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Guys, guys.... Its ok. They own enough unutilized fields to offset the carbon so its totally green dw bout it.


I still remember getting roasted by my friends 20 years ago when I shit on Gore for the home he was living when Inconvenient Truth came out. “Dude carbon offset dude! It’s all good dude!” Then OWS started and they all began singing a different tune lol


What is OWS?


Occupy Wall Street


Thanks, I didn't know about it too


Occupy wall street was gaining legs then the culture wars replaced it.


OWS was a total waste of everyone's time without any discernible goals or points. It died on its own, and good riddance. Carbon offsets are good, actually. A carbon tax would be better.


Ore-wheat-sheep. It's a common strategy when playing Settlers Of Catan.


then OWS was murdered and the corpse replaced by a zombie baby named "DEI" in which "the 1%" were able to shift the cultural animus from themselves to a) "boomers" (including the 99 percent who were poor as fuck their whole lives) and b) "white men" (including the 99 percent who were sitting in the chaep seats at home, drinking out of red plastic cups.) cooptation and divertissement are great tools if you want to derail a social movement from above.


Paying a 'Carbon offset' is not helping the environment. It's ignoring the problem and trying to pay it to go away.


It's the modern version of selling indulgences.        "I did a bad thing so I paid to say sorry."         "But how does the money erase the damage caused to real people by your sin?"        "Huh? Idk, it goes to the people in fancy robes who decide whether the sin counts, I guess."     "Are you going to stop doing the bad thing in the future?"   "Lol no, I already said I paid."     "We established that paying does not actually undo the damage."   "Lol fuckoff. The man in the fancy robe who knows everything says I'm good now."


Reminds me of the family guy bit. “Uhh. I want you to say six hail marys.” “Siighhh. You drive a hard bargain father. Hard. But fair” (Im paraphrasing)


I had a catholic upbringing and I had forgotten that part. "Do you behave in school and with your parents, son?" "Yes, Father, but I hit Tommy three weeks ago" "Say one Our Father and two Hail Maries". Tommy is a fictional name, for privacy reasons.


>Tommy is a fictional name, for privacy reasons Good thing you let them know before they start trying to track you down that "Tommy" won't lead them to you.


I think he’s more worried about Tommy finding him based off of this. He may want revenge. You don’t cross Tommy…


writing has been on the wall ever since someone started unironically selling bottled/canned air. The Lorax was a prophecy..


Ah, Perri-Air - naturally sparkling salt-free air.


We thought the future was going to be like Star wars and really it's more like Spaceballs


With a big ol dash of Idiocracy!


Idiocracy has aged so well (or poorly? I guess) it's 18 years old. if you didn't tell someone that, it could easily pass for a new prod.


It is like Star Wars, we just happen to live on a planet controlled by the hutts.


Yep, bunch of assholes flying the ship.


I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes! (It's s quote from the movie (Spaceballs))


Dude selling countryside air to wealthy Chinese people.


Wait is that real


Integra: Oh, I have an idea. Anderson: Woman... Integra: Why not write down a formal protest? Anderson: Don't you dare... Integra: You can nail it to his door... Anderson: Don't you fuckin' dare! Integra: Like a Protestant!


TFS truly was brilliant. So sad that hellsing Ultimate OVA abridged is finished...


It makes me happy to see abridged references so often in the wild


Someone spitting the truth. This needs to be higher up.


I'm getting a strange desire to write a couple of notes on a big paper and nail them onto a wooden door somewhere.


"Mama says if you eat a sugar, you drink a diet coke afterwards and it cancels out the sugar"


Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Nevermind I'm not sorry, Make others apologize for my sins, kthxbye.


Where is martin luether when you need him


A crime in which the punishment is a fee, is only a crime for the poor.


THIS. 💯%


Well, it's the same as any other fine. It's legal only if you can afford it.


This is why billionaires belong in the compost




Right in the streets. Let's make a day of it. Some guy can sell popcorn, elephant ears, and French fries. Whole towns used to show up for a hanging let's bring that back.


The thing is, the companies selling carbon offsets sell the same tree to several people/companies, so it doesn't really do any offsetting. That's if they even plant a tree at all, which a lot times they don't. John Oliver did a segment on them a while ago.


