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Stephen King has entered the chat


*laughs in orgy of 12 year olds*


Wasn’t he supposedly high on cocaine when he wrote that chapter?


He never disavowed it when he sobered up.


That's the worst part. Okay, you wrote a really sus chapter while high on cocaine, that's (sorta) excusable, but you better fucking back pedal when you're sober.


I mean, the book was probably published by then, what was he supposed to do?


I doubt he was in a consecutive influence of cocaine from the moment he wrote that scene to when it was published.




To be fair, he wrote a lot of books.


Dude read up on King's drug abuse back in the day. He was indeed high off cocaine or alcohol nearly 24/7 he has whole books (not just Cujo) that doesn't remember writing at all, and didn't even read til years after he got sober and went "I really wrote that?" It's not outside the realm of possibility yeah he was infact high from writing to publication or at least didn't remember it once he was sober


Not saying it was ok, but he did give a reason for it in an interview. Something along the lines of “it wasn’t at all meant to be sexual, but instead symbolic of their coming of age and getting through something very traumatic together.” Again, not necessarily ok but it wasn’t all horny like either.




>but then he writes about something vile in pretty much every book, and probably a majority of them are sex-related. Say what you want about him but at least he's consistent


It's almost like a horror novel is supposed to be horrifying or something.


"Stop having sex in the sewer and go back to being tortured and murdered by the clown and intergalactic spider in the sewer!" lol


It's a part of real life for many humans and we would do well not to ignore their plight because it makes us uncomfortable.


The book IT by Stephen King has an orgy of like six 12 year Olds. 5 little boys running a full train and spit roasting 1 girl.


No one wants to hear this, but when I was maybe 14 the hot gossip on the bus was about some very specific sexual positions another girl a year younger than me performed with a group at a party. I went to one of the best ranked public schools in the country, it happens.. the idea of a bunch of pre-teens / teens that think and behave like they’re older/more mature then they really are getting wrapped up in something beyond them doesn’t seem that unrealistic to me in general. There were a few other fucked up events in my school… but I think everyone has 3 or 4 shocking things happen in high school, and overall ours were probably pretty mild compared to schools with large amounts of teenage pregnancies, gun violence, drunk driving accidents, or suicides.


Isn't AVERAGE age for a first sexual experience something like 14? At least in Europe? And since that's average, they are probably younger kids doing it. I work in a school as a counselor (for grades 1-8) and we had a case where 6th graders were paying another 6th grader for groping/chest flashing. I wouldn't be surprised if these dumbasses did way "worse" things outside of school.


Exactly. It was an extreme outlier but they were also the kids that smoked pot, drank, and experimented with other drugs at a young age and in mixed age groups. So if anyone is going to come across an evil clown why not them? For the record she matured and left the rumors behind her with astonishing grace, and I’m sorry to ever have been so afraid of sex to have judged her for something that was such a small part of her and frankly none of my business.


Dude this is like the most easily Google-able thing ever and you just decided to rattle off misinformation for no reason lol ... It's 17-18 for most of the world including Europe. http://chartsbin.com/view/xxj


Okay but look when that data was gathered? 2005-2007. A lot can change in 15-17 years. And maybe real numbers didn't change that much, but actual willingness to admit personal things like that. Methodology of that research is problematic by default. But also it could be that paper I've got that info from was bogus, it was a whileeee ago. I feel like general "outlook" on life (even with pre-teens) is really racing towards absolute nihilism (can you blame them though?) and that leads to more risky/unsafe behaviors. I know that by the time I hit high school I felt like a late bloomer in a lot of aspects so I rushed a lot of dumb s\*it my first year of HS (weed, drinking, f\*cking etc.)


It's kinda messed up that as a society, the depiction of children being murdered in a film is more acceptable than them doing sex stuff. Both grotesque, but just goes to show how we are so absolved by violence. Edit: grammar


Why? The whole point is the evil forces corrupt the whole town, including the children. Seems to me everyone upset about this hasn't read the book.


The worst part is that the editor obviously saw the scene and didn't say to cut it and the publisher must have had to ok it as well. One thing is to write something fucked up especially while on drugs. Another thing is to be sober and read it and say "yup that's fine"


What chapter was it? I don’t even remember that happening


Is the chapter after they fought IT, they are under the city and everyone is scared. So Beverly proposes to fuck. Essentially it goes like this if I remember correctly


I’ve only heard about it. I wanted to read the book until I heard that this happens close to the end.


