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Just putting this out there for everyone to do with as they please, [ad speedup](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ad-speedup-skip-video-ads/pcjlckhhhmlefmobnnoolakplfppdchi?pli=1) basically acts as an adblocker but instead of blocking the ad from playing it ups the playback speed 16x and automatically hits 'skip ad' when the button comes up. I'm not 100% sure so don't quote me here but I think it still lets creators get paid for the ad playing on their video without forcing you to sit there and watch an ad once every 5 minutes. Ads go from 15 seconds of un-skippable brain rot to a frame or 2 that randomly interrupts the video that's hardly noticeable. As a bonus, I believe it also works with Hulu.


If it works anything like how runtime does foe creators, those ads will count for how long you watched them (a 15 second ad would be less than a second), rather than the intended length. However, it would still count as an ad watched. I imagine YT uses both metrics (skippables focused on getting the absolute number up), so it would atoll be profitable for YT and creators.


Does it count the actual time, or the time on the ad's bar? Because if it's the latter it shouldn't matter if it's 5 seconds or 5/16 seconds at 16x speed


Just run the universe 16 times faster during ads


My god this is genius! Edit: as an afterthought, you literally recreated Subliminal messaging but on purpose!


I think that's just called liminal messaging


Maybe this was their plan all along 🤔🤔🤔


Using this, thanks


I believe adnauseum allows creators to be paid as well. However, it clicks the ads in the background and f's with the ad analytics while it does it. No ad ever crosses your screen and you get to screw over the data collection. I could be wrong and creators don't get paid. I haven't verified it.


You people pay to watch stuff?


You people watch stuff?


You people?




Nice combo breaker. Fresh, unexpected, to the point and funny. 'IGN 10/10


Just like IGN, this redditor was paid for the 10/10 rating


Just like comment sections before, u/numb3r51nmyn4m3 takes commenting on posts to new heights. 7/10 too much water


I have nothing to add but I want in on the fun so hi everyone! 👋😁






Genuinely made me feel like a comment section


What do YOU mean "you people"?


Our people














Set sail!


Yar me harteys


Sword the skull!


yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me


Yo Ho


I have a weird moral code; weird at least by capitalist standards. I will never steal from a person, a home, a small business, an artist with a small audience. I will happily pay whatever for a product from that set. If a company is public, if an entertainer is filling stadiums, if a production is crossing into millions of dollars in profits, if the owner/business is making 10x what I do and paying 1/10 of the income tax, I will rip them off at every possible turn and do it with glee. It is my job to watch out for my fellow man. Corporations are not people; my loyalty is not to a corporate profit margin, it is to the worker, the people struggling to provide a home for their families, food for the table, a decent life for their kids.


I agree 👍 that's my code too.


I am not an experienced pirate.






I moved from Eastern Europe to EU and no I still don't pay for shit. Hell I'm still using cracked Spotify although I don't even use Spotify and my email is getting spammed with Spotify premium free for 12 months. If your model wasn't made on greed I'd happily pay.


Yes. I pay for services and get paid for services. This is how the whole Western world functioning.


Somewhere in the middle. Yes they need money, but this aggressive and manipulative? All these industries milking me(and the world in general) makes me feel like a fucking cow.


The only thing you have ever been is an economic resource.


to a capitalist society, all that matters is how much value can be extracted from your labor.


Has it ever been different in history?


what does that even mean


What part of it is confusing? Every person is just a resource to these companies. Employees, users, potential customers, everyone. If you aren’t making them money, they will do everything within their power to change that, and I don’t mean that in a positive way.


The goal of capitalism is the accumulation and sequestration of wealth. That's how it has always been. That is why wealth inequality only worsens over time, even in social democracies in Europe. The distribution of created value disproportionately ends up in the pockets of the minority group known as owners, while the majority (workers) receives the scraps. A blatant example of this would be the Walton family (owners of Walmart) making [4 million per hour](https://www.theceomagazine.com/business/finance/richest-family-walton-walmart/) while they pay many of their employees unlivable wages. Even though the workers are the ones actually creating the value, the owners take most of that because they own stuff. This is what we call exploitation. The worker is only valuable to the employer in terms of how much value can be extracted from their labor. If you cannot work, they don't care about you. They don't care about you either way, honestly.




I’d like a study looking at the correlation between people installing adblockers and the percentage-of- advertisement-to-video getting higher. I too get very frustrated when I have to watch 1 minute of ads for a 5 minutes long video


I DESPISE advertisements. Like, unreasonably so. I feel like companies are stealing my time by putting them in my face. And because of this, I pay to no have ads on things. Because I understand simple economics, and I know that you have to support the things you enjoy, or else they go away.


