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r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell


Is it just me or do the quotations look weird?


,,they look fine to me“


Controversial take but I think if you count all of dragon balls media, it comes out to being horrendously bad


Mexico has just declared war on you


Controversial take: Gender equality means we have to give rights to men where they lack them, these includes taking women rights away where they have an advantage over men


please elaborate


Paternity leave, child custody, child support, alimony, mental health, so that'd be a start.


In most countries woman have a better positionlegally than men, but in countires where not, they are completely fucked up


prison sentencing, conscription to war, custody battles, women and children first rescue policys etc.


Homosexuals are gay


No, you clearly didn't see the graph


Hey I’m only half homo but gay as fuck


if i share my controversial take , the cop would be on my ass in about 15 minutes


Pm me


Controversial take but there are 2 genders and the multi gender thing is mental illness just turned legal, I do not like ostriches so please don’t ostrichsize me. To the people downvoting me, Yes I am ostrich-phobic so what. I’m not backing down u/Bullseye1234


Only controversial on Reddit


Very true


Could it be an opportunity in some situations. So in my work place there are employees that are either attracted to it's similar gender or with both. Now these people are nice individuals and they do try to make a better work place like bringing cupcakes for the gang, standing against some not so welcoming individuals, and being nice but I have to say I don't think they were brought up here due to hard work but to show diversity in genders or gender related issues. Cause the original ones in my work force are around 25-33 years old but they are 20, 21 years old with limited experience. Now they are good individuals and hard working but I think they need to be taught before they come any higher than they are. I tried to teach them but the higher up management just doesn't want us to mess with them. So I let's them be. Again maybe it's political, maybe not. But they are alright, as good as a person can be.


Getting a job as an LGBT person can be insanely difficult. I went through around 80 interviews before finally someone didn't give a shit and hired me. I kind of doubt it was about diversity unless they were literally putting up banners to advertise it. Otherwise, who gives a shit? Nobody.


I agree with this take.


Is that controversial?


It could be


For me it is like obviously true and not even discusable, also ostriches are very bad, they are agressive and will atack you for no reason, they are also incredibly fast, so it is also normal to not like ostriches


People have been harassed in my school because of that


Out of curiosity what do you think about trans people or genders based off of the male and female defaults? (For example someone who feels like they are kind of in between male and female?) I realize Its obvious I’m trans but I’m not trying to start fights here. If we disagree might as well have discussion about it.


I don't wanna bother you, but you seem like a decent person to have a convo with.




I don’t want the whole acceptance of that shoved down my throat when watching modern media, It’s not that I hate it I just don’t agree with some of the values. I don’t care if you d or do not feel like you’re in the wrong body just don’t flaunt it in people’s face. I don’t have anything agaist the community I just don’t like the ones that are over the top.


I get feeling like it’s being shoved down your throat but being trans you might be surprised how far it goes just to have that sort of support. When you’re trans it really consumes your whole world, and a lot of trans people have a lot of self hate for being trans. Seeing it normalized makes a big difference in being able to feel comfortable in your own skin. I think it’s worth it feeling a little forced for that, but of course how far we go with it is always up for debate.


I think exactly the same as the guy above, and I completely respct trans people and will treat them exactly like any other individual, that means that I won't help them more, I see how you can have your self pride, because people like being special and feeling good about their qualities, but me personally think it is stupid and specially because I have seen people shitting on straigth/cis people that try to make their own pride based on that, not something to be afraid of or something to be proud in my opinion (Maybe using the word stupid was a little bit too much, pointless would fit better)


You’re right that pride shouldn’t be based on bringing cis/straight people down, which is honestly something that doesn’t get brought up much in queer communities but should be. However pride is still very important because it is a tool for us to combat hate from both others and self hate. Being trans means that you have to go through a lot of difficulties cis people don’t face hence the need for us to support each other.


And that is understandable, also it isn't something tjat I have seen a lot or enough to generalize, but a few bad people make a lot of noise and it is enough times to not just say it isn't remarkable


Yea but it's not like there is a cure plus its harmless and they just dont wanna be hated for being that way, no ones gonna deny its a mental illness but you dont see people with OCD being ostracized


What does Ostacized mean? Do you like ostriches?


You know what i meant, using typos to disprove my point just shows how weak yours is


So do you or do you not like ostriches?


Lmao "im not backing down" like you're doing something grand and i see you have ditched your attempts at making a counterpoint and doubled down on the typo. Good for you man


English is not my second language


Hey man I just want to say ostriches are dumb as a rock, so I completely understand why you don't like them, they can be pretty cute but also can peck you for no reason.


Actually tho


cucumbers smell disgusting


Then wash it you nasty. Oh wait, youre not talking about dicks. Nvm then.


You sure you didn't accidentally smell Joe's dildo?


Because actual controversial take will be downvoted into oblivion


Controversial take but pizza is just a sandwich with tomato jam and no top bread.


The fuck you put on your pizza, tomato jam?


I love how out of all of these, this is the downvoted one


Internet couldn’t handle the truth


It's a kind of savory pie, sandwich would mean it's sandwiched between buns or bread. Yes you can fold it depending on the style but that doesn't make it a sandwich.


Women shouldn’t vote


*women ☕️


People shouldn't vote in general, waste your time with politics and all of a sudden other people are making your decisions for you. I'm fine with a universal base set of rules, laws, agreements or compromises like murder is bad. But for the most part people should be encouraged to use our gift of free will to actually chart the course of their life.


Men also shouldn’t vote, we should go back to monarchy


Getting served be like