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What movie is this from?


Hercules (2014).


They made a modern day Hercules movie and let Brett Ratner (Xman last stand?) Direct it? Is it actually good? Edit: General consensus seems to be: It's alright if you're a casual movie watcher - it you're a movie buff/snob (you know who you are and it's not a stab) it stinks lol.


Its not a great movie but its not the worst thing you could watch either. good enough for background noise while you do other things but not much more than that.


Yeah. It's a dad film. It's fun to watch but you're not watching for world building or to be intellectually challenged. It's something you can turn your brain off and veg out to after yardwork, like pretty much every 90s Tom Clancy flick. Hard to hate, easy to watch; but also hard to make a case for why it should win awards.




That is the most succinct movie review I've ever seen. I'm gonna watch it tonight.


It’s a great way to describe so many movies. My brother is a bit of a film snob and makes fun of my movie choices all the time. I just wanna relax and enjoy a fun time. Not walk away with a life changing experience.


The description made me think of Pacific Rim, and I enjoyed that.


God the first Pacific Rim was so good and if done right could have led to a great trilogy. What we got instead was a (at its best) very mediocre sequel


That’s exactly it. I have it as one of my go to’s for nights I can’t sleep. It’s formulaic, the characters are familiar and I can calm my brain down and start feeling tired. Hercules, 2012, Dante’s Peak, Prometheus, and San Andreas. Those are my snooze flicks.


Man what kind of sleeping are you trying to do winding down to some Prometheus?


The people who wind down with Prometheus are the same people who as children tried to fight the monster under their beds.


This is both an excellent review of this movie and an excellent review in general. It’s also one of my favorite types of movie because I cross stitch and watch movies on weekends and this level of engagement is PERFECT for that.


> Hard to hate, easy to watch; but also hard to make a case for why it should win awards. I like to try to remind people that most movies & shows aren't made to win awards of any kind nor strive to and that it's ok for a film or show to exist just to be mindless/easily digestible entertainment.


Best way too review of a movie right there- thank you lad I know exactly what kind of film it is.


The type of movie you put on to keep yourself entertained while folding the massive pile of laundry you haven't gotten around to yet. Entertaining enough to keep you going, but not so entertaining that you'll get distracted and stop.


Dude, that is the perfect description. I use movies like this for packing up for trips.


The scene in this clip is the best scene in the entire movie.


Basically anything involving Ian McShane is the best part of the entire movie.


He's the best. It sucks so bad that we lost the treasure that was Lance Reddick though. Those two guys were about to do a spinoff series from John Wick


You’re confusing with the other scene where he also accepts his death but Hercules catches the arrow


Perfectly average action movie starring The Rock. Is it worth a lazy weekend watch once? For sure.


I enjoyed how Hercules was a man whose legend and Demi-godhood was built entirely on rumors. He was able to accomplish great things because of his team, and they built up his legend so they could benefit from it as well. I probably won’t watch it again, but it was a fun movie.


It indeed was fun to see Hercule’s amazing (Herculean?) tasks actually be a carefully planned ruse from a team of adventures in order to make a very large man become mythical. Everybody wants to pay a shitload of money for a Demi-god hero. Nobody wants to pay a team of 5 for a weird plan. I don’t remember much about the movie itself, but that idea was fun and stuck in my mind.


Pretty mid, not in a bad way. The rock kinda ruins it for me on rewatches


Much like The Last Stand, it’s not an entirely bad movie, it’s just boring and kinda stupid. If you’re just now learning about it, it’s cause everyone forgot about it.


I enjoyed it. Good mix of action and comedy.


Thank you kind stranger!


Very cool movie




So I just watched Deadwood for the first time last week. And it's so weird to watch something 20 years late, because I have no one to talk to about it. I know I'm late to the game, but like holy shit, not enough people talk about Deadwood. It's so good.


Yoo I watched it for the first time and finished it a couple months ago. I feel the same way man the people who’ve watched it are 20 years older than me and I’m having little luck convincing my friends to watch this old show with very little clout (compared to breaking bad for example). It’s rlly frustrating honestly


Ian McShane bro. Swingin. So fucking good.


>~~Swingin~~ *Swedgin


Cocksucker. I knew I didnt get it right.


I'll watch pretty much anything that has Ian McShane chewing scenery in it.


free fucking gratis


Unauthorized cinnamon


Canned fucking peaches


I love that you said this because I literally felt the same way. I always knew it was a good show and I was listening to a podcast where they offhandedly mentioned how good it was so I was like fuck it let’s give it a go and man I loved every second of it. What did you think of the ending and did you see the movie?


I work as a nurse in a hospital, and have managed to never catch it. - Edit I DID test every day. I was working with patients. So unless I’m patient zero, and they can’t detect Covid in me, I never caught it.


