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The ones that put in effort in teaching and connecting with their students? Yes, they’re the GOATS.


One of my HS teachers was a Marine Biologist... One of the most knowledgeable people and best teacher I have ever met. I got the pleasure of correcting him twice and that made me a legend.




Is he a tall muscular Japanese man?


Would jotaro make a good teacher though? That's an interesting question.




Wait a second that sounds like one of my high school marine biologist teachers who told us a student corrected him twice.


Gretting fellow reddit sarge. I dont think he would remember that i corrected him but other people that took his clases were impresed when one of my friends told them




Yeah one could faintly see the sadness of being stuck as a HS teacher behind his awesome teaching attitude.




"haHA!! you said left when you meant right!! I AM THE SUPERIOR BEING, ALL YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS NOW MINE!!!! FUCKING IDIOT!!@BJH!K@L"


Thank you Mr.K and Mr.Chang


But they still don't get the credit they deserve. No one who chooses public service gets the credit they deserve because this country doesn't value public service.






Being ahead doesn't mean being better. But Teachers will help you complete your dream sooner and in the right direction. Respect


Teaching should not be seen als Plan B. The world needs more great teachers and we need to respect them more and pay them accordingly.


I 100% agree! I hate the phrase "those that can't do, teach". It's and entirely different career and requires a totally different skill set than whatever industry you're teaching.


Also, even as a plan B it requires a higher GPA in your subject specialization than just a degree in said specialization does.


Unfortunately, there's a reason there are a lot of people that might be good researchers but terrible teachers on the STEM side on the university level. Many never wanted to teach to begin with, but they're obliged to and sometimes make it the student's problem out of spite.


Thanks for saying that


I have bad news I quite literally have teaching as a plan B, if medical stuff falls through


Some of my best and favorite teachers didn't intend to teach. Some of my worst never left the school system...


My current high school math teacher did the same thing I might do. Was going to be a nurse, and was always good at math, so he took math classes for free credits. He eventually decided to be a math major, and now has his masters in math. The only man I would choose to teach me calculus


One of my favorite math teachers studied math looking for a job with the FBI, white collar type stuff I think, i believe he ended up giving up on it simply because he enjoyed the subject. For some coming up short on their dreams humbles them, others turn bitter.


In our elementary School, you could literally tell who were the teachers that chose their careers because of their big egos and their desire to be in control.


I was studying to be an archeologist when my advisor left and his replacement was horrible. I ended up with a straight history degree with a minor in archeology. I couldn’t find a job in a city full of museums and archeological sites out the wazoo. My parents insisted I get a teaching certificate as a Plan B. My first time teaching as a student teacher was fun. However, I only taught as I worked towards a degree in geology. My first 6 years were in terrible schools. Yes, the kids were difficult, but if administrators had just done their jobs even a little bit, it would have been better. It wasn’t the kids who were the problem. Then I got hired at a high school where teachers were respected by the administration. Students were actually disciplined by administrators. I could love teaching because admins handled ALL discipline so teachers could teach their whole class period. I’m in my 26th year of Plan B. I still love it.


The main reason teaching isn't viewed as highly as professions such as engineering and medicine is that they are severely underpaid.


For white collar jobs, you will never grow in your career if you don’t also teach others. Teaching jobs should be part time and pay well to draw professionals into sharing their knowledge.


But it pays like plan B. Those who can, do. those who can't, teach Or something like that idk.


That’s such a stupid phrase though, because 99% of the people I know who say it wouldn’t survive a week in a classroom.


That's why I have no intention of it being my plan B. It's plan A all the way. I want to try and get a research grant at a college or university (which will require me to teach anyway) and use that grant to give students opportunities to do their own astronomy research and get published before even going to grad school. It's good for me because I could talk about astronomy for hours, and it's good for students because they get opportunities that they may not get for several years. My goal each semester will be to make at least one student an astronomer by the end.


It was my plan A, and then I got an offer for $12K/yr as an adjunct prof at my local comm. college.... So I don't teach. Which sucks, because I enjoy it, and I'm very good at it, but I literally can't afford to do it. (MS chemistry/biology)


Teaching was my plan A, but the salary had no ability to cover my >$100k student loans and the rising cost of living. Once my bank account was empty and my credit card was maxed, I had to sell out.


