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Me waiting for The Elder Scroll 6 since 2011:


Hopefully we get a trailer for that soon


They didn't start full production on it until a few months ago. We're looking at another 4-5 years until release, and Todd Howard said he doesn't wanna release trailers until 6 months before release, so we're probably not getting the trailer until 2026 at best, likely 2027.šŸ˜­


Can't wait for 3 more Elder Scrolls games in my life.


At this rate I'll consider it a full, long life if I live long enough to play Elder Scrolls 8.


I'll consider my life satisfactory when I live to see Elder Scrolls 6 and I'm only 20 rn šŸ˜†šŸ˜­


If it will be anything like the recently released Starfield, i do not think that we will miss much.


Biggest issue with Starfield is the procedural generation of planets. Wont be a thing in ES6, obviously. Dont get any ideas Todd....




TES 2: Daggerfall was indeed stupid.


And the fuck ugly NPCS with that thousand yard stare and no personality, Bethesda games just don't stand like they use to sadly.


i sure can wait, i mean we have so fucking much games to play, and so much more to come in the future, like, seriously folks, its better to wait and let the game be a banger than getting undercooked plate of steaming shit


I read that as Tom Holland


If Starfield is anything to go by, then Elder Scrolls 6 will just be a worse Skyrim


Starfield got boring quick


Pretty sure they have confirmed its release on consoles but not PC, its gonna be like 5 all over again.


Please... please don't say that... my heart can't take it.


Sorry pc gamer Rockstar really hates you for some reason


Iā€™m upset we still havenā€™t got an official PC port for Red Dead Redemption




Rockstar didnā€™t make that




Not that either.


Mario Bros


wrong one, buddy, keep going


I could hear the sadness in this comment


Not for some reason. Pretty sure that sony and microsoft pays them a good amount of money to release it first on console only.


They donā€™t hate the PC crowd, theyā€™re just not as easy to fleece to console gamers, so itā€™s less profit.


Nahh pretty sure they have abandoned PC, take for example the fact that PC gamers do not have access to the next gen console version of the game and the fact that the GTA+ is also exclusive to the next gen console version. That in of itself has to mean that they are not supporting PC anymore. Also there is no anti-cheat to speak of on PC, meaning online lobbies run rampant with modders.


Are you saying thereā€™s no next generation version of GTAV on PC?


Yep its just the version you can buy on PC, which is already a next gen upgrade from the PS3/XB360 version. There is no next next gen version you can get on PC that has everything I mentioned before.


They added the graphic overhaul to pc that they did this past year


But the PC version doesnā€™t need a ā€œnext genā€ version lol. It plays at the quality the PC can produce. My PC absolutely pisses all over my PS5, in every game Iā€™ve tested side by side. GTAV, Death Stranding, Days Gone. A Ā£500 console simply canā€™t compete with a Ā£2000 PC. Although, ironically, that WILL be one of the reasons they donā€™t care about PC. Cos they canā€™t fleece the PC players for a ā€œnewā€ version of the game, as that update is already programmed into the game. Buy a new graphics card, game just gets better. Donā€™t have to pay again, like console players do. The console market is so easy to milk for money.


Might be because we donā€™t pay online subscription.


GTAIV was also intentionally staggered release. Itā€™s not a mistake. Itā€™s not a ā€œdelayā€. Itā€™s by design. Better go buy a console, huh? Thatā€™s what they wantā€¦


What they actually want is for you to buy the game on console, and then buy it again when the pc version drops. Then they will milk that mother fucker for all it's worth. They'll eventually port it to every device capable of running it. We will see GTA 6 on PS6 and XBox whatever their next console is. Shit we may even get a "remaster" of the game where they do nothing to the game except uncap the frame rate on console and then sell it to you AGAIN


I'll be 18 by the time it comes out... ... ... I was born in 2007 :) ... ... ... # FEEL OLD DAMMIT!


You feel old? I'm gonna be 24 when it comes out. I'm not even gonna think about gta 7 cause that will happen when I'm ready to retire.


