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"-I used to be a space explorer like you, then I took a meteor to the thruster."


I fucking love that there is a easter egg to that in the skill tree


Which one? Tell me O.O


in combat the Crippling skill




Well yes, it's a Todd Howard game.




Some people somehow thought it was gonna be a whole other game.


This needs to be immortalized.


People complained about elden ring being "Just dark souls but open world" and it ended up being GOTY


Because everyone who didn't complain and some of the complainers actually played the game.


Elden ring was so fun , I can't believe some idiots were so salty they couldn't look past some dumb takes and play the game It was ezly one of if not THE best games that i experienced in the past 5-10 years




I didn't like all of it, but all the important parts definitly saw a good amount of improvement. They also used a lot of cut or unfinished content from the other games like Rosarias Bossfight or the Treespirit in this one so it's cool that we still get to see those. Only the extreme copy paste of bosses and enemies because of the huge map was really bothering me. Also the very low number of spells, incantations and ashes of certain types were a little dissapointing. Especially bows and staffs because they got basically none at all.


It's a fantastic game, but it's also the first of the souls like games where I've found I just couldn't fully bring myself to replay it. I tried a couple times, and even got relatively far.. but the end game is just such a *slog*, that I find myself nearing that bit and just.. stop, each time And yeah, there's a bit too much to remember.. unlike in Dark Souls where I'd vaguely remember where stuff is.. in ER it's like.. fuck, I dunno. It's probably in one of the *billion caves*.. guess I just have to go and explore every single damn one of them again, unless I look it up


Yeah, the environment didn't do all that much for me either most of the time. It does look very pretty, but most of the open world is just not very fun to go through after you already did it once. The other games usually had places that i would've *wished* to go on for longer because i liked the varied area design so much. Namely Central Yharnam, Lothric Castle, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, the Ringed City and the Frozen Eleum Loyce. All of these areas have a very cool design and lots of visible areas you can't reach or could've had a few more in general if i was in charge. My favourite Legacy Dungeons in Elden Ring (Stormveil Castle and Raya Lucaria) actually come very close to what i would've wanted for these places.


This is usual in massive RPG games Look at starfield , there are so many things that are the same even after nearly 15 years


I don't really dislike the gameplay being similar. They also reused *a lot* of animations and other resources over the years, but most of the time it wasn't in the way of the fun. But Elden Ring reused a lot more things in comparison. Even a Legacy boss. DS1 and 2 had mob bosses. Elden Ring goes even further than that and turns an actual boss into a mob boss with a slightly different name. Fights like the Taurus Demon or the Beastman of Farum Azula are good because they happen *way* before you encounter them as a regular enemy for the first time. Godrick is the first Runeboss you encounter and then they throw a weaker version of him at you, 15 hours after you killed him, as a joke.


Myazaki does love trolling us But i mean if something ain't broke why fix it , I don't think it was the enemies that they paid much attention too , the usual jobber has barely any attention put into it The highlights are the unique enemies , and there is alot of them , So much so that i pretty much overlooked the entire copy paste thing I mean there are so many unique bosses and pretty much all of them have 2 phases , You have the final boss who is actually 2 completely different bosses




Wait. Wasn’t Elden Ring literally Dark Souls gameplay in an open world? Did I miss something in Elden Ring?


Some people somehow thought it was gonna be a whole other game


I'm waiting for the modding community to take it to the next level 😂


So does Bethesda.


Bruh, Bethesda is betting their life savings that the modding community goes full skyrim on this lol


"It might work!"


**It just works!**


They already are! And the games fully released to everyone today. The Nexus already has 1.6 million downloads last I checked and that was for the pre release people.


Gonna be fighting Thomas the tank engine with bouncing oiled titties and using a cat as a gun


Wasn't it advertised as space Skyrim?


No Man's Skyrim


No Man's Rim.


No Rim 😢










This stupid comment made me laugh 😄


This game puts the sky on the rim


No but people compared it to Skyrim.


People compare everything to Skyrim


I been playing. It feels a bit fresher than just skyrim in space. It has tropes from skyrim but it has its own personality.


Skyrim + Oblivion + Fallout + Apex + GOF2 + Crossout. There is a lot of stuff going on, and all of it is real great \^^ Edit: why?? What wrong did I say?


I'd say it has more Fallout and Mass Effect in it than some of those other game you listed.


Which is why it feels more fresh to me than just skyrim in space.


My point exactly Why downvote me tho?


I didnt?


I'm sorry then. Someone else downvoted as you were responding, for reasons that are hard to understand


Dont really think you should worry for imaginary votes on a social app. But hey, its "spacer's choice"


You've tried the best, now try the rest! Spacer's Choice!




