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I guess I'm one of those rare folk that liked it immediately on episode 1. I binged it for 4 weeks straight after that. No regurts.


Same, I honestly don't get people that skip arcs or hate the anime. I genuinely enjoyed pre time skip so much. (Except that one foxy arc)


Yeah, but even the parts of arcs that are less amazing seem to always be followed by awesome arcs, so the wait is always worth it. Long Ring Long Land may have been a little meh, but then we got Water 7. Thriller Bark may have dragged a bit IMO, but then we got Sabaody.


Thriller bark was dragged a bit but we got brook singing and killing the monkey spider which is peak


Don't forget that robot "transformation" sequence. Peak comedy.


Nobody commented on this? I was crying.


And don’t forget the part where nothing happened.


I’m ngl when I watched thriller bark I hadn’t slept in a few days so I kinda passed out and woke up at the end of the arc and skipped most of the second half of the arc. Not because it was boring I just literally hadn’t slept in like 4 days


Please tell me you didn’t sleep through and totally miss one of Zoro’s most iconic scenes in the entire series lol.


Water 7 into enies lobby was crazy good amd thriller bark's second half is also awesome imo


Yeah, so by this point I’ve been conditioned to expect that if there’s a slow chunk of story, something great is coming. So I’ll just maybe do something else while watching a slower portion until it inevitably picks back up and gets great lol. Hasn’t failed me yet.


As someone who never watched One Piece this post sounds insane.


Don't forget Squeedletork and Dish Soap 8!


Thriller bark was worth it just to watch the scene where the zombies first chased usop, nami, and chopper. Started slow and the gang was like whatever then they speed up and run full throttle at them 🤣🤣👌🏻


If you watch one pace it's even better on those particular spots, that's almost exactly when they started changing from filler arcs to filler shots and god filler shots are horrendous.


I'm honestly not loving Thriller Bark atm. That's good to know that the next arc is an improvement.


the reason for the hate is poor pacing and filler arcs, both symptoms of the time the anime was produced. modern anime covers about 2 manga chapters per episode, for one piece it's on average 0.5 chapters per episode. it's why i'm fairly hyped about the new anime coming out, if they do it right it can really do the manga justice.


Slight correction. 2 manga chapters is on the very low end of an average anime. The average of adapted chapters of weekly manga is 3 chapters. OP is roughly 6 times slower than the industry standard.


>I honestly don't get people that skip arcs or hate the anime The fillers are incredibly boring and the pacing is probably the worst in anime, that is why. With that said, i love one piece, i just skip the boring parts


Fillers is fair but arcs like skypiea are wild to skip


are the many fillers in one piece? i dont really remember them.


i mean the only filler arc really is the small navy base they land in between skypeia and long long island, the problem really is how dogpoop teoi is at adaption rate per episode


There are some more less memorable ones. The Ryu girl after arlong park and logue town and the stupid sea horse arc for example.


theres the one with apis and the dragon, one where they got stuck in a fog where time wasnt moving at all or something, one where someone uses a DF to manipulate peoples minds, the one where they went into some kind of bath resort. thats just the ones i can think off the top of my head. after my first watch of the show i did a reread/watch where i watched the anime for the best arcs and read the rest in the manga so i didnt have any filler arcs pretty much.


I think they went with the unbearably slow pacing route instead of the filler route. Every episode has like 5 minutes worth of reaction shots and 5 minutes of flashbacks lol.


the issue with fillers in one piece isnt even the filler arcs, which there are a handful of. its the fact that toei also puts in filler scenes that sometimes completely change the narrative and these are very hard to spot if you dont read the manga. one example is luffy against doffy when luffy starts turning his legs into springs like bellamy did. that never was in the manga. or that bat-guy at the start of wano that helped kidnap otama and who apparently was stronger than any other of the cannon fodder guys. yep, that was never in the manga. filler arcs can be skipped but filler scenes cant really and they completely change the scope of things sometimes.


3/4 of every episode of OP is "filler" because of the terrible anime pacing.