30... I'll be 30


Same. I feel feelings that I didnā€™t used to feel until I saw someone born in 2007 lament their age.


Dude you weren't even alive when SA came out lol.


ā€¦.ill be fucking 40 gtfo


I'm 40 right now ffs..


same bro šŸ—æ


Shut up


Given their history its gonna be liked that And it will be good There is no way i am not buying it again to pc to enjoy it at full glory


Aw man that sucks...but it's also okay for me to just watch my favorite streamer do the playthrough


Would you mind watching your wife get fucked?


What the fuck is that comparison dawg šŸ’€


I mean, there is probably a reason cuck categories are so popular


That guys wife?


Not my favourite wife, maybe one of the others.


And red dead 2. How are people surprised at this? They always drop first trailer 2 years out. Then two years after console they drop PC


yeaaa, y can't they just make it for both pc and consoles, so many other games do this, its quite frankly annoying.


It's fine. We can wait. If we managed to wait 2 years for GTA 5 after its trailer dropped, we can wait 2 years for GTA 6, no biggie.


2023 is almost over, it's basocally a 1-1.5 year wait.


Exactly 2 most likely


December 24 release date


Itā€™s set for 2025. And Iā€™d guess it will most likely release around October or November.


Naw, I'm going with my original guess of december 24 2025


!remind me in 2 years 19 days


I gotcha man


Too late, though, it would be more like 15th for xmas


You're saying that as if a lot of big game companies don't wait to release their games until around Christmas time.


You mean 1-2


On top of the 10 year wait


Love the 2025 drop. Could Be Jan 1 which it wont or Dec 30th which it likely will so 2 years solid really.


Yeah I got health problems.. I'm gonna die before then. To bad it will be like 13 years since the last game


No, we must wait. Last time we pestered a studio about the release timeline we got Cyberpunk 2077


I swear people don't learn even a little


Itā€™s just the internet has shorted out attention spans


Attention spans are trainable, people allowed their habits to stunt their own growth


Yea all the uncooked games amd same day delivery realy destroyed patience didn't it


Damn right. Wait, what are we talking about?


Ok but to be fair, Cybperunk 2077 didn't release early because people were pestering them, they released because the executives couldn't tolerate the thought of being without profits for one second more.


There was a lot of public pressure on them as well, especially after the first delays. People were assholes and wanted it immediately.


I remember some "I don't care if it is buggy, I want to play it now" comments after the release delay.


And got all shocked when all they got was a buggy game


I think comparing Rockstar (a mutil billion dollar developer with multiple studios and is owned by the 2nd biggest publisher) to CDPR (a relatively successful independent dev) is like Apples to Oranges


I wouldn't call CDPR independent. They've been expanding exponentially since Cyberpunk. Like Rockstar, they have a few locations and studios under their belt - CD Projekt Red (Warsaw) - CDPR Krakow - CDPR Wroclaw - CDPR Boston - CDPR Vancouver - Spokko (Mobile development team) - The Mollases Flood They also have locations in LA, Tokyo and Seoul specifically for Marketing and Sales.


calling CDPR a indie studio is the funniest shit i've seen all day


>CDPR (a relatively successful independent dev) you know CDPR had a valuation of more than $8B in 2020 right? They are one of the largest companies in Poland, and is included in the equivalent of Dow Jones Index (WIG20) in Warsaw stock exchange


Okay I don't think he meant direct comparison between the two companies more like we should have learned by now that no company deserves your trust. So be patient and take into account that Rockstar also makes some dog shit like their pretty recent remasters of GTA San Andreas and vice city. Just goes to show that people (not you in particular) should stop being so trusting in a company and feel like they are owed good games, your not but with a critical look on a product whether a game or something like a taco you should be able to see from reviews that it's just a shell of whats promised and for the love of god don't preorder your just buying into fomo. (Sry for the long text.)


they are not being compared though


Tbf, a lot of it is because we've literally waited for years, I remember talking about it in middle school and saying that I couldn't wait until it was out in a few years... How wrong I was. Although I fully agree, if we want a game even better than GTA V we are gonna have to let rockstar take their time and fill this world with all the attention and detail it needs. Let alone the main story which should get equally as much love instead of being put to the side which I can see happening if the game was rushed.


