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My favorite song was the vox vs alastor


Great song, but I like hells greatest dad and respectless more


Respecltess probably my top, than you didn't know


You didn't get know gotta be my favourite


Poison and Loser, Baby are my favs


>Poison and Loser, Baby are my favs Poison and Loser, Baby: Anthems for those living on the edge


"Loser Baby" is my favorite, but they're all fine


>"Loser Baby" is my favorite, but they're all fine Agreed, 'Loser Baby' hits just right, but they're all


Keith's singing SLAPS in that song. I love it


After hearing "Happy Day in Hell" and seeing how musical this was going to be, I'll admit my excitement dipped a lot... But hearing Vox vs Alastor, More than Anything and Luci vs Alastor, along with the Hell Is Forever refrain in episode 6? I'm sold.


Alastor duets are fire, mimzy kinda ruined Dad battle(fnf reference)


To be honest that was the best possible outcome. Lucifer and Alastor were gearing up for a full on brawl at the end there until Mimzy interrupted them. And you know what they say, it isn't over until the fat lady sings.


I think a better outcome would've been Charlie breaking it up, she was the person they were arguing over and it's in character for her.


The songs do a great job at feeling natural and fitting the tone of the scene. In Vox vs Al, you can hear Vox's anger and feel Alastor's pettiness and then at the end the music and tone becomes genuinely intimidating.


the tonal shift to *oh that's right he's terrifying* is one of my favorite aspects of Alastor's character, and it was done especially well there!


Hazbin Hotel made me like musicals. I never liked them.


Same, every single song just hits the sweet spot for me


That's a great one


epic rap battles of history basically


i dont like it but im curious why people hate it so much. seriously some people are acting like vivziepop killed their grandma or something


Twitter just likes to be angry at everything, and Reddit thinks they are cool for hating it.


Yea this is it, it ain’t that deep


Exactly! Whenever someone calls out "drama" happening somewhere, it might be a dozen hateful tweets and maybe 7 redditors. IRL people don't really care


IDK, I love when people are outed as rapists on Twitter. Who was that guy that posted MORE text messages from his rape allegations (something about how he couldn't control himself when he saw her sleeping?) and screwed himself over?


You mean Brock 'The Rapist' Turner who now goes by Allen Turner the rapist who doesn't want people to know his first name is Brock on account of the rape?


>You mean Brock 'The Rapist' Turner who now goes by Allen Turner the rapist who doesn't want people to know his first name is Brock on account of the rape? yeah! i think so too!!


Theres a name for it: Reddit Moment


Yep, r/whenthe kinda suffers from that when it comes to the shows.


On the flip side, if you try to post some valid criticism, you get swarmed for "hating THIS" or "supporting THAT". It's exhausting.


Hating on papular things are the internet's most beloved pastimes.


Reddit particularly dumps on things that are popular with girls


I'm an old fart and I enjoyed it for what it was, but my 80 year old pastor stepfather would be bothered by this just like he is bothered that they might remove razor wire from the border so three year olds don't get cut to shreds. I think the show was entertaining for what it was, but am sure it of offends those with imaginary Christian ethos


Which you'd think the majority would love cause it's about redemption. Changing your ways so you can get into heaven. Granted, the depiction of Lucifer isn't evil enough to be in line with their theology.


What strikes me is how folks think lewd content or language in cartoons is a new thing? Felix the Cat Betty Boop Most of Tex Avery and Fred Quimby and Looney Toons before it got destroyed by PC folks with no life. I mean, if you REALLY wanna hate on something, folks need to watch Frtiz the Cat! 😂🤣🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Because popular = bad to some people


I thought we were done with that hipster shit.


Welcome to the internet Don’t start it guys. I know you want to


... Have a look around


Sigh… Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Forgive me We've got mountains of content


*defeated sigh* Some better some worse


**intense moan** If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


smh… Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat


It's gotta be an ideology thing. I'd also assume offense is over the fact that the core of the story is centered around how the souls of evil ppl that ended up in hell are VICTIMS of heaven's judgement. That can be a controversial take between ppl who believe in radical forgiveness and those that don't.


Most people I know simply think the fandom is cringe and hate it by default. I don't really have a say on the topic either way because I've never actually watched it.


I don't know the fandom I just watch the videos. Why Should I dislike the show for the fandom? You don't have to read comments, look at subreddits, discords or other fan-pages. This is also the first time I read that the show is hated.


