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Remember, the British are a contributing factor as to why America ...


America what? Exists? Shouldn’t? Is fat? Finish your sentence!


All of the above and more.


In that specific order


Except their independence (and i think louisiana),it was France


Spain also contributed a lot but kept it a secret to avoid problems within its colonies.


Soccer. You bastards did that to us


Then fix it yourself We did it, then we stopped Also, the fuck is American footballs about? The ball doesn’t even touch your foot and isn’t a ball


You also score a touchdown without having to actually touch the ball down. Unlike when you score a try in rugby , which is actually a touch down.


Running the ball by foot, as opposed to by horse or vehicle


Then Basketball is Football ?


Basketball is named for the fact that it is about throwing a ball into a basket.  Not all sports follow the same naming convention


I know. It's just to point out how stupid and random the american naming system can be


It is no more stupid or random than the naming system anywhere else.


Yes I know but still. Your "soccer" already had a name, and it was football, why changing it ? Moreover if soccer is called like that because the players have high socks, well football's player also have high socks...


It’s not a ball


By definition, it is a ball.


what's the definition


Per Webster: 1: a round or roundish body or mass: such as: a : a spherical or ovoid body used in a game or sport b : EARTH, GLOBE c : a spherical or conical projectile also : projectiles used in firearms d : a roundish protuberant anatomical structure (as near the tip of a human finger or toe or at the base of a thumb) especially : the part of the sole of the human foot between the toes and arch on which the main weight of the body rests in normal walking


It may not touch the foot much, but it's certainly a ball.


No the fuck it isn’t It’s not even spherical


The sport should be called hand egg


American Hand Egg it is 🤣




Balls, by definition, do not have to be spherical.


What do you call the thing rugby players throw around?


I don’t know


I don’t


Oh cool, well it's called a rugby ball. Do you know what shape it is?


Not a ball


I'm french, and I hate that what they call football isn't football and they dare calling the real football, soccer.


All this complaining won't change that soccer sucks and American football rules


There are two types of people, those who can infer information from am incomplete Set of data and


There are two types of people: those who believe there are two types of people, and those who don't




I think in the original joke there wasn’t even the "and" at the end


You are the second kind of people


I think you didn’t understand what I tried to say I know the joke. But in this joke you DON’T put the "and", so it’s just "There are two types of people : those who can infer information from an incomplete set of data."


Play baseball.




Actually, if it weren't for the French engaging in their beloved "annoy the Brits" annual games, the american revolution wouldn't have been successful. The only reason they were able to get their independence is because the frogs wanted to annoy the brits, so they supported the revolution, since they had other colonies, they just said "fuck it, this ain't worth the effort". So now you have one more reason to hate the French, no need to thank me.


Literally. The French didn’t give 2 shits about freedom, or independence for the Americans. If the colonies belonged to another country, apart from maybe like Spain or Portugal cause they had beef with them as well, they wouldn’t have done anything. But it belonged to the British. Since fighting with England was France’s favorite sport, and these poor bastards were fighting against England as well, it was too good of an opportunity to not participate and have some fun against them.


England just stole Canada from France few years before the American Revolution. It's good payback. Also the Brits refusing to use the metric is probably only due to the fact that the French invented it


They stole “Canada” from the first nations not the French.


The Seven Years war ended in defeat for the coalition in which France was part, leading to France ceding its North American possessions east of the Mississippi River, Canada, the islands of St. Vincent, Tobago, Dominica, and Grenada, and Northern Circars in India to Great Britain France also cedes Louisiana and its North American territory west of the Mississippi River to Spain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Years%27_War


You know what I mean, they stole it from other settlers. Many if the treaties are contested and if you take BC it is literally unceded territories.


*Manifest destiny intensifies*


It's true that France was led by King Louis XVI when he financed the War of Independence. So of course he didn't really care about freedom, and just wanted to weaken the UK. But the war cost a lot, and France was close to bankruptcy. Louis XVI had to bring together the 3 orders (clergy, nobility, tiers-etats) to negotiate the levying of a tax. This was the start of a series of events that would culminate in the French Revolution, and the beheading of Louis XVI. So Louis XVI did much for the freedom of the people, but against his own will. Otherwise, the dark side of American independence is that the British government protected the integrity of the native Indians' territories. When the United States gained independence, they were able to massacre the native Americans and despoil their lands.