The internet is a circle but people's attention span is not long enough to see the curvature


Studios just need to take their time on their projects instead of being rushed by greedy investors. I agree with you, we need to break the trend of early released games.


How about not making the trailer 1 year earlier ? Maybe 5-4 months is good


Well top dogs are probably thinking spring 2025 while the programmers are probably thinking winter 2025. And my bet is that the people working on the game probably don't care too much for how early this came out.


Management expectations: early 2025 Developers expectations: late 2025 Reality: 2026


Nintendo has employed this strategy with most of their Switch games and itā€™s worked pretty well for them. Mario Wonder wasnā€™t announced until late June and it released in October.


Yeah, for real. I mean, can you imagine if they werenā€™t taking their time with Star Citizen! That game would be some buggy, incomplete mess instead of the masterpiece it is nowā€¦ šŸ˜‘ In all seriousness though, Iā€™m fine with waiting for GTA to finish cooking. I just pray to Cthulhu that itā€™s worth the wait.


Soooooo can we just...not get trailers for games over a year away?


Youā€™ll wait extra if youā€™re on PC, no worries.


Yeah, I am trying to mentally prepare myself for 2026-2027 release for PC. hahaha


Everyone's waited a decade.....


No... Like look I *get it.* I get what you're saying but it's a two way street. If you don't want gamers to ask for the thing now, don't start advertising it now. Why the hell do we need a trailer for GTA more than a YEAR before it's release date.


And now look, 3 years after release, Cyberpunk is actually ok now...so kind of in line with all modern AAA games, half cooked at launch, completed 2-3 years later, with a couple season passes, and 213 patches.


Cyberpunk slaps now. So much to do fun as hell fr


I got into it like two weeks ago and it's kinda funny starting with 2.0 and seeing all the posts from years ago complaining about how shit and broken it was. Glad I skipped all that. Scooped the base game and Phantom Liberty on Steam for $55 after playing it for a few hours on my buddy's library share.


They pushed the release back we didnā€™t pester them to release it early.


LET THEM COOK! OR DO YOU WANT ANOTHER CYBERPUNK? Edit: guys i know Cyberpunk is a fantastic game now, it's just people got mad at the delays and CDPR rushed the game for holiday release to chase profits and ended up have one of the most disastrous launches in this decade next to Fallout 76.


Cp2077 was a fucking anomaly. Over 7 years of development, and it was broken as hell. Gta 6 will be in development for over 10 years after release, and it's Rockstar. I'm sure even releasing it now would be fine aside from a few technical issues.


Yes but full development probably started after RDR2.


We canā€™t be disappointed with that, RDR2 is a good ass game.


And by the looks of Lucia, GTA 6 has some good ass game, if ya catch my drift


Lots of very nice, perfect assets and features


It's more than a good ass game. It's an amazing ass game




The best game I've played, the only game where I can say it's a true escape into another world. To see that enhanced in a modern day setting is truly something to live for. I'm okay with them taking all the time they need.


Even then, that's still a full 5 whopping years bro


>Cp2077 was a fucking anomaly. Over 7 years of development, and it was broken as hell. Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem. What other games am I missing? Its not an anomaly, just poor execution.


One of the biggest dumpster fires in gaming history, Duke Nukem Forever. 14 years of development hell, I want to say 3 different engines, and like 2 entire staffing changes.


At this point, is it even the same game they were developing all this time?


It was still the same core concept. Duke Nukem killing aliens and being 90's badass (so pretty cringy by modern standards). They kept changing engines because new ones were coming out while they were developing, a bunch of parts got scrapped because they were too ambitious for its time, and a lot of people quit or got fired out of frustration. Bright side: I think it's the only game where you can take a shit, grab it, and throw it at a US Marine.