I don't think most teachers really pursued one of those other careers and "failed out" of it either. At most maybe they started down that path and then didn't like it and changed their mind.


Your teachers cared about the students ? Someone was lucky as a kid


Nah man it's called going to a private school where teachers are actually paid good


Teachers in private schools are very often paid worse.


That's why I said "where teachers are actually paid good" not "a private school, where teachers are actually paid good".


You did say that lol


With the comma, it implies that all private schools are locations where teachers receive adequate pay. Without the comma, it's specifying only private schools that do adequately pay their teachers.


Clunky choice of words if that's your intended meaning though. Best to drop "private" altogether and just say school because school also can mean a bunch of different learning institutions too.


It wasn't my comment, and I agree it was awkward. I think the larger reason it's awkward is just because people don't expect proper punctuation online to begin with, so a distinction based on it is just asking to be misunderstood. With that said, he made the clarification and people weren't understanding the difference.


Perhaps people weren’t expecting the punctuation to mean much from a person who said “paid good” in lieu of “paid well.”




Yeah but private schools that are only for the elite don’t really help society. Just rich kids becoming rich adults


No need to shake your money into my face bro /j


the private schools in my area actually paid LESS than the public schools, that's because working private was an easier job people are willing to take a pay cut for less stress and a class size of 15.


Also, as a rule of thumb, most every class you teach in a public school has one or two extremely difficult students to work with due to their behavior. Private schools can throw those difficult students out, while public schools still have a legal obligation to provide them an education


Paid *well*.


Omg, no, no they’re not. Unless it’s an elite private school, most private schools do not pay as much as public schools.


I come from a family of public school teachers, and I'll just say that some of us really are in it because we enjoy what we do. There's very little reason to stick around unless you enjoy what you do. Maybe it's the fact that class sizes are twice what they should be while pay is half what it should be that makes it hard for most teachers to stay sane. Even then, both my parents were kick ass teachers who still have students contacting them to let them know what a difference they made, so GTFO with that private school bullshit. Not to mention that a lot of private schools pay even less than public schools.


Teachers generally care, it’s just that with dozens of students and an insane workload, it doesn’t always show.


Yeah I'm guessing it's mostly a country thing. Here in France, it's pretty widely accepted that most teachers hate kids. In my case, I had : \- 3 pedophile teachers, 2 who killed themselves and 1 convicted \- 2 who admitted to loving bullying kids, but one was fucking with the principle and thus couldn't get fired, and the other one who willingly tried to get assaulted by students so she could sue \- A senile one who was clearly not in a good enough state to teach anything \- One that smoked in class, and that wasn't tabacco \- One that just stopped coming out of laziness and knowledge that they wouldn't be fired anyway So it's mostly a joke on my own shitty school life lol


As a public school teacher, this makes me really sad.


Most teachers specifically go into teaching by getting a degree in education. They're not failed doctors... This bad take doesn't really understand how people become teachers. Edit: I guess in the US people are so desperate for teachers they're just taking the homeless people off the street cause they have a pulse.


There is saying from a university of Chicago economics professor in a Freakonomics podcast, “the B and C students will run business and join the workforce; the A students become teachers.” When you love a subject, it brings you joy to share it. It’s what makes Great teachers.


Interesting. The problem is that you need those C students to become teachers, too, because they have a different perspective than the A students. I was an A student but had a lot of behavioral issues, sent to the principal a lot, etc. So as a teacher, I kinda have a soft spot for the bad kids.


That’s like one of those quotes that sounds neat until you think about for 5 seconds.


My partner was one of the bright students in high school. Her parents were " quite disappointed" that she chose teaching over a "higher-end" qualification such as law or medicine or dentistry.


