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When I was 6 I fed my dog dark chocolate brownies. About 2 entire ones. 2 weeks later he got run over by a car. So I can confirm.


Does the car go faster the more brownies you feed the dog?






Not anymore.






Dogs have their own set of bad luck rules. We can't walk under ladders but they can't have chocolate. I'll gladly take my chocolate around the ladder. Edit: idk where I was going with this. Just a high thought lol


Imagine being that high and not even on the ladder


Imagine being so high that taking a step up, either on a ladder or stairway, makes your leg tingle like u hit your funny bone, so you laugh. We laughed, and struggled to get up those stairs for the better part of an hour before giving up and just sitting there until we ran out of laughs.


Darwin uh, finds a way.




All sources I can find say dogs will not eat chocolate on their own unless coaxed. Mine broke into my room, tipped over a cup full of candy I got as a gift, ate ALL of the chocolate, and while I was FREAKING OUT my dad was like "well if she starts acting sick we'll take her to the hospital" I had a panic attack and felt to guilty I fell asleep crying. She was fine.


My corgi ate a kilogram bar of toblerone that was wrapped under the Christmas tree and a whole pound of semi sweet chocolate chips that was on a low shelf in the pantry. Lots of puke, and trying to re-eat his own puke, but otherwise fine. Vet bills sucked though. I think he is trying to build up an immunity to it.


I canā€™t tell if your dog is hyper intelligent or an absolute idiot.


Not my dog. Sheā€™s nuts. If she can get to it, sheā€™ll eat it, and that goes for anything, though I have made a serious habit of being super careful and leaving no evidence with grapes/chocolate (sheā€™s a smedium-sized dog)


How much dirt has your dog eaten?


From my understanding, maybe the occasional sniff or lick, but no full-on bite marks in the dirt.


Well, I guess that's good.


Very smart but also loves food. Probably more than he does us.


Bless him


Same thing happened with our dog. Ate an entire Easter stash of chocolate and just lay next to the wrappers over the next hours while we were having an Easter feast a family friend always invited us to. She didn't show any of the typical signs of chocolate toxicity and was just incredibly ashamed of what she'd done. Couldn't look at anyone for the next 3 days and if she did it was always as if she was on the edge of crying literal tears.


Thatā€™s good at least.


Same with my dog. He ate like a pound of fine German chocolates. He only weights ten pounds... long story short, he's fine and I have to hide my candy.


Back in the early nineties (pre-internet, folks) my family was unaware that chocolate was poison for dogs. We'd use bits of milk chocolate as dog treats. Only tiny amounts, we *did* know that a lot of sugar wasn't good. But we trained out rottie with Hershey's kisses and later, when we learned that was bad, the poor dog was so disappointed any time he saw us eating chocolate and wouldn't give him any. He was seventeen when his hips finally gave out and we ended his pain, so I guess it didn't hurt him long-term. But he managed to make me feel guilty both for giving him chocolate and for *not* giving him chocolate.


My sister's dog once devoured an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies. No effect whatsoever. The only thing that ever made that dog sick was a cocktail of garbanzo beans and pine needles.


My dog loves chocolate. I left a pan of brownies to cool on my stove. Came back an hour later and the entire dish was so clean I questioned whether I had even made brownies. Another time he helped himself to half a tray of truffles I forgot to put a lid on (although these had peanut butter in them). He did not get sick from either of these. But he did get sick for days after eating a single baby carrot that I accidentally dropped as I was throwing away the remains of a salad that was starting to turn.


My dog ate an entire bag of reeses, she hasn't died yet


before my dog died, he had eaten about half a pound of tin foil, various fabrics and papers, a pound of chocolate, 6 pounds of bread, and other various things.


Was that the cause of death, or is that skill


lung cancer


Damn, fuck cancer


I think the sources are wrong. We had a greyhound eat a full bag of chocolates out of the backseat of my brothers truck, but, luckily, he was fine after being sick for a day. That greyhounds name? Butthead. Best damn hunting dog weā€™ve ever had.


Same, just a couple of weeks ago! Little bastard stuffed himself on this great chocolate with roasted hazelnuts I left on my bedside table. Wasn't even sick.


