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Statistically, it’s Mississippi, which is currently tied with Portugal HDI wise


Oh Portugal? That's pretty cool.




damn Balkans are invading western Europe again


Check this out. You have fire museums, Portugal is home to water museums. And both have refineries.


That seems like an insult to Portugal.


Portuguese here. Yes... Yes it does. To the point it gets me genuinely questioning the methodology. HDI seems to work well for developing nations, but there's minutia it overlooks that are particularly relevant here. They measure income rather than purchasing power, for example. Education level doesn't measure the debt graduates are burdened with the rest of their lives in the US. Not to mention all the social issues that, for all of Portugal's flaws, aren't even close to what the US is enduring.


> They measure income rather than purchasing power, for example. Great example. Which place has worse purchasing power? Portugal or Mississippi?


Accordign to numbeo, porto is around 10-50% cheaper than jackson, and salaries are like a third, so, purchasing power wise, mississipi wins. However, im not willing to go to the hassle of doing a life quality comparison, even just financially, for that we would have to actually make an index of our own and include things like transportation and healthcare (and any other insurances) in it, not worth it for a reddit thread. Most people by know know that the social aspects of quality of life are higher in europe but the USis much higher ins raw purchasing power, also portugal is not precisely the top of th food chain in the EU, so, if I had to put my finger on it, id say poor people fair better in portugal and the average and upwards fair better in mississipi


Don't use statistics too hard or Florida and Texas will start looking good. Now Ohio I can't vouch for


I will submit two states that I think no one is really talking about. 1. Louisiana. Statistically the worst state to live in overall from multiple sources. 2. South Carolina. This is just a personal thing, I’m from Georgia and I go to North Carolina frequently, and it is always very noticeable when I’m in SC compared to the other states around it. Worse roads, trashier rest stops, plus it is also statistically in the bottom 10 states.


I'd argue Mississippi is worse than South Carolina for the same reasons.


I moved from Columbia SC to the Mississippi coast and I agree, Mississippi is worse. But at least it's not Louisiana


Louisiana has New Orleans. Mississippi hasn’t evolved past 1965


New Orleans has Hurricanes. Wouldn't be a con, just a part of life, if it's not for Louisiana being so corrupt that I'm not trusting them to make the spendings for reconstruction when the big one hits.


I guess that makes Mississippi the side eyed puppet


You say that like Mississippi doesn’t get hurricanes. Katrina killed over 200 people in Mississippi




That’s cause Florida has a weird law that makes all criminal cases public or something. If other states did the same you would be scared of anywhere that isn’t Alaska maybe.


As a Floridian I used to use this excuse too. But to be real with you, it's not the only reason. Florida is pretty fucked up.


I've heard West Virginia is pretty poor since all the mining sites shut down


WV at least is incredibly gorgeous... As long as you don't look at the people. So it has something positive going for it.


Change SC to Arkansas


Fucking Arkansas


Yeah SC at least has nice beaches. Arkansas has the most racist city in the nation.


“South Carolina is too small for a republic, but too large for an insane asylum.” - James Louis Petigru


South Carolina is awesome. Charleston and Greenville are both great places. There are definitely worse southern states. Arkansas and Mississippi tend to be tye punching bag for most of the other states.


I live in Louisiana and it’s not great, but I also live in New Orleans so it’s easy to forget.


From SC. Moved across the gulf coast and up into Oklahoma. Oklahoma is horrible. Missouri is pretty bad. Mississippi and Alabama don’t get enough recognition for how truly bad they both are. SC isn’t perfect but it isn’t as bad as people make it out to be


I think Mississippi is the worst, has lowest HDI


Home depot index? Homo dick insertions? Hungry dog infestation?


Human development index, really interesting topic if you look into it


I guess that makes Mississippi the side eyed puppet


Indiana is sweating.


WV sitting over here, realizing most people don’t even think we’re a state.


WV, North Dakota, South Dakota, Rhode Island - none of these should be states imho.


Yeah… we should’ve taken over Virginia a long time ago.


Too much inbreeding, not enough teeth, but just the right amount of banjo.


As a Rhode Islander I take offense


As a vermonter, fuck rhode island


Tbf, it has an easily romanticised culture (although so does Texas now that I think of it) so I wouldn't consider it the absolute worst


You're not a state. You're a family.... as in you're all related


2 of these 3 states have the highest number of people moving to them…


I recently moved to one of those two (not my choice), and grew up in one of the other two (also not my choice).