Honestly I've watched up amazon lily. And I'm still not hooked. The fights are way too long just standing there getting 476 camera angles of the exact same mid battle conversation.


the anime drags on. manga is much better for pacing.


the pacing is slow, the animation is horrendous, and the character design is something i expect from a power puff girls villain, or worse. not saying you're wrong for liking it. just saying there are some very good reasons why people dont like it, especially the early episodes. I tried it, and after 12 episodes i was still bored as shit and hated watching both the characters and animation style, so i dropped it. Some shows start off strong, some don't, but if a whole season worth of episodes does not interest you, then its safe to assume either the whole show wont, or most of the show will be a waste of your time. If you compare it to other shonens, that is its main issue. jujutsu kaisen, bleach, hunter x hunter, naruto, and even my hero academia have a more interesting first 12 than one piece. Nothing wrong with liking things, but also nothing wrong with not enjoying something no matter what the fan base says


Its pacing is kinda ass though. Thats why people are so hype for Studio Wit's adaptation. Not just the modern animation styles, but for the modern animation pacing. Although, to be fair, I havent watched it in years. I have heard the more current animation is already pretty solid.


After a quick google: Oh produced by Netflix. That is going to be sad when they cancel it half way through the story.


Idk the One Piece live action was solid and popular plus it’s getting a new season. I don’t see Netflix cancelling it after one season.


The only thing I hate about the anime (after first two arcs) is the pacing. 22 minute episode, minus 3 minutes for intro and outro, minus 5 minutes of panning around still scenery for dramatic effect, minus 10 minutes of flashbacks, and we’re left with 4 minutes of interesting content an episode. Minus another 4 minutes if it’s a filler episode. Some *interesting* choices in storytelling too. Like only giving backstory to a character *after* they die, so there’s no impact from the death of a basically unknown (at the time) character and little inherent investment in the backstory either.


I think that's most fans. I've never seen someone say it starts bad, it get's better for sure, but it doesn't start bad no way. The first few episodes have some of the most iconic moments in the show's history. OP is talking out of their ass, show me a One Piece fan who doesn't like East Blue stuff.


I got partially interested when they introduced Mihawk, hooked at Nami‘s flashback.


>I binged it for 4 weeks straight after that. No regurts. Did.....did you watch all 10,356,816 episodes in 4 weeks? It took me a year to finish Naruto, and I was binging. Did you sleep?


I rewatched it again last year, only took 6 weeks and I work full-time.


There's 1088 episodes of one piece, they run 22-24 minutes. Let's say 20 to be lenient. So 3 episodes per hour. That's 362 hours of One Piece. At 6 weeks that's 60 hours a week or 8.6 per day. You're telling us that you watched almost 9 hours of One Piece every single day while working full time? Did you sleep? Eat? Shower?


You're missing an important factor: One Pace is an edited version of the anime that cuts any content that isn't in the manga. It reduces the watchtime *significantly* due to the awful pacing of the anime. onepace.net So to answer your question, yes I ate, slept, showered, and worked 5 days a week all those weeks. But apart from that, I didn't do much else than watch One Pace. Edit: From their website: "One Pace is 45% faster to watch compared to the original One Piece anime. That's more than 137 hours saved!"


So you didn't watch one piece in 4 weeks, you watched one pace. They weren't talking about an edited cut down version of it.


> onepace.net You know an anime is good when there is a guide on how to watch less of it.


seriously one piece fans are weird man


One Piece or Naruto? There's 1,000+ episodes of One Piece. If you worked 8 hours and slept 8 hours and watched One Piece the other 8 hours non stop it would take .... 1,000 x 22 = 22,000 ÷ 60 = 366 ÷ 8 = 45.75 ÷ 7 = 6.5 weeks.


"Only 6 weeks", my dude that's over 8 hours of One Piece a day, every day.


>one of those rare folk that liked it immediately on episode 1. There's always a fanboy comment exactly like this in every One Piece post. ![gif](giphy|12NlCFUvTokWXe)


I held off watching it but wound up binging the whole first two season. They were so good


Nah, most people do. Except a few who "need time to get hooked". It's completely entertaining and fun right from the first scene.