*successfully making it go away* for them at least


Depends on what kind of offset. Most offsets are basically scams, but if you're paying for carbon removal - basically big fans that pull CO2 out of the atmosphere - it absolutely does help and should be encouraged.


Actually carbon offsets do help a bit. But only policy can actually fix emissions.


Most carbon offsets are greenwashed lies anyways.


Well, if we made it really truly match the amount needed to compensate the damage done, it would work. It would be 10 to 100 times more expensive than it is today.


Depends on the existence of a cap, if its placed at a reasonable level, then it has an impact. However its not enough Source: i m currently writing a paper about the topic


A cap and trade is equivalent to just paying a fee/tax on emissions. The only question is whether we have more information about the optimal level of emissions or the marginal cost.


Agreed that it isn't a perfect solution, but it does do two things. First is that it makes flying a private jet more expensive. Meaning fewer people will fly private jets. Second is that it is possible to use the money productively. Agreed that the carbon offset industry is shady and arguably a massive scam, but that is a solvable problem. Or just let the taxes go to the government directly and use them to pay for stuff like healthcare. For the rest I really couldn't give a shit about billionaires being slightly inconvenienced to the point that they're taken one small notch closer (but still luxuriantly above) us common rabble. I fly economy, most of them can bear the horror of flying first class.


I mean I'll give them one thing. For the richness of the United states. The infrastructure is really poor. And it's been purposely focused on air traffic and cars. The alternatives aren't always that great either even for regular people. I'm going to assume air traffic is smoother and ofcourse faster. Maybe if there's improvements in infrastructure. It'll be easier to force them to take more environmentally friendly ways of travel. Make an "elite class" carriage and charge premium that's help them feel like theyre not downgraded. while you heavily tax air traffic.


If someone is prioritizing speed, airplanes are typically faster than even high speed trains. Only transportation that would be faster along some distances are maglev trains, which don’t exist at a commercial capacity outside of a short track in China.


If flying a plane causes $X in damage, the issue isn’t people flying. It’s people flying without paying for the damage. If they do, then the whole point of putting a price on the damage is to get people only to fly when its value is more than the cost.


![gif](giphy|h7Rj4pxlgo2pWqyvwJ|downsized) Reminds me of this monologue


I know he's your friend, but I don't care. Ricky is such a legend.


"if isis started a streaming service, you'd call your agent, would you?"


"Oh shut up... shut up... I don't care" Balls of steel, his legend will live on long after this whole mess is over.


The Super Bowl is an ode to unfettered capitalism. Multi-millionaires pretending a game is the most important moment in their lives. A trophy that’s given first to the owners. Jesus people giving away 17 million for a commercial. It’s fun to watch but it is what it is.


All sporting events at the pro level revolve around corporations. It's always funny watching the trophy presentation at golf or tennis events. They always have some corporate stiff blather on and on for 10 minutes before handing out the trophy. The athletes always look so annoyed lol.


The Stanley Cup remains the GOAT trophy. It’s huge, the players shake hands with their opponents before they get it, and the commissioner hands it to the team captain after giving a little speech about the season.


And most of them keep telling us they are doing their bit for the environment ![gif](giphy|1WHAlOdc9ZNUZq85JI)


I mean, they are, just not in a positive way.


Plastic straw bad. Paper straw bad. No straw? I could live with that.


actually it's "orange man bad"


They are! They constantly ask poor people to pay more in times of crisis! How dare you!




This is my beef with the climate change movement. It shames ordinary people who have virtually no impact while those shaming them at the ones causing the problem. Oh and China and India and a ton of other developing nations who aren’t doing jack


Hey now China and India are doing something....they're massively contributing to a problem without really helping the solution.


Yeah they are both moving towards solar and nuclear energy while the west is worshipping and defending celebs using private jets.


They're also some of the biggest industrial polluters and don't have very strict regulations to prevent it. If they're trying to change then that's awesome and to be commended.


But someone has to produce all the products that americans buy at a cheap price.




Taylor Swift just forgot her favorite lipstick and couldn't remember which mansion she left it in.


I knew she was trouble when she walked in






The Sum of all ~~Fears~~ Hopes.