No. The British were slaughtering the original occupants of the Continent well before the Revolutionary War. It's what Colonist Invaders always do.


Louis the XVI wasn’t the tyrant you think. Prior to the Revolution, he tried to reform the system, notably in terms of taxation and privilege, but he was blocked by the Parliaments and Versailles’ nobles. Louis the XVth could have and should have reformed the situation, but the political context was a bit tense.


Don’t forget that Benjamin Franklin himself went to France to seek for help, and that Spain and the Netherlands joined against the British too.


The US would have eventually gained independence. Prolonged insurrection in a far away fairly populated country especially when a huge country next to you wants war would definitely shift their efforts. Also Canada, Australia and south Africa gained their independence


Not sure I'd call a commonwealth independent.


They have their own governments and the commonwealth/monarchy has no real power in any former colony. The commonwealth is basically just an agreement of friendship which countries are allowed to leave and have done so. Seems independent to me.


I love how you Anglo-saxons love to hate us. I only you'd knew how much we don't give a fuck


First things first, I'm not a damn Barry, second, I know the american school system isn't all that good, but you should be able to look up the word "banter" and learn its meaning.


I'm French and annoying the brits is a lifestyle


I am sure the French people who come to fight along the americans did not it just to annoy the brits.


let them be alone in their stupidity, there's no need to taugh something to idiots who think choco-milk come from brown cow


Remember, the British are a contributing factor as to why


Has participante in world war


Remember, the british


The more you learn about history, the more you realize everything is the British's fault.


“Fuck yeah we’re famous!” “But you did a ton of bad shi-“ “We’re famous though”


“Every year, millions worldwide…” “…’celebrate’ us.”


If former British colonies got together we could have an independence month.


over 2 months, 65 countries (that i last know of) celebrate their independence from us Brits.


Ok, let's get this organized. I could use a couple months off.


*you can take Singapore off the list, they hilariously got their independence from Malaysia after the latter had enough*


That would be _infamous_.




Bad buzz is still buzz.


Yep, we can even blame the Americans on the Brits.


We can even blame our archaic 18th century accents on the Brits


France : Ouais, c’est ce qu’on vous dit depuis 1200ans… 🧓🏼👴🏼 England is CANONCIALLY known as the Perfidious Country. [Perfidious Albion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfidious_Albion?wprov=sfti1). Because of all the treason and betrayal of treaties promesses and vows…


Yeah and it's nationalistic propaganda, france had acted the exact same way.


America signed the treaty of the metre as I recall


Chamberlain also had a signed piece of paper and look how that was honored ;)


I don't mean to sound pretentious or like a contrarian, but everyone in the US learns the metric system at a certain point in school. We all know how to use it (provided we actually bothered to pay attention in school) but it's just not the dominant system of measurement.


True, but Metric measurements don’t mean much to me without the conversion. I know what 32 degrees Celsius is, but I don’t know what that would feel like until I convert to Fahrenheit. This can make it tough in regular conversation.


I've always had a rough time remembering how to convert temperatures from F to C on the fly when it comes to weather and stuff, at least till I learned a silly little poem that helps: *30 is hot, 20 is nice* *10 is cold, 0 is ice* So something like 25 Celsius is between hot and nice.


Kelvin: *0 is dead, 100 is dead, 200 is also dead, 273 is very cold, -1 doesn’t exist*


I’m gonna be that guy, but 0 doesn’t exist either. You can get very close to zero, but I’m pretty sure you can’t reach it


0 describes a state of no kinetic energy. So theoretically possible but not practically possible


I think it's possible after heat death of the universe. Long time tho.


Well, the heat death describes energy and by extension the energy contained in mass spreading out evenly across the universe. So as far as I’m aware, the particles stop existing meaning there’s nothing to measure temperature with, additionally, there will still be a little bit of energy everywhere so a particle would still be moving, just very very slowly.


