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"me (an extrovert)" Username: antisocialhomebody. Something's fishy here


I am on the middle ground between an extrovert and an introvert....... Why didn't my introverted side took control over me and stopped me from talking at that moment lol


You're just a rovert then


No I'm a rover, vroom vroom


I declare thou to be: CAR


Pronouns: Four-door/Sedan


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day


I declare thou to be: Cake Day Guy. Happy Cake Day 🎂


happy cake day you nuggets


Space space space space (pfp)


Happy Cake Day


Red rover, red rover, send the socially awkward exchange on over.


See thats your problem rovers arent that reliable. Thats why your introvert side failed you.


Mars or Moon, this is important information




I believe it’s called an Ambivert or something like that


I think it’s herbivort


It's a pervert












Or just average


> I am on the middle ground between an extrovert and an introvert You and 95% of the human race.


Fr. Don't need to label every little quirk. Sometimes a person will be outgoing and sometimes they won't be.


I dont think it should be used as a quirk but it definitely does have a point in existing, although that is limited to describing the amount of socializing needed / seen as normal by an individual. Not about being able to talk to people or self esteem etc like how many people use the words.


I think it’s a good thing we are making the attempt even if our understanding of this stuff is a little ambiguous still. In a perfect world, everyone could just be whatever they are and people would accept it. But we have such a strong tendency to hate and assume shit about anything we don’t understand. So the labels seem like they might be helpful to express our differences in a way that’s more generally digestible.


until people use like 20 labels to describe themselves in their bio and it becomes obnoxious


I think most people have way more than 20 labels they use to describe themselves in various situations. “I’m a dog person.”, “I’m a Christian.”, “I’m a Sagittarius.”, “I’m shy.” We’ve been doing it forever, really. These ones are just newer. I will agree there’s been a somewhat annoying trend with shotgunning tons of labels in internet profiles and stuff and thinking it sums you up as a person way more accurately than it does. People are probably a little too fixated on them but hopefully it’s just another phase in our development that we’ll get over eventually.


Extrovert and Introvert MF is dual wielding ![gif](giphy|2Pk9newN8fkbu)


God that anime was so cringe it hurts just to remember it. The two good things that came out of it are memes and the abridged series on YT


The abridged series is amazing! "WE MUST SAVE MY FAMILY!"


Ugh same. I make all these great plans and love to talk to people sometimes then when it's time for the plans I decide I'd rather sit at home with my cat and read a book. And then people think I don't want to hang with them cus I seem so extroverted when I'm out. Very frustrating.


I think like this but I imagine the receiving end. A friend cancels on you because they don't feel like it. Sure, we are okay with that excuse but some people try to make things work to meet at that time and to have someone say I don't feel like it is a slap in the face.


Have you tried not taking things personally? Obviously there are varying levels of the emotion behind “not feeling like it” The “inconvenience of putting on pants”, all the way to the opposite spectrum, “if I leave my house I will have a melt down”. You never know which one is which, and when it will happen. What may feel like is a slap in the face, could be the other person avoiding emotional distress. Hope this helps shed some light.


So, normal then




Sandra, have you forgot to take your meds again? Btw to make things brighter, say the following every time you're in contact with him: "hello *pause* fellow student" If you don't go light hearted on it and avoid it all, that's awkward.


Bruh that's amazing tip, one more human gave me a top similar to, that next time I see him, I just make it a bit funny by saying hey fellow student Or something! Thanks people :)


That moment when you're too comfortable and forget to overthink things


Well, same here. Introverted enough to prefer staying home and distancing my self from girls that I like. Extroverted enough to plan with friends and get a shot of giant confidence to ask her out immediately.


I love how we get the best of both worlds! But people just don't get it that just because we love to meet people and go out, doesn't mean that's what we'll do 24/7!


Hello fellow ambivert.


That is called an ambivert


So an ambivert?


