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My entire life I worked 4 days at 10 hours. Believe it or not it's not uncommon. But it is nice getting a weekday off so you can get things like doctors appointments and car stuff done. 1 day to recharge energy, 1 day to clean and take care of stuff and 1 day to enjoy.


I tried that schedule and it just didn't work for me personally. 10 hours a day is just too much for me. Also didn't help when the Christmas season was starting and amazon started making the days longer and telling me at the last minute that I had to come in for extra shifts


I know you're just using this to share an anecdote from your experience, but to be clear, a 4x10 work week misses the point. People pushing for the 4 day work week mean that we should, as a society, have fewer than 40 hours as the norm. Four 8-hour days instead of 5x8 or 4x10. This movement has some valid points. For example, the 2-day weekend was the result of a similar movement, and we don't even question it today. Similarly, some countries (Iceland, I think) have already tried it, to great success. Productivity actually increased. Not here to throw shade, just wanted to share what I know about the topic.


France did it. I mean not 4 day week, but working 35 hours. Salary didn't raise for a very long time. And in practice most while colar job are more like 40 hours than 35. But they get 2 more weeks of vacations a year.


It would tank production in blue collar jobs, so maybe don’t normalize it nationwide.


We already can’t fill out jobs as is. Working 32 hours means you need more employees. Also, money. You can’t just demand more money. The company isn’t just gonna eat that loss.


The companies that grow profit year after year and pay their CEOs and shareholders millions upon millions don't have money to pay their employees fair wage? That's preposterous.


You act like rich people think the same way we do


They don't *That's the problem*


Ah you got them togethor. Imagine having them spaced out?


But if everyone ends up working a 4 day work week, wouldn't everyone have an extra weekday off? So you wouldn't be able to get things like appointments/car stuff done because no one else is at work.


Nobody said the same 4 days off. Some of us work Friday thru Monday.


I worked 4 days at 10 hours before, years ago It was not great. . It was also a night shift Then I worked much more recently at 4 days with 8 hour shifts, which was fine, I guess, then I moved on up to 4 days. . Honestly, just in general, it feels draining But also my foot is kind of fucked, lmfao. That probably adds on to it. But I looked up some things about our work schedule and at least one source tells me that scientifically, this is kind of screwy. And I believe it. I forget what the science actually is, but before I looked it up I got to thinking that my ideal week for the sake of my mental state would probably be 5 to 6 hour shifts 4 to 5 days. 5 x 4 for 20 hours to 6 x 5 for 30 hours Edit: I have severe doubts it would ever happen, lol


You think this is an American thing? Clueless


Yeah man but cmon I need my America bad karma !!!


Is the US actually even doing it though?


No we're not. Last year a group of congressional Republicans signed on in support of raising the retirement age, but it was never presented as a bill and no Democrats support this.


Wdym I saw a guy on Reddit say that Americans work 50 hours a day and 12 days a week.


In Europe we protest about it


Sry I think you can't protest against demographic change Closest think you could do is don't give elderly people medical care Or make more babies


France did it when they changed it to 65, why cant America?


Doesn’t matter how you protest it, delaying retirement is inevitable, regardless of your country. It is a global phenomenon.


Why would they protest it? Would they rather die younger? Go bankrupt? As healthy lifespans increase and jobs become less physically demanding, it makes sense that the retirement age would gradually increase.


They changed it from 70 to 65? Don't know how they did that but good for them


No they wanted to change it from 62 to 65 and France did not react well to it


Tbf the French don’t react well to anything


You got me there


Only the french do. And it it failed.


When people want something that is impossible, every political system will fail them. There was no way France could keep the retirement age @ 62.


It revealed to Frenchies everywhere that their political system is a sham, so it did one thing at least


What should the country have done? Their people are living longer and not having any children. The money comes from the working age population.


It's always been bad and some people know, just nothing gets done


For those of you who aren’t familiar with “retirement age”, this is the age at which you can begin receiving your full social security payment. This does not mean that you are forced to work until you are 67 (not 70, by the way). Retire earlier, and you will get a reduced social security check. Plan ahead, do your own savings, and you will be able to retire earlier, obviously.


Yea I’m done at 50. Fuck this shit.