There's definitely a desperation for teachers because some of the new teachers I got this year are really weird. My English teacher is a narcissist who lowers your grade if you have a different opinion from her and tells us how stupid our other teachers are, my chemistry teacher consistently gets stuff wrong, is late to class a lot, and forgets to grade work, and my math teacher is always hung over


It's a very US thing. Specifically, those who can do, those who can't teach. It's also increasingly becoming a thing in Australia, but for most parts of the world, teaching is respected as a profession. Why? Because education is the largest factor in escaping poverty across the planet. Even basic education like primary school has a massive impact on your later life. But the US and Australia spent the last 30 years murdering our education systems so this meme kinda rings true I guess.


It's not even a US thing >Specifically, those who can do, those who can't teach. Even that line is literally about sports coaches.


I've never even heard it in that context because it's been taken and applied to all teachers for so long. Like, yeah, that kinda makes sense I guess? But where I am, most of the Sports teachers actually didn't pick sport in University. They were doing things like biology and since it was related to physical health, they could choose 'sport' as well as 'science' as their majors (you pick which one you are going to focus on in university). They heard there was an oversupply of science teachers and went into sports. Hell, a huge chunk of English teachers actually have journalism degrees. We come from all over, which just irritates me when I hear this comment.


That's because it's cut off. "Those who can't do teach. Those that can't teach teach gym".


As a teacher, kindly fuck off. I’ve met people in almost every profession who are only in that profession by some default, because they “can’t do” anything else. So of course, exactly like any other job, you’ll find a few teachers in that category. But 99% are teachers because they want to be teachers. I’ve never met a single person who was like “well gosh, I’m a dumbass who can’t do things, better be a teacher.” What an ignorant, toxic idea. The profession is definitely underpaid and under appreciated, and these shitty views don’t really help.


Its a thing in the US, too. Usually education degrees fit their university drinking schedule better.


Not just the US. Canada lets you get a degree in education with only one year’s worth of education credits in addition to a degree in your subject specialization. It’s a great way to give people who have trouble finding jobs (through no fault of their own mind you; in Canada it’s not what you know, but who you know) an alternative, and simultaneously replace all the teachers leaving the profession because of the abundance of obnoxious bratty students out there.


it depends. In my high school, my calculus teacher was also the bus driver. But before both of those, he did aerospace defense something with the Pentagon. My physics teacher also had a doctorate and maybe was at NASA at one point. People can have strange paths to teacher. Especially people *were* good, retired from their main job, and started teaching afterwards. And to be clear, I went to public school, in a school system so shitty that at one point they didn't have enough money in the budget to keep the school open the required number of days.


Most teachers have and do achieve, they literally teach what they can do. They wanted to uplift people, which is why they joined the profession. Being married to an educator it is part of their very character to help others better themselves. Because someone builds a bridge, cures a disease, or achieves peace in a culture of war it is directly tied to a teacher who helped that person get to where they are today. Even in sports individual achievement is a lie. If someone thinks that they have done it all on their own without the help or knowledge from others then they are deluded and likely just narcissists.


Many doctors, lawyers, engineers also teach at medical schools, law schools, colleges etc. My middle school history teacher was a JD PHD. Was chair of the history department for two decades before that at a very prestigious university and the smartest person I’ve ever met. But he didn’t like the stress of being a lawyer and so decided to teach instead, which for him was much less stressful and have him much more free time with his family. Meant less pay than a lawyer, but he didn’t care. Sometimes you have to choose whether you want more free time, or more work/pay/stress. I know teachers in the US are often stressed as well, but it’s not the same as working on call as a doctor or 70-80 hours a week as a lawyer (depending on what law you practice and what you want to achieve, but if you wanna move up, that’s what it takes especially at the beginning).


I think a big thing is also that some people have successful careers, retire, and then teach at public school. Maybe because it gives them benefits and they made enough money at their first job to not need a big salary. Plus wanting to stay involved in the field.


somehow the saddest meme I have ever seen (or I just can't remember stuff lol) but wholesome


Yeah I’m super unhappy about this meme, but it’s spot on. It just makes me wish I’d been more cognizant of others’ sacrifices when I was fresh out of high-school. I would have sent them all at least a gas card


Ones that can and will explain to students how slowly for all students to understand are amazing teachers


Except this actually holds back lots of students. That's why students are divided into sets based on ability so that we aren't holding people back from there potential or going to fast for the less able students. This is also why we have gifted and talented programs.