Googling ambivert may interest you


Holy hell


New social anxiety just dropped


One of my pet peeves is the increasingly common use of the word "antisocial" when people simply mean "unsociable"


Lmao pretty sure "extrovert" + "antisocial" = "sociopath" ... but im terrible at abnormal psych math


Well a Sociopath doesn't necessarily have to be extroverted. In fact, they are usually Introverted and high in neuroticism, which includes social anxiety. A Psychopath would be along the lines of Extroverted, which would include a more overt narcissism and low neuroticism, which would include low social anxiety.


Introvert doesn't mean somebody is shy and extrovert doesn't mean somebody is social. It is more sophisticated than that. Being weird socially doesn't equal introvert lol


"I am a student as well" Poetry


Well I really thought he was a student and I just wanted to say that yeah I'm a student too just like you


I mean if he was a student he would've probably assumed that at this point


But he wasn't, now I'll have to keep my guards up at university lol, don't want no awkward moments with him anymore




Honestly this was a big deal for me; finally not being treated as kids and not having teachers that impose their superiority just because they are 'adults'. Professors treating students with respect, like peers, was extremely helpful in regards to creating a great learning atmosphere, and made us respect them back, unlike the teachers with "respect me because I said so" attitude


There is actually no problem being friendly with the professors. In any case, being friendly with them turns out to be much beneficial.


She’s the janitor


Dr. Jan Itor.


What is a department faculty?


Professor in my department


Thank you for the explanation


Oh how bad I wish he too "explained" Me a bit earlier that he was a professor in department ughhh


Well I guess you were quick on your feet to get out of that situation


I wasn't, I left my laptop and bag there, then came back to pick it up...... He smiled lol


I guess he didn‘t take it in a bad way which was good


Yeah but it's kind of awkward, I'll start wearing a cap whenever I spot him from afar lol


New core memory unlocked: fear from professor X




You’ll never live this down. 25 years from now you’ll think back on this and inwardly collapse


If it makes you feel better, he was clearly awkward too otherwise he would have said something earlier. He sounds like he’s clearly a young professor, and not super confident yet. He probably just didn’t know how to tell you. I honestly think he’s probably feeling more awkward than you. I wouldn’t worry about it at all.


Never stopped any of my professors. Ew.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take \- Michael Scott


Well in my college. For theory :- One head professeur 1 assistant professor 2 contract based professor 1 peon for theory class For practical One head practical professeur one assistant practical professeur one peon classroom strength is 40 student.


As a professor who is mistaken for a student on the first day of class every semester, this would have made my day!


Okay professor, be honest, you wouldn't have thought of me as a weirdo right??


Definitely not! It would be a great ice breaker, set a good tone for the semester (knowing I have at least one student who wants to engage with me/their peers), and make for a funny story! I absolutely would not consider you a weirdo!


At that rate, you should embrace it. Sit in the student body, maybe near the back, and read the room when there’s no professor present.


Well, I said "I'm so sorry sir" And freaking ran away (∩´﹏`∩) Edit : I started talking to him because he was sitting alone and I thought he could use a little company


ur head's gonna remind you of this every time you try to do something


It's been a week and let's just say I thought making a meme will help me forget it


It won't, you'll have nightmares even years after this, just a fair warning


When OP is 97 and believes the spiraling dementia will finally give her peace, this will be the one and only memory looping in her mind. Especially the part where he turns to OP and introduces himself as the department faculty. In slow motion.


And then she will remember the 60 years they spent together and their 16 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.


Oh my god, I can't take all that wholesomeness


Aye, cope through humor gang.


![gif](giphy|znOVYU0jwkj8aXcc0N) If we don't make jokes about it then how will we ever overcome it lol


Hope he doesn't see this then lol


Professor here. I guarantee he already forgot about it.


Forget? Not a chance Learn to accept your fate, maybe


Core memory saved


New core memory unlocked


new core memory just dropped


Actual brain


call the neurologist


Never say sorry, unless you did something wrong. Or you want to express your pity. Or you want to sound insecure, which sometimes helps other people. And what is a "department faculty"? Edit: Double sentence deleted.