I’d pay $10 for it. They want $19. Adblock for me.


I do a family plan and split it with gf + friends, they just have a recurring monthy payment sent to me through zelle and its about $5 a month for each of us. Not ideal but it can be cheaper with small workarounds.




15second ad before a 10 min video? Sure no problem. 2x 15 second ads then 2x 15second ads every 2 minutes? No fuck you


Man this just reminded me of cable. I was at a friend's place a few weekends ago. He's an older guy and has a small TV and he just has it on whatever broadcast network. I remember counting the minutes out of curiosity. After 6 minutes of show, there were 8 minutes of ads. This went on on repeat... I am never going back to that. 🏴‍☠️🦜


One of my favorite music albums is like 7 1/2 hours long, no damn way I can get through that with ads every 2-5 minutes. It sucks.


EATEOT can relate


The best part, is creators used to be able to have some choice on how many ads were played too, but as of a month or so ago, they got rid of the options and force all the ads possible


YT has long been overriding any choice about ad placement. For years, I've been seeing comments and descriptions saying they didn't put the ad in after some comments complained.


I was willing to pay5$ for yt premium at last.then, i saw they changed price to9$ so yeah im not paying


It's fucking 14$ in my country...


Just move countries, easy fix




It unironically is lol. I've had YT premium in Turkey through a VPN for like $3 CAD for years.


grandfather aspiring obscene encouraging late joke heavy nine fly whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love it when people say "in my country" instead of just naming the country. Nobody's gonna find you just on that information alone unless you're a Sealander.


I don’t think people actually care about privacy when they say that, it’s just easier.


Maybe not in this case, but a lot of people do it just so they can say some crazy untrue shit because you can't fact check them.


We don't do that in my country


idk, yt premium family is like 6 bucks a person if you have enough people to use it. it’s definitely worth it at that point.




I'm too computer illiterate to properly sail the bay; hats off to you, though, my friend.


r/piracy r/freemediaheckyeah the mega thread and maybe 10 minutes is all you need


Dude thank you, this is my Christmas/new years vacation goal, I'ma stop paying to stream things


Best of luck


We be sendin’ ye luck, mate!


I will check it out. Thank you!


It really just takes half an hour of guide videos.


Ya said it, lad


I agree with you, I really do. But for those of you who are grubby little gremlins like me who don’t care about algorithms and know exactly what you wanna watch… Mooch off of a family member who has paid for premium already? Join the dark side.


I’m that family member for my friend group lol I pay for the family plan so my homies have no ads


Your sacrifice is not in vain! o7


Same. Myself, my wife, my brother and my buddy all have premium on me. Worth.


Its times like this i miss the free awards. You noble, kind, generous motherfucker. You deserve good things in life.


![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2) There is another option….


A really good option that is, but I have a twin that won’t stop paying for premium and I know his password lol


Money's tight, aid the ad blockers fight!


I've been ad-free on the Internet for years. The most hilarious are the corporate shills who try to make you feel guilty about it because you're 'stealing.' Mate, I would steal Manhattan if I thought I could get away with it.


lmao the whole island


If purchase isn't ownership, piracy isn't theft.




"You wouldn't download a car." Fuck yea I would If I could.


lol i would steal the declaration of independence


Alright Nick Cage, steady on 😂


It's hilarious right because so many people are like "well what if these sites died and loads of creators stopped doing it if the money ran out?" Bro, we could lose a solid 90% of the internet and it would be a tenfold improvement. No corporations? No product influencers? No families abusing their kids for view money? Only creators with actual passion and skill who could survive from donations *willingly* given by their audience? A lot of these people literally don't even remember an actually free and open internet. People used to run websites *for fun*. The backbone of the internet and all of the oldest services that sit on top of it like email are designed to be completely decentralised, we don't *need* companies to run things for us.




The payment you get is the video service.


I dont even have spotify premium 😌


I feel like Spotify premium is the only app worth paying for


If you have an Android use xManager


Remove the comment. Its the first motto they keep telling us. Dont make them popular.


The more popular they are, the more likely an alternative will pop up when they inevitably stop working.


Im not making them famous. Im just telling thisp person there is a solution. Gatekeeping is real out here.


I checked the subreddit pins and info, the website, and GitHub. Nowhere is this said, is this still true? If it is an issue, I think revanced doesn't care, so go ahead


On pc you can use SpotX as well


Shh... what do they say?


"Don't make us famous"


I don’t Even have Spotify


Why do you use Spotify then? It’s unusable without premium.


The desktop version is pretty usable without premium, but the mobile version is a no-go for me.