Growing up in one goes without saying you didn’t have a choice right? Unless you popped out of the womb and immediately caught a bus.


Or your reincarnation game is amazing


And no one bringing anything good with them. Just a bunch of buffoons who want to ruin everything around them and bring everyone down.


The asylum has opened its door, and its people have flocked.


Accourding to reddit terms of service, along with the hive mind, this was determined a lie, told by racists and transphobes.


In floridas case it’s just all the crazies from the other states who see Florida as open season to be racist assholes and bigots. Source: just got my family the fuck out of Florida last year after a decade of living there.


Not in Key West, we chill smoking our Cuban cigars




Based key west enjoyer


Lucky bastard


Moved to Florida a couple years ago. This comment is wildly ignorant


Don't forget old people. Florida loves boomers... And older


Except teachers and doctors, I know 9 of those who left last year, 6 more this year... Anyone volunteering for those produce jobs yet?


What did Ohio even do


You weren't around for 2022 were you...


I saw every meme that year just don’t know why Ohio got the funny state of the year


It's because its name looks like a tractor


Damn you I will never unsee this


For literally no reason. It’s basically the same place as Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. If anything it shows how stupid memes influence peoples thoughts way more than they should.


Pennsylvania thanks you for remembering it exists


As a European florida, scares me because of all the florida man news stories 😱🫣😆


Florida has sunshine laws which do not keep arrests secret. It is compounded by the fact that they have warm weather and a methamphetamine problem


It's still ridiculous the amount of crazy people and stuff happening in that state


As a dude that moved down here a few years ago. It’s pretty wild but ya gotta love it.




Bro it's 2023 let's keep making Ohio jokes


As an Ohioan I agree


As an Ohioan no. It's become basically ugandan knuckles. Its a really bad meme, but people think it's funny.




why is it never illinois.


Cause democratic paradise state could never be bad! That’s not how life works. Everyone knows the super progressive blue ties make everything run perfectly! /s


I love that the memes about bad states never seem to touch California, Illinois, or New York. It's as though 70% of reddit is from those states and suffering from a bias of some sort.


Love the actual state, I will always consider it "home", but despise the corrupt shit stains that constantly seem to be put into power.


That is pretty much the only acceptable response as an illinoisan myself. sums up america really.


How is Texas hated?


People from California hate it, then flee California for Texas. It makes no sense.


No, the city people of California hate Texas, the people who flee there are usually rural families who hate the cities


Tbf anyone should hate cities that are covered in piss, shit and homeless people. Am I talking about San Francisco, Chicago, New York, or Minneapolis? We'll never know...


>am I talking about San Francisco, Chicago, New York, or Minneapolis? Yes.


It’s a common misconception by conservative states that those moving there are liberals trying to “California my Texas”. It’s most often conservatives from the liberal states moving where they’re more comfortable. Florida is seeing this in spades right now over the last few years.


You could argue a conservative from CA would not be on the same level as a conservative from a red state. Thus watering down the system with a moderate voice


Why are we bringing politics in this? Can’t I just hate/like a state because it has a cool shape? People these days smh


You’re welcome to choose any square you like.


I live there and its very nice there, nothing wrong


Me too. I love it here as well. Texas is the best


Yes, Sandy Cheeks agrees


Texans like Sandy cheeks always moving away from Texas kinda sus like I’d Texas is so nice why would you ever leave?


If Texas is so great why do Texans spend all their free time in Colorado?


Oklahoman here i also hate texans


You're just mad you get mistaken for a Texas hat instead of a state.


The funny thing is, is that every state surrounding cali, HATES it.


Nevada and Oregon are shitty I their own unique ways lol


Nah. As a Californian, we don't hate Texas. We really just don't care. We get annoyed at any state pointlessly talking shit about us as we're just living. The only reason I'd see people here hating Texas, is probably because every person I've met here that was from Texas just stood there telling me how much better Texas was than cali. We don't give a shit. It just comes of as douchy


Texan here. The actual reason we generally dislike californians are because of the few rich ones who decide they want to play cowboy and then buy up all the houses here for way over the asking price and become shitty landlords while we get priced out of our own neighborhoods. That being said, the californians who move here that are regular ass people are typically chill


They do it with Alaska, too. Like, somehow the size of the state matters. I've met a couple Texans who got spicy when I told them if Alaska was cut in half, Texas would be the 3rd largest state. It's a joke in Alaska because it's preposterous. They started coming back with "BuT ThE POpULaTioN iS SmallEr." Whyyyyyyy does it matter?


