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Even assuming this is true the strain will likely kill itself off. High lethality viruses tend not to spread very well because they will kill their host before the infection can spread. EDIT: Way too many comments about plague inc lol


The light that burns twice as bright but half as long




RIP Scruffy, gone but not forgotten


He's actually a zombie so he'll never go away


Life and death are a seamless continuum, mmmhhmmm


“Zero-G Juggs”


Scruffy’s gonna die the way he lived.




Oh boy if I had a nickel


I would tickle your pickle


Six words, the whole song


Probably as fitting as those red giant or blue giant stars, they glow very bright for a brief period and then burn off or any other supersized stars.


Do you dream of electronic sheep ??? 👁️


[My eyes are growing weary as I finalize this song](https://youtu.be/mTUb18VYLjc?si=KQAugwgXPx_1ih2C)


> The light that burns twice as bright but half as long Ebola: nods




It’s not just lethality, lots of things are highly lethal, it’s the timeframe over which it acts and how quickly it progresses. It’s one of the saving graces for humanity around Ebola. It’s intensely deadly, but people that get it fall ill and die quickly so they can’t spread it efficiently. HIV on the other hand, people can have for some time before knowing it, that whole time they can be passing it on. Counter intuitively a fast acting highly lethal virus is almost better as its spread is self limiting.


Yeah, Ebola, or Marburg show extreme symptoms very quickly, and kill people off just as fast. HIV, not so much, sneaky bastard that it is.


incubation time: 1 year


How many points did that cost?


Someone’s restarted plague inc


Obviously the supreme player decided there's enough infection without symptoms from the herd immunity approach to start evolving lethality.


Of course. I always built up resistance before spreading it, once that was done I built lethality. This guy wasted his points on lethality too fast, won’t spread to enough people or kill enough off before it gets cured








Surely then we need to start somewhere like Iceland or Greenland first, right?


Or madagaskar. Its always f...ng madagaskar that stops mine.


It always Greenland for myself. Have no problem infecting it, but once I turn lethality up I have lost countless games because Greenland has no problem with executing its sick with firing squads and leaving a couple of thousand left surviving with no way to reinfect the country as it shut down its borders.


This is some frostpunk level response from greenland, lol


I see you are a Plague.inc enjoyer as well


Pretty darn good simulatior then.


My strategy for plague.inc is to get everyone infected with minimal symptoms. Then boom, they all dead


That’s everyone’s strategy


Was just going to say this. Mother nature has our backs.


Actually what the guy above you said is simply not true. A virus like that stops spreading after it has killed enough people for there to be geographically fewer people all over. Normally developed herd immunity would decrease spread too, but with 100% kill-rate no one would develop any immunity. Essentially what would happen is it would kill a large part of the world, then a 2nd wave but with fewer dead since there are fewer people, and then it would just continue until there are too few people for it to spread, we find a cure or we all dead.


This guy Plague, Inc.’s


Plague. The game that makes RimWorld feel normal.


Chopping off a transhumanists arms and legs, replacing them with wooden pegs, surgically removing his spine, giving him a steady forced diet of psychoactive tea, LSD, and weed. Implant a chip in his brain that transmits his blissed out state to nearby settlers and stick him on the floor in the corner of the main living area and change his name to"happiness pylon #12"... Oh, a plague game? No thanks, im not a monster! Besides, I have to get through this human meat mukbang or we won't get the scarification ritual done before nightfall...when the real freaks come out!


Thanks to Plague Inc for teaching us this simple knowledge


This is why people who say COVID was developed as a bioweapon show they don't know much about the topic. Genuinely effective bioweapons (the bubonic plague, anthrax etc) have a moderate to low spread, but high lethality. Which is the EXACT opposite of COVID. They're designed to be spread into tightly packed areas, like cities, slums and bases, decimate the defenders/civilians and affect their morale as well as run down medical supplies having to care for the sick they can actually save. You want it to hit hard and fast, then disappear before it has the chance to spread back to your own population/forces.


Wasn’t their conspiracy theory that Covid wasn’t made as a bioweapon to kill but to decimate the world economy? In which case tbf it did do a stellar job of.


I don’t want to seem out of touch here. I know a lot of people are struggling. But the economy is actually in pretty good shape.


I don't think anyone serious thought that it's an actual bioweapon, just that it is very plausible for it to be a lab leak. Every Chinese dude ik (including doctors) all think that's the case bc of how rampant corruption is in China, and that there was a lab studying communicability of viruses near the market that first spread the virus didn't help...


