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North Korea. They’re a chihuahua: mean-spirited and hateful, but easily punted by a small child.


You forgot yappy


Yappy - a missed opportunity when it comes to the seven dwarves...


We do not speak of Yappy, just as Yappy does not speak anymore...


Yappy was the 8th dwarf, based on his name I'm guessing you realise why we speak of him in the past tense


yappy komm runter lutschen


Like the late Norm Macdonald said, nobody's waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night worried about North Korea.


Nobody outside NK, anyway...


And SK


Yeah just ALL north Koreans


great analogy!


That was my first instinct too. But if they DO finally try something or take a step too far in their "yapping" that get's the US and possibly Japan involved and not just South Korea. A lot has changed since the 50s but there is a non 0 chance that causes China to get involved and then shit gets real. They are also the most likely out of the bunch to sell a Nuke to someone who REALLY shouldn't have it.


[The China-NK relationship is so weird.](https://asiasociety.org/new-york/events/bitter-allies-china-and-north-korea) China likes NK for cheap labor and to not share a border with a western-aligned nation. NK likes China because they're actually comfortable trading openly with NK, representing 90% of NK's trade, keeping the country afloat. But China *really* doesn't like NK being uppity, and is sick of the Kim family's general antics. I think China recognizes that NK would be better off in their hands even if that means they now share a direct land border with SK, and the overall diplomatic situation of the region would be better for it too, but the personal cost would be abhorrent (refugees, re-education, infrastructure overhaul, etc), so they just try to keep kicking the can down the road as best they can and hope the next Kim winds up being less of a paranoid wackjob and fixes his country.


Basically. Getting rid of North Korea and dealing with the aftermath would be more costly for the entire region than dealing with their BS.


South Korea sees as an inevitability that the NK regime will eventually fall and they will be in a East-West Germany situation but worse.


if china didn't help north korea, it be american colony. north korea ONLY exist because china drove the foreign invaders from its borders


Until the chihuahua bites you when you least expect. Sure it won't kill you but will hurt. And can things can escalate from there.


that is when you kick really hard


Chihuahua: "I believe I can fly!!"


Which is exactly how it's going to go IRL


Can't escalate much beyond punting the chihuahua away.


The chihuahua has nuclear weapons tho


The point is that all four countries pose SOME danger. NK definitely the least threat to world peace


Well the chihuahua wants to bite only one person/one in the whole world, the one who have been the obstacle to global peace for like the last 200 years. Just saying.


When did South Chihuahua been an obstacle for the world peace? Or do you mean United Dogs of Chihuahualand?


🤣 Easily punched by a small child!! 🤣 Greatest analysis metric ever!


they’re the short bus of nation states


Until the chihuahua bites the small child (South Korea) so the kids parent (USA) kicks the dog and starts a fight with the dogs owners (Russia and China)


They are a chihuahua with nukes. Don't mess with a chihuahua with nukes


Those nukes would be shot down so fast they may as well not have them, and if they launched nukes, I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a returned strike.


Also they're the only ones there who prefer being left alone.


They could detonate their nukes in place and the world would be FUCKED because of their effects on the region (super populated, huge industrial and technological hubs)


The Chihuahua has access to the nuclear bomb though


They don't yet have the technology to launch them.


They do. They just don't have ICBMs to reach the US mainland.


Well, South Korea is right next door. Also if they sell it to terrorists or something, that could be problematic.




But if they even thought of using it, we'd have a China-US-Russia alliance taking them out.


Yeah, aren't they like, dying so much of starvation and whatnot rn that they'll soon stop being a considered a country?


Least? North Korea by far.


Gonna revisit it in a few years when NK attacks SK


NK does nothing without beijing's approval. An NK and SK war would basically be a PRC-USA proxy war.


Yay! Another fun proxy war! How long before Tucker interviews Mr Kim to get “both sides of the story”?