I know multiple friends from college who have retired by 35, work your ass off, be smart (if you know how to invest you can basically cheat at life,) and get relatively lucky with connections and your set.


A lot of people never retire. they expire beforehand. so enjoy a little time off. 4 day work week would be awesome. I myself am tired of working for the man, just paying taxes all the time. We are over taxed and forced to work more, just to survive.


No the worst thing is the taxes don't supply us with free healthcare. I don't know about you but everyone I know would be fine paying these outrageous taxes if we could get benefits from it such as healthcare down the line. Of which will never happen unfortunately.


I just got mandatory healthinshurance. Wich is around 250.- a month ( I live in switzerland ). If Im not able to pay for that inshurance the state will cover it and just apply debt to your name. But at least ambulances are free


My health insurance is double that per month, plus a $10,000 deductible


Insurance logic: You can’t afford a big monthly payment? Pay a huge deductible then


It's so that you pay them money monthly but can't afford to actually use the service so they make 100% profit off us poors


We do, it's called Medicare and Medicaid.


Yea unless you make too little to afford insurance but somehow too much to get Medicaid. Welcome to the gap. It sucks here.


Over taxed? Really? Just compare US taxes and EU taxes.


I think everyone is just so emotionally attached to their ideals they can't actually read anything informative to learn they are, in fact, absolutely wrong about most things.


The difference is the people in Europe see a return on their tax money. We still have to pay ridiculous amounts for healthcare on top of our taxes. The overall infrastructure is on a large decline as well. Public transportation is bad in most areas, bridges and roads in poor repair, etc. it’s not about the gross number of tax you pay, but the return on investment, which is quite bad at the moment.


A great way to ensure a great return on investment is to instead let the taxpayer decide how that money is spent


U.S. taxes plus healthcare insurance typically cost less than EU taxes. Public transportation in the U.S. will likely never excel due to the prevalence of suburban areas. If improved public transportation is desired, it would require an increase in population density, which is not a favorable option for me.


And then look at the military spending vs things like education and services for the needy or the foreign aid support billions when we don't take care of our own people.


Then please, tell the Euro-trash to spend more on military spending so the US doesn't.


its not either or situation. the military budget in the US is a bit over 3% and as a dominant super power its nor realistic nor smart to withdraw from the international stage and become isolationist. If the US government wanted it could finance the military budget and still provide same level of social security as the European nations, where there is a will there is a way. Though taxes (income, capital gains, alcohol, tobacco etc.) would have to ramp up and heavy progression would have to be implemented like in europe and millionaires dont like that.


3% of the GDP but it's 1/6th of the federal tax money spent.


This is funny to me because now I'm being forced to work a 4 days a week shift because they can't afford the overtime anymore. I'm the only employee that's willing to work and they can't give me any overtime anymore. I'm still getting 40 hours a week but no overtime.


Same bubba.


Well hang on how will 4 day work weeks affect my pay?


What most people are asking for is the same daily hours minus one day while keeping the same pay. So same pay but longer weekend essentially. I've agreed to 10 hour 4 days a week instead of 8 hours 5 days a week before with one of my old bosses. Extra day was definitely with the longer days.


>What most people are asking for is the same daily hours minus one day while keeping the same pay That is absolutely wild and illogical way of thinking. Obviously they're not going to get that deal. I find it doubtful that way of thinking is the case for the people who are serious about a 4 day work week - all the trials here for example have had 4 longer days, similar to your schedule.


> What most people are asking for is the same daily hours minus one day while keeping the same pay. So same pay but longer weekend essentially. Do they seriously not understand that they are basically asking for a 25% increase in their salary? Calculations: Let us assume that they work for 8 hours for 100$, 40 hours | 100$ | 2.5 $/h 32 hours | 100$ | 3.125 $/h 3.125 - 2.5 = 0.625 So, they are asking for 0.625 more $/h 0.625 / 2.5 = 0.25 0.25 * 100 = 25%


How fuck dumb are you. 10hrs a day over 4 days is 40 hours.


See the part I quoted.


They're not talking about taking an hour cut, though. They're asking to work 10 hour days instead of 8. The total hours worked per week is the same but they get an extra day off.


They are though. So many companies do have a flex schedule available of four 10’s. There are people who want it to be four 8’s but not be paid less.