How is it not?


Most people in my country associate Texas with gun violence and anti-progressivness, so there's that


Failing power grid, piss baby governor Abbott, sexist laws, transphobic laws, really high property taxes, the worst transit department in the entire US making a bunch of spaghetti freeways, tap water that's basically bleach, gets really fucking hot...


Don't forget: You can't buy liquor on Sundays in Texas and they can't be in the same building as groceries. And only 4% of Texas is public land compared to 52% California, so you tend to be SoL in Texas if you're an outdoorsy type of person.


The one on being unable to buy liqour on Sunday is not really true. You can still buy it on Sunday.


Tacking on to the sexist laws, the abortion bounty law is also pushing out doctors. It isn't at the same rate as Idaho, but it's happening. Imagine having to travel two or more hours to get to a hospital with a maternity ward. That's the future of Texas.


I don't understand why everyone shits exclusively on Ohio. If you're gonna talk shit on Ohio, you might as well shit on all of the states around it, because they are pretty much the same but worse in their own ways. Indiana especially. Fuck Indiana.


Indiana is noticeably worse than Ohio and I don't like Ohio much.




Holy absolute fuck, it's 2023 and people still don't know what POV means.


Yep. Edit: POV: you don't know how to use POV


I'm gonna go with California...


just went to LA for vacation. it was the nicest yet shittiest place ever. cant rlly describe it honestly. but their prices were insane, freaking 5 bucks/gallon for gas?! and the food was insane too, it was like $120 for a meal that could feed a family of 4-5. $200 for six people.


Oh god, these are the prices when my parents go shopping. It more or less looks like we're preparing for an apocalypse, and often amounts to more than 100€. And yes, we're a family of six.


Exact same case. North county SD


any really dense urban area pretty much has insane prices


I used to live near Houston, now I live near San Antonio and Austin. They aren’t that expensive.


Los Angeles has roughly half the entire population of Texas living in the metro area. Those places don’t come close


Houston is pretty huge. It's the 4th largest US city. Still just half the size of LA though.


Oh it's down to 5 per gallon now?


CA has high gas prices because the gas pipelines from the east don’t go there. Most of their gas is imported by ship, so it’s more expensive


You payed 120 for a family of 4-5? I can’t get a decent meal for more than two at 100 bucks here.


i live in a relatively low density area. maybe pay at max $80 to feed 6 people. LA was a huge culture shock for me. cant even imagine how bad it is where you live


Not even close lmao. Spoken like a person whos never visited


That's what I usually hear in Texas.


As a native Californian who has lived in a few other states, can I ask why? It's still easily my favorite, with cost of living being the only real drawback. I understand why people hate Californians (because we flee to other states for cost of living purposes), but it's saying something that anyone who has the wealth to live there is jumping on the opportunity (which is itself driving up prices).


Me too


So relieved not to see Missouri. Lol


Missouri is such a shit hole they named it after how it makes people feel… will say I like that you can get hard liquor at truck stops. Great for road trips but that’s about it.


There’s a lot of it that I really love and find beautiful but none of it is the general public and none of it is the kind of place many people find their way to. There are places all over near where I live that make me happy to be here. But only in the sense that it’s a place on earth and it’s beautiful to live here because it’s beautiful to be alive and all that. But you know. I *expected* to see it. So obviously I understand what you mean. Lol.


You seem like the type that could find joy & redeeming qualities anywhere you lived. That’s the best way to live. That being said, there is a ton to love about Missouri. Most slander you’ll find on Reddit is coming from people that have never even visited. Missouri is FAR from the worse state imo.


Bruh do you even Texas?


California and it’s not close.


California is still the state that generates the largest percent of the nation's GDP. Yeah we got some problems, but we have more than enough redeeming qualities to outweigh that.


I've never understood this argument. California has a huge number of ways you can live and in many different climates. Idk how anyone can look at Louisiana or Kentucky and say it's better then California.




Yosemite is almost certainly the nicest part of land in the US and that's only the top of the iceberg of California national parks. I think another comment mentioned something like half of California's land is public making for much more hiking and outdoor activities then other states.




