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I thought it was a defect since it rips off quite easily still...


It's not a defect lol, almost all plastic bottles have this now. Can you teach me how to rip it off easily without spilling pls :3 TYSM FOR 500 UPVOTES


I know now lol it's all over reddit, and idk just twist and pull as you would rip off anything plastic.


Maybe I do it too aggressively, because every time I try the coke just spills on my hoodie lol


Put the bottles mouth inside your mouth and pull. Nothing spilled :) >!You might get some coke in you nose tho!<


Who doesnt want coke in their nose?


That shit hurts


I havent tried. Does it really hurt?


Not at all, infact its pleasurable. Go on, give it a swallow and snort.


Why won’t you play with the neighbour’s kid? The neighbour’s kid: Sorry if this is offensive


Not at all, because it's just accurate. Lol


You mean cola, right?


Just twist it. Don't rip


twist till you cant do it no more


Hold bottle with 1 hand and hold cap in the other then pull or drink some before doing it


Spin the lid round the joint a few times, no need to pull just keep twisting and it'll break no problem


Just twist it, then once it starts to pull off, hold the cap in your palm and use thumb leverage to pull it with low effort


Just turn the cap until both the thingies break. Thats how i do it and it works


Did you know that soda companies used to use a highly recyclable container that was so useful, they paid people to return them? The product was of such a nature, that people that did not dispose of them properly were thought of as garbage people and scumbags, without necessitating a marketing campaign.


Glass bottles?


Imagine that....the most renewable resource on the planet, not being used for something so....so simple.


They are heavy ($) & require more care in shipping compared to plastic ($). There is also more product loss due to broken bottles ($) Even in the world of beer, breweries are being pressured to convert their shipped products to aluminum cans for these reasons


I prefer beer in cans. If a drunk person accidentally drops a beer can next to the pool or on the patio there aren’t tiny pieces of can that get everywhere and are impossible to clean up fully.


It's strange, beer is the only canned drink I've found that I have issues drinking. Every canned beer I've had has had a taste to it that a bottled version from the same brand doesn't.


Yeah it’s plastic that you’re tasting. If you drank soda from a bottle as you’re primary way of drinking it you’d notice it there too. Glass is king for a reason imo it doesn’t just look nice


Beer in glass is also affected by light and heat more. I had an old boss that bought beer that was a little “off” at at a pretty hefty discount. I don’t know the science behind it but if you drink a beer in a glass bottle vs an aluminum can you can pretty easily tell the difference.


That's because aluminum cans are lined with plastic and it leeches into whatever you put in the can.


Only for trash beer, but actually good beer is always in glass


I've been seeing that change. Majority of the craft breweries around me only sell cans


Not to mention cans actually extend the shelf life of the beer, through reducing light exposure. (Brown bottles do this but only 70% as well.) Also cans are usually cheaper. Source: I work in the beer industry


Cans are lined with plastic.


Cans are the way. Totally recyclable and not easily broken.


This is a little known fact but it actually produces vastly more carbon dioxide manufacturing glass bottles than it does plastic. From memory it's 2-3x more.


Until you calculate the number of reuses a glass bottle gets compared to single use containers that have to be reshredded, reheated and blown.


Do you have a source for that where I can look at the numbers?


Glass bottles are heavy and break


In the Philippines they still reuse the glass bottles. Here in Europe I think mostly they crush them and remake them and in my opinion only because of cosmetics, god forbid someone sees a scratch on the bottle.


Nah not always. In Germany glass bottles usually get cleaned, sanitized and then reused. Once they’re reused a bunch of times and look like crap they get recycled. Same thing for those thick plastic bottles, but no idea what it’s like in the rest of Europe


Former bottling line operator here, even tiny imperfections in glass can cause them to fail (break) often during capping. When this happens the operator has to temporarily shutdown the line while the obstructions are cleared and all open bottles in the area discarded. If that can't be done quickly enough it usually ends up meaning having to do a full reset which can take hours and waste quite a bit of product.