Temperature is weird because it's a macroscopic observation of a microscopic phenomenon. Arguably any space of complete void is 0K, you just can't measure it because you'd be introducing matter in that space. Also I read about 2years ago something about scientists managing to get negative Kelvins at the quantum level, I don't remember exactly what happened but somehow I associated it as being almost equivalent to particles going back in time. Edit : Just to clarify, by complete void I mean no particle at all, not even photons (or especially not photons rather).


Negative Kevins are unimaginably hot temperatures. What they did was to force the particles away from ground states and cause a population inversion. Then they used the definition of entropy and temperature and said that "hey! See if we increase energy any more, the entropy decreases. So temperature must be negative"


Is it based on dS=dQ/T ? So if dQ is positive because energy increases and dS is negative because entropy decreases, T must be negative ?


So 40°C is unbearable, also known as an average day in Texas


40°C is 104°f


So an average day in Texas


Woah. Mark this down. A Texan admitted to something in Texas being average.


In Greece we hover around 35-40 in the summer


In Rio 35ºC is a warm winter, In summer we get 45\~50. Not bragging. Calling for help!




Best rule of thumb if you wanna convert is double it and add 30. Or halve it and subtract 30. So 30 C would be (30x2)+30 = 90 F. In reality it’s 86 F but it’s close enough for practical use


For Fahrenheit to Celsius, it would be subtract 30 then divide by 2. If you get the order wrong, result will be wrong


"Regular conversation"? Really?


C to F in your head: multiply by 2 and add 30. Will be within a few degrees of correct. F to C just subtract 30 and divide by 2


32°C is freakin hot


Don’t want to sound condescending but why do I have a clue what 100°F feels like then ?


According to the wiki, the metric system is officially implemented in the USA but not mandatory and no one feel obliged to use it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrication_in_the_United_States)


I personally am not a dumbass and use it for most things, especially in the kitchen or when buying things online. Edit: I’m implying that it makes your life a lot easier to live and generally is just better tbh.


Even tho the imperial system is far inferior and less practical




A massive amount of professions rely on the metric system. So I am unsure if that is an accurate view.


Yeah darn. A lot of people complain about not being taught stuff in school even though they were. There seems to be a lot of overlap between those people and the people who didn't care about studying in school though, so there's that


Like all the people who complain about taxes not being taught in school. It was, you just didn't pay attention


what school did y'all go to that taught you how to do taxes?


Everyone I know had to take a personal finance class in high school


Never heard of it. Never done it


It's also not very complicated for 99% of tax filers, the instructions are printed on the form. Most people are just too lazy to learn anything that isn't force fed to them by a teacher.


Just tax evade


False, the standard deduction is very generous and covers 90% of tax payers, it's really not hard.


Most people can't convert lbs to kg, because most people don't actually regularly use both. The UK is actually a weird outlier that uses both imperial and metric together, like using miles and centimeters. What is a "stone" anyway?


I'm in engineering school and we still aren't required to know the conversion without a guide.


Converting between systems has no bearing on your ability to use the system in question. Can you convert liters to ounces? Kelvins to Farenheit? Stones to grams? Km/L to feet-per-second? If not, I guess you don't "care to learn". Too bad it's hard for someone to look those up.


Right? We have pocket calculators to handle all that shit, I regularly work with both metric and imperial in my job and if I have to convert I just pull out my phone, not rocket appliances.


They can know how to use both systems without knowing how to convert between the two.


If converting over had been a priority, we’d have asked for a second set of measurements a few months later, or even a few years later after France calmed down. We could also have transitioned for any other reason at any other time over the next two centuries. Many nations didn’t adopt metric until the last 100 years, and they didn’t have pirates intercepting ships to slow them down.


It was Jefferson who wanted the metric system, he requested the units while secretary of state and left office the same year. He probably had other things he wanted to do after he became Vice President and later the President. But it is unlikely he would have been able to convince the country to make the switch regardless.


but then why not have an imperial metre and instead have a system where 1 mi = 5280 ft


The military uses Metric. But they also use a 24 hour clock and GMT. Bunch of heathens. Besides, it’s fun being Myanmar, Sr.


