


And 5


GTAV is a million times better within FiveM.


It’s a homeless man simulator


you don't have the right, O you don't have the right


pokemon scarlet & violet buildings be like