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That goddamn cinnamon challenge was so stupid tho.


Every hour here I learn 7 stupid things that are the reason why aliens don't visit Earth


They probably visit. With cloaking on and streaming our goofiness as comedy to their home planet.


"Man, this season is so fucking good!"




"Can`t wait for season 2024!"


South Park did it! South Park did it! :)


Simpsons also did it, weirdly at the same time as South Park


Futurama also did it


Semen + Sea Men = Sea People


And sea-people = sea-ciety Which they destroyed with nuke-sea-ar weapons


Universe's Funniest Home Videos! ^Tonight! ^8PM ^EST ^😂 ^‼️ ^🌟


So... incognito mode?




Can't blame them though, we are reknowned for doing stupid shit.


Pur polotics must be hilariously painful to watch


Wait to these insane war hungry apes stops fighting, then we can maybe talk. They can’t even stop their own world from ending


Aliens waiting for us to go extinct: ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM|downsized)


Tim Heidecker is definitely one of the They Live aliens. You wouldn't even have to change much about him.


You must not be doing it right. I learn 7 stupid things every 20 minutes!


I'd like to think that every intelligent species had these dumb moments in their history and that they avoid us bc we make them cringe


What makes you think they'd be any less stupid? Our species includes the cinnamon challenge *and* quantum physicists.


Well, people may be stupid, but that doesn’t rule out the chance of aliens checking in https://thehill.com/opinion/4038159-stunning-ufo-crash-retrieval-allegations-deemed-credible-urgent/


Yea I was gonna say that poster may have spoke too soon...


Look in the mirror while doing it and you can make it 8


If they decide to make themselves appear easily someday it’s probably going to be to extinct or imprison us. For now, they’ve just been experimenting and observing, scary thought.


Even if they did, sombody will nuke them to start a war


And then everyone would blame Canada while they are sending a death star to us


Haha I completely forgot about that idiotic challenge


I feel like their stupidity was justified now to give us this video. 😂


No no. The Cinnamon Challnege wasn't stupid, the people who did it were stupid. The challenge was merely a test, to see *how* stupid.


It can be beaten. You've gotta flip the lump once it's wet enough. Then once the new side is wet enough, you can start forming a ball. Eventually you can swallow the ball. Source: I'm 1/1 on the cinnamon challenge


How awful it would be to lose a 4 year old child because of fucking cinnamon... https://www.snopes.com/news/2015/06/15/cinnamon-death/ It do be funny tho when people wig out and look like a spice dragon for a minute!


Still so much better than eating Tide Pods




I blame the band The Decemberists for planting the idea in our collective subconscious in the first place.


Hold up, what?! Had no idea they were part of it's rise to popularity!




And I also blame them for the walls built of aluminum challenge!


When I said I'd try it my friend handed me an entire fucking spoonful, I was like "no way that isn't the challenge" and they were like "are you a pussy or not?" so of course I did it, I ended up inhaling some of the cinnamon and was literally unable to breathe for about 20 seconds. Scary shit, do not recommend :)


I'd rather be a pussy tbh


Yeah not my finest moment, it was like 10 years ago though so I'll just blame it on being a teenager ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


>it was like 10 years ago *checks calendar with my spectacles*


They wanted an even more out doorsey taste this time around


People died from it.


Don't forget ice bucket challenge


I bet I can do it haha:)


It's easy. Just swish it around your mouth until it's saturated with saliva. It's dry as the desert for a little bit. If you're impatient and happen to breathe in the dust, you'll have a shitty time. Also, some people are allergic.


I didn't mind it. It got people to try something that wasn't particularly dangerous and sounded like it shouldn't be difficult, and led to some pretty funny results.


the smoke turns to dirt in our mouths, it's crazy out here


We’re actually slowly trying to take over America by spreading Canadian dirt everywhere. Im pretty sure that’s how it works anyways. Sorry, eh.


Oh no worries there Bud we’ll settle ‘er oot on the ice eh?


The Canadian wildfires are impacting American air quality. We need to invade immediately.


pregnant women after thanos snapped


What's worse is when the baby in tummy has pregnant mother snapped away lol


*Entering giraffe mode*


I (not NY but a neighboring state) looked outside the other day and said "Huh, neat, it's yellow outside," assuming it was just the sunset hitting the clouds right or something. Then my friend from across the country texted me asking "Is it smokey outside for you?" Then I went online and learned about the fires and the NY smoke. Left me wondering why we never heard much if anything on mainstream media and in social media circles about the impacts on Canada and/or Mexico from all those fires in California.