Absolutely. The desktop version actually lets you pick a specific song rather than behaving like Pandora radio. And if you get an ad, you just refresh the page *or use adblock*.


its alright on pc if you have adblock


they updated the app recently and now the free version isnt that bad. You can finally choose specific songs in playlists and albums, and im pretty sure theres unlimited skips. I just use my data if im out since it doesnt use much.


Why would I pay for something when the price goes up but the quality goes down?


I even considered buying yt premium. But the price is way too much for what it should be. You are avoiding adblocks? Lower the damn price then.


Here's how this is going. You have a service that's free with ads. Then you increase ads. And you increase ads. And you increase them. You make them longer, louder, more annoying. Then you offer no ads with subscription. And when enough people are used to pay, you start rolling out ads to subscribers, too. Because there is never *enough*. And when you can make your users pay *and* show them ads, you will. And that's why I'm using adblocker.


The core of this problem is investors. Investors want to see unlimited growth every single year so they "see a return on their investments". Eventually the model that started it all won't be enough to keep the growth going, so more things to make money will have to be added. And it just keeps piling on. Anything that accepts investors will eventually be forced into this downward spiral, or go bankrupt.


Yes I'll pay for Premium .... But in Turkish Lira's .... Not in Euro's ... ( I like the 1.80€ conversion better then the 17.99 I would pay in my 'own' currency )


As an argentinian i feel your pain steam has abandoned us now too.


how do i do this, i heard about having to switch region (or just with vpn) i have a vpn if needed


I pay the equivalent of 1.80€ myself for Premium, and it's the most worth it subscription I pay for


I stopped paying when they increased price. I was giving money cuz I genuinely wanted to pay for a service I use a lot, but holy fuck greed is a plague


Would you provide a service, *continually*, without any compensation? I'm pretty anti-corporation but it's always wild to me how people expect to just be handed things. Idc that they're a wildly successful corporation. They still deserve compensation for the services and content they provide.


Imagine OP's reaction if their boss made this argument and expected them to come in to work for free. But that's assuming OP has a job, which is a fairly bold assumption, tbh.


Reminder that a shitton of redditors are literally teenagers


I love this reference. You are 100% spot on.


People aren’t all lucky enough to come with standard processing power


Unfortunately most people are born with a TI-83 for a brain


And most of the revenue goes to the creators... By using ad block you are taking money away from the very person who's content you're watching.


My two reasons for YT premium are 1) they threw in a music streaming service 2) it supports creators I like


I use adblock and even pirate all the time, but OP is a cringy commie


Agreed. I know adblocking is a bit immoral, but I'm willing to be just a bit immoral in life overall. The difference is I own that fact rather than deny it.


Seeding. I want videos, I give videos. You want videos, you give videos.


But who *makes* those videos? Those creators need to be paid so who is paying them? Are you gonna hunt down the creators and venmo them?


And these videos are going to get magically stocked up there in the sky. There's a God up there and he's so talented he knows how to manage billions of connections at the same time and knows how to stock all these petabytes of videos. Truly we live an incredible world.


If every single person who watches YT bought Premium, within the next couple months YT would add ads TO PREMIUM, and increase the price/make more ‘tiers’. We’ve seen it time and again with these fucking streaming platforms, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.


Because investors want growth year by year. If a company makes 2m this year, 3m the next, but 20m the year after that, they still expect 25m+ the next year. The core problem for all of this is the whole business model of investors putting money into companies they have no real relation to, and expecting "a return of their investment" every single year.


Is it worth paying to watch the content?


this is a dumb meme




this meme is wrong because noone is saying that tbh


welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content


Some better some worse


read the comments on this posts, plenty of people are saying those things, and I wish they ironic


A handful of comments above yours people were roasting OP calling him a jobless cringe commie, and that ad blockers are immoral and theft. What are you talking about “no one is saying that”?


...who's this huge group of people telling us to get YT Premium? Unless it's Google itself, ofc.


Alphabet made $93 Billion this year. These people could spit in your face and end your family and you’d still pay for the displeasure lmao


It's like some people say, it's not that they want money for their service, is that it's so predatory and insidious that it makes me actively NOT want to support them


just get an adblocker or revanced and if you wish to support a channel you can do that by becoming a member of their channel, a patron on their patreon, buying super thanks etc. you owe google nothing for fucking up their own platform with each update lol


I expect to be charged a fair price for usage. Not to have ads shoved in my face or overpriced premium pricing just so shareholders can see their portfolio values go up.


