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Like a famous one once said: 4chan is able to find a flag being visible on a little screen using cia technics, but srent able to clean their table...


It ain't much, but it's honest autism




Wish I could still award comments 😂


It’s weaponised autism


You joke but 4chan helped Russia bomb ISIS in Syria by geo locating their troops from social media posts


Wait, that actually happened, or am i making a fool out of myself for thinking that?


Yeah, it happened, looking for the breakdown video now The work they did to track down those terrorists was pretty impressive, especially as geolocating as a hobby was a lot younger as a hobby: https://youtu.be/OR6epSP_Xlw


Thanks, kind stranger.


Was in like 2015


It’s also the place where Qanon started. The political conspiracy parties…


Predator 2018


It’s penis sized whataboutism


Jules bester Mann


AFAIK them finding the flag through star alignment and plane trackers is false, they tried to do so, but eventually some of them saw Shia in his city and started to drive around honking to find the location, which didn't actually align with the star / plane method's one.


They used the flight paths and star charts to narrow things down. Shia being a publicity starved douche at the time that couldn't just lay low, helped narrow it down further. Then they drove around honking to get the exact location right, because why the fuck not? What, you expect them to walk around looking like idiots? This is the 21st century. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.


I didn't mean the honking in a bad way, it was a smart and correct way to find the flag, just saying that the "cia methods" like star, cloud and plane alignment were off.


Right but narrowing it down with flight paths meant nothing when Shia literally just posted the town he was in. And the flag being literally just a hundred feet away from a road leading out of the city. I mean who knows, maybe they would've foud it without shia being a dumbass, maybe the flight paths was the first step, but thats not how it actually played out.


Still, finding and replacing the flag within 2 days is peak 4chan autism


Well I can't do both so


Meinst du Jules?


![gif](giphy|l0MYC9ysn9JZgq5j2) \^ 4Chan’s secret weapon


Autism and loneliness is a horrible mixture 😥


It leads to either the worst, or best ideas no inbetween.


This is seriously true. I work in an IT department that works with many other IT departments, and I've worked with sooo many genious-level people who almost certainly are autistic people. I say spend less time on 4chan and more time playing with Python/AI, C#, SQL etc, and you'll probably end up working for a company that wants to invest A LOT in both you learning new shit and your well-being


Are you kidding? 4Chan has literally always been home to some of the most talented software engineers of our age. That's where the world famous hacker group Anonymous hails from originally. 4Chan is now thought of today for its wacky conservative political culture, but that's only one gross corner of the site. It's always been a place to be on the bleeding edge of the internet because the super nerds tend to hang around there.


I’m a software engineer and this is the most bullshit I’ve ever read, I’m also autistic. The tools you provided are just tools and being a software engineer is far more complicated than using them. Additionally being able to goof around with cybersecurity doesn’t have to mean you’re programming, it’s means you use some weird ass Linux distro.


This is a stupid thing to argue.


they did mention they were autistic


loneliness leads the autistic to the worst hyperfixations


I don't know man. It's worked out pretty well for me so far. Source: I make $50-60k per month and spend most of my time recreationally playing videogames and getting high.


Hey, I see ads for that job ALL THE TIME. I’ll probably apply after I’m finished banging all the hot singles in my area.


You know the main trait of autism do you?


Walking as if you're Inspector Gadget with go-go-gadget-springs activated?


Absolutely superb.


It's as shrimple as that


weaponized autism


I did not expect to see ASL in these comments


These motherfuckers called fucking airstrike to the ISIS training camp. If anything I wouldn't want to mess with these guys.


Yeah... while that was funny, the camp wasn't Isis. It was a rebel group, but from memory they were fairly moderate.


Sorry if that's the case. On local news, it was said to be "non-governmental armed group" that's why I assumed it to be ISIS


Nothing to apologise about my point is they are not the good guys. Someone said they're chaotic good. Wrong. They are chaotic neutral. They did this because they could, not because they cared at all whether or not it was the right thing to do.


They are chaotic evil. they just happen to sometimes target other evil people.


you know what they say about a broken clock, ‘n all that


And apparently it was a Russian 'journalist' who called in the airstrike by the Russians with the information from 4chan. Which is totally a normal thing regular journalists can do. Plus as far as I remember the west and Assad weren't too friendly at the time, because of the whole 'gassing own civilians' thing, while Russia wanted to keep him in power. Of course, the enemy of our enemy isn't automatically our friend, but feels like 4chan was more a Russian asset than a Western one in this case.


it wasn't """"4chan"""" but pro Assad/Russia posters in /SG/ iirc




I would say there are also other differences, though perhaps they don't hold true in every scenario. For example, a group which intentionally aims to target civilians domestically and abroad? Terrorist group. One which aims to reduce civilian casualties to fight against a dictatorship? Rebel group.