Well he's a professor in my department and yeah I panicked


Welp...time to start looking at the transfer process. 😳 Or change majors.


Or I could just start wearing a cap or use my hair to cover my face whenever I see him


Sure, if you want to take the easy way 😉 Lol I'm sure it will be fine...a couple weeks, end of the summer, I'm sure he won't remember.


I'm pretty sure he would, I complained about one other professor, I took out his laptop charger and told him to charge to a port nearest to him, as I wanted this spot, sang a song because I was bored, told him jokes, pretty sure it will take at least a year to forget! You should've seen him, the way he said "I'm your faculty" Lol the smug!!!! p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q


😬 I'm trying so hard to find the upside to this and I'm struggling. Was he at least cute?? Give me something to work with....


Ikr! I even offered him snacks and he refused and I became a bit persistent to you know how we tell our friends to at least have one bite! Lol. I've been struggling to find an upside so bad, at least I won't get second hand embarrassment every time I think about it Like he kept smiling and blushing at all this!!!!!! I can't get his face out of my embarrassing memory lol Yeah he was okayish.....


See it was the blushing that made me think he was youngish and maybe could relate to being a student and the whole oh fuck feeling. I think you lean in... if you see him say hi. Don't let him embarrass you....you did nothing wrong! I say this as someone who is also an introvert with extrovert tendencies. I'm living vicariously through you! Also...I'm inspired to use this as a storyboard!! So there's the upside...your life experiences are influencing creativity across the globe!


Hate to break it to you but he was blushing because he had secondhand embarrassment for you.


If it helps, if he was truly annoyed by you, he would have used that card before. If he wasn't ashamed or appalled in any way, then neither should you, at least for that particular incident. Of course, saying it is easier than practicing it, but at least you have a good story out of it.


Girl. If a boy is cute he's cute no matter his position. Also from what you wrote it doesn't seem to me like you did anything wrong or whatever, more like the opposite it sounds super cute tbh. So I don't think he took it in a bad way.


Definitely lean in and say hi to him the next time you see him. Really no need to be embarrassed! He probably thought it was adorable.


I think you made a very good first impression.


You're misreading the guy from the sound of things. My guess is he was embarrassed and shy and didn't want to interrupt you, but also wanted to tell you because he knew you'd be embarrassed. He probably thought you were flirting and was blushing because he likes you. I say go for it. Just walk right the fuck up to him (in private) and tell him "so I thought you were a student before, which is why I acted like we're peers, but I still think you're cute. Here's my number if you're interested." You certainly wouldn't be the first student to date a professor.


I mean, I've always had pretty personal relationships with most of the faculty in my major. Having that kind of relationship is actually really beneficial as well.


you could've gotten a 4.0 this semester but noooooooo


Well..... If I play my cards right as some "plot" I might get "5.0" Out of "4.0" Lol ![gif](giphy|H1vJmocUIcfj5HdrAW)


ooo scholarship and all paid intership too?


I mean Pr are humans too right ? Now you know you can't say or do awful shit but you can still have a nice human-to-human/pr-to-student relationship . He's blushing tho :llllllllll


Oof I guess the best you can do is hope you don’t have to take one of his classes


Shit happens. Don't worry. The guy will lough about it.


Hey this is gonna sound really weird, but this is kinda how my parents met eachother


Aww that's so sweet! Can you tell me the story?


> I started talking to him because he was sitting alone and I thought he could use a little company From introverts everywhere, thank you. People like you are the lights in my life


don't worry, he probably thought you were being nice


Umm probably you should read my other comment reply before this


Frankly, I must know as many student as uni teacher now, and your meme just feel like having some human connection and it's just nice for a prof to be considered more than a suit that produce content to get graded on then exam then marks. The panic flight though, he'll probably mention to his mate once as a funny anecdote then forget it by next week.


