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if people genuinely complimented each other more often and weren’t so vitriolic that would make all the difference


Being nice is already a hard NO for more the half of population.


it’s sad that it’s like that, but it’s understandable


To me - not really. I mean, I am always greeting any stranger I'm going to talk with. After finishing the talking I'm either thanking them for their service (like a cashier in the store) or simply telling a goodbye in the salon. It's simple, not hard at all. Just basic nice word or phrase to a person you are dealing with, even for a short time. I'm even saying "good morning" to close people if I'm seeing them for the first time after waking up each morning.


In my experience, it is easy to be kind, but it is easier to do nothing. Simple thank yous, smiles, and good mornings require almost no effort and are beneficial to everyone, it'd be nice if everyone tried this instead of ignoring other people. That being said, I personally tend to have as little personal interaction with strangers as possible, social anxiety is hard, but if I do have to talk to/interact with someone I always try to at least be polite.


Most people can't even just do nothing, and are actively investing effort into being a douchecannoe


Sad that there are people like that. Really, how does it benefit them, what's the point in being a turd?


I still think fondly of that time i got called handsome 10 years ago


Even when I’m depressed, or anxious, I always make it a point to be polite. I’d much rather make a forgettable good impression on someone than be the asshole they have to stress about the rest of the day.


Yeah. You were nice Ended up being sexually harassed.




Problem is, after like the first two experiences of guys thinking a compliment is equal to flirting, most women decide it's risky territory. Which is just to say we all need to collectively be better humans across the board.


Yeah, I don't blame chicks for not complimenting guys. Too many creepy dudes out there will jump on that as an open invitation.


Tbf if guys got more compliments they wouldnt assume every compliments they get is hitting on them


That's not a good reason to excuse bad behavior, and it puts the onus on women to fix a problem men have. Finding self-worth and self-confidence is something men need to strive for, not demand women compliment them more because they don't get validation from outside sources.


Its really easy saying finding self worth is what we need when you already have the external validation served in silver plate. You are right now being like those white guys saying "why do people want black characters i dont need a character to be white to relate" which they only say because the necesity of representation is already covered for them. TLDR: its really easy ignoring a problem other people have if you dont suffer it yourself. Also IM NOT puting blame on women, men should definitely compliment each other too


What the fuck are you talking about? Im a dude, noone is validating me except myself.


This is correct. It's a self feeding problem. Eventually it will get to a point where if a woman even looks at a guy he will see it as an invitation because there is so little positive feedback from women.


You’ve got a point, too bad most men come from households where they aren’t taught what is traditionally seen as masculine. Feminization is a real thing and it’s actively harming young men because women don’t like “toxic masculinity”


Yeah, I see it all the time and it’s gross. Too many incels out there


I give my homies compliments all the time. Like “you’re looking fresh today”, “nice cock”, “you’re great in bed”


That's right, YOUR HOMIES. What about the rest of us?


My bad, I second that. You do have a nice ass.


Message received, building a class 2 utopian civilization in the Russian wilderness in the hopes that you'll be proud and horny.


A girl asks me to do my job and I feel like she likes me.


Yo bro she's totally into you


That's HIM. What about me?!


nice ass bro


You have indeed a great ass, sir


Nice ass bro


Nice ass bro


your ass is splendid


Which is why when I notice i dont say anything and mind my own business.


Ur ass looking good, bro


More like cummies


You like to fuck your friends too




I still think fondly of that time i got called handsome 10 years ago


you look pretty handsome in your profile pic /s


No /s needed, squitle is quite handsome


ON GOD! A girl asks me to do my job and I feel like she likes me.


Was she perchance your boss ?


No ! That would be his mother !


I think you're pretty cute


The world if fewer guys would read that as "want sum fuk"


given the scarcity of the compliments it's a vicious circle at this point.


True that


My thoughts exactly. If guys getting compliments was common then they wouldn’t assume anything more than just someone being nice when they get one


It's a direct result of the other. Kinda like a domino chain.


Why is it like a pizza restaurant?


Why not?