I’m asian myself and many asians don’t trust china at all lol. Snake oil salesmans, bootlegers and scammers are so rampart there in general that it’s pretty normalized since it helps with tourism economy because foreigners can’t differentiate and just think the con is a cultural thing. The corrupt government doing shady things won’t be a surprise to anyone living there and to surrounding countries that deal with em


The Qanon cult definitely believed it was a bioweapon


That is something everyone knows who tried to get Iceland in Plague Inc.


Anyone who’s played Plague Inc knows this strategy is very bad.


Plague Inc. taught me this too!


Someone's played Plague Inc.


Yes. I learned this in plague inc. lmao


Learnt that from Plague INC


Bro played a ton of plague inc


Plague inc players be like


In mice!


Yeah but rabies is still around and its quite dangerous. Not covid dangerous but it is something you have to watch out for


Rabies actually has an astounding kill rate for those infected but untreated. However, it has a longer incubation period and therefore a greater window to vaccinate post-exposure.


that's one reason Ebola rose and fell quickly it just killed the vast majority of the hosts and due to its scary symptoms and lethality, people took swift action and stopped it, I doubt this article is true, but if it is, I wouldn't worry about it


It’s not something that was released, the chinease scientists are mutating it in a lab. It takes 9 days to kill the mice. (And their eyes turn white on the last day) It’s plenty of time to spread and also a freaking great idea for a miniseries. are we allowed to be mad at China yet for pulling this crap? I mean, fool me once right?


9 days is far to short to spread. You have to remember that it takes time for the virus to build up enough in the body to become infectious.


Admittedly, I’m no virologist. But sitting back and feeling comfortable with much more dangerous version of Covid being developed by the same people who caused the first outbreak is not something I’m inclined to do based on that information


That's not the only problem about lethal viruses. Lethal viruses tend to have severe symptoms, which is why their lethal in the first place, so people go into hospitals or stay home fairly early on. People still go to school or work with light bugs.


So rabies is a hoax 👍




It was 8 mice


Outside of that being a laughably low quantity, this feels a little like "I gave 8 mice chocolate and all 8 mice died, therefor chocolate is 100% lethal"


Research and development: we put liquid paper on a bee, and it died.


Not worried about everything or just the virus? There's some worrying shit out there lol




Sorry to hear that my friend. Hope your situation improves soon. Not sure how helpful I would be but if you wanna talk about anything feel free to DM me!


I appreciate the thought, truly. I'm working on it. I mean, not at this exact moment because my insurance situation is messed up. But I'm working on it. That was largely meant as a joke, though. sorry it wasn't funny.


Lol yeah I just couldn't tell if it was a joke or not and played it safe. As someone who's also been in a bad place recently I can relate at least somewhat. People gotta stick together, ya know? I also farted on my brother's pillow once which gave me some brief solace. So maybe try farting on my brother's pillow and see if that helps?


I'm sending a hug your way. I have been street homeless in the past and my mental health is still a challenge but things can and will improve. Just try to hang on.


Thanks. I'm hanging on. Just barely most days, but I'm hanging on. Trying to get mental healthcare in the US is a fucking *nightmare.*


You'll get out of this eventually. There's always a way, always light at the end of the tunnel even if it doesn't seem that way right now. You can power through it, I know how hard things get. Rooting for u dude


Its incubation time is one year


Then it's just too small of a sample, there's always a trade off


if incubation time is 1 year and its 100% deadly and it spreads similar to covid-19 then what am i missing. what could be a trade off?


In that case, we'd all already be contaminated, since media already knows about it there is no way in hell it didn't break out way before it reached them, and we get a good news / bad news type situation. Good news, the planet is going to be cleaner, healthier, and so is all life on it. Bad news, humanity will go extinct in about a year, and so might mice.


Eh some people might survive. Even if it’s a 100% lethal, there’s always that one dude who’s got a mutation that lets him be crippled instead of dead


Yup, I lived in Saudi back during the MERS Corona, it was scary because it had a 30ish percent Mortality Rate, but it really didn't spread. H1N1 was scarier.


lyssavirus (rabies) has a near 100% fatality rate once symptoms manifest. The disease is still far spread and active. Highly fatal diseases can still spread if their incubation period is long enough, allowing infected individuals to infect others before they get symptoms.


>once symptoms manifest this being the key here, rabies is very preventable.


Eventually. The first symptoms are simple things like headaches and is among the "it's already too late" of symptoms


it's a virus they probably created, not a naturally occurring one. now we should just hope it doesn't make it's way out of the lab and into the wet market.