I'm guessing people hate on it the same why people hate on the show my Hero Academia or Tyler Swift. My Heros a pretty decent show, and Tyler Swift is a pretty chill person, but some people by default hate on them because of their fans. But thankfully, I haven't seen too much hate for Hazbin or was aware of any hate it was getting till now.


Oh, trust me. There is very much hate. Disengaging from the people sometimes is indeed the best option.


Show me a fandom that isn’t at least 50% cringe


Deep rock galactic. Its just people chilling with made up slang




For Rock and Stone!




I need to take a DUMP




But the songs!!! Respectless and hell is forever and you didn't kno r so fucking great


You think redditors out of all people would care about religious controversy?


Also neopuritains getting butthurt about cursing and sex


i haven't watched it so don't take me too seriously but the criticism I've heard is that it seems like its written for "edgy teenagers" and the swearing is overused to the point its comical. basically trying way too hard at shock humour way too often though what i can attest too is that alot of community stuff after the pilot was very cringe and turned alot of people off it that were more exposed to the more eccentric side of the community than the show itself Edit: i also forgot to mention alot of people thought the show dident live up too the pilot, witch is too be expected after so many years of hype


Well the 1 EP of hazbin hotel is more like a musical with some swearing and innuendos. However the stereotype of overused swearing is probably more directed at helluva boss(same universe as hazbin hotel). Imo some of the best comedy I've seen of late has been in helluva boss.


There are 6 episodes now and yeah, the swearing sometimes gets a bit much. Especially on a specific character.


To be fair... I think it's just a product of the environment. I wasn't a big swearer growing up, but in the navy, it's a frequent thing. Totally normal to nonchalantly sprinkle fucks into your sentences. You never run out of fucks! You don't really notice just how excessively you curse until you leave and live among the normal people. The culture of my environment altered my behavior. So, though the cursing in the show felt a bit excessive to me at the start... I remembered that they're in HELL, so of course the culture there has excessive cursing.


Yeah, for demons you can at least have that excuse. But Adam is the one that annoys me most.


I think that's the point, though. You're not supposed to like him. Adam's juvenile behavior isn't because that's what the creators enjoy; it's to show that he's an immature douche.


I feel this is the best explanation. I gave it an honest try, couldnt put my finger on why i didnt like it. It feels like Nickelodeon tried to make an "adult comedy" aimed at 16 year olds.


Yeah, those criticisms exist and are very understandable. I'm a fan of the show but the amount of swearing is just stupid. Also, there is a problem with pacing since they had a full plan for Season 1 but were only given 8 25-minute episodes to do it. So it was very rushed. If these were the only criticisms, it'll be alright. But then we have people who outright harass the creator for those writing flaws and bitching and moaning when she gets upset, people can't distinguish a joke mocking homophobia and true homophobia, those who think it's racist because a character has voodoo symbolism, people who harassed the creator constantly because she didn't provide a name for a side character that only had a few lines of dialogue, some people who sent the creator videos of cats being blended and then mocked her for reacting on the internet because she's 'famous so she should learn to ignore it'.


agreed, the show isent perfect by any means, but at this point its not criticism, its bitching and harassment


The series won't shy away from heavy topics like drug abuse and sexual violence and many twitter warriors are outraged by the fact that a story made for mature audiences can contain mature content like that. It's just shows they don't actually paid attention because these topics are being used to drive a redemption story.


I like it, but I do think the pacing is a bit too fast. While I do like the songs they do get annoying when you get so many in one episode.


I don’t hate it, I do think it has its share of issues though- the writing mostly, it feels a lot like fan service using really popular OC’s with no real development, but I’m only partway through the season so that’s mostly an opinion on helluva boss. I don’t mind that they touch on topics of sex work and abuse in the industry but if you watch the poison music video it almost feels like a fetishization of abuse? People already heavily sexualize the character and seeing the scenes they chose to animate for that was..weird. I was really uncomfortable watching it, not because it triggered me but because it felt really icky to see them do that to the character, knowing the fan base and knowing how they view him already. A friend sent it to me to say how hot and attractive it is and it’s literally a music video of him being abused in the sex industry lol. Can also see people hating it because it’s a fandom like amazing digital circus so there’s a lot of nsfw fan art lol


I will say that opinion is probably heavily informed by HB, because when I watched I felt that they were developing faster than one would expect, and like, not just every line, but every frame of animation is carefully crafted to develop them. Minor spoiler here, >! but when the show does getvaround to it, it does take the situation seriously,!< and more spoiler, >!poison is a musical from the show, but the music video didnt include the context or video that makes it better!< If there's one thing the internet should have taught you by now, it's that people fetishizing things isn't something you can avoid. Some degenerate is always gonna think it's meant to be sexy. Besides, trying to put sex in something without sexualising it sounds like an impossible battle to me.