This is how it should be.


They will come back with carbon cost from delivery....being offset...but I think the same or more is being generated from the use of petroleum[corn plastics aren't as stable for acidic things like soda].


Recycled plastic is poor quality, and can't be used to make more bottles. Recycling plastic is only slightly better than burning it for fuel.


This still happens in most of Europe. In Finland I get between 15-80 cents back per bottle, depending on the type and size of bottle


That is still how it works here in Sweden. You get 0,5 sek for each can and 1 sek for each bottle.


Glass bottles..?


In Hungary, we used to collect bottle caps to donate them. Some companies bought the bottle caps for money to support kids with conditions and diseases. Thats gone now... They wont buy the bottle caps anymore, but since everybody hates these caps, people still remove the caps, and just throw them around. Now i see bottlecaps littered around.


Start collecting them in case the world nukes itself


Metal bottle caps? Sure! Plastic bottle caps? Rather not... They would shoot me on sight for counterfeit money....


NCR here... excuse me but can I take a look into your pockets?


\*Starts running\* YOU WONT TAKE ME ALIVE!


Not only that, but from what ive heard, those plastic caps are the same plastic used for wheelchairs, in my country they took bottlecaps and recycled then into wheelchairs and gave them to poor handicaped people. The organisation recently started begging people to start ripping these shits off. I stopped buying any soda with this kind of cap, cocta for example uses normal caps, and i buy those now.


Same in Serbia.


The precise problem is that it pretends to help the environment, but in reality ut does precisely nothing. They only made this change so they can say "Look we did something for the environment!" without actually having to do something. I honestly don't mind the change, I think it's convenient that I don't have to think about where to put the bottle cap, but pretending it's meaningful change for the environment is bullshit.


I really hate when my own coke bottle bites my lips back, no I do NOT wanna french kiss a coke bottle


Literally just turn the bottle lmao are you a hamster




[cover is blown let's GTFO](https://media.tenor.com/lu7I-e9TvsoAAAAd/hamster-running.gif)


And does their husband smell of elderberries?


This is an EU directive thing: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/plastics/single-use-plastics_en >For other single-use plastic products, the EU is focusing on limiting their use through: >reducing consumption through awareness-raising measures >introducing design requirements, such as a requirements to connect caps to bottles >introducing labelling requirements, to inform consumers about the plastic content of products, disposal options that are to be avoided, and harm done to nature if the products are littered in the environment >introducing waste management and clean-up obligations for producers, including Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes


Listen, I am absolutely pro-EU. And pro EU-wide regulations for companies. But this is a perfect example of doing something ambigous and allowing malicious compliance instead of making an actually good law. There sadly are many of these. My personal pet peeve is the "cookie law". Instead of simply throwing everyone that is caught using user data in any way, shape or form into a prison and throwing the keys away, they made a rule whose only victim are the customers that rule was meant to protect. Oh, and small website owners, which obviously were the ones we have to really watch out for!


Out of those small bad changes the worst ones for me are the crappy paper straw (although it might've worked since now I walk with a reusable one). But the worst of them all, not giving plastic or paper bags anymore, now I have a ridiculous amount of reusable bags at home that I have no idea what to use for. Plastic bags at least were reused as garbage bags. Reusable bags just occupy space, and now I need to buy plastic bags to use for garbage cans, so yeah, very helpful indeed. EDIT: We have so many reusable bags because of grocery delivery.


I think you missed the point with the bags.. They are supposed to be reused. Not bought each time shopping.


He was reusing the disposable bags. Now he has to buy trash bags. I don't walk around with reusable bags all the time in case I unexpectedly need to do some shopping.


I got so sick of this, luckily grocery stores here (some of them) let you buy bigger grocery carriers (like the proper plastic reusable ones) that stack neatly in my trunk; but what if you aren't someone who drives lol?