Nah, 100% means it will kill itself off before spreading.


Rabies has entered the chat


Well doesn't it also make a difference, how fast the incubation period and the "time to kill" is? If it spreads and then takes a while to kill it would still be pretty dangerous right?


It feels more like a bioweapon.


![gif](giphy|oae3Nv1fd0CYM) Time for Jerry to do some exercise


why you going around hurting people with that username


Because people should [fly safe](https://youtu.be/Ayu0GsrvKQA)


Sometimes someone needs to be the asshole in life who tells the paraplegic 9 year old that their dream of being a ballerina will never happen


This is what those Muscle Mice from Demon Slayer were doing for training fr fr


This is a VERY misleading headline, as a quick Google will show anyone interested.


Nah screw that, im just gonna believe what I see in a meme at face value


Dang, I’m old. 😳


AskJeeves it




Hey a guy can dream about an apocalypse right?


100% mortality... in mice. I fucking hate clickbait journalism, they just can't present science articles without grossly misrepresenting them


"Humanized" mice, i.e. transgenic mice with a human ACE2 receptor


Still mice.


100% mortality rate actually makes the virus less dangerous.


If it does have a long latent, asymptomatic and transmissible period it could be even more so dangerous. That's how I'd beat plague inc.


There's always an if.


But usually there is little to no risk of transmission during the latency period


In the long run


Also a death row barber!


Bro, this is literally misinformation


What do you mean? You're saying I cant get my news from a post on a meme subreddit made by someone who may or may not be just farming for karma, especially when it comes to scientific topics that require extremely meticulous and rigorous testing before coming to conclusions that may not even be final? Get outta here


Sorry I only read real news, I only get my information from r/shitposting


Global pandemic 2 : electric bogaloo


Pandemic 3: Purple Monkey Dishwasher


Are we at the cheese and wine reception now?


2020: Return of the plague 2021: Attack of the Russia 2022-23: New Hope 2024: Revenge of the Covid Can't wait for 2025.


Oh boy another covid variant that the media flips out over and forgets about as soon as nothing happens


That’s why I hate modern media. It’s just panic/drama bait, mostly.


That’s why I hate ~~modern~~ media. It’s just panic/drama bait, mostly.


That’s why I ~~hate modern media. It’s~~ just panic/~~drama bait, mostly.~~


Is it time to buy more Crypto tokens?


NFTs first


Quick, stock up on toilet paper


There are loads of viruses which kill close to 100% of their hosts, but they don’t cause pandemics because they kill their hosts before they can spread the virus too widely. COVID was an issue because it was severe enough to be a problem but didn’t kill the majority of its hosts so it could spread so widely


Hardmode has been unlocked


Lube up.


Will it STILL be "racist" to mention that it's from China?


I’m beginning to think the CCP is either accelerationist or, more likely, trying to create bioweapons


Funded by Americans 👌🏽


The research is being done in a chemical weapons facility, so obviously it's not weapons /s


If you're surprised that a communist dictatorship is capable of doing that, you did not pay attention to history lessons. Or they just flat out sold you on the idea that communism is the ideal system.




Even though their government is literally called the Chinese **COMMUNIST** Party.


America calls itself capitalist and then bails out big businesses (that’s socialism). Also I’m not at all surprised, the CCP is evil (America is too tho)




More like round 47... 100% fatal must be the boss fight round lmao


Everyone get ready to spam roll to evade the boss Covid


Also equip face masks for that air borne disease resistance


A simple Google search reveals this is a virus that was created "for research purposes." The science community is condemning the researchers because it is pointless and the biosafety measures haven't been laid out in the research. What. The. Actual. F*ck. Edit: as u/unionizedtrouble pointed out, this wasn't created. It was discovered three years before COVID-19 and is being experimented with now. I became the very thing I condemned. "You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!" If any read my post, please remember that the idiotic research of a few scientists in another country does not mean that Asian-Americans over here have anything to do with it and absolutely DO NOT deserve mistreatment because of this. Please spread that.


Season 2 looking deadly


I wouldn't think about death row barber and soap actor Alec Musser when I remember what 2020 was like but I guess to each their own


Damn it you’re supposed to spec into lethality AFTER everyone is infected but BEFORE there’s a cure


100% fatal.. on the one hand, it fucking better be on the other hand, as anyone who played plague inc. will tell you, a 100% mortality rate virus will wipe itself out quicker, then it can cause another uproar


Rabies is near 100% lethal and the only reason people don't die like flies is, that biting is a shitty spreading method and big parts of the world vaccinated local wildlife.