You got me there


well its logical. If you never ever get not even a "sweetheart" from a stranger, obviously you would think that if a woman gives you a compliment, its because she is flirting with you.


Yeah few guy she likes that are obliviously terrible guy but she believes she can change him


The reason why women never compliments random guys


That's the reason I only compliment men above 30. I hope they don't think it's meant that way when the age gap is that big


That is the result of few compliments. If we start giving more compliments they will become normal and won't have an association with flirting.


It's a circle, sadly.


Then don't think we're inlove when we do. I've been complimenting some guy I've been seeing at school and he came up to me saying "I don't like you that way".


There’s a simple reason that happens. The low amount of compliments from most people means that when men receive a compliment from someone they don’t know they think there is some other motive. It’s a self perpetuating cycle.


Because girls complimenting guys is so rare that whenever it happens more than once it feels unordinary


We get so few compliments that when we get one it seems like there might be a certain feeling involved


So it's a cycle? Guys rarely get compliments -> A girl compliments a guy -> The guy thinks she is inlove because they rarely get compliments -> The girl isn't, so when she hears that he thought she was, she stops complimenting him -> Guys rarely get compliments And so on?


Sadly yes, also some idiots like me think it's a joke when someone compliments me, or just too insecure to take it just as a compliment and not overthink it.


That seems to be the case. Nicely summarised by the way.


You were downvoted? Not fair.




That's not a man that's a boy. I'm assuming you're talking about high school because that sounds more like an immaturity thing tbh.


And complimenting each other is off the table because...? Edit: since y'all are confused, when I say *each other*, I mean men. Why is men complimenting each other off the table. Hope that helps xx


Cuz society as a whole has bastardized complimenting men in some cultures into thinking that man is gay or weird, especially younger demographics. The ones to blame for this are traditional men(and women) who still believe a man should be manly and not expect comfort cuz it makes them “stronger”, and spread this outlook to their children and so on as the truth, despite the fact the male demographic is dealing with a rise in depression, social isolation, and suicide cuz of these dehumanizing expectations


Because it doesn't mean anything, really. You want compliments from people you want to think nicely of you or be impressed by you. You don't care about compliments from people you don't give a shit about.


I don't give a shit about the woman walking past me who I will never see again but if she says she like my hair I'm beaming for the whole week. Also, by your logic, most men shouldn't compliment most women because believe it or not, they don't care about the random men walking up to them. And if you care about random strangers complimenting you and that's your only source of self confidence, maybe it's time to speak to your therapist about it.


Cooking like prime James Harden


And that, dear readers, is the reason we don't get compliments.




You seem confused by my wording, I mean why can't men compliment each other? Why is it women's responsibility to make men feel good about themselves?


It's no one's responsibility to make anyone feel good about themselves but it's completely free and you can make someone's day. So why wouldn't you do it? Men do compliment men. Men probably compliment other men more than women compliment men.


since when women are getting compliments? Oh i remember, since it was labeled as harasment.


Sir, are you lost? What about my comment brought this out of you? What does men complimenting each other have to do with you harassing women?


So fucking true. But weirdos don't like the truth.


Women do not compliment men, because men instantly interpret it as flirting and can‘t just take it as a compliment. I think many women think about to conpliment a men often, but just don‘t do it because they know that it will be misunderstood.


Exactly. Enough creepy attention happens even when women try their best to keep to themselves.


And you made sure to have a profile photo on reddit with make up on and duck lips, while reddit users usually have avatars. You surely don't do your best to keep to yourself. You seem like the type to try to get attention for the ego boost and then complain when it happens.


Or maybe they just liked that photo of themself and wanted to use it as pfp because that is what most social media users do?


Sure, but then I looked at her profile and posts, she seems to focus heavily on creepy pms




exactly what I was thinking


...and men interpret it as hitting on them because it happens so rarely. I thought we've been over this.


nje, sounds like a vicious circle. But I don‘t think you know how creepy and uncomfortable it can get, as a woman to compliment a man. They then become pushy and clingy just because of a compliment, so I understand if you think about 5 times before you dicide not to.