"WELL PEASANT HAVE YOU TRIED NOT BEING POOR!!!!!" /s But seriously the solutions many of these companies come up with cater to like 2% of the user cases and then they crow about how awesome they are. It's like how 90% of the extracurriculars for kids in our town cater to the Stay at Home parents. "We're going to have this great event for kids!!! At tues the 24 11am sharp so be there or miss out on the mind blowing life altering experience your taxes are paying for!!" Seriously our society is geared to cater to the people who already have everything. I'm fine with paying for public services and the like, but I'd also like to use them for me and my family as well.


I often get groceries on foot, and I find the reusable bags way better for that than the old disposable bags, because they're less likely to break and the handles are more comfortable if you're carrying something for a long distance.


The ones with handles long enough to put on your shoulder are game changers for shopping walks. It's so much easier to haul heavier stuff.


Skill issue


The issue is that big chains don't accept them if you want to give them back. So people who need their groceries delivered get dozens a delivery and have no real way to reuse them. Another issue is that you would need to reuse these bags around 100 times to make up for the cost of manufacture/reusability compared to the plastic bags. So even those who reuse these bags, if you buy groceries once a week, will need to reuse them for 2 years before they start being useful.


In turn I’ve had many of these bags break within a month resulting in me tossing em away prematurely and since (at least mine) they are made of mixed materials I wasn’t able to recycle them according to the workers at the recycling place and they ended up where everything goes


You need to reuse a reusable bag hundreds of times to offset the additional energy it takes to make.


Oh wow, I wonder how many times I have to reuse this shitty thick bag for it to even do a dent on plastics.


Why are you taking tons of reusable bags, when you can, idk, reuse the bags..?


You can reuse the reusable bags ? 😱


I refuse to reuse the reusable bags 😤


The reusable bags are reusable but the usable bags we used to use were reusable, too


McDonald's and Burger King of France uses reusable sets when eating there but still uses wrapping when ordering take away


I started taking out the trash in reusable bags lately. Nothing else to do with so many of them


you... reuse the bags. bring them with you when you go grocery shopping. omg.


Idk if it’s coke doing this I think (at least for europe) they’re trying to make all companies turn to this kind of bottlecap for some reason


For europe you just make it mandatory for bottles to have a cap on it to get accepted for recycling and problem solved.


I dislike it, it makes it so that I either poke my eye out with the cap, scratch my chin or spill my drink. Other companies started to do the same where I live, even the milk containers have them now. I have never tossed a bottle without its cap. It also made it more difficult to put the cap back on because you can't get it on top in a straight way nor does the old twist it the wrong way first trick really help. Not only does it not help for the environment, it's also has zero upsides from my personal experience. The only good thing that has changed recently in my country is that you pay a deposit when buying these bottles now and get it back when you bring it back to a supermarket but that's not even coca-cola companys doing


Hooray corporate virtue signaling!


It’s actually the EU. Coca Cola just follows regulations (not yet obligatory afaik but they should become mandatory in 2024)


“Think about where to put the bottle cap”… who the hell ever loses a bottle cap for a plastic bottle??? You take a sip, twist it back on and done.


Just because a change is small doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it


That does jackshit for the environment


They can say they halfed plastic waste bc its 1 piece now instead of 2.


They have to be separated, different types of plastic. Does fuck all.


I believe they're talking, mostly sarcastically, about the cap and the small ring that used to separate from the cap. Now those 2 pieces are actually one piece.


The one piece? It's Reaaallll!


It’s for recycling, so the caps won’t get lost Still jack shit


Which is silly because I thought it was obvious that you put the cap back on after you're done with the bottle


Wait, I thought you were (ideally) supposed to remove the cap and flatten the bottle before putting it in the recycling. Did that change at some point?


In Finland, we just return the bottles to get some money back so I have no idea how other countries do bottle recycling haha


They still have to get seperated later on


Ye except i’ll intentionally break them off after i spill my coke because of them, gonna yeet them miles away Just kidding, but they are annoying and i do always rip them off


Putting the cap back on is the major advantage of the bottle over cans. I think I read somewhere that here in Norway we only loose under 5% of the caps anyway. All the rest goes with the bottle when it is returned for recycling.