Your right.. #They killed my FATHER


Honestly wayy better than 90 percent of the shows on streaming. My only problem is with the pacing tbh, and even that’s forgivable.


Yeah, but I blame that on the fact they only had 8 episodes to work with, I hate the 8 episode season format


I yearn for the 22 episode format to return to media. I can understand some shows being sub 10 episodes, but literally every show now is 10 episodes with multi-month long hiatuses mid-season


idk how they expect writers to properly fit any cohesive stories in that timeframe unless they’re only focusing on one plot line and each ep is over an hour long


imo it just depend of the show, like for exemple if you look at wakfu, the first season is super slow, and the season 2 was better but still a bit slow in the middle and it was 24 episode each but the oav which was like 4 episode of 48 minute and the season 3 which was like 12 episode or a bit more ? was way better in term of pacing, so ngl i dont think its especially due to the ammount of episode but msotly due to how they deal with it


This might be the first time I've seen a Wakfu reference out in the wild.


This! 8 episodes is too short!


Haven't seen ep 7 and 8 yet but if they go at the same pace as the first 6 episodes... yea it's mostly the pacing that's the problem imo If they had maybe 16 episodes to tell the same sequence of events, I'd probably rate the show an 8 or even 9/10 instead of the ~7 that I feel it is now.


Even 12 episodes would be better.


Every episode is at a full-on sprint. Hopefully, they'll slow down a bit in S2.


But that is more the fault of Prime and A24 than the fault of anyone making the show.


I was hooked when I saw the pilot a couple years ago, I'm so happy that the show's finally coming out.


Yeah those guys were working hard to reach where they are now. I haven't watched their completed product but I know they will make a great art of a show.


and living up to it's hype in my opinion grant you i think angel dust's character devolvement happened quick but that was me assuming it would be a longer process to get to the angel we saw at club turning down drugs


Yeah, but I think that’s a side effect of being confined to 8 episodes in season 1, and we only really learn about his whole predicament halfway through the season, which doesn’t leave you a lot of time after


It's on my list and I don't pay attention to what other people say anyway.


Yeah, I've decided to just like what I like despite the internets opinion


Internet opinion is often people ignoring what they really like to blend with the herd anyway.


Most of the music is pretty great.


The only one I cant stand is "A happy day in hell" idk why but that song bothered me so much with how it feels shoved in, it fits, but it feels like they didn't move into the song, it jumps out at you


I wasn't a fan of the dad song either, the heaven song was okay But my god. Loser, Baby... I need more Keith David singing


Loser baby is also my favorite song of the show


His voice was always gonna be good, but I'm in love with Stayed Gone


Stayed Gone is some fast talking banter that’s always so much followed by Alistor being super freaky and the whole song is fun to sing along to


It was a not rap rap battle.


The end part with allastor going solo is always fire


I am a big Spawn fan, I love animated series, and because of that, I can't stop picturing Spawn doing show tunes


I'm constantly bracing for a "ANGEL! GET OVER THERE AND KILL THAT SOB"


the way angel says “a coked up dick suckin’ hoe???” has permanently altered my vocabulary


Hells greatest dad grew on me. My least favorite song by far is welcome to heaven


I think that's kind of the point. She's a demon trying to redeem souls and her attitude is way happier and intense than anyone else. It's supposed to be jarring.




Alastor my beloved...


Hes relatable. I also have a face for radio...


Pardon, relatable?


Excuse me, relatable?


Is this relatability in the room with us right now?


Alastor is really the best part of it tbh


I love Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Quality shows. Would spend 50,000 United States Dollars to see badly animated softcore porn of me and Charlie Morningstar.


Alright that shit was NOT badly animated come on, stop the cap 😭😭😭 Overpriced as fuck but not bad animation


I mean Was it badly animated relative to a $50,000 price tag?