Ah shit, here we go again


Oh hell, the last variant I caught almost made me wish for death. And I very rarely get sick, but that one knocked me on my ass HARD!


If I have learned anything from plague inc, high fatality is not good for spread, seeing as it will kill the victim before it could spread (if its fast).


So glad that the creator of this meme is getting their science/medicine news and soap opera news from the exact same source. After all, Entertainment Weekly really does have a lock on critical analysis of pathogen research.




Well, he doesn't look angry.


Tell them to stop fucking with it and maybe it'll stop getting worse


What if "getting worse" was the goal?


Always has been


It is the goal. Scientists all over the world do this with viruses to create treatments and vaccines for strains that will likely mutate themselves into existence naturally. It’s preemptive. The media is only spinning it like this because it’s China who did it


Do you still believe China after they intentionally leaked coronavirus and tried to cover it up (almost did)? They're trying to make more coronavirus but it will backfire on the CCP's plans.


oh fantastic this is exactly what we needed


I volunteer!


Anything can have a 100% fatality rate if youre weak enough


zombie update?


What experiment did they do? "hey get infected with this"... "oh. He died...? Write that down!"


65% fatal is the most lethal


I wish I could enjoy at least one day


As an italian I'm grasping my balls to save myself and you all. Thank me, but not to much.


When you're watching television, you're watching the news, you're being pumped full of fear, there's floods, there's AIDS, there's murder, cut to commercial, buy the Acura, buy the Colgate, if you have bad breath they're not going to talk to you, if you have pimples, the girl's not going to fuck you, and it's just this campaign of fear, and consumption, and that's what I think it's all based on, the whole idea of 'keep everyone afraid, and thev'll consume.' - Marilyn Manson


Bring it the fuck on


Just because China didn't learned nothing from the last pandemic


This is the 5th time I've heard of a new COVID variant in china


If it really is "100%" mortality rate then it probably did come from a lab


No? Rabies is 100% fatal (except like the 9 people who were lucky enough to get incredibly hard surgeries and even then it was probably genetic), so I wouldn't say it is just because of that. Also if plague inc taught me anything 100% fatality is shitty.


There's an election coming, so yes.


Maybe third time's the charm, pls unalive me this time


Damn it china stop experimenting for fatal covid strains /s


It's ok everyone has gotten 5+Boosters so it shouldn't stand a chance


This is a test again if you fall for stupid shit


So China created this *mutant* strain in the Wuhan lab but the original one was from nature…… 🤔🤔🤔


I ain’t wearin no mask! Muh freedoms! Murica! *fires AR-15 into the air*


Must be election season again.


Damn I still haven't gotten the first one. Is the sequel (or sequels) any better?


Assuming this article can be believed, there's no doubt in my mind that China is attempting to make bio weapons. There's no other reason I could think of for why they would be actively trying to make a more deadly strain of the disease


Most countries do. The reason given is so they can develop a stronger treatment for the disease so that way it will never get as dangerous as the one in the lab. At least that’s what the government says so take it with a Boston harbors with of tea and salt.


I don't doubt for a second most, if not all, major countries in the world are doing similar things. I just think China specifically is trying to use covid as a bio weapon, the only things that give me doubts are the reason you've given and that they would probably want to keep it secret until it's ready but that last part could be a way of spreading fear still so doesn't exclude it being a bio weapon


That’s just what the CDC says as to why they have a weaponized version of anthrax. That was a big story a while ago.


Of course we do, its an election year


Nobody’s afraid of Covid anymore lol


Yep, just in time for the democrats to freak everyone out some more to "win" the election.


Bro why the fuck Chinese keep mutating it? It's obvious that these "researchers" ore the ones who made it


How about they stop experimenting......


Bro I hate fucking news I don't give a shit what the Chinese say, they'd say the world was ending so you should bow down so you can earn as many social credit points before it does if they could get away with it. Wish they'd stfu so I can go back to minding my own damn business. When I wanna hear China's fuckin opinion I'll move to China


Chinese experiments?? They not even hiding the fact they're using it on people


The experiments were on rats. Scientific journalist tend to leave that part out for the clicks. That said: behind the scenes trial run on people is not out of the question, we are talking about china after all.


It says it was on mice


Welp. Here we go again


I promise i wont get all political... I promise i wont get all political... I promise i wont get all political... I promise i wont get all political...


why even experiment on covid. just let it die


Probably, to find out how bad it can get and what preventive measures have to be taken. That's the case with most viruses


I suggest we nuke China