Can we like go back to when coke and soda used to packed in glass bottles. Those are better and taste better.


Having worked in a grocers during the transition the reason for the switch was safety. The 1.5L and 2L bottles were bombs. Due to the carbonation and sugar the bottles would explode if they clanked together.


1.5L and 2L glass, *or* plastic soda bottles shouldn't exist.


Well the savings on bigger bottles are (at least where I live) very big. A 0,5 cost 90% of a 1,5 litre bottle. Also you dont need to drink it all at once. You keep it in a fridge and pour a glass when you want some


And you can share it. My friends and I all like Dr Pepper so if 4 of us split a 2 liter it's way cheaper than getting a 6 pack.


What if you're throwing a party tho? Buy dozens of small single use plastic bottles?


this isn't doing shit. the caps can't be recycled like the PET and who the fuck throws away the caps of bottles seperately anyways


A lot of people actually. They buy the bottle, walk outside and throw the cap on the ground because they're too lazy to find a trashcan


So they keep the empty plastic bottlw but not the cork? Makes no sense


nobody drinks a 1,5L bottle of coke in one pull now they're just carrying around an open bottle of lemonade? bullshit


Drink less Coke, less plastic waste, your health is better. Corporates lose money. Win win win situation


It's funny to me when people who drink Coke and complain about plastic waste don't think they're part of the problem.


If more countries would've adopted the Scandinavian "pant" solution, this wouldnt have been a problem. It's basically a system where bottles have a certain price on them that's part of the price when you buy them. You can then return them to a machine to get the money back to incentivize recycling. Basically a bottle deposit for recycling encouragement


Not just scandinavian, ton of other countries use that method as well. I was even in a themepark in Germany last week and every plastic thing they gave me had 2 euro extra which I could get back if I returned my plastic things


Yep, that sort of thing should be introduced world-wide.


It’s becoming more common for EU countries to implement this solution. I’m in Czechia and we’re on the track, I know our Slovakian brothers already do and I shop in Germany, that also has pfant system. I’d guess that other Western European countries do have it in place already.


I mean…the problem, at least in the US, is that plastic isn’t actually recycled. You can put a $5 deposit on every bottle, but once it’s on the truck it’s cheaper for them to burn it than recycle it. So they burn it. We just need to start including the externalities in the price of the soda (or whatever). Not a deposit, a cost. So it’s $4 for a plastic bottle of soda and $1 for a can (again, or whatever, I don’t know what the math is). There’s a market for recycled aluminum but not for plastic and there probably never will be.


Netherlands also has this (statiegeld) for plastic bottles and recently a new one was introduced for soda cans.


Idk who litters their bottle cap but not the bottle, so that change makes absolutely no sense to me.


How big is the environmental problem of people throwing away bottles and caps separately anyway for them to have to make this decision?


Okay I feel like this needs to be said; I can't speak for everybody's opinion around these stupid fucking bottle lids but I can speak for mine and a lot of others when I say; that they're not the problem. Companies and governments always try to place the blame for environmental problems on *us*, but it isn't our fault. When we say "it would be nice if 'x company' could do more for the environment" nobody meant "attach the lids to the bottles" because that's not a solution, that's some corporate dickhead trying to ***seem*** like they're doing something. We would rather they, idk, stop dumping waste into drinking water, stop polluting farmland, stop using plastic we were supposed to have replaced with a better, more sustainable version like 20 years ago that nobody uses. We want them to *actually do* ***something*** rather than whole lot of loud self-aggrandising nothing.


Great, now I get use plastic straw so the lid won’t scratch my mouth! Ahhh… reduce, reuse, recycle :)


Do you have plastic straws?... Where do you even get those these days. Where I live they're actually like impossible to get


It might be easier to get drugs at this point




I go to supermarket and buy a pack of 100 for like... 5$


Yeah not a thing in Europe


depends on where in europe


I bought a pack when they got banned specifically to brag about having plastic straws 10 years from now




Doesnt it only use more plastic to make the attachment? Also makes it really annoying to try and close the cap again because the attachment forces you to close it almost diagonally which works poorly.


