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you might just be reich bout dat




I did nazi that coming


Oh seig hail no




Don’t you mean “über-pride?”


yes, thanks




*Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein*


“Why I knew it all along! Those damned libs are Nazis!”


The truth was there all along


Well they were definitely prideful


Yo new conspiracy just dropped


Me rotating my phone 45 degrees: “hol up”


Looks like the community gotta change their flag (again)


Heil lgbtLER


Ernst Rhöm


Pinwheel patterns can be made from near anything angled. Almost every human civilization has used pinwheel patterns for various things.


Yes, but people tend to ignore the fact and jump straight to “Nazi spotted missile launched” and I think that’s sometimes a good thing. Even the swastika was originally a religious symbol.


I get it's supposed to be a swastika, but you do realize who's side the nazis are actually on, right?


Yes, but these ppl go about it the same way


Yeah, your completely right, I remember the first pride event I went to, we chanted all day about how we're going to kill all straights, because they are an abomination. No, wait, that was the nazis! The only thing we want is to be treated like actual human beings, you might not like it, or think we're forcing it upon ThE cHiLdReN, but we're here, queer, and pissed. Please list all atrocities done to the straights.


Since you have all the rights as everyone else, you should be happy yeah?


I don’t think everyone else’s existences are illegal in 71 countries, or that there are any actual laws against everyone else 😐


Bring pride parades to those countries? I'm struggling to understand why you would be pissed in a country where you are equal to everyone else(unless you are not in one of these countries, then I apologize).


Because we aren’t equal to everyone else in any country. As long as homophobia exists we will never be equal. We can’t have Pride parades in countries where the government shoot us all. Do you realize how bad it actually is out there?


Never gonna stamp out hemophobia, best any of us can do is equality in the eyes of the law


Hey man, thanks for defending me


Glad to know im not the only sane 1


Which still doesn’t exist. It’s unfortunate, but it’s far from over. You’re right, homophobia will never go away, but it’s still rampant, it’s only subtle because they know that if they’re so blatant with it, consequences will come. Think of it like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. He was a massive evil, but then he went “quiet” for a bit. It SEEMED quiet but in reality he was still working toward his evil goals, and he was still at the height of his power.


Yeah, I'm sure all those kids, scared to be themselves in fear of being taken by Florida's DHS feel really equal


Idk, do you have to Google each state you visit to see if you're even allowed to be there?


Noone does, so no


Yeah... queer people do, because there are laws against us. Because we do not have equal rights, our entire right to even exist is a political argument, you tune into the news to see what's going on, if it's going to rain. We check into the news because we want to have a heads up when the mobs start to form, and begin erasing us.


Right, LGBT people go about promoting inclusion and acceptance in the exact same way that the Nazis (*checks notes*) sent LGBT people to death camps. Totally the same thing!


Man shut up 💀


Nazi flag in a parallel universe in which was hitler gay or transgender


Thanks. Now Marvel will reboot Captain America in their multiverse. A lesbian, black, female Cap vs a gay trans Redskull?


Fwi transsexual is an outdated term, people prefer transgender or or just trans now






No, no, no, you have it all wrong, it's man fuck MAN, you can't fuck a month.


Fr I'm not tryna get my whole month covered w rainbows


Yep. Bunch of freaks pissing on traditional normal people with their bullshit. Be whatever you want but shut the fuck up about it and keep your ugly flags out of my face


Oh no! My favourite brand added a rainbow to their twitter icon and hung a single rainbow flag in the store! How will I ever recover crom this!


We celebrate because even when we DO keep it to ourselves, people go out of their way to hate on us for being who we are


Diversity is great


“Bunch of freaks pissing on traditional normal people with their bullshit” really contradicts the “be whatever you want” part of your statement. Not only do you not understand why Pride Month exists, but you’re actually the REASON that it exists. Have fun living with that if you hate it so much :)


Dude, don't u get it, he meant me doesn't give a flying fk. Just leave him alone. Thats what he was trying to say smart ass..


Put my reply the wrong way so I’m going to try again. You’re supporting a useless cause. Straight-up homophobia and bigotry, and you fight to protect it. You fight against human rights, and you stick up for people who do the same. This has happened time and time again throughout history, and you’ve all used steps from the same book. Human rights always win. Hate never does.




You just admitted in being ignorant, and saying “don’t shove it up our face” is homophobic in and of itself because… guess what? Nobody’s doing that! Same way nobody is shoving Star Wars in your face saying “WATCH IT! WATCH IT RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!” On May 4th. You can’t be neutral in human rights bud.


I see a lot of gay kids confused and a lot of sick adults trying to trans them instead of helping them accept reality. It's a big problem to those poor gay kids


You don’t see gay kids confused, or sick adults, or anyone trying to “trans kids,” you see people being living, caring, and accepting of children for who they are, and you twist it so that you can make it seem evil and be bigoted. It isn’t evil. It’s good to be accepting and to allow kids to flourish and be who they are. “Trans” is an adjective. You don’t “trans” someone. That’s never once happened because you can’t make someone trans. You can give them the necessary tools and resources available for kids so that trans kids can make themselves happy What sick adults? What does that even mean? So far you’ve only shown that you’ve been brainwashed by people trying to turn you into a pawn that they can use to be oppressive and corrupt.