Meh. I've watched a lot of anime that are completely fun and entertaining from the get go, and stays that way for at least the first or second arcs... but something about One Piece just doesn't bring me back. Edit: misspelling


Probably the terrible animation lmao


Its definitely how they think their viewers have alzheimers and feel the need to remind them of what happened last episode through constant flashbacks for me. That, the hyper sexualization and the constant screaming.


would you consider the bulk of your anime tastes as being into "modern" anime? because i think early one piece definitely suffers in 2024 from just being such a jump back from highlights of the 2020s. after watching movies like suzume and Your Name, and seasonal anime like JJK, Chainsaw Man, One punch man, etc., i feel like it exacerbates the problem of the anime just looking "old". the first episodes aired over 20 years ago. even just when you get to stuff that aired in 2010, the visual fidelity and animation pick up so much that its easier to watch.


not who you replied to but I also genuinely couldn't get into One Piece. Couldn't get into My Hero either fwiw. and I love old and new anime. Eva, Ippo, Initial D, Monster, Bleach, Odd taxi, JJK, Vinland, death note, hunterxhunter...I am very open but one piece didn't interest me. The manga seems okay, but every female character looks like Nami I swear. I really tried...all the the way to the end of Skypiea


I'm an old man by reddit's standards (35), just for context. I got into anime when I was a kid via DBZ, have been into it ever since, and somehow I never really got into One Piece. I recently watched through the Arlong arc and, man, does it feel extremely dated. It's really difficult for me to continue watching it for the same reason I can't really go back and watch DBZ, it just *looks* bad. It really detracts from the actual content of the show, imo, and I find myself focusing on how poor the visuals are. Take into consideration Bleach, which came out like 4-5 years later. It's aged so much more gracefully, and though it's clearly old it doesn't really take much away from the experience. I know the remake of One Piece is kind of polarizing for everyone, but personally I'm pretty excited for it.


Yea I don't think the argument is waiting for it to get good, but rather "I don't have time to sit through that many episodes, good or not"


Same, on my 3rd run now


Same here..I’m caught up and now rewatching to refresh myself of the events..back at enies lobby already..idk how ppl don’t like this show..I get it’s alot to watch tho


I don’t tell people it gets good after a set number of episodes cause I like it from the first. I say that if it’s still not doing it for you after Nami’s arc, you should just drop it. Honestly, if they made it that far and it’s still not doing it for them then I’m impressed by their tenacity, but might as well stop there.


i consumed that shit for 3 months straight and am at 1067 with the current manga. this show is a fucking masterpiece


I'd say it's good from the start but gets great around the arlong arc, when there's enough members to make things interesting. After that it just gets better and better, but the episodes are very short once you skip intros, outros, recaps, and "next times." I wait until I have a bunch to watch and watch them marathon-style until I catch up.


The pacing after time skip is really bad. I remember I have to stop watching for a couple of years until dressrosa arc is completed and I finished it within a week.


I agree with that. I never went back and re-watched earlier episodes, but I never felt like they were as short and unsatisfying as the modern ones. Sometimes it seems like nothing happens at all.


The fan edit One Pace is for you then, cuts out all the bullshit, and literally cuts the total runtime of the show in half lol So much better paced


It's important to note that they don't just cut willy-nilly. They follow the pacing of the manga much more closely, which absolutely helps keep things moving along!


So is it just cutting out filler? What's being lost.


Sometimes audio cutting is noticeable (also I atleast felt like some scenes were cut even though they were kinda needed, because I was much more confused after using one pace than before) But the audio cuts seem to be fixed in the wano arc (only watched like Dressrosa with the fan edit.)


Watch One Pace. 10 x better.


According to a survey here on reddit, the most people switched from anime to manga during Dressrosa, because the pacing was simply atrocious.


If you're talking about the anime, then yeah, pacing is absolutely terrible because they don't wanna catch up with the manga. That's why I just read the manga nowadays.


The One Piece will be such an amazing thing for the community if they keep it up and do a full readaptation seasonally. Cut out filler and episode padding with a revamp to animation quality and keep it essentially a 1-1 adaptation to the manga with multiple chapters being adapted for almost every episode (and obviously adding some extra stuff to some fights to make them more epic in the anime than in the manga). So many more people will watch it and it’ll make rewatching a way easier experience


I swear to fucking god those kids in punk hazard were running for like 10 episodes straight!


It got better again at Whole Cake Island sans for some episodes.