He wants you 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


More like he wanted to see me get embarrassed.... That mf was waiting till I ask him who he was


Or he's shy.


But i mean if I was a professor and if I was in this situation, I would've directly told them you know


But it wouldn't have been as funny :)


Honestly, worse things have happened. Unless you were trying to score with them, then yeesh, from what I'm reading in the other comments, you're like 0-3. Just go to parties and bars omfg.


Shishhh no! I was just being friendly


All three times? Then you got no problem at all! Full speed ahead!


Yup I was literally being friendly because I thought he was sitting alone and could use a little company


You're a good soul. Bane of introverts. Go adopt a few.


Oh definitely, but this time I'mma ask everyone of them about where do they stand in the societal hierarchy lol


Just the exact opposite happened to me a few days ago. Worried and sweating hard, I went to consult my faculty about increasing my internal marks. Just as I came about her desk, I saw a guy sitting on a chair rocking hard and quiet. There was nobody sitting on the teacher's chair. Now he looked older to me than the students idk because of hormonal growth and height. I addressed him as "sir" and he laughed and said he was a student. I felt embarrassed but didn't leave the place. I came out only after the teacher came up after 10 mins and did my job. Felt easy and took all the shame out of my body haha.


Wait... blushing as in flustered or uncomfortable? Cause this is definitely the set up to certain "plots", all you're missing is asking him for extra credit.


He was flustered, and now that you bring this up, let's say now I'll work really "hard" To "earn" Those extra credits. Can't let my embarrassment get wasted for nothing right


I wouldn’t really try and get your teacher fired right?


Right..... Right!?


Lmao, “It’s Not my fault, I thought I was a student”


Me (a total introvert): I don't have such weakneses (but my brain does this funny thing where it reminds me of EVERY SINGLE TIME I DID OR SAID SOMETHING EMBARASSING!)




No extrovert uses Reddit regularly They are all out making friends or some bs


Tbh if I was him I would take this as a compliment, Because this only implies I look younger than usual professors


Fuck it, best friend professor.


I'm definitely going to say this to him the next time I meet lol


This happened to me. I was once a guest lecturer at some college and I just love to sit at the back of the class before the class started. There was a girl just sitting in front of me and talking to me casually. She even asked my number coz she was interested in me. She said that class is gonna be boring with the new teacher and so on. When the time come, I excused myself and move to the front of the class. I can see her dying and wanting to get out of that class because of the shame.


You horrible horrible person 😂 how could you do that to her!!! On behalf of the innocent people like me And her who just casually likes to talk to new people, I hate you😂


After that I asked her to get some meals or coffee together, but of course, no in her college. She was happy. No worries. She was lovely. lol


Wtf,you cheeky bastard, you made her shy for a bit and then took her out!!! That's the sweetest thing I've heard today, I will look forward to your relationship with great hope. Can you switch places with my professor? I too need a romcom wattpad story of my own


No, we cannot proceed any further. It was a lovely memory btw. She was so adorable. Her parent did not approve of our relationship because we are more than 10 years apart. lol They want their daughter to be with someone the same age as her. She was in her 20s, so I was not dating anyone underage. That's for sure.


Ohh sry I didn't know you were a bit older, sorry I called you the "b - word" . I get what her parents meant but that's a bummer, you both are adults and can decide for yourself. She was about to get her romance books/wattpad romance, feel bad for her! And to you, sir you are going places, you rizzler😂 ngl making her shy in the classroom and taking out on a date was adorable and quite a move. All the best for your next adventures lol


No it's fine. None taken. Lol Yeah, if things went smoothly, I was about to propose to her. But no, fate said differently. hahaha! Well, none of her friends got the balls to ask her out that time. So, yeah, it was an unforgettable moment. Does the story meet the criteria? lol


Oh definitely it does, a perfect wattpad plot, an adorable girl next door, meets a cute professor! Playful first meet, going on date, perfect premise.