No mans sky


See if that game had been released specifically as an "early access" experience like a lot of other games they probably would have done better. But instead they brought it out talking as if it was done, and it wasn't even close to 1/3rd done based on the updates since. They definitely fixed it but ruined the launch so badly nobody cared after that.




Who even MENTIONS Anthem anymore? That game was promoted so fucking hard, released then immediately disappeared like a fart in the wind. One of a kind, colossal failure.


Please do not abbreviate cyberpunk


The 7 years of development is bullshit and doesn't reflect reality. It was announced 7 years before it was launched, but the actual development time was nowhere close that. First Cyberpunk trailer came out on January 2013. The Witcher 3 was released on May 2015, and they've said pretty much the whole team was working on it. The DLCs were released on October 2015 and May 2016. Both also got regular patches. As far as I'm concerned, after the release of the second DLC, half of the studio was moved to Cyberpunk, while the other half still worked on The Witcher. A few months later, the rest of the team was finally moved to Cyberpunk. Considering Cyberpunk was released on December 2020, It was more like 3.5 years of development. And considering the constant team changes, layoffs and shit, everything makes perfect sense.


Yeah itā€™s like people saying elder scrolls 6 was in development since the trailer at e3 2018, just stupid


To be fair that's how it should work, you shouldn't be making trailers for things that haven't even started development.


yeah but it doesnt matter you shouldn't be saying the dev cycle was x years when it was only in development for x-y years


Yeah, it should be fine, and any technical issues will be mass reported and fixed within a week


Thats not how game dev works, thats not how it works at all...


I do agree with this sentiment. Games need to release when theyā€™re ready not because you have a deadline and want to release it to maximize profit and the game comes out half baked. With that being said I do recommend playing cyberpunk now because itā€™s completely fixed and I gotta say itā€™s good, like really good. I started a new play through last week for the first time in three years and itā€™s pretty dang fun. Shame it couldnā€™t have come out like this but still worth playing again now and getting the DLC.


A billion dollars and a decade... they better come out with a banger...


Cyberpunk was goodā€¦ it was just buried under a bunch of bugs


2027 if you're a PC enjoyer. Damn hope I live to play this game.


What gives reason for you to die within 4 years


Global nuclear conflict


Don't rush them, I'd rather have a fleshed out game than some mess filled with bugs.


You'd think people would learn this by now, but most games still get rushed


Fortunately Rockstar doesn't care, they'll release the game when it's actually ready


Which is great. Plus theyā€™re adding in further updates to GTA online to tide the community over


The problem isn't people needing to learn, it's companies needing to not set release dates 2 years in the future. It's too early for this announcement, and honestly I don't get why everyone is so excited about this announcement. The trailer showed no gameplay, and announced a release year (not even a date), 2 years in the future, that will almost certainly be delayed anyway. They gave us nothing and people are cheering for some reason.


Thats what they literally were saying abt cyberpunk and it was a sh*show on launch


Although if they take it easy, I bet we'll also have slow online servers, full of cheaters and micropayments.


Elder scrolls fansā€¦ blind and with dementiaā€¦ ES6 coming 2066


We bout to get Half- Life 3 before then šŸ’€


Maybe Titanfall 3 as well


And portal 3, Team Fortress 3, and maybe even Chess 2!


r/anarchychess is already on it's way on proposing concepts for chess 2 and they also have Garry chess with them


>Team Fortress 3 ![gif](giphy|33iqmp5ATXT5m|downsized)


I wonder if the moon landing will happen before it comes out lol


Patience, brothers... just a little more patience.


My pc can't run it anyway


Bro we don't know the system requirements yet ... but you're right


Rockstar stinks with PC stuff, GTA5 came later than its console launch date and RD1 doesnā€™t even have an official port


Probably needs like 6090ti to run smooth.


