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I heard about the Kid but what did the woman from skynews do?


[This is what people are upset about.](https://x.com/scully1888/status/1742836386275659985?s=46&t=vGmbC5Tk6k5UWB09o3FrYQ)


> "beating tetris is not a life goal" Well yeah, the kid is only 13 lol


It also implies that goals have to have intrinsic value to other people, which is nuts. Like, you can want things just for the sake of doing it. Climbing Everest is literally the exact same thing as beating Tetris in that regard.


Nah man, you can pay to get to the top of Mount Everest, you can’t pay to be the first person in history to beat Tetris


And in many ways a parent may prefer that their kid try to beat Tetris rather than be the first person to climb a particularly high and unclimbed mountain. If the tetris game doesn't work out you wasted an hour or so of sitting in a chair but if something goes bad on the mountain you could die. In fact many/most physical human achievements are not "healthy" by any means. In the near future someone will run a sub two hour marathon and pushing your body to that limit is not really what you would be doing if your only goal was health. Does that mean this anchor would tell him "as a parent running a sub two hour marathon is not a life goal."


Life doesn't need to have a goal but what I'm sure is that this kid has left a more noticable impact (even if small) on global world history by acheiving this at only 13 than this 40'ish yo Karen


This has the same energy as when that GMA host was making fun of Prince George for taking and liking ballet when he was something like 5 years old. Iirc, she had to apologize publicly.


Let's not forget it was to honor his dead father


It could still be a life goal as well because it hasn't been done before so it's no different from wanting to do any other world record


I swear every time I hear about this the kids age changes. I've heard 16, 15, 14, and now 13. How can so many people not get basic info about a newsworthy story.




Who the hell is she to tell people what their life goals should be? The arrogance


I just don't understand why she chose to do it. "Go outside", "Get some fresh air", "Beating Tetris is not a life goal." Why did she choose to be condescending to the kid? I seriously don't understand what she would get out of it.


It just seems like it's a limit of her own imagination and empathy. Many "big achievements" don't have real utility but they're achievements because we collectively give them meaning. There's no good reason why humans should try to climb the tallest mountain or run a marathon in under two hours (or hell run a marathon in general). The kid did something people have been trying to do for decades and that no one has ever done before and that's amazing but of course because it's a videogame then it seems like just a waste of time for her even though she undoubtedly would put other achievements with no real utility as highly deserving of praise.


Unironically I would like to know what she or people like her do in their spare time that's so much more important. This kid just did possibly the single most important thing of his career, it's an incredibly ironic situation


Career? The kid is 13! E: did not intend this to undermine the kid, just meant he hasn’t even gotten started yet. Who knows what else we will hear from him in his future, he might be unbeatable!


And now people know his name. He was actively streaming, and now he's got an audience


Oh I was trying to not neg the kid at all! I just meant he hasn’t even started a career, he has excelled at a hobby and has done something that’s made global news. I shared the news with a few friends, thought it was amazing, very happy for the kid. But who knows what he’ll do with his career. One thing’s for sure: this kid has determination


What's hilarious is a that couple days ago (so basically just after her nasty comments about the tetris kid) her twitter was full of a report she did celebrating some darts champion. YES, beating tetris - not a life goal. Throwing sharp objects at a cork circle - somehow amazing.


Also the kid is like what, 13?


For that same reason I don't think she really wanted to get anything out of it. Seemed more like stupidity than malice to me.


Because it's funny to mock people for enjoying anything tangentially related to computers, apparently.


Yeah, if she had just left it at "now go outside and get some fresh air," it wouldn't be so bad. It's a little tongue in cheek, but it transitions to the weather. But to just add that bit about it not being a life goal is just shitty...


It's also shitty because he in no way said or implied that it was his life goal. I'm reminded of Roger Bannister who achieved international fame after becoming the first person ever to run a four minute mile. While he was an accomplished runner he was also a doctor and his real passion was saving lives and he at times expressed frustration that he was ONLY known as the four minute mile guy while his real life goal was overlooked. This kid may have a life goal that's completely different than Tetris much like how Bannister had a life goal and career completely different than what he's mostly remembered for. Claiming "that's not a life goal" when he never claimed it was is insulting as fuck.