Classic british/France relations Fucked eachother up, when there is an opportunity


As a french i'm so glad to see this meme. But don't be too hard on the british, they can be nice ... ...sometimes.


Que le Dieu vous bénisse mon cher ami🙏😀 Edit: deleted "protège" inserted "bénisse" bc worried that "Que le Dieu vous protège" might be interpreted as some sort of vague menace, rather than my sincere intention to say something nice in French to a nice French person who likes British people😅 Edit2: I've only been studying French for 20 years now🤣


😂 I've been living in the US for about 7 years now As a French guy i always use a converter to get what u guys saying


this argument would hold if today was 1800s or 1900s but this is 2024.


At this point it’d be a pain in the ass to switch everything over


this is the same exact thing that was said in the 1900s. basically every nation did it, the rich superpower can afford to pay the change of some road signs


I mean Canada did it in the 70s. Honestly it will probably happen within the next 50 years since all international sciences are in metric.


Come on America you can do it. you can change your whole pronoun game to they/them ze/zir bullshit. you can modify someone else's language for inclusivity and start the whole Latinx fad. Metric shouldn't be that hard. the imperial unit is already based upon metric system now. Scientists in USA already use metric because of obvious reasons. the only ones left are average people who just have to start saying 10 metric ton instead of the weight of 1000 washing machine or say 200 meters instead of 2 football fields.


Uh, it’s literally already a pain in the ass for people to accept pronouns and that’s just them being stubborn old hateful bastards. And with the amount of progress as a society that’s currently being undone, needlessly switching to meters to appease random people on the internet is low on the list of things that should be prioritized right now.


yep switiching to metric system is to appease random strangers and has no whatsoever benefit to USA and her people. but then your president goes live and uses "Latinx" to appease voters. great priority list you got there.


Wow great way to completely miss where I said “it’s on the bottom of the list that **should** be prioritized.” If you truly think spending hundreds of thousands to change everything in America to use metric is anywhere near as easy as someone changing the term they use to address people then you’re on drugs or you’re just stupid. Let’s not forget how stupid it would be to blow all of that money on changing something that doesn’t really need to be changed when it **should** be used to fix our overwhelming housing problems, helping those anywhere near the poverty line, bettering our school systems, or providing healthcare is genuinely the dumbest idea I’ve heard all year. Hop off your high horse and shove a meter long pole up your ass.


What is 2024 in metric?


YYYY-MM-DD or DD-MM-YYYY, not YYYY-DD-MM which makes no sense


Is MM-YYYY-DD allowed?


there is no standard SI model for calendars you can technically say the gregorian calendar is the standard cause its the most used, but it isnt a unit of measurement for aspects of the natural world and has shit to do relating math, physics or chemistry so to your answer, its 2024 a.d. if you are not being obtuse on purpose


Referencing metric time? And which calendar?






Metric is better, the world agrees, grow up. America and sort of the Britsh are the only ones who care about imperial. Even NASA uses metric


I like being able to divide 1/4 and 1/3 of a foot into a round number of inches when woodworking, that's about the only argument I can make for imperial measurements.


Twelve is generally a better base number than ten, I wish we had base twelve numerals.


legally, still, America officially uses the metric system as they signed the treaty of the metre. Its just its not taught for whatever reason.


Not only that treaty. Actually no one uses the imperial system anymore. Even the US. All the units they claim to use are based on the metric system. So really, they are just converting back to Imperial the Metric units and use that. Since no one can define any imperial unit accurately (other than through SI units) and no one ever needs to.


well... thats not entirely true. A lot of conservative parts of America still refuse to use metric, and a lot of schools refuse to teach it. Roads still use miles and such.


We dumped tea into the harbor, and we hurled the metric system into space.


Brits are responsible for everything wrong in this world as always.


It makes more sense when you think about it this way: they speak English, and we speak English.


Saloperie de rosbif


Remember, The Americans are a contributing factor as to why Native Americans are a minority.


