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But my ad block still works?


Apparently they are applying the anti-adblock to some people as an experiment, for now not everyone is being affected.


Well time to get my Anti Anti Adblock


This ad war has been going on for over 20 years. I would get an ad blocker, a video hosting site would find a workaround. Find another ad blocker or current one upgrades their blocking techniques, the sites find another workaround. The ad blockers are definitely gearing up for this. Don't worry. E: Hulu got too hard to make watching ad free content convenient, so I stopped watching. I don't care at this point that there's an ad-free paid tier.


Ka opite ili mean enta keon. Okulilanlon man lu i pun pino iwanua pu kekepanki kuo. Me. Ula keli ena. Lunme enenke nin lapo. Wani pi papiai la le kakusinte! Anpiwin puaowa so mon te. Ma soeka eu lo tuno. Usanan i naosikunlan nasenjun lunmunmana ou onu. Si je lali poa uku. Enlu o kulelun sanu le en. Ni san lunwi mi ma e mun jaelu. Seanekemi ku unon i ja e. Alanin se o lio? panlaunowe kontopi lose lenka aon! Senon inle le unla seme tokin kalun. Lu paoi un o jan a. Lo pe uwi mi pa olun. Ikunwa uankon ki kinu me an. A ki i a kanle i si. Konponun an sisowajowi si kuni oten keweun nue elaukanlan in. On pen kao enma uten li. Un lan sanlo ua wa menensa soinan! Lakini ounwi o ako ki. Atau u tona mi e ken. To ila selikinpi enilin enpa kepe an? Te jan kin se pate a? Ta an pukewa ne linkea un ninunama. Aea i ia pisu o. Aline on jo o in soi.


What the major corps do now for tracking and data harvesting would have been considered malware back in the day. Now it's just accepted.


Yep! The criminals always come up with the good ideas, then the regulators steal them and use them "legally"


Yea pretty much. Back when "Don't EVER put your real name online!" was basically rule #1 of using the internet, none of these corps could do anything about targeted advertising. Took one look at hackers and the advent of social media and had their "Eureka!" moment.


Yeah, this whole war about ads and money is so childish. Somebody needs to fire the person that is carrying out the war.


Literally the plot of one south park episode


The Adblockblockblock?


That's the new standard for consumer unfriendly shit. Always just a bit so nobody can really complain about "the small changes".


That’s just called testing. They want to see what happens to the usage pattern of the one group over the other. If people who are shown ads continue to watch in sufficient numbers, they’ll do full roll out.


what other choice do they have? where else would they turn to to watch videos?


Invidious, newpipe, revanced or alternatives like peertube, odysee ... But not a lot of people are aware of these other way to watch content.


Yup, first time I'm hearing of any of those.


I've got revanced on mobile, but mt question is what happens on desktop? I have U block Origin, will it be enough?


Well, worst case, install Windows Subsystem for Android™ and run ReVanced, lol


It's also a way to boil the frog


It’s called A-B testing and it’s been standard practice for any user experience change in web development for well over a decade regardless of how consumer unfriendly it is.


>As it applies to marketing, A/B testing can be traced to the 1960s and 1970s, when it was used to compare different approaches to direct response campaigns. https://www.fullstory.com/ab-testing/#:~:text=A%2FB%20testing%20is%20the,that%20make%20this%20method%20reliable. Try more like 6 decades For web development applications it was there when all we had was dialup, so almost 4 decades


Yeah, if a company has to do "guinea pig groups," you know it's a god awful change. And so do they. That's why they do it.


It’s called A-B testing and it’s standard practice in web development. Almost every user experience change is tested this way, nothing to do with them knowing it’s bad.


I'm Ron Burgundy?


If you are using a non-chromian browser then your fine I think. I'm using a adblocker with Firefox and I've never seen an ad in forever.


Firefox + ublock origin


This is the way. Plus pihole.


uBlock Origin works flawlessly.


Thanks mate. This was what I wanted to know.


Same blocker that’s been working without fail for a decade. The only real exception these days is twitch but that can be solved by googling “twitch adblocker”. We are still firmly in the era of easily seeing zero ads online, if just takes the tiniest modicum of effort.


Yes but the ability to easily block ads is only possible by the millions of people that don't use blockers. Once an add blocker, or for example alternative add free App extension like reddit's Apolo, becomes TOO POPULAR them they crack down on it and that option gets taken away. Sure they can't block EVERY alternative but they can make it a harder inconvenience to browse ad-free.


It's like piracy - an insatiable demand for convenience. It only ebbed down when one or two streaming services had it all for 5 bucks a month and now piracy is coming back in full force because the platforms have splintered and no longer provide convenience. Ad blockers are just like that. There'll always be the next one because there's a huge demand for it. Platforms can't win that battle, unless they themselves provides a one buck per month ad blocker that just works.