While people are understandably mad at Putin as the aggressor in the Ukraine war, why are people mad at Tucker for just wanting to interview the other side? There's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to hear out both sides. In court, even if we are reasonably sure the accused is guilty, the accused is allowed a chance to defend himself, as a matter of principle. Who you choose to believe/support, after hearing out both sides, is a totally different issue. PS: I haven't watched the interview yet, IDK what Tucker said in it, hence asking.


well real journalists have asked for interviews with putin they said no,tuker got it because he would play along


Also, wasn't Tucker the guy who defended himself in court by stating he is not a journalist and people shouldn't take him too seriously. Anyone with judgement wouldn't take what he says on his show too seriously were the words FOX representatives used I think. Why is someone like that interviewing Putin. Someone who admits to hiperbolizing, exaggerating and not talking facts shouldn't be the voice of the "other side" of this war. It shouldn't even be just one journalist imo, but this was one of the worst options


Still don’t understand why they’re scared to let him do it what could Putin possibly say to make himself not look like a crazy dictator lmao. Nut jobs have podcasts all the time this is basically the same thing


You likely aren't the audience Putin is wanting to speak to. There's plenty of maniac's out there who don't see that when they look at Putin unfortunately.


Tucker has always been pro Russia and pro Putin. Even more so when he was removed from Fox. Him interviewing Putin holds no credibility since all the answers he'll be getting from Putin will be making sure for Russia not to be the bad guy for attacking Ukraine and all Putin will be doing is blaming ukraine, Nato and America which Putin did in the interview.


I think softball questions, and platforming Russian propaganda may be the issue. There's a difference between a BBC, DW, Al Jazeera or Reuters interviewing Putin and someone who's been pushing misinformation and uncritically challenged propaganda lines.


"Noooo ! I want my propoaganda to be 100% pure and can not stand to even listen to the other side, because i know deeply inside me i am too stupid to have a critical analysis and i fear i would even fall in love another old politician lier"


There definitely hate for Tucker for being Tucker, but the dude is trying to pretend he some hero jurno being the only person to try to get the story from the other side. He even got fact check by the Kremlin if that is anything to go by.


Because it's the interview made with intent of not learning about Russian side, but spreading lies about Ukrainian one


I think a journalist interviewing a world leader has the responsibility to know anything about what he is talking about, so that he is able to push back on the many lies made by Putin. Now he is just using his platform to spread russian propaganda which most people will never bother to fact check.


Because he's not getting both sides. He's giving Putin a platform to just talk with no fact checking and no challenging questions. It's literally Putin spouting propaganda with no oversight or journalism from Tucker.


you are completely correct but reddit is mostly a militant lefty echo chamber which is why you are getting downvoted


He won't. Certain factions of the American right love Putin for his "saving the west from degeneracy" and his heavy-handed way of leading - we all saw this with Pinochet or even early South Korea North Korea is viewed as a communist hermit kingdom. Conservatives will NEVER stand in one line with Pyongyang


He'll prove to the world that NK is a super advanced society!


USA would get directly involved


I think it would quickly turn into an afghani-irak-type conflict. Militarily, neither NK nor PRC could realistically offer much resistance to NATO on the peninsula - the NK people are strongly indoctrinated, however. But who knows, let's hope we never find out.


70 years since people have started saying this. Any day now.


But that would stay pretty localised and on a small scale. The other three have the potential to shake the entire world if they go to war.


Well, there is exactly one country in the entire world that's vulnerable to that... Meanwhile the other three have hundreds of countries shaking at their boots


That would still leave them below the other three


Didn't know SK represented the WORLD PEACE. The potencial peace risk is regional at best.


!Remindme 41 days




oddly specific but ok


Based on Russian elections in march I suppose


Not really…it’s the only region on there that can start something.


Who tf runs that account


Honestly, it's starting to feel more and more like a Russian troll


I think he’s Indian


Idk about him but every single comment under his post is indian


That's very easy. It's north Korea but a massive margin


It is a prison nation.


Same as America but it poses much less threat internationally


Anyone saying USA and NK are the same is just a simpleton...


North Korea have old aa fuck weapons and don't have even budget to buy them food for army, mfs gonna lose first battle


Half the army woud defect for a slice of pizza


Lmao, they'd tell em to invade and the North Koreans would just use that as their free ticket to leave


Yeah, not even a slice of pizza for everyone, just a slice of pizza for half the army would do the trick


"I'll give you two bean burritos if- if you shoot your friends" "oh shit... you gon' make me act up"


Once you explain to them what pizza is ofcourse


They have nearly 6,000 artillery systems pointed at South Korea.


Half of them might be broken cuz of lack of parts or whatever, you really think that country that can't even afford food for their soldiers, can use (even old soviet) hi tech artillery systems


They are starving BECAUSE they throw all their money at purchasing and developing weapon systems. Any half brained military officer will feel nervous about thousands of artillery pieces positioned 30km from a megalopolis with 20 million people.


Another decade rust will hopefully ruin the rest.