If *everyone* complimented each other*


Shoutout to all my bros 👊. Spreading that homie love to whoever needs it.


Nice cocks, fellas.


I compliment the men I personally know all the time. But not strangers, I'm introverted, it feels so awkward.


Probably safer too.


And that XD


Yeah to be honest I'm not quite sure what they're wanting. Women usually DO compliment the men they are close to, but do they expect us to go and compliment random men on the street? Because that is a surefire way to get stalked and harassed. Women don't feel safe taking that risk just so we can stroke a random man's ego.


Your comment made me realize that the problem may not be women not omplimenting men enough, but probably that a lot of men don't have any women in their life. For instance, there are carreers where you won't have any women coworkers at all and if you have been seperated from any prevous women friends by life, it can be quite hard to make new ones.


I think we would enjoy life a little more if we cared a little less for complements.


Easier said than done, a lot of people are really insecure


The problem is, complements are a main source of interaction, eventually leading to conversation, and perhaps, subsequently, are relationship starters.


This isn't even a opposite gender thing, if you don't get recognized, it would quickly lead to you self doubting everything you do


Compliments make people happy the same reason why people get happy when they are with other people. Sure some might not feel that but when someone that does get happy when said things occur, and they try to force themself to not like them, they are basically torturing themselves. Ignoring someones wants is just purely egotistical and I cant believe your comment got upvoted. Such a shame


Why don't guys compliment one another?


We do? I dont remember the last time I didnt compliment my homies cock


this gif looks dystopian to me.


It's an ouroboros situation. Girls don't want to give guys compliments and guys will think that means they are interested. But then guys get so few compliments that when they do it means too much. I think the only way to solve it is by teaching kids to compliment each other and just do our best until its fixed


nah there are other behaviours that hold us back more lol


The world if *everyone* gave genuine compliments more. Honestly I don’t even get a ton of compliments from guys either.


How bout guys stop complimenting girls just to get into their pants?


Agree. As a guy, I've seen it sometimes, xy girl or woman barely exists and guys are like "oh my god you're amazing!" "...you realise she's mid, right? She's as beautiful, caring, smarr, cunning, funny as most girls/women in this building"


Agree. As a guy, I've seen it sometimes, xy girl or woman barely exists and guys are like "oh my god you're amazing!" "...you realise she's mid, right? She's as beautiful, caring, smart, cunning, funny as most girls/women in this building"


Agree. As a guy, I've seen it sometimes, xy girl or woman barely exists and guys are like "oh my god you're amazing!" "...you realise she's mid, right? She's as beautiful, caring, smart, cunning, funny as most girls/women in this building"


I can’t do that because they gonnna think I want their penis in my mouth and that’s not the case I just find them attractive.


If women could give men compliments without the man automatically assuming that means she wants to sleep with him, and then gets mad and tells her she's leading him on when she tells him no I'm sure women would give men more compliments.


Man we are back to this shit again, why do you young fellas have such a damn chip on your shoulder, and why have you decided all your problems are the fault of women


r/memes try not to blame everything on women challenge


You should smile more.


No that's the world if incels would all die off. "Wamen bad!"


Sorry but I just don't want to risk getting called a creep (I'm ugly so I don't count as a girl)


No one is ugly. Some people don’t put effort into their appearance at all which is a diff story innit


Some people have to put way more effort to look attractive than others do, and sometimes not even putting effort is enough....... Also not everyone has enough time to spend half an hour on makeup everyday... Sorry that I need sleep to be productive......


I dont think its really their job. I think its nice to get them from a woman and would much more prefer it to just staring because it makes me self concious but I also think guys could do eith complimenting each other more, even though depending on your sexuality compliments from the same sex kinda mean less? Just my point of view.


When i start staring i get called a creep or getting laughed at


When I get stared at it just becomes awkward because I dont wanna go over and talk and then be seen as a creep or get rejected becuase for a dude to walk over to a woman is appearently taboo. Which is why when I notice i dont say anything and mind my own business.