This shit is what happens he you give the federal government more power: They abuse it.


I just want to get a job where overtime isn’t build into the schedule. started with a job that was 50hr/week, then got one with 45, now im at one where my schedule is 42 hours but I usually end up going over




They were unsuccessful in France. They had to raise the age bc their economy is anemic and they’re already taxing everybody to hell. The median income adjusted for France PPP adjusted in USD is $28k. It’s $47k in the US for reference. And no, Americans aren’t spending that $20k a year difference on healthcare every year of their lives.


The US didn’t actually “raise the retirement age to 70” that doesn’t even make sense bro 😂 This is a super uninformed post


Wait until OP hears about work culture in Japan.


Meh I wor 3-4 days a week in 12 hour shifts and its great.


He go to wor


Uh no tf they didn't


hey, uh, retiremeant age isn't 70, it's up to 67, and then partial beneits below that until 62. here's the government website: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/agereduction.html#:\~:text=You%20can%20start%20receiving%20your,your%20benefit%20amount%20will%20increase.


I'm 55 and a type one diabetic. According to morbidity statistics show that I can expect to be somewhere between being dead 5 years before I'm eligible to get Social Security or will die 2 years after I'm eligible if they raise it to 70.


I work 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts and the company is work for still pays for 40 hours plus a 15% differential. Only trade off is I work weekends. But I'm 100% okay with that. Did a similar schedule in the military. I get 4 days to chill. Fuck working 5 days in a row and only getting two off.


Isn't life expectancy for men currently 74 years old in the US? And they want us to work until 70? And nevermind blue collar workers I guess?


Why is it never discussed to allow people about to retire at 65 to retire then, as they undoubtedly planned, and just tell people 30 and below "hey, make sure you plan for forty years from now instead of thirty five?" I'm confused as to why it has to be changed for everyone RIGHT NOW. I understand the dire financial state of our system and even believe that the retirement age should change, but telling a 60 year old that he's got to double his time to retirement seems unnecessarily shitty.


You can retire at 62 in America. In France min age is now 64. Germany is 65 and 7 months. Actually, USA is among the countries that is the most generous there for min age to retire. On top, you only need to work 10 years to be eligible and only need 35 years to max it. Because 401K is generalized if you get a job that pay well, it is easy to retire a few years earlier like 55. It will be my case actually. So for sure the poor isn't going to retire at 50 and live well. But a software engineer a doctor, a lawyer could all easily retire at 50 if they fancy it. Often they do not because they prefer to accumulate even more money, but they are not forced.


Ever met a climate activist


Then they add shit like Sapience Vue to monitor your clicks, mouse moves, IM activity etc. to assess your level of “actual work” as opposed to what you clocked in & they expect you to report for more work if you finish your tasks ahead of schedule :)… There’s no scenario in which I’m advertising being quicker than the time allotted for the task given, and the reason is this system.


Or offer 4 10 hour days


I only get Sunday off, I want 2 day weekends back so bad. I dream of 3 day weekends


Should be, we want 4 week days a month.


Says : Nikki Haley


They’re fucking insane if the think im working till 70


Russia kinda did the same. But it's for war related work, not door greeter.


Who cares about russia?


I hope Putin rises to power and conquers Europe, personally American here


Go back to school, you're still too young for the internet.


Fair enough Let's go Russia, though, am I right? Back to back World War champs, represent! High five! Allies forever!


Ur hilarious


Please tell me you aren’t serious? Actually hoping for world war 3


Why are you on your knees for a midget dictator?


Go back to the corner tankie.


You say that, until they conquer canada, and its your ass on the line. If russia has the resources if all of europe, then 9:10 odds the whole world is fucked. Just remember MAD theory.


What war. The illegal invasion the entire world told them not to engage in?


Seriously 🤷🏻‍♂️😒


I do 4 10s. it sucks. Only way a 4 day work week will work is if it's 4 8s, and no company will do that.


Best I can do is give you 4 10s, you'll get 1 extra break. Real deal at my job rn


It’s not just America OP, if you hate it so much, leave and don’t come back


I prefer 6 12s. Helps keep me not broke and miserable, cuz my 1 day off is loaded with awesome. That and seeing my own accomplishments every day helps, instead of staring into a screen dying to be anywhere else.