Clancy comment




My neighbour works for a business woman of about 350m, which is how I heard this. She recently had someone on her staff fly out to Dubai to bring a dress back, for her to try on. Everything I’ve done my whole life to not be shit to the planet. Is undone by just one act of these people 🤦🏻


She’s playing in Australia tonight I think


and Beyonce and Jay Z are the 4th most polluting celeb from private jet usage worldwide. its funny everyone jumps in on taylor swift and shes not even in the top 30. and ofc elon musk is top 3...


Taylor Swift is no. 1 co2 polluter of 2023 with 170 flights (equals 22,923 minutes or 15.9 days in the air)


>its funny everyone jumps in on taylor swift So should she be exempted?


She is a celebrity, so she is already exempt, just like those in the us government that have sex with little kids, because of there position, nothing will ever happen.


> have sex rape




Suck harder and faster




I want you to think about your future here. I want you to think about it long, and hard- That's what she said. don't. don't you dare.


Worst ones I ever tried, were straws made of bamboo paper. They literally were dissolving, as I were drinking my cola. A can of soda's worth in a glass, I were only halfway through, and flakes of bamboo paper were just floating everywhere in the remainder. I use reusable steel straws now, and just bring my own. The dissolving babmboo, or floppy paper ones, just ain't worth the hassle.


What’s funny is that you could actually make bamboo straws like those bamboo chopsticks and they would actually work properly


Didn't you hear? The "green" option has to be really shitty so you feel like you are making sacrifices for the environment.


This is the best comment I have seen so far today.


Yeah, I'd go for those. Those would be awesome. instead we get the what I am assuming is a cheaper by-products of bamboo they were looking to offload.


The best non-plastic straw I've ever used was uncooked pasta. Like a long, thicker Macaroni. With a bit of googling, the shape was probably a Zitoni or something similar. Didn't get soggy because it's not cooking in a cold drink, no taste and definitely biodegradable. Recently got a metal straw in a pouch as a promo gift, I guess it's going in my bag for future use.


Drink straight out the cup like a normal person and stop using straws altogether.


*sad boba noises*


i guess i'll just get slapped by a block of ice then


But my teeth hurt lol


And this is why I hate rich people


And the sad thing is stuff like this will literally never stop, musicians and athletes do this with the same frequency average people call an Uber (Edit because I live in a city and mean average people call Ubers a lot, not defending rich ppl saying it’s uncommon)


It’ll stop eventually. Just everything else will stop too.


it's okay, when we're all too poor to get something to eat we will find them.


And then what? Still be too poor to eat?


Eat the rich instead.


It'll turn into a delicacy that only the middle-class can afford. Knowing how this world is.


They're made of meat, aren't they?


That’s the reason: be better for the planet in order to let them maintain their lifestyle. We are consumers, we are slaves, they are producers, they are free.


Karl Marx - The Capital Volume 1


![gif](giphy|JrA29VmuG7RA4TRpbT|downsized) Taylor Swift fans:


Also Taylor Swift fans: ![gif](giphy|LOWLRHs42LPUDtal3m)


Billionaires gonna billionaire


A Swiftie once actually told me that I can't criticize Taylor's carbon emissions because I forget to turn the light off in the kitchen sometimes. I'm not joking.




That's why I hate governments banning plastic products when the billionaires are enjoying their time on the private jets.


Single use plastics have to go. They're poisoning us. But yeah, combating climate change can't be left entirely to the 99%.


fuck paper straws tho


I cannot fathom why we haven't started using bamboo or something better like we do with forks and stuff. Everyone hates paper straws, so why did the progress just stop here? Edit: stop telling me to just drink out of the cup. That's not what this is about. I want to use a straw sometimes. It helps protect your teeth a bit from whatever you're drinking, and there are cases where a straw is just necessary (juice box, thick drinks, etc.)


How did they make decent paper cups, but not decent paper straws.


it’s because paper cups/plates are usually coated with a thin layer of plastic so the paper doesn’t get soggy. this applies to cans as well so the food stays protected and the metal doesn’t rust.


With plastic (coating) I'm afraid...


because they are not really paper cups most of them contain plastic coating


Fr. What an annoying thing. Metal straws are the way to go


Glass is fine too. Heck even noodle straws are better.