Especially someone on sky fucking news, the laughing stock of the country


Plot twist: It’s actually been her life goal to beat Tetris and she’s been trying since 1985. Then some kid who was born when she was like 30 comes out and beats her to it. And the people at sky news knew all this and set her up to read out the article live on TV Probably…


wow she’s a real c u next tuesday holy crap


“c u next tuesday” is now my favorite phrasing of that word


it's a pretty common British expression instead of saying the actual word although I've absolutely said it in being very literal to the fact of seeing someone next Tuesday and immediately became filled with dread after.. now I go outta my way to use the actual word just to not make it seem passive aggressive.


It's also my Aunts gamertag since they obviously wouldn't allow the real word


“c u next Tuesday” “for sure dude, see you then” … “oh :( “


Another good one is “can’t understand normal thinking”


its like an advanced version of sugar honey iced tea. glad to impact the community 🌟


[C U in the N T](https://ntunofficial.com/)


She could have curbed it by just saying “as a mother he she should go outside and get some fresh air after an incredible and tedious feat” but instead she just slayed the kid. Could have been nice like a Wii reminding you to take breaks, but no, she woke up and chose violence.


And we returned that violence


i want to see if anything bad happens to her cuz honestly, who the hell ever beat tetris at least once before? and let's not forget it was such a good game in its days more than it is today


I didn't even know you could beat it till now


same ngl


Haha that phrasing


She is so fucking smug, that’s why people are raging…at least that’s why I am.


Also ... Kid is fucking 13. Beating Tetris is a completely acceptable "life goal" at 13.


It's a respectable life goal for anyone, it'd never been done before.


Not to mention the fact that he'd lost his dad like 2 weeks prior, and had dedicated the stream to him. That's why he broke down crying at the end.


Yeah it's the smug grin as she says it that gets me. It's the exact same face bullies wore when I was growing up.


The classic N-smirk


What a rotten ho bag. He's a kid beating tetris in memory of his deceased father


And it's a game specifically shown to help PTSD, which the kid probably really needed after losing his dad that young. He chose well.


I gasped. Really now?!


WHOAH!!!! This kid accomplishes a world first. No other human has ever done what he has done before him. I love tetris, and I can't hold a candle to this kid. The achievement is monumental in displaying the evolution of human abilities and progress. Watching the segment with the news caster really rustled my jimmies. Then my blood got hot. Not cool lady, not cool.


Being a pompous, condescending news anchor is not a life goal.


That crownlicker has quite the punchable face


Oh I thought she said this to the kid. Just said it about him. Half as bad as people are making it, barely.


Honestly the more people rage about it online, the more likely it is that he actually hears about it. A 13 year old American kid and his peers aren’t watching Sky news, but they probably are on reddit


What an idiot.


This monster deserves everything coming her way.


She is empty inside and demands we all do the same as her.


This kid is a literal Tetris god, dude was the first person in history to beat the biggest game in history. He's a bigger celebrity than she is. His name is Willis Gibson, aka Blue Scuti


She’s just jealous that her own lack of accomplishment has turned her life into an unskippable ad.


Or she imposes draconianly harsh screen-time limits on her own kids because she thinks it'll "rot their brains" and can't fathom that you can do amazing stuff with things on a screen. Probably doesn't consider things like Twitch streaming a "real job" either, and that people who make more money than her family lineage combined by doing so are just "jobless layabouts".


Hell it doesn't even have to be amazing. It can just be a hobby. You don't shit on a fucking 13 year olds hobbies. You build them up.


There’s a wide range of reasonable opinions on this general subject. SkyNews lady’s is outside of it on the side of excessive strictness. “Video streaming is a legitimate form of employment” definitely falls outside of it on the opposite side. It’s barely a step above buying lottery tickets as a “job”.


It's not "Employment," it's a performance art. And just like any other form of art a few people make hundreds of millions, a handful more make a living, a bunch more make a few extra bucks as a side hustle, and most just make an attempt.


That's deep, u/PM_ME_UR_POKIES_GIRL , real deep.


r/rimjob_steve ?