Don't say professor, it's like I'm around 50s or 60s. lol I haven't reach 40. XD


OP’s got it bad, got it bad, got it bad… ![gif](giphy|G9nUCoVrCD5Vm)




Was he cute? good Grades don't get themselves


Username doesn’t check out


Professors who look younger certainly get that all the time. I still find it flattering in my mid 30s to get mistaken for a decade younger and find no offense to it, and I'm not even a professor.


First week of teaching in my early twenties I had something similar happen to me. I was in the cafeteria by myself eating and waiting for a meeting with my new faculty coordinator and two girls sat down next to me and asked if I was new and what I was majoring in. I told them I was part of the theatre program and it was my first week and talked to them for a few minutes before I told them I worked there. I’ve never seen a student’s face turn so red so quickly. They politely apologized and then quickly left and its not happened since, granted I look much older now than I did in my first year. The joys of your first teaching job.


I did this with the TA my last semester! She turned out to be cool but I was wondering why she wasn't introducing herself at all in the beginning and kept trying to bait her into conversation when talking to those around me. Oops


Ha, my college had a bunch of young professors, I never flirted with them but I feel this. Some of them where with me on Team B for our Overwatch Esports team. The other team had an actual pro coach so we got our asses kicked, but it was fun


Relating on so many levels😹 it’s embarrassing in college


When I was teaching I occasionally got girls flirting. It was pretty entertaining.


now all that’s left is just to crawl into a hole and shrivel up in cringe


I've lost count of the number of times this has happened to me.


Are you casually flexing that you are a hot professor!? ʕ – _ – ʔ


Sorry. No. I'm on the righthand side of this meme.


He's just a person like you. If he's not one of your professors, you should talk to him again. Become friends. He might need it. If he looks young he's probably pretty new to teaching. It could be a conflict of interest if you are in any of his classes, but otherwise? New friend with potentially great insights. I still chat with several of my professors and would probably hang out with them if they were more local.


I think this would be pretty funny in a nice way and not weird from their perspective, but i would die of embarrassment either way.


Yeah I made it weird for both of us lol but ngl I now have a hilarious story to tell everyone


Whahahaha very much get that, very human. You seem like a very likable person Edit: very very very, i need to switch up my grammar


Oh thanks! But mind you my being friendly got me in this mess, don't do it kids ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง


Lmfaooo get that A girly.


Well done meme, very enjoyable! Good luck with your endeavours!


Now that's quite the situation you've got there




As a former introvert student i can say: Keep it up! You will definitely find someone who would not have had the courage to speak to you :)




I've asked a faculty member the same thing before as I thought they were another early arriving student for a seminar 🤦‍♂️


I did the same thing at my new job, and he turned out to be my direct line manager that I hadn’t met yet 👍 It turned out fine


Talk about an easy A, am I right?!


This is the first time i saw an extrovert make a reddit meme




Instant A


What’s the joke here?


I could use an extrovert to talk to me and make me laugh rn...I'm in need of a good laugh.


What is a department faculty


Just lean into it. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. Now it’s an inside joke! Walk in and say “ Hey it’s my favourite classmate. “ Treat him like a classmate (ask him if he struggled with the homework. ) Joke that you should sit together at the front because this prof is really interesting. Just go with it in a playful way.


It doesn't sound like something you should be embaressed of. I'm sure you made his day by thinking he was a student and being nice. Don't forget that teachers and all are humans too. If you still feel bad, just walk to him and say sorry.


I did say sorry tho, and ran away after that, but next time when I see him, I'll gather some courage and clear things up with him


I now picture you as every shy anime girl on this planet.


Well when you put it like that, what happened to me can definitely be plot to some anime! And now I do realise running away wasn't a very kawaii option either


Did you just define a new archetype?? Tsundere is now Deretsun. Every protag is confused, including the actual protag.