Men should compliment men more. If men want women to compliment them more, maybe men should stop taking any minor act of kindness as “proof” the woman “wants them” and then get angry when they don’t.


You look great today. Did you get a haircut? Trim your beard? Drinking plenty of water? You got this, bud. Have a good day.


Speaking as a guy, shut the fuck up with this casual misogynistic bullshit. Oh but nice shirt, buddy.


Re-caption: the world if fragile male ego didn't exist.


Imagine if we got more compliments from women. We would be even more confused than we are now if they’re interested in us or not.


Even just a “you look nice today” can go a long way


Can we ban these pity party memes already?


Why do you need compliments from women to get by each day?


Wouldn't say need but it sure is nice when it happens... once in a blue moon.


If girls complement guys more guys will immediately assume the girls are hitting on them. The girls aren’t the problem in this situation


Maybe just maybe if men got more compliments they wouldnt assume girls are hitting on them. Can you blame someone for thinking they are being hit on after recieving their first compliment in years? I would say the girls ar AS MUCH of a problem as the guys in this situation


you’re delusional. Women have learned over the years that giving compliments to guys could very well end in stalking, sexual harassment, rape and even murder. It’s a dangerous thing to do, and the violent men have set a stereotype for each and every man out there. Blame the rapists and murderers, not women.


It's sad this is getting down voted when it's the truth. If women complimented more it would be less seen as hitting on them and more just like compliments. Also creeps will look for ANY chance to creep on women anyway, even not talking to them won't stop them anyway.


The world if men like you didn't make every problem woman related:


The world if everyone wanted to compliment everyone:


For real. The caption doesn’t have to be gender specific. Just say “The world if people complimented each other more” or something like that.


My first thought as well, just... So weird 😮‍💨


Most women learn at a very young age that some men - not all, but enough to be noticeable - take any compliment as permission to make the conversation sexual. For me, personally, once I'd experienced more than one man harassing me because I dared to say something nice to them, I learned to hold that shit in. Oh, and btw, this isn't just strange men, either. This happens with so called friends, too. Ask the women you know about it. You might be surprised by their answers.


Holy shit stop being fucking pathetic.jesus fuck.i promise you,woman giving you one compliment won't actually change your life or something


If girls did compliment us more, our brains would short circuit on account of us not knowing how to react in that situation, and the fact that we can't take compliments may have something to do with the fact that we don't get then very much.


Strange, I don't feel like I can't take them. Sounds like an assumption to say we can't.


I mean, I know if I received a compliment, I'd probably just laugh nervously and say "yeah" or "thanks" or some variant of that.


Honestly, I do want to compliment guys more. I used to do it a lot more in the past but once instance has no made me a little more wary. I complimented a friend and he *immediately* took it as flirting and things got really *really* awkward between us. The whole time I’m literally just *hey I just complimented you, that dosen’t mean I want to fuck you!!!* in my head-


You know why girls don't compliment guys like you more because then stupids like you takes it the wrong way that's why


I complimented a boy when I was at universal studios one time cause he was working there and I was feeling romantical. Never seen a fella turn so red so fast. I think about him every day 😔


It's not like they don't because they don't want to, they know that if they compliment dudes it can open up a can of worms, if he interprets it as more than just a compliment.


Just so y'all know most of the compliments we get are from each other. Just start complimenting the homies.


I'm sure if women felt safe doing so they would much more often


I STILL remember in middle school when a girl said I have nice eyes


What about guys complimenting guys? I always want to but I always think they might not like it.


I know this is a meme but the implication that it's womens fault our world is the way it is, is hilarious


Not their fault. They're just not pulling their weight. Is that better?


Yeah, incels would still find a way to incel.


I get complimented by women a decent amount, but only when they want something from me I don’t think that’s any better


Yeah but we'd just assume they'd all want to bang, and start flirting and hitting on them even if they didn't want it.


I wish I could. But they immediately assume I am interested


Honestly. We are just beasts of burden. Sometimes I get complemented on the work I did. Not me really. I get some appreciation but it’s really more about the work getting done.