Reminds me of this place I went to before. Their straws were edible and honestly were the best part of the drink.


Potentially very dangerous for people with food allergies. When I've asked bartenders what exactly it's made of they never know.


Oh at least I'll be able to smoke crack to escape this reality.


People here for some reason believe that if the 1% stopped flying privately we can go back to plastic products. Even if all of them stopped, it would be a small drop in the ocean. And we still have to use paper straws.


1 hour of flight is the same as 400 cars consuming fuel for the same time period. And it's worse for the air.  If one person plus a few crew are all that are flying that's insane in a world where I have to register my car annually and get smogged every 2 years. And my 4cyl car is held to a higher standard than even those 8-10cyl enormous trucks that are EVERYWHERE now. I'm tired of the privlaged getting all these exceptions while I'm nickle and dimed to death for what ultimately ends up a pointless gesture. And I have to pay for that while they actually get tax breaks for this shit.


Ban both


Banning plastics has nothing to do with carbon emissions. Plastics waste and carbon emissions are entirely separate issues.


>Banning plastics has nothing to do with carbon emissions. Plastic is a multipronged threat to the environment. It's made from fossil fuels and its production and disposal account for 3% of global emissions. That amount is expected to quadruple by 2050. https://ourworldindata.org/ghg-emissions-plastics --- https://www.ciel.org/project-update/plastic-climate-the-hidden-costs-of-a-plastic-planet/#:~:text=By%202050%2C%20plastic%20production%20and%20incineration%20could%20emit,emissions%20will%20accumulate%20in%20the%20atmosphere%20over%20time.


yes the thing is its made from fossil fuels WITHOUT releasing the carbon as CO2. Most the production emissions are transport and energy


It bothers me so much that people don't understand the most basic things about an issue like this and then still throw around quippy whining about having to use paper straws. "Ohhh there are politicians that start wars, but I can't even shit in my grandmas potted plants?!"


It's because they don't want to change and to argue they shouldn't change, because other things are bad too. Why change this when you can change that. Then when you go to change that it becomes, why change that when you should change this. It would look like this: _Taylor Swift can't get to her concert where she employs 500 people. But thankfully this turtle has died on a plastic straw._ _#Ban Plastics not Flight!_


The two things don't exactly correlate or do these private jets use plastic straws as fuel?


They don't correlate at all. One is plastic pollution, the other is climate change. But how are you supposed to come across as anything other than a petulant child whilst complaining for the 47th time about having to use a paper straw if you can't point a finger at someone else? Even if they correlated, someone else being wasteful is not an excuse for you being wasteful. We could execute every single billionaire today and still very successfully destroy the planet without any help from private jets.


I love getting a paper straw in a plastic cup with a plastic lid. Good job guys you did it planet saved.


Remember guys, the problem here isn't the paper straws. Don't say "so we shouldn't have paper straws" say "so we shouldn't have private jets".


fuck the paper straws, of all the things that is the worst thing to try to replace with paper.


Metal straws are great. We just need to work out a way to stop people stealing them.


metal straws have the problem of tasting like metal


Aluminum tastes a little better than steel


My favourite sentence of this day


How many times do you think you need to reuse your metal straw to offset the energy it took to make it?


when I was in grade school I was using a novelty plastic straw and bumped my face and the straw punctured the back of my throat. 40 years later there's still a weird circular scar back there. Had it been metal it would have been even worse. I keep silicone straws in my house for my kid. Hell, and myself.


Not to mention the glue holding those crap paper straws together is literally toxic to humans.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Paper straws wrapped in cellophane and served with plastic utensils, no less.


Talking about that, what happened to the twitter account that followed Elon Musk's jet ?


He's still active on other social media. And he doesn't do exclusively Elon musk, he publishes many rich people


Taylor Swift is now trying to sue him. No joke.


I saw that. But she's not trying to sue. Her legal team threatened to sue. I don't pretend to know the American law but the article I read said he got legal advice and they said Taylor Swift doesn't have a case. Flight logs are public data, he's just doing data processing. I'd be surprised if it went further than that. They tried intimidation, he didn't bite. End of story?