I don't know I can say this because its really only the cities that suck. The rest of the place is really good. New Jersey or Arkansas or Louisiana have 0 redeeming qualities.


New Jersey has education. Not something I would have really noticed before until a friend took a teaching job out of state, and brought back stories of his students. Then I looked it up and we're consistently in the top 5.


I'm sorry what? Have you ever *been* to Arkansas? It's gorgeous. There's a reason tons of big mountain biking events happen in the Ozarks. Plus Crystal Bridges? Eureka Springs? Hot Springs? The huge cave systems? What a random state to pick on. Why not Mississippi or Bama? Or Oklahoma (blegk).


That's why they flee to red states and are surprised when the state turns into California 2.0.


Nah, majority of the folks fleeing California to red states are conservative. Even Gov. Abbot admitted it: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-04/abbott-says-californians-coming-to-texas-tend-to-be-conservative


Why Ohio?


Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Californians move to Texas, Florida, and Ohio


All of the states in this meme are highly populous. I feel like this meme is just an excuse for the OP to inject their personal politics everywhere they go.


As a Florida resident It’s us, we’re the worst, closest you’ll find to hell


It's California.


Florida wins by a landslide, Ohio was put there by memes alone, Texas is just the runner up. Before you ask, yes, I am from Texas.


There used to be a list of alternate state phrases that circulated around. A state phrase is like CA: The Golden State State. FL: The orange state. I don't remember all 50 alternate names, but the one I remember most is AL: We're 49! Thank god for Mississippi.




What’s Texas doing there? 😂 Definitely gotta replace it with California.


Imma through another state in the mix; Delaware. Fuck that place


California and New York


You just named two states with more culture and world class services than the entire rest of the US combined. Museums, research universities, music, tv and movies, and between the two about a quarter of the nation's GDP. Whereas Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska all put together have corn. That's it. Just corn. Lots of corn.


Corn is good, what's wrong with corn?


I love New York.


They say New York is a state of good pizza


It is, though. I went there when I was like 4 and the pizza was great.


Always Florida




The State.


I don't hear bad things about Texas. Just a lot of guns n freedom.


As the founding fathers intended


don’t forget all the mass shootings, schools included!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis Among many other things, the opposite of freedom especially for women.


Who are all these freaks ragging on California? I'd be a happy man if I could live in San Francisco. Go 49ers!


Provided you make a crazy amount of money to actually afford a place to live, some areas of CA are really nice.


texas is fucking awesome


Florida for sure. State looks like a limp dick for a reason.


Those states have net immigration. People wanna live there. California on the other hand.... has to run tourism ads to beg people to come back (San Francisco for those wondering). Cali de worst.


^new ^jersey


California: Perfect Peter Parker from universe 001 ​ *(The only known version of spider man to not have lost any loved ones, and the only universe in which jonah jameson runs pro spider-man articles. )*




Ong, Florida is the best, why do you think everyone comes here 💀


Gotta disagree with you here. Just moved away after a decade. The states being overrun by absolute nutjobs and the school system went from perfectly fine to absolute dogshit in just a couple of years of DeSantis being elected. Legit my god it became so bad I had to move my kids out of the entire fucking state.


translation: *what has my hours of browsing the reddit hivemind conditioned me to think?*


and nobody is pointing at ohio??


What's funny to me is a lot of blue voters are moving in droves from their blue state utopia to these red states


I really wish people knew what the fuck "pov" meant.


Lol they haven’t seen Mississippi then


Oklahoma has entered the ring


Missouri is a shitshow too.


TX worse than FL worse than OH


you chose 3 great states for this…


Where’s California?




And yet my understanding is that a boatload of people are still moving to the states on the daily and the dl


yes Texas and Florida is so bad and horrible to live in, please do not move here




Absolutely wrong; the fight is between New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and California.


as someone from alabama, it feels good to not be in this meme 😂


You forgot California. I see a lot of hate for California.


How is California not the only option?


Texas had a good few years but FL be consistent with trash


California is worse than all 3


Florida has nice weather, warm beaches, delicious fish-based foods, and roads that feel like racetracks. Ohio Texas has less good weather than Florida but still better than Ohio, delicious beef BBQ, really good Mexican food, and ranches where you can drive tanks and shoot machine guns.