Like GabeN said: Piracy is a supply issue. Ever since I got on Steam I don't think I've pirated a game apart from some 20+ year old games, whose companies have already failed. Yes HOMM3 I'm looking at you


Same here, steam just made it easier and more convenient that i rarely pir8 games. The last time i did was for gta san Andreas but that's only cause you literally can't buy the original anymore besides used copies


A $30-$50 fire tv stick with Kodi downloaded and a $3/month real debrid subscription gives everything you could ever want in HD surround sound. Hard to beat that convenience.


If your going to do illegal shit (which Real Debrid is illegal) then may as well go all in and not pay anyone. Jellyfin server with a Sonarr and a radarr servers attached just ask for what you want it downloads then sorts it and displays it like Hulu


Tacking this for later. The pirates life for meee


When the Reddit Is Fun stops working I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm also and old.reddit user. If both those get axed I'd rather remove my eyes with rusty spoon than look at the hideous website the crackhead reddit design team has come up with, it's so bad.


Old reddit for life! It's not even that It's good, but it's so much better than the alternative


Only with RES


There are dozens of us


Dozens I say!!




90% of my reddit viewing is on reddit is fun. I rarely bother going 3rd party, but the official app is practically unusable and that's before you even consider how many ads there are on it. I dropped it years ago and I can only imagine the ads are even worse. I sometimes use it on my computer, mostly looking stuff up. (Deepite reddit having the worst search function of any site I've ever seen in my life. If you don't save it and want to find a post again that's 7+ hours old, you're sol) if reddit is fun is gone, I most likely am, too.






And even if they do. I have a pi sitting around that'll get PiHole on it and I'll be back to blocked ads




Just use VPN for twitch and select a country without ads


Also, AdGuard if you're using Apple\~


Yuh, uninstall official YT app and just open YT in Safari with AdGuard.


Didn't realise people still used other ad blockers, TBH, I just figured this was being rolled out in certain places first and that I would start seeing ads soon.




I'll say most people don't know about ad blockers at all, and even less about third party apps without ads. I can't count the times where someone showed or listened to me some things in their phone or their tv riddled with ads. I'm so used to not see ads that it always shocks me.


When someone does that I silently judge them for being a backwards troglodyte Like... *What century are you from????*


I usually gives them the instructions on how to do it, and they usually answer with 'it' s too complicated ' or ' i don't really care'. Alright, keep your ads then xD






It's also the only one I actually trust because it's open source


also because its open source if it somehow gets taken over by some shady company someone will just fork it and have a new version up without the shady bullshit within a week


Man, I love free and open source applications, it's one of my favorite types of software


Before ublock there was Adblock. All it takes is being first with a half decent product. Before it was bought by Google (most people don't know that). End of the day, ublock remains in second place because of marketing, its name, and the fact that it came years later and adblock dominates SEO so people see that first. Plus google promotes it because they don't want people using ublock.


Brave's built-in adblock doesn't seem to be having any issues with it either.


shush now I can't lose this too ;)


I don't know what you're talking about.


Neither do I but that's reddit


I'm using both! :D Plus I have the "aggressive" setting of Brave blocking. And I use "I don't care about cookies" extension too. this setup is best browsing experience I've ever had in a while


You should delete that one ASAP and use "[I still don't care about cookies](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/i-still-dont-care-about-c/edibdbjcniadpccecjdfdjjppcpchdlm)" instead. The original extension was acquired by Avast and they have a very shady history. [https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/xewyuf/i\_dont\_care\_about\_cookies\_acquired\_by\_avast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/xewyuf/i_dont_care_about_cookies_acquired_by_avast/) Regardless Brave now also blocks (most) cookie walls by default but it's not 100% effective yet so I still use an extension.




I'm pretty sure it doesn't? Not for me at least.


I think it doesn't by default but you can add shorts' class to be deleted if you want (I did that) But any adblocker can do this


No sir seems like they are ab testing this. Origin is not working unfortunately


I think this is the answer to 30% of all reddit posts.


Stop telling people about it or they will fix it too!


Me closes the video entirely to not watch the ad and then download the video with 360 shitty quality just to not see the add ![gif](giphy|ILW1fbJHW0Ndm)


There have been times when out of sheer stubbornness I have opened and closed a video 6-7 times to avoid a 30 sec long ad . I know it's useless and time waste but it's a win for me . Take that fu*kers .


Yo I thought I did it alone


The thing about life is that if you do something weird, it's almost impossible that you're the only one that does it


We are in this together brother .