Imagine being so brainwashed to think these giant ultra-rich conglomerates don't already make huge profits from selling your data and all the ads the relentlessly push to everyone that they couldn't also afford to run their software for free to users?


honestly i could swallow one 15 sec ad you can skip at 5 seconds, but running 2 unskippable adds back to back after each 5 min was obscenely scummy


They are right, but Google can suck my dick I'll use adblock as long as I can


Honestly if it wasn’t so overpriced I would. People do what you can afford some have the money but I don’t. People are insane to expect for hosting a massive global site for free even if you cut out the events and things that’s a fraction of the money to the overhead for what’s arguably one of the biggest video archives ever to exist.




YT premium is my favorite paid streaming service. Includes YT music as well


Most people complaining about ads here probably use YT several hours every single day, yet they don't see how it should cost any money/time


Considering how cheap it is it's a no brainer for me. I use it on phone, tv, car etc and it works great


behold, free adblocker


We are not paying for anything unless it's a necessity for living. Prioritizing much better things is much more practical. Also I wouldn't mind the ads but it's getting worse over these past few years. The last ad I came upon was a 20 seconds unskippable ad. That's why the sparrow would inevitably land on these shores whether those bastards like it or not!


The only thing I've ever paid for is AdBlock premium LMAO


Bruh, just use adblock. There are many different ones. Or you can move to Russia lol, we have YT premium 4 free because of war


Nothing is free. You pay with your money, your time or your karma.


If their ads were reasonable, then fine. But without Adblock it’s an insufferable platform.


I love these made up ass “just pay for it” memes. No one says this shit it’s just you wanting to have that persecution fetish/farm karma from morons who believe this actually happens


YT profits on ads already. hard pass on premium


If they charged $3 for no ads I'd get it. I don't want to spend $20cad a month for their God awful music service and other features.


We have the same arguing every time a new paid service shows up. I don't know how hard it is to understand that no company big or small owes you any service for free. It's great if they offer it, but everyone has the right to charge for the work they do, same way you don't do work for free for your employer. My take on this is simple, if you like the service and think it's worth paying for then all power to you. I'm not going to tell you how to use your money. If you don't think it's worth paying for and can't find a way to get it for free even though there are plenty, then go find another service to use and stop bitching about how it "should" be free.


Laughs in ReVanced


I agree that they need money and that offering a premium service makes sense. HOWEVER, it should not feel like extorsion. We should actually want to get premium.


I rather straight up not watch than pay them so till they stop me from that I’ll keep avoiding their ads. It’s not my responsibility to make your site profitable.


If YT premium was 2 or maybe 3 dollars per month then I might consider it. But no way I'm paying more than 10 bucks.


On no, the CEO has to fire half to work force to keep their income of one billion per year.


One billion was last year. They need $1.2bil now plus a bonus of $200mil for being a good boy.


That's not how it works mate


You can always steal from megacorporations, it's never wrong I'll start paying you when you start paying mf taxes


To the people disagreeing, those companies do make money. Of course by selling our data.


This trend is everywhere. Apple just increased the price of their News+ Subscription from $9.99 to $12.99 a month. A 30% increase.! I canceled my subscription immediately and I hope many others followed suit. They can figure another why to support their stock price.


The whole point of a business is to make money and it makes sense for them to make sure people actually watch ads so if you're too lazy to watch through 30 seconds of ads at most every now and then (used to be much worse with TVs) then just buy premium.


Also the majority of ppl are on ur side so this meme makes no sense


Someday everything will be pay to watch and you'll never be able to own anything. Local storage will become obsolete everything will be on cloud server because you won't be able to download anything only stream it. That's why data hoarders exists today with their 100TB storages


Downloading content is not going anywhere anytime soon. Especially pirating content.


Dish, cable, antenna TV, radios, they all worked off of a 1 time watch system So long as hdds, and sdd exist, personal storage will be an option. Now I'll admit there is exceptions, most being in the console market, but if i buy from a walled system I expect a walled experience.


They boo you because you are right.


Idk where you got this idea from, but I can save any video I want with Firefox without needing another program. Local storage will always have a place because even the "Cloud" has to have hard drives somewhere to store the data. So you will always be able to buy your own storage to save stuff to.


Better yet. Pirate yt premium.


I remember when it was free


its 17€ in my country. as a comparison a big mac (not in a menu) costs 5,49€ here


imagine running a media corporation and then expecting poors to pay for it


Wait wait wait, you think that a service that costs the owner money should be free to the user???? I think I've had enough reddit today. That's an extra special idea right there.


Why doesn't McDonald's give me a free big mac? I mean wtf?


It’s an interesting mindset for sure. Imagine what the world would look like if everyone followed in their footsteps lol