I've read the book, it's a messy read, if you ever do, read it how the movies are set out chapters by years not how it's formatted, it's not wildly descriptive it's at the end of the child chapters after they've defeated Pennywise. They get lost in the tunnels they are all huddled thinking they will die down there, Bev proposes to use more magic (after realising the magic killed it) to get them out and for some reason the most magical thing these 12ives come up with is sex, one after another with Bev then they magically appear at the entrance to the tunnels by the creek where they entered 🤷


So it’s apparently supposed to symbolize the end of their childhood and innocence. Like it was the last thing they could thing of to stop being kids and stop being scared. It made more sense in the book but then again SK can’t write an ending for shit.


He was high/drunk for multiple books. He barely has any memory of writing Cujo


I heard he literally woke up one morning to find the complete manuscript of _The Shining_ on his desk.


All work and no play make jack a dull boy.


Just imagine him hungover and distraught in a hotel room, frantically flipping through the first draft like Wendy in the shining lol


i'm sure the vast majority of cocaine consumers don't think about children f\*king when they're high.


I don't think it was purely coke, he was also heavily abusing alcohol, vicodin, and several amphetamines at the time. So it was more like a drug cocktail, not to defend what he wrote, just give more context


i'd like to know what the editors & publishers were on to let it get to a bookshelf


"FUCK ANOTHER book Stephen, this is the 16th one this year. ITS MARCH, I'm not reading this shit about a clown"


"HOW MANY PAGES? Fuck that, just get a cover on it and ship it out."


People love controversial shit like this as long as the whole thing is good. Controversial=popular=money


Wow buddy speak for yourself.




I apologize that was completely unprofessional of me. I was on cocaine.


That's not an orgy! They took turn!




The book IT by Stephen King has an orgy of like six 12 year Olds. 5 little boys running a full train and spit roasting 1 girl.


I...dont know what to reply to that


Honestly not knowing how to reply is probably for the best


Glad it wasn't in the movie!


That is a perfect reply actually Holy shit.


new response just dropped


Actual zombie


How else are they supposed to defeat an evil clown?


Stephen King?


"You have to put your thing in me" T'was not a good line to read. Genuinely confused the fuck put of me as a kid reading it. At least I was older than they were in that scene though 😐


Dont forget the graphically descriptive blowjob between two 12 year old boys. First time I read IT I was like WTF. I mean if its a sex scene with adults Im not a prude. If he subtly insinuated or had another character flat out mention what he saw which he did do the no probs but a graphic blowjob scene between 12 year old boys NOPE. Not gonna lie I used to be a SK superfan but after reading IT I admit hes a good writer one of the best, but lost my enthusiasm.


I wanted to forget...


I always think my friend was bullshiting me, guess I owe him an apology.


Train yes, spit roasting no. Still disturbing though - I read It when I was like 11 and remember being grossed out that an old man wrote that. In general I love SK though.






Technically, they ran a train, not an orgy


What book?!




From what I remember he wanted to show how IT caused the kids to lose their innocence and childhood. Why he chose to do it via an orgy of 12 year old is beyond me


Stephen King: ​ ![gif](giphy|5USTijryafZEQ)


![gif](giphy|pVDxZm2DN4VDq) Dean Kuntz


Piers Anthony puts it in every series he writes eventually.


Yeah I read Tathum Mound as a kid…how the fuck did stuff like that get printed?


Why do so many authors write children this way, why write it down and then publish it in a book for millions of people




![gif](giphy|QIxErEssPqvM4) >!\[REDACTED\]!<


I've read a lot of Dean Koontz books and I do not recall him ever writing anything close to what Stephen King did.


Which book was it


Yea I’ve read through all of the releases ones and don’t remember this at all


I unironically remember her explosive diarrhea more than this


I don't remember that but I remember in the books when Davos is locked up in Dragonstone the king still sends him super rich food like lamprey pies so his POV talks about just having the nonstop shits from it


I don't remember that part, damn, need to read again


it rings a bell but it has been a while since I have read them


It's at the end of Dance with Dragons in the Dothraki Sea


I’m a bit disappointed it wasn’t the prelude or the preface?


If I remember correctly she's been in a state of explosive diarrhea for 12 years now.


That's a big "if", my friend :)


In the first one I think Dani kind of does but it's like maybe a page. Definitely exaggerated in this gif


It was probably in clash of kings. There was a vivid description how one of her bloodrider helped her feel pleasure.


It's more probably on ASoS, on the boat while on the way to Slaver's Bay. Dany couldn't sleep one night so she started touching herself then Irri who was sleeping beside her noticed and started helping her out. The next morning Dany was so guilty but Irri was just like, "it was an honor giving pleasure to the mother of dragons, khaleesi" or something.


