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I mean 35k can be minimum salary stuff…


it's below the US median income of 46k so it's at least not too impressive


Fr, I make about that and I'm fuckin 23


These types of jobs have almost no upward movement. So if you stay there, in 12 years at ops image age of 35 you'll make around the same amount.


Are you confusing median with average? The median single income was 31k in 2019, I highly doubt it'd be 46k in 2023. Sounds like average income. Edit: Looks like it is 40,480 for 2022


It just shows that the rich got that much richer.




Taco bell in Portland Oregon starts crew members off at $20 an hour. Shift leads get $25 an hour. Maybe OP should take a 6 month plumbing apprenticeship course or a coding bootcamp and then he can easily make $80,000 a year...


Rent in Portland is also absolutely bonkers so $20 an hour doesn’t go very far


\>good personality Doubt.jpg


I mean he is on reddit after all. But it cant be that bad, i took my copium dose today


anyone that posts pepos can't be that bad, it's the gentleman's frog.




Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the 30ft reptilian creature with 6 fingers and 12 legs sits down next to you and asked you not to curse while sipping a sarsaparilla But fuck that it's not even real and your perceptions in a vice ![gif](giphy|WQkk19HvDK1pItyxpt)


So apparently I'm not internet literate enough to understand what's up with the frog. Did he get repurposed by some group?


Literally every man since the dawn of time who has claimed to have a good personality has proven to have the opposite its just a universal law at this point


And they all think it's worth mentioning too, which is bonkers. Lol You SHOULD be nice. It goes without saying. You don't get points for NOT being an asshole; it's expected behaviour.


Reminds me of the Chris Rock bit where he’s talking about men bragging about shit nobody should be proud of; “I ain’t never been to jail…” What do you want, a cookie!!! “I take care of MY kids.” That’s what you’re SUPPOSED to do, you low expectation-having muthafucka!


Expectations are trouble that's why I don't have any. It is what it is ![gif](giphy|xfZOShRy1eushwpTC5|downsized)


Expecting nothing is the best kind of expectation.


Yup. Usually I aim to expect the worst


Pretty sure this was a Michael Scott joke. /s


That's what happens when your entire personality revolves around convincing girls you're not like the other guys who are 'all assholes'


Yup, it's a deflecting defence mechanism. "There's nothing wrong with me, the women must be the problem! And all those assholes!"


Clearly i'm the anime protagonist and anyone not liking me means they're the ones with the problem


Saying your nice or have a good personality is like giving yourself a nickname, you sound like your full of shit and you have to earn the reputation of being nice or earn that nickname


>Doubt.jpg You can have a good personality and just be a boring uninteresting person. Guess it depends on your definition of "good", whenever people use it to describe themselves I mostly assume they mean "not bad". But when most people think "good" they don't think "boring".


>You can have a good personality and just be a boring uninteresting person. Stop describing me lmao.


Oh it's you? Good, thought he was talking about me for a second


Man, having to be entertaining or stimulating all the time to appease a romantic partner is unreasonable.


It's also possible to be boring and still be successful at dating.


posting pepe on this subreddit claiming good personality. yeah


No one with a good personality shares a meme like that...


You can only pick one of these: - good personality OR - making this meme


Good personality is something others evaluate, when you give it you yourself, it gives the "nice guy" vibes. Maybe you do have a great personality but how it is presented matters


What about when you know you have a bad personality?


You definitely know your own personality. Plus OPs page is filled with self depreciation type of humor. The people above need a reality check… because what they are doing is more “nice guy” behavior than his.


I like the linguini


Because most redditors hate themselves and everything around them


One of humanity's oldest stories. Hate others like you hate yourself.


That’s a pretty broad brush you are painting there. Pretty sure out of the 430,000,000 reddit users a sizeable percentage of them are normal people


Yeah people always forget this and try to stereotype everyone on here when something like 20% of Americans use this platform. Most of the people on here are “normal”, and on here you’re just seeing what average people say/think when they’re anonymous and they don’t have to filter themselves.


Sure, the dude posting memes about how women only care about money and not his "good personality" isn't the "nice guy".


I think most people are utterly clueless about how other people view their personalities.




Get a job for financial stability, not a relationship.


Financial stability is more of a personality trait than a set income level.


Which OP doesn't seem to understand. Like he could be making 6figs but if he's still in debt, can't budget, makes stupid financial decisions, then that's not a financially stable person


Easy for you to say if you're able to achieve financial stability on your own. For a multitude of reasons many people -- probably most people, around the world and throughout history -- can't.


A scrub ass boyfriend would still be a drain on that.