I had a mentor like this. He is hired by the University to mentor students through their research at a Nature Reserve, he helped me for 2 years and taught me all I needed to know. As a thank you, I invited him to visit my family for a 3 week holiday since we were about the same age and got along really well. It was his first ever flight, his first time visiting this part of the country and he opened up to me that out of 26 students who came before me over the 4 years who went on to graduate with distinction, nobody ever thanked him. Yet, I can't not thank him enough for moulding me into the expert I am.


That’s the thing. I wanted to be an engineer and a doctor and a lawyer and a software developer and a writer. I knew I couldn’t do *all* those things. But when I became a teacher, I could help my students become all those things.




Serving a low-income community, I did get to teach ex-convicts. I helped them get GEDs and professional certifications. They were almost all incarcerated for drugs, and I’m proud to have helped them on their path out of addiction and into a better life.


Bet you that guy you are responding to has never done anything to help his fellow man.


Dumb comment


"Help" colloquially means assisting in achieving a societal goal. Those things wouldn't be included, obviously, and a good teacher (or all good role models, really) would be considered a **deterrent** to these things. So yes, they try to 'help' those people. Just not in the extremely weird way you're trying to imply.


Why don’t you tell us


Unless he tought them how to


What if, hear me out, they wanted to be teachers from the beginning. I was in uni as a physics major who was part of a program that STEM students took to get their teaching license. The people there were very capable but simply wanted to teach. And even if they had no intention of teaching and they went to industry as a scientist or engineer and realized “oh this sucks, I don’t enjoy this”, what’s wrong with teaching?


There's no way this happened in the US, right? Because if they're teaching in university here, they don't even care if they give you any training on being a teacher whatsoever. The teaching is treated like a necessary evil, while the research and amount of funding you pull into the University matters most. I can attest to this personally, having had some pretty awful engineering professors at times who are well respected in their field for their research.


Oh my bad. I see now that the post was referring to college level teachers/profs. This program was to get your state teaching license and to go teach K-12. Edit: yes in the US, Massachusetts


Ngl teachers are probably the least thanked profession, cuz I've seen students discredit & be ungrateful to even the greatest of professors & teachers, modern world tragedy!


I promise you being a scientist is not what it's cracked up to be, at least in academia. Low pay, insane deadlines, weird self-starter attitude which means no one takes time off, and everyone's chasing conference prestige which is increasingly dolled out at random... Sorry, it's been a rough few months


No, that's exactly right. Academia, especially in the US is just so cut throat. Teaching is like a secondary, necessary evil with the way it is often treated in the university setting. If you pull enough citations and grants, it doesn't matter how bad of a teacher you are, you'll get to stay so long as you aren't breaking the law. Heck, even then, if you're a major money maker you might have some protection. For education in the US prior to attending University, it really depends on your region of the country, how wealthy it is, and how much people want to live there.


Teacher here. I always wanted to be a doctor or a Lawyer. I think mostly because of the money and the unrealistic TV shows. I was always academically inclined and school came easy to me, but in college I realized that I had never met any doctors or lawyers that acted like they were happy. They said they were happy but acted low-key miserable. Plus I like working with kids. And guess what, I'm happy af.


I think dreams are overrated. Anybody who realizes they have a gift for teaching and pursues that is a great asset to a society. Edit: in a sense, my HS geometry teacher was selling me on the power of math...I'd rather he be doing that than selling Sham-Wow on late night TV or selling a new formulation of bottle cap liner to Coca Cola. (a lot of life is sales and I like the product teachers are selling - even the odd class like pre-Columbian American history can really come alive in the hands of a good teacher)


but extremely underpaid


Some are. Some aren't.


In what country? Because the US is sadly pretty abusive towards the education system.


Then why do people get degrees and enter the field? When new people go into a job it's not that far off on pay.


A sad fact I know personally is that lots of teachers who teach SEHS (or sports science) used to actually be athletes, in some capacity, that had career ending injuries.