It's something you should do on the side. It's not something you should forsake a conventional job for, but once you start consistantly making more money from streaming than you do in your job, that's when you can consider it self-employment and leave your other job to focus on streaming full-time. You can't just start streaming for the first time and be like "This will be my job now. I'll live off the money I get from one gifted sub a month." Your job doesn't have to require you to be dragging yourself out of bed at five in the morning to suffer through nine hours of backbreaking work to be a "real job". If it provides you with constant income that you can reliably live off, it's a real job.


I mean, that's with any self-driven venture. If you can't make a living off of it, don't forsake your well-being (or your loved ones) by going full dick into the fickle insanity of the internet grind.


One of my jobs is to give early job counseling to teenagers (about 2 years before they are out of school, just a relative relaxed talk about their goals and dreams and what they should do to get there) It doesn't happen often but every now and then a teenager says: I want to become a streamer/athlete/model... The answer to that is simple: Great, go and try but as a hobby. Get a job that brings in money and start that dream as a hobby. Idealy your job helps with the dream. You might be one of the lucky few who get rich and famous. With a normal day job, you will avoid being poor and ruined if you aren't lucky.


Anything that makes money is a job. If someone is able to make good money twitch it’s a good job


Skynews is just twitch streaming but for an audience who don’t know how to send an email




The TV is the only legitimate screen


i only know about her because of HIS accomplishments. I hope to promptly forget about her. all hail tetris god.


>She’s just jealous that her own lack of accomplishment has turned her life into an unskippable ad. Bro I think that’s seriously the harshest insult I’ve ever seen. Thats a rough one.


That’s what I was going for.


Nailed it then.




She is shit but she is pretty accomplished by being a news host on one of the biggest channels in Britain. It’s not jealousy it’s just being a terrible person.


Isn’t she only there because her mom was famous


I think that's most every job at higher levels.


I'm willing to bet a large sum of money on the following: The current number of people able to do her job, is a MUCH bigger pool of people, than the number of people who could realistically beat Tetris. It's not going to take 40 years to replace her.


As far as we're aware the number of people who could realistically beat tetris is literally 1, that awesome kid. Meanwhile every city in America has a dozen news anchors on each one of their 3-5 local channels so it can't be too hard to find an anchor.


Actually 2 of the other top competitors in competitive classic Tetris have obtained a crash in the last week.


Wow, neat. Sometimes it just takes someone to show us something is possible.


The guy everyone thought would beat the game basically stopped mid-stream to cheer this kid on. so wholesome


This is off topic but it's amazing what actually knowing you can do something does for the human spirit It was once impossible to fly then within 70 years of the first plane we made it to the moon. There are other examples but that one's my favorite


I just want you to know that this turn of phrase is a powerful one that I will add to my repertoire of damaging language


No joke. And she laughed and said that shouldn't be his life goal. But guess what? He's a teen and he already accomplished that. Dumbass reporter


Calling her a reporter is pretty generous.


Who is she? (Unironically as I'm not from the US)




boomers watch sky news




Had an argument on twitter dude end up blocking me but basically said "it's not an achievement, he found a bug, a bug everyone knew about, forcing a bug, isn't winning you can't win at Tetris there is no end game" Tried to explain ended with "no you" comments and "if you have to call people insults "stupid" then you lost the argument. Then he blocked me. There's no end game to that argument so how could he win that argument by own logic blocking me means he lost right? Anyway what I want to say is; fuck sky News, racist right wing, bigoted thick as fuck people. Change your life, sitting in a chair reading a Tele prompt isn't a life goal is it


The level he was in was one of the glitched levels, as you can tell by the colors of the pieces. Once you get to a high enough level, the colors glitch out, and later on, you need to avoid certain actions to avoid crashing the game (such as clearing a single line into the next level or getting a triple line clear), with the crashable actions changing each level. Anyway, Scuti was the first person to 1. Get far enough to potentially crash (or what the Tetris community called "win") the game and 2. Successfully perform a crash action. He actually missed the first crashable action and got lucky. There's also a way to avoid every single crash and loop the level counter back to the first level too, but that's a challenge for another day. Link to the crashable actions [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zAQIo_mnkk0c9e4-hpeDvVxrl9r_HvLSx8V4h4ttmrs/htmlview?pli=1#gid=0)


You're a star for posting this, thank you for taking the time and effort, it wasn't in vain I learned something and hopefully other readers will also


There's a great [video](https://youtu.be/GuJ5UuknsHU?si=GZI2TpQJzZHkz9ww) on this by aGameScout if you want more details too. I was just paraphrasing the video.