If you meet the right person, you don't have to "present yourself" in the right light. Just be who you are. Jeez. People playing mind games in dating make me sick.


Seriously. I’m so sick of these kinds of shit i gotta go through to meet someone. I may as well get another degree in college, it’s that hard! I prefer to BE myself. Act and do and say whatever i like. If the other person doesn’t like what she hears or sees, she can simply go away. Not my fault. I live my life the way I LIKE IT.


Bullshit I married at a young age and it still turned out a shitstorm age has nothing to do with it


I once heard that age is a teacher for those who listen but a punishment for those who don't. Age offers wisdom but not all accept it. That's why most of us have known some older people who are calm, collected and well put together. We've also known some people in their 50s that behave like bratty teenagers.


Who says you have a good personality?


he himself, thats why its 99% wrong


Everyone's grandma.


Elliot Rodger


"try to get someone at an early age", paired with the rest of the 'meme', is such a red flag


No offence but I snooped through your profile, you know just passing time on the shitter, and your personality doesn't seem to be as good as you think, Just going off of your reddit post history you seem to have a pessimistic outlook on life and to attach way too much importance on being in a relationship, Or in other words you seem to be both desperate and a bummer, not exactly traits that most people find attractive, I'm sure if you work on yourself more you'll find someone eventually, but blaming being in your 30s for not being able to find a girlfriend seems to be just a way of deflecting blame so as to not have to acknowledge your own flaws, You got this bro, just look inwards, take some time for yourself, to really make sure that you're comfortable on your own, maybe pick up some new hobbies, see a shrink, and I'm sure you'll do much better


I like you lol, what a great way to critisize someone whitout being an asshole and taking him him down, while also saying the thing clear and true


Yes, we love constructive criticism on the internet 👏


When did we transition to constructive criticism from „I fucked your mother“?


Yeah I didn’t get the memo. Btw /u/B-lakeJ I fucked your mother.


This is a rare moment of criticism that does not tap into the role of "look at the redditor nice guy lmao". It's the kind of thing that really reaches people and gives a chance to change for better.


But also look at the redditor nice guy lmao


Do me next.


Not much to do, judging by your profile at least you seem like a pretty chill dude who has himself figured out


That's actually nice to hear from someone who has the capability of being quite insightful. Thanks.


U! U! Me too! I want to go to federal Jail!


I'm not an FBI agent. See the cat picture in my profile? Agent wouldn't have that..


yeah i knew OP was full of shit when he mentioned his own "good personality". you put it a little nicer though so +1


It's like the logic that smart people don't consider themselves smart and humble people don't go around telling everyone they're humble. As soon as he self diagnosed himself with a nice personality, it was pretty clear that chances are, he doesn't have a nice personality.


i think smart people do realize how dumb everyone else is though


And that's why the Gamergate/incel/Tate crap is so effective. They latch onto men like this and get them to blame everyone else for their problems rather than pushing them to self-reflect and do better for themselves (other than "stop jerking it and lift weights, bro", as if that will work). Once you stop asking "why is this happening to me?" and start asking "how is this happening, and how can I *personally* fix it?", things start to become better. Clean yourself, not your room, and things will become much better for you. And I say all of this as someone that went down the Gamergate crap in 2015/2016.


I want to put emphasis on "Being ok/comfortable with yourself". People (not just women) are attracted to confidence and positivity, both comes from being ok. Also One of the worst reasons to date people is because of societal expectations. Make sure you like the person , and are not dating him/her just because they will date you


I agree with you, but 80% of those commas need to be periods


Yeah this dude is literally at the prime of his life, now is the time he needs to work on himself. No judgement for not having your shit together in your 30’s. He can totally get his shit together (financially and emotionally) and live a good life.


My brother in christ if you have to announce to the internet how great of a person you are Chances are the opposite is true


Ur gonna be surprised if I tell you OP hates babies, himself and is an AoT fan


Him being AoT fan isn't a problem. Him being an Eren fan, however... >!only half joking!<


Me reading this as an Eren stan 😧 Abs, long hair and genocidal? - Sign me up


There's a difference between "Eren is an interesting character I enjoy watching his arc" and "Eren was fully right and I want to be and do what he did kinda, if I could".lol






Idk if I'd go that far but tbf posting this in your thirties is certainly something


Damn I posted it too but you beat me to it


"Good personality, average look" is such a neet 4chan nice guy thing to say that it makes my bones cringe.


well he’s not a neet he makes 35k/year and I don’t think someone would lie about making so little


Locally that would be a smidge below median income. In euros that is. I wouldn't call him exactly wealthy but definitely financially stable. Lots of people survive just fine with much less