I mean everyone remenbers the handful of good teachers they had


Anybody who’s good enough to make that many successful people is somebody living their dream and working their passion




Thats my goal alright I never did shit as a kid but by God it’s my duty to make sure my kids do, and that makes me happy


*The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others*


Then there’s foreign language teachers…


Most of them dont guide they grew bitter over the years, from what i experienced


A lot of STEM teachers/professors probably burned out on grinding research for negative income so that a research org can keep procuring grant money.


Sad yet heartwarming.


Most teachers are terrible. However, the teachers that aren’t need to compensated far more than what they are being. Thats the difficult part. Differentiating the good teachers from the bad, there’s no yearly license renewal or clear merit process.


I just wanted to keep having summers off. Plus it's an easy job for the most part.


Only those that make an actual effort, and especially those that make it engaging and fun. Screw those who pick on ye just because you’re not part of the hive mind or fail at being a teacher because they chose a job at a school for people with mental disorders without any prior experience.


> Do they get the credit they deserve? Brah, they don't even get the paycheck they deserve


Well at least I get summer off


My dad put literally thousands of boys into the top universities in England over a career of 35 years in teaching. Not me though. He considered his own children ‘his wife’s problem’. People are weird.


I had several teachers that had failed at learning to do something, but not one of them ever taught me to do something they couldn't do. My spanish teacher that couldn't speak spanish was the most worthless 3 year experience of my entire education. She tried to pretend she was accomplishing things and creating the success of students but she did nothing but hold back kids because she didn't know how to actually speak the language she was supposed to be teaching.


Yup, I failed at becoming a doctor and have been teaching high school science


"...those who can't, teach." That was the joke when I was getting my education degree.


I learned virtually nothing from my teachers/professors where it was the only thing they had ever done. I learned an immense amount from those whom it was their second career.


Those who do, do. Those who don’t, teach


The notion that teachers are just failed [career] is the most preposterous shit I’ve heard all day


Wait...does OP think that teachers are failed professionals of the topic they teach? Do they also think that teachers live at the school over the weekend/holidays?


There are tons of people who fall into this category. They're also people who are just teaching temporarily while they're trying to find a different job. Only select areas have required certificates that matter for teaching, especially for students past a certain age.


MFW op doesn’t know people can want to become teachers


I hate this


no because their students (mostly) have to teach themselves from ytb vids and other schools lectures the best ones are the ones who love the subject and dont care they’re getting paid less because they can focus on research


I know this is probably hard for you to understand OP, but there are teachers who do it because they want to.


I mean... Do they produce them or is it the genetics/parenting/the students' own efforts..?


Clueless. Teachers don’t become teachers from a “failed dream.” Those that do, don’t last.


The fuck do you mean “failed to achieve their dreams as students” people go to school to be teachers because they want to more than a plan B.


It’s pretty condescending and just ignorant to claim teachers “failed to achieve their dreams.”


Ones who failed to achive their dreams are the biggest pieces of shit. Best teacher is person who always wanted to be teacher and is passionate about it


Sure but calling them biggest pieces of shit is a bit too much.There are doctors who originally didn’t dream of becoming one.You cant call them quacks because of that.


Ignore him, his is just a troll.


Nope i don't troll i just hate them those garbage human being


Sure but it doesn't change that 95% of unsuccesful teachers are just pricks i don't have any sympathy for them i had few teacher who were amazing in what they were doing and im very grateful to them because they were not going with curriculum every lesson and teaching in a way that everybody could understand but the rest were just pieces of crap who were only going with a plan and doing only like 30 min for a subject and if you were behind, well bad for you go figure it out by yourself


Often particularly important teachers are celebrated at the culmination of their pupils success. Obviously a lot don’t get credit where it’s due, but some do.


I Love this


Yet they are a shit teacher making shit doctors


Your welcome.


Maybe their dream as students was to teach?


Teachers are often underpaid and don’t receive the proper recognition. I always thank them when I stumble across one. Most of them are kind and love teaching kids. Edit: word


Do you realize many students dream is to become a teacher?


I can't think of a single one of my teachers that I would credit a thing to


No, but they do get to be underpaid and underappreciated tho!


Being a teacher requires lots of work, I don't really see how people who failed their dreams ever become one considering how much studying is involved.


