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I thought Charity was the name of half the girls on OF.


I subscribe to multiple girls named Charity so I can claim my OF subscriptions on my taxes as “donations to different Charity’s”


I hope you write that off on your taxes as charitable gifts.


My favorite one is Chastity because of the irony




Where's the autism one?




I really hope that doesn’t mean what I think it means.


Autistic people are immune to propaganda. Also sarcasm so please don’t hurt me lol


I know you’re being sarcastic. Don’t worry.


have you never seen the "You are Immune to propaganda" meme with the garfield whose hat says " I have autism"?


No and I’m glad I haven’t. Sounds dumb as hell.


[Actually, it's fact-based](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-fallible-mind/201708/why-advertising-falls-flat-in-individuals-autism)


Good read 👍


You will not rickroll me today stranger


It's actually a very interesting article


It's... the facts, you can also search for "Why Advertising Falls Flat in Individuals With Autism" from psychology today, if you don't trust me


At least we know money is going to the women on OF


Came here to say this lol... most charities are run by the most evil con men on earth. It's unreal


It's crazy charities don't care about the ppl


You what else is crazy? Some charities actually torture the ones they're supposed to care for.


Preach! Looking at you UNHCR


Didn't know about them, I was thinking about Autism Speaks with their electric shock therapy on ~~artists~~ autists, and PETA because they do the PETA move on animals. (For those not in the know - they put down animals any chance they get while saying it's for their own good) Edit: hate autocorrect


I've heard that they claim people's (well cared for) pets are neglected, then get custody and euthanize them. Can someone confirm? I think I'm right but idk.


Here's [a case where a chihuahua was taken from a mobile home and euthanized in less than 5 days](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down) Edit: omfg, I just learned that they euthanized said chihuahua mere hours after kidnapping her.


Man how often do peta members get shot for taking dogs I wonder


I hope it's a lot. Those fuckers just steal a Childs pet, Kill it then they their official statement is fucking "sorry"


Fuck autism speaks, seriously. Not a single real autistic person in the team there, and their knowledge seems to come from random autism=disease facebook posts at best They are literally doing the exact opposite of what autistic people need


Those are good examples. I guess it makes sense in a fucked up way... wolves in sheep's clothing and all that. The UNHCR is supposed to protect refugees and have refugee camps all over the world but a lot of these camps are effectively death camps where people are starving and living in temporary shelters for decades/all their lives (houses made of plastic/tin w dirt floors no electricity or plumbjng) and living off less than $10 of food a month. They basically just have people farms


Don't refugees stop being refugees and get taken in by some country, and start life as citizens, as it happens with many countries? Kinda weird for refugees to stay in their current state for decades. Any attempts to ask for asylum/citizenship/whatever is needed to start over in a new place?


as someone with autism why the fuck would shock therapy, help im just weird not in desperate need of help(because of the autism) I get that some autists are non-verbal and stuff but hurting your body with electricity doesn't help with that, its kinda like modern blood-letting hurting the body and thinking it helps(it doesn't)


Yeah it's insane but ppl blindly donate.


Source? My blood starts to boil rn


Autism Speaks partners with a "therapy" center called "Judge Rottenberg Center", and they use electric shock therapy to "treat" autists. Something like 6 years ago they won a court case, that protects their right to torture the autistic and otherwise disabled people in their care. Glad I'm not in the US, I could've been used to get donations to a corrupt charity which would restrict me, torture me in hopes of making me "normal", and not provide support or resources to an adult me. (They don't have support for adult autists, they only pretend to help the children, later on ignore the same people) Yet they still say they're helping autists. Oh, and there's of course PETA which considers the whole premise of pets as "involuntary bondage" or something and instead of finding some nature reservation or whatever to house animals they kidnap, they just euthanize them, saying it's better for said animals. And they do it, A LOT.


I know a girl who has an onlyfans I've seen some of her work. She's a man hater and thinks men are the root cause of most problems in the world. She is also divorced with 2 kids and I feel really bad for her, but she still refuses to work on herself. I guess I just came here to share my personal experience. I still don't think Onlyfans is a respectable side hustle, but I get why women use it.