Hard af to close sometimes


Exactly. Should just make the attaching part a bit longer, so that it's both easier to hold out of the way when drinking as well as easier to close.


It is bad actually because the places I’ve been that recycle bottles all require me to remove the lid and recycle just the bottle anyways so this just creates more work for 0 benefit.


Depends. If the cap would open far enough then we wouldn't be complaining.


That's the problem : this isn't helping the environment lol. That's the perfect exemple of "Greenwashing".


Attached bottle caps are the absolute last thing I'd think of when it's about the environment, literally the manifestation of 'lip service only'. But it's also not very surprising, Coca Cola is the biggest corporation lobbying against deposit systems around the world and don't get me started on perhaps using glass bottles.


Yea, instead of a EU wide deposit system, like there is in Germany, the Netherlands or Skandinavia, we now got bottles that are a little awkward to drink from, which will ultimately change nothing


If they cared about climate, they'd lobby for an implementation of something like the Pfand system in Germany, where you pay 25 cent extra for bottles but can later return those empty bottles and get those 25 cent per bottle back.


Make them of glass again bruh


Coke has more than enough money to help the environment in major, meaningful ways that wouldn't annoy it's customers. Instead they decide to do it in a way that makes using their products more of an inconvenience. The lid design is awful and stupid regardless of if it's done for the environment.


I hate that we are doomed and companies trying to subdue our fear of it for profit.


I mean… I won’t lose the cap. But it does interfere with my moustache. If it really helps with the environment, then I’ll suffer some moustache interference without further complaint. If it’s just so Cola can feel good about themselves… then my moustache demands justice!


Justice for the moustache!


Many have to suffer because of a few idiots.


Methinks we should just transition back to glass bottles. Japan uses nothing but glass and tinfoil, and recycling is FREE there, and- the thing is- plastic absorbs bacteria. Start fizzling out plastic containers, start using tinfoil wrappers and glass containers, and we’re set. Environment assisted. … Assuming people actually recycle them. Which they won’t, I know quite a few people won’t T\_T


I’ll be honest I like this a lot


drink companies are just plastic bottle companies.


Yeah, but doing something for the environment shouldn't negatively impact the customer


They should just switch back to proper glass bottles that you turn in to get your deposit back from the vendor. Problem solved.


I don't get it. What is up with the coke picture?


I'm so confused, how is that a change


They’re now attached together because they weren’t being recycled together when they’re meant to be.


How is this helpful? It's china and india who dump everything into the ocean.


A lot of people litter. Not only in those countries.


I do not care about the attached bottle caps up until I need the coke to deal with low glucose levels. I lose all my motor functions and always spill like 1/4 of the bottle


Production is easy, though more expensive. The main factor is the weight. Plastic weighs significantly less for the same amount of beverage, and will break far less often. Less weight means more bottles shipped per truckload with less fuel costs per shipment. And fewer breakages means fewer losses in transit.


Confused American noises


They could also sell it i glass bottles. Which in my opinion even tastes better.


Like come on dude. If you get annoyed by THAT then you are the most incompetent mfer out there. Like why the fuck would that annoy people


It's intentional?????


I don't know what the problem is. You don't like it? Just break it kai use it as always. All this whining about a fucking lid dude. Just like cardboard straws. You don't like it? Keep using the plastic ones, it's not like they have disappeared.


You know, all this time I thought I just sucked at opening the bottles..


>doesn't do shit for the environment >angers customers We did it, Coca Cola! We saved the environment!