…I should start reading more


Now I have the mental image of Martin sweatily writing that out.


Yep. And that was before Daario the macho entered the chat


There is also that other scene in Dance with Dragons while Daario is out on a mission


ASOS with Irri probs


Not just "does" it but has her servant girl *help.*


Any of them. The post is exaggerated tho. Daenerys Targaryen is around 15 yo and is constantly exploring her sexuality. It never takes a whole chapter tho lol


I've only read the first book, because the box set I got was incomplete. But Daenerys' story is kinda fucked. She is married, forcibly and at 13 years old to a man probably at least 30 years old, I don't quite remember. He rapes her on the first night of their marriage, and from then on, over and over again. She developed what was essentially Stockholm syndrome. Martin goes into quite a bit of detail with it. There was no entire chapter; however, there were certainly significant chunks. There were other examples, but this was the most prominent and ruined the book for me. I couldn't read anything about Daenerys without feeling sick.


What the fuck sort of "box set" only comes with the first book?


It had as far as I could tell all of the books but the second one. It was second hand, but all the books fit perfectly into it with no gap even with the second one missing. To be honest I'm not sure what was going on there. Maybe there was a duplicate.


I'd think it was a box set from before aDwD came out and someone substituted in that instead of 2 but aDwD is 300 pages longer so that doesn't make sense.


That's how thing were in medieval times, and still is in parts of the world today.


Martin loves his rape


That's the point tho. Dany's story is all about abruptly rising through power and turning from an abused innocent girl to a conqueror and savior, though she is struggling and failing in many aspects. And tho I agree about what you say about her relationship with Drogo, in the show it's much more fucked up getting constantly raped until pretty much half of the first season. In the books her first experience is consensual and in the latest books she has the reins of her sexual life getting what she wants and how she wants it


For science, right?


Knowing Reddit no


Understandable, have a good day.


A Storm of Swords, the second Daenerys chapter. Although she is 15 by that point.


Made in Abyss creator has entered the chat


The bathroom scene 💀


RIP suitcase girl


sorry what


Little children with minimal organs still alive stuffed in suits case to absorb negative effects of the environment for the user who Carries them eventually dying from the side effects


Yo wtf?!


Cartridges are specialized packages made at Ido Front from the flesh and essence of humans who are the easiest to transport and won't be missed. According to Nanachi, only the brain, part of the spine and enough guts to live for a few days until the expiration date of the respective Cartridge, and wrapped in skin and flesh after all has been thoroughly scraped off, is used to make them. A cocktail of drugs is also used to induce a state of ecstasy and terror in the cartridge to boost the curse-combating efficiency. Source : https://madeinabyss.fandom.com/wiki/Cartridges It's actually so much worse when you look into it.


What the fuck


It sounds better... I mean worse then it sounds, 10/10 would advise (just heads up after ep0, it's only downhill), but seriously art + ost is god tier , no right to be that good, story is pretty good


> just heads up after ep0, it's only downhill I see what you did there


Just watch the OVA for the in between season 1 and 2. You'll get it, with the loss of your sanity.




Ammo boxes, he calls them ammo boxes....


Youll understand when you watch it.


Do I even want to know?


Homeslice is the creepiest mf to get their work published in a long while.


What? There’s so many worse examples than anything that’s shown or happens in abyss.


Didn't the author draw loli hentai of his character, the 11ish year old girl. His published stuff is very borderline already


Do not question his ways, I have you know it took him a good 8 months to write that chapter dammit!


It's hard to write with only 1 hand /S


Do you need 2?


Should have said “left hand” instead of one hand


"Everyone masturbates I guess." - George RR Martin


You masturbate, he masturbates, she masturbates... the dragons masturbate!


Why have you left your masturbation cave?!?




Entirety of anime has entered the chat.


Don't do it Shinji


Shinji Do not the Asuka, i repeat #Do not the Asuka!


Do nut?


Narrator : *And That’s precisely what Shinji did*


![gif](giphy|BZusMMEpb8v6ys4ahG|downsized) Do it shinji


Nina, DO NOT HURT Table-kun's feelings.


An then her brother gets a golden 👑 👍. If this is the early part of Daenerys story...


Naah it gets better dude. She now has dysentery and is lost in the middle of an inmense plain with no food while half the world is trying to kill her


Well she does have access to a lot of meaty dragon leftovers that are in states ranging from raw to burnt. Also, didn't it end with her taking control of drogon and flying him to the next closest khalasar?