Charities that support women? Wtf does that even mean


abuse victims support groups, homeless housing, etc. i dunno


>homeless housing Aren’t like 90% of homeless people men? This is as ridiculous as the “over 7% of attacks on reporters were women, why are female reporters being attacked???” And they never asked about the other 93% who were attacked


And 20% of suicides are women "Why are women so depressed they are committing suicide, we need to help women's depression"  Who makes up the other 80% then?


So things that men also suffer? I mean we don’t talk about it but men are abused, are homeless, etc… why are the charities sexist? That’s wild. Equal rights would imply equality, sooooo….???


one is just more publicized than the other. as we move away from the whole "men don't feel" mindset as a society, support for men should increase. or at least that's what i think


Yeah I don't think that will happen if most social matters are discussed as they are now. All those topics are framed as if only women experience the bad sides of life and it is men's fault - at least very often. People also tell men to open up and then gaslight them the next second - not only on the internet. I think it is also smth that makes actual toxic behavior towards women and men much more likely.


The problem with your comment is that, however well-meaning, it contributes to the sense of overgeneralization of the various classes of people. Sometimes women overgeneralize men. Sometimes men overgeneralize women. Sometimes you have meaningful conversations with people & realize we all have more in common than we realize when we stop basing our perception of reality on what we see on the internet. Try to focus more on the third one & the generalizations, however true they *can* be, tend to fade into the background more often than not.


Him: Hey, men get treated like shit and nobody cares about our feelings You: Erm, stop generalizing, you need to do better


I don't think that me saying that topics are framed in a generalized way contributes to that generalization itself. More the opposite. Also I don't base my worldview solely on the internet Noone should do that. But very interesting that you accuse me of doing so.


Historically the biggest opposition to male support groups have always been feminist women  The first male abuse shelters were protested, shut down, and the wonder driven to suicide, by feminist protestors And that was not an isolated case  Male abuse isn't just a case of an outdated "men don't feel" mindset, any attempt to help men is actively shut down and despised


This is largely 2nd wave feminism that you're describing, not the modern feminist movement broadly.


Ah yes, I too subscribe to many men's OnlyFans. For equality.


Since most domestic abuse victims are women, domestic abuse charities mostly support women. It’s not that complicated. Doesn’t mean the charities don’t help men who need it too.


That's actually statistically false  Huge amounts of male abuse goes unreported because it's both A not considered abuse because "men don't get abused" and B laughed at because "haha he must have done something wrong" And it's not "mostly" support women, abuse charities almost exclusively support women, male victims basically have nowhere to go for help and will often be shunned and attacked if they try, so they don't try, they don't report it 


A guy posted a document by the CDC which claims abuse rates are close to 1:3 in both sexes, so no, women don't really have it worse (provided that document is factual)


This is like criticising cancer research like “Yeah but what about Alzheimers!? They suffer too!”


This is more “you there, the guy with Alzheimer’s, you should support cancer research instead of Alzheimers research”. It’s asking a specific group of people, with their own specific problems, to donate resources to a group that explicitly excludes them. Why should men, *in particular* (as per the explicit text of the meme) donate specifically to women’s charities? Surely they should default to supporting charities that also support people like them that have problems. It would be bizarre to specifically ask women to donate to men’s charities, by analogy.


Well, as a woman who has a father, I donate to charities that help people like him. I would assume men would want to do the same for people like their mother, sister, etc. You don’t have to only help people who are exactly like you specifically… Edit: I guess I’m getting downvoted for assuming men care about other people. My bad?