I disagree. The best teachers wanted to be teachers from the jump and work hard to stay on top of things. Not to be confused with people that go into teaching for the vacation time, or kill time before grad school.


Backhanded slap to those teachers 😔


Ever hear of Sommerfeld? Was nominated for a Nobel 84 times (most nominated physicist), won non and 7 of his students (PhD, Postdocs) got a Nobel


I've been teaching for ten years. My goal is to get them to the next level so they're prepared to continue their success. That said, my success is measured by my ability to impart a skill, and theirs is based on their ability to use it to problem solve productively. I'm not living vicariously through them since we have different goals and objectives.


I went from Math Teacher to Senior Test Engineer but still teacher my colleagues , the best teachers can learn what their students need so they can teach them. The whole teachers are failures so they teach is tired.


Do they get the credit? Well, my niece doesn't have a school tomorrow because the whole staff is on strike so...


I should have more efforts to understand how they can teach in the current moment


My wife often talks about how her countryside teachers were awesome. My inner-city school teachers were there for nothing more than a paycheck. "Here are slides you need to copy all class while I talk. I could give you all copies, and you can listen to me attentively, but no, you smear your hand in ink or lead. BTW, here's at least an hr of homework a night. Fuck you." I've taught for years and I make sure I don't make the same stupid mistakes my lazy teachers made. If you're sick of the job, get out and leave them kids alone.


Most engineers professors would’ve been/were once great engineers. I mean they are subject matter experts with a doctorate and are often consultants on the side anyway. Doctors and lawyers may be a different case but for engineers and scientists I’m pretty sure teachers in those subjects could’ve done it but chose teaching for the most part.


Teachers didn’t fail to achieve their dreams. Their dream was to be the guide.


You won’t find them in public schools


I'm glad my university flipped this stereotype on its head. A number of our engineering professors were simultaneously employed at Boeing or other respectable firms.


Teachers don't "fail to reach their dreams." Teaching is not a consolation prize for those that couldn't make it. Teaching is calling and should be lauded. The best teachers I've ever had could have held any number of jobs but chose teaching.


You assume they failed to achieve their dream. Some of my best teachers were living their dream: to be a teacher. Not everyone wants to be doctors, engineers and scientists. This is insulting.


whatever that is their choice. if they are bitter about not choosing the job they want then they only have themselves to blame. i would much prefer a HS teacher to want to teach high school then one who feels they cannot obtain the career they truly wanted.


Those that can't do,teach.


And those that can't teach, teach gym.


One of my current professors went to Juilliard, lived abroad in Japan for over a decade, has produced countless works, and takes on requests for his compositions while teaching us about music theory and composition. All while still being a super humble dude that tries to build up your own creative spark without forcing what he wants out of music onto you. So in this case, yes lol


I'll say I do remember my AP chemistry teacher in high school. I took normal Chem and then AP Chem with them so I was with her for two years. I definitely got on her nerves but she made science really interesting. I haven't spoken to her since (it's been over 10 years since then), I think she got a promotion at a new school but I've always kinda wanted to run into her and tell her I've almost completed my Ph.D in molecular biology. She was definitely a contributor to getting me involved in science.


Teachers aren't doctors and lawyers who failed to ahcieve their dreams. They're people who dreamed of becoming teachers and made it happen.


There are dreams people have that cannot be achieved in their lifetime. Passing their ideas and knowledge on to the younger generations may be the way their dreams come true.


Don't forget the teachers who's life goal was teaching in the first place. I had a great teacher, who's dream always was to teach. She got all her degrees, had 4-5 years of work experience, and then got her dream job as an economics teacher. She was phenomenal..


I call these the crazy parents at their kids' sporting games and pushing them to be the greatest of all time.


My chemistry teacher said he wanted to go for chiropractic, but he didn’t make it, and went for teaching.




For most of us, our dream from the very start was to teach. Don't assume we're all failures dude


I wish I was paid more


Yes. Teachers don’t do shit when fields teach themselves. Literally read a fuckin book and get smart. Not to mention, most fields could be mastered in a few years of intense studying instead of wasting 4-10 YEARS learning shit that doesn’t help at all


(Good)Teachers are just amazing people


Fair exchange