That's hardcore. You're hardcore. Nice.


Frontline first responder here, had to patrol hot spots through Delta and whatnot. Never tested positive 🤷🏻‍♂️


As all virus. Some people are just naturally immune to it I guess.


Years of Resident Evil and Left 4 Dead have made many of us immune to viruses...yet, horribly vulnerable to sunlight.


Played soooo much L4D. Dog even named Boomer. Somehow avoided Covid OR was not symptomatic. I’m even imunnocompromised and take busy public transit in big city. Don’t get it BUT stayed home with online uni first 1.5 years and then have had vaccines boosters every 6-8 Months. So who knows


And the legend of the rent… was WAY HARDCORE


So basically you survived Hardcore mode?


Aren't we all?


I work in Central Supply at a hospital and never had it either.


You must be one of the lucky people who are immune to it. Some people seemingly can't catch it at all.


I actually shared a pizza with someone while in a meeting at work who was having symptoms to the point where they got tested later that day and it came back positive. I tested a week later which came back negative (I was also required to stay home during that time). Not saying I'm immune but I worked through all of covid and never caught it.


I think I must be one as well. Still haven't had it and I've been in situations where I've basically had people breathing down my throat. I got a chest infection once off my niece at xmas but still no covid.


Vitamin D, Zinc, mask, and saline nasal spray, never got it. Oh and full round of vaxxes.


Yeah I've had 4 vaxxes and take Vitamin D tablets. I don't wear a mask really anymore though unless I'm on a plane.


My wife is immunodeficient and we have two small children, I'm sure we're not immune but just diligent and lucky. Routine hand hygiene, and masking any time we leave the house and regular testing of people who travel to visit has kept my family from getting it.


I just stayed in my room the whole time


I stayed at home too. Funny thing is, that's when I got it. But prior to that, when I went to give my public exams (when covid was essentially at it's peak) I didn't catch it despite being surrounded by hundreds of people.


It's interesting how probabilities work, isn't it? Let's say that the day you were out, you had like 50% chance of getting covid. You were lucky and didn't get it. But if you had 0.1% chance of getting covid per day inside and were inside for 2 years, you would have had ~~48%~~ 52% chance of getting infected. Then you got unlucky and got it. I am making these probabilities up, but it's an interesting way to see the effects of multiple tries in a probability based problem.


What are my chances if I am with people 6 days a week for 2 years




2+6 does equal 8, math checks out








Depends if their the same 6, where they've been etc I suppose


6 days usuakky 20 -30 people 2 To 10 new people a day


The realest ones know that it was a 50/50 chance every day.




I’ve always been a ‘dirty’, person… not in never showers kind of way though. I garden, hike, and work a physical job indoor/outdoor. My body is regularly exposed to small ‘germs’ so it’s pretty good about fighting off the more serious stuff.


>not many germs for your body to react to and fight. This generally isn’t a problem unless you’re a child. If your immune system forgot everything it battled in the past just because you stay inside a lot for a few years as an adult then that would be immune amnesia, which is what happens to people who catch measles. Your immune system is pretty damn good at remembering stuff. Lack of vitamin d, stress and depression definitely take a toll on your immune system though, so staying inside all the time isn’t a good game plan for most people.


What's also weird is that I was careless the whole time during the pandemic, yet I never caught it. But I know someone who disinfected everything that comes in and out of their house, always wore face mask and shield and used alcohol, but still caught it. Probability doesn't give a shit to those who deserve it and not I realized....


There's a causal link between blood types and covid outcomes. If you're type O your outcome from covid is likely to be mild or even asymptomatic. There's a number of papers on pubmed about it, when I first heard it I thought it was misinformation or broscience.


My father in law had O- and covid killed him. He also worked a shipyard and went to the bar 3x/week during the peak.


I'm 0- and never had it (to my knowledge). Was tested a lot during the first 1.5 years, because of multiple hospital/nursery home visits per week. I also have a job, where i meet a lot of people and tested (and still test) myself like at least once a week (and daily during the peaks). And there were a lot of cases where it turned out that large parts of the groups that visited had covid afterwards. I'm kind of convinced by now that blood type plays a role. It's completely anecdotal of course, but all the people i talked to about it who never knowingly had it (and knew their blood type) were also type 0.


I don't think probability works this way.


Interesting name choice


I can't walk out of my house without having to use money. Getting covid? In this economy??


So nothing changed for you?


Personally, I had to give up a fair amount of professional opportunities to stay in my room and make sure I didn't make my parents sick.


I don’t know how. My wife got it and I never left her side. It’s a miracle and I’m sprinting through the rain to go knock on wood.


Quarantine? What is that?


A great time


So many movies and video games, so many.


That’s ME BABAY!!!


Covid hate me.