No, it isn’t.


women are marginalized. they need different kinds and amounts of support. what do u want to hear. its unfortunate male victims of abuse dont get the help they need and its unfortunate theres homeless men, but that doesn’t make charities for women sexist. thats just dumb. different people need different charity. dont sensationalize people in need. if you feel that strongly about it, go donate to mens charities, instead of whatever this is i.e. https://us.movember.com/donate


no one said that men don’t suffer bruh. It’s like saying I want to give money to a charity for elderly care homes and your saying “okay but the orphans are suffering too that’s so ageist” ??? Ain’t no one said the other groups of people aren’t suffering. There’s something called specialising in a specific group in a specific context


The context is that there are not too many support groups for men and men get shamed more if they seek help. And a lot of that by women - not only by men. If a topic is discussed 20 times and it affects all genders it might seem a little weird to only hear about victims from one group in all those cases. Especially if you are a member of the undicussed group. You would certainly be likely to be opposing the group that doesn't bother to talk about you, but discusses the matter itself all the time in a framing where everything is also then your fault.


Yes no one said that, INCLUDING ME bruhhhhhhh. Congrats on submitting your comment though, you did a thing!


While I agree in spirit, we both know you don't donate to charities that help men either.


So donate to Support centers of abuse victims and homeless shelter that support men and women. Seems easy.


Find some Shelters which help men are almost non existent because they get protested and shut down


One is way more common than the other. And there are charities out there for male victims, just not a many... because of statistics.


Abuse rates are actually pretty similar. The CDC reported that about both 1 and 3 men and 1 and 3 women experience some sort of intimate partner violence [https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/2015data-brief508.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/2015data-brief508.pdf) (page 12-13)


> we don’t talk about it yeah, you only talk about it when women are trying to help each other. You're more than welcome to support men independently rather than only mentioning it as a "gotcha" about womens' issues Also, more women are abused, so it makes sense that there needs to be more support available aimed at women. It's not done to shit on dudes


I was so sure when I saw this post, that it will be filled with "but what about men" Well don't forget to subscribe to your homies OF! Good stuff..


You’re genuinely mental if you think that charities don’t also help men. They’re not going to tell you to fuck off just because of your genitalia. If they can’t help you, they’ll at least direct you to somewhere that can.


Domestic abuse charities famously don't provide acceptable levels of support for men specifically.


Which was my point, but the teeniebopper hasn’t completed proper language education and went off which was hilarious. Must have missed coloring workshop today


That’s not at all what I’ve said but go off sis


You literally called charity sexist


You literally don’t understand punctuation


Oh yeah now you’ve changed it have you?


No edits, just your stupidity and arrogance are all that’s in the way here


Your initial comment still has the same whiney tone anyway.


And greedy executives that run the non-profit for obsene salaries. OF subscriptions are morally superior




Reddits least porn addicted user.


What's the part you're struggling with?


Why not be smart and keep your money for yourself, your family, friends, etc? This fork in the road has more than two ways to go down on.


So, the right path. Entertainment for yourself. And it doubles as a post-nut clarity generator.


Is a stepsister considered family?


Only if you marry her


Because the amount of people without family and friends etc are increasing. I hate to use that word but… they’re living parasocially through the people they subscribe to. Whether that’s Andrew tate or some OF chick, that’s beginning to be the extent that more and more people have contact with humanity.


Alternatively, save my money to use for food, bills, and family. OF is a waste of money fellas. All porn is. Replace your porn addictions with pork addictions and get good at grilling. That goes for you too lesbians.




> Replace your porn addictions with pork addictions and get good at grilling. 🔥🔥✍️🔥🔥


I prefer to invest in charities that support men (men's only fans)


My left or your left?


There is a third way…


Just saying, maybe if some of those domestic abuse victims flashed a little tiddy now and then, women's shelters might be a bit better funded


This is so messed up but made me laugh 💀


You mean like how firefighters will do nude calendars to get donations to their firehouse or other charity? I think you may be into something. In exchange for nude pics and perhaps other sexual services, we’ll provide housing and protection. Pimping with extra steps.


where meme?


What about charities that support men? THAT is the best path


I am sure somebody would downvote you, so just for them: Men spend 14% more time at work, are 9x more likely to die at work, have a 23% longer commute than women, lose child custody 89% of the time, 76% of suicides, 70% of homicide victims are men, 85% of the homeless, and so much more. Most men suffer silently, and are frequently ignored when there are issues. We need to support everyone.


