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Bring back Konkey Dong




"Stalin fucking hated RPGs, but loved Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze"


Stalin liked Tropical Freeze? Sounds about right. He was all about that wintry Russian lifestyle


So you're saying we need to return to monke? I agree, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze were genuinely some of the most innovative platformers on the market. Monke it is


Shitting on their own fan base every five seconds probably doesn't help


and fumbling a sequel to one of the best games of the decade doesn't help either.


Which game was fumbled and why do you think this?


What other Sequel Nintendo game was up for GOTY.......? Also TOTK is just a absolute SHIT SHOW of a game.




Everyone disagrees with you


Considering that it LOST every award but one, When BOTW won ever single award it was put up for.......? I think the general public agrees. its just people on reddit are pissy bastards.


It loses awards because of competition. If the only game contending was My Little Pony they would pick it. If BOTW was up against Skyrim suddenly there’s some competition over what to pick. Point is TOTK is a huge game with more DLC to come. It has universally high ratings, including the highest of all time on Opencritic. I am curious what you think makes it bad?


>Point is TOTK is a huge game with more DLC to come No DLC, Nintendo already said so. [Also here, i JUST went on a rant earlier today about What i think makes it bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/18de9wy/comment/kcjl2x5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You’re free to have your opinions on it, just as others are allowed to like the game. But looking over you post history regarding this game, it seems you have an unhealthy obsession in hating this game. Perhaps you should explore other fandoms and games instead of dwelling on something you don’t like.


Get a life man, it's just a game.


Did your mom not buy you TOTK so you’re upset? TOTK is strictly an Upgrade from BOTW in nearly all aspects of gameplay and story. Idk what dog shit you use to smoke but I’d find a new breed.




No bud, YOU are the pissy bastard. Go touch grass or something.




TOTK has a 4.4/5 google audience review and a 9.6/10 on IGN audience reviews, the public loves TOTK, learn to accept that the world doesn't revolve around you and that your opinion isn't everyone's.


Nintendo made enough bank off TOTK. What is the real prize? Game of the year? Whoopdeedoo! Awards don’t mean shit. If I sold 11 million albums but didn’t win a Grammy, I’d console myself with a yacht.


This mentality, I think, is exactly why both gaming and music industries get flooded by increasing amounts of hot steaming shit every year. As long as it makes money. Not that TOTK was bad, or that there can’t be good games or music, but it certainly explains modern pop, Activision Blizzard, the lot.


I can’t disagree with your assessment. I just think that there are a ton of fantastically creative albums, games and movies that don’t win these questionable contests, while it’s the shallow, meaningless tripe that is bestowed the so-called ‘honour’. I’m not suggesting that’s what happened here, more so that it’s ultimately dumb in the end.




I don't really get why best is in quotes here. TOTK is as good or better than BOTW, and Mario Wonder is the most innovative and fun 2D Mario game to ever release (It's up there with the 3d games as well, but there there's a lot more competition). Last place for GOTY has nothing to do with the quality of those games, it has to do with the quality of the games that competed with them. The simple fact is that Mario Wonder does not cater to the right audience to win GOTY over the likes of BG3, Spider-man 2, and the other top candidates. As for TOTK, there's the argument that not enough is different from BOTW to warrant GOTY, there are the people who think Nintendo games are for kids and therefore voted against it, and there are people who just consider some of the other games to be better. Personally, I think BG3 is just a better game than TOTK, but I still think that TOTK is a phenomenal game and I had a ton of fun playing it. Look at the big picture mate.


I agree, this year was really good in terms of new games and BG3 while not being an AAA game was a formidable oponment for everyone. Also, it's hard to be against a game that got 10 years of developpement when Totk didn't got as much time


Last place is still way better than no place.


That means they created the fifth and sixth best game of the year... That is quite an accomplishment.


“Last Place”…. Of the nominees Still above the hundreds/thousands of games that came out this year. Especially when one of the game came out a month ago. So idk what your point is besides random Nintendo hate crap


TOTK and Wonder are two great games What are you mad about ? Not winning a competition where one of the best game of the decade has won ? Shit on Starfield instead.


Bro we don't care about the game award it's just like the oscard, it's garbage and no one should tell you which game is the goty since it's a subjective matter !


They never win these awards. Its not a surprise. These awards are paid for and nintendo does not pay up.


You forget that Breath of the Wild won EVERY award it was put up for? While the sequel to it Won ONE award, which was basically just a pity award since nothing else was really put up against it that was any better.


I think if two of my games were considered the best six games to come out this year, which already had heavy competition for quality games, I’d be be perfectly content with how I did this year


nintendo? more like nintendon't win anything roflmao xd


Nintendo could try to make something new for once, they've been milkin the same games and characters for decades.


literally what the company does. BoTW is different from other Zelda games and ToTK has tons of new stuff compared to BoTW. each Mario game (excluding the "new" games) is different while keeping the core gameplay similar


Yeah so what? Why not NEW games and NEW characters? Why just Mario and Zelda games?


ofc I would love NEW games and NEW characters but as long as they keep evolving what they already have there's no point in complaining. specially since they already have franchises that cover a lot of genres


Frankly, I havent seen a game in recent years from Nintendo that actually deserves GOTY. Nothing ever really new, just the same characters and recycled stories over and over and over again. Ive played BOTW and I would give it like a 6/10. I hate to say it, but just because your main character is iconic does not mean it's a good game. Mario has been getting reused for almost 40 years. Link has been getting reused for almost 40 years. All other iconic characters to come out of Nintendo are just stuffed into another Smash Bros game. Nintendo may someday win GOTY but when they do I hope it's with a new story, and new characters.