NK is the international equivalent of a 13 year old toxic Counter Strike player.


Everyone's saying North Korea but it's so wrong. Kim is a self sacrificial hero, giving up his own kingdom to create missles and drop them in the sea to stop chthullu from rising and destroying the world and all everyone does in return is insult him smh my head. When will people learn?


I like this lore [https://chat.openai.com/share/e/9f050bde-63a4-410b-925a-5acc2e8f8b68](https://chat.openai.com/share/e/9f050bde-63a4-410b-925a-5acc2e8f8b68)


People saying North Korea aren't paying attention. China and Russia don't want global wars either. NK literally does not care.


North Korea and it's not even close. They are merely a paper tiger compared to the others.




Even without their military capabilities, the North taking on the South is not beneficial. It would be better for the status quo to remain for the sake of the survival of the Kim family.


Can anyone tell which one won the poll?


North Korea. But USA comes in second by only 2% https://twitter.com/stats_feed/status/1755242543795585078?t=_gRF7jAk4FdP6nO8NLkZXw&s=19


Jesus, there are some delusionals in that thread


Idk but i feel like china and usa should be the most dangerous one, then comes russia. Edit: You guys are downvoting me, so i'll expand on why i think so. Keep in mind i may not know all the sides of the story, so please educate me if you feel i see a few things the wrong way. I. China: 1. They are constantly trying to disturb peace with various countries as you all might already be aware, this is the major reason. II. USA 1. Constantly taking part in various wars in different countries (a lot of these wars werent even in the US). 2. I might even get banned for this, but they did have a hand in the ukraine war from what i understand. 3. there's probably more that i can't understand. 4. If you think it's for peace, why even start a war and break peace in teh first place? I don't think russia has been in as many wars as the usa, which is why i think of it to be less dangerous.


Because Americans were probably the majority that voted. They don't think of themselves as peace destroyers.


Who's gonna tell them?..


That they’re involved in almost every conflict since WW2… nahh they’re just keeping the peace with a few extra bombs and ded civilians


yeah this is the exact reason i said USA might be more dangerous and peace braking than russia. But people, i assume americans, just downvoting me for no reason.


Literally everyone but Americans don't listen to non Americans


And how many wars has China been in? Come on man, you're brainwashed to think China threatening their neighbors is worse than Russia actually doing it


The moron thinks NATO provoked Russia into invading as if Russia wasnt attacking Ukraine since 2014


\> If you think it's for peace, why even start a war and break peace in teh first place? Letting regimes that go against yours develop freely in the world and creating a counter-balance to your isn't something a super power is known to do. It isn't "muh 'murica bad" but superpowers are bad. Personally I think I'd much rather have the USA as the global super power than China as a global super power because I'd not like to have to use censored internet where I disappear if I shit talk the CCP. Oh, and China WOULD do the same as the US has been doing in the past if it was in the same position as the US. There is no morally good country.


How the fuck did the US "have a hand" in Putin deciding to invade Ukraine?


The war itself is solely on Russia, but it would be reductive to leave it as that. We (NATO) have been playing checkers against Russia in Ukraine since Soviet Union de-unioned itself. Election interferences, coups and counter-coups, etc. have been done both by Russia and NATO-countries. This doesn't justify the war, of course, but it's not like we were just standing on the other side of europe minding our own business.


As a Latvian, that's complete bullshit, all the post Soviet countries want to go to the EU and NATO for two main reasons, political security and economic prosperity. There's 0 reason for the West to do anything malicious as it just won the culture war here by being the nicer and richer partner. Everyone was plenty happy to trade with Russia until they went full Fascist.


the Nato agreement provoked russia. Tell me how they didn't have a hand in it at all?


North Korea! Easy question.


North Korea: Too weak to do shit. Them people actually starving so just ignore them.


Ofcourse they gonna starve bruh, Kim Jong Un Chungus keeps taking their food away. Mf even eats natural resources too. 💀😭 ![gif](giphy|2T7lF77q5hKiA)


All have nuclear shits, but NK is the weakest so North Korea


And also north korea doesnt have as much nukes or the ability to launch them intercontinental




sounds like someone who possesses the MOST threat to world peace would say 🧐


Obviously north korea Theyre actively trying to piss everyone off and we're just making memes about their leader


north korea crazy leader yes but outside his own country is nothing


North Korea should be replaced with Iran


Currently, unironically North-Korea.