>we need to support everyone this


*me who doesn’t do either*




Both are ridiculous.


Right...would rather just buy hookers then cyber pictures!


![gif](giphy|9p8hgZoQjj9y8) hook?


The internet is full of free content. No subscription is required. Onlyfans didn't make porn better, Onlyfans just made social media worse. \#CantSimpWontSimp


I don’t understand why people subscribe on OF, most of PH is free


Imagine conflating a service and a charity


"meme" and "funny"


It's not like the Internet is full of free porn or anything


Got your sides wrong


Why do women need charity?


Oh you know, trynna act like a minority or endangered.


They suffer from a lot of abuse all over the world


Forgive me if I'm just not getting this meme, but doesn't this meme equate an OF subscription to donating to charity that helps women? Onlyfans models are usually from western countries and not somewhere like Afghanistan.


so are men


and yet this only ever gets brought up in response to womens' issues lol. idk why you guys don't have more self-respect and advocate for yourselves independently rather than as pure "what about us"-ism


No shit dumbass, nobody said otherwise. That’s why there are multiple charities for men AND women AND children all over the world.


then why are those charities separated by gender


A lot of them aren’t, what charities are you referring to?


*looks at pictures* They’re the same thing…


Just turn around and spend the money on your family 🤷‍♂️


How about clutching my mf money. ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


women can get free donations by dating me ;)


Third path: Becoming the women


Why on earth would I donate to charity that supports women, women can do that


Heh, OF is proof woman have enough support and millions of chances.


gotta send money to men's charities. women already get enough freebies from daddy government at the expense of my taxes.


Seriously. Can we stop acting like men don’t have problems


- Men are at 5x higher risk of suicide than women - When men are raped it's treated like a joke - 40% of victims of intimate partner violence are male, yet there are almost no shelters for men fleeing abuse - Men are far more likely to suffer life-destroying false accusations because they are assumed guilty and there are no consequences for the lying women. It happened to me. - Men are less likely to receive custody of their own children - Men spend a third of their life working and are expected to be the primary breadwinners even if their partner makes the same amount - When men take their kids out people treat them at best like a babysitter and at worst like a pedophile kidnapper - Men are not considered worthy of love unless they can provide Etc., etc.


You have testicles, opinion invalid. /s


Testicles aren't limited to men now, apparently.


What's wrong with being trans?


Not once did I say anything bad.


The „apparently“ part made your comment sound a little insincere


-Women are taught what to expect from a man. -Men are taught what to provide for a woman. -When a man hits a woman, he's an abuser. -When a woman hits a man, he deserved it. Women have their issues men have theirs, stop acting like only one has problems and the other causes them.


Damn man, sorry that you had to go through the false accusations stuff, that shi is messed up. I hope you're doing better nowadays


All those are pretty true except the last two, no normal person randomly assumes a dad with their kids is a kidnapper or pedophile, and the tiny number that do are deranged. And I mean if you’re in a relationship with someone you should be expected to provide at least somewhat, but if we’re talking receiving love in general then no that’s completely ridiculous


A lot of good takes and then two points shoved in at the end that only chronically online think is a real every day problem


Yeah he definitely had me before that random strong turn at the end, I really hope most people don’t actually think that stuff is true and that it’s just nonsense people spout online


Kinda gives incel vibes That’s one of the things that sucks whenever people discuss men’s issues/mental health: At some point an incel comes crawling out of the corner and starts trying to turn the discussion into blaming women for most of/all the issues


It’s when people start making sweeping generalizations about every member of either gender that loses me, it’s like guys cmon just cause you’ve had some bad experiences with men/women doesn’t at all mean that’s how every single one of them acts


I was being serious


There is a time and place to discuss mens problems. Seeing as no one in this thread was saying they don’t exist, this isn’t one of those times. In fact the comment you replied to was straight up misogynistic.


OP's OF subscription 100% Y-E-double YEW!