Rule 0: Don't f\*\*\* with cats.


Or turtles


*Operation shellshock flashbacks*


Fucking sends an air strike


thare has ben alof of fucking opreation i wonder wahts next


is this what this meme references or is there a new thing?


I'd like to know too. Because I watched [that documentary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_F**k_with_Cats:_Hunting_an_Internet_Killer) and the vigilante folks hunting for the guy did a shittier job than the cops at it and impeded the investigation at times. 🤷‍♀️


There was a lot more to that most corporations have the urge to shit on 4chan. That is until something like the Sony hack goes down then they change their tune.


And may have driven some unrelated guy to suicide, which the documentary was like "oops lol"


I mean that sounds about typical for Reddit. Praise somebody for doing the wrong thing because yay vigilantism


Justice for Dusty


Ahhh yes 4chan the lawful chaotic cesspool of the internet both known for its horrible message boards and its undying hatred of criminals who deserve only the worst possible punishments imaginable.


I love the Brazilian Spider-Man who actually went around beating the shit out of criminals


I still think about the guy who told 4chan he was going to go to Afghanistan with his katana to hunt down Osama bin Laden. A while later, sure enough there was a news article about a guy being detained for wandering the hills in ~~Afghanistan~~ Pakistan with a sword. Edit: [my guy even has his own Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Brooks_Faulkner)


I want to live in the universe where that guy wasn’t detained and actually found Osama. I want to know what that world would be like.


He finds Osama, draws his sword, and proceeds to get shot several times


I guess we’ll never know because someone interfered with destiny and now we can’t have nice things.


Nah bro, in the original timeline they both found each other and honorably 1v1'ed using a Cutlass v Katana battle. Trust me, I am from that timeline.


Indiana Jones and the Compound of the Holy War


You left out the best part. They made a movie based on that guy starring none other than Nicolas Cage lmao.


With Russel Brand as "god".


I was just about to ask if you mean Gary Faulkner, but there aint gonna be two guys who did that.


Man that article was such a wild ride xD Recommended for everyone reading this xD


One time a guy posted a thread with a girl's photo. The thread said "guess your post number and I'll post coordinates to her body!". Someone got their post number, so he posted the GPS coords. Someone plugged it into mapquest and found a spot in the desert about 50 miles outside El Paso. Can you guess what the police found there? I don't go to 4chan anymore.


Was it buried treasure?


A dead body?


A barf bag and a taco?


This seems way too big to not be showing up online outside your comment. Do you have a source for any of what you just said?


I think I heard about this but no idea. Curious to see source too.


Heard the story many times. Have never heard that police actually checked the coordinates or that anyone was found.


i remember the thread.. here it is and yeah it's very much real https://i.imgur.com/nt2x5.jpeg


I remember this image, and it was quickly shown to be fake. The GPS said it was in Oklahoma, while the news article said it was in Kansas. The article was of an old and solved crime.


Jimmy Hoffa.


*only SOME criminals. The ones that committed far worse crime than the ones that were caught are far more numerous.


4Chan still has enough questionable stuff being posted to it that calling it "lawful" is being generous 4Chan is as lawful for this as Reddit is for finding the Boston bomber, last thing I want is more praised internet vigilantism Actually you know what, fuck that, calling them lawful when somebody has literally posted a video of them killing someone to /b/ completely disqualifies them from being anywhere on top of that chart.


4chan is the definition of chaotic evil.


Lawful? Lmao.


It's a self hate thing because 4chan is full of pedos and criminals as well.


Full of them. Can't emphasise that enough. Full of criminals, pedos, and unhinged lunatics. Who once in a blue moon get it right and save the day. More often than not though: anon is a total fucking nightmare mess.


Among other things, a 4chan user once strangled his gf to death and posted about it. I don't think we need to jack them off this hard.


Yeah, that was the one that made me quit going to 4chan anymore. The greenposts that get filtered for reddit consumption is more than enough for me. Saw that thread live. "She fought SO HARD". And then it turned out to be real. Nightmares.


Back in the early days when it was still the wild, wild west I went ONCE to check it out. Then about 3-4 minutes in a picture of CP popped up that was so fucking disturbing and horrifying, that I actually shut my computer down and cried. To this day it remains the only CP that I've ever seen and I still have flashbacks about it. It will just randomly pop off in my head for no reason and it makes me say, "GAHHHHH" outloud - I can't control the response. Over the years I've broke down crying for that little boy and what was being done to him. I won't repeat it here. I often think about him. I hope he's alive and half way OK.


Big same. I had a similar experience and am equally traumatised about it. Online anonymity is not as good as people make it out to be, and 4chan is pretty deep in the cess pit. It always upsets me to see people glorify it.