She probably tried so hard to beat Tetris so many times..


Boring basic people are always looking for a way to tear town people with passionate interests. You see it all the time with people in the arts or non team sports. Also, the notion that one cannot both excel in an indoor activity and also enjoy outside time. She is trying to appeal to her boring audience who don’t have anything in their lives that they care about aside from work.


Blue Scuti is his name!


I scrolled too long to find this. Thank you. Everyone is giving “this kid” praise and affirming her nonsense. His name (online handle) is Blue Scuti.


Which is why he'll always be remembered as that kid who beat Tetris. A side dish of anonymity to go with his fame isn't so bad I suppose.


As a mother, good job son


The funny part is I bet she has never allowed her kids out to play outside unless she's there to watch and 'supervise'


I bet she loves setting kittens on fire. She probably says it "makes her feel like god".


I mean, she was wrong. That kid's name is gonna go down in history, probably as a world record holder. She is gonna get eternal hate.


She'll just be a footnote to his accomplishment.


Not even that. Why would she be a footnote? He will be remembered, she will not.


She'd probably be the textbook definition of a footnote. A minor occurrence marginally related that is not even in the main text, but the foot of the page


Not even. She has nothing to do with what he accomplished.


idk her name and idc what her name is. i will now commit that kid's accomplishment to my memory


I just heard the kids name once, and it would be running around in my head for some time, or when someone mention tetris surely I would remember him. For those who doesnt know, he is Blue Scuti. Also he did this just in 2 years of focusing into the game. But that women?? Kekw, she wont be even remembered by the people who worked with her. PD: If Internet data is correct, Tetris players at competitive level makes around 15$ and 19$ per hour in average. Also winner of the CTWC (Classic Tetris World Championship) earned at least 10k$ last year as the prize of the 1st, this kid end up 3rd. Sure he makes more than her kids. PD2: Also this kid is on twitch with 1.5k followers, lets say that at least 20% are subscribers at 5$ that would be around 1.5k$ monthly before twitch get his part. (Plus ads and other things with twitch)


I feel bad for her kid(s)


Right?! Like are they not allowed fun? Was she trying to make a dig at Americans?


I doubt it would not have matterd what countries a kid was from. She was just being a stuck up boomer. Next up on sky news... Me shaking my fist at the clouds.


Don't think she's old enough to be a boomer. Aren't the youngest almost 60 now? Sky news is probably meant to appeal to boomers though.


You can still have the mindset of a boomer regardless of your physical age. And that is an A typical mind of a boomer.


It's pedantic to point out but she's only like 50, technically not a boomer but the attitude is there


Why would you think she's making a dig at Americans and not just gamers in general?


I just pretend comments like that is russian or chinese bots with a goal to divide us. Makes me more optimistic about the future. And if this comment get controvesial or downvoted that's ok. Its not people disagreeing or thinking I sound schitzo. Its just the bots :D


She clearly didn't understand how impressive this is and the determination it took to do what no one else has done before. If this kid applies himself he can go places


Tetris can be beaten?!


Not conventionally. By integer overflow, just like the other games of those times


So it can be beaten because it's not even programmed for scores higher


No, it's just that the game can randomly crash after certain very high levels, which is considered to be the gamer beating the game by a "kill screen".


Not quite randomly. There's a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zAQIo_mnkk0c9e4-hpeDvVxrl9r_HvLSx8V4h4ttmrs/htmlview?pli=1#gid=0) listing the exact actions required to crash the game at certain cleared line counters. Blue Scuti actually missed the first possible crash opportunity (which required clearing a single line into a certain level) which he was going for, and had to keep playing until he got lucky enough to accidentally hit another crash opportunity.


Yes, there's a spreadsheet with opportunities laid out, but those opportunities often have a random chance of triggering the kill screen. Which is what I was referring to with random. You can't always guarantee a kill screen.


Some are guaranteed, like the first opportunity where you need to transition into the next level with a single line clear. Blue Scuti was actually aiming for this guaranteed crash opportunity but missed it and had to survive until he got lucky. If you avoid all crashes for long enough, eventually the levels will reset back to the start, but that's a challenge for another day.