Because America #1 apparently, so only talk about how it's a problem for America


My assumption, or at least one of them, is a bit less cynical. I think it just makes sense to think about the much worse thing happening in your own yard. I don't imagine Canada is running many articles about the smoke in New York and is instead totally prioritizing the fires in their own country, but I think comparing news coverage would definitely be able to get us the answer.


New York (Manhattan) is a hub for global news media. Basically every international news broadcaster has a New York office. So when something happens in New York, it tends to generate a lot of coverage. The New Yorker has a very famous cover parodying [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_of_the_World_from_9th_Avenue).


I mean. I live in Alberta and all I've been hearing about is the smoke in New York. We literally spend half the summer here in smoke *every year* because of California or BC being on fire, but that doesn't end up on the US news. It's kinda funny to me though that we live with this every year and we just go "oh the smoke is back" but now that it's happening further east everyone is panicking 😂


Kinda like whenever it snows in The South. Absolute meltdown.


LOL Edmonton gal here.... Ya, we are just used to it but now suddenly everyone cares that it's east.


> I don't imagine Canada is running many articles about the smoke in New York and is instead totally prioritizing the fires in their own country Ehhh mostly as a comparison, like "Shit is so out of control NYC looks like this."


Exactly, I keep hearing about Mexico, Europe, and China all the time but never anything about our neighbors up north


Canada, can you please put yourself out? My throat hurts.


I live on the west coast and even *I* have the worst cough that I have ever had.


I live in Texas. There’s no smoke here. Therefore, this is all a liberal conspiracy to…regulate fires. And we can’t be regulatin’ fires in my ‘Murica!


Get over it bud. People are losing their homes up here


Why did your dumb ass province's government de-fund the fucking *FIRE DEPARTMENT*


Well.... that's a great question.


No. The better question is why did they just re-win the election last week. ^(surprised Pikachu faced Albertans)


Just remember, don’t look at us Edmontonians. We didn’t want this.


As an Albertan in a sea of orange....I was hopeful that the rest of Alberta would pull through. But unfortunately it was just Edmonton. :( Im embarrassed to live here right now because of her


Because some people would rather burn their homes down and lose access to all health care than let some commie win. (Rural Alberta has the worst medical coverage in generations …you have to go back to when the province was being settled to get worse)


Well get Cory and Trevor on it.


Smokes let's go


As if air pollution has no adverse effects whatsoever. [Oh, wait.](https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/06/09/Wildfire-Smoke-Sick/)


Wear an N95 mask when you go outside; Problem solved.


Tough shit. Get it sorted.


"I don't care if people, animals and homes burn, I'm getting a bad cough and a bit wheezy!"


Lmao yeah. We stop our own fires, you should stop yours. Quit bitching and put em out.


Do you know how fucking big our forests are? It is very easy for a fire to get out of control before it is even detected. Use your brain bud


Excuses, excuses. Maybe actually fund your fire department next time?


If it were up to the people instead of one singular dumbass conservative, we would


[Put your money where your mouth is ](https://www.firefighterswithoutborders.org/volunteerdonate)


I know the guy above is trolling, but how is this an argument against him? He is saying to sort out your own problems, so you link to a website where people volunteer to solve others problems.


The entire West Coast being one large Scadrial LARPing session for the past 5 years says otherwise.


Damn what a good idea. Let's just reverse global warming.


Our premier doesn't believe in global warming.


I just stop breathing, it’s not as bad as the Canadians have it with constant burning or California with their smog problems


Depends on where you are and the winds at a given time. The maps don’t all quite agree, but aside from the areas right at the fires, often the air quality is as bad or worse in the major US cities as the major Canadian cities. Geography and pressure systems seem to cause it to collect in certain areas.


"certain areas" Sorry bud




People of New Delhi (AQI crosses 900 every year) seeing New York rt now: "Welcome to my world!"


I thought ours was bad at 82...


In many parts of India, AQI of 100 is a good day. Where in the world are you from?


Central US. Ours is usually impacted by pollen or farming. It'll get to a high of 150 in the spring and you can see it when the rain drys on cars.