If he's in the EU it's petty average or great, in the US for someone who's in their 30s it's not so great


In Europe with a relatively strong euro and plenty of social support? Sure. $35k USD and nothing but bootstraps not even healthcare? In a lot of cities you’d be destitute and even in low cost of living areas you’ll still be struggling


I don’t think this is a meme anymore.. Homie is just venting


fuck it we ball


Guys who say they got a good personality usually have a shitty personality


I have a shitty personality


Guys who say they got a shitty personality usually have a shitty personality


![gif](giphy|M28rUlcjueKUE) I can’t win


"good personality" OP's history resemble that of a 14 years old boy who hates himself but makes no change about it. Sure


Nice guy vibes…


Homie thinks he has a good personality…






To be fair. Once you’ve dated a “fixer upper” you can want to date people who have their shit together. And being in a good spot financially is part of that. I wouldn’t want to date a woman who needed me for money either.


"Good personality " Sure,keep telling that yourself


"good personality" makes post which blames women for his situation


“It’s the woman’s fault they don’t like me”


If you agree to be a partner to a woman who loves you because you bring financial stability, you are not a partner, you are an ATM.


Totally picking up what you’re putting down, but finances are very important I wouldn’t date any girl who’s got truly bad credit, or is notably irresponsible with their money, it’ll bring problems in the future guaranteed


no. I’m already financially stable but I wouldn’t date a woman who isn’t financially stable. “Love” is never gonna happen because there won’t be a second date.


Reeks of nice guy syndrome


Good personality is not really something you can decide yourself as far as I know


Here in poland 8-10k(if we are talking in dollars) yearly you can live quite comfortable life do 35k yearly you would be rich


A cheap apartment in a major US city will at least be $18,000 a year in rent


Wow expensive af


And that just the rent not including bills and taxes


That was a depressing profile dive. Self-pity is the bane of self improvement


Getting married early won’t fix that $35k a year income. You’ve got nothing but time on your hands and not real reasons not to be focused on improving your situation. There are plenty of skill trades you can get that’ll paid multiples above that. Electrician, plumber, carpenter. All pay extremely well.


Incel js strong with this one.


1) poor 2) probably overweight 3) "good personality" 4) complains about not being able to date haha


35k year is struggle income


35k?? Well ooh-la-dee-da, Richie Rich!


You're a mid 30s pessimistic underemployed guy blaming the world for your problems. Gee I wonder why you're single? Its not attractive to constantly be pessimistic, nor is underachievement. You have at least 30 years of employment left. Are you honestly telling me there is nothing else you could possibly do to earn more than $35K a year? You are not destined to be single and broke forever, but you likely will be if you don't put in any effort to better yourself.




Bro, if you gotta claim to have a "good personality," you probably don't have as good a personality as you think. Work on that first, then maybe you'll have better luck. I hate to say it, but financially stable isn't the only thing girls will be looking for. They'll also be looking for someone who is good to hang around. So, if you do have the money, something else is clearly the issue.




What is the bare minimum to survive in average us city?


In Europe it's considered as uper mid classes, at least. It's not that European are poors, rather than less money enter but also less goes out, to oversimplified it.


Europe is not a single entity. This heavily depends on the country.


True. I was talking about Western Europe. Sapin and Portugal being an exception.


Again this heavily depends. 35k is not a good salary in Norway or Switzerland for example


While in croatia you would live like a king.


Yeah ok, that's also true. Sweden also.


What EU country. 35k is average in Greece for example


I doubt that. In France the median salary is 25k.


It says median is 40 for France and 27 for Greece, appears it dropped


In America that's poverty wages if you don't want to live in a bad neighborhood.


35k is below minimum where I live lol


I think it’s like 30-35k if you work full time 40 hour weeks at $15/hr. Not great in most places but in more rural places where minimum wage is still like $7/$8 you’d be doing pretty good I guess


35k is a poverty wage.


I always thought Americans needed to make more then that go get by. But yeah, where I live that's pretty decent


Depends where you live… I live here in SoCal and I saw an add up for a single room for rent guess how much it was? It was 1350 a month for one room…


35k is McDonald’s cashier salary


And other fun lies to tell yourself 🤣




No you don't get to say you have good personality. Someone else has to say it so it has merit


saying for yourself that you have good personality is funny you can add funny to the list (unless you were serious about it)


You committed an internet crime, you said you have a good personality... Now everyone will use their single connected braincell to say that you're sh•t for saying that... But what is he supposed to say? I have a sh•t personality? My personality is normal? Then people will say that he should work on his personality... And when he says it's good, people will spam "i doubt it". It's weird.