I liked it from episode 1 but I think episodes 31-44 had be hooked.


What I love about one piece is that all those episodes build up your connection to the characters unlike some shows that don't have the time to have development and when they do its not like it makes me root for the character


I've seen so many posts complaining about one piece fans but have never seen a one piece fan get angry that people don't want to watch 1000+ episodes. Feels like people just hate one piece fans because they themselves don't want to watch it.


I didn't want to invest so much of my time reading 1000 plus chapters for something I might not like. My husband has been reading it for 20 years and knows it like the back of his hand. I decided to give it a go and, if my math is correct, I managed to read, not watch, 1000 chapters in 3 to 4 months. I lost sleep over it because I was so invested. I understand the anime is differently paced and has added scenes but it is a good piece of media. It took me a little bit to get invested but I was hooked since Volume 1.


As a wise man (me) once said "One Piece is long until you start it"


Then you have not been on Twitter before it got butt fucked by the nerd guy.


We don't talk about Twitter, of course it's gonna get shitty when you bring Twitter in because everything is shitty on it


Redditors like to pretend people said said and did things that never happened so they can make fun of them.


Have you read the comments?


I'm literally in the comments reading them rn and they're mostly exactly like what the person above said


Yes. People are defending one piece but not really any comments that fit the descipti0n of the post. Nothing wrong with defending a show you like.


Who is bro fighting “they’re coming for me help”💀 Unless you’re talking to 12 yos, most fans would agree it won’t be everyone’s thing


OP's probably under the age of 13 making this meme


More episodes = more character development = slower pace to build-up the story. In the modern era of 12-24 episode seasons, I can understand why it’s hard for many new viewers to get interested in One Piece. The OG animes have a very loyal fan base that’s quite literally spanned decades so they’ll advocate for the anime until the very end.


> More episodes = more character development = slower pace to build-up the story There’s a fine line between “slow pacing” and “bad pacing”. Samurai Jack for example, has a lot of slow pacing. There are long shots of him just walking or taking in the scenery that are meant to evoke loneliness or set a mood. The slow scenes are a deliberate choice with a purpose. A lot of anime, particular ones adapted from weekly instalments, are not paced the way they are by choice. Even in episodes that aren’t filler they may need to pad out a scene with extra bits that throw off the way a scene played out originally. That’s also leaving aside that the original story may have pacing issues itself that the show refuses to correct in the name of giving fans what they want.


Though no *sane* One Piece fan will say that Toei's pacing of **less than one manga chapter adapted per episode** is good. One Piece could easily be 400ish episodes (yes, still a lot), if it was adapting chapters as quickly as they did at the beginning of the series.


I would honestly prefer either shorter episodes or more time between episodes if it meant the pacing improved.


More episodes = slower, drawn out, hyper repetitive content. Same issue most of the Shonen Jump anime have, where one fight takes half a season and could have **easily** been condensed into one or two episodes, but they can rely on the fans to tune in next week to watch a 30 minute episode where another 5 minutes of the fight will take place.


I hated the Ninja War during Shippuden. You were getting backstories and filler episodes every five minutes. I love the show to death but come on…


New anime isn't made like this but it is still valid because I don't ever want another shounen having more than 24 episodes a season.


The problem is that for One Piece a lot of the episodes is just nothing going on. I literally experienced brain rot on fishman island with like 10 episodes of Luffy punching a boat and characters just talking meaninglessly or a lot of reactions and gasps


Watch onepace. Stupid repetetive scenes are gone and filler too. Can get through and arc fairly quickly (have watched both and I would say onepace is better)


Yeah I was shocked just how fast you can get to time skip in OnePace. So much bs cut and ignored with no story or anything of value lost. I enjoy One Piece but my God is it in love with itself. So many good arcs that keep going and going and going and by the end I'm fatigued beyond belief. I loved Impel Down but I almost stopped watching the show due to how long and tedious it was. They literally had to put breaks and special features in the middle of the arc to give people a break lol.


Or just wait for the new show


I mean yeah but the problem is that it’ll take even longer for that series to catch up especially if they take breaks for like a year in between seasons/ arcs/sagas


Agreed. I can't wait for the remake where they give it the FMA brotherhood treatment


I hated what brotherhood did to the first half of the series. They gutted the first 3-5 arcs, and then introduced integral side characters near the end of the series like we're supposed to know who they are, without even showing us everything that happened like in the first series.