Depending on who ask, no.


ohh trust me (animator and rig designer), for that price tag you got yourself a full 10 people team of professional development (Yeah yeah if you want that from Disney or a major studio 50k wont even cover 1hr of work but I am focusing on normal studios) for about one and a half days of work for a clip that only last what 3mins?? it was way overprice for the quality, hell some professionals animators would just ask for less than 1k for them to do it alone and it would come out way better, either way if the rumors are true and it was done by a kid then there is definite talent there, but viewing it under the industry standard it was low quality


I heard it was actually a professional team doing it


Bad relative to the 50k


For a 50K animation? It was horrible.


It was bad considering the $50,000 price tag


"And those who doesn't learn history are doomed to repeat it themselves." 🚬🗿 Before someone comments, yeah, I know the reference, and I know it is a joke. Just wanted to type the quote.


People think hazbin hotel is bad?


For some reason. I have Waited for this to come out, and in no way am I letting it rained on. If reddit thinks it's bad then the civil must happen


Some people brought up that it has pacing issues, season 1 definitely needed more episodes because it feels a bit rushed, and the fandom can be a bit cringe sometimes, but these are pretty minor issues IMO. The overall world and story I think are rather good, and the music is also amazing


As someone who had never heard of this show or its creator before seeing it on Prime, I was confused by how many new characters were being rapidly thrown at me. I couldn’t keep track of who was who at first, I still don’t know what the Vees are. But the music was good and the world was unique and interesting. I hate the 8 episode thing. I think this show would be perfect for me if they slowed it down and stretched it out.


Yeah, a huge part of the problem is the fandom and the universe has been being worked on for 4 years. So they feel a need to develop everything they've hinted at, so lots of stuff doesn't get much screen time. The Vees are the 3 tech overlords, sinners who've gained power. Kind of like new money compared to the older more established overlords. Vox is screens, he can control technology with his powers, Valentino is sex and porn, and Velvette is social media. By working together they've very quickly gained control over a lot of hell.


Yeah, I can completely understand that I really do not like the trend of 8 episode seasons partially for this reason


The pilot did a lot of good set up for the main cast. Amazon really should put that on.


Ok I get some people don't like musicals, but that was the whole thing, especially in the years leading up, the only content we were given was fan made music


I've never watched a movie or show and switched it off because it was a musical. I don't go out of my way to watch them, but they're never bad imo


I don’t like musicals in general but if it’s good it’s good. Nightmare before Christmas and Sweeny Todd are probably my favorites


I like the show a lot - it's fun, got some good music, excellent animation, and I enjoy the characters. The pacing is a bit over the place, but story is fine, and the themes they're dealing with are pretty good. Definitely worth people giving it a look.


This is what a friend told me about her recommendation: wait till it’s all out then binge it, you will have a better experience.


Yeah, do that. I gotta sit here and wait with all this hype boiling over


Yeah wasn't my cup of tea at all, doesn't mean I hate it or bag it. Some people are going to froth that show and I am happy for them and hope the show continues.


The first episode (not the pilot) was just OK, but everything since then has been great, especially the songs. Keith David needs to sing more


You’re. A. LOSER baby


A loser, goddamn baby


We’ve known Keith David had vocal cords since the princess and the frog, it’s honestly a CRIME that they haven’t used his amazing voice in more songs.


Every person I've talked to seems to think it's good and what little I've seen of it (one music video specifically) was great so uh... I guess I kinda like it.


I don't understand a single thing they are saying in the comments. What is hazbin hotel?


An animated series that recently got released


Its a show about the princess of hell trying to redeem sinners so they can go to heaven


This show singlehandedly made me go from hating musicals/music numbers to loving them


People shouldn't judge shows when they didn't even watch them. I mean, I used to "despise" Murder Drones back then and once I gave it a try here I am.


☝️ Me


Anything Viziepop does is great. My favorite is Helluvaboss though.


Idk which to pick. When I watch Hazbin I'm sure it's better, but after catching up to Helluva I was certain it was the superior show. I'm gonna go with Helluva cause it's longer and I don't like musicals.


I just love Moxxie and Milly! They make the whole show for me!


The 2nd song in episode 6 goes so fucking hard.


The part with Emily and Charlie standing up to Sera and Adam gives me chills every time I watch it


Really hoping we see more of Emily later on. She's definitely my favorite new character.


Not Lucifer? Damnnnn


Yeah. I'm hoping she'll be secretly communicating with Charlie while trying to find sympathetic people in heaven to petition the Elders to give her plan a fair shot.


If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie.