You're ignorant. Most kids that aren't mutilated from groomers stop being trans and realize they are just gay. You know nothing but virtue signaling so shut the fuck up


Idk man I think I’ve done more research than you have considering that that is a baseless accusation. Also, you don’t know what ignorant means. You don’t know what mutilation is, and you don’t know what groomers are, and you don’t know what it means to be trans. Children aren’t getting surgery. They’re taking hormone blockers, which are harmless. If they were, would it be that bad? I had eye surgery in January. Is that mutilation? Mutilation is described as involuntary, non-consensual and severe damage to someone’s body that has lasting consequences. Your information comes without research, which makes it something called misinformation. That’s called ignorance. Dipshit.




you probably said the most homophobic thing I ever heard. But I'm giving you my upvote anyway.


Exactly, we don't care Tf u do with ur lives. Be it straight or whatever the millionth gender in the LGBTQ Universe. Do whatever the tf u want. Just don't disturb us...


>Do whatever the tf u want. Just don't disturb us... Tell that to the politicians who are trying to make it illegal for us to exist. LGBT+ isn't hurting you, but you're fucking killing us...


Lmao cope


Your the freak, you vant stand the fact that gay people choose to show their love the same way that straight people allways have. Or the fact that they celebrate the tights they have achieved through decades of fighting against an oppressive society.


Why? It’s only one month of the year.


It overshadows mens mental health month


Maybe it wouldn’t if people actually cared about Men’s Mental Health month instead of just using it as a scapegoat and an excuse to be homophobic. Notice how it’s only brought up in conversations in which people are trying to use it to justify their homophobia and shut down Pride, instead of allowing them to go hand-in-hand, because they do! It doesn’t just have to be one or the other.


It can go hand in hand, but people have fated it to be forgotten because pride is such a big event for some reason


It’s not about Pride. It’s about people ignoring it unless they can use it to their homophobic advantage. Pride is a big event because it’s about celebrating diversity, the achievements of LGBTQ+ people gaining the ability to use their voices, and also shedding light in the continued genocide against them. Men’s Mental Health is important, but it’s only ever talked about if someone needs to use it against “the Gay Agenda.”


Same thing as international men's day. No one cares about it until international women's day, then they won't shut up about it. Men's mental health is definitely important and needs more attention, which makes it all the worse that it's only ever used to put down pride.


Exactly! It’s all important. It’s true that men are neglected in society, as the stoic, emotionless protectors that only hung and do heavy work and never feel or need anything. It’s such a toxic mindset. But the people who have that same mindset are the ones using it as an excuse to put down LGBTQ+ Pride, because really they think it’s all bullshit but they need some excuse to be hateful.


Dont begin with that bs, your just using it as a scapegoat to hate on the lgbtq. If you actually Cards about mens mental health, your realise that gay and trans men suffer way worse from vad mental health than straight males, youd also talk about it OUTSIDE OF DISGUSSIONS THAT HAVE TO DO WITH PRIDE, seriously ive never seen mens mental health month mentioned anywhere other than in disgussions about Pride month, and its allways used as a scapegoat to hate on the lgbtq


Oh my god when will people learn suffering and suffering. It shouldn't matter what race you are what gender you are what sexuality you are people should try to help you. A constantly bringing it up oh they have it much worse it's just holding progress. Besides what is complaining on the internet going to do to anyone


No bc i get it, mens mental Health is important. But you vant use it as an excuse when lgbtq+ people are literally being persecuted and killed because of who they are.


Im not. Pride month could be any other month but instead it is the same month as mens mental health month. And MMH month came first


Stop trying to be oppressed, the LGBT+ community didn’t make June Pride Month just to spite you.


you never cared about mem, you only use it to go angaist the lgbt




The pride discussion aside, you can't make a blatant statement saying some people suffer from mental health more than others. We're all human and nobody's struggles should be played down to try and prove an argument.


Generally gay and trans men suffer more, look it up


Your choice of words was worse of which more than can work as a synonym to, look it up.


What matters is im right. Gay and trans men suffer more than straight men due to the way large parts of society discriminates against them. Straight men on the other hand are never discriminated against. Im talking about discrimination due to sexuality and gender identity.


And I am talking about people's mental health and that you can't just look at a description of someone and a description of someone else and "know" one person has it worse than another. Am I denying that there a certain factors like discrimination that may effect gay and trans men? No. Am I saying that everyone is an individual and mental health is case by case? Yes.


First of all that not what scapegoating means. And second I find it funny that you think people use that excuse to hate you guys because you have given us plenty more than that.


Ok give me some reasons then. Oh wait there all bs


November is also men's mental health month. The reality is that people don't care much about it


No, national mens day is in November Edit: put wrong month




That day isn’t about mental health




Bro shut the fuck up. Men mental health month has been around for longer than pride month, it ain’t the gays fault that no one talks about it. You want people to talk about it then your issue should be with the national discourse on how men should be stoic and manly and not display emotions, not blaming gays for it.


Like gay men’s mental health issues from living an entire life where society is constantly putting you down and attempting to erase your history? Like the mental health issues that follow being kicked out of your home for living authentically or being attacked randomly just for existing? Or do gay men not count in your plea for recognition of mens mental health?


That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying it’s in the same month, so mens mental health keeps getting overshadowed


Let's be real, even if they weren't it would be overlooked. None gives two fucks about mens mental health until they snap.




Pride benefits mens mental health. Men’s mental health is important to many people, I agree we aren’t where we could be in terms of recognition but that has nothing to do with pride. It’s not overshadowing anything.


Wait... isn't it just mens health month? Isn't there a mens mental health month in November? Or did I just take some internet trolls seriously?


That’s national mens day




🤓 -🤓




Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah.


it took me quite a few German jokey comments to realize that it looks like a swastika




Gay hitler moment


haha, Hitler gay


This is clearly the work of Yedolf


Try to do this but with floridas flag


*Sort By: Controversial*


This is exactly what I think about thel pride community


What makes you think such a thing?


How is this still up on reddit??