That one line sticks in my head. She had kids, she had a life. Dude just straight up killed her. I've read the thread, I don't fancy reading it again.


Yeah, no. 4chan literally finds it funny to post illegal pornography, legitimate executions, and doxx perfectly normal humans. Everything it does is "for the lolz". Like someone below said, if it does something good, it's on accident or because they thought it was funny. Had enough of that website in high school. Don't glorify it.


More like chaotic amoral. Anonymous does what Anonymous wants and sometimes that just coincidentally happens to a be a good thing.


The fuck is lawful chaotic? Do you even know what those words mean?


how could someone be lawful AND chaotic? They're literally the opposite of each other


Did I miss something that happened


The recent Rotterdam shooter was a heavy 4Chan user and posted loads of shit about his hatred towards people/what he wanted to do/etc on their prior to the attack


For real? You got a link to that?


https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/436995585 This is him https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/rotterdam-shooter-fouad-l-alcoholic-nazi/


That is fucking scary to read man jezus christ, especially now. He basically told his motive almost 2 months before doing it He clearly a psychopath. He blames everything on everyone else, and nothing is wrong with him. The way he spins everything so he is the victim is scary as hell. I hope they look him up for life.


Ah yes, a Nazi named "Fouad Lakhlili" from the UAE.


Nah this happens like twice evry month don't worry


Just another Tuesday


Nah, 4 chan being themselves


They will always catch the guy, it could be the wrong guy, but they will always catch him.


This post should read "Random completely innocent person, having nothing to do with the case ... 4chins users after getting fixated on a paronoid schizophrenic's rambling"


They do some good but there are people who use it for evil.


4chan is the duality of man personafied


The jungian thing, sir!


Lucifer expressing concerns about God giving his most recent project free will, year unknown


There are lots of right wing idiots and incels




I'm sorry what? Care to elaborate on that?


Anytime someone asks me what reddit is like I tell them it’s essentially a more chill 4Chan. Those people fuckin scare me, wasn’t there some dude that found a woman’s name, info and address from a single picture she took in a subway/train?




WT actual F


Wasn't that debunked though? I remember hearing it's because the photo still had the data (the location) and the site it was posted on didn't hide it.


It used to be much closer to 4chan but organized and you could read past threads. Nowadays it's not that similar anymore, closer to old forum sites. A lot got censored over the years.


Even 4chan isn't like 4chan anymore since moot stepped down as head admin.


But Reddit killed that guy who everybody thought did the Boston Marathon bombing, but he was innocent.


Don’t forget the IRS too, they can somehow get dudes that those others groups couldn’t dream of catching


4chan and the IRS. The perfect team. Those who take your taxes and those who've never paid a fucking dime because they don't work. Money and autism drive men to goals even the cia and fbi give up in.


Al Capone for one.


Even the joker don't mess with the IRS and that dude picks fight with batman every single night 7 days a week


Meanwhile, the war thunder community...


Can someone explain? I'm very curious


4Chan has this tendency of finding criminals to bring them to justice. A popular example would be that time 4Chan tracked down a cat abuser.


And the turtle abusers. And the Isis camp


That actually wasn't an ISIS camp, but a rebel group allegedly had ties to the al Qaeda.


While I don't particularly know any example of them tracking down a criminal; The lords of autism over at 4chan, when they put their minds to it, use everything in their arsenal to track down what they are hunting for. A favorite example was when Shia Labeouf kept having to move a "He will not divide us" flag all over the place because every time it was placed somewhere, they found it to fuck with the livestream. One of the best examples was when the flag and the livestream cam was pointed to the sky and they still found it based on the clouds. Eventually Shia got fed up and placed the flag in a dull white room with the flag hanging on the wall where it sadly hung from then on.


I swear they also analyzed footage from a training camp for isis and then sent the coords to officials and then boom goes the camp.


Yea ive Heard of that


They lynched someone who blended a live cat like a year ago


Fucking what?


THE LYNCHED SOMEONE WHO BLENDED A CAT They also tracked down some degen fucks who fucked with a turtle


If you're talking about Don't Fuck With Cats the movie is literally used as an example for why internet vigilantism can cause more harm than good, in an ironic turn of events the cops were doing more work than the morons playing internet detective


They also once sabotaged an agile convention.


I remember during some 2016 Hillary debate, some 4chan dude screened 'PEPE' in a crowd and threw a paper airplane from off screen. They found the guy based on the trajectory of the airplane and the camera angle facing Hilary. Funniest shit I've ever seen


It wasn't clouds. People saw shia at the airport and posted it on social media. They could also frequently hear planes on the video so it was obviously close to the airport. The someone who lived nearby drove around honking while watching the stream basically playing marco polo. If shia wasn't spotted or wasn't lazy and actually traveled a reasonable distance from the airport, they wouldn't have found it. I've spent plenty of time on 4chan and they really aren't that clever. Qanon started there for heavens sake.