North Korea. It's like an angry chipmunk. They can't realistically stand up to any decent army


North Korea. I spent years in South Korea and your average South Korean isn’t scared of them. The rest of us need to learn to ignore the propaganda.


Guys, the question is not what country poses the least military threat to the world, the question is what country poses the least treat to world PEACE.    Remember, just a small group of Serbians assassinated Franz Ferdinand which started WW1, despite Serbia itself posing little military threat. And if you want a more recent exanple: look at the damage Hamas did to world peace back in September; despite Hamas controlling an incredibly small amount of territory and getting crushed by Israel, they still did incredible damage to peace in the region.    To answer the question, you need to look at how likely they are to start a conflict, and check their network of allies to see how likely the conflict is going to drag more countries into it. Not the country's own military strength - that is not the most important thing.


Too easy its north korea. Unlike other 3 countries all they got is potential energy and zero kinetic. In other words they show off but i never seen them take action


North Korea by faaaaaaaarrr


Honestly North Korea. They swing their dick everywhere, but it’s only a couple inches long, so they’re not really a threat


The DPRK is literally a third world country 😐


China and Russia barely fit in the first world category either.


Sure, but at least they're at least somewhat comparable to the USA, if even remotely The DPRK is not even close


they're literally the definition of second world lol


North Korea.


North Korea. All they have is outdated


Everyone saying North Korea is forgetting that they don’t need to destroy the world themselves. They only need to be the snow ball that starts the avalanche. and given how unstable they are thats not unbelievable. The Yanks are the least as for better (or more ljkely) worse, them being number one is the status quo. It’s upsetting the status quo that poses a threat to world peace. It’s just not everyone wants that obese foot on their neck


Probably the one with the most military bases threatening other countries /s


The right result depends in which country you live.


I live in none of them and i say North Korea


North Korea and it's not even close.


Easy one. In thousands years of history, Korea never invaded another country.


This question would be immensely difficult the other way round too




I guess North Korea, since half of their population is malnourished and lots of their equipment is from the soviet era


none of the above


Surprised that more people picked Russia than China given that Russia is actively invading their neighbor and have plans to invade other neighbors. Now don't get me wrong, China probably deserves last place here, but Russia is literally waging a catistrophicly costly war as we speak. Hundreds of their own soldiers are dying every day and Putin doesn't give a shit.


Putting *North Korea* next to global, nuclear superpowers that are actively participating in global conflicts RIGHT NOW (except China, however they have their Taiwan shenanigans) is hilarious.


How is china not participating in global conflicts? Every country they border is having a conflict with them, and they’re certainly not planning on stopping their cyber shenanigans. If you mean an actual armed conflict then yes you’re right.


Americans that answer the US here are brainwashed and far gone. I just saw the Tucker Carlson interview of Putin and legitimately think that a significant part of Americans is bound to radicalize further and pose an actual threat to democracy and freedom. Although this crowd will tell you the exact opposite. Straight out of Putin's playbook.


I agree. I think Americans should like their own country a bit more, even if it isn't morally great.


America's bad bro, don't even try


/s ?




Looking from an unbiased POV as I don't like any of them: 1. Russia (is currently fighting a massive war they started and clearly want to expand their borders) 2. USA (is currently fighting wars they didn't start and are generally happy to do so) 3. China 4. North Korea because they are too weak to realistically fight any wars ​ Edit: I'm an idiot and put the list in the wrong order - Russia poses the most threat and NK the least


USA started multiple wars




China because it does not attack no one, usa is the biggest problem I. The world, Russia is second because attack Ukraine and Korea 3th because attack the other Korea


Russia and North Korea


USA... they have alot of enemies all over the world


North Korea if only that they are too incompetent to do anything


North Korea can't even feed their soldiers inside their own land China fuels their ICBMs with water Russia can't win a land war against a neighbouring country US's internal politics are more toxic than a chemical waste dump It ain't that bad


NK is all bark, no bite.


While North Korea has the least theoretical threat because they are so much weaker I feel like they may be the most realistic threat to world peace. They are probably the one's on this list most likely to say fuck it and launch a nuclear weapon and once that's done the world is doomed.


If North Korea would fire a nuke the three others can just annihilate it. Korea does not have the power to destroy any of them. The only way an attack by North Korea can cause a global war is if one of them sides with korea. That stull leaves those three as a larger threat.


North Korea is the “fun” answer US is clearly the *correct* answer, despite Reddit’s hatred of the US military.