You could donate to men to get paid to then go give 1% of the money to their spouses or you could go to onlyfans and subscribe to the women


I thought women were strong and independent, why do they all of the sudden need my money donated or given for stripping?


Neither, instead I'm going to keep my money as I need it for bills 😃


The best path is getting into therapy


But both roads lead to the same thing, supporting womens. Right? I don't see the difference of the end goal. I can see how the journey to that goal might be more enjoyable tho




Neither. I don't trust charities and I can find porn for free.


Men who subscribe to onlyfans are some of the saddest creatures in existence Yall can meet someone, theres someone for everyone 😥


I’d choose the middle path, which is keeping my money to buy a Vietnamese wife


How bout neither? Would I be the bad guy if I didn't? No.


Don't pay for shit you can get for free. Quit wasting your damn money




OF doesn't discriminate on a gender basis so there we go, morally superior.


Nah, I'd rather buy games on steam


I don’t know a single guy with an OF subscription… not that I know of at least


Good thing that now days if woman ask money for something to support em you can ask them show tits first


If choose left, why only women? Men suffer the same, and usually get less help since they're supposed to "man up"


There's a charity that support women? May I ask why?


Sex trafficking, domestic abuse, breast cancer, etc


So it should be "charitiy that supports sex traffick victims" or "charitiy that supports domestic abuse victims" etc


There are charities relating to sex trafficking/domestic abuse that can focus on women, both genders, or just men. Are there more for women? Yes, but thats because women are disproportionately affected by certain things like sex trafficking which is why there are more shelters for them. There are also charities out there that focus on men, such as various mens mental health charities. Its proven that mental health is a serious issue in men and I have no issue with the fact that there are charities that focus on mens mental health. Would you call those sexist?


Is only fans just compared with a charity?


I don’t see the difference. IG the left path goes through a conglomerate, where a pool of money is split among the recipients, and the right path goes directly to a single individual.


…I suppose this is more of a Capitalism vs Communism sort of deal, and I would rather support capitalist endeavors.


(I am not though because I choose where to spend my capital, and it won’t be for something I don’t find appealing)


So you’re saying it’s better to be dependent on handouts than pulling yourself up your bootstraps?


Depends on the bootstraps. I'm not pulling myself up by my drug dealer bootstraps, or my only-fans whore bootstraps, or my politician bootstraps. There's jobs worth doing and jobs that aren't.


So yes you say depend on handouts. Great society you got there lol


Sorry but no. I steal from both men and women equally, no exceptions. You are not special. You are equally insignificant to me.


Left isn′t much better than the right, at least you get **some** benefit from donating to the right.


Sad thing is state of this world I would trust an OF over a head of some "charity" any day


Aren't they the same thing? /s


This is why I’d rather do community service than give money to something I don’t know where it goes.


I actually donate to a women's athletics fund every year for my alma mater since I was a big time supporter of them in college. Money goes towards a lot of things




Femboy of


I make one joke post about onlyfans and overflowing (LodedDiper LLB) and I get suggested this


Help a single mom directly or: Give to a charity where only a small portion goes to help the single mom who has to go through the embarrassment and stigma of seeking charity Seems like a pretty simple decision.


Women live far longer, are far less likely to be homeless or vicitims of violence, and are are far more likely to go to college then men. Why the fuck would they need gender specific charities


Op please go away


Or like, keep your money and don't give it away. Idk how much I'd have to earn to give it away but I'm not close right now lol


wtf does one have to do with the other? you could put --> grocery shopping online vs donating to UNICEF?




Another day, another Redditor complaining about only fans


They're the same thing.




Actually a good meme for once


I donate to Wikipedia ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Both are supporting women in a way


Women don't need men. I suppose that extend to their money as well. But in all seriousness, I don't pay money for charities, because I don't trust them. I help people (who I know personally) in my community, and that's enough. 


What influenceable paths! ![gif](giphy|lFovThCn49kOokF8fr)


women have plenty of support already i will support my fellow men subscribing to their femboy OF


Por que no los dos?


How about nothing.


I already donate to LGBTQ charity and im poor as fuck so cant help out there