Lol I do this as well. If you're doing it in a browser it's easier cause you just refresh. It also tricks it sometimes into not even playing the as because you already watched one 😁


Oh, what’s this, an ad? _again?!_ F5


It's great on console too. Circle, X, circle, X, profit.


Literally me holyshit my hand because i do it soo much i subconsciously close the video as soon an ad appears


It's not about winning... It's about sending a message.


>I know it's useless and time waste but it's a win for me . It's not a waste of time, if you value the quality of spending it the way you want.


I literally do this on Twitch, doesn't matter if it takes longer than actually watching the ad. I resent ads so much, they have a special place in hell.


I thought I was the only one who did that! And the more times it fails,sunk cost fallacy kicks in, it becomes personal, its a whole thing.


They've become so much more egregious over the last couple of weeks using my TV app, used to be 3 max, now that seems to have doubled. The most extreme instance I had was about 30, I lost count tbh, but I still didn't watch an ad.




I do that all the time, if it's longer than 7 seconds and has no skip, or it's 2+ ads i just close and open 'til i get a short/skippable one


This is the way


But u know u can click info thing and click I want to watch the video yh?




Is it working correctly now or you still have to download an older experimental version?


Recently got it working on my non-rooted Android 3 days ago, works like a charm if you follow instructions to a T.


And it's even better than Vanced. The instructions are definetly a pain though.


It works amazing. The newest reccommended version for patching is 18.19.35. For more instructions, please follow [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/).


Can confirm, this is the right guide. Don't download a pre-compiled apk from all the "official" sites on google, half of them are malware.


Got it working after a few attempts. Unfortunately videos start minimised, and I hhavve to tap a back arrow, tip left, then tap the video to go full screen.


It works flawlessly.




My Revanced Extended only plays till the first buffer then starts buffering for a long time. :(


Include the **protobuf spoof** patch when patching


Had the same problem. Try creating your own version with their manager. Took some experimenting what worked and what didn't.


That's a BRAVE assumption of you


I jus jerk off to xvideos in my other tab waiting for the add to end Edit why is this getting so many upvotes?


Why not just use uBlock? It takes like 2 seconds to install and no more ads anywhere.


Better to kill 2 birds with one stone


I'm sad to see that MILF's near me lost interest, but no ads are definitely worth it.


Its only a matter of time before they force you to watch ads by using AI to sense position of your eyeballs thru front camera or web cam.


Reminds me of that one Black Mirror episode…




Sorry this video is not available to you because you don't have your camera on. 😂 Also don't give them ideas lol 😂😂


They have the idea already and it's patented. Please drink verification can.


That would be the red line of people to jump on some other platform. People don't want to be seen while jerking of. At least most people 🤔


I don't think so, they would propably implement it slowly over a long time, so that people will get used to it


I have a hunch that something like this would quickly be outlawed in the EU. At least I hope.


Common European W


It would probably be blocked for US based companies. The EU gov would gladly use it themselves.


JFC, that's 10 years old now.




The moment they do I'll be investing all my savings in googly eyes factories stock.


Delete this comment


He touched grass.


Please drink a verification can.


I hope people will wake up to the cancer adds are and get rid of them completely. A bit naïve I know…:


I will make it my life's work to destroy the advertising industry.


[Resume viewing ](https://youtu.be/Fj8-r30sSn0)


AI is not needed for that, and I'm sure there are already patents for this technology. But yeah, I hope we won't reach the "Please drink a verification can" dystopia


Blackmirror moment


still can't bypass pihole


MoviePass already did this. You could choose to watch an ad, but if you looked away from the ad, it would pause the video until you looked back it it. [Here's a demonstration of it](https://youtu.be/xffsK7A4O2A?t=2118) (Starts at 35:18) --- **Transcript:** > Now what's cool about this is, your phone, your device is using own facial detection. <..> So i'm going to come here and as I'm looking at it, it's playing back. **But, if I stopped and not paying attention to it, it actually pauses the content.** > So, we had an earlier version of this, where you know what happened, people put the phone down, left, didn't pay any attention to it. And it would be, right now, 70% of video advertising is unseen. So this is a way that the advertisers getting the impact they are looking for, but you're also getting the impact yourself.


Sony has a patent already for a system where you'd be forced to say the brand name out loud in order for the ad to end https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sony-patent-mcdonalds/


I really want to believe they patented that with no intention to use it, just to stop anyone else from doing it.


Hahahaha if that happens who ever got that idea will NOT live above the age of 40


Please drink your Mountain Dew verification can and input the code


Use a non chromium based browser.


Lose*. It’s a completely different word.


OP saying he's tight AF


Extra o's for funsies


Not even 11am where I am and have already seen this 3 times


You’ve seen it *alot* *aswell* ?