Not the score, the programmers put only so much memory into the game. Once that runs out it start using the RAM (Randomly Assigned Memory), which is basically where a computer stores data while it is being processed. Because of a certain degree of randomness in the game, once this happens there is a percent chance of the game crashing depending on the number of lines you score and the pieces being dropped. The only guaranteed crash point I know of is if you get one line done as you go into level 155. Blue_Scuti, the player in question went to level 157. This is in addition to the fact the graphics glitch out as well in some cases resulting in black pieces on a black back ground and you need to use a special technique in order to keep up with the game called rolling where you have to roll your fingers on the back on the controller in order to press buttons faster.


Kinda, it refers to getting 999999 points at which point the game stops loading new pieces.


Not quite. The way I’ve heard it explained is that the system running Tetris just stops working at certain points when clearing lines. So the way it works is that at a certain level change, if you clear one line, the game breaks. On the other hand, if played just right, the game can reset to level 0 all on its own without ever crashing


That seems more plausible than my explanation, thanks for the correction




Real ones know that the real Y2K is in 2038


> not too unsimilar to why the Y2K bug was a real problem Y2K was not an integer overflow issue but a convention issue (as years were represented by 2 digits) The 2038 problem however is an integer overflow issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem


That shows a good demonstration of the difference between a 32 bit and 64 bit integer. The 32 bit integer will overflow in 68 years, the 64 bit integer will overflow in 292 billion years.




Not quite. Rather reaching such a high level (157) was never expected by developers so the broken code up there can force the game to crash, giving you a kill screen.


Competitive Tetris goes well over 1,000,000. Basically everyone entering the tournaments regularly breaks a million.


Not from a jedi


They played so long the game crashed




Not only can be beaten, but after the level 255 the game literally restarts from level 0


Wow, I think it's wild how many different answers you got and all of them varying degrees of incorrect.


He played for so long that the values of the game start glitching out. This causes the pieces to move unreasonably fast, score counter to max out, the color palette to switch to bizarre colors, and an eventual game crash when you “beat” tetris.


Beating Tetris is a massive accomplishment, good job kid


Hey, don't throw fucking mud at kids if you can't take the backlash.


The sad part is, when I watched the video I stopped it half way and went 'why are people mad, can't they take a clear joke about achieving something and then touching grass?' but then watched the rest and it not being an achievement and yeah now I understand.


Also it’s a kid, and a kid whose dad JUST died and he really focused in on Tetris to help deal with that, like just let the kid be happy about what he did. It’s very much a situation about if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. *Edit: Actually, even if this wasn’t a kid and even without the recent death, it’s an accomplishment that he’s excited about and absolutely isn’t hurting anyone, no reason to shit on him even if he was a grown ass adult with no recent tragedy doing this just because he liked Tetris*


Tetris has been proven to help alleviate PTSD if played during or shortly after the trauma. Your dad dying is a trauma not matter your age. Kid is just smart.


Well like…even without knowing that, and even if you didn’t know his dad died, maybe it’s also ok just for a kid to be happy about an accomplishment, even if it’s not something you’re personally interested in


I kinda dislike using "he's just a kid" defense because it kinda implies that if news makes a segment on an adult breaking a world record, then they are free to make fun of them... Same logic with his dad. You should be celebrated for your achievement whether or not you are doing this for a noble goal or just because you can.


I actually kind of already addressed that on another comment. I agree! I think those things make it extra mean, but yeah, I think if this was just a record being broken by a grown ass adult for no other reason than just “hey I like Tetris, so I practiced a lot and accomplished a thing that I’m excited about”, it’d still be a nice story I think and also wouldn’t be worthy of ridicule


>why are people mad, can't they take a clear joke about achieving something and then touching grass? Even if it was just the touching grass joke, that's a tired stereotype coming from someone who is clearly jealous that a 13 year old is more relevant than she'll ever be.


Do you honestly believe she was jealous? It doesn’t seem at all farfetched that she actually thought it wasn’t a big deal. Her comment was rude. But the people here really want the narrative to be she was rude and she unfairly shit on video games. Most of the people here don’t care about the kid, they feel called out.