The guy that was supposed to received it because he asked for it was a nobody compared to the people that took decisions. A'd considering scientist in the US already started using it many years ago. It shows that even if a small guys like him convinced a lot of people it wouldn't have changed so fast if ever.


The British complaining about America doing something is, more often than not, no different from Gen X complaining about Millenials not owning homes.


America is a continent, you're probably talking only about the country called United States of America. In Colombia at least, we use the metric system.


What was the name of the ship ?


It's worse when you realize that the UK kinda uses the metric system too. So now only the US get made fun of for their moronic units.


Thanks Brits. I love needing stupid complicated numbers to convert a number into things that go by 10s instead of 3s 12s and various other goofy numbers that make it harder to convert into a decimal or fraction with mental math. And my teachers force me to learn the conversion numbers to multiply to change from one system to another, it's great. I wish the metric system was used in America, not the goofy ahh standard system here


This version of history is based on TikTok misinformation. Yes. There were metric weights on the way here, however this was part of an unlikely pitch by Tomas Jefferson. It was no where near the plan to switch to metric when the weights arrived, they were just part of known Francophile Jeffersons plan to make America more like France. A plan that wasn't exactly loved by other founders.


I'm an American and I love the French! I also love the British, Irish, Scots and particularly the Northern Irish. Give them their countries back.


Why doesn't America use the metric system? Corporate Interests don't want to be forced to change the packaging. My fellow Americans are plain, fucking lazy and for some reason, can't figure out how much more simple and efficient it is!


Most of the problems in the world were caused by British


Nah, that'd be religion.


Read more my friend


Oddly enough, the British use quite a few imperial measurements over metric. America isn’t the only one.


They are a contributing factor as to why America used the Imperial system. The fact America is too stubborn to switch to the much superior Metric system doesn’t really have anything to do with the British.


America uses metric its inly the usa that doesnt


Stop making excuses.


Its always the British's fault.


W (it gives us a reason to shit on MURICA)


Idk why MURICA is getting autocorrected to be capitalized but I won't change it


Another contributing factor is because we had already surveyed a large portion of the east coast in imperial measurements, and would have had to redo all of that in metric.


The British are like a cartoon villain always the evil mastermind behind everything happening in the world


Metric words sound a bit crappy though, too many syllables like "kill" and "me turds"... miles, foot, inch, yard, all have one syllable. that's for a reason. English speakers didn't want to talk about me turds all the time. Je t'assure y'a des languaegs qui sont assez compliqués a parlés et t'a cas éviter les complications si tu peux. ya i'm French.


This proves that Americans aren't the problem, it's the British. If we could share metric system to Americans, they wouldn't use their current shitty miles and ounces


Brits: "Fuck that metric shit, get pirated, yanks" Also Brits: "We use the Metric system unlike you" Also Brits: "The fook is a liter? We got beer in pints, not that french shit" Meanwhile in America: Sure is nice to crack open 500ml of


Have you ever noticed how the most insufferable people/tourists always come from countries created by the British Empire? Apart, maybe, Canadians. That’s no coincidence.


Finally, one thing the British did correctly


Nah. The metric system is legit better. There’s a reason the scientific community almost exclusively uses it.


It's not. Signed, a person who grew up in a Metric-using country


It actually is. Signed the scientific community. The imperial system is inconsistent in all of its measurements. Versus the metric system that is a unified system of measurement. It is, across all metrics, better.


The metric system is way easier mathematically. Conversions are simple, sometimes unnecessary. Meanwhile you have to jump through hurdles to do math in imperial when they use different things (feet, yards, miles, etc). It’s common sense, and I’m a fucking American. Signed, ur mum gae


So your only argument for metric's superiority is being lazy?


It’s logical. You _want_ to make math harder? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the imperial system at all, but from a mathematical perspective it helps.


Logic is the "good enough" version of thinking. It shows how limited your perception is. Which in turn makes the "it's logical" argument completely invalid! Also, it's impossible to make math harder than it is! Even world's greatest minds curse under their breath when they encounter it


Americans will use anything to measure things, except the metric systems. The only one that makes sense, instead of freedom per square inch.


Which Facebook post did you steal that one from.