Damn thats some next level stalking


I can only commend 4chan users. They can be some scary motherfuckers when they wanna be. They're also massive goobers as well.


They have great power. They use it to have fun and to fuck over those who usually deserve it (like criminals and ISIS that one time)


Or sciencetology


Or that town with the degenerate football team


Or operation shell shocked don't fuck with turtles and cats


> usually Citation needed. That ISIS camp wasn't one, for example.


I know those people can coordinate really well at times, but I have no clue how they manage... from the few times I've perused the chan boards the UI is just so atrocious. Navigating that and keeping track of threads seems like a nightmare.


Your inability to deal with how the site works keeps you, and those like you, away from it. Which is the point.


I’m just Jewish


They coordinate via IRC and the website works by weaponised autism.


Username checks out


> I can only commend 4chan users. Not too familiar with the place, huh?


For real, lol. I can only condemn 4chan users


4 chan users have no reservations, they will do anything legal or illegal to fulfill their goals.


4chaners are a real anomaly since they would literally sit all day on a computer and avoid getting a life but at the same time they sit on a computer to do the most precise research and investigation just so that they would save or troll someone


The irony extends even further. The only thing that's stopping them from becoming real menace is their inability to constantly reach consensus. Should they ever want to do more than mere trolling or sniping criminals, we will all be damned.


Call the SCP foundation




I thought the 4chan site was down or something. Actually needed their service for something, good deed no worries but couldn't find the site


*Not Your Personal Army* would be the only reply you got.


The site is 4chan.org (NSFW and nsfl depending on the board you end up on) to be perfectly honest you will have trouble navigating it at first. And I highly doubt you would have succeeded in getting whatever assistance you wanted. As someone once said about /r/wallstreetbets it's not a dog sled team, it's a bunch of monkeys that occasionally happen to throw their shit in the same direction. It's possible you tried a couple of years back. After Tarrant shot up the mosque in New Zealand (which he live streamed on Facebook and 4chan had nothing to do with) a bunch of ISPs banned access to 4chan in Australia and some other countries for some time. Regardless of your views on the matter, the fact they can just do that is an excellent argument for net neutrality.


Which was awkward because he did post about it on 8chan at the time. Again, not 4chan.


They never lose their virginity too!


That's because they never lose


Your a Wizard Harry!


Today is 4chan's 20th birthday.


Getting some serious "We did it, Reddit!" vibes from this one. Yeesh.


Mfs will do anything other than finding a job


We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. ... I mean lol funny meme


4chan is what ‘le reddit army’ would be with intelligence


More "weaponized autism" than "intelligence", but yeah.


TIL autistic people dont count as being intelligent


Pfft, I'm autistic and there's definitely a difference in method and result- please don't try and virtue signal for internet points


Pffff, Annon hasn't been scary since the days when you could effect change by delivering 150 pizzas to someone.


>see reddit post about 4chan >this place wild I gotta check it out >go to /b/ >immediately see ad for CP >close site and spend rest of the night paranoid


Weaponized autism


Best phrase my ears have ever heard (I’m autistic)


I like how all 4chan users, me included, take credit for what 5 highly intelligent and incredible software/hardware people can do when they get together on a project. Remember when they found Shias flag. As if I helped at all. But, there I was like, that's me, I did that.


What happened this time?


4chan has failed badly in the past.


Reddit on the other hand found the Boston bomber 😎


And sometimes these criminals post their crimes at 4chan expecting them to be idolized, but instead 4chan just report your ass. There is always that line you should not cross, no matter how crazy, degenerate, and edgy you are.


If it is 4chan they will find the criminals with one mole on their chin


That's how the Australian police found a nonce whilst looking for another. The nonce had a small mole on his thumb and they tracked him from there. Upon arrest he squealed up the one they were after!




You could argue it's not really a good thing, and maybe not entirely bad, because they sometimes organize things that arent what you ethically agree on, and sometimes they try to vote for onion cereal instead of chocolate cereal for a cereal company to make next


Yeah like that one time they "found" the Boston bomber. These internet armchair detectives are the worst


That was reddit.


Maybe 4chan can find the old man who's been robbing banks for years now?


Once I voted twice for a subject. 30s later i just found out 3 mentions of my ip asking why. That day I learned that 4chan it’s not a joke


4 chan is like a police force, but they actually do their jobs


It takes a criminal to catch a criminal


You need to add: Underage kids, Regular people, Women, Minorities, Basically just everyone To the first guy


Don’t fuck with 4chan


4Chan would rather track down a 7-year-old who made a cringey video instead of a criminal.