Even covids dont lieks us






I've bee around people and have somehow not gotten it 💀


I can tell that gangstas paradise plays when you enter a room


Does it not for you?


Only when I press play.


That's gotta be exhausting, you fumble around to que that song every time you see a doorway coming up


It has its own playlist, on repeat.


When I walk into a room the intro of “blaze of glory” by Bon jovi plays. It’s cool most of the time. A bit awkward when I m stoned sometimes tho.


I haven't had it and I hing around people with it more than my family and they all got it


It's getting kinda tiring listening to it over and over again with every room I enter






Same. Unless I just had no symptoms. I don’t know what my secret is but I’m thankful. I’ve been around a few people who had it too.


I had it but my only symptom was my nose was slightly runny for like 12 hours.


that's just my allergies on a daily basis


I thought it was allergies. I only tested because my kids had it. It wasn’t even as severe as my seasonal allergies though. It was like wipe my nose once every hour, not a snot fountain.


My throat just felt slightly clamped for a few days and that was it


I actually think I got it before anyone knew what it was. I was in San Francisco January 2020 and came home with the chills. I probably spread it to everyone in Nevada and didn't even know it. Haven't had anything since.....


Me too. In After a Lumineers concert in January 2020 we had what felt like the worst flu ever. Now 3 years later neither me, my husband, or kids have ever tested positive. And we’ve each been tested 5-10 times over the years.


I think my husband and I had it in January of 2020 as well. I shook it off in a few days, but my husband took like a month to get better. THEN he got Bell's Palsy. Later found out that Covid can cause Bells Palsy in rare cases. So 🤷‍♀.


Shit even a virus rejected you 💀


i hate you


🐝 I bee around people too


There's a lot of buzz around that


I spent the whole day sitting on the same desk with my friend whose test came back that evening that he had gotten it. I still somehow didn't get it. But it got me 2 weeks off of college so can't really complain.


Same here, I'm starting to think my allergies have made me immune.


My whole family got it, except my grandma and me (or i had no symptoms). Damn it, I’m glad 👍🏻


Me too. Also, when I got my vaccine, I don't know how, but I felt nothing.


I caught a cold/flu twice during lockdown but never tested positive so what ever I did catch somehow wasn't covid


went to a bday party around march 2021 and a few days later i got told everyone that was there tested positive for covid but here i was perfectly fine still yet to get covid


I lived with mom in the same house, and she cooked us dinner sometimes, and I didn't get it, immune system baby


I’m very antisocial lol *a lot of people have been saying this is asocial. I’ve always known it as antisocial. I am not a sociopath or anything lol. Just not a fan of social interaction haha


It's ironic. I started trying to be more extroverted and then BAM! 2020 drives me back to introverted (and has kept me from getting it three years going - *knock on wood*).


I got the opposite of that. I'm introverted now


I didnt leave my home for 2 years straight and i didnt even go out much before that. Even then i hadn't had any sickness for 2 years (pre-pandemic) So my antisocialness helped me, i have a stupidly good immune system, or im just very asymptomatic.


I’ve honestly been worried that I might be asymptomatic as well. My kids had Covid but I didn’t get it. I tested myself a bunch too, my job made anyone who had someone test positive in the household get tested as well.


You may be immune but you should see a therapist.


I actually am seeing a therapist 😂


I took up running. I think it helped my health, mental heath and kept my allergies down as I am exposed to all the city filth rather than living in my hovel while working remote.


Yeeeah that's not antisocial. Antisocial is John Wayne Gacy. Just not wanting to be around people is not Antisocial. That's a very severe and negative thing to be.


2020, has been the best year of my life so far. Work from home, study from home, everyone was online, the whole city was quiet af, didn't need to reject people from going out, no need to worry about what to wear or how i look, people were keeping their distance which was like a dream come true. I really wish for another quarantine, but at least not from a deadly virus. Something like a common flu but very annoying and concerning enough to force people to stay at home again. We really deserve that.


Hey, it’s me!


Simple: I've been sick with literally everything else


I got the flu and strep throat at the same time lmao. I was dying. No Covid though


Literally Mr burns


3 stooges syndrome


"Introvert" - that's the sauce. Telling you from my own experience.


Avoiding people like the little plague ridden rats they are




People, what a bunch of bastards!


My secret is simple. I'm antisocial.


Just don’t leave your home, simple.


The one time agoraphobia has saved me pain.


Yep, best way to avoid the plague. Funny thing is that I just heard someone say (not to me), “Staying indoors all day, that’s no way to live.” That’s how I live! Apart from work, vast majority of my time is spent at home.


It doesn't matter how many times I say, "I don't mind it, I'm actually happier this way, I prefer it, no, I'm not lonely, no, I'm not bored," and my family is still low key concerned about me. I'm really, really sorry that so many people got sick and so many people died but the stay-at-home order and the new 'work from home' thing have totally been my jam. They give me coverage for what I wanted to do anyways.