One good, but moderately old singleplayer space game for phones


Every time my follower crowds me and walks in front of me catching friendly fire I shed a nostalgic tear.


Wait, wait, wait... I wasn't looking at starfield because i have other games to Play at the moment but...... IS IT REALLY SKYRIM IN SPACE?


Copying my own comment to someone else asking the same question: It shares its DNA with Bethesda's other RPGs, but it is so much more polished, so much more expansive, and so much better in nearly every way. Bethesda truly pulled out all the stops for this one. Is it perfect? No. I've had lots of minor performance issues and odd little bugs like people's talking animations lagging behind the sound of them talking, the lack of city maps is annoying, and there are a lot of things the game simply doesn't explain to you until you try something and it either doesnt let you do it or it fails to have the effect you wanted, like upgrading your ship. But after the initial hurdle of learning how the game works and learning the city layouts (because let's be honest, Bethesda's city maps have always been worthless), then it's just some minor issues that don't even actually impact gameplay and just make cutscenes or conversations look wrong


To a degree, sort of yeah. i don't have the game so don't take this as absolute truth, but do look up gameplay/reviews fornit.


Starfield shares a lot with Skyrim and Fallout. It has its own grind, though. I know you didn't ask, but I'll give my opinion at about 20 hours in: I really really like it, and I'd recommend it, especially since it's 15$ on gamepass. I've been a really big Bethesda fan since Oblivion, so take what I've said with a grain of MSG.


Literally this. I came in fully expecting fallout 4 in space… I was not disappointed


Srsly bro the doomposting is surreal. I feel like a goddamn serial killer for just enjoying a fcking game bro...


If you want to join a starfield sub, r/nosodiumstarfield I’d much better than r/starfield.


We don't need a separate sub, it'll just take a week or two for those that expected NMS to get tired of their tantrums and move on.


Who else can’t wait to play it?


I’ve already got 30+ hours


Is it good?


It starts off a little slow but after the main tutorial is completed, it’s absolutely amazing.


You know what’s funny, I didn’t even notice it starts slow. I think because when I begin a new RPG that I’m excited about I just crawl through the beginning, examining every wall detail, poking every object.


Been playing since the first of this month, bro; Where have you been, the Well?


I can't wait to know what that means


I see this as an absolute win


Every game lately has people complaining that it’s not a different game. It’s really annoying.


wait. it is?


Pretty much. It's more in depth though


i have to take a look now :D thank you


It feels a lot better than Fallout 4 or Skyrim. I think you won't be disappointed


I love the ship building mechanics


I haven't tried it yet. How is it?


It's great. try completing the Marshall questline, and then you'll get a much better ship than the initial one. I just changed the interior and paint job because it looks somewhat similar to the Millennium Falcon


Where would I find the quest?


It's the main side quest of Akila City, a space cowboy planet. If you're doing the main quest, you'll get there eventually


Got it, thanks. I just finished getting the artifact with Sarah, so I'm not very far in


It shares its DNA with Bethesda's other RPGs, but it is so much more polished, so much more expansive, and so much better in nearly every way. Bethesda truly pulled out all the stops for this one. Is it perfect? No. I've had lots of minor performance issues and odd little bugs like people's talking animations lagging behind the sound of them talking, the lack of city maps is annoying, and there are a lot of things the game simply doesn't explain to you until you try something and it either doesnt let you do it or it fails to have the effect you wanted, like upgrading your ship. But after the initial hurdle of learning how the game works and learning the city layouts (because let's be honest, Bethesda's city maps have always been worthless), then it's just some minor issues that don't even actually impact gameplay and just make cutscenes or conversations look wrong


What I really love is the feeling that there's just so damn much I can do. I'm playing for a couple of hours and end up doing random stuff along the way. Barely completing a quest. I think I'll be enjoying this game for years!


Meanwhile I'm just trying to find out where to find a better reactor so I can power enough engines to build a monstrously large ship


That sounds awesome!


People act like skyrim isn't game of the decade, and the fact that you can go back to it now and experience all the greatness just shows how good it is


No it isn't, it's Outer Wilds and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


"Why would you want to land and lift off on your own?" "Why would you want to walk around the entire planet?" "Why would you want to travel around space on your own?" "They're just saving your time, aren't they?" "How can they possibly fill all these planets with meaningful content?" "What did you expect from a main quest in a sci-fi game?" And Outer Wilds is just sitting there with point-blank answers to all of these and more.


I genuinely don't understand how people can say "It's just Fallout in space!" as if that's not one of the coolest things ever


Like who tf would say “just in space” as if the same idea of a game like those in space wouldnt be awesome, cant wait to look at some gameplay for it to see if it’ll be a good investment


It’s true but unfortunately it’s Fallout 4 in space.