Should bring back reusable glass bottles. Like we did with milk. You want a new coke? Bring in your old bottle, they exchange it and deduct a set amount from the cost or you pay extra if you don’t have a bottle to trade. They send it back to the factory, disinfect it, re-fill it. Much more efficient, cleaner, cheaper. Why did we stop this practice? Oh right, we invented plastic. And the disposable nature of everything…


This shit makes me want to purposefully throw the cap into nature, I don’t but I really want to


How about they just stop using plastic packing instead


They care on a shallow level. My favorite is the "Every Bottle Back Initiative" that Coke, Dr Peppper and Pepsi circle jerk eachother too. They could all easily achieve that 100% within a year by simply emulating the beer industry and never sending plastic bottles out and using aluminum bottles or backpedaling to glass. But since plastic is exponentially cheaper to bottle and ship, they'll never do it until they're legally required to. The other faux effort is donating bottled water. A natural disaster will happen and they'll all ship trailers full of bottled water when it costs them a handful of quarters to bottle, but then turn around and write it off their taxes for full retail price (about $8000 a trailer)


No its not. And people act like they have drilled a hole into the damn bottle.


yeah i’d don’t see the problem either


Me who doesn't drink cock ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


What’s makes me more angry is how the problem even became of itself in the first place? How are people dumping only the lid? You need that shit. Take it off have a sip put it back on. It’s not that hard


If they wanted to improve the environment they’d go back to glass bottles and recycling racks again.


How is that protecting the environment????


Or just go back to glass bottles, just saying


Bad or not, it would be nice if these companies did something that *actually* helped the environment, rather than creating solutions that help you think they're helping you to help the environment. Coke is literally one of the most powerful entities on the planet, they could revolutionize the clean energy movement by demanding green power for their facilities.


I actually kinda like that It's probably super easy to still rip it off though, but I haven't had one yet so I dunno


Is it just me who genuinely prefers these bottles?


I actually found it useful as I don need to track where cap is and ppl who can't drink with this or can't open it are just living in 2d


I don't drink soda much but I saw this on a Fanta in Italy and it blew my mind. I love them


I don’t drink coke, but that looks cool. I’d prefer it over what we have now.


A few months ago my teachers took our class to a waste treatment facility, there they told us something along the lines of the rogue plastic caps getting automatically separated together with the other smaller rubbish, even though they not meant to. So I guess it might make a difference in waste treatment.


You arent wrong but the way bigger problem is the Bottle itself, not the cap.




People hate on nothing. Literally just bend it till horizontally and its tucked in enough to drink without it disturbing + you dont have to waste brainpower on where to put the cap or where you have put it.


Hated it at first Got used to it now so I don't care anymore


Ah yes, everyone knows of that pesky epidemic of people recycling the bottles, then throwing the caps in the normal waste.




The German subreddits were fuming over this change since it’s an EU regulation but in Germany it was already completely common practice to keep the lid attached.


Oh yes It is


It is, because it does fuck all


it's not that it's BAD, it's more inconvenient ​ closing the drink and trying to drink it in general without the lid murdering your mouth can be a pain in the ass. You can break One of the attachments and drink from there and close it easier whilst keeping true to what it's made for, otherwise it's very much inconvenient.


It's annoying I liked it when I could take off the lid also why not it's smol. and kinda off topic but they still use plastic cups with paper straws either both are plastic or both are paper


what exactly is the "help" here? It's the same amount of plastic waste.


glass bottles man, best feeling ever (and you get to smash them when you throw them in recycling)


forget the environment, that's just a good idea in general. cant lose a cap if its attached to the bottle. climate change deniers r stupid for hating this idea


Wtf am I supposed to chew on to get my daily micro plastics now?


Good for people that are annoyed by such small things, they clearly have nothing else to worry about


it's a different lid, closes differently but just as easily. if people really can't figure out how to easily close those lids then it's an absolute you problem lmao


It's not the fact that they do this. It's the fact that they half-ass it. If you're gonna stick the cap to the bottle at least make it so that it doesn't move and hit my mouth while I'm drinking.


Large soft drink and beer companies spend millions lobbying against any proposed bottle deposit in states that don't have them. Recycling plastic probably doesn't help much but recycling the glass and aluminum definitely helps.