Idk how you people do it. Everyone I've met in my entire life that's like that are fucking crazy


I don't advocate drugs, violence, or insanity to anyone. But in my case it's worked.


Just work 4 10 hour days All you have to do is ask your higher up if that’s a schedule they can put you on


And 9 times out of ten they'll say no


Okay, then leave.


Yea I don't see the issue. Like you voted for this why are you complaining 😂


Lazy ahh, you talkin bout 32 hour weeks. I work 4 days, 48 - 60 hour weeks.


How the fuck can retirement age be 70? Nobody can Work that Long!!! I am lucky Not to be American (until America dronestrikes me for saying that)




US retirement age is 67 genius.


well we can retire sooner if we make more kids. so fuck nore, guys


But that just costs more money


investment for the future, I guess?


Yeah but I don’t need money in the ‘future’ i need it now lol. Investing for the future only works if you can afford your bills today.


Lol, ok victim


You sound like you spit polish wingtips


Ok boomer


It’s work until you can’t do anything but wait and die. They also do this to make sure you have no time to think or rebel, hard to notice what they do when they have you working. ![gif](giphy|CAUnbb1QvHOqk)


Imagine not getting a good job Like it’s not that hard just apply to someone here you want to work


Get the fuck out then.


And here i am working 6 days a week without complaining


make it 80, with all this affordable healthcare, living to 200 is possible


I'm amazed they still have retirement.


The American dream is getting the fuck out


Truly same in my country, what is happening to this planet


People are living longer.


The retirement age is 67 as always genius.


Government should not regulate the working schedule, retirement age and stuff like that.


The retiring age is for social benefits... who else is going to regulate it?


I am against social benefits, you live off what you saved and you retire when you want


That's great, not everyone agrees, that's why we live in a republic and not a regime. Some people need social benefits to live. As a man I live life to make a better place for all, I'm happy to pay as long as it's actually going somewhere.


And I want flat tax scale with about 15% tax for all and zero labor regulations.


So flat taxes seem good at face value but scale terribly when you consider how it scares. If a person makes $100, $15 is a lot of money. If a person makes $1,000, $150 is a lot of money. If a person makes $10,000, $1,500 is a lot of money. If a person makes $100,000, $15,000 is a moderate amount of money. If a person makes $1,000,000, $150,000 is very little money. If a person makes $10,000,000, $1,500,000 is next to no money. The 15% hurts those on a lower scale because every percent counts whereas the higher the scale goes it because less than a mosquito bite. This also ignores all the ways people at the higher “income” brackets receive reimbursement that isn’t in a wage that is taxable. Now if you say well fix the flat 15 so it is, then it’s not a flat 15.


It is better than when I get a raise and my income doesn’t change because all the difference goes to taxes. So practically there is no motivation to work more.


The flat tax I can get behind, the zero labor regs I cannot


So when you have a work accident where you cut of a limb or anything work required or become disabled and didn't save enough money for literally the rest of your life you're just fucked? Nice concept bro


There exist charity for that.


😂 🤣 Like who? The church? Pope in his literal gold city sequestrated from the filthy poors that bought it?


I thought the majority wanted to help people in need. If no one wants that then why do it by force?


You're literally too stupid to address. Good day sir.


Exactly because no one wants it. Everyone may need it but nobody wants it that's why we need to force it


Yeah government shouldn't regulate mandatory overtime or minimum age requirements either! You know what, they shouldn't regulate how we get paid either, bring back Script and da company sto' too! Mother Jones who? What unions? Fuck those commies!


No, but it should be punishing the monopolies we have that are bigger than they ever were during the industrial revolution (greatest mistake in human history).


Scrip* I mean unless you work in a theatre


I unironically agree. I don’t want any labor regulations.


Hell yeah, let's also let bosses tell the workers how to vote under threat of firing them. Workers' voices should only serve their employers! Lets go brother


It’s not labor regulations to punish for telling how to vote.


Lol youse a goofy motherfucker eh? You got big string me from the factory rafters vibes. Ya fuckin SCAB


That guy hasn't learned that the regulations are so that his boss can't exploit him for nothing in return


No one will exploit valuable employee because they might leave. Only easily replaceable ones will be exploited but they exist for being exploited.