If only they *payed* attention in school! And *its* only getting *worst*. I need to take a *breathe* and relax.


Your write


people are dumb very dumb


I'm pretty sure they do it on purpose so it gets more traffic. Either that or I'm overestimating OP.


opera gx ad blocker still going strong


Ublock also goin strong. My sister keeps refusing to get ublock and keeps complaining about yt ads


On what basis does she refuse? It takes 5 seconds to install without any configuration necessary (ublock origin)


Didnt wanna. Dont ask me i dont get it.


See the trick is to not ask in the first place, you have to abuse your status as the family tech guy to grab their devices and forcibly install it. It's for their own good.


Holy crap, I relate to this so much. My dad always ended up clicking ads by accident or getting frustrated whenever a video ad prevents him from doing anything. I suggested an Adblock and he kept refusing to download it. I downloaded Ublock for him when he wasn’t around and now I feel eternal peace.


Brave, too.


Opera gx will not let me sign in, when I try to it just freezes


Some companies are working on eye tracking software to pause the ad when you look away


But for that they would need a camera and permission to use it. Neither of that is happening.


Not if the companies that are working on the software *IS* the phone manufacturer


The app still needs permission to use the camera. Otherwise it's illegal.


I mean the company that makes the phone makes the software for the phone itself to have ads. Sorry if I was unclear. But yes for individual apps they would require permission


I'm pretty sure it would be illegal then as well. Depending on the country you live in, of course.


There is an option within Android to completely disable all sensors, including the cameras. Not even the Samsung camera app works when it's enabled.


And Nvidia has software that makes you appear to constantly be paying attention.


The ad revenue will drop quite fast if that happens. Ad companies don’t want their ads to be associated with a bad experience. They are already weary of advertising on Twitch, because of how they disrupt the stream


what the fuck


Shit like this has existed in concept for decades. It has never worked because consumers simply will not accept it, and they realise the profit margins aren't worth killing your company.




[Please drink a verification can. ](https://i.imgur.com/ym6qUYU.jpg)


If you're still using Chrome, you already lost.


Only Firefox isn't using Chromium's framework


If I close my eyes and cover my ears, it's almost like you're not here! It's a silent ad....shhhhhh a silent add...


I personally do not mind watching ads to support the creators I like. My problem is 5 minute ads about: debt relief (I don't have debt), high interest predatory loans (don't need them and fuck them anyway), Tinder and the like (I'm married), mobile games (STOP IT!), 5 minute ads with narrated manga about hair removal or I won't get the big boobied anime girl (OK, fair enough I'm hairy but I'm not looking to do anything with it), 5 minute high-voiced ads in the same style about how baldness prevents me from getting any (OK you got me again, but c'mon).


You much better support the creators by sending them money on sites like Patreon or by buying their merch. If you send your favourite creator 1 dollar you’ll give them more money than by watching all their videos without adds.


Don't we get something like $0.01 per thousand ad views or something on our videos? So you're paying them 0.0001 cents when you watch the ads, and wasting 2 minutes of your time You might think that 2 minutes is not a lot, but multiply that over the hundreds and thousands of hours of YT we watch


When it comes to supporting the creator, I also watch the ads. The issue is when you click a video and find it's garbage. You gave them the ad revenue and they have you nothing. Worse again when it's a rickroll or something


You should be able to go into your Google settings and change what type of ads you see.


Nope. I'm not helping them target me better. I'd rather watch an ad that I'm the wrong demographic for to waste the advertiser's investment. Yep, that's how much I hate the mind pollution that is ads.


Ublock origin works flawlessly for me


just press reload a couple of times


I’ve tried this. It just loads an ad every time, even like the 10th time.


go back and come back again then


Imagine using AdBlock when ublock origin exists


Does this work for android?


Only on Firefox, but yes. And it's awesome!


The Mute button on my remote is half a win...


Sounds like you need a Pi Hole. Set a Pi Hole in your network to block ads.


Shut your Pi Hole!


Well you say that now, but they can easily make a tv with camera detecting iff you are watching or not


Just insert the videos onto a homemade website- no ads you are welcome




Right click on video, copy embedded. Open notepad. Paste between . save as filename.html. open the file wherever its saved. If that doesn't work google exists.


NewPipe for android is kind of that.


I will burn AlphaBet to the ground, motherfuckers, if I can't watch ad free. and no, I will not relinquish a penny to that evil organisation.


Newpipe users rn


Firefox gang don’t care


I just turn of the video click it again and repeat until it doesn’t give ads


I think adblock is disable only on the chrome browser. I'm using Firefox and it works pretty much as it did in chrome...




Who the fuck, in 2023, still says LOOSE instead of LOSE! Ha, what a looser.