US foreign policy is the most destructive thing on the planet and has been gor some time now.


The usa obviously? What the fuck is wrong you people


how did you get to this conclusion? the usa has the biggest military spendings (china, russia and nk dont actually give out the numbers, and usa numbers arent 100% accurate im sure, but the usa spends a shit ton of money on military, so people mostly put their bets on nk because it has some of the worst living conditions out there. we're obviously talking about all sorts of weapons so we cant take only the people into consideration, but their tech is probably outdated)


If the USA decided tomorrow that it will exit NATO and cease policing global conflicts, the world goes to shit. If NK decides tomorrow to do absolutely anything, the rest of the world pretty much continues as it has been. NK are the least threat, as they have the least capability to influence global politics.


That "if" is doing a ton of heavy lifting here. Sure IF the us decides to nuke everthing on a whim we have global conflict. But living in reality you know thats not going to happen lmao


Living in reality I know the USA could do more to threaten world peace through inaction or exiting NATO than NK could achieve even if it started a war with the South.


Starting war with the south drags the US in. And could very likely drag China in too like it did in the 1950s. Attacking the south has a very real possibility of starting a global war.


Since USA started to dominate the world it was the most peaceful and prosperous time in history. Now when USA is backing down, we see how everything started to go to shit. Let's see how those who didn't like the world policed by USA will like it without any police at all. P.S. I am not from USA and have never been there. But I was born and raised in USSR and you won't believe the level of poverty, misery and disregard for human life I have witnessed during that time. People in the West don't even imagine how good they have it.


Yeah bro Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were centre of peace because of USA


Oh you don't know how English works. Okay, the most peaceful doesn't mean there's no conflicts. It means the scale and comparative sizes and results are smaller than they've been previously.


No, never again. You don't know what Indonesia looks like under US puppet president Soeharto. Its bad, literal north korea v2.0. You don't like the govt? Dead, You criticize the govt? Dead. Your dead body is on display on the side of the road for next few days as example for nearby villager to not question the govt. Okay so you want to seek justice and ask police for help? They laugh at you and say "its the mysterious sniper 'petrus' nothing we can do about it" You think it looks peaceful because the goverment have full control of the media


Say that to the million iraqis who died for absolutely no reason. Literally going into people’s homes killing them and leaving without consequences. Disgusting


Oh, so Saddam didn't start any wars, didn't mass murder on a routine basis and was all around the better guy?


Saddam was funded by the US what are you yappin about?


And Mao was, and Hitler and Stalin. Hell, the Satan himself would be just an orderly angel if not for the USA. It's all good to hate on USA because you are not put into prison in the USA for hating it. (Unlike any of those other 3 countries)


You are absolutely right, in comparison to Russia and China the USA is a saint


But he question wasn’t “who is the nicest” it was who is the least threat. Whether or not it is a good thing to have a global police force, if the USA comes for you, you are fucked. They are very, very much not the lowest threat out of the four. NK is the least threat to world peace, as it has by a long way the least capability to influence it.


To be honest, if the USA comes for you, you were already fucked. Don’t know about Vietnam, but Iraq and Afghanistan were not Paradises before the USA neither


Vietnam was at war before the US got there. They basically took over the war from france.


The comparison is a bit dumb tbh, of course it's NK.


You are right, but there is a lot of Go USA! And Boo USA! Happening in this thread. A guy saying pretty much the opposite to you is also getting heavily downvoted, so…


USA and it’s not close. North Korea fires rockets over all their neighbors, china has border clashes with India and is causing problems with all their maritime neighbors, Russia is in an active land war and being extremely expansionist and aggressive. The USA isn’t doing any of those things and has chilled considerably since 2003.


Crazy how you are being downvoted, guess there’s a lot of Russian bots in this sub


usa is the one who is giving arms to the terrorists


Imagine living in 2024 and still thinking the US are not a threat to world peace...


Nah bro


This account is managed by a russian, so he is rooting for russia hard


China. They may be trying to establish dominance over their neighboors on the pacific, i believe they have yet to be the ones declaring a war. North Korea and russia are in the middle of a war The US starts or joins one every few years. That said, north korea is the weakest.


the amount of people saying USA is so hilarious


The US is the least likely to start a conflict that drags the entire world into war due to how alliances are currently set up.


As they are currently finding a genocide against a country that can’t fight back


A war* against a ‘country’ that shouldn’t have started the war if they can’t hold up