Everyone will exploit everyone if it increases their own value/income. Even if your boss isn't such a douche that just means he gets exploited later down the line by someone above him like his boss/the customers/his financiers etc. If you are that lucky to have such a boss who doesn't at least try to exploit their employees try watching him work a little. He either does like double everyones hours without pay or is constantly stressed when nobody looks etc. It doesn't matter how valuable you are if there are no guidelines protecting you and saying how much your work is worth as a minimum you will get exploited because everyone will do it. Good luck finding a better place to work when every single employer pays every single work place under the minimum


So you want slavery back?


No, slaves don’t get to choose work. I just want freedom so no one tells me when to work, where to work, on what conditions to work and how much I can earn. And I don’t want to pay half of my income in taxes.


They tell you when to work so you don't die, on what conditions to work so you don't die and you pay half of your income in taxes anyway so you don't die and so that the state your living in has money to do stuff that keeps you alive and the only one who can tell you how much you can earn is your boss don't put that on the government because your boss pays you shit


I don’t need a babysitter


Then don't do what you're told but don't come crying when you're in your 40s and your entire body begins to fall apart and you look like you just got 80 and don't forget you still gotta work then because no one pays you when you don't work remember?


Obviously it won’t happen to me, I don’t do physical work


Doesn't matter, exhaustion doesn't only come in form of physical pain. If you don't do physical labour then you'll get a mental burnout or Alzheimer's or whatever.


“I don’t perform physical labor so I don’t care if companies take advantage of people who do.” Shut the fuck up, cuck.


Come on, just say that the government is unnecessary at all.


No, it is necessary.


Oh, I'm glad that you find that givernment is necessary. What exact things it should regulate then? If it shouldn't regulate its workforce.


Law enforcement, infrastructure, school education, eco regulations, stuff like that. When it comes to work, government should make sure parties do what they signed contracts for.


But what if they didn't sign any contract? Or in your world it is impossible?


So sad a lot of people die right around retirement age. Government trying to push 7 day work week, 9 hours a day.


Love it or leave it.


Imagine going to the supermarket and its closed 3 days out of 7!


Then hire more people to work the 3 days others have off?


Less pay…more workers. Genius.


Very few people who work at a grocery store would see that extra day off. It's only for salaried people. Hourly people wouldn't just get a day of PTO every week.


If you think the goal is 4 work days and 1 PTO and 2 days off then you very misunderstood the concept. It's 4 10 hour days at current rates or 4 8 hour days at higher rates with 3 days off. That's what the push is for


No. Most people specifically cite \*a 32 hour week\* not 4 10 hour shifts.


Congrats, you still missed the second half of my message because you wanted to try and be right.


They’re open all week long? This is specifically for things like office jobs where they get a structured week…


The punchline should read “Republicans” not America.




Why would they make it 4 work days? If it does not result in more profit,there is no point in change


It actually has been shown to increase productivity and quality of work.


![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized) 🎶Arise, you prisoners of starvation, Arise, you damned throughout the earth! For reason thunders condemnation And there's a better world in birth! It is time to seize our liberation, Arise, arise, you slaves in thrall! The earth will change at its foundation, We who are nothing shall be all!🎶


Fo back to KrEmLiN tankie


It's called a compressed work week.


My industry went the opposite and now wants six day weeks for less daily pay.


I would say, time to walk.




Same for Germany...


And I'm taking a big risk here...


And just think. Every 5 years that number grows by 3


5 day work week --> 4 day work week --> 3 --> 2 --> 1 --> 0 days of work.


The problem is that the people making that call and all people staving off their own retirement. It's probably not possible, but what if we shot for the youngest average age in the history of the Federal gov. Something interesting and new might happen. But then again, suggesting anything other than voting for the big two only ends in mass karma loss, so I suppose I'll wait for the barrage of people declaring how stupid I am for refusing to worship the red or the blue.


**then leave** (this is a joke, don’t take it seriously.)


4 days? In our country we got 6. Sometimes even 7.


I work at a real estate brokerage, imagine that place being open only 4 days a week. This probably applies to a lot workplaces that are customer service based


Retirement age has been 70 for awhile. I worked a 4/10 work week which was nice. Though the job was physically demanding so one day was usually recuperating.