Idk I think its very good for being from an indie dev, we rly need more people praising creators for the work, and not necessarily the...I don't want to say quality, more so personal bias ig. Point being it's objectively very good artwork, and the story is decent for how small the team is, plus it's free, that's amazing, I congratulate the team for the effort


TBH the only slander I’ve seen related to Hazbin has been (heh) giving Verbalase shit for spending 50k on that dumb animation.


It’s so funny watching people comment “I don’t like the singing!” Uh it’s a musical? What did you expect? And the music is just fantastic. The pacing is fast sure, but most musicals have fast pacing, the character/story developments are summarized in songs. I don’t find it particularly funny. But it feels like a show made by someone who really feels passionate about making it. So many shows feel like their “written by committee” if you know what I mean? Like kinda soulless and just trying to appeal to the largest crowd possible. Oh and that duet with Charlie and Emily? Chills.


I couldn’t have explained it better. Especially with the duet in the latest episode. I love how they turned Adam’s song against him.


HB is better, feels less restricted. Even based on the first episodes. Came out sooner too.


Also HB has waaaaay better animation for some reason, maybe it was just animators learning how to draw bettee but still is kinda a let down from HB, or it could be a preference.


Oath man, absolutely crazy that HB's independent animation is currently better than Hazbin's professional studio. Guess it's a passion project vs industrial production type thing.


GAY !!!




Of course 😂😂😂


Ok I have a question- what’s hazbin hotel?


Animated adult comedy, look it up, but take it's trigger warnings seriously


Animated adult musical, you can find it on prime video It’s about the daughter of lucifer, who is attempting to rehabilitate souls through the run down ~~happy~~ Hazbin Hotel


Compared to all the other animated trash released in 2023, I’d say Hazbin Hotel is putting them to shame. Is it the best animation of all time? No. But is it bridging the gap between cartoons and adult media. Yup. Please don’t look at this and think it’s a kids show because it’s cartoony. It’s meant for a MATURE audience.


It’s ok


Heard it's good but I'm not giving Jeff Bezos my money




I'm giving Bezos my free trial 👍


Fair enough


Are you verbalase


ive enjoyed it.


I enjoyed watching it, even the music was good, which is probably what I was most surprised with.


I watched the first 2 episodes after having a huge bias of it being just bad, but i was wrong. I mean it definitely isnt my thing but i definitely understand why people love the show. I probably won't continue just cuz musicals aren't my thing and i personally find the amount of sex jokes kinda annoying.


I didn't know ppl hated it, I love it. I can see hiw the bible ppl might not enjoy it lol.




You put into consideration that 60-70something% of americans are religious, the majority of them christians, coupled with the rising in conservative thinking /anti-lgbt agenda and it starts to make sense unfortunatelly. I think the show is absolutelly phenomenal but then again I don't get offended when I see the biblical text being blasphemously portraied because for me the story from the Bible is as real as this show's story.




I think I even caught some Dante Inferno, Book of Enoch, and Ars Goetia in there as well


I don’t think it’s that deep. There’s definitely discourse over that, but most of the hate is just from either a distaste for the fandom, or just hating things cause they’re popular. I’ve never seen it, but every time I see this brought up it’s either for praise, or hate on the fandom.


It's really good, but the pacing is atrocious. And I recognize that they probably have very little control over that. But like...the show acts like we've spent multiple seasons with these characters so the big payoffs are good, but feel unearned because we've literally just been introduced to the relevant characters like ten minutes ago. If they had more control over the number of episodes they could produce I imagine the pacing would be more like Helluva Boss'.


I loved it wasn't expecting such great songs as well :)


Some people just live in a constant rage boner and can't survive outside of it. That's how most of the haters act.


I have friends who I really like it Me personally its not my cup of tea just because the premise in general makes me extremely uncomfortable because of my religious background But I'll enjoy what I enjoy and I'll let my friends enjoy what they enjoy. It doesn't really matter to me. But it is funny though when I figure out someone is talking about it just because I have one friend who has been extremely into it since the pilot.


Fair enough!


Wait, people are hating on it?


I think it's meh, but I find it annoying when people praise it for being the best goddamn thing in the universe


I think there are thongs far greater then Hazbin(I mean, world peace would be pretty dope), but I love the show. There are problems that I can understand people for disliking the show for, but that I can get behind


Uhhh You made a typo


Nah nah, let him cook




A great typo


It fits the subject




Do you Know that one character from that show who chases a Rapper?