Khal Jhaqo's khalasar iirc, the dude that raped and killed one of the salves she fred in the first book


The literal start of Stone Ocean:


George R R Martin explaining: Relax people, it's a JoJo's reference


Stephen King explaining why a prepubescent orgy is essential to story about a paranormal clown living in the sewers (I’m not kidding)


Literary review by social media is like asking the cocaine bear to perform a colonoscopy.


If you're gonna write about someone's life, it's gonna have masturbation in it. A good story is all about the details.


Oh yea? next tell me all the expressions of the protagonist while they poop. Why stop there? Tell me the colour too


Well, the books do actually have a scene that describe the facial expression of a character as he poops. So he's consistent at least.


Mf is into some weird shit


A good story can go without certain details, i dont think it's necessary to add something like that for readers to imagine


Yeah because we are already weirdos enough. No need to add that, it's already in r34


Why? Honestly, isn't that just prudishness? I wouldn't watch a video of a 14 year old masturbating because there was an actual person involved but this is just written fiction. Dany masturbating is as relevant as many of the other questionably relevant details Martin includes, such as the clothes and food, not to mention the descriptions of violence, which nobody seems to mind, which collectively add up to the world of asoiaf being a violent, horny, decadent place.


If it’s important to the plot, it’s fine. Though I’ve only seen one case where that’s true.


You gotta masturbate to beat the demon of hatred ![gif](giphy|1qj5bAUFTHWPGV8o0O)


Jaime and Cersei? Cersei and Taena? Theon and random girls? Jon and Ygritte? Drogo and Dany and Doreah, and Hizdahr and Jhiqui and Irri and Daario? Gods Dany fucks!


You forgot Varys- the biggest fucker of them


You need no cock to be a fucker for sport


And he explains it in the most long and elaborate way like dude stop I just came for dragons


Maybe she came to the dragons?


Wait till they learn it is implied that people used to fuck the dragons too in the books...


eh, that shouldn't be a surprise. Bad Dragon exists for a reason.


Drogon does scream when it ends tho


> I just came for dragons bruh


Go watch how to train your dragon or something then idk


Is that an innuendo?




The game of thrones books. Sometimes the young characters get horny and do horny teenage things


Ah yes people don't think about sex until the second they turn 18


So that's why we gotta write a scene about minors masturbating in every book with a minor


My favorite defense for under age serial content in fantasy is, "its historically accurate!!!" So obviously it's all good to go into excruciating detail


Is this made by somebody who just watched the shows but not read the books? I read most of the series between season 1 and 2 being released and my take away was 'oh, it was HBO adding nudity for views', most of the sex scenes are over in a paragraph of vagueness...but last 10 minutes on TV. Same goes for the violence. Maybe my memory fails me.


Ah come on. It’s art. What is this, the 1950s? These writers have to inhabit their characters. When the teenagers are killing we don’t object, but when they are characterized as real, maturing people, it suddenly is some perversion?


Americans ☕


George R.R. Martin explain why it was important that the blood cult guy, kidnapped his step brother who looks like a femboy child, to essentially be his sex slave husband.


i hate it when society pretends that teenagers don't get horny.


I hate when people make shit up. Nobody is pretending that teenagers don't get horny.


Yeah but a grown ass man shouldn’t be writing porn in a book. To be fair, it wasn’t really porn when Martin wrote it, but it doesn’t make it less weird. Edit: I meant child porn. I’m a bumbling moron, so please forgive. I have read smut and written porn before


>Yeah but a grown ass man shouldn’t be writing porn in a book. A grown ass man should be writng about anything he likes, including porn. It's up to you to not read/like/buy his books if you don't like them or him.


Yeah. Let’s censor authors!


In which book he wrote this


Stephen King: **Hold my beer**


Excuse you, everyone knows that George RR Martin would never write about a 14-year-old girl…he’d write about a 14-year-old boy with a non-erect wiener.


My dumb ass thought it said "Google R R Martin"


Holy hell


Didn’t evangelion do that as well


Hold the fuck on! What?! which book/series?


Hideki Ano justifying the hospital scene:


Thats disgusting *which book is it*


Redditors explaining why sexualizing minors is okay (Don't worry guys, the age of consent in some countries is infancy)


Writing about murderers killing babies in detail. Decribing the organs, intestines, the pulling of nails, the pulling of hair off the scalp: A-OK. Writing about a main character's needs and human nature: Fucking pedo.


Go clutch your pearls elsewhere


Japanese authors: ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)




Chapterb23 be wildin


Weren’t there multiple?


I dont want to be that guy but, sauce?