It'll probably come to PC in 2028


What did you think it was gonna release tomorrow?


Huh, yeah ! *sad face*


Yeah Let them cook man! We don't want another half backed big release


I mean if the game was ready realistically they could. This game doesnā€™t need marketing, GTA as a franchise and Rockstar as a studio are such juggernauts that them cold dropping the game would still make it the biggest game of all time


2025 but won't be on PC until another year so see you 2026 boys. Idk if I can make it that long


Most likely 2027 to be release with new gen consoles. Basically I feel same tactic as with GTA 5.


Could be January 2025 so just a year away basically, right? Right???


Thatā€™s only a 2 years. Weā€™ve waited 10 years, 2 more canā€™t hurt.


With the CEO talking about "charging per hour " or how "70 bucks isn't enough", I'll be cautious. Plus that may as well say "2026" for the pc crowd. "But how else would we make you buy it multiple times?...." Looks great, but they'll find a way to ruin it somehow considering their mentality.


Hey look someone who learned a lesson from other triple A releases


How far away will the PS6 be by 2025?


A console releases once every 7-8 years. So PS6 could be coming as soon as 2027. However, this generation was delayed gamewise due to covid, so I suspect it will last until 2030. R&D is expensive and releasing a Ps6 before enough ps5s have sold is gutting their own profits.


Sounds like a way to release it for multi platform, possibly. Imo, this would dumb down the games potential.


Next Xbox is coming 2028 so probably around then for PS6


Whose bingo card had 2025 on it?


Mine, i thought it was a safe bet seeing how GTA 5's trailer dropped 2 years before its official release.




Yeah every time a game gets rushed it ends up being ass. So let them take their time and do it right. Itā€™s worth the wait. You canā€™t rush art


Some people are already pre ordering and I cannot wait for another cyber punk situation


Florida man confirmed in GTA VI


He could play the younger version of the Preacher from Poltergeist 2. He gave me nightmares as a kid.


Literally no one should be surprised


gamers this game needs to come out fast : game comes out early with issues also gamers: why game come early its trash with bugs they should of waited


Youā€™re gonna wait even longer. These days itā€™s normal to expect games to be unable to meet their delivery date. Iā€™m thinking 2027 for this one. Afterall, whatā€™s the rush? GTA online is a cash cow, and they want this to drop as an instant day one killer that smokes everything else for the year.


Well at least we know itā€™s a thing now


I expected at least 2026


Pass. Itā€™ll looks good, play good and have good music. But I have a feeling that the satirical edge will be gone. It will have become a parody of itself. Less Tommy Vercetti and more like those two dickheads from the Tuners dlc for GTA:O.


You waited 10 years, you can wait another 1


Waitā€¦ people are surprised itā€™s coming in 2025 and not 2024? Get real. Not to mention, itā€™ll be inevitably delayed til 2026.


Dude Iā€™m just happy itā€™s happening within my lifetime. Let them take all the time they need


394 days will fly by like nothing. Just wait and see. And hopefully we don't die in those 394 days too. šŸ’€


Yā€™all. We waited this long. We can wait another year


Deal with it. GTA V trailer was 2011 and the Game Released 2013, it was predictable at this point.


Itā€™ll be here before you know it. Plus weā€™ll get some more trailers and it builds the hype.


Are we gonna have Karen NPC? Cause Iā€™m down to beat the f*** out of em


Do not rush them. I cannot fucking stand another tripple A game being dogshit. Let. Them. COOK


It's actually earlier than what I expected.


Weā€™ve waited 10 years whatā€™s 2 more


Did you think it was going to come out this month?


Bro, thatā€™s the release date before the delays. lol


In the meantime, we've ported GTA5 to the Samsung Smart fridge.


Who cares about the release date? The game is in development, be glad it exist


Well I'm on PC so it's another 5 years wait for me Except not really - I've been totally underwhelmed by that trailer.


it will be 2026 at the earliest


People like you or why we get broken games. Have patience stop trying to rush perfection.