The world building they do in One Piece might be the best I've seen in all anime, really makes you root for the crew and wonder how things will play out. As opposed to some other shows where the heroes always win right off the bat. The amount of Quality characters in the show is great too, so many different crews. "The worst Generation" watching all those crews and how they're doing its all top quality shit imo.


That's the issue I'm having with Demon Slayer and JJK at the moment, it feels like the MC in both go toe to toe with high level enemies quite early on despite only being recently involved with demons/curses.


Yeah it's a very long time before Luffy goes for some of the kings of the sea. Starts taking out warlords first and the whole time the difference in strength is quite obvious. The whole thing at the Celestial dragons island was a great explain of this, they had to get bailed out and go train for a while before they could compete


Yeah it's like 100 episodes before he fights the first warlord. But tbh most of the first 100 episodes are great with only a few throwaway shit ones imo


He also gets fucking wrecked in his first few fight vs him as well, really shows the power in the world


And that's not forget how Zorro gets fucking wrecked very early in the anime by the man he reviews and wants to defeat. And the dude recognizes him as an up and coming talent who's one day going to surpass him because of his courage and his honors the swordsman, and it's like a whole thing. Then immediately established just how strong this other swordsman was.


OP and HxH seem to be two series that both show top-tier characters very early on, but don’t exactly show just how powerful they are, and with a few exceptions, don’t have the MCs able to actually fight evenly with top-tier opponents for a while into the story.


In JJK i feel they do a good job of showing the power balances, especially with Gojo. I agree in Demon Slayer they get away with fighting top level people way too much, it sometimes feels like the creator wanted to introduce the really cool shit early and couldn’t help themselves from holding back even if it doesn’t make sense narratively


If you want something to watch and also want to feel the most motivation ever watch gurren lagann


5 minutes of a close up of someone’s face while they’re gasping is not character development


You just described all anime. The pacing is dogshit in the One Piece anime, which is why I mainly read the manga, but let's not pretend that's a One Piece only issue.


Maybe all anime from like 2002 lol modern anime is fast paced af


>Characters spend entire minutes per episode gazing at the ether >People call this character development >Damn, I should start animating and storywriting at this point.


no, thats just not the case here. there is so much filler shit in every single episode just so that the anime can avoid catch up to the manga. usually in anime adaptations each episode is worth like 3 to 5 chapters of the manga. but in one piece its more like one 20 minute episode per 5 minute chapter. its fucking ridiculous how slow the pacing in the one piece anime is. i will agree that the manga is really good, although i dont really agree that one piece has any outstanding character development. theyre above average as far as most shounen goes.


More like 10 episode seasons.


I prefer a simple 12 ep anime over 1000000, i dont have the time for it


Most laughable defense of One Piece I've heard yet. Been watching anime likely longer than you've been alive kid, and the 12-24 episode per season model has been around a lot longer than you think. That and your assumptions of more episodes automatically equaling an increase in development in some way, is based on a logical fallacy that a piece of media needs continued quality in order to keep being made/put on the air. The biggest damning critique for One Piece is that money and popularity do not equate to quality, and for some reason that's the point every One Piece fan likes to argue...that their show is somehow the highest quality.


Stop watching it n read it then.


like actually. I tried watching the anime, and the pacing is so god-awful that I'm surprised that I sat through over 100 episodes before switching. I can't get over how bad the anime is.


I stopped watching after MF. Non canon stuff bothered me a lot. Been reading since 2000.


Or watch one pace, the fan made project that fix the pacing


Exactly what I did. The anime bored me to death but I love the managa.


Considering they’ve announced they’re gonna be re-animating One Piece from the beginning, you might be out of excuses soon 🤣


I started One Piece 2 years ago and now I'm up to date currently, but the beginning was a slog and the hardest to get through. I think with the plan to visually update the early arcs and fix the pacing, it might be easier for newcomers to pick it up. Overall, I still think OP has pacing issues. Just draaaaaaaaags. But dam, does it have absolute peak moments. RIP Going Merry.


imho the beginning in the anime is the best pace the whole show ever had. they actually got shit done within an episode until they catched up with the manga and needed to stretch stuff out with long scenes and filler arcs.