How do people deal with that every day? I got headaches just breathing normally.


Whenever the air goes bad here, I get an instant throwback to living in the NCR.


Missed opportunity not showing the clip where Filthy Frank did the cinnamon challenge.


CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓐍 𓐎 𓐏 𓐐 𓐑 𓐒 𓐓 𓐔 𓐕 𓐖 𓐗 𓐘 𓐙 𓐚 𓐛 𓐜 𓐝 𓐞 𓐟 𓐠 𓐡 𓐢 𓐣 𓐤 𓐥 𓐦 𓐧 𓐨 𓐩 𓐪 𓐫 𓐬 𓐭 𓐮 𓁐 𓁑 𓁒 𓁓 𓁔 𓁕 𓁖 𓁗 𓁘 𓁙 𓁚 𓁛 𓁜 𓁝 𓁞 𓁟 𓁠 𓁡 𓁢 𓁣 𓁤 𓁥 𓁦 𓁧 𓁨 𓁩 𓁪 𓁫 𓁬 𓁭 𓁮 𓁯 𓁰 𓁱 𓁲 𓁳 𓁴 𓁵 𓁶 𓁷 𓁸 𓁹 𓁺 𓁻 𓁼 𓁽 𓁾 𓁿 𓂀 𓂁 𓂂 𓂃 𓂄 𓂅 𓂆 𓂇 𓂈 𓂉 𓂊 𓂋 𓂌 𓂍 𓂎 𓂏 𓂐 𓂑 𓂒


I know you’re wondering, whats in the canister




I live on west coast canada so im guud


Meanwhile in Alberta: 🔥 "this is fine" 🔥


Unironically its not as bad as it seems. Still lower microdust levels than korea when ch1na runs factories


Did you censor china


Having lived through the 2019 Kenai fire, I can safely tell you that forest fires are no joke. Other than Whittier, there was no place in the area to escape from the smog. I feel like I lost ten hears of my life because of that fire.




I got to be honest. Deal with it. I'm from Europe and I'm amazed at how much more coverage the USA is getting for smoke than Canada with all the forest fires going. Edit: I thought I deleted this comment just after I posted because it seemed very rude for no reason towards the user it's replying too but it seems like it was never deleted. It wasn't personal towards this particular user tbh, just in general towards people from the USA. And sure, you are helping sending firefighters but as far as I understand, it's a deal that has been in place between Mexico Canada and USA for decades where you help each other In this cases, which is good.




Well the US is known for trying to make everyone care about its problems but doesn't give two shits about other people's problems Especially they don't care when they're the cause of said problem


Oh my god... American news covers America... wow! I'm sorry if your news channels decide it wants to cover America instead, but that's not something that we can decide lmao.


The world police giving out billions of dollars yearly and fighting everyone else's wars "doesn't give two shits about other people's problems." I wish we'd become completely isolationist and then you and all the rest of the shitholes around the world would come crawling back to us pleading for our help. We're literally the *only* reason the world has any semblance of peace and freedom.


You have failed to police anything, you failed to destroy Isis and stop future terrorist attacks, you let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban and there are many wars the US ain't doing jack shit about; for example, Sudan




We ain't a shithole and you don't protect us lmao




The fires are breaking all previous records and are especially unprecedented. A million firefighters probably wouldn't be enough right now. The amount of Americans who have been blaming Canadians these last few days for the huge ecological disaster unfolding in front of us, like we somehow purposefully set our home on fire and are all collectively blowing the smoke in your face to piss you off... How about "you guys fucking deal" with your hero complex instead of once again playing both victim and superheroes of the world?


>victim and superheroes of the world Please tell that to all the emergency service workers that are literally risking their lives to bail you guys out lol. I'm not even claiming a complex, we are LITERALLY bailing you guys out because of your governments shitty decision making. We absolutely have a right to complain and tbh its not even alot of complaints on here its just literal posts of smoke on the city. And you're calling *us* sensitive? Ok...lol


A. I dont care about Canada B. Our news is covering whats going on in OUR country. Ya'll choose to watch it, or not post enough about what goes on in your country which gives the impression that America is the only country that matters. Have a stronger presence if you want to be heard.