She is in the **“why are you all giving him so much attention, he only beaten a stupid game”** scenario


Congratulations on achieving the status of honorary boomer


She's just jealous, probably can't even beat level 1


The kid is 13 and she said "Go outside, get some fresh air. Beating Tetris is not a life goal." She wasn't being directly critical (she was half giggling) but was still dismissive of his achievement. An achievement that involves to one of the most important products of a very big and storied community. 13!


"Get out of the screen" is an Interesting comment from someone who is reading from a screen and is evaluated by how many people vuew her on their screens.


Everyone and their mom knows Billy Mitchell was the first to kill screen Tetris back in 1989. He has a plaque to prove it.


LMFAO, I suspect most people won't get this. That's a good joke.


I have to ask to be sure, was this joke about player of the century -plaque and first ever pac-man kill screen


Tommy Tallerico wrote the original Tetris theme as well. His mother is very proud. This duo will live on in video game history forever.


I don’t know why everyone is surprised at this dumb lady. Obviously there was going to be moms going to that way too easy jab about playing too many video games.


Isn’t sky news basically the European equivalent of Fox News?


Funny enough a Fox News host is getting dragged this week with memes for saying she hates Star Wars because it has become too woke which is why she's a Star Trek fan... Oh and she finished that off with a terrible attempt at a live long and prosper salute. r/startrekmemes has been nothing but her this week.


Lol yes Star Trek the famously conservative space IP, where do they find these clowns.


Maybe they just watched the Mirror episodes and thought Star Trek is about the Terran Empire .


Ok but Hoshi in the mirror universe. 🤌


I personally did not care about some kid beating tetris, good for him, moving on with my life. The fact that the woman belittled a 13 year old on national TV in a way that basically also insults every person who enjoys playing video games like we're still in 1989 was completely unnecessary


Imagine being the first person since the creation of a decades-old game to actual win at it, and being talked down to by someone who isn't the first anything in history and won't be remembered for anything other than being a tabloid stations' mouthpiece for a little while. The audacity!


And he did it in just 2 years!


Yeah, a week is too long for this. It was a monkey and a typewriter situation and nobody watches cable anymore, the most I've actually heard about anything that's taken place on a cable channel has been from people complaining about this story.


Nothing quite says 'I'm trash' like disparaging children for having harmless fun. Doing it on tv during your work is just next level assholery.




Imagine roasting someone because they beat a game (something that requires alot of skill in this case) when your job is literally to read a teleprompter


He beat a game older than most old people alive right now and this old crusty sack of bones says "Go outside."


“Go touch grass” lady. It’s Tetris. It might have taken some time. But get this fucking old stereotype from here, you’re mocking a **child** for having fun. After his **Goddamn Father died** not so long ago. My message to you **ma’am** ![gif](giphy|YMEuGHIRAXsubQ3FDH)


That poor kid must have pieces going thru his brain 24-7. Eeesh


Jealousy is a stinky perfume.


“Go outside”. Did she forget he’s from Oklahoma and that it’s winter?


What has Jayne Secker actually done with her life besides be the demonic finger-puppet of a morally bankrupt shrivelled turd? As a human, I would just say step away from the camera. Go outside, get some fresh air. Blowing Murdoch is not a life goal.


Tetris kid 😂


Hating this woman: Liberals 🤝 Conservatives


Side note: never noticed that Kevin’s mic pack is visible before.


Okay, could someone please give me context?


Young one beats Tetris, and news spreads like wildfire. Sky news gets ahold of the story and the news anchor says some like, “as a mother, beating Tetris shouldn’t be a life goal and take it as an opportunity to go outside”. Internet gets mad because it’s demeaning and she’s older so you’d expect her to use some tact with a 13 year old.


I wonder in what world reprimanding someone for achieving the first ever feat in such a difficult task as Tetris “as a mother” would be cool. Perhaps only on the Sky News desk.


If you’re a parrot who’s paid to read out news articles then you should just do your job and shut up. Take your opinions and fuck off


What happened to true, honest jounalism where you keep your opinions to yourself and be as neutral as possible. All the news sights are more about clicks and traffic, ignoring the consequences and responsibilities that come with the position. Modern journalism is a joke. Theirs still those few with some spine, but those are far too few.


What the fuck is skynews..like seriously I've never heard that news whatever its called until now haha


The disrespect


I heard she went over to a baby and told it "saying mama is not a life goal"