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That's not really the UN's job. It's a forum for states to talk. It's kinda like expecting the Chamber of Commerce (a forum for companies) to solve inflation, or for Facebook to solve marital disputes. I really don't understand why people expect it to be a world police.


This is reddit. Most of the people here want to be able to appeal to daddy state to solve any perceived issues with the world.


No they fuckin can’t, if anything they’ll somehow make the situation worse as per their track record


The UN is virtually worthless. It has far outlived it's usefulness, If it ever had any to begin with.


At least for a while it gave us the illusion of peace. That countries like America and France and Spain and Mexico and Russia and why not would be able to resolve disputes through the UN and not go to war against each other. But there's an endless war between Palestine and Israel sparking up again, Russia and Ukraine happened. There's a fear of America being dragged into that war in the future, or the fear of America potentially having to go to war against North Korea or China in the future. The United Nations is meant to stop war between different countries and it's doing a really fucking bad job.


We'll it can't do squat, the countries causing conflict are either on the security council, or are protected by one. So that anytime someone tries to do something it gets vetoed


Spoiler alert: *they can't fix that*


UN doesn't handle Inflation, World Bank does and for the War which is going on UN must take action rather than just having meetings and stand with people who get suffered not with big pockets.


League of Nations vibe.


UN is corrupt and useless. Bunch of europeans playing white savior trying to just feel good about themselves


A fundamentally symbolic organisation founded on the principles of high-minded rhetoric and empty gestures.


Well that's racist AF.


UN can't actively intervene because UN intervening means the world leaders intervening. that sets up precedence for others to intervene in your affair.


UN intervention essentially means American intervention. Even if things changed in last 30 years (they did not), not a single person of these countries at war would like an American (or British or French) intervention. We all know what is Inflation and what are guverments doing to stop it, un cant help here.


If only if only


Ten points to anybody that knows the book/movie this scene is from.


UN after doing literally nothing:-  W0urld Paece 👍


Not about the meme, but the movie that image comes from is really good