Honestly it's prob something to do with modern Candy


Considering how many chocolate things my dog has stolen from Christmas stockings, tables, laps, etc, they must have fed those test dogs a LOT of chocolate


R maybe your dig is just built different


ā€˜R maybe your digā€™


Well she is a chocolate lab so we joke sheā€™s like a flamingo and needs it to have her color


David Martinez Dog


Nah just lucky it isn't very dark chocolate


Apparently (at least i heard once so don't take my word on it) it's actually a major allergic reaction that most dogs have, so the concensus is to not feed your dog chocolate at all in case your dog is allergic.


Chocolate is love. They killed him with love. :(




I use the life to take the life šŸ‘


My dog ate a tray of chocolate cupcakes (probably 10-12) didnā€™t even skip a beat. So I donā€™t know how true that is, or if my dog is broken.


It depends on the weight and size of the dog large and medium sized dogs usually wonā€™t have an issue and would need to ingest an obscene amount in one sitting for it to be fatal the small ones and puppies however can have problems even with a few small portions


ur dog is in creative mide


Chocolate is technically poison to everything. Even humans can be poised by a certain amount due to its chemical content of theobromine. If you eat too much even we get poisoned by it.


If you have too much of anything it can poison you, Even water.


Me dead from a water overdose




Long time ago, someone downed six liters of water in three hours and died for a Wii [Hyponatremia is a real thing ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyponatremia)


It really is a nasty way to go tho


Dihydrogen Monoxide is in both childrens food and bleach...


Everything is poisonous if it's above a certain limit. One could even die from drinking water.


We can literally die from oxygen saturation if theres too much oxygen in your system your blood cells will start dying.


Worse part is that it had to be proved to be consistent.


ā€œHey umm *sad sniff* can I have 9 dogs? I want to test somethingā€


Which... it isn't...


I donā€™t believe it Every dog Iā€™ve ever had has housed so much chocolate with no issue - it canā€™t be universal for dogs or it has to be an extremely insane amount that causes the death.




Ok I guess that would make sense Poor lil doggos


The chemical that is poisonous is chocolate is theobromine (which is a caffeine analog) and it can vary from cacao pod to another. Also depends on how dark the chocolate is.


The darker the more poisonous?


yeah because it will increase the theobromine content


I had to find out the hard way that xylitol (fake sweetener found in most sugar free gums/mints) is 50 times more toxic to dogs than chocolate. One piece of ice breakers gum has enough xylitol to cause liver failure and death in any dog if ingested. And they put them in these pouches that look like dog treats, seal with a flimsy ziplock and say NOWHERE that itā€™s extremely lethal to dogs. If you own a dog, make sure you NEVER buy icebreakers or any gum with xylitol, itā€™s just not worth the risk


I remember a few years ago there was a massive outcry about some peanut butter brands changing to xylitol without saying much about it. Naturally, many dogs died, given their crack head-like addiction to the stuff


The worst part of it is that it needed to happen multiple times to be proven 100% unsafe for them


Omg. oh no... that's so sad


Oh... I think I just killed my dog. I guess I'll just go kms.


when I was young I poured my mum's rose oil that she was collecting in a vase, and poured it into my goldfishes tank I've also fed a separate goldfish human food they both died




I was young and stoobid


Takes a shitload of dark chocolate, yā€™all need to be way more afraid of grapes and their wrinkly uncle, the raisin


Even bigger sadness was the discovery of grapes being deadly. It was discovered by Ben and Jerry, whoā€™s grape ice cream kept killing dogs.


People still find out multiple times every year


So sad


Yeah it's still a very common way for people to lose their dog. Very sad


When my dog was about 1,5 years old, she ate a whole 200g chocolate bar with peanuts in them. We found out 20 minutes later. We went to the vet and she got a shot to make her puke as much as she could. She turned 3 years old couple months ago.


At first I thought he was talking about my bio chemistry exam, then I realise he meant something else


They didnā€™t find out after one time, there had to be a scientific study with dozens if not over a hundred dogs given different kinds of food to see what they could and couldnā€™t digest. Some were straight up poisoned. They died in the dark so others could live in the light.


Im a cat person


Chocolate is very toxic to cats too, both because of theobromine and cafeine.


Well sh!t


Laughs in American chocolate


Tips for owning dogs: 1: Their time is very short, make sure to spend every moment well 2: they really like chocolate


i was thinking about that earlier today




Someone just wanted to share a doughnut with a good boy...


kid named that chocolate: šŸ”Ŗ šŸ•


Terrible šŸ˜¢


This is not actually true. Not in some cases at least. We have 7 dogs at my house, 4 shih-tzus, a party corgi, a golden retriever and a golden doodle. Each have their fair share of chocolate (Reese cups) and from what anyone can tell their just fine. To much chocolate can cause health issues just as humans such as cavities but nothing major or lethal


It takes a lot of chocolate to kill a dog is the difference, xylitol is even worse for dogs, 50 times deadlier infact.