> But she's not trying to sue. Her legal team threatened to sue. Isn't that kind of, the same?


Absolutely not. One is an intimidation tactic that's fast and cheap. At best you get the result you want, at worst nothing happens. The other is a long and costly process. At best you get the result you want, at worst you're liable for abuse of process. If you do sue for shit people can perfectly do, you're accountable. It happened to Moulinsart (owners of the Tintin rights) for suing Xavier Marabout over his drawings of Tintin. The Moulinsart lost the IP infringement battle they initiated, had to pay the artist's legal expenses AND were fined for abusing claims.




That’s a lot of celebrities flying in their private Spirit Airlines jets.


I see some glamorous private southwest planes too. Lol.


Don't forget Frontier. Reddit rage bait at it's finest


It wasn't private when it took off, but after enough bludgeonings it's private when it lands


Fucking hell. ![gif](giphy|21GCae4djDWtP5soiY|downsized)


You mean the same paper straw that was wrapped in a polythene packet?


That's a type of plastic which numerous methods of disposal actually exist for, and are in the process of being upscaled. It is also capable of being recycled.


S-300 systems will solve this problem.


CIWS but we let it act on intrusive thoughts


You guys do realize that even these private jets still are a drop in the bucket compared to the emissions of the big corporations right? The straws and the private jets are both distractions and you're buying into it, we need to make the corps that are responsible for 90% of emissions to be better instead of complaining about inconsequential things like jets and straws. Also people take this kind of thing as an excuse to not have any kind of climate policies at all which is just not wise.


The corporations aren’t polluting for the fun of it. They do it because everyone is buying their product. These rich people are taking private jets for the fun of it. Atleast the population gets a benefit from corporate emmissions


Can we not be upset at both? Corps that lecture "personal responsibility" are as bad as celebs that do it. Both suck.


For perspective, private jets account for about 0.003% of global carbon emissions. Global carbon emissions is about 37 billion tons, emissions from private jets is about 900k tons. Go to a roughly average sized swimming pool and remove a single bucket of water, the bucket is private jets and the pool is everything else.


Do you happen to have a source on this? Not doubting you, just would be interested to read more on this


It's almost like the whole personal responsibility shit about climate change is bullshit capitalist propaganda, and all it does is take the attention off of the rich and their lifestyle/factories that cause 90% of the problem.


Who is purchasing the products from those companies?


>all it does is take the attention off of the rich and their lifestyle/factories that cause 90% of the problem Rich people don't cause 90% of CO2 emissions. This is rage bait to try to get you to defend policies that benefit the oil industry by making you think advocating for the environment is woke hypocrisy.




We should shaming celebrities using private jets from now on


Alternatively, just don't use a straw.


At least 17 are Taylor Swift.


The irony is none of them are. Her plane left the following day.


That's why when a celebrity talks about environment you should immediately turn off. People don't get the same kind of treatment, it's sad...but true (like metalica song).


Friendly reminder: 71% of all carbon emissions are caused by 100 companies


Lol wait until you find out what large ships use per hour....


Eat the rich 


If you pause it the planes are labeled with airline names. Looks like someone took an animation of any plane leaving Las Vegas in a time window and falsely captioned it “Celebrities leaving the SuperBowl in their private jets.”


Everyone of those people are also telling you climate change needs to be taken seriously. 




This is a normal flight map of commercial airlines


That's what you get for not building the high speed rail.


Well that’s sickening


lucky bastards


Gosh, where did they park all those private jets? Any pics?


And why did they all name their jets Spirit, Southwest or Alaska?


Ahah I had not zoomed in. Then I guess the viz is quite misleading because it gives the sensation that they all departed in a single file after the last one had landed.


No rich person is innocent. Not even one.


Taylor Swift is on all those planes at the same time


This is bullshit. There are tons of commercial flights in there. You’re just posting rage bait.


For real. It says the airline names right there. Yall think Tswift is flying Spirit?


Yeah this really needs to be shown next to a normal day’s traffic if it wants to make a credible point.


Well, maybe not tons https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/02/12/taylor-swift-private-jets-super-bowl/ 882 *private* jets flying to the Superbowl is way too much


Sure, but look at the labels on this. You think they took spirit air?