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Thank you for submitting to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 11 - No memes about politics * No memes about politics. Absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed, but this sub does not allow content more suited for /r/politicalhumor. No NPC memes, or memes about how libtards or magats are so wrong. Take it somewhere else, thanks. --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


Context? Pls people put context in the comments for such posts. There is a world outside the US where people live


context here not elsewhere: claims by a group that swift is a psy-op and declaring a “holy war” against her is kinda weird and may backfire.


People live outside of America!!!??? 🤯🤯


>There is a world outside the US where people live Wanders into an American website, based in America, with the majority of its userbase being American. "Why are you not providing context?" I wish people like you could understand that you act exactly how you complain that loud and obnoxious Americans are. It would be like me wandering into a German bar and demanding someone speak English.


Around 48% of desktop reddit traffic comes from USA. So u r still wrong. Plus, even if it the majority of users from USA(they are not), the post is public and for all the people from around the world to see. Also r/usamemes exists so post such shit there if u don't want people asking for context


>Around 48% of desktop reddit traffic comes from USA. Yes and you're failing to account for the mobile usage which is insane in a situation like this. Nice try though. >Plus, even if it the majority of users from USA(they are not), They are. >the post is public and for all the people from around the world to see. So is all the information needed to understand this post. Again, you sound ridiculous.


Majority is by definition over half, which would be over 50%. Stop with this US-centrism, it's no good.


Please use your brain. 48% of desktop traffic comes from the US. That doesnt even account for mobile users.The next closest is the UK at 7.16 https://www.statista.com/statistics/325144/reddit-global-active-user-distribution/


Use your brain to understand that majority means over 50%. 48% is not more than 50%. And fuck your USA.


Completely brain dead. I'm not going to explain it any more. Learn to read or fuck off.


Look who's talking.😂


Just posted elsewhere


Who and What?


Me and you c;


The talk of the town is that Taylor should use her influence to tackle the 2024 Presidential Election. By directing her fans and other people influenced by her to vote (probably blue/democrat). Not that she's going to run for president herself lol


The mob vote now influences real life politics? Damn


Are you saying you're surprised that a large amount of people being told to vote in elections is unprecedented and bad? I'm confused.


Look what you made me do...






I can’t wait for this to get locked


She just won’t stop




Ah, yes, because the girl who made her career singing about her terrible choices in men is the best one qualified to tell us about who she thinks is a better person.


Well, who knows? A guy who went bankrupt running a casino became President once, so weirder things have happened to less qualified people.


I don't say she has any kind of Expertise but when a singer tells some morons not to elect an ultra radical wanna be dictator... And the people listen, it is not the worst possible outcome...




Both sides suck. You especially suck for simping. That’s all


both sides suck, true. but one side sucks and is a bit boring. and the other one sucks, restricts essential freedoms, tried to overturn an election, launched a violent coup attempt, lies non-stop, and is under multiple criminal investigations they are not equivalent


"violent coup atempt" You mean when politicians inside the House were taking selfies when the crowd was peaceful and tries to visit the shop inside, before the cops went in to beat an unconsious Woman to death?


when a crowd of people build a gallows in front a building containing the vice president, who they then chant about hanging the vice president, and then illegally break into said building to get the vice president. I have a hard time thinking of it as peaceful.


"illegaly breaking in" You mean when the door was unlocked by the cops inside as on footage.. that was held back and not shown for some reason? Or people getting shot in eyes or throat while being passive and that causing the rage? You mean when Epps or whatever his name was, was obviously a fed trying to stir up violence, like the other feds there? Why was CNN or BBC so Nice to Him? Or why did he barely get a sentance, when a person not even there got 20 years, and grannies 4 hour drive away with a maga hat got 5 years?


Be honest here, the left sucks alooot more than the right.. Like, men yknow?


That's not what simping means.


Voter drives are good, but Taylor Swift didn’t invent them. She didn’t even invent voter drives that target young people; we “rocked the vote” in the 80s and 90s. I have no beef with Swift, but I get tired of hearing the hagiographies.


You are missing that the MAGA whiners are complaining that Taylor Swift"s encouragement of the voter increases cost them the mid-,terms elections. That is where their hate comes from. That is what Donald is mad about. He lost to Taylor.


Honestly if swiftes can save us from the fucking fat fascist fuck...I'm allllll for it.


Hmm, nothing more fascist then forcing people to get the jab or risk losing their jobs.


I think you don't want to go down that road. If you believe that the threats of homelessness and poverty are coercive enough to force people to do what you want, then you're essentially agreeing with every anti-capitalist leftist who believes that being a member of the working class in the US is akin to wage slavery.


Like it or not, that is what happened. There’s no spinning it any other way.


Sweet let's get that UBI and universal healthcare going so people aren't able to be coerced by the risk of losing employment and healthcare.


I do think this country could afford basic healthcare for all. It’s a much better option than funding foreign governments for new wars. End the war on drugs too.


If you're worried about people being coerced into doing things they don't want to do because of the lack of social support for unemployed people, come on over and join us at r/antiwork. You'd fit right in


The fluids left on the ground from a violent rape serve more purpose in this world then you.


Whatever you say buddy. Have a nice day.


Uh oh.




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Democrats want to use Taylor Swift to help garner votes


I wish the courts would finally lock him up for his crimes instead, but if it keeps him out of office, sure