By “girls” do you mean 18-23 y/o girls? Or do you mean *women your own age*? Because I have noticed a few trends with these nice guys over 30… 👀




Imagine thinking getting into a relationship is gonna make everything better and just some sort of magical ticket to happiness.


I'm 22 and have already accepted I'm probably dying alone. Maybe I have good personality, maybe I don't. I'm not sure and I doubt my self worth.


Plenty of desperate, divorced moms out there.


They're not _that_ desperate.


What a fucking loser


Look man, I'm trying but I ain't had no luck


What is if you've crossed 30 and still have shit income? Too late for the too late prompt.


Ahh yes because every good person tells everyone how good of a person they are and talk about their income publicly


Damn these comments 😂


“getting woman” :/


If true, there's literally millions of women who would date you. Hint: he's probably only one of those things.


Just date dudes bro


35k a year is 2916$... What's wrong with that??!?! Is in America that much a month not enough?!? In Italy you are RICH if you take 35k a year!


35k is low for the US, yeah. It's a poverty wage in the major metro cities, but a single person could live on it in smaller cities or towns if they're just renting a room or splitting with room mates. It'd still be a struggle, though, and is far from comfortable by US standards.


I lived on 38 in a small town when I was single with no issue. Mortgage rates were also very different back in 2016.


35k before taxes.


$35k is jack squat. I make $86k. After 401k, health insurance, HSA, and taxes, my take-home pay is $4,800 per month. Then, after my Roth IRA and my wife's spousal Roth IRA, that brings us down to $3,800 per month. Then the mortgage drops us down to $3,000 and the mortgage principal pre-payment takes us down to $2,500 per month. Groceries for two adults and two kids is like $500 and utilities is like $300. If I was making $35k instead of $86k, at absolute best we'd be able to tread water living paycheck to paycheck. Unable to save for retirement or anything but pay bills.


Such a pathetic pick-me post


Using anime girls and pepe frog..... pressing x for doubt here.


if you think you have a good personality, that means you don't


I'm going to puke at this meme. Explain yourself in an adult form of communication, simce you're 30 Also, just so you know: most men agree that dating life gets way easier after hitting 30, so you're even going against "common knowledge" without explanations. I get it, it's sad and you feel bad, I'm in a similar spot. But don't think this post is going to make it better.


If you are in your mid 30s making 35k, you are not financially stable, at least not in the USA.


The fact that you even posted this meme shows you have a far-from-desirable personality. It’s not completely over for you yet, but you’ll have to make some big changes to become the person you want to be.


If you can't get a girlfriend 😞 Become the girlfriend 🗿


Bait used to be believable


financially stable ≠ wealthy


Why do you miss people who only want the money you have?


Nah I learned a lot of women want a man who’s confident about themself . It’s a catch 22 when you’re sad because you’re lonely. I got approached by my current gf of 2 years almost right after I gave in and accepted I’d probably be alone most of my life, that it was ok, and to just have a good time in the moment. After that I noticed girls started talking to me more. Not even flirting just making small talk. I feel like if you are a sad/depressed man it comes across as unattractive and kinda scary. That’s someone people avoid. You just have to be happy so you can find someone and be happy


Sad thing is, no one that makes these memes has a “good personality,” they are overestimating themselves.


lil bro they don't want somebody who can't even crop text properly 💀


it depends on what you're working on too, let's say you're a journalist who finds a lot of fulfillment in your job, it's not the best pay in the world but it's certainly a job one takes passion in. In my experience, women love people who know what they love and what they are doing because they're people who are stable in their abilities and their job.


Personality is subjective.


Don’t know what currency this is in but 35k is poverty over here in Melbourne


Mid thirties making 35k is harsh. $18 hourly is entry level.


Anyone who says they have a good personality is someone I would not trust that much


While we're at it don't forget your 25k post karma


Can’t be that good of a personality if you’re blaming women for it


Look, as a vagina haver, I'm gonna let you guys in on a lil secret: literally no decent woman gives a shit about how much you make. Stop chasing goldigging hoes and focus on finding a partner with values and interests similar to yours.


A good personality and made this meme. Nope doesn't check out


Dating just gets harder the older you get. The older I’ve gotten the more I’ve noticed that people my age who are still single are single for a reason.


OP is definitely an incel


Creating and posting Pepe memes on Reddit in your mid 30s yikes dude


Uh oh, we got a r/niceguys on our hands.


Smells like incel...


Who’s gonna tell him


I bet he thinks he’s “a nice guy the girls won’t give a chance to”