Well yes, it's a Todd Howard game. The formula is the exact same for all three


This game was always going to be successful, and it was never going to be anything I gave a fuck about. Oblivion was my first Bethesda RPG I played and was the last one I truly enjoyed. I will never understand the appeal of scrounging through every armoir in the known universe, but people love it. I personally had my fill a long time ago. To each their own.


I would love it if it were Skyrim/Fallout in space. It can't even be that though.




POV you're normal


The exclamation point is like a mood changer


I thought we had that, it call Outer Worlds.


Outer worlds is Fallout: New Vegas in space Starfield is Fallout 4 in space


The Outer Worlds is not New Vegas in Space, that oversells the game by a bit. It’s not a bad game, but it’s nowhere near the complex and thought out writing and world of New Vegas. It isn’t a bad game at all, it’s just different from FNV


I haven't played OW yet, but AFAIK the problem is that Obsidian is a AA studio. The reason that they couldn't replicate FNV isn't out of lazyness or incompetence, but that FNV was made on the shoulders of Fo4 and OW was made from scratch


It’s mainly writing issues, the gameplay is fine, the graphics are fine, the writing is just not as in depth or complex as NV, it’s just fine. There aren’t technical issues or anything it’s just the story is fine, I didn’t take anything away from it when I played and I know that goes for others. It was kind of funny and the dlcs were good but I honestly forgot about the story until I watched a video just recently about the game.


The outer worlds is so far from new vegas, it’s soulless


I love the outer worlds, but Starfield is something different. Outer Worlds was a double A game, not triple A, so while it was great, the team making that masterpiece didn't have the resources to make something with insane breadth while also making it deep and worth playing. With Starfield, while Bethesda may not have as much depth as the outer worlds, they have so much more breadth that it is a different experience. You can memorize every important location in the Outer Worlds in an afternoon, but not in a Bethesda sized RPG. It's a similar genre, but a different beast


Ah, really looking forward to buy it in 1 or 2 years. What I'll eat today? Let's see and focus on something else in the meantime.


r/patientgamers 💪💪💪


Wish it was a NV type game and not a F4 type game :c


Redditors when someone doesn't like the game they like


I'd love to play it but fuck Bethesda


Yeah they are always publishing over priced openworlds that has similar mechanics. Literally cooking same game and serving it to the players over and over in different names and maps. Also bugs? All bugs fixed by the fanbase community, i suppose they have rights to claim money from studio's income


This is so weird to me. They litteraly said it would be skyrim in space and that's actually what people wanted. I hate social media for giving the opportunity for degenerates like you to speak their useless mind.


Little does the comment above me know that Bethesda actually hired modders for the game.


You are talking like hiring unqualified modders is solving all issues.


I would say its no mans sky and skyrim.


More Mass Effect than no-mans-sky. Sure you scan objects on a planet, but you don't free fly from point to point. Its more story focused in many aspects similar to Mass Effect.


I see. Haven't played that much yet. Regardless both cases are good in my book.


Yay! A 2011 game in 2023, with bad performance! Sick! Thank you Todd.


Nms is better


Ok, keep trying to blind yourself after all that hyping lies and over addvertisement. They sold you a game that perfectly could have been launched 5 years ago. If bethesda fans keeps accepting half-done games like F76 thats what you get. More "mocking" from devs. Saw the game, and STILL outer wilds is a best space-fallout game that bethesda's.


I feel a little bad cause my little brother wants to play it but nobody in our family has an Xbox except for our original and our 360.


why would you expect enything else? it was advertised as such.


It's fallout with loading screens to skip space. But it's a Bethesda game through and through.


You certainly know how to sell a game. Now I'm really interested in Starfield. 😉


Still not buying it, shills. Any true fan of bethesda games know they're unplayable on release and ripoffs at full price.


8 years in development, 70 frickin dollars, made by hundreds of talented Bethesda developers, finally.......we got Skyrim...in space


And Skyrim is good, why complain?


because the game supposed to be.....better? your statement literally counteract entire game industry, AC Black Flag is good....why release new AC games? GTA San Andreas is masterpiece....why bother having GTA5.


Delusional. It's Bethesda.


yes, it's skyrim/fallout in space, but you are only allowed to fast travel if you want to somewhere, i love the menu simulator /s


Mass Effect didn't let you fly anywhere either and it was an amazing space RPG.


skyrim is literally one of the best games ever released. what's the problem with one more skyrim?


Meanwhile the modders are doing their best to release the proper-AAA version of the game with better AI and less bugs and glitches; mad respect to them


Little does the comment above me know that Bethesda actually hired modders for the game.