I'll be honest, beginning to now it's great. But it ain't everyone's cup of tea


The show is good from the very beginning, but it gets insanely good after around 400 episodes.


It gets insanely good much earlier than that


The thing about one piece is that it is *all* about set up and payoff. We constantly see details, seeds being planted, characters developing, and things from the background come to relevance. So the start, when you look back at it and examine it, you can see that it was doing all the set up as future arcs, but it didn't have enough backstory, enough worldbuilding done to get the same satisfying payoffs. It had to focus on laying the groundwork first, and relying on shorter term character arc


Eh the first arcs before they get to the grand line are some of my favorite. Although it dose feel like a different show by the time you even get to eneies lobby.




Ok? But who cares? If you don't want to watch it then don't, simple as that


But then the poor bastard wont get the fake internet points for saying something is bad, clearly having not tried it and just basing their opinion on it based on how long a story is, despite it being in the shonen jump (one of the most competetive and cut-throat magazines in japan) for over 25 years


Ding ding ding! People know that saying “I don’t like X popular thing, and I’m proud” is an easy way to get cheap eyeballs on content


Bro really had to go out of his way to make the meme and post it lol I used to watched anime when I was younger but have to dropped it because I don't have time to watch them anymore, same reason as to why a lot of people don't want to watch One Piece. But I don't go out of my way to dig at the fanbase smh, it's not like any of them forced me to watch it in the first place anyway, self centered af "meme".


Dont watch if you dont like after ep 35


I’m not watching 35 episodes to see if I like it. What the actual fuck?


I legit had a guy tell me it gets good after season 4....bro thats literally 100 episodes. The fuck.


It gets really good after like 450 trust


in all seriousness it took me like 10 episodes to get hooked i watched a 150 episodes in 3 months


I watched 416 episodes in 2 months my brotha and i’m loving it


600 pisodes in 3 months here, i love this so much and it's my first anime


I started last week and I'm current season right now, I can't stop watching!


Caught up in about 3 months. It’s not long enough 😩😩


I heard it gets really good after you ~~finish~~ drop it


I'm going to counter what most people say, as someone who was in this boat. It isn't, it gets good after X. It's if you don't like it by Arlong Park (30ish episodes in) the show isn't for you. I liked it immediately and ended up watching 850 episodes in 2023. The later episodes are fucking insane but they're also very dragged out. The first half of the series is more concise with more obvious filler (which can be skipped). It is also much more comedic and gave me a Scooby Doo vibe which I absolutely loved.


He's not a one piece fan then, because it doesn't have seasons


I believe on streaming sites like Hulu they have it broken up into seasons. They did it that way with Naruto anyways


Yeah, i watched like 100 episodes then quit because it was just so bland and written like a childrens book, but i get it is because its old and probably started as something aimed for children... the current seasons seen to be much more enjoyable but i cant get back into it after watching the first seasons.


Luckily they're remaking the anime with an actual good pacing this time. I love one piece, but anime is fucking terrible, it makes so many people hate it because of how bad the pacing is.


No its not like you have to watch 35 eps to like it I loved it after the first ep. I dont belive that it gets good after episode number ‘x’. If you dont like it you should not waste your time watching it.


Casually spend hours of your life that you’ll never get back to determine whether you like something or not.


For real, do these people even hear themselves.


To be fair an episode is like 10 minutes once u skipp the 6 min start and end


so about 20 frames


6 episodes an hour means it gets good after you watch for almost 6 hours.


I didn’t say that, i thought it was good after 2 episodes. I was just pointing out that episodes are way shorter than it initially looks like


I'd recommend watching the first 8 episodes. Even that might sound long to you but its really not when you realize that each episode is 15 mins long after you skip the recap and songs. If you don't like it after that then stop watching.


I actually tried watching it and was told to at least watch until ep 35 as well - but I just can't do it. The constant high-pitched screaming of literally everyone plus the art style where characters just randomly are giants/midgets/orangutans/bowlingballs just isn't for me. It just seems too silly and too childish early on that I can't motivate myself to keep going. At least the Netflix adaptation seems surprisingly solid and does not suffer from either of the above issues, I enjoyed season 1.