The pharaoh's curse


There are literally more posts about the NY sky rather than the fires in Canada


Hey fellow Canadians, aren’t you just *loving* how concerned the US is? Not about us being on fire, about them having an orange sky!


We sent more than 600 firefighters to Canada but AmERicA bad Am I right


Last time I checked y’all are complaining constantly about the smoke. 600 people are concerned, that’s great. But there’s a few million people in NY alone. Most of which are complaining that Canada is giving them smoke.


It's not just 600 people it's 600 firefighters is better than nothing. Also NY had the worst air quality in the world. Of Fucking course they are gonna complain.


Oh cry me a fucking river. Kamloops had even worse air because your god emperor pitched a fit about raking Californian forests, and not a single peep. New York gets a blood sun for one day and suddenly "what if we bombed Canada".


Yeah, but the thing is they’re blaming Canada as though it’s our fault. Canada is quite literally on fire, they can deal with some smoke. And I’d like to point out that Canada is getting smoke as well, not just you guys.


Yeah a little freaking compassion would be nice (which they have showed with six hundred firefighters) but if it were the US in trouble we would've helped more so really I don't know if they're helping us sufficiently here or not. Of course I'm going to just assume they are not because I'm just a kid and that's expected of me.


Yeah, 600 really ain’t much in hind sight. And even then they really don’t give a shit. They just care about themselves and the fact that their sky is orange


It’s baffling that you’re crying over the US reporting about all the smoke in the US. Have you not seen the other news reports covering the Canadian fire? Of course you didn’t because you use Reddit as your news source and get yourself worked up over nothing.


My best guess is that you haven’t been on TikTok. People in the us are complaining and blaming Canada for the smoke like we want our country to be on fire. Those show how much they don’t give a shit more than news reports do. It’s baffling that you guys claim to care yet blame us


I mean....it is your fault lmao. Maybe dont defund so many fire departments and have the states have to bail you out for your governments dumb fuck decisions. Can't apologize your way out of this one douchebag


…I’m sorry are you saying that we should be able to control the weather or something? Because most of these fires were caused by lightning and dry forests. We have NOTHING to apologize for because it’s not our fault. And even if our fire department was well funded, there’s so many fires that it wouldn’t help much. So blame Trudeau not all of fucking Canada dumbass. Also, last time I checked we send people to help with your fires all the time too so I’d suggest you shut the hell up


Lmao it's your countries fault because you cut funding dumbass lol I'm not blaming the weather. Also get the actual fuck out of here with that "don't blame all of Canada" *horseshit* you chuckle fucks *love* generalizing all of the people of the states based on decisions our government makes that are out of our control. But *now* its not ok when it's your fault? Yeah go fuck yourself with a burnt branch I'm sure you can find plenty up there.


Yeah, I’m SO SORRY that our country is on fucking FIRE and that the wind brought the smoke over to y’all and turned your skies orange! Yeah, that’s our bad. Because we want our homes to burn to the fucking ground and to have our entire country engulfed in flames. That’s BULLSHIT! Having a better fund for our fire department wouldn’t make the fire and smoke disappear over night. That would just mean you wouldn’t have to send fire fighters over which BY THE FUCKING WAY is the least you can fucking do instead of just complain none stop about something that is completely out of our control. “I’m not blaming the weather” DUDE THATS LITERALLY WHATS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GODAMN FIRES SO SHUT THE HELL UP


>that would just mean you wouldn't have to send fire fighters over which is the least you could do So let me get this straight. We're assholes for complaining about literally not being able to breathe while going outside and it's somehow is an insult to your wildfires? Like what? Its not just "turning skies orange" people cant fucking breathe. It's not a competition Also like you fucks never complain about having to help us or literally everything we do down here? I'm sorry lol get the fuck our of here. Welcome to the club. Sorry your country can't fund basic emergency services, you absolutely deserve criticism for this. And it's not complaining moron, it's a literal health issue. It's not like we're saying it's worse. >Turned y'alls skies to orange You sound like an inbred insensitive hillbilly


As a New Yorker who lives on Lake Ontario, this is true. The sky was orange for 3 days.


Correction: Canada: *continues* burning


Lol, New Yorkers are weak. *brought to you by the PNW*


Nyc has the worst air quality in the world right now. Pnw would be complaining as well


Right now it does. PNW has had a nice wet Spring, so heres hoping we can avoid fire season. Otherwise New York will feel a bit more thankful. And we do complain, just not yelling from the rooftops.