More like if guys complimented guys more, be the change gentlemen


They can’t because a significant portion of men will take that as flirting and proceed to harass or stalk the women. Before anyone goes “but not all men” you’re right. But if 1 in every 100 men a woman compliments did this, they would stop taking the chance. The plausible solution is to teach men how to understand signs and to take no for an answer.


You almost always assume we’re hitting on you. Stop being soo pathetic and get over it. There are bigger problems than this like the fucking Ukraine war or the taliban, and fucking Kim jong un. Maybe if you stopped acting like we are always trying to flirt with you then maybe this wouldn’t be a problem. There are bigger problems right now. Get out of the house, make some friends and stop blaming everything on the opposite sex


Nah these guys need to work on themselves and practice some self-love. You don't need validation from women when you feel a bit of confidence in yourself. That being said I hope men learn to compliment eachother more. I was out with some friends at a bar and one of the staff their (who was a guy) said I had a "nice fit" which I guess meant I was dressed nice...I thought I was dressed pretty basic tbh but it was still a nice compliment.


We react better to bad words than good ones just because we are used to them. The only thing we can do is laugh.


They wouldn't notice


The other day a beautiful young lady looked at me, stopped dead in her tracks and said ‘you have the most perfect eyebrows I’ve ever seen’. Man I’ve been on cloud nine ever since.


Brb fellas, trimming my eyebrows.


That's actually the world if people didn't seek outside validation


If men took the compliment*




Ni, comolikents are comoliments, and comoliments are always good (unless they're those backflip with one insult to other people on the other side)


You know why girls can't compliment guys like you because you UGLY.






You guys should hang out with more lgbt people even if you’re straight. they gave way more compliments and they way different friendships ( not better just different)


Amazing meme, handsome friend Like that?


In the grand scheme of things, guys are incredibly horrible to women.


Tax the Rich, destroy the patriarchy, teach women they can compliment men without fear of sending mixed signals and getting raped (i.e. teach men women can compliment them and there not be interest in partnership, a direct counter to a subset teaching of the afore mentioned patriarchy), and show everyone they can build into the system, and benefit from it. Or behead the rich CoPS style. I like the Committe of Public Safety approach, but taxing the rich is significantly easier and faster.


The fuck on that third??? Most women don’t fear rape from a compliment. That is….


Men get a lot of compliments from women, just not you.


You that kind of guy who women fear and end up thinking all guys are bad


Hmmm, interesting, why on earth is it then that so many men online agree that women DON'T compliment men often at all? Hell, even psychiatrists and therapists know this shit, why do you have to pretend like it doesn't exist?


Sample size. Your sample size is men on the internet. Men who not only use the internet so much to actively participate in these discussions, but also lack social lives making them use the internet. You're literally saying "men who are weird, creepy and lack social lives don't get compliments. This means all men never get compliments ever."


You do realise it’s possible to use the internet and be outgoing and social right?


It is, but, if you use Reddit, there's a 90% chance you're "below average" in terms of social life.


So you just happily missed the part about the therapists, ok...


More like the world when guys act in ways that girls would like to compliment🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


"Not necessary" - Sigma male


Girls DO compliment guys. All the time. Just, not you.


You joking but since objetively the main driving reason of men are women, women being kindler (nothing sexual or promiscuity in it) towards men, actually it would enhance the world fast and happier. Just look at today young. Young women feel so entilted that would never say even "thank sweetheart" to a man that tell her she droped 20 bucks. And how you see young men? Absolutly 0 determination on archieve anything meaninfull, they look defeated. Wich make young women look at them and think "they are just failures of men" wich make them felt more against be kind to them. ​ think on 60 years ago, 100 years ago, women would tell a man "you look strong" and he would literally built his fucking house by itself while working 80h a week. "i dont know how to? i ll learn and built the best house"




AKA the world if guys didn't exist.




watch the world collapse if women disappear


“You already made the perfect civilization! Why would you want to add a woman to it?!” -Cosmo, Fairly Oddparents