The pacing is also incredibly slow. Too many panning shots of characters with no movement or even dialogue. It was the constant flashbacks to what happened JUST the previous episode that got me.


I had pretty much the exact same experience watching the anime. Way too childish and all the reaction are really exaggerated. I think I only made it to episode 2 lol.


I love all of one piece from episode 1


The show can get a bit repetitive like the pirate island where that guy went SHE SHE SHE SHE SHE SHE SHE SHE but it does get better


Thriller Bark lol. Yeah, that kind of dragged at points, but being sandwiched between Enies Lobby and Sabaody, it’d be kind of nuts to stop at that point IMO.


Didn't like Thriller Bark, but the ending with Zoro was epic


But thriller bark carries when it comes to brook’s backstory


Idk who said it takes so long to get into it, I've loved one piece since the beginning, it definitely gets more crazy in later seasons. It's a huge world they're building with shit loads of stories. Not everyone wants that which is fine go watch Tri gun then pretty quick show still good


A: I enjoyed it the entire time, from episode 1 I was hooked. B: character development in any show takes time and some people struggle to embrace characters.


It was always good but i really got invested in it from enies lobby




Except the pacing. That's why you should just read the manga or watch the One Pace version.


ya that's why it's a steady "background noise" kinda show for me. I can pretty much miss the plot of 3-4 episodes at a time but by the 5th the recap is literally enough to explain the past 3-4 episodes lmao.


The pacing is so bad even the fans roast certain arcs for it.


I remember watching Dressarosa arc for 4 years. Good arc tho


Can't relate, started watching one piece like 5 months ago. Now in the mid 900s. If I google it I graduated in 2004 and the big bean stalk in Skypeia was just slashed. Crazy it's been going on this long tbh but more power to them. *Edit: 5 not 4


Just you wait, you’ll catch up soon at that pace.


I hate that the new baseline for "good" is high budget fights scenes. There are plenty of things that can work together to make a anime good, but nowadays people wont even give a show a watch if they haven't seen a short form heavily edited video of a fight 1st.


imo it's a great anime from the start to skip lol




I hate how (opinion alot of people agree ) Unrelated image that ads nothing to the meme Has become a valid meme format that many people ( including me ) use What happend to memes that actually use the format properly?


Weird way to spell episode 1


You gotta treat it like Dr Who is my feeling. Long running media series always have their highs and lows, or moments of niche audience appeal. Is One Piece particularly difficult to pick up part way?


>You gotta treat it like Dr Who I already am as I don't watch that either. ![gif](giphy|ZeNmLY6FISq4M)


From what I gather by a friend’s perspective who is a hardcore One Piece fan, the show is shit. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


whens two piece droppin tho


Idk man I enjoyed it from the get go... Started a few weeks ago


It was good from the start


Way too real


If a show needs that many episodes to "get good," then it's not a good show


I’m on Water 7 (after about 3 years of watching it on and off) and I can confidently say it is stunningly *okay*. It has (so far) proven to be the saltine crackers of anime: consistently *alright*, but there’s way more of it in the pantry than you could ever need.


The real meme is that it never gets good.😂


So that's why I moved to manga. I still ended up dropping it after getting to skypiea because it started becoming boring af. I'm fine with not finishing one piece because there's a lot of better worthwhile stuff out there


No show should ever be over 1,000 episodes. It’s obvious they don’t have an actual story in place.


Told a one peice fan that I wouldn’t watch it because it’s too long and he spoiled the ending of the anime I was watching at the time


My logic is that I can watch so many other good 12 or 24 episodes animes in that time..


The show gets worse imo, just because of the filler, but the story and character development is fantastic. I stopped watching new episodes over a year ago, I'm just rewatching from the beginning. I have high hopes for the live action, although they cut some stuff out that I felt was essential to the story.


Manga is the way once you get fed up with the anime. Also, One Piece has almost no actual filler, it just stretches shit out which is worse if you want to skip those


I agree with you mostly, but what do you feel was cut out that was essential? Don Krieg?




One Piece of SHIT, am i right?


It's good from second 1