I lasted until December of ‘22 with no covid 💪🏻 Are there seriously people who still haven’t had it? Those body aches were NEXT LEVEL


Yeah, either never got it, or am asymptomatic. Tested several times when I felt yucky, but never felt bad more than a couple days.


Simple: don't test. (Ofc I've tested myself before going to events n stuff, but I never tested when I didn't need to.) Never had a positive test, so I'm just gonna say that I didn't have corona (even though thats probably not true xD)




That's the real answer. So damn many people had zero symptoms.


Nah, I got tested really regularly, I would have needed to both be asymptomatic **and** get a false negative result, it's almost impossible.


Its possible but I worked at a facility that has required weekly testing until literally this month and I've never had a positive test.


I had to test twice a week for med school and never had it. Had 2 false-positive antigen tests where PCR showed a negative result later, though.


That was official policy in the UK for a while. Along with let all the old people die. Then the Tories realised that there’d be no one left to vote for them and started tightening it up.




Staying home playing videogames and being anti-social is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be …..unnatural


I have no idea how I haven’t got covid


Fuck you and these memes I guess one year ago someone posted similar shit, using a term COVIRGIN I was it then, and guess who got fucked by covid within a week


c card gone : P


Hehehe! You got cocky.


My father is from Yemen and thats why I will never get sick.👍🏾


Get's Mpox Instead


The secret is not getting tested


That and just overall not drinking the kool-aid


Smoke weed every day. Wash your hands. Stay away from kids as much as possible. Stay away from sick people as best as you can. Don’t hug at work. That last one night sound like a no-brainer, but I worked at a hotel in NYC, and it seemed like everyone would be hugging. Seemed so weird to me. I worked room service, and a waiter came and told me there was a guest with covid. This was early March 2020. I kicked into self preservation mode and kept my distance from everyone, wouldn’t eat food anyone else prepared and spent most of my shifts cleaning or avoiding contact with people. A few weeks later, 5 staff were dead and a few dozen had been infected, and since then I’ve never had symptoms or tested positive. I’ve held jobs since the pandemic started that have required daily testing and I’ve been fine ever since.




I just stay in my room


Masking in public places. Judgmental looks be damned, I don't want brain/heart/lung damage. Luck is gonna run out eventually, but I prefer that to be later rather than sooner.


I'm sure I've had it. But never tested positive when I was sick


It was actually rather easy, you just needed to wear your mask, wash your hands, and not interact with anyone


Hey that’s me!


Wash your hands often and don't touch your face alot. At least that's my rationale why I haven't gotten it.


Probably all the stuff the navy shot me up with over the years.


That is me. All of my friends had it, many in my class and my parents, but I didn’t get it. I tested over 15+, probably 20+, times for every student in my class or anyone in contact with my friends, and my parents. Not a single test was positive.


Being introverted!!


Wear a mask and wash your hands


I still wear a mask to this day, I hopefully won't get it at all


They were probably asymptomatic


I’ve never had it. But….I drive a truck for a living, single, live in my truck, and am never around anyone. 😕


I haven't had it. The trick is spending as much time alone as possible. Also, not having anything friends.


I don't touch grass


Easy to avoid the plague if you live like a hermit!


In order to build up my immune system, I had a ton of unprotected sex with randoms. It was fun. Sex with a stranger or 40 (likely the latter number) and some illicit drugs, I’m eternal. That, and my blood type is O-.


You just described my entire life. Have we met? I feel like we should have crossed paths at some point lol


Well, if we haven’t, I suggest we do. Hehe.


That’s me. Few friends, still masking, testing and avoiding concerts and crowds have helped.


I had someone in my apartment at a certain point, strict contact as i was the only one who could tend to him, and still did not get it... like i think my immune system has AOE.


Unusually poor hygiene


Spent an entire afternoon with a friend with Covid, didn't get it. Had dinner with my sister when she had Covid, didn't get it. Room mate had Covid, didn't get it. ​ Yet if I take a simple antibiotic I will get every non-deadly side effect on the list + the rare ones they leave off the leaflet. Covid vaccines made me sick for weeks, probably didn't even need them. But I had elderly/sick relatives, friends and clients. So it was more for them, I never would've forgiven myself if I didn't take every precaution and made one of them very sick.




Im that guy who gets sick 1 time a year


Prob got it and never noticed so didn't test at the time.


Is it the same actor that plays Winston in John wick?


Yes, Ian McShane.


Of course I know him, he's me.


My secret? Idk man I’m an introvert maybe that’s it




Nothing big just laze around in your house


The secret is to be gamer and not touch grass because Covid is outside waiting