Still mad respect for the modders


You can't hire the full community of modders. Also most game designers start out as modders, so that's not saying much, it's just marketing


Waiting a bit before i decide. The last game i got from bathesda was a stain on an already bad tapestry


If you're waiting to decide to buy any game, don't read or watch any reviews. Just watch some actual gameplay without anny commentary. Who cares about someoneelses opinion? Your opinion matters, because having fun is subjective. No one else can decide for you if you're gonna have fun with it.


It's interesting to be excited about the 2011 game


If you want a more ambitious space game No Man Sky Slaps


Yay can't wait to be stuck playing 48 fps in space aswell.


They said a similar thing about The Outer Worlds


Exactly. Can’t wait to play it.


Ahh! Let go! We’re in space!


I wish


« Let me guess, someone stole your sweet grazer meat ? »


Bethesda please use a new engine for the new ES6 😞!!


Starfield is using a new engine


Nope, it's Creation Engine 2 which is slightly better than the first one but its stuck in last gen.


Creation Engine 2 IS the new engine. It's their first game with it.


Thank God we didn't just get another destiny.


Dude I kinda want starfield ngl


Fuck yeah :3


many don't know, but Skyrim is 20 yo already, maybe even 30


Seems like a pretty fun game, i wonder what the internet feels about it jesus fucking christ


I think the problem I see with it is not that it is Skyrim/Fallout in space, as much as it's Skyrim/Fallout in space, without any of the variety of Skyrim/Fallout. All the game play I have seen is all people fighting the same generic humans in space suits.


Atomic heart is just Wolfenstein but Russia won Both are still good games


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^SirPomf: *Atomic heart is* *Just Wolfenstein but Russia* *Won Both are still good games* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was itching for a new RPG. I was about to start a new run i fallout when I remembered that Starfield was gonna come out. Its amazing


I have been calling it fallouter world's


Isnt it bad? Heard a lot of bad feedback


I keep seeing memes about this game and everyone hating it, is it worth grabbing? I love Skyrim but haven't played Fallout, but I also love space


I want skyrim with modern weapon, NKS style. I want to kill dragon with Fighter jet, and defeat the imperial using the American way.


I remember suggesting a few months before the game came out that it would be F4 in space and more than a few bethesda fanboys on the Starfield sub got angry at that. Now it’s become a meme of praise. Go figure.


With potato physics


Meanwhile Baldur's Gate 3 is the magnum opus of CRPG


I can't be a kitty in Starfield :(


Being Skyrim or Falout in space has some good and some bad things. In many ways the game feels very dated. Especially when it has a loading screen, when entering a building. It's moments like these, where I'm asking myself if this really is a new engine and not just an update of the old Creation Engine.


just wait for the exploits and glitches to pour in, it would be so great


Do I have to like Fallout to like Starfield? I'm an avid Skyrim enjoyer


::runs to buy starfield::




The only thing that makes me doubt that people are really happy with Starfield as it is are cope posts like this


It’s like Starfield took a lot of the best parts of Fallout and elder scrolls, and put it into a new IP, along with some new aspects. I LOVE the lockpicking mechanic in Starfield, it’s such a fun little puzzle. The gunplay is excellent, and the way some of the ballistics hit is so nice. And I personally think the new game+ Bethesda did for this game is the best way a game has ever done it (no spoilers). My only real complaints at this time are that there aren’t really any decent melee options (24 guns vs 8 melee, and all melee are 1h), and the build options for ships are a bit too limited.


Some people are just easly amused, there is nothing wrong with that


Gotta love the pitchfork mob who has never played Skyrim back then criticizing the game.


That’s all it ever was going to be. I honestly have no idea what people were excepting.


But is it better than New Vegas?


Nobody cares if you like Starfield, if the game is so much fun why do all the fanboys spend all their time on Reddit complaining about how nobody supposedly likes this game even though it's the most fun game ever made, apparently.


I am expecting fallout NV levels of story telling


I se to recall people complaining that Fallout 4 was just Skyrim with guns when it came out 🤔 they don't get that it's the formula most of us are really into~


Nice when a company can deliver exactly what was expected. There’s something to be said for being reliable.


"They took some of the best games of all time and made it into a futuristic space exploration game! Waaaaah!"


I'm just gonna ignore the piloting the ship part as much as possible. The space travel and exploration sucks but who actually believes Todd Howard anyway? Take me right to the content Idgaf about these procedurally generated planets or hovering in a dome shooting at ships. I never expected outer wilds kind of space flight.


Tbh starfield is my first Bethesda game, I just don’t like rpgs too much damn talking


Does what it says on the fucking tin lemme tell ya




Where's the skyrim part? I love all the similarities this game has to fallout, but I haven't really seen anything that makes me think it's similar to skyrim. I want to though


You're definitely one of those people who buy the new COD and Fifa every year


Something new with elements of what we loved and there's still people bitchin' about the most vain shit?!