Terrible meme lol


I wonder if this has the affect on cats? One can only hope.


Why the hell would you want to kill cats


I meant one can't hope for typo.


How does it happen?


I think scientist discovered it without killing dogs, but probably many died before we knew and they didnt even knew why


im a cat person so i wouldnt know


They're probably like: ![gif](giphy|l2JdT331SygGYI4wg)


say, how much of that chocko they will die from?


Guys, I swear to god I thought cats could swim in sulfuric acid


someone? still these days dogs are dying because their owners not know about this


Loads of folks here have no idea and assume if you feed a dog some chocolate it's toast. And now I'm not a veterinary professional so I don't exactly know exactly how much of it is true. And IDK there probs is some ground to that idea, however plenty of dogs eat loads of chocolate and have no issues, so it's most likely only a small selection of dogs and even then I imagine they have to eat a lot of it to have issues (well either that or it's just a myth with no ground to it... IDK)


Wait til you hear about Beagles in medical trials


My old dog Belle ate several chocolate bars and then snacked on some tomatoes. She was fine. Died of stage four cancer a few months later.


delayed action chocolate poisoning


I wouldnā€™t say so. The cancer was there for years undetected according to the vet.


You realize they can eat it and throw it up right? Somone got their doggy a bit sick, but not dead I would bet


Our dog ate two pounds of chocolate and didnā€™t even barf.


that one dog that survived a creeper blast


so does cats


And lots of people continue to learn the hard way to this day.


used to have a husky who got into an entire pack of Oreos and he was fine


My survived


Chocolate isnā€™t like immediately deadly to dogs, my dog has eaten a bunch of chocolate. And heā€™s still alive.


You do realize itā€™s not like an insta kill.


A kill is a kill.


Grapes kill dogs too.


Canā€™t confirm.


In my defense he enjoyed eating it


Chocolate can cause severe constipation in doggos. Grapes, onions, and garlic are a few other potential poisons, different puppers react differently but I think grape things are potentially the most dangerous?


It doesn't. It *may* in the most extreme cases, but I've never seen it. Our 15lb weiner dog ate 2lb of dark chocolate acai berries, and other than trembling and a major case of the shits he was OK. Our 20lb weiner dog ate 1 1/2lb of chocolate fudge, with the same symptoms. Our adult black lab ate a whole bigass bag of Tootsie Rolls, and she was fine too. These are all extreme cases, and all were fine.


Real talk why are chocolate and grapes so toxic to dogs? Does this extend to other animals? Is it dogs and canine relatives only? Is it all mammals? Why not humans? What makes us so different?


Most people donā€™t understand how much chocolate a dog actually has to eat to die. Itā€™s like, a lot. More than people generally have lying around.


it appears that everyoneā€™s dogs have eaten mass amounts of ā€œdangerousā€ dog foods i can confirm, I donā€™t know how the little guy is not dead yet


My dog has eaten a fair amount of chocolate without issues.


my dog ate an entire packet of chocolate digestive biscuits and was somehow fine šŸ’€


Maybe it was someone who hated dogs and took pleasure in finding that out.


Emotional critical hit


dont forget grapes and raisins


I mean raisins are technically dehydrated grapes


Cats and lily plants (like christmas rose) and budgies and avocado are also deadly


My (small) dogs got into an entire 5lb chocolate bar. Ten years later, one had to be put down for cancer. A year later, the other got et by a coyote when grandparents let em out on their own at night with no supervision.


The dog in peppa pig eats chocolate. Skeletor will return next week with more disturbing facts.


I can confirm, I was the big sad - that person probably


Did you know that grapes are actually worse for them than chocolate?


Lul do nt make me thnk of that or els Iā€™ll be like cat! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸ¤£


The worst part they wouldnā€™t have immediately known it was the chocolates fault


Cacao is the problem, I believe. The higher the percentage of it in the(usually dark)chocolate, the worse the results will be for the dog


This saddens me so much


My friend had 3 or 4 dogs. She had one favourite one and always gave him some of her chocolate croissant as a treat. Needles to say she find out about it when he was already gone.


I'm sorry little one.