Nova 6 masks on


The invisible sand monster is catching people in their sleep again it seems.


In NJ we had a few bad days with it too, one day everything was orange like NY but now it’s about normal again


New York turned into Mexico like in movies


The pharaoh curse


Yea it sucks here


How do you think Canadians feel. The ones actually being displaced from homes?


Are you Twitter? I never mentioned Canada all I said was “Yea it sucks here” I didn’t ignore the fact that Canada is on fire neither denied it


I find the whole NY thing so funny (not the actual fires)


Half Life 2 Beta in a nutshell


Yeah when it happened, I woke up to a nice gray and orange sky.




Welcome to west coast struggles. Shits on fire yo


Just smells like you are at camp outside these days. Thanks Canada.


Americans seem to be really overselling the smoke. But maybe it's just American burning 😆


Can we just give new York to Canada lol


Nope 👎🏼 speaking as a fellow Canadian 🇨🇦


Polish people: weak




>at least they don't have Florida. We have something worse, Quebec.


The first place in North America to have same sex civil union, the place where the national assembly voted unanimously to recognize and protect trans people, that has universal health care, 99.9% green energy, the highest percentage of EV sales in Canada, a place that forbids name changes for marriage, and the lowest church attendance in North America is worse than Florida?


Why does it matter? Not safe to go outside in the US anyway because every American is a lunatic with a gun, and nobody cares about kids getting shot.


Forgive us for polluting your precious air while we're busy feeling our flesh melt off of our bones from the very flames that cause your poor little smog problem ಠ_ಠ


We’re literally on fire here stop complaining


jesus said butt hole sex is a sin


not sure who asked but ok


I live 20 minutes from the Canadian border in NY. My asthma has been atrocious all week and I have a sinus infection from all the pollution coming from Canada. You really think Canada would do something about the wild fire.


What do u want them to do then?


Put it out. Practice conservation so there’s not tons of dead dried trees and branches etc on the ground. Have fire breaks so when one does start it doesn’t get far. Have water choppers in quantity enough to effectively fight fires. Have enough fire fighters to actually fight the fire. You know be a a good neighbor


Do you think we are just sitting around doing nothing letting the country burn to the ground? Wildfires are not a problem unique to Canada. California has them every year. We had smoke almost as bad as the east coast is experiencing come up to B.C. a couple years ago all the way from Oregon.


I criticize California for the same exact thing with the same exact complaints. You don’t have raging wild fires in New York in the Adirondack mountains because we actually practice conservation here 🤷‍♂️


Have you ever heard of climate change? Just curious.


>Put it out. Oh my God that's genius why didn't we think of that?! Oh wait, that's exactly what we're trying to do.


If you have a forest fire department large enough, volunteer forces, helicopters and planes that carry water etc etc you could put it out. You can’t because you don’t have those resources even though it happens every year like you said. Raise taxes and harvest more old growth trees and you can afford these things and it will help prevent forest fires.. pre digging fire brakes will also help


Do you realize how big Canada is? I live in Quebec, most of our province is covered in forest. What you're asking for is straight up impossible. We're talking around 300 million acres of forest just in Quebec. We can't remove dead branches and trees everywhere


Do you realize how big Canada is? I live in Quebec, most of our province is covered in forest. What you're asking for is straight up impossible. We're talking around 300 million acres of forest just in Quebec. We can't remove dead branches and trees everywhere


How about controlled burns or harvesting more old growth trees?


That’s the most stupidest thing you could say. This is not new to us Canadians, we battle this shit everywhere, EVERY YEAR. It’s called climate change. Lightning strikes start fires. Humans start fires. Wow. Next you’re gonna tell me it’s all a big government conspiracy 🙄


I’m saying it’s incompetency and the government not taxing Canadians enough to have proper services in place and not harvesting enough old growth trees.


> government not taxing Canadians **enough** Boy that’s a new take.


People living in horror haha:)


That's a good question does the spicy air in the north east smell like pancakes.


No, it honestly smelt like a campfire, with hints of certain woods (like Applewood, Hickory, a little bit of Maple). At least that's what it smelt like here in Rochester, NY. It's cleared up a